HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-18, Page 60- 0 THE VIN GlIAM, -.AD VA NCE amparimatmazonewainastaismsalmism 001•0011.100.10..••,.,.,..,,,•w......... I� ie .�R IlisProprietaryo•IttestMedicine/1 A1'ggetable Preps of nferAs•• silnitating iheFuod andRe ,i taJ linglhe $tontachsand Uowelssr rm,AN' Tela tit*: PromofesDigeslionCheerfi>I•' Me ss and Res t.Contains nelihci Qpiurn.Morphine norMincral: NOT NARC.0TIC. 1; Rirtf rofoldDr 4MA7GPITQJJt Ampkin Send' J4,2(!s- afiasetad argsgrEgalttadito Rim Sta. aieen77airr. • iipei'fecl Remedy forConSi In• i sloe.• SourSlomach,0iarrhoeai Worms.Convulsions.Feverish• tress and LOSS OFSLEEIt FticSimile Signature of 7tlE cm•rnam COMPANY MONTREAL&NEW YORK Atb.snrt�n�li,s''olxt;`� �- 354=4-7356. STORIA :for "Enfants and Children. Tho Kind You Naas Always Bought Bears the. Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. STORI THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. SEEDS SEEDS Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa Clover, Canadian and Northern Grown Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass and all Permanent Pasture Grasses. All ,No. x Government Standard, we handle nothing else. Bran, Shorts, Best Grades Flour, all kinds of Grain bought and sold. Special prices to farm- •ers•clubs. Buy your seeds from us and insure a good catch. The Old Reliable Seed House J. A. Mills Canadas Hair Fashion Store GLENN CHARLES Hair Goods Our Miss Glenn will be in Wing ham, Saturday March 20th, at the .Queen's Hotel with a full line of HAIR GOODS, including , SWITCHES, BANGS, PARTINGS, PIN CURLS,- TRANS- FORMATIONS, The New' MOTOR FRONT, etc. MENS WIGS and TOUPEES We are pleased to demonstrate our goods. Ladies desirous of having Glenn call -at residence kindly leave address at hotel. - Clenn Charles, 100 King S You Can Help Keep Canadian Factories Goirig by buying Canadian -made goods. . Your money re- mains In Canada, keeping Canadian working people employed. Kellogg's • Toasted Corn Flakes is the only article bearing the KELLOGG *name are is "Made in Canada," All others are made outside of country and do not help our working people. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN CANADA Kollogg'sToasted Carn Flakes mad. in London, Ontario, Canada The Second Comm (By Rev, Will am Ashley Sunday) "Then we which are alive and re- main shall be caught up together Ivith them in the eloude, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord, Wherefore Com- fort one another with these words,—" I Thee. 4:1748. The meeting here mentioned is to be the greatest meeting the Bible tells us anything about. There bave been some wonderful meetings, but never has there been one to compare with f.hie. It was a wonderful meeting the ;children of Israel had on the shore of the Red Sea, after Pharaoh's pursuing host has been destroyed. in the angry waters, and Miriam,, the prophetess, with her timbres, led the people in 'singing, "Sing ye to the Lord, for be hath triumphed' gloriously;. the horse and his rider bath he thrown into sea ' (Ex. 15:24 And it was another great meeting they had at the foot of Mount Sinai, when the law of Gcd was given to them amid thunders and lightnings, and fire and smoke. That was a greet meeting, too, on Mount Carmel, when Elijah, the sturdy Tiehbite defied the prophets of Baal; and that was a great meeting where David danced before the ark of God, as it was borne into Jerusalem. It was a great meet- ing when Solomon dedicated the' Temple,• and the glory of the Lord came upon the people, and those were great meetings that were held on the banks of the Jordan, when Jeru salem and all Judea went out to hear the man who dressed in camel's hair and wore a linen girdle, and lived on locusts and wild honey. It was a wonderful meeting when J u s u s preached the Sermon on the Mount, and another when he fed the multi- tude with five loaves and two fisbee. And that was a great meeting on the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit came like a rushing mighty wind, and under Peter's preaching about three thousand were converted. ' All these were great meetings, and any number of others have been held, both in former times and in our own day. Those were great meetings in the early days of Methodism, when Wesley and Whitefield preached to great multitudes in the fields. Those were great meetings when multitudes were flocking to hear Finney and Moody; and great meetings have since been held by other great evangelists all around the world. But no meet- ing has ever been field'anywhere or in any time that could begin to compare in importance with the greatest of all meetings that is to be held in the air, when our Lord comes to make up bis jewels. That meeting is the one 'for which all others have been prepariug the way. It will be the crowning meeting of all history, The purpose of all that has been done inthis world up to the present time has been to prepare for that great meeting in the air. From Adam mankind has been marching. step . by step, up a ,grand stairway leadingdirect to that meethag in the air. The call of Abraham was one step toward it, and Jacob and bis twelve sons were another. Joseph ruling in Egypt was another; the deliverance under Moses another; the oonqueet of Canaan under Joshua another, and so on with every event in sacred history. It was for this Jesus suffered on the cross to make atonement for sin. It was for this he arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, where ho took his place at the right hand of the Father. It was fur this the Holy •Spirit came; at Pente- cost and it was for ills that churches have been•orgatizs And.