HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-25, Page 4IT :E WIT.:C�tx .1-.4.41'L.AD'•y' A ,„CIE. 7beFroprietaryor9-'f3 eprfledicincAct A1'efetable rneparaiion forks•• &imitating 1heFootl and Regular ti Slotnac n the S hs andQ olleiso' t INFANTSAILII REN'_ PromofesDigestton,Clieerful=` ness andRest cotitafltsileiaari Opiunu.Morphine aorl.litieral) NOT NARCOTIC. -- h ..itayreareldDr.,£46. ,EZPIT 17ER 1'httpfin .Seed- .4Lt~Serdttt + Pods Sadly- ,Anisa8arf :131ar OilliWit+ Nix Seed - cad i,Qi/l�/ar- Averted Remedy forConsiipa ' lion. $our Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsiens.Fi verish• ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile SiSnaturecf lire CENTAUR CoMPAttY. MONTREAL&NEW YORK TORI 'olfants and Children. Tho Kind 'You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. a In Use For Over Thirty Years ASTOR! a er,TAe.,R COMPANY, New YO„K SEEDS • Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Aisike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa Clover, Canadian and Northern Grown Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass and all Permanent Pasture Grasses. Ali No. I Government Standard, we handle nothing else. SEEDS Bran, Shorts, Best Grades Flour, all kinds of Grain bought and sold. Special prices to farm- ers cubs. Buy your seeds from us and insure a good catch. The Old Reliable Seed House To Be Hanged Before July 1 st,19I5 20 Thousand Rolls Wall Paper Having the most up-to-date Designs suitable for every room in a person's house. Prices ranging from 5e a roll up. Call in and have a look over large stock of Sample Top'e'r sent to your house if required. Call in and have a look at our lipeoial Order Sample l pas A. M. KNOX You Gan Help Keep Canadian Factoris Going by buying Canadian -made goods. Your money re- mains in Canada, keeping kee in Canadian working people e employed. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is the only article bearing the KE LLOGG natne are is "Made in Canada," All others are made outside of country and do not help our working people. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN CANADA oToastedCoro F���� s lair M tide rn London, Onttariel, Canada The Second Comin Many think and preach that the millennium will be brought about by the increase of knowledge, cttltnre, great discoveries, such as the t;aeoline engine,aptomobile, electricity, radium, liquified air. wireless telegraphy, air- ships, ete. Thee have nothing to do with bringing the millepniune. It is the pefito al reign of Quiet that brings the millennium. Those who have been the greatest blessing le the world were filled with this hope—aid. preached it. The word of God was vitiated and neutralized by the iraditione of men when Jesuit first came, and that is very largely the trouble in present time% Instead of going to the Bible to find out what God eays, the preach- er is too apt to go to bis books, to see what the great men of his church have to say about it, and all their preaching and teaching tak.s`ite color from the glasses the rabbis wear, jast as •was the case in the time of Jesus. The fact that Jesue was not recognize ed by the highup authorities, but was rejected and crucified as an imposter, shows what a dangerous and deadly thing it is to accept the traditions of men rather than what God says abnur. things. Too many who are now mas- ters in Isreal are as muob in the dark as Nicodemus watt. The truth is no harder to get at than corn onthe cob, if we will first strip off the bink end shell it. We need to depend more upon the Holy Spirit and less upon our libraries if "we would preach se that those who hear us willett'so beat. the voice of God in our message. It is not what Doctor This and Professor That has to say about it that settles the queetion. and Fettles it right, but how reads the Word? What does the Bible say about it? And what we need to do is to take the Bible as it reads, not as some big man says it means. Big men have been mistaken about vital thinge just about as often as little ones. The safest pilot is not the one who wears the biggest hate but tlae one who knows the channel the best, We ehould let the Bible speak to us just as God means it should• without distorting it by the prejudicee and vagaries of those who are always trying to put their own 04mel into it and strain out somebody else's gnat. It is high time for Christians to in- terpret unfulfilled by the light of prophecies already fulfilled. The curs- es on the Jews