HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-25, Page 2BASH ALL OVER KAU AND FACE Of Baby, Could Not Sleep. Fret- ful and Cross, itched and Burned, Hair Came Out. Cutleura Soap and Ointment Healed. „, Darnley, le L -"When my little girl Was three days okl. a fine rash came out all over her head, an4 race. Al nest I thought ie was baby resie but efter week or -two I found thee it was very itchiug and sho could not piece. Site was getting veey fretful and cross and it made hei• feels, It itched. awl burned so much tbet usea to scratch it until it, beeeme opo eolid mase of sore wino Oen and it made nearly an her hair come out. It was getting worse all the time mad it spoiled her looks. "e was tole she bad cinema and eot some obatmont to use on her but it dia no good, Ily the time she was four months oltl the eezema was all over her face, itead and nock. then. decided to send for a sample of Cuticura, Soap and Ointment.The first aPPlication relieved her of the itching. then bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and two cakes ot Cuticure Seep and need it according to directions for eczema. I bathed her face and head with the Outicura I3oap and put the Cutictera Ointment on. gently and by the time the box or Outicura, Ointment and two cakes or Cuticura Soap were gone there was not a sign of eczema, and sho was completely healed." (Sigoed) Mrs. Plelip Roach, May 12, 1014. - Samples Free 'by Mall To prevent falling hair, remove crusts and scales, and allay itching and irritation of the scalp, Cuticura Soap and Cutietwa, Oint- anent are indispensable. Sold everywhere. lAberat sample Pee each mailed free, with 32-p, Skin Book. Addross post -card "Cu- ticura, Dept, D, Boston, U.S.A." mdrorarawrete.••••• ,••••••.••••rty LEK DRIVEN FROM CALAIS Calais, via Paris, March 22. -The third Zeppelin aetach tom this citY, tireel at almost the preeise heur that the aerial raid was made upon Pares early Sunday morning, was made in- effective, because the whirieng of the airshipa' motors gave adeqva'e warning of their approach. Tae Zep- pelins came from the direction of the sea, but • received such a vigorous bombardment from French artillery that they retreated before they reach- ed the city. It is supposed here that they intended making another effort to drop bombs or, the harbor and on the railroad junction. 111•4, PEACE SUNDAY U. S. Roman Catholics Observed the Day Generally. New York, March 22. -Peace Sun - :day was observed In Romae Catholic churches throughout the States yes- terday, in compliance with directions from Pope_ Benedict XV., who sent a prayer from atome, which was reed by the clergy, and which invoked divine Providence to glee back to the world peace and tranquility. Besides the reading of the papal praper for peace at all of the masses, special eervices were held. These in- cluded solemn high masses and special sermons, urging the people eo pray individually for a restoration of peace in Europe. The blessed sacrament was exposed to view in nearly all the churches throughout the day, and in the evening special vesper services took place; Cardinal Farley was present at sol- emn higb,onass in St. Patrick's Ca- thedral, in New York City, and in the cathedrals of other large cities arch- bishops and bishops either officiated or were present at services. SPRING IMPURITI fS IN Tiff BLOOD A Tonic Medicine is a Necessity ai This Season. 1Villiams' Ptak Pills for rale People are an all year round tonic, blood -builder and her vs -restorer. But they are especially valitable in tbe miring when the eystem is loaded wall imurities as a, remit .1e. the indoor life of the winter months. There 3s no othsr zeason when 'the ble3•1 is so meth in need of purifying and enrieh- tag, and every don of these Pills helps to etaka new, rich, red b:ood. in the spring one feels weak and tired. - Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pine give streegth. In the epring the appetite is often poor -Dr. Williams` Pink Pills de - e Ono the appetite, tone the etemach and aie weak digeetion. it is in the spring Una eels:els in the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pitoyee, erup- Weis and bolls ---Dr. Miami' Pink Pills speeinly eleotr the. skin. because they go to the root of tho troulne in the blend. the sprite; anemia, plretunatiere. ineigostion, neuralgia, ezetelpelas, and many °thee troubles are 'most persistent because Of poor, weak blood. earl it is at 01i:4st:rite *hen ell nature takes on new Weaker the bleed Most torieusly need:. atten- dee, seme littera?, dose therneelvee with purgatives at 'hie eeason, but thette only further weaken ateniselvee. A rurgative merelyegaltops through the systhm, emptying the bowels, but it oireee not etre anothime, CM the oth- er hand, Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills actitally rnsko new biota!, whieh reachee every nerve tift.1 orgah in tile body, bringing new etrength, betv beelth and vigor to veldt, eaelly tired Inert. wonteit and ehildren, Try Dr. Willistras` Pink Pills this spring -they will not disappoint yon. Vat Can ,get then beeitheentewins Pills through any indicants dealer or ty bean, post paid, at 80 cents a hOX 00 Ma ,bOxett for 82.50 frOin The De erinialat' 111todielue Co., liroekville, Ont. 44.4e,••••••• FRENCH PRINCE SLAIN. Paige, March 22.—Prince lamest IYArenberg, a lieutenant in the 32nd regiment a French infantry, hag been killed on the field of battle. Ile was the tenth reprerentative of the aristo- craey of France, Who have lost their !Pees recently under the colors of their country. PrInee Virnest was born In Paris In MC Ire vies the son of Prinee Annette, head of the Prettelt halfwit of the Arenberg tainily. knows your position lie is ready to les ly fiq 1 't ditch $8. leers Xtot I th rush. f O. O re• 4 1 „ eThere Is elwaye• hope. your gracek" s.aid the doctor ts$ the mother. "Do • . ' • j . , ustice o • f Peace Praises ' ' ' ' . - • •' _ . e . POTATOES AS raw). • . . . 145. ISSUE NO 12 O.r.A"-A-11* '''V.(kf esOek .../ -r . 1 or - - , ' . wof-o; TRUE AO ‘ilo iti ill I l': ir ell. 14416‘tir#1f 44440 • eee. _,. , 41110 ,/ + \-.... + '1/4., rlo RACE let me see hint. I will he' Very faint. Do let me see hiniti." Pleaded-. • . • • . , I At First -only the 8004 -of the l'ell:.; kigi..p 'WANTED A 0 ,...... the cluchetse. "Not to -day, your grace, The Molt abselute quiet is vitally neceeary to him," the doctor ... , Drs. Chas....es.. Ointment .. . 