HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-18, Page 5NEW
Columbia Records
for February
On Sale To=day
85c 85c
-U P— —UP—
-IIPNo records offer the same value --none wear so long
as the famous Columbi•.;. Double Disc Records.
They are the best Records on the market to -day.
The name Columbia stands today for the best records on the mar-
ket. And that in every detail, In the Columbia Record you have
the best record it is poi dble to get at auy,price. Y. to have the fin-
est ree.ording, years ahead of any other. Yon have many of the
biggest and best artists and bands, most of them exclusive. And
in Columbia you have a record which will unfailingly WEAR
TWICE AS LONG as any other make—no.matter what you pay.
It is those combined points of superiority the have made Columbia .;
supreme today—the best records and the biggest ,value (only., 86..
cents.) No other regords dare make such specific claims, be-
cause no other records can prove them. If you are not acquainted'
with Columbia Records get the demonstration denble disc for 30
cents (15 cents extra for postage).
. Feb. Records on Sale Today
AU Double Disc Records—a Selection oil tach aide Sister •Suisie's
Sewing Shirts for Soldiers - • - $1:00
By the Originator, AI. Jolson
Tip Top Tipperary Mary - • • • 85c
When You Were a Tulip • • • . 85c
The Ball Room (Funnier than "Cohen on the Phone") • 85c
When You're a Long, Long Way From Home • - 85c
Arrival of British Troops in France • = - . • 85c
This is a splendid descriptive record, Be sure to hear it
Including Latest Fox Trots,One Steps,Tangos, Maxixes, etc.
Columbia Records Made in Canada --Fit any Sta>rtdard Machine,
You can get. Columbia grafgialas !Inc) Records froth
Agents wanted where not already represented. Apply to
Wholesale Distributors, .Music. Supply Company,
36 Wellington Street, E. Toronto.
Toys n Property For Sale.
The dwelling and property belong-
elonging tc, the estate of the late Mrs Hugh
Hamilton, being Lot one on the
North tide of Victoria Street, Leet
& Davies Survey, and lot 79 on the
Best side of Francie Street, L -et &
McKay's Survey, Wingham For
pat ticulare apply to James Hamilton,
or to the undersigned.
R. Vanetone, Winghtim
Dated Marsh llth, 1015 25.97
Look at your label.
Culross Council. .
Town Hall Teeswater, March 10th
I915 Council met to -day as per mo-
tion of adjournment of last -meeting.'
The ■temhere all present, the •Ree'
in the chair. The rninute� cf the 'lee'
meeting were lead and sustained.
Case—Donaldson—That Bylaw No.,
2 3 for 1015 being Bylaws appointing a
B.aM of M allh, and the several paid
Officers of the Township having re
ceived the necessary readings. Thar
they be now finally passed, sighed and
McPherson—Donaldson—That the
clerk ldtyertize for tenders for an op-
erator for the Grader at the rate of
$2.25 per day, tenders to be in by the
Am day of April,—carried.
Case--Dortald-on—Thar, we appoint
the Reeve and Medical Health Officer
to tuveetigate into the condition of a
family living on lot 15, Con 1 as we
have been informed that their health
is not in good condition, and the fam-
ily in destitute circumstanced. They
to take such steps as they think necee-
eery, to carry out the Public Health
Act as required by Statute, at ,next
Armstrong—Case—That as an agi-
tation is on hand ar the pr'eaent loth
to build Hydrn Beet ric Rairw„y
through the country. That we join
the Hydro Eleatic Commission and
pay the fee of $2 00, and keep in touch.
with the movement apd that the
Reeve be appointed to act on behalf
of this corporation.
A vote on the motion being called
for it was voted on as follows:—
For the motion—Armstrong, Case
and Kuntz, against the notion—Don-
aldsou, McPherson.—motion carried,
Report of Reeve, re Ratio., E:. t
R. Y. Since our last tneetiog I i e.
ceived a, communication from our instep
re Hydrn Electric Railways and a con-
vention was called for the 24 h alt, at
Toronto which I did attend in com-
pany with Mr. John S. Armstrong.