were brought to page literally; so aleo will be the blessings. The scattering was literal; so also will be the gathering. _The pulling down of Zion was literal; so also must be the blessings. The scattering was litera'; so also will be the gathering. The pul- down of Zion was literal; so also must be the building up. The rejection of Israel was literal; and so also must be the restoration. The Brat coming of Christ was literal, visible and personal; and what right has anybody to con. clude that his second coming will he altogether* spiritual? If his first ad- vent. was with a real body. why not the same with bis second coming? Jesse le going to come and reveet himself to the members of hie body at the v r o e y rn meat when the last Poul ie saved necessary to complete Meet ,body --for the body of Ohriet, Must eoneiat of a certain number. of smile, or 'enterer could bo completed, IfiG were e auinfinite numher it would be an enrtless task, and Jesus would never return, for he can no more come without hie heavenly body than he could come the first time without a human body. It is the completion of the body of Quiet, therefore, that will bring him,, and thio shows bow wemay help and. hasten his coining. Looking, for and basting unto the cowing of the day of God wherein the he v a ens being on flee shall be dieAolr ed and the elements hhall melt with fervent heat. (II, Peter 3;12 ) Every time we do personal work or try to get anybody saved, we may be doing etknething "that will bring the coming of the Lord. Instead of being discouraged by looking about us and seeing what a small prra- pect there is of the whole world being converted, it will set our bones on fire to think that perhaps the last man needed to complete. the Lord's body and bring Jesus back to earth may be copverted this very day. That gives us something definite and tangible to work for, and hope for, don't you see? Colonel Clack, the founder of the Pacific Garden Mission, in Chicago, put in six night out of every seven at the mission as long as he lived. One day somebody said tojiim; "Cole.net, why don't you take some rest? ;;'You are killing yourself by sticking tit that mission so close. Why don't you take a vacation and go away somewhere and rest?" '' • • I can't do it, brother," antewered the Colonel,' "I could never do that, for every time I start for the mission I think, maybe that last man may be eaved in our little meeting tonight, and the Lord will come; ands; wouldn't miss being at my post for anything in the world. When Jesus comes I want to be right where he ex- pecte me to be." The Bible very clearly makes known the great truth that. God's purpose for this dispensation is the completing of the body of Christ. He is not trying to save the world now; that is to be the work of the• next diepensation. Here is the Scripture for it: "God at the first did the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name, (The body of Christ.) " And to And to this I will retutn and will will build again the tabernacle of Da- vid (the Jewish nation) which is fal- len down (scattered and no longer be- ing used); n 1 I will build again the ruins thereof. and I will set it up; that the residue of men migbt ser,k after the Lord." (Through their mis-ionary efforts )—Acts 15:1.417. (To be Continued.) .. Insanity New York—Insanity is no longer in. curable. The osteopaths say they have discovered a cure for the terrible ment- al scourge. which me licine admits it is powerless to heal. They produce a number of cases which they say „thee have cured. Dr. L Von Horn Gerdir e a member of the Consulting Staff ut the $'iii•litblretlt Sanatotietn, 11 aeon, Mo„ and of the faculty of the Aurei'io- r ar College ofu 'r C eg Osteopathy at litkevllle, who teas been deliver u j ip,eturee he fore scientif)o bodies. in the. East,. is known as 'derneritia praecox,' "A oa.be of this type was brought 10 us frown one of the h'adinl, haespitah..ir• tet? E tlik. It wax that of"t ydung gid Her mother; had been told that ale gaoted as fullowa in 'the New York was incurable, and for a long time :lir' Tribune ; girl bad been tenable to Live at hr n,t Cur.. treatment ie practised in ac- by reason of her condition.. She lei cordance, with the ordinary osteouetle- degenerated, practically to the state r t is theory which maintains that the an animal. She paid no attention rt human body Is the best and meet won- show some algae of affection which she derful•leboratory in the world, needing i had