1 ere WAS Thought Fit tO Eat. • ... — wANTED-GIRIM Or 000D ELM*, TT - tem awl cearacter te train r ltur, 'When potatoes 'Were 'Met . ad for food 141-- - Me Beele• to Wellenera 40114. ..4 Su it wati the "seed" or "apple" thet watt Catharines. Ont. said resolutely. The duke topic his arra and wallt- - el, him Ott t6 the oriel windew at the ,......,...,........,...... A . .i.r. iter -Nine Years of . o fie scape . Ag ny , E . d an. Operation ..,,.... tuber AMR found to be the most delleious a et t tee FOR #A1..E... to d• -P .0 - end et the 'seventeenth i"..,1%,*"....4.,^04~~"*"...0."1.011.."~" -- -------"'-"-....--t".".?"--1•1 tud of the hall- elild larilliredi "Now liow mucu liope le there real- .41,. !,. - , .,. , ,,, o , A IA . 1 .fl . ., • Using This Great Healing Agent • • eentory the potato wee out of the re h ••• , 0-e • I, oa SAIX-OXIOXCE LAND UT PAP., nicuoi:;:at snt.hdabitut :sent' halse66e:eaponeteet:tato.14emosemw4b4;;D:reoe:Itli:90.t of people with modern incornee, It la re- 'Jo eels Own. one te tiveritY epee, 40- elalt-e'd—n—cao Ilton along the Bey anti :oueznaehinlylini:geo7lerbi"leitileve4d"tuhna?tinheLp°ontclakno Lab 4°re° 44:41 'Toronto to HsittlitO9 , . I , "I felt sure, by his close reeemblatlee te the family, eonneeted with other eirettinstancee he comMitnicatea to me, that he was our kiesmati. How near A linsulan I never gut.ssed. So e•lisu he told me the name he bore was not hie own, and not a very de- eireble 'one, eltner, and that ha bad no name, aud 1 a „„ -ta- ne"r even b"" bal..tized•--well, by a sudden implulae, or in•spiration, I offered hire mine. i told him hunt 1 conld %eke it Ms oWn -if not directlY by law, yet by Christ. 1, Ps lenity. And tio took him to eterist Church, and got hini baptized by the name of Benjamin Setoo Deeeellte. Un- der that name I got him his commis- Ft= as ensign in a regimeut of foot. Vitcler that riaMe •Ito has dietinguish- ed himself in the Crimean wtar." "Under that name he may hereafter eittira the Baeony of .SetoneLialitha gew," said the due.hess. "Ansi the Dukedom of Cheviot, Tao- (her," added Lord Wellrose. The cleehess looked UP iaquiringly. • "It is his right, dear mother. I - - have pointed coed to my tattier bow thie right may be secured Co him, Aud • InateVer it may cost to you, to me, tor to eny ether, he should have it." 'And you, Wellreeer •'11 Oh, I shall be the founder of another line of nobles from the a,aci- ent 'house of Donglas," said the earl jetPtingly. "Atter all, I think more of the hour when. I shall press the• poor boy to my heart than of anything else. It iS harcl to have to. wait until to-rpm:row. Ali I see what yon are thinking of, Mlle,' elle said, tts she nnticed her hateband's grave t.,mile. "Von are think- ing thatt le I have teenaged to wait all these years tor my first-born, I can 1 wait these few hears, Yes, but I did net knew he was on eerth all that time: now that I know he.is here, in • this very houee, hoUrs seem ages till I see Mir." " 'Time and the honr weareth away the wearieet day,' " ee.id the deke, wa,11 a kindle, smile So the clay and the night oilseed, and the morning came, A t 1 t o'clock in the fr•reneon the natocrat of the sick room, Dr, Chris- topher Kinlock, came downstairs and notified tho duke and due/sees that thee had his professional authority for visiting hls patient. The duke arose and drew the duch- tNss' arm With'.11. lila own. Tier heart was beating fast; her. color went and eame; She panted with emotion. z "C'ome with Its, Wellrose," she fal- tered. And 'tb.e young earl arose to attend then), lie went upstairs before them, and le the way to his brother's room. Ife opened the door, and the three elitism?! together. • They found Benny lying on tlie safe. propped top with Pillows, his fair van face turned toward them in eager ex- pecautien, his golden hair flowing lease. ' "'How beautiful he is!" thought the einebesse and as she met the full gaze of those clear, gentle, blue eyes, and caught the smile of the delicate fea- tures, she felt as if her heart Must break at that moment. A rush of ten- derness, Pity, love, filled her bosom, and almost overwhelmed her.- - She left her husband's arm and tot- tered toward him ,and sank beside hie sofa and dropped ber head upon his heart, sobbing: "My son, my sea! Oh, my poor, poor, wronged boy!" , II0 would have risen and knelt at her feet, hut for bis weakness!. ,enite with ns in reetoring yen to all Your rights.' • - "What rights?" aelfed "Bennv, elm, ' ' PLY, loOking from one to the other. For lie• had net given sO Mliell as a' thought to the workly advantages be would gain from the establishment of his birthright. He hini thought only of the rich inheritance of ove •te I 1 would receive. . "What rights?" he•nelted again, see- Ing Unit they only looked at hint in surprise. , "your rights as. •our eldest son and heir -your rights to• the inheritance ef all nrY titles and estatesa? said the Duke of Cheviot, gravely and firmli. • Benny turned paler than ever before, and looked from his father's face to his dear brother's. • epees your grace 'Mahe= to. under- stand, then, that I shall displace, die- Inberit-hini?" eyes, oily., 'boy, lawfully, naturally, Inevitably. You are the eldest son, and must take the• rank that he lies so long and trroneouely held," replied the duke, as one speaking from • an- thority. ..Then I'll die first," said "the elder brother." , "Benjamin' " exclaimed father, mother • • . and brother, in one breath. (.1.„„11 "I Will go down to 010 grave' ".‘"" I shall die if I do not try hard to live, and I will not try to live; I win try to dte rather Ulan displace, disinherit • him," repeated Benny, And, oh! the Ineffable tenderness he threw into that little monosyllable "him." They gazed at him in amazement. Such love, such disinterestedness even they had never known. "My dear brother," said the young earl, "your love,. your magnanimity touches me deeply, But you, may not f• f if '' a n t his same ice; or . you e n o d t - ' r.it.tne , ... - ' t tl i 1 I tni le or yourself, you •mus 1 n t o . e „. „ n r-buzy, , '1 love Suzy. I have proved bow • . . . I love her. And I know -I know that' she also- would never wish to illspoS- gess You. Had she been born with a ' 1 I Id 1 V nature so selfis 1, con never la, e d her" love . "You hope to marry Suzy som ---- 0 V" utet1 said the earl.q day• q Y „ . "le I live, which is doubtful. "Then, for your posterity you should. hts" take your rig . "Posterity 1 sha dows ! dreams ! Leave all that to time and ProVidenee. That does not exist now. But what I see visibly before me --what I Reach tangibly -is itly brother, my dear brother," he said, with infinite ten- derness in leis tone and look, as be took the hand of the earl and pressed it to his heart, while he gazed in his face with unutterable love . And then the cough seized and shook him. • His motner , begged him to be calm, and not to excite himself. - • Bat just as soon as he had .recov- ered from the paroxysm he, still- gaz- Mg in his loved brother's face, Inure mured softly: • - • • "My brother, my dear, dear *brother, You Were more than a brother tO me in my bitterest need -more than a brother to nee when you did not.even suspect our brotherhood. I could not even live, knowing that I had disPos- .s.. . . sessed You.'