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The Wingham Advance, 1915-04-01, Page 3
THE WIGI{AM AD VANO, ... 11111118111111.15436W.'::;,4:.;'•••! • • • + '1 ThteroptidnyoniVirs111edicitek t A1'egetabie repwxtiun forAs. stm i lating Itis Food arad Rc,;vi jinglheStomaduand lAttisar 4 , ;i t+,� Ekd+l+• i itii.tay Bought Bears the l °ignature of Promolcs.D'tgesltonfluxifilF aess.andtteat.Containsneieer: Opiwn Morphine pori sacral: NOT NAR C OTIC. .priieaf 611h4f4MIEZPIEffil Seed- itqfeeof Le Szid kreEre J rrNen • Apfrtect Remedy torConS1 pa lion; SourStomach,Diarrhoea, Wortns.Gonvulsions.Fevcrish, nets and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of IRE CENTAUR C3 1PANY, MONTIWAt.LNEW YORK Exact Copy of Wrapper. 111 Use For Over shirty Years ASTORI TN■ CU NTAUM COMPANY. NUM Yi7 wK MTV. SEEDS SEEDS Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa Clever, Canadiaa and •Northern Grown Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass and all Permanent Pasture Grasses. All No. I Government Standard, we handle nothing else. Bran, Shorts, Best Grades Flour, all kinds of Grain bought and sold. Special all to farm. ers clubs. Buy your stied from us and lessors, a good catch. The Old Reliable Seed House • A. Mills o..:Be Hanged Before July 1st, 1915 :R 4 Thousand Rolf Wail Paper . Having the most up -tie -date Daeigna, Sipitwtrle for every room in a person's house. Pricer+ ranging from 5e. a ,veli up. .ct Call in and have a look over large stock of Sample. Books . Z sent to your house if required. Cali in and have a look at our Special Order Sample Books A, M. KNOX i You. Can. Help Keep Canadian Fetor �s Going by b alyi'ni; Canadian -made goods. Y'mnr money/ re. ;;main+ iri..Canada, keepa.iig Canadian worktng people employed. i.i 1 ogg's. Toasted Corn Flakes • isthe only article bearing the KELLOGG .name are lee "Made in Canada," All others are made outside country and do not help our working peo le. • p t4E ' .VOU..� I C . AN A DA;:.. .: Ta Mrte Oorwflakes Z.Yiy�►,,Oit r y. itt>rllaia he Secood Ceroio (By Rev. William. 4Lrhley Smirks ) That is the present diepens tion and that is what God lo doing now There is nothing er.td here about the conversion of the world, but it iis ruedr. clear that, a pe•ple le beteg rhobee. and much Scripture might be quoted to Qbow that the people so referred to, will constitute the body of Christ. Throughout .this dispensation the Lord has been working among the Gentiles (those not belonging to the Jewish nation) and the above showe. the purpose for which he has been working. There ie nn thought expres- sed there of the millennium, "And to this agree the words of the prophets (ahnut God's puq•p ice in h• ^ sup a obotirn pitopi . fr. in a bh- (4rr,rir 't). Ai: it is vtvrttr.er, (•,t d 'bat noale, what God, isye), After rhf*(after the entl,htir of people to be chosen from the Gentile,, has been fully com- pleted) I will return (to direct dealing with Israel) and build again the taber- nacle .of David wbicb is fallen down," Acte 15.16'16. "Fallen down." • What dors that mean?' What dors h meats fur a house to be fallen down? Certainly that it eunnot longer be woad e * hence while i.s that condition. Rents the prnphetay art Ainoe, frons whish rkie, ie taken, and ire why it is thet Ghee is threes with Israel until be hes taken frena ' he Gentiles the peoplefor hie sump, (To bear hie name, to glorify We name). The mission of the church -the bride of Chriet or body of Christ -is to Ret ready to meet the Bridegroom. When the body of Christ it completed he will reveal h(meelf to the members who are alive and in this world at that time, and at the same moment they will be caught up to meet those who have gone on before in. the Mir, and from that moment they are fur'evar with the Lord. The body of Christ will be composed of believers from every race and station on earth. That is why the (Gospel must first he preached as a witness to every nation. Not from every dispensation. It had its hegin- tying on the day of Pentecoot and will he complete at the time of the meeting to the air, which is called the Rapture. For he is now preparing, perfecting sad completing the ebuieh-the body t f