apparently utterly lost, n7',ourative ugenciee outside of ha own "We have also discharged as tipper. vitt stores, Our treatment of insanity eptly cured ten eases of mania, It, is is largely based on the fact that the interesting to note thet we have been dit'placemertt;"of some bone or certain' successful with morphine fiends. vti}tebrae`has interfered :with the nee- "Osteopaths seldom lone caees," said ves°that geptrnl Elie blood supp'Iy,to the Dr, G?erdine. "IV they scent danger heroin.. In fac.L,;thr whole i ba?ry r,f ca-„ they are slaw in raking the risk. They teupathy ie littlemoro than this• ---gam- are now cn niwiled to take ri four-year sly; tea't when suave bone is displaced course of study .and to exhibit a high ever eo slightly the flow of blood is in- school 4iplowa is a (Delineation for tettered with, and the natural rented- admission,' We are educating our les that are in the blood failin their , students so that we claim they are on sup piy. ' • a par with regular M. D,'e for diagnos- "If a patient has a form of derange- ment that shows a degeneration in the brain substance itself we .can do little, ,"Take, for example, a case of traum, otic dementia that we recently dealt with. The patient: had been thrown from a street car, btriktilg bis skull., Although there was no fracture a pra- ctically complete case of insanity fol towed, For some years the doctors bad endeavored to restore the patient to �is right mind, but he remained in Mal a state that he was useless to him- eelf or to anybody else. "Several years had elapsed since he had been injured. We worked .upon the osteopathic theory that .the blow Lu the head -had twisted rhe neck and aright havainjured the cervical verte= brae, thereby interfering with the nate Yes that controlled the blood supply to the brain. Accordingly, we Loosened up the vertebrae inour usual fashion. This allowed the nerves to do their work properly, and the•pati.ent is now practically as, well as he was before the accident happened. "A paralle4l case," that we treated was that of a boy of twenty who sus- tained a serious t„jury while running in the dark, He was crossing his own backyard whenvhe ran into a clothes- line. The rope caught, him under the chin and threw him so violently that he was knocked unconscious. When he came to he was violent and raving. The injury had brought about,a case of acute confusional insanity. "It was a clear case as to cause and also one of those cases that medical men, although familiar with, are often uuable to treat effectively. They do not recognize the beneficial effects _ of osteopathic 'spinal 'treatment, but just 'look after' such cases and await devel- opments. , , Soinetimes the patients re- cover and'sometimee they don't, be- coming permanent lupatice, "One of our treatment, with spec- ial attention to the neck, A helped him, so that he quieted down and went in- to a deep sleep that lasted twenty-four hours. In six weeks he was •discharg- ed, completely cured. , Some Westeen football teams now f; recognize the valise ooeteopath treat, went to such an extent that an osteo- path is in attendance on the players during the course of the game, • "We have also been successful with adolescent dementia, an impairment of the mind occurring between the ages of seventeen and twenty-six that is When Jesus first came the smallest predictions were fulfilled to the very letter; and should this not teach us to expect that the same will be"true when he comes again? There are very many more prophecies concerning his second coming than hie first, and does not this mean that God wants to give us the most favourable opportunity possible to prepare for it? If the bu• mility and shame of Christ at hie fleet coming was literal and visible, should not hie coming in power and glory be also literal and visible? What right have we to say that the words Judah, Zion, Israel and Jerusa- lem ever mean anything but literal Judah, Zion, Israel and Jerusalem? Same'ohe has called attention to the feet that there are only two or three places in the whole New Testament where such names are used in what may ba called a spiritual or figurative Way. Jerusalem occurs eighty times, and ;in every case is unquestionably Literal, except when the opposite is clearly ,indicated by such qualifying terms a9 "heavenly, ” "new"or "holy". Jew occurs a hundred times, and only four are evenambigucus. Israel and Israelite occur forty times, and ail Literal, Judah and Judea about tt'ven- t.y times. and