! : . .. ' ' Again the cruel .. cough seized and shook him, ae if it -Would have shaken him to dissolutioti. • • - • • . They implored 11131 not to.,talk.. ., The warning came too late. The , new excitement litd brought.on a hem- orrhage again. Blood gushed in •ter- rents from his lips, and he fell back in syncope. , , • . • "Nof the faintest shadow a a hope, Your grace," answeree the doctor. "Elven tio I feared.-- Bet in this ease •I t hi th b '1\ 17 MaY no s •poor um er e per- , mitted to see'him?" ' , ,. . ;Ka a Meahe Of healing sores and Vountlis th. t d f ' - ell ' •t a . e Y or . nary reatrnent • - .. ' Dr • Cha ' 01 t t h l t , , ,ses . .n m.en . as wig a ood . . ' •ps • and gradually the new kin IN formed a d th h 8 - • - . - -- •0 0 eere ennnnen gulaner 00(.1 entailer, until if .finally disapeears. It le often wonderful the results which., 1 -and, 'delightfully lneatea. being very me- tehaeutrieeheivepsrvoesryeaelddetneuverritie0g.ththeere4r44,0eceitereid rxerroanent highWaY: This is Se setae . sirable for gentlemen who deeire a coun- they ate the potato le try residence along with gorden tout fruit , s nc ene tuber evaa eulture, W. D. Blatt. R00% Ifi, reclerel n onee n the Siete. • r 14 g, ana n. _The late Duke of Arsyle in history ef • AOMORPOOOMOIA.MOMOIONONIONAOOPOOIAMIONIMMIIIN.W. "Beee,tiee, yeur grace, althotigh we not hope to 'his life, a up r e m 0. It - knorn tar and lvtda .. . are accomplished in a eingle niglit bl the use of this great healing ointritent. eoetieree. sa'ys that little or nothing vete . known orthe potato in Scotland' Int' ttl FARMS r OR SALE, leniepeseehe 'middle May save we Must not therefore hasten his death. •A. d la it ti i it f . n any sue ag a on as a IT 0 . rem- - as ir"positive cure for 9 z em a and . r.t o .. hatever c, .,r... • il• '411' Vir ' - '4 IlhoOrtaintY' Mr, N. A, fleath, j.P., riteh fiay, • Que„. writen t -"Nine years ago, I waif taken with an abcees, and cannot be- of the eighteenth century. Tliep Duchese of Buceleugh, in le cgt SA14E-SIXTEEN ACRES. GAR - ner "Household Beek" for the. year ,17Qes 1 ' Oen; and Xruit -farm. 'Box ee, Ilt. '4"ealtd 44,stbSI 0°4'1° as "an enctannt nr 'ae3471/efr Q44- ''' . . his mother under present eirettin- stances would rause, might be in- sitantly fatal to him, He' could not • surviVe anethee hemorrhage five min- utes." '',I. ' The duke sighed deeply. and went downstairs! to give orders that a boat should be sent down the lech, -to th 0 r e , , • marl 'ye 'about the ' :-" • ' '' \ ' reeelte obtainee by ..., • the use,ef medicines 4. =••,' • t a /s e n -internam ,/ ; . ••, Y , . y,..0 Sofee Pi e there can, be no ' • ce. • eektv < e e„,.,-„. , et u eee t tie nf. of the ; ,.._•04 eeee‘, .....eseee heallug of the skin - „'•‘-',4,• 11,„.1f",,,'" "s''' wh0n 'Dr. • Chase'e 'W: • - ''., \',., ' , gin to describe what I have suffered ' as a, result. I was examined h t y wo doctors, both of whom said I mould have to . undergo an operation .,to lee „ cured.' Thanks to Dr Chase's Oita- . i . ' - - - tnent, t has rendered an operation nnnecessary and has com letel ., cured nee, ' I cannot say nouPgh I.•• • praise of this wonderfuie °Intel Pi . en , ,, i reee easel. • „ 2 Hue atilleren•hie- Scheele andficheot- ereee.gOtprows ktaxx• OF STOOK .A. man ere Hays that his maternal gran d- J124 Grain r rm I Oaf ra el t • , • - • ' a a • 4 13 "11 11 dethet about the year 1740 toed ,.to bring aeres: oleoPolyrick loom; basiement &Vas borne in Ins. Peeltet Horne three eor• four -00-x 40t cement elle and hog pone; near •potatoes us ,great raratee grown y the • • it, • gentr for he was f 1 d r thb h ao towns, v legete depotre.schools, churches, ,, y, , ..., . . a r en o e e creameries, condensers •(Borderes); hydro gar peer ate 4.e t • 4 , ,e, nagown castle. Thom, . , power, telephope 4,4 rural mail installed. Carlyle tells•Us that his father get nos- • Writ- for tinted leeseriptIon and price, 'eeesien ee four potatoes and kneve eo lite ,e . 0, a ly, °Reeving, Ont.',R.R. No, 1, tie about them that he hidthem away eor Setort. to meet the Giaskow surgeon bn. his arrival. ' • And the duchess!. returned to her• 'chamber' and p d th 1 ht I asse e u g n• praying as only„. a' 'nether can Oray' 'Ointment ist applie.cl. \*.`, •,„e.ti'„\ej ..!, ., You can actuelly ' ‘' ' ‘" - •." nee,,,with your • own ,eyee pet what tak s MR. IMAM I - 'T • s e ' 4-' V.ttee• 130.00re palls...are cleonsed,'' ' ' . • which cured me after nine ' years • ot agony.e . . Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60c a box, all dealers, oo Plemarigoni, Idates & CAI Limited, Toronto, • ' ' :a possible -time of want and the potatoes weee,seseee to be eaten Hallawe',an: There ;10 eincloubt that the Irish were the first fitiogilLtea, releogrlize, the value of the Ise ti • stare. article ot food.-Yout s Companion, • - • ,s, DOES $1.50 WHEAT 111.4X111 SASICATe d look ood to yev lir er ilfatal lan-0 - g , Moe° about our limited number' of improved farms acquired Rom - - loan comport es at pricer, away below their Oct loaned. ire, for • • .. ' ee-e-e-oe.-•-----,---o-----,-. -e--,--- , eeoo,,,„„e„.0,,,,,,,Oeeeeoseeeseeeses„eseweeeeeee - ... ual velue; money on farms, her child.' • I Healy lea tile mornin th Glasgow' surgeon arrived... . • -with • •-• TOUCH Es- THE STATES `•• .. 1 ..' •1'. • •'"(Deffalo ptews.) ..'•• ' ' • TYPHOID SERUM'S WORK. , (Buffalo News.) . • ....i •.,:;., • , . . •Minard's Ultima Co., Limited.• Proved first mortgage seetiritY• good rotes of interest; rerereneee, Que. hes BOnk. ,Le W. Oadwell- & Co., Box 1317, Saekatchowan. , After a short interview the, e uuke and dinhess, he was shown to; the chambe' f Ili ti t • r o . s pa en . .., :, ' After a iierf careful 'examination of,, • the case, and a very close consultation.. 'with. 