Christ, the bride who to to meet, the Lord in the air, and he with him for- e v' rner.e. These different member,- will be f,,und,.one here and another there, and withered s rgether from all parte of the amid, aced the moment the last sue le saved Christ. will he revealed -net •o h,t 'world, but to bt a church -hie arid: -jar t as the electric light blazed out.. toners the last condeion is fulfilled At ,bat time Christ will not 'be rt+• nettled ro the whete world, but only rr• the individual `Members of his body who may be alive and here at that thou, There remains no prophecy to be fulfilled. ;There is not a nation where the. Gospel has not been preached, So Clout oust be wait:ing.for the cora pe ri;..o of Qui hod? of believers. Wh.es t ft • A••:A, h ' a. ,. :'1 lase 1!. Ott..1 r• / f t.,.i it ell r+a stem i ra^r .4 arid 1 hr w•, tv'xh the nrltwv= r'. who s+ve attiresl will he caught use to meet tee tee d in rhe qtr whorl • tits•+ ftintnee• (native it wilt tense) in the Ge.tekfts+g, of au tie. ►sod + in ttr altegta tier tnit'xpeo. end • xcept t:y the who have been beat'ehiog the vrotih.aipl, and ate lnekleg for it, juke :to Simeon and &ens end the viers men were looking for Josue at bite fir+t coining. A.' ter it has 'Recurred 'dere will he at: +army of church mtna nett, and preachers who will trot know thatit has come, because they, are not members of the Lord's body; for the Lord will not at that time bo seen by any except those who have been naught up to meet him in the air. The remainder of the world will not know that he has been here, and they will not know what has become of the missing ones. They will seem to hays disappeared in all kind. of unaccount- able ways, unless their earthly bodies t•ht•ll he+ lefr behind them, as the linen cess he. ,.f J.•-uw, were left in the tomb. ttoteg, arta soon settle back into r b. it old condition, and the world go on its way, as did Sodom after Lot was taken out of it. The notion that people have about the second coming of Christ Ie that when he comes the judgment day will also come, and that the world will come to an end. This idea is unser' p tural and shows how little the Bible how been searched to find and make known the real truth by those who ere leaders mid teanhers ix Ran ohuroh. slid inose will go on and governments wits go on as now.. After Jeeps some* and takes the believers out of the world, then takes place the great tribu- lation a description of which you will find later on. At the close of the tri- bulation the Lord will return bringing with hint hie saintly members of his body, -to begin his millennium reign. Then he will reveal himself to the Jews. They will accept him as their long rejected Messiah. Then the millennium will begin; the devil will be cart into the bottomless pit for a thousand years; nations will be born in a day, through the missionary ef forte of the Jews. The Jews have always been full of energy in business, as no other people and when they . become ambassadors for Christ tbere will be no lukewarm - nese or indifference. Hither before or during the tribulation the Jews will have been restored to the Holy Land, rebuilding their temple and restoring the Jewish worship. Also during the tribulation the anti -Christ will come most likely In the person of Continued on page 3. ST. ANDREWS BY THE SEA. . Nature has done much for St. An- d,•e+wb, No prettier place can be vioit- rd by the tourist of the summer vaea- tiootst It is the most popular of Canadian Seaside Reaorte and it ie uow chosen by large nunsbere of summer visitors f4om New York and Batton who desire to get away from the overcrowded resorts of the United Sates. There are excellent sea bathing facilities at half a doren planes in the ueigqhborhood. • The Canadian Pacific has rebuilt the large Algonquin hotel, while the "len" affords accommodation for thane who desire the quietness of 'r:et.wtge life. You gill like the rich strength and full flavor. ea nb good team" y---__-________.14_16_ ‘ulrost 44'1.t- K $1 014/4 VYos cart 017ee1! GLUM nen' iu,, of the town ship last, t5ilndoay through the untimely death ef Mrs. Aieitendsr Cameron, Mie passed atvtay uC thta, ,residence of the 9M0yer