At this meeting the benefits' of Radials
lines were thoroughly di -cussed he
such able wen as the Hon, Ad.a.ru
Beck, chairman of the Hydro.Eleetric
Commission, President Lyons of
Guelph, Mayor, Church of Toronto
and others all of whom expressed
themselves that Radial lines would be
the greatest benefit to Rural Munici-
palities. Some of the Speakers main-
tained that land value would increase
nearly double their preseot value,
It 'vas pointed out that. the Dominion
Government .had made grants to its
Railways in eubsidies to the extent of
$2130,000,000 and the Hon. Adam Beck
says the same Government should
make substantial grants to these
roads, and it is his proposed that a
Monster delegation should go to Otta-
wa during this session and interwiew
the Government on these lines in
which every munit ipality should be
represented. It appears to use that
this municipality should work unceas-
ingly to have a line run through this
locality and reap the benefice derived
I would therefore reccontmend that
this council should join with the otber
municipalities and pray that the Hyd-
ro Electric Commission Quill run a line
t.hropgh this rzquicipality
Your humble servant, E G. Kuntz,
Report re Mud River.
When I was in Toronto attending
the Hydro Electric convention I inter-
veiwed the Hon. the Minister of Pub-
lic Works, through the courtsey of
W. P. Cargill M. P., regarding the
Teeswater river I found the Hon. gen-
tlemen very interested in the scheme,
And promised to send an Engineer
crow his department to look over the
{round early in the spring. I explain-
ed to him the to•called Lippert and
I'nowpson Bar, whim le one of thw
,,ttnctpal ohstructioue, and asked btiu
o grant eufficena money to have it re•
teov'd•, which he promised has utru,ast
eonsideratton and further said the , e•
quilt was a reasonable one. Bac blur•
ed that°under the. present struggle it
is almost.impoesible to underdake any
such work ais dodging the whole of
the river, but- -uWight; undertake to re•
move the Bar. 'I would recommend
Handy Relps for
Spie and Span Gomes
Of course, you are going to "Paint Up”
this spring. There's tho.bedroom, parlor or
dining room wall to be re -finished.
There are Floors to 1?e painted, stairtSd,.
'v4nished' b`r waxed.'' here' : tp
�It•L,int3{eto Ile. � , . ti painted,
sic _._t± �. .0 -*a4.. Parli
h�! its Tc•Filinitire and Woodwork to
be 'brightened!)
Hero are 'sic " SPIC AND SPAN"
FINISHES that we can freely recommend
for this work
luNEU-TONE" Flat Tints for the wa11>sl
"WOOD LAC" Varnish Stains
"WARBLE -ITE" Floor Varnish
"LIQUID WAS", for hardwood floor'
"SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT", the old reliablo
"VARNOLEUM", to beautify and preserve Oil
Cloth and Linoleum,
We know` that these Finishes are the
best of their kind. They are "Made in
Canada"—and We guarantee that you will be
perfectly satisfied with the results you get
when you use any, or all, of them.
You'll soon be putting up Pickles and Preserves.
You'll need labels for' the jars. Coosa is add get
a set of Riot Jar );.*kelt--printed mid gummed;
We givo thew foe to our !roads.
that the matter be kept before them
and an ultitlaate result will Le sure to
follow, --Yours, E. G. Kuntz.
Janice; Day inspecting sheep killed
by dogs, $1 50; Jatnee Day cutting ice
a,. htidge, $2 00; Winghaw Advance
bal. nrintiug $20 00; J C. Little print-
ing Nomination bilis, $1.75; Alex Don
aldeon fixing pitcholes, 75e; Jas. Arm•
strong fixing pitcholes, 75c; N, Melvin
plowing gravel road in winter, $4.50;
Woe. Case 100Ibs flour for indigents,
$3 80
Case—Armstrong—That the finance
report ae now read be adopted and
order's issued on the Treasurer fur
payment of the arentrute,--carried
The ()outsell then adjuui mid to Wee
again on April 7th or at the call of
the Reeve.—Chas, Buttoh, Clerk.
Better Canadian
Calves and chickens come before
babies in these days of higher educe-
+ine Theesendq nr dollars are spent
r,v •n' G •eernrrtents to teei;h tta how
rn sere fey' and Pell calves and chick•
en �, but dirt vnu ever hear of nne Bol
ler being spent to teach Canadian
mother', bnw to ears for their babies
either before or after birth?
Thnnaanda of habitat die every vea.r
heennge their mothere do not know
how to care for their children, Hnw
many calves or ehirkens die from the
same reasons? Not many. Why?
Because we have made a study of
their requirements and know how
they should be cared for, and because
our Creator bas given them the power
to help themselves to a certain degree
almost from birth.
Br+tiles not being able to help them
eeiVPs, there is a,l) the more reason
why mothers shnu)d fit themselves to
help the babies. What chance have
habiee to become',.healthy Canadian
citizens if mothere do not know' how
to care for them?