'Dr Kinloek he entirely coine' ' - • ' •• - - • eided with., the army,. surgeon's °pie-, weea ie.eetosfit witsoreeSayet atet ate gO our usual, Wore. the wer does oot mete ne,",:he confessee ostigenetism. . Tle- war,40 ,ttigching us. • . ltdreis scarce asevey which we: may• reethat tdeee.net Trinket' le sinistee re- oalnelee gae whet go tig on even seas. Is 1 b d ' --' T, ••!-- e . ti' - • pe Id ' t Wilsoti ,i- er.e.ess ,t is _ eceuse. . es, en . e , eessenot mingle" like the ordnotty Omen ' • Not so many years age typhoid fever wag the great foe of the II, Se „medical corps. It penned the saddest chapter of' the Spanish American war. The years et V.eame• that followed averaged from MI to 1000 eases of typhoid through the army . . numbered less than 65.000 men, For the past three years typleold 'has literalist been wiped from tho list of peel .. Gentlemen, ---141y daughter, 13 years Id th f ' la h - . o , was . ,rewn rem a 0,. g .. am. injured her 'elbow' go h:adly • it re-' moneyed stiff and Vero manful for. . , .., .- - three years..'' roull betties of MIK- A"'S I:31NI1VIlligli completely cured • her and she bas not been troubled for . Tx p rt 01r E D HALF -SECTION' VI 1, . % South. Central' Alberta, Over belt undo- plow, most, of balance tillable, goed femme' bowie, other buildings, teneed awl cress fenced, spleedid well apd obun- dance of epring water, Only part .clush hecessary. El. Schwartz, 206 Clemente, m ayton, Ohio. . ion, and apPrOVed Of his treatment. The ati' t h d i ed id not p en , e• ee ar , „ cou . i ssibly be in better 'hands than in .-/°- . - - those of the cOuntr doctor - Y . He remained af Seton Court twon-; e . . . y -tour limns, an hen went '' d. t bade to Glasgow, promising to revisit the %tit.. theepeople of' every slay. He would th 4' - moose t eetecntn ess a eas ems war - h tl b • I is making me our -social body. Scanning the Melletin board In front of the ;News. building, almest • any hour of -almost any day, may be seen a man who weara the Orieterie. Cross, oinned on his breatot years eg•o by Ins beloved leitche- .„0,,i.erhe Nemo of three sons In the tren- e °Ilea ives•thebulletin 6 strange :ascent- Bible diseases. Last year, in the entire army, there was hut one case of typhoid, that oe a recruit •who, beyond question, contracted 'Witold before entering the service. Nothiog yemains to bo learned of the serum except the length of time it establishes immunity. In view of this remooltable record it is eingular that any person should °ppm , . . . . tWO years. • • • Yours truly, .. - ' ..,. , A.. i a. LIVE.SQUE, •. . St, Joseph, P. 0„ 18th Aug., 1900. • , 1 VARMS FOR ,SALD-Will RAVE SEY- .a,• end-0003re, half, peed full sections,. of good farm, land, dose up to Railway Stations,' In the Vermillon-Mannville District, in Central Alberta; one dollar pee. acre, cash required; interest only NovemOer• fleet next. balance on easy terme 6 per cent; best district in Alberta matient the the ' ter its use er be indifferent to Rs benefits. for mixed grain and stock raising,. wg, - at end of week or , soener, if called upon. And t ion hini, . The front window *of a Main street ea - "11 • • " f t d 1.- to . THE BEST MEDICINE SLUMS AND* THEIR EVILS• . • ' (Montreal Star.) ' der Smith & Phelps, 11 St. Sacrament Street, Montreal Que. , 4. the. next morning, being the !bird from the day of the last terrible I lentorrhage, the duchess was permit- ted to her son. de ap at the far-off front. •After the hur- ry,osvsbe heuen:n Ierelieth egelcieloVeri: e. -ii tintr •• ntee's eft r r,ilkcyn o tier -somewhere -with the . FOR LITTLE ONES • • . As the years go by studento of .muniel- pal economy are devoting greater thought to the problem of hnproving houstner con- dltions, It Is verys clearly realized F wi, SALE -204 ACRES, 9 -ROOM house other buildings; fruit and some timber; 4 miles' of station. • price' 0,000; $2,000 cash. see se ae had schooled her soul to calm, n • h d ro ess, a p mised herself once otherS that she would ' Preserve a perfect composure, and neither do, nor say, nor look anything that might disturb.; the sufferer. . same uncer aintvehe raises his rills and Sends a bullet over the treetops -Sento- .:where. o . Down .in the Italian section . the restr- eiste.githee nightly, to diricuss the pros-' mete of-beinVertiled and pledge their :king, patriots all of them. e In the clubsethesmanufecturers gather oomnere "war orders' and speculate Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine in the world for little ones, They. are...absolutely safe and never h d to regu aee e s oneac an fail I 'th t bowels, break. up colds and simple revel , teething now at a man th 'a dwelling exerts a marked influence on, his life and chars.eter4.- more especially, is this true in the cese of -wo•• men and children. Bad housing conditions aPfect health I , ewer vitality and slowly undermine hones and .arn 1 n f fa tie a or better things. An unsa ' nitary house Is a atandinge Inept- Two farms adjoining; ••• 280 acres. with buildings, fine land, nicely located: 4 to 6 Iles of station; few minutes' m walk of Canning Pactory and Store, Price for both MOON $4.000 cash. Fine climate mild short winter Catalo ue free.- '3. 11,' MeGoni 44' g gal & Son, Dover. Del • . : He was propped la bed , and tbe I" 1 t f th b 1 d ' i.g a rom e ay w n ON fell open . • hint ' e. • Slaewent up to his side. Sloe ebuld 'Control her word nd ' 't" ‘e I t ot s a .t, i at-, zu u . •• - •••••• .- her looks; so evben •lier eyes. ttoll- upon his. colorless and fleshless face, ,a itnnadthei 0414 oof. 'the conflict that has Jeri:loathe ruin or tortune to them . . A tl (.. s th o t goes sperm le eerman e p a man . leaving good tidings here ond saddened. hearts' yowlers There ie sorrow for a spell. an old photooreph oE the youngest. 