literal in every case, John Bunyan was once studying. the p•tssages foretelling that the feet. of the, Lord should stand on the Mcunt.of Olives, and he thus reasons ed; "Some commentators says that the Mount of Olivee means the beast of the believer; that it is only a nine - ative expression, and meani thea the Lord will reign in the heart of„the betie'ei, and the Holy Spirit :yell dweil there. But I dein't think it means that at all. I just think it meati the Mount of Oliveto, two miles from Jerusalem, on the east," And that is why the Lord could use the poor tinker so niarvelotiely, even when he was shut to Bedford jell. While face to face With thein. Jou,- taught hie disciples to he in constant' expectation of bis 'early return, and they so understood hint and lived ttc- cnrdlogly. They preached the dost,;- rine and taught it in t heir epistles% Beaty one of theta. Certainly, if an' body ever anderstooil the Lord cnr'-, reetiy, It Was the men whom he per•' onai13trafned to do that very h n gr that they might hand the truth he Wee there down tows. It they fails 1 to orttlerePend tisinsettlefeleilittneiteittfttlt haat>~alseslerdie else May ata et? . Pure, dean, £1ap0ry and strong, in sealed packets. t; 603 cod tea H "SUCCESS FARM;" "FAILURE FARM" O you see the two farms i They are both good farms, or ought• to be, as are most of those in this country. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM 18 NOT IN THE LAND, BUT IN THE MEN THAT OWN THEM.. OneEof these men is an up to date chap who READS THE PAPERS, especially the farm notes, takes agricultural journals and applies,scienti$o methods. The other works just as hard, but will not have a newspaper in the house and could not get a new idea if it were bored into his head with an X ray. THE UP TO DATE FARMER GETS TWO OR. THREE TIMES THE YIELD OF HIS NEIGHBOR .AND WITH BUT LITTLE MORE LABOR OR EXPENSE. He uses fertilizer, crop rotation and intelligence. He economizes every rod of his land ; makes it all count. He practices soil con- servation. He gives back to the soil as much as or a little more than be takes from it. He knows the latest experiments made by the agricultural department, the agri- culturaI colleges and experiment stations. He reads the newspa- pers. SEND in YOUR SUB- SCRIPTION TODAY. Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH let, 1915 Effective Monday, March lst, Train* Nos, 719 and 722 on the Elor Saud iv- ision will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger, daily except Sunday, on the following schedule:— No, 719 will leave Cataract Jct, 10.15 tiem , Erin 10.45, Hillsburg 11.05, Ort- on 11.30. Belwood 1155, Spier 12.05 p.m., Fergus 12.35, arriving Elora 12 45 p m., No. 722 will leav Elorae 3.15 a.m., 1 Fergu-;$ 55, Spier 4,05, Belwood 4.30, Oeton 4.55, Hillshurg 525, Erin 5 50, arriving Cataract Jot, 6 10 p.m. Effective same date, 'Preens Nos. 071 acid 071 now running between London Windsnr, daily except Sunday, will be diseontinurd beyond. Chatham. Farther particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents, or write M. G, Murphy, District Passenger Agent Toronto, Fence Facts Because PAGE Q1JAL"ITY: E,en e By PAGE , • .. szlnply cwznot be .$41 • for less than our price. Of Course— In •In fact, only PAG E can . et we felt. t6 'thigh and give touch high qin Iiry at mighty"•to`deal DIRECT` such low ennt•' t•'Ve sell with Farmers-- 1)1RE(T ',`l+rotn Factory We aeuid hire a Sales• t" Farm"- with atilt one rnanaatr fnr b'3500a year— nrnal! profit between YOU He:could hire an Organ- and US. . `izer for Blockmab) for $3000— When You buy from The Blackman could hire the Dealer—you help ,Agents and Dealers on 20% to p,ay, fat saltxi�es' to to 30% ,commission, and of- the Salesman[ et'• 'ts. fed for "free excursions" to Blackman— fancy profile tiici�8 fence tet the highest Drtalersnnrl AgAgent', They p And finally tbr� Agent or add 50% tii'the COST of the dealet•s who enld the end eeeee•''1,xe'eeekue". l:a Dexter wpuld 8et1 you the toffee for ...wherever he thought you'd stands. Naturaily---if we sold that way—our prices would have to be 26;5 to 60% higher than at bresent. Or the QUALITY of our ' Fence mould have to be lowered.' (Made in Canada) the fence—but .not'. one rent to its actual value. EitbSre yoti triUse .GI:E MORE—or GET LESS. • We KNOW—be- cause we've sold both ways. And/ :i+ne'd•' ra- -r ner sell DIREOT TO YOU every time. In this terry, we can give: you :tile HI0HEST Q.ItALlTY Fdtiae st•the very IoWest