Our Gnvernmentn spend thousands
of dollars to deal with hog cholera,
hut where is there a dollar spent to
stamp nut tuberculosis in babies?
Even the doctors do not seem to
study the hahy; their time in taken up.
doctoring Quite that, had they been
given proper care when babies would
have grown up healthy.and strong and
would not have needed' a doctor so
Babies are not born "strong" or
"weakly"; they are born just ea their
mothers brought them into the world,
and even the weakest little mortal can
he mesde healthy and strong if ite
mother will only use common sense
and good judgement in the care of her
Mothers should join in the move-
ment for Better Canadian Babies and
learn from those who have made a
study of babies just what to do and
what not to do to have them grow up
healthy, happy children.
Ernmininp'8tandlnp Trae.
By the use of a delicate instrument
for cutting tiny slices 'of wood from
living trees and examining them by,
microscope, scientists are able to
gitide lumbermen in the nelectloa of
i%tanding timber.
Unique Display Rack
Called a "round -about,' a motor-
otordriven, display rack for stored in-
verted 'in England carries goods to
be'etiown do the ends of arms that
raviilve vertically and at the same
time same. ".rni..d a vertical *UM
To matr•e the ,gee beret brightly, a
tittle salt should be sprinkled over
the sap of the inanttle. This should
be -,done when the .gas is burning.
Mary Carnell of Philadelphia is dean,
bi the vioman photographers in thi,
United States.
° you tllee the two tfi i•
T14ey +41"e 110111 good farms,
o}' ought to bo, as are most
those is this country.
One of these men is an up to
date chap who READS THE
PAPERS, especially the farm
notes, takes agricultural journals
and applies scientific methods.
The other works just as hard,
but will not have a newspaper in
the house and could not get a new
idea if it were bored into his bead
with an X ray.
He uses fertilizer, crop rotation
and intelligence. He economize.
every roti of his land; makes it
all count. Ilo practices soil con.
servation, IIe gjveabedt to the
soil its touch q9 4t A little More
than he takes from it. He knows
tho latest experiments made by ilir
agricultural department. the ngri
cultural 'colleges ancj experiment
Stations. lie reads the newppe
$1?;s31 in - V•Orlt Sr!
WI/11'n ON TOI3.4,
%.gittiss AusX
S,/I29 ,,.f�il�izerc�
Openings ✓ffarcA
21i/, and 251,4
A Free Tea and Rest
Room at rear cf show-
1 wish to thank the Ladies of
Wingharn and vicinity for
their very liberal patronage in
the past seasons, and most
cordially invite them to our
Spring -Millinery Openings
MARCH 24th
and following days
when we will be pleased to
show All the newest trimmings
shapes and colors for the pre-
sent season.
Mrs. Runstedler
ersei.ii��::.►:i►�l ilii✓���►t:ia�
lss Reynolds
Requests the plea3ure of your
presence at the
Spring Exhibit
of Exclusive Millinery
which has been planned folr
Wednesday, MAROH 24th
********31:4431f00.111. ►��t�i,i:y� ''' �rw�22;ti :�1� ►�iLi:�.til .I
,ie its , ' g$�1, �i� ,ts q, i. �,7�i� l 44444 t -*4+44+ ., ft$144'•# 444....044.414401.0.44004
"HAVE made a good many trips
•through Canada, lecturing in all the
towns and cities from Halifax to
Vancouver and 1 discovered that the,
bankers, the merchants, the well-to-do
firms; in fact the men who make the
wheels go round, prize and appreciate
Fit -Rite Tailored Clothes."
Send or call for your copy of "A Little Journey
to the Home of Fit Rite Tailored Clothes,"
tar i cnby Elbert Hubbard to Me beat vein and handsomely Illustrated.
Two Stores Wingham, Ont..
New 'Spring
Goods Arriving
We are receiving and passing into
stock, New Dress Goods, Serges,
Voiles, Crepe Cloth, etc.
New English Prints, Towelling,
Table Linens, Shirtings and Cot-
tons. We have a few specials for
next week.
Good Cotton Shirts, 3 for $100
Good Print Shirts, 2 for 1.00
These are extra good value, but must
be cleared out to make room.
35 per cent. discount on all Winter
Goods during March.
9 cans of extra good Salmon for $1.00
All kinds of produce and grain tak-
en m exchange for goods.
J. A. Mills
Phone 89