'brother ie brought train the treasure chest, there 'is a' dwelling with old memor lee and ate offering to the Motherland, s, expel worms and make easy Concerning them. Mrs. D. S. • . • Be 1 Mt P t Dalhousie, Oat., • .rn la , or vele . "1 h b 1 B b 's i es. ave een us lig a y OWu Tablets for my baby and would pot be Without them " • The Tablets ' ' ere sold by medicine dealers or by. tation to disease, Scientiets have Amnon - Striated that a germ of pulmonary tuber*, eulosis can live for years in an 111-vent11. ated, dark and noxioug room. The bad!. tes of typhoid may not. only be conveyed through. the water or the milk, but it may also be carried by flies and vermin. T rom the filth foom which it is d'eposIted to the food of adjacent tenements. The tenement hooses Tr OR SALE -157 ACRES GOOD GRAIN A and stock foram:120 acres under cunt - vation; 13 acres in fall wheat; 40 acres fall plowIng clone, balance in meadow and tattetuve; else good sugar bush. This form bas never been rented. For price and terms, C. T. Martin & Co., Federal - Life Building, Hamilton. Ontario. and met the- gaze of his hollaw eYee, her own face expressed all the dee!? anguish of her soui. ate_ tattles •go on not quite as they were before. - ;Yes. Mr. Wilson, the war does come close to ute. :Retouches every side oe our mail at 25 cents a'box• from The Dr. „ Williams' .Medielne Co., Brockvitte, Ont. . - ... with•their halls s air and closets. sh 4 b ' s are y many families bes come a fruitful source of contagious' die* easee. - • • , • • -Le UIT AND POULTRY FARMS. ..11' ' Rfrorn one to twenty-five acres. Lake Shore properties near Burlington and He held dut bath his pale hands to- many-sid 4 lives. ever day. • • t 0 • • • Y • • . • - • „ • , , Hamilton, with Hamilton market, the ward her. • Evidently he thought he was dying, and thought that she kn.ew he was dying; for his first words words were:. eSweet es • e. , . • e Mold, Hnreh pit 1 . •• ' • . tu.? , . . - 'Condemn Them USES OF THE LEMON. se. - .4%. little leMon Juke added to' the pastrk crust will make ft much lighter. 4, * * * To clean brass that Is.very discolored, lemon; eee . • • ro. t Yourself!. r ve i • • '' • • . .. 1 eta Ned yea e- • Fall8 beet in America. These locations are con - venient to schools, churches, near pro- posed Toronto-Hconilton concrete high - way; are exceptionally speed and worth Investigation. R. M. Hoose, 2 1-2 James street north, Hamilton, Ont. mother,' it seems very hard for you, very,. very hard for, you to ' 1:,04' your • boy almost as soon as you havt found him." . ,. Sbe. could scakcely restrain her tears as she preesed bis thin hands to her ••o , ae %Doctors I ...- - ' Direst Pills unfortunately are harsh, 'a; - • - and Graeae; they ceese inflammation d' r' it • comf rt Rather like 01, e, g „O. t. dui .. .0 . , o:.atalro 14 the' way, ti. pilot should fiesta rub well with then eleanawith metal polish. This applies especially to gas brackets that are burnt, . • w * .. An excellent health rule ter bright eyes and a clear skill is to take the Juice of .a lemon is a glass of water , with a dasb of ' salt added. . This acts directly on 44.24142,— . ,'. mookorly • ,earreesese, 66 . • •'-'• ,- •• - • • 1900 ". ..hisLee' .0'44'--1 GRAVITY ee .:_-±,.• - ' ;"s's- '7;'' ir•--- 7- • In'•1 .r4,0.41.01:3 WASHER .. Til OR SALE-PARDL ANT SIZE. FROM -1' 50 acres up, near' Thorold. Merrition and St. Catharines. Fruit farms with fruit for *400 per acre, See my farms be- fore buYing elsewhere. .T. D. Hilts, Mer- teflon, Ont. Box In. Phone 657 L, lips andeboscifne ena then stooped and Dressed herelips to his in a Passionate mildly, keit effectively, Sciepae. ,haS established nothing more SatiSfantorY theelivcr, .whicb has more to do with ,good looks than most of us imagine. •,---.---. ' -. • o... . , ,. for 30 aa. •,, ,- . , FREE TRIAL ri on SALE -37 1-2 acres hear Niagara o' on main road and close to Trolley kiss. . • "But,. dear mother; it is so much better for nib to die. See how my life would compromise you an and com- dilicate- the question of inheritance, ae a family 01 tlian ,the ,old. reliable . Pills tit ,,l)r, Ile;milton, w.hich'• for fcrtr.Yeaial have 4,41 ai Premier Place in Antbriett. De,•11•Ialuiltoll's Pilleearee • a , ... ...,_ , , Yeelr exalt. aney-ean De 'efieetivolyeesed • ...e•eie . What 'Bobwhite Eats. Fifteen per cent. of the food of the bobwhite is comp.osed of insecte, in- eluding several of tho most serious , . '' ' „ , .. ,,.. . . - . , .. Y*11 aOn t Pato eant-.-1 eta, ra7 um -- u.e.. .. - eye:Away who has . . „A 4,: . . - • . III10d &IN Inaba oar • • - it 1a the *beat lifer." and Canning* factory. choice Sandy fruit land, A bargain at e7,500 for quick sale. 13,550 down wIll purchase this excellent proeerty. For particulars write meivin Gasman, Limited, Investment Brokers, 'St. Catharines, Ont. • • • • • • and above all, how it would injore 1113 'dear brother," he. whispered, speaking faintly ana with difficulty, and caress- ing her hair with his poor hand. .• 4 She loeaeill het selfecontrol, and for- get all aer- promisese.She fell sobbing An his neck-, exclaiming: •by the aged•r-by children, and indeed. la' inen„ahd Women of all ages. Nei- sIonag.clr• or bbwel ,medicine•ii more ,reeiatele. ' No oentecly' for indigestion, etleadaehaebeebiliouenesseis-eao -effective,- , . se mild; ebecetatein to.,quiekly I etre. as . a' 25eebox of Dr; Hamilton's Pine, :. • pests of agriculture. ant of its food aonstste of. weed .eeeds, oee-fourtli of ge•ain and about one -sixteenth d. wild fruits. Taken in all the bobwhite IS very•useeul to the farmer, and, while it neay. not be etecessary•Ito remove if from the llet of game birds 'every •••. ,,=:-,-e,, ' • ' .e• a - • • a.. . . ••••• ,. Welts ma to -day, peomone for bopklat . " . . and pardeniatn. AM*MPRR15,101anoextt,'1,00•Wwensieen, . 3 so Y ca 44 0 e," Muir! „ , ', roaoN'toeiceroatet FACTORY, 79-81 ,PORTLRAD.STRA T it - 1 ss-KrilllAr BRUNSWICK. FARM,4i6 ACRES, .0 half trite:vale, hay, 40 tons. Bearing 'Orchard; geed house, 3 berme, railway sta- klit:11,5 Al_milesi. o_thor conveniences near, tisu, R1,060 ORM balance mortgage. Write ,eor our Free iliestrated Catalogoe. 150 other farms. Alfred.. -Burley & Co., 46 , Princess' street, St. John, N. 13. • • . "Oh,' my son! my son! Oh, •my poor, .poor wreaged boy! Live! livellive- : • .,.. eee • '0' ' "' • ' The':k0eStle. a POCOS Island. farmer should aee that lils own farin is not -depleted by .sportsreea. rp•011 NW. electric light. elk me oboes eiy "itio" • ez.-eze 9!",eshar and Wringer outfit. ' ., MISCELLANEOUS. ela try eo live, for lay miserable sake! '-C. .. • . . .011 do uot dle and:lea.ve xne to a life , - - logg reinorse. Oh live! live! that I may _Make Yew future life so bright and happy thatteetna may- ferget your 'past!" .. ' • :1'-: '''' - In ,i910eth-;:- C • re nd c'' tat ad 4 . ' '''. (x" "a s °I1 -11-' tearlvel,•000 inhabitants reprosentitig, • a • I • . " • - . a wide varie r ot races-Maliyse Ohl- n - • eee, Neoroes Hindus!, East Indians 1.1 p ' ' • a d epuans_ Eaellesaceestre ruler of • • • - Absolutely Sore . • Painless No „ cutting, no .. • CANADIAN.. SILVER COINS... .