�missionariess sent to the endo of the earth. - These things have all been done to prepare the way, and lead up to the meeting which is so graphically described in the text. - It was for this meeting God made his plans before he laid the foundations of the earth, and it was of this meet- ing he was thinking before the morn- ing stars sang together. We are not told when Juane will come but we are told that his coming is sure, and we are charged to watch for it. Yet the church today shower as little concern about his ;"coming again as hie `disciples did about his going away. All of .this is fully in accord with Peter; "There shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, saying, Where is the promiseof his coming, for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they:were from the beginning until. now?''—II Peter 3:3.4. • Jesus not only. foretold .hie going away, but charged his followers to expect his return, and be ready for it: "Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth tome. Therefore, 'be ye also ready, for in Such an hour ae ye think not the Son of Mano h —lt,i 4:42-14, cmet att,2 Every time we lift the communion cup te. our lips we "do show forth the Lord's death till he come." There is no prophesy needing to be fulfilled before Christ Comes. Jesus Haid: "This gospel Of the Kingdom shall be preach, ed in all the world Inc a witness Unto ,.,sI1 nations; then shall the end come." -Matt. 24:14. There is not a nation on the face of the earth that hart not had the Gospel preached within ite bounde. the r sot t of Christ E' is t i These .end n ng b i t eropbatic doctrine of the New Testa. meet. It is mentioned and referred to more than three hundred and fifty i h>aitlr ytq t•1sis Wet Mk' bi • i hiatal members "lever heard a sermon= the subject; that is the reason they think so little o I k to f looking ing is the matter themselves, The church makes much of baptism,but in all of Paul'sepistles baptism is only mentioned or referred too thirteen times, while the return of the Lord is mentioned sell times. This certainly. ,bows which he con- eidered the most important. McObeyne, the great Scotch preach- er, ante said to one of his friends. , . "Do you think Christ will Dome back .to -night?" One after another they sad, "I think not;" then he solemnly repeated; "Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come* Therefore, be ye also ready. for in such an hour ay ye think not the - Son of Man cometh," --, Matt, 22;42-44. With such admonitions as this, what right have we to be unconcern- ed about it and eay, as many preach- ers do. "It is nothing to me; I take no intetett in the subject whatever.' Who would care to travel on a train, where the engineer would never read his order*? Who would ride on a ship where the captain never looked at the compass? You may call it rubbish, but the disciples called it the "blessed hope." "Why call ye me Lord, Lord and do not the things I sale" If Jesus had said, "I will not retutn for two thousand years," nobody would have begun to look for him be- fore the time was near, but he expecte his followers to be always looking for his return, Just as Simeon and Anna watched and waited for bis firet com- ing, so we ebould be watching and waiting for his return. It is not enough to` say, "Oh I'm a Christian; I'm all right." We are not all right unless we obey the command to watch. for it is certainly as much of a com- mand to look for the coming of the Lord as it is to keep the Sabbath holy. Nothing else will do so much to keep us right where we should be in our religious experience. Knowing that the bank examiner may drop in at any moment keeps many a cashier from becoming dishonest; • • A little more than twenty years ago Mr. Moody called a convention of Christian workers to meet in Chicago, and that convention was in session there in Moody's church for 2 months and out of it came the great Bible Institute. The daily program was to spend the forenoon at the church in prayer and Bible study, and the after- noon and evening in doing practical Obrietien work, A man who was my eesistant some years• ago attended that convention. Ilse told me t hat one day Mr. Moody asked him to go down. among the .anarchists, in the bard part Of Chicago,and hold 'a meeting there. "Do the best you can," said Mr. Moody, "and some night I'll come down and help you." My friend said that promise was a continual incentive to him to keep up hitt courage and do his very beet. Be didn't know