coat. We can cut nut all middlemen's expenses and proqits--and 'give you REAL VALUE 'for your money'. When you buy through the It'deitler or "direct" 481.t11111ater111.8g from department -stores, you give dollar -bills for 50c. worth of fence. When you buy DIREOT from the PAGE Fectory, you sell to yourself ---pockets the middlemen's profits— and get the biggest actusl value for your Dash, • Don't give dollar bills for 50c. Don't pay PAGE prices for in, ferior:•fencee. Mail your next•order to the nearest PAGE BRANOR — and iZet the BEST FEN(:E et—the LOWEST •t'OST. I;MMMATE. S 13I P. M Ti N T S from stock— FREIGHT •PAID on $10 orders and up. ' •'. No. of Stars '888018 rrteo to Old ban'Helene:• inches .Osri • of horirontols r Ontario 5 37 '22 ' $ 4, 10,Id x0:21. 6 40. • 22 614�, t�7, 8' . 9 9. .24' 7 48:4 72 `• ' �5 6,•B' 716,E 9 00 s1o:.... ,. • ..26 " 22 s6, 6i, 6, 6, 6,6 .29 t! 43;:.:. 16,t06'•6� 6'"6; 6,6,•6 431 8 47 . 22' 4'i45i 5. , 7l 8%, '9. 9. * ,'i0 8 47 , 161f 43.4, 5' 5. 7, 8.5,-' 9, 9• 32 9 4$. { 22 Cr) 'to, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .. 34'.' 9 48'{. ' 1146 6t 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6 .. a,th 6 9 52 • , 32 4 "4, 5, 54, 7,-81i, 9, 9 , 9 53; 16 4 I' 6ti 7 •I- 4 9 0 4R t6, 3,• 3, 3, 4, bLS 2, 7, 7.1 , R PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE 1 , , s. ,H3e 10 5'.t ret .3,, 3, 3r 4, Rt' .7,.51 , A �,r.•�,A3 - 1t 9 ':+ e�e a L3: 1, 3; 4,='1a• Hr, $4,9, 9,:, 41 bw O:,i:i r.rgtr,c e ,heat ' Alt,1. 6t•1t.1: No. 4. `f;RtlGfi • aye,....s....n.w...,raa,..aw...w,xw,.,,, ,.. SPECIAL FENCE No. Oto$ And bottom. nslart8a No, t7. Vyriphta 8 Meese apart, 18 -bar, 48 -Inch $0.46 20" bar, 69-lneh .5t 3•h. Cates • 2,30 12 -ft Gate 4.43 53 -ft Gate .;4.60 , t4 -ft: Core..:, - : i' 4.p5 .g of tools ',LCD • 251bs,nrace Wlto. , ..15 23 lba±.•Staplets-......., .8..0 rltEtclf'r l'..It7) ON OltuersS OF 310.00 OR OvER PAGE „ .• .. 6 J11t1 laV 14a e'3 PA E WIRE 'FERE.. ,L� ii3 K SL "wean wAI.KtnvityL l 87 Church St, TORONTO v..• . r; "MA ADI41 Utilizes every heat .unit. Flues arranged beat is forced to travel over topofoven o in ra entre down �... behind itand twiceo-der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the 1VIcCl ilea er °e . Y ary l R. R. MOO'NU., Agent Winghm. Watches, Diamonds, Silverware and. Cut Glass, Gold 8 and Silver': Headed Umbrellas. Whith Ivoryand Ebony• ManicurSets, . Sta- . . S tionery, ,Pennants ' and Post Cards Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty ...Jewelry..,. sa A. M. KNOX Watch Repairing a Specialty - 00000000000000000000000004000000000 00000 Good Dress Goes Hand in Hand with Good Manners Let your raiment be neat and (ho7en with good taste. It shoutd,bstylish, but not at the, expense of comfort. Choose Fabrics of character and put your trust in ' ' •• load • Tailor When you leaver your order .with us, you • •ran rest assured that your gartpents will be made to your own personality. Your patronage solicited Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Winghairi - Ontario N • EUMAT ISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOL &oE ill cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other trio. Acid troubles, air the word of more than ten thousand people SoniCE has restored to health, or the: word of eighty-ox}e doctors using SoLACI4 excbisively iia. their practice,.; ..d 1.14 'write° i foil a •FREE BOX and testimoiiial•s' from. Doctors, Druggists. and In. dividuals. ANo SOLAC,IB rein0y-for GI PATI ON CA L1 t,ATI rE AND TONIC CONBIHED) Does 'the work t.tarely 11nt p1easautly--Nature's way.. No distress • --•no gripeing--no-sick hton8ach—no weakening. The.TWr rend- edies are' all 'We make,„ but they- are the 'greAtest known to the medical world and gu ,.ranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects tribe heart or stomach ,: --but helps them. To prone the wonder ill ttrative power of. Sot,Aon remedies write for FREE BOXES, State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO,. :Rattler: Creek, Mich., U ' S. A- . Thera isn't a mei Aber of the. fail fly weed suffer ip,. m indigestion, Sick headaches, l lliorbness, fertnetitet steeled), ete.eff,he or'ethe`will take Chambrlain's tnacli saki Liver,3 Tablets. Thev'elearile the stomach and boi'eih'arid titimulite til' liverrs to healthyactivIt and tone up the whol e r d eltctrl . T alt o 1 fie t ti t cid ' o re h i u RICr 'i 't .d . a R� >s 7t mo'rnl , �. n Allam`rt{n, 2Se.,, or Ise attatr,ttt Chami,errlr Co tpany, Toronto. id