•• - , (Detroit Preeoleress) • . . , The trouble •with 'this Canaclianesilver IS tW0fOld,. It is often worn • dead STRAWBERRIES 50 varieties; Potspber- i ' 4 ries le varieties; Seed Po atoes, 10 varieties. ' Free catalogue. , THE LAKEVIEW FRUIT FARM ii. L. McConnell & Son; Port eiterwell. Ont. ' .. - •• "Svveet'emotherla ' elle . murmured ' Stillewitleehis palo hand caressing her beautiful heiree"sweet. •Inother, you bave faith, rktiota.1-lave,,.then a rad- lant faith. Believe thateln the better the linends_litte married a Malay wife - - • -' co Svdnev Ross the present King, is " - • - ' e. only one-quarter "'hit 1 e. Like his ire- teisae ii decessors, howevet-, etaus cl Freels teri n; awl in s., ite of' the` f - Y 13, e . D act taat mot of his subJects Moslems C lagers or ad to orns P p a press the sore sDot. PUTNAM'S EX- • TRACTOR makes 0 I rn. corn ga with- o out pain. Takes • out the still over - g night. Never fails -leaves no scar. Get ..de- faced, SO that Rib diffloolt to pais along and becomes a 'genuine • nuisance theite unlucky possessor. And. even new coins from the Domlulon are bractimilly valuee less if they ar I cl 80 11 ee 9...turtle_ na OS or•rnore away from th tom dary, because pee,- pie will net talce thena at all except in '1 - SEED CORN FOR SALE • For No. 1 Seed Cern of many yarieties matured and cured for • seed puree. o ' met or shelled. Apiely' t E 'e8 11 . o . DOUR)) If. TELMER, St Toachim, Ont, ' great e But he put his wasted arnaS around CHAPTER XXXVIT. neck and murmured.: . • . "Mother, motherr•sweetest name on In a moment all was . grief, terror earth." and confusion. The surgeon, the only • Then both were 'silent, looking into self-possessed person about the bed, each other'e GYM for a while, she sob- cleared the room of everyone excePt bing at . Intervals; lee . Witn his pale himself and the old nurse, Mrs. hued caressing hcr hair. 13ruce. . • But soen she discovered that there "No, your grace, he is not deadnor was another present waiting to wel- dying; but leis life depends Upon come their son. And nhe areso front quiet," he said in answer. to the her posture and said in a loW tone: questions of the agonized mother, as, "Your father, ray dear." e he led her out into the'halL ' '''' . And the duke came and Itaelt, and "Then heaven bleia • 'Ott for the silently embraced his fading boy. For Words," she said. - at first he could find no words to And he went back to • big patient. speak. Then, after sorne inarticulate And she paced up and, down the hall. murmurs of affeetion, lie said Witb 1vringing her hande and Moaning: 0 metch emotion: "Oh, my son! my son! Oh, my poor, "You know how it was that we lost poor boy! To find you, .only to lose. you so long, 7ny poor boy? You know, You! to see you die! Not to be able I hope, that neither 1" -his voice to make your futUre atone for your, faltered --"nor your dear mother" -he bitter past!" • ' • ellocited-" could have been so heart- "Dear Bglantine, do not WeeP gn -- less, so cruel—P Here. he broke bitterly," pleaded the duke, coming to down altogether. her" side. • • Benjamin took his hand and kissed "Ate if be had. had a haPpy life, e / it. could have better ,borne 'to see •hfril, "1 know all, dear father," he said. die! But he bee had such a -miser- "It was no 'one's fault; it was .my able, most miserable, life,• and nowelie raisfortune. It was kismet." . must die withoeit even. ever enlaYrtig "Kiemet! Ah, you have been in the happiness!" East. A Turk is killed in battle. He "Dear mother, it is not certain that •falls, crying 'Kismet,' and dies eon- he Will die. He may recover," said tentedly," said the oust% with that the young earl, coming up to her othee' strange mingling of irreleVant matter ewe. . . .-, — with the most soleinn business on hand, "Oh, 'W II os no orie ever lost se e r e, tbat we sometimes Meet in the most much blood and lived, His poor face. awful crises in life. Is white- as, snow! Oh, my child! niY,. "Yet I arta indeed no fatalist, dear child! Oh, my peer, wronged, dying mother," said Bezihy, tenting to the child!" she moaned, 'weeping and duchese, Whe geeened longing for a i - h - b d wring ng• er an s. glanee or a Word from her aew-found A thi 111 ne I t, th - - - e in. e t s o e I e surgeon,- a a, eon. . . out of the' Min,' evbiaperect, to .4..,ord' "No; for X ain sure you are too good - . el iininediately returned, a Christian to be that, tray bod;" she weig•ose, an , If I ' "What dfd the doctor ,etty? ow s said. , . , .• . s .- "I have heard of your gallant cori- Joust In hired the my. boy?" Max y..,.,o , . .. duct in the Crimea, n17 son; of your blether, .., "He is just heroism as Preleellteva, at Inkerrriaa, at the same. '•A nd th'e'doe- Sebastopol. YoU did honor to the tor wishes nte to telegraph. to ,Glari- for Dr Xer who 18 one of the name you bore there," 'eaid the duke, g°'w ' , proudly, inost-emthent surgeons of the dayy!' "I did but. My thitye' .raurieueee answered the young earl. • Benny. ' '"011,"deo' ett =at note! Lose neteeth itetant of tithe," Urged th . Otis "And where got you the Woand with e enXi - which you are Suffering how; my brave -mother,. ged Imodeet boy? At the taking of And the brother hurtled.; tottalez ' to Sebastopol, if I ha:ire heard aright-- dispatch ft, servant *with a xnessage.to - • . th n . 11 s anon. in plenting the cotorts ef your MO. 0 eareet telegran t 't ment on the walls, in the face of a Meanwhile the duchess tenttnued Murderous fire, Was every matt a• to pace uP and down the lean, Oecase hero that day also?" siOnally stopping to listeh ht the door "1 do not know," said Benny, mil- of the •sick rootn. • • • ,.. . The daily ilmeitie We . .• . , lug; "bat 1 do know that I never - 'ht oh Letneh* 1 ea e. should have hall the chime() of doing eon was 'anneunced at the elatia ne 1 What I did if it had not heft for .--" And the faintly stet dove eta tab.e; He pawed tine looked all around the but no one ate. . . , room until his eyes lighted on the' . Early in the atterno011 a telegrara form ,of tha Atari of Wellreee, ;deriding eanie Prete the Glitegoewasurgedh; in apart, and then his face gretv radient, atswer to the one that had been seat and he held out both his hands, For hint. Me would come down, he said, More than princely father 'or beautiful by the night train, and be it Setbie mother, lienny loved this dear brother, early the neet refitting. The eari came to him, smiling. . This was prornising news. '411 it had -,,t. been for him, my Later in the day tWe dotter brought father* Heaven laterve where 1 should 'to, report froth the eick roam. "The have been now:" said Timmy, clasping hemorrhage had entirellt teased; and his brother's hands. the patient had retovered froni his "Vire knoW all that he 1V1111 tO you, syncope, but was ea weak as lie My boy, even before he suspected you mum vosothly be to live." 1•11, 110 1114 brother. And note that, IIA "I's there, OILY 116110" tilmoet