when Mr. Moody would conte- and so be looked for hint every night, and the' harder time be had, the harder be hoped and looked. This shows how the constant expectation of the com- ing of Jesus will inspire and encourage us. A great merry gay, "I believe the millennium, will come first, then Christ will some at the end of it." What people think has nothing to do with it, but what God says has everything to do with it. Many have missed rail- road trains because they believed they would come at a time that did not ,correspond with the official time card. You will stee God's time card if you carefully read the Bible. Not a word I can be found in the Bible that gives the slightest hope of the millennium tbefore the return ofrie • u t Christ; but y lean and plenty of yereee that tells you to look for the coming of the Lord fret. As we look back over the two thou• sand years since Christ, bow far we seem to be away from the time when the will of God shall he done on earth as it is in heaven, Every edition of the press seems to make it clear that the devil is still having his way. Look at the reign of wickedhees in our great cities in both high life and low. No college has ever yet made a saint. or ever will. Educatiop may improve conditions; but it can never change or cleanse the heart. Look at the luke- warinnees and• indifference in the churches everywhere, and see what many of them are compelled to resort to in order to keep from going under. See to what schemee and dodges and foolishness some preachers have to resort to to get anybody to go and hear them. There can be no millennium until Jesus comes; it is his presence that makes the millennium. You might as well talk of daylight not coming until tht nun goes down, The millennium cannot begin until Satan has been bound in the pit, Nothing is m»t certain than that the glory of (red shall cover the earth, but it will be after Jesus comes. Many have au idea the world will grow better and better until the.com- ing of the millennium, and everybody will he converted, and yon bear that stuff preached, but the Bible does not ec trash, teach any such r On the day before the flood there were no doubt many people who weal sincere in thinking that the world win growing better. and yet it was so hope. lesely. wickrdtbat God bad to destroy it Some of the men who married h•. to the family of Lot may have made the same olaina:for'Sodom. only a day or two before its destruction; no doubt Lot's wife was of the same opinion. On the day before the crucifixion there were men in Jerusalem who un- doubtedly agreed with each other that the world was growing better. T ritish a.vy. (REGISTERED) - ood.-as TippeiaryI iff" The world will grow worse and wcrse. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and ;the flood came and destroyed them . all, Likewise also as it was in the days ,of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same day tbat Lot went .out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thug shall it be in the day when the Son' of Man Is revelled.. (Luke 17:22 30.) Lawlessness, vice and cr-ime will increase; communism, nihilism, anarchy, adultery, divorce, grsft,, all will continue to grow until they will finally ripen into the auti-Christ, (To be continued) • af11•01011101801— ' egmewgeeras COUNTER CHECK BOOKS j There is no need of sending your orders for counter check books out of town. I We oan'fill orders prompt- ly at prices that will defy competition. Ask to see our samples. They are the very latest thing 'in the line and can be bad in blue, black or red ink. No difference in the price. 1 1 Wingham Advance Wingham, Ont. eseesteroursesAssimaannet "MAD.111 IN CANADA" Your ho me merchant will back up ourr guarantee on this splendid range. Ask to see ¶CIarfs 12 a and let him demonstrate its many exclusive features to you. A McClary dealer in every town. VI j R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghtn. Ladies and Gentlemen If your hair is thin, faded or discolored, or if you are bald, if you would make your appearance attractive and youthful and benefit your health and comfort. besure you see the Dorenwend Company's won- derful display of quality hair goods at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, on Thurs- day, March 18th. Switches, Braids, Trans. formations, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of unsurpassed quality hair andwork. manship. Also Dorenwend art hair tou- pees for bald men, including the famous sanitary patent structures. You are of- fered a free deirionstratibn of tiny' style• Remember the date, Thursday, March 18. 