frnthrt'e, aged:.q 'rears,, Mt* Ramo- ren eonrrarted preeutnnaia,afrer ttivind birth to it child send xuecumbsd to the fetal diotetae in lees, than a week The Noy died the day after the neither wise buried. Mrs. Camernli'smaiden name was Annie Stapleton. Her parents still resider no tate boundary. and she was merried,to Mr, Cameron lees than two years„egg.. The .funer'ai. mewl one of the largest that has been witnessed In this part ,of,.: Ike country showing the respect la -,which .the de• ceased was held. The serviei:pwere conducted by the student who •ie sup plying the Baptist church: at present. The interment took place Intim Wing - hang cemetery, Mrs. Cameron's gen- ial personality will be much missed in this section of the towuehip,. • "SUCCESS FARM;" "FAILURE FARM" 0 yon see the two 'farms 1 They are both good farms, or ought to be, u are most +t$ those in this'' "country. THS ,. DIFFIRENQB . ; BETWEEN THEM t8 NOT, • IN • THE LAND, OUT IN THE MEN THAT OWN MIK Qltb of these men is an pp to date Asp who READS 'lam PAPERS, espectaftq the farm notes, takes agricultural jnurrais and applies scientific method& The other works just as hard, but will not have a newspaper int the house and could not get a new idea if it were bored into hip head with an X ray. THE UP TO DATE FARMER GETS TWO OR THROE' TIMES THE YIELD OF NIS NEIGHBOR AND WITH BUT LITTLE MORE LABOR OR EXPENSE. He uses fertilizer, crop rotation and intelligence. He economizes every rod of his land; makes it all count. He practices soil con- servation. He gives back to the soft as much as or a little more than he takes from it. He knows the latest experiments made by the agricultural department, the agri- eultural colleges and experiment . stations. He reads the newspa- pers. SEND in YOUR SUB- SCRIPTION TODAY. Changes in Train x Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH 1st, 1015. Effete ive M'•nday, March 1st, Trains Nos 719 weld 722 on Mu. BUT Subd iv- tsiou will run as mixed trains instead of etriight aiaesenger, daily except Sunday, on the following schedule: - No. 719 rel leave Cataract Jct. 10.15 a, in , Erin 10.45, Hitlshurg 11.05. Ort- on 11.30, Belwood 11.55, Spier 12.05 p.m.. Fergus 12 35, arriving Elora 12 45 p.m., No. 722 will leav Elorae 3.15 a.m., Terve 3 55..Spier 4.05, Bdiwood 4 30, Orton 4.53, Eliiteburg 5.25, Erin 5.50, arriving Cataract Jot, 6.10 p.m. Effective same date, Trains Nos, 671 and 671 now running between London Windsor, daily except Sunday, will be discontinued beyond Cha- ham. Farther particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or .;write M. G, Murphy, Dititriet Passenger Agent Toronto. 1 Figure This Out For Yourself Suppose that, instead of selling PAGE FENCE DIRECT 4slams FREIGHT PAID we sold it like ordinary fence, through agents and "middlemen" Would a $3500 Saleswan.sgel•'tr its Lary add nine cent. When you buy from PAGE, you deal direct with to the WORTH or your feat.•? NO -but it WOULD the fanrnry. You nay only o +e small profit between ads several rents i rod to the PRICE! you and us. And you get the Btdd'1 PENCE at the Would a $2500 Blockmari e sentry add one day to LO W E'41' COS' P. , the I.IF'E of your fence? NO- but it WOTJLD add PAGE FENCE WEARS BEST because it, s 20% t'i ice selling slice. hteneeely made throughout. All N?.. 9 wire -No. 9 Would a 26?; to 3G% Dealer'. front -or x HSalar's Icr.,a, Eecur fort 'Ib tflorlda-help r. koop'Vae cows out of your tore No lits t (t would help t.' make you buy new fenc.,avery few the worn a of u t light weight fence. Bo -why ono tocee '.elltog ex. 'peas* for the prtvllege of sap. pr dad rttes the de 80..1 bus 6 7 7 a s a 1 10 0 ttXew PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE Ilan Irpactar rebs to 014 Hs tkI WOKS apart •t bunkmates Ontario 37 92 8 0, r0, t0 .. . 48.21 40 32 bb, 53�4.j 87 tJ 1I I. ' e , ..2{.. -48 72 5, 61,4 7 r 1, .. le ,......,. .26 42 32 6. 6, £, 6; 4. 6, 6 .29 42 1435 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6. .31 47 22 4. 5, 54, f, 844, 1, 1 - .30 44 165 4, 5, 54.7 835, ! 0,.,,.32 48 22 4, 6, 6. 6, b. 6, 6, 6 • .34 48 1634 6, 6, 4. 6, 6, 6, i, 6 .36 52 22 4, 4, 5. 53.7. 814. 1, 1 .34 52 !6. 4,4,5,5+.7,83, '0.1• .36 48 164 3,. 