breath- • worne, your poor settee:- life will be loighter an4 happierfar than °e'en are ..1 • te e i• fi• '• • • ' t ice oe.s. n uence has been- so great that polygamy is unknown =one a 2.5e bbttle of PUTNAM'S CORN EX- TRACTOR totelay. the territo n' lit I 1 There IsrY ear e r P °°° of °I1g°' ' nothing derogatory to Canada In the effort tcl keep Its money ottt• ot ' ' ' • ' SEED CORN '' your dear eove could Goer make it . hey% Ilayo a, glad, radiant faith." . • '' •• •• s - them. • The Source.. dreulation on th s side of the interne fon- Al line .... If each country would trade eft with the other the alien bills Prize-winning Wisconsin No, 7; the best for er "Oh, _my condi my child! If you had had a' happy life, like all your - , ..... ., . wit tiara's•-tiniment Cures Dandruff. . • . "Frem where do cows get their milk? e money, and coin's that its neople are passing • f h d t h d t ul 1 rom an o - an , he res ting tots ,the silo. Geer R. West & Sona NorthwOod • ' R. R' e' '2•1' ' -••••••.,-oe - ' ' brothers and sisters, I think 1 could bettel• beat to let you go!" she sobbed, ' wieping bfit'erly, "Oh, oh, if I could ±aeould toll back the years, dear leVe1 • - ---. , . • ... „EP BUSY! : s- . • ttiraRtford Expositor) 'The present la .a, ' ume for exercising The little girl wished to learn. "From•Wbere do you get your tears, my dear?" , , . of currency Vioultl- probably be unof- feeted on both sides and everybody' would be better satisfied., We can each" take ottr .own and have' emeugh' for, all par- Donee. • • • • 4 • MURDERERS IN.COMFORT. - • • • fn. * ' , s -11 -tale News.) , /here are Pew" thIngsethat tend inore to •-kindo yonr dreadful past, and make that happy, I eOuld-I think I could bear to let optitifsxn and a spirit of mutual help- . e elelitems in order to keep as many men moteldye'd eo poesible. it Is a for better thitt.thee belning hand over the present • Her mother a„sleed in turn • - . .And then with widely opened eyees. Lifting her thildish brews, • 4 • lb MInard's Liniment • for Sale every- where, ' - 4, to • exasperate citizens atrUggling hard to Make a living, then to See an array of niuriderers supported for life in 'warmth ond comfort, deprived, it 13 true, their yen go." . "Dear Mother, can. any but Heaven do that?' Sweet mother, if you sorrow so • bitterly over my miserable past let that eorrow teach .you to 'Pity•lind 'enceor industrial etringeney should .come In this form than in that of charity, - and• that • cotizens generally*...should pursue, in 'a, reason bie way a- policy of liberalit Y th- ,Ileh f ' t 'I 1 • t ' ra et . an o re reit imen at this time. ' . e'a ' ' , ''011, mother," she asked in quick Bur- , prise,. ... • • . II Do they have to spank the cower -I•larvard Lampoon. . , Wellington's Reticence. . Welliegton's .reticence once drew' a protest from Lord 'Uxbridge, • the • 'lest ot Itheety though that may be regarded as precious to the honest and the ledustrie the citizen; it counts 'ter little with the hardened lioul thet another while in the takes 'the life of Oursult of crime, es - rectally as tt means only a fe wyears of the thousands and thousancle of • . , brilliant egvalry leader, WhO a• 'became restraint as- a rule. , poor, neglected, innocent:little oftes, e • leg at Waterloo and Marquis - - • . • Ruch as :I was •Onne, who ever7 'day- -ierish. of want, or live -oh, mother,' to grow up in ignorance,. vice arid Mis- er7, to fill the prisonssor to freights th0,, gallows. Sweet mother! you ' aree . , , a e . e. . o : It t, , e ,11. 'kee, e As , • erattelloiliiiiligeee4.4'1144. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,e.e. --4-,e-Weesee "it , • .A P' ''' • ' .1r4tA .e..e.ea,----„„eee. "1-i-•••-•'6 j'Tfilrf,,' a • : in° of Anglesey. On the eve of• the great battle 'Uxbridge, nithough next to Wellington in'tomniand, kneev noth- ing ef his chief's plane for the mete row's battle, With trepidations he PILES CUREll It ., . NOW AbsOt • r • •': ption : • - - . • • HOME by 0 thod very 'kith and powerful; save the chile • . MORAN .-.. •re e a ............ • ''"- "" ....... ragiiir 44 .......... .. .... i .... .. le Approached the Duke. If Wellington killed Uxbridge, • . . . • dren, for my sake, and I shall hot heave suffered and died in vain'!" 'he eald,.. and his brow grew radiant ase .. . - ant • • • ee - .. ' - ..l,iT.‘,.;'.;n.q,.:11 ' ''.'.1".:i';''.1.neX n t.,, wien•minr---- Ina lira a : mom : NIMIN . -.'-',"1" AV; - i neek,i, --t.f.:!iti . NON 'mums were = would become commander4n-chief. What was the plan? ' The duke 'likened patiently. It you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind ..or protrudin Pil g es,. send me „Itze:.face of an angel, - .. ' 4*re:eater. aaaft.20f•t • Palsegiellad "- ' --'''''''-'''''''''""'''''es'''''' .!sesesleaueert.... .erl, IA- = Mee 'Veil me Uxbridg V ill tt •k . e, no VI ft fie your address, and. I will tell vou how . .. •. . to eure home The chador came quietly to lead the' lady away. The interview, he evhisper-s ed, had been too long already. She stooped and kisaed her 1:thy's bright brow again'. and again, atlas ehen she, Went away. .' The doetoe came bank tO the bedeide, of Ms patient. .e. . , -. ''''l fro be Cotitiniteda '',, , ea . •••••• • ea. - ofiefeli .• , , o e. - ;MAC' your home more - • • attractive, and protect it .? • frbiri fire With these beat. - tiftilesanitarif ' ' . i., 'h . ,,I . l'e.... .44 M. t7 11. ' '9 •• '•''.'" * e a lc " 1w. — -1.4•.:•.. - ^se ' , -•.. - ... ...... etereotee, ey,-,1A r . . :,;;;.',*:, -, , ••—... - .:-•,•„. -'e •^-• • „„ . i ,:ii, ,,,;4'.e --,,,,,....„-.. '•:,•-•.• ,,, , - 4 :I; a -1,e" ,44,7 ee..e.eiletala. 1,4 ei.p.. N. • / / •, . . . 1 ...!, . -17 Z. al : y ••-t •, / • ,y / - , •;. .••• , , -,;: the firet te-morrow-I er Bona- pertel" "Tentionbeedky Bonaparte.a 'd.:VV611, ' Benaparte hasn't given.' me i elle ..dea of his projects, and' AA my pland depend tipon ltis planes how ' can you expect me tO tell you miner Uxbridge bowed, and Was abont to - retire, When the duke added in the friendlieet way: "There's; ;hie thing yourself at by the new absorptren treatment; and will also • send Senna of this bottle treatment free for trial, with.- references fronl• Your own locality if requeetee. Immediate relief. and permanent cure assured. ' ' Sead no money, but tell otliers of tbiti . . offer. Write- toeclaef to Mes. M. Sanimere, tiox r. 2., Windsor, Ont. e • •.-- .e, e.'f:,. ....• .:., ...,, , .. ••,,, • "Hoist With Ais own Petard " :::, - t :, • .. -.. . • . . • Ceilings and Walls, . . . certain, tabridge, Whatever happens; • you aind / Will do. our dnter," •• . • *.