6ENITO-URINAARI NERVE -SI aF;.j BLOOD MEW, Fence Facts By PAGE Of Course— If we felt to "high and mighty" to deal DIRECT with Farmers— We could biro a Sales - manager for $3500 a year— He could hire an Organ- izer for Blockman) for $3000- The Blockman could hire Agents, and Dealers on 20% to 30% commission, and of- fer "free excursions" to the dealers who Bold the most fence at the highest price— And finally the Agent or Dealer would sell you the fence for whatever he thought you'd stands. Naturally --if we tool() that way—our prices would have to be 25 to' 611 /e 0 4 higher. than at present. Or the QUALITY of our Fence would have to be lowered. (Made in Canada) Because PAGE QUALITY Fence simply cannot be sold for .less than our price<. In feet, only PAGE can give.;,euch high quality at such- low.. cost We sell DIRECT 'Teem- Vector), to Parra -with only one small proat between YOU and US, When you buy from the • Dealer—you help to pay fat salaries to the Baleemanager a n d Blockman — fancy profits and "free excursion" to Dealers and Agents. They the fence—but not one cent to its actual value. Either you must GIVE MORE—or GET LESS. We KNOW—be- cause we've sold both ways. And we'd ras ther sell DIRECT TO YOU every time. In this way, we can give you the HIGHEST QUALITY Fence at the very lowest cost. We can cut out all middlemen's expenses and proate—and give you REAL VALUE for your money. When you buy through add•j5O% to the COST of the t dealer or "direct" from department -stores,' von give dollar -bills for 50c. worth of fence. When you buy DIRECT from' the PAGE Factory, you veil to yourself—pockets ocketa the middlemen's pronto— and get the bigge'actual value Inctor your cast"." Don't 'give dollar bills .. for. 50c, Don't pay PAGE prices for in- ferior fence. Mail your next order to the nearest • PAGE BRANCH -•• and get the BEST FENCE at the LOWEST COST. IMMEDIATE S It I P- M E N T S from stook— FREIGHT PAID on $10 orders and up. 'PRICE LIST ' HEAVY F>rNGE NO. of stays adactng ?,tee m old Wu 1(011611 lathesr/ ethorleont.l. Ont.rlo 5 37 . 22 8 - 9, i0 10 ........................... $0.21 6 40 ' 22 6 7, 811 9 9 ' .24 7 40 3 . �f.� , 7. 7{, 7L5, s .26 • 41 2' b,' 63$ 7 ; 4, 10, 10" .26 $ 42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. 6 .29 8 42 •. 1611 6, '6, 6 6, 6, ter 6 .31 { 47 22 4, 5, 5t1, 7, 8, , 9, 9 .30 8 '. 47 164. 4, 5,.6 7• • a4, 9, 9. .32 9 48 22 6 6 6 6 6 6 •34 • 3 9 r . . . , , .31 9. 52 i6?- +1, 4, 5,. b 7, 8ii, 9 9.36 10 48 16 •,•53, 3, 3.'4, •' 11, 7, 7. 73', 8 .38 10. . 52 1663, 3, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7 814. f1, 9 ; q•.35 11 •• 55 1 a 3, 3,•3;3; 4, 51 , 7; 84, 9, 9 ••.41 Ntw.Cestarlo prleM oa,Rteuest. ,AI.it FULL No. 9 GAUGE 4S 164 6, ga 6,�6, 6,.6, 6, 6 52 22 445'9b!'78?!9.9 SPECIAL PENCE N6.0 too sea bottom. Balance No. 1 . UDrlt:tlte 8 lncheo 60art. i8 -bar, 43 -inch $0.46 20 -bar, 60-incSi .51 3 -ft. Gate ........ ....... ..... ........-2.30 12 -ft. Gate 4.35 13 -ft. trate 4.60 14 -ft. Gate 4.85 Set tools 8:00 25 lbs. noise Wird .75 25 lbs: Stapler. ........80. ltttl;tCttr Plan 0i9 ORDERS e!''...001/ 310.00 OR OVER PA'SIRE PEOE Cf e 'DBIIAIiTMENT N 43 `LTD 113/ Kin St., Wert, WAUKERVILLE 1'! 81 Church St. ° 7'ORON1O . .Il J Watches,Diamonds ...Jewelry... lr_.. ... r Silverware:a't.and' Cut Glass, Gold and 'Silva., Headed Umbrellas. . Whith Ivory • and Ebony Manicure Sets, Sta- tionery, Pennants and Post Cards Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty Phone 65 A. M. KNOX 0 Watch Repairing a Specialty csooto©©©00000Ooe�tOoo©o©0000ce Good Dress Goes Hand in Hand with Good Manoors Let your raiment be neat and cho2en with good taste. It should be stylish, but not at the expense of coinfort, Choose Fabrics of character and put your trust in brood Tailor 'When you leave your order with us, you can rest assured that your garments will be made to your own personblity.. ' Yolir patronage solicited ' ' Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Ontario Wingham- '� EUMATISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of'SoLAOE in cases of rheumatism, neural- ' lgia; headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand- people SoLA.(lE has restored to health, or the. word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in. thei'r'piactice .;�- Just write us for a FREE BOX and testiinotiiale from,;Doetors, Druggists and In- . ^cliv,iduals. Also SoxAOE remedy for NSTIPATIOIdI (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work' surely but pleasantly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs, Neither affects the heart or stomach -britt helps them. --To prove the wonderful curative power of SoLAotl remedies write for P REE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., 'Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A- , Ma ..omen its iiy_W with dl$figtll'sii COIi1pleXI011S never seem to think that they need at; occasional cleansing inside as well'as outside. Yet neglect -of lect-of this interna bathing.shows itself in epotty, and eeltow complexiona—as well as in dreadful headacheeand biliousness. It'{beeat se the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without aseistthtce. The best remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy a ctivit y, remove fermentation,gntlY cleanse the etcinixhand bowels and tone the whole digestive syetefn. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and suney in the tllorning. Get Chamberlain's today ---druggists 20c., or by tnail.from t Chainherlsir; litaitioino Company, Torpnt• s 13