3. 3, 4. 3t•�, 7. 7. 7Jt. s .33 53 16 t5 3. 3, 3, •1. 34. 7. Bet 4, 1 .38 SS 164 3. 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, 34.0.1 .41 Ontarle Prices on Request ALL FULL No.1 GAUGE �s:a'e.�a.�aw'iw.f V a.N.�s.M.w.tLrw.brlMMiwr. W r SPECIAL FENCE . es. top oat bottom. Raimo. NO. IE 17lMlhtt a 1aolaea apart. tinber, 48 -lace ,,., • ' 20. e.e, 40 -Inch 3.ft. Cate 11.ft, Gate 13 -ft. Gat. 14 -ft. Gate Set toots 25th,. Brad wide 25 Lbs. Staples 30.46 .51 2.30 4.35 4.60 4.85 1.80 .75 .80 FRE1C:HIT PAID ON ORDERS of 315.00 OR OV1il3 i eke -amt tat. seals- correctly speeei uprights fifest Knives'. {zing -and the hesvies: w.lght ter r•.It of soy Wee Matt Dour el- der to the i'Par- o,r PAGE 0 H Solid BRANCH. . s sash, shook, mealy or e+x• prose order, or hank drat. Get iattn.diate +bin- mi:,ttrom re r • by . ,took- • PRFIGUT paid on tit0 of over, • 'FENCES WEAR BEST" +any-.. r,,: • . ilitE. FENCE COt LTD ii 7' ICr'D+nuPSr W**It WATLI ERVIMOM Ne 113 it.1J 1 31 Chur St. 'COItON'r0 to * •, r .• t: t • ev w. 1 ;011 i; Ft oe'-ti '.4 ,s' , 1; FOOT AND r,;:etTFl DISEASE. Aid Given by Faroe:le in Fit+,hting Th s Wadesprw,; frouble, it'twtar•ee 1,> tie • ;,,, ;it,tu,. clePar me,1t ut' . ,t,urr.1 Tee relent 1llrut ut the foot and mouth gU»raxttitlea front large ureas previously cltsed anti o mod1ic at lou of ttte.quaruut'iues in still other sec. tions has been made possible by the co•operutlen ant only of the variuu. state otlielelse, but elf farmers end stocktoeu the.onsp ves. Whoa this co- operation has. been most in evidence progress in the ereiitcation of the dis- ease bus been rntmt meld. The federal authorities have of' course control over the movement' of live siock in Inter state commerce 001y The local quar- antine's are established and enforced by the state. Their• etiicleney depends In great measure upon the willinguess of the people to submit to the neces- sary restrictions. Indiana' and Michigan are cited as instances of the importance in this re. BASNN IntliP11.11.RD FOB FUMIGATION. spect of public opinion. In Michigan the first herd wits slaughtered on Oct. 10. Cases of the disease existed in fif- teen Michigan counties and In eighteen in Indiana. In all S20 herds were af- fected. Sixty clays later these herds had all been slaughtered and the in- fected premises cleaned nncl freed from disease. In the interval there had been only a few scattering instnuces-half a dozen possibly -of the plague spread- ing from these different centers of in- fection to neighboring farms. The people not only observed the quarantine regulations. but they did all in their power to expedite the work of slaughter. In ninny cases they had the ditches in which the animals were to be. buried dug and waiting for the killing gangs. As a rule. no objection Was taken to the appraiser's valuation of the condemned stock, which is the more surprising in view of the fact that so little was generally known of the seriousness of the disease. The farmers did not . want to part with their stock. They saw that the sore mouths and feet grew. better, and they had had no experience with the. after effects of the pestilence -the constant aborting, the failure to produce milk, the ability to disseminate disease months after the visible symptoms had disappeared. Nevertheless they accepted the situation, helping instead of hindering. In only a very few cases was there any 'attempt to conceal the existence of the disease -in fact, public opinion was so strongly against this that It was- practically •impossible to do so. In one instance a man fed some skim - milk from a creamery to a calf, which later developed foot and mouth dis- ease. It occurred to him to kill the calf and say nothing about the mat- ter. The neighbors, however, obtained some inkling of the facts and notified the authorities. After he had been forced to adiuit that he had killed the calf the body was dug up and unmis- takable marks of the disease faced upon it. Within two weeks all tho rest 61 the herd was infected and had to be killed. In additiou, the owner ,seas Coed $20 or so for breaking the quarantine regulations. The sentiment Of the whole community, it should be noted, lysis