* ., - 4 • up, . , PUlleti011. of Literature; , 'The oile'atIrt Of Metaphor that ougW , ' . • They ,will out --last the building and are very inexpen ita•ve. They can bh brightened ' , from year to year with a little paint gtt a trifling cost. Made in imattnerable beautiful '' . Mlnird'a Liniment Curtie Eiurni . eto , ... • ' de . . "A. book," Said' Dr. 4ohttson, "should shiny. one either how' fo eider nal or to ,,; his -or .7 of tna 1 t to oet tniced in a t te a„ . • j . ''' ' 'ilitory metaehor Howevet',/ war is a nt . . , , . ,„ - , e • : • . . when nistories oathe war beget'. to ap- : . . . -.... _ .., . . . , . • t be pear alereatglit aftet tht, war gm,,, either the Writer or the printer has- to . set elbeeze .much In haste, That no 'doubt eapiains Why Veo read irt ono of' • .desi fis suitable t I ti n be e ecte - ld e a- well aS in . g , oal s !gaol rooms. Ca r d over o Oast r a • a mew bolldIngs.• Write or catalogue. . , _ • . We astialselans estaphsteliss of Sheet lideteillelittinit %fetish. 9 • ...'" .' THE METALLIC R.(100FING CO., LIMITED . hilanufacturera • . kingend Dufterie Sts TORONTO 797 N to A WINNIPEG . ,. _ •• etre' arne ve., ., • • • • , ' . .......:,......• ••• • .-.• -- . ••!.-.•:-• • •• • ••••• • ... - • ••-•••• ...:.•4,-, .••••w.,,.€••. A...=• •-• . es . - ' ';' •' Alleged Scottish Kings. • Jests innumerable have been showen ed 'upon the hundred portratts of al- leged Scottish kings, With a strong family likeness, esipecittlly aboUt 'the nose, which lidern. liolyrood-Ichigs, ae Scott says, "who, if they ever •*flobrieh. ei•ideire it." 'Was ever 'eunettoft of 11tera- titre expressed -more pungently' or just - ly? Any Men Who erojoye or endures has a right to speak if he tan. If . he tan't help others to ehjoy or endure he has a right ,to, speak _ if he deubts as to his part in life, 'while if 110 cannot eestati- eally °Woe, he ean at least good humored - ly endure.,-. A. C. Benton in Century Ma - tine ' • Ma- • • . theee headlong bittoriee that Gerniany: tt a. certain ,point of her dirdothatic career "icund herself hoisted Iv heir own petard." The writer (or printer). Mud have _thought that a petard waS . it sort ot elevatet, Shakespeare who o eoined ' the fiettliOrtal lellrese was • . id - l• ' amused by•the ea of the lei Wiry en- , - ... . . .., goneero 1,01st With hie own .petara .. .. __ . * ••• ., • Wine , Sall to Creator. . - . . - I. at t t ' h to ,_Like the la 6 Je, lerpon II strganoes e, Dearth W. Hunnicutt, a wegiltitY Atlanta citizen, clime to dra.w his will he reeog- .nized in the preamble the merit of the atopeni. 6 9f Christ. Mr. Hunicutt died ec nu • att the age et 82 and Jet will Was ' fie (if r probate reeeetlye he breath- 6 ere 0 hio RAM . ,./ cam, •vv,.„ Hunnicutt, do Make and - ' CIIME'SE sxucE ON TOAST. ' • '. Z level tibteeptionk butter. • 2 10V0I tAbletp0One &Mr. . 1/4 level teaspoon salt. . • • Speck pepper, ' . .._ 1 Cup 'milk. .. lea dap grethel cheeee. - • - Melt butter,, flour, stir 'until ed at alL need several bent:lied years before the invention of Painting in bil- melees." The late Mr. W, Collitzlitte reealle the• Loiedon Chronicle, had a stores of a visitor who gravely, inquired of the old woman, who .010We:id hini oveeethe Wiese "DM you de these?" She ehook her head as grievelee and he Added, "You' height liteveLdethe better?! - FACTORY CLEARANCE . . Irr, 0 .., i 0., ..r. POr• Repairs, or New ' ' Fer' SALE , , 6 N, Roof e. • • I A-tnat .s, otetwn Up 'W 1 a on. itli 1 i or letenth:' A netaed evas a Sea Of bomb - i th r t in d t t nt ug ith Is, my es ev an es ame 0 gereby declaring any trust let the merit of the, &toning blood. of the Lorde•Joeue add Perfectly illii0Oth, etir ill the milk, and .•... . Minardni Lielment Relieves Neuralgist Reit C 108 Sq. red. ...I,! , . ... , ee ..,„ need foe such Work tie vibrant* 414 gatee Or 'deore. , , . ,e ,, e , , ' Christ for the salvation of my Noulexhieh e commit to the.God Who gave it,, - . The Hualnieutt estate, veltied at o mil- cook stirring consts..ntly until it boils, • add salt, pepper and cheeee, etir until .eheese melts; IserVe on pieces of toast • • "0.111MINALs 'IN THE MAKING.0 ' • tribatte) Complete with nails and' cement. 'Paid. .. '1' ' ' At toston, five thematuid urtempleyed Iyion ot• more, evill be shared equally bY flys heirs. . a '" e -6 or wit er . • . '..e.a.:-...1 ' "...ea"' '- ' (dhitsgo • ,,. • The captUrti• end' tenteasion of the ht;Y "auto e . Freight , ASPHALT PELT HOOFING men arid Women sterreed the stage elie trance of a theatre in artawer 0 ad. vertiseneente calling for 10 Men end a few women to act ae "supers." Dar. . ing the rush ,two of the men fainted from exhaustien. CORIS Were torn, hate Were broken under Met and the . , o iv, ' . ,,, . 1 X ,,,r ,,, ao 1 ye' , And 4 . .e- ..e.e.., teel'e'earetez 0. 4 1. t-ir e.- N riot NLA ,...,,a,.... rover . . .. pinkeye, shiporia • Li Fe.41' Ee'xtietle . y i ail dime -tee of the horses •effectime his thfoitt, speedily Meat' eats ahd horses' in RAW etable kept from Waving bandits." Wholle serisatiOnal 6X-• Ploite the other day &Maud the city, furiliish another' illuatratlenr4f one • be. needed -741f the trogic truth that, In the words quoted in theist, coluritn* riot .101114 sinte froth a i•epeet by Prof. Gault of the Northwestern university. Juvenile debit, Climate and Street. idlers and Iottfere a e "eel/Meals III the making." What ra • ' . . 100 per cent, Saturation... Centitalhe no -Tar or Paper . Lowest price for Puro Asphalt, Ilbefing wirer offere•d I ' ' - ad n Can st. 'Send for Free Sample ...woo.. polite had tO be tailed to atop the confusion when the stage door *a* . opened, Th . hundred or mere wm. inebehad ket , smart front the tiled add .t .* them by using SPOHN'S DISTEMPEIII. coltiPattleD. s , 40 to 0 doeys often cute. Otai bottle guarantsed to cute OAS , , ,. .0 46p ease. Safe fin' brood mem, haby teats, stallions -cell ages 4“-, < and eonditione. Most akttifut adientitic •cortmound, An )" trio GO druggilit. . • - ilt RAMA Ai Al A ritA. A I ,04.A. tieleakiieekalie tene.le a A V *A 1 1 6 A ehymi, one rammer story, otter Am poeyeeem tee% Itielnum Anti.ntintfinga. e, cletttee remark lee a. nreftstionti of- fender, entertained inatinet for --sport arid excitement, Misdirected tirtinlai Spirits, • A nig ii 11nien11 AY lenvel I•kii•t•nrnei ei Allifittehi. Af . .. . Tht Iltkilid ay Comps ny. LI& Factory tilittributere. 1404.ILTON -CANADA. f knows your position lie is ready to les ly fiq 1 't ditch $8. leers Xtot I th rush. f O. O re• 4 1