against hitt. Lints sued experlenees„live stock authorities are more than .ever •con- winced that skimuilik should invariably be sterilized. The danger from the foot and mouth disease Is, of course, a pass - lug one. Previous epidemics have been, stamped out. and there is no reason to Oppose that this one will not be. Tu- berculosis, however. is a permanent' menece. Its symptoms me not so im- medlately noticeable, and it is there- fore more • ditilctilt to trace the origin of the. infection, -but there id'noldoubt that it is frequently dissetninated in sklmmllk in tha same way, that the foot and month disease was in the in- stances described. Together with the ereamerles, public reales of live stock have proved them- selves most dangerous ngents 111 spreading foot and mouth disease. In Indiana and Michigan the state nethor- ities absolutely prohibited the holding of such saes in or adjacent d o areas t t where the clisease existed. The spread of the contagion in other states where this prohibition was riot enforced shotes the value of the precnution, bet ft requires strong and determined ac- tion on the part of the local author!- QH SUC,._A,G ►S , H SADA( • Nearly everyone, fiat ripping. tearingteadachcs at timet. Disordered stom- ach -sluggish liver does It. Cheer 001 here's the tent relief -Chamberlain 'a Stomach seal Liver 7 ui.lo t • They put the stomach a:d lner 1a • AU dru*giste, vs6, er by teal flee. Chamberlain Midrvict Co t,. 4. "M1)1-41 TN CA. NA PA" Roasts retain r their natural flavor. bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a caarys � Andoalw always come me fres h and sweet • ,�. from its perfectly. venAtlated .oven- See the McClary deale;n your to n. R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghlizir.- t< 4. 4. t< ez 4. k t: r00 000©000000 `000000fifi0f3©C►t3t3t3Clt3Cl0 00006 atches, Diamonds, Ef ...Jewelry Silverware and Cut Glass, ' Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas. Whith Ivory and Ebony. Manicure Sets, Sta- tionery, Pennants and Post Cards Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Phone 65 A. KNOX .Watch Repairing a Specialty Er Prudent Buyers Dealeth With Knowledge They look to the future.` -'ell'.,, a., e�< - Suits are suede; to last and. will :holt' : • . _ their shape .until'worn .out.+ • • - • You need not hesitate: in•ptacing•2, -• _' your order with ns, everything guar anteed satisfactory or money 'cheer- fulfy refunded. - Orval Taylor. Ladies' and Gent's. Tailor Wingham - Onta rio . j, • R EU We don't .ask you to take our word for thy'"rr•'rilark ,blh' curaative power of SOLACE in cases-of.rh•eumatitttm, nasal= gin;' headaches or of her Ue is Acid tr''aubies, tib the word of more than ten thousand 14;i ill•`u�tic. i has tutored t health, or the word of eighty. -ort'. doctors using $grace exclusively in their practice; J.uett write us for .a FRI3 BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and; In; dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for • (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but plsasautly-Nature's way. N:o.distress =no gripeing---+-no sick stotnach-no weakening. The TWD rem- edies are all We make, but they area the greatest. known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or' harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or st:rmsch•-hut helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE retrie(Tles write forp r . State if n FREE BOXES. one or both t w n pd. t SOLACE attle .S. CO.,, Creek, �� I1 ��6ahw�• •�ra•• • ! ®- 11 N WHOOPING COUGH SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS 1BRONCHITiS CATARRH COLDS • tst.1070 A simple, sac and elective treatment avotdir.,, drugs.Vaporized Cresolenestops the Ntroevsrns of Wooping Cough and relieves Spasmodic Croup at nese. it is n b :sat to sufercrs from Asthma. The sit carr; ingtheantlxepticvnpnr,in- haled with every breath, makes breathing easy; seethes the Sora throat Ind sum s the t con Ir p . assuring restful nights.It h este uable to e5otttra with wog ehildrea, Semi 08 i7O2tGl i )7' desee'iptue i,antar1 sofa 09' 6404ei81'P VAPO-CRESatEktl 'CO, tees Milo Nisirl fiEN1T�O UI J A N t�,• 1,'! E- V BLOOD IA RAV., m' 1 V }