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The Wingham Advance, 1915-03-18, Page 4
TIRE. WIN 0IT4 ADV A NCB The Merchant's Brokerage Co, Wingham's Bargain Center We have new goods arriving daily and we are placing them on sale a great discount, 1111111111111111119 11111111111111119 0 ltee our Prints, Ginghams, Ore - tons, Cottons and Flannelettes on sale at• 9cperyd All Whiteware at wholesale prices. $I Gowns for 69c Clean Cut 50 per cent off all Mantle goods, heavy Dress Goods and'Fnrs 0 Men's Overcoats $20.00 for $10 $I5.00 for $7.50 Men's Suits in Blue, Black, Mixed Tweeds, Checks end Stripes Regular $18 for $12.00 Regular $15.50 for $10 Regular; $10 $6.98 • twimi j opia a•a ofaa • Eft Boys 3 piece Suits in Light Grey Regular $5 and $6. for $3.75 Blue $erges Regular $6 for $4.50 Buster Browns Dhildrens Buster Browns Reg. $4 $1.98 We have a few Odd Coats and Pea Jackets, sniall sizes on sale at $1 each Men's Fleece Underwear, shirts or drawers on sale 38c each • Mens Wool Underwear, Reg. $1.25 on sale for 75c Mens Flannel Shirts, _regular $1.26 on sale for 75c Shoe Department Heavy Rubbers 9 inch top, Reg. $3.75 for : $2.48 Heavy Rubbers, Reg. $2.75 for $I.98 CNIOver Rubbers, Reg. $1. for 75c Grocers 2 Cans Salmon' 25c 2 Cans Brkieg Powder 25c 6 pounds Rice '25c 7 bars Comsort Soap 25c Merchant's Brokera Breakers of High Prices 4 4 4 4 Co. Fat and' Lean In the busy world of deifying even a few meagre calculations show. great differences, •whether in cows, their o*nere, the land, the bank deposits or the test of fat, etc; fat and lean are mixed, good results and poor, even nn adjoining farms, Bien in two stalls in the one stable. One owner gets pet•. baps 201 pounds of milk from each lean, hungry sore; a neighbor, with better methods prodnees the fat total of .aeveenteen hundred pounds of milk• per acre, keeping 16 good cows on a well tilled eighty acre farm. Cue milk producer, with poor grade cows, never tested, possibly never well fed gets the lean average Qf lese than three thousand•,pounds of milk .per cow; another producer, who is a real dairyman, revels in the knbwledge'of each of hie eixteen cows giving over eight thousand pounds of milk that will test fairly rich in fat. Then svhen it comes to feeding for profit, not simply for existence, we find one man with a hundred pounds of milk costing him only 59 cents for feed, but a neighbor has to admit the impeac'htnent of milk costing him per hundred at least 90 cents, perhaps over a dollar. So one will melee the fat profit .above '• feed. of over thirty dollars per cow, while bis neigbour is down to tbe'lean margin of only three dollars. Why do such amazing dif. ferences occur? Primarily because dairymen have not studied eacl.cow individually. Dairy records alone can shed lights on these problems. Milk and feed record forms, simple, easily kept; may be had free from the dairy division, Ottawa; apply to -day, and make each cow you own earn a good fat profit. -C. F.. W. 'The March To The Battlefields; Or, Canada's men on the Way.' The abr.ve is the title given a pic- ture that will for many years to some be a highly prized treasure.. It le a photographic reproduction showing the 32,000 men of Canada's first contingent breaking camp and on the march to join the Contin- ental forces. It shows miles and miles of the white tents and tbe marching men. It is a most inspire ing sight. The size is 20x40 incbee, all ready for framing. This picture is sure to be a popular souvenir of the war as far as Canada is concern- ed, and will be in great demand. It is owned by The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, and a coy y is• being: -presented ito all subecribere to that great national weekly news- paper. The Family Herald, Montreal whose subscription of one dollar a year is received from thio date for a limited period. Butter in Prints Prefered 1sT r�� • flier aasua 1.. airnu:uoNIMMil alias 1 MEM iiir� r.o.r.. 11511 III. tits 4th annual Big Haif Price March Jewel- •� ': ry Sale, comment- ing on Saturday, March 6, Ending March 31 • Watches at Half Price 10 Gents 20 -year gold filled case Watchee, regular price each $15, x for $7.50 eaeh 3 Gents gold filled case Watches, • regular $20 each for $10 each 2 Gents Coin Silver Watches, 17- • jewelled movement, regular $14 each for $7 each 6 Gents 15 -jewelled , movement, • in stickle cases, regular $10 each • for. ,, , .. , ...$5 each 2 Gent,. Stop Watches, regular price $0 for $3 each Clocks at Half Price 50 Repeat Alarm Clocks. Reg. Mar price $2,50each for $1.25 each 25 Repeat Alarm Clocks. Reg. $2 for.......... ...... . . $1 each 15 Alarm Cloaks, regular price $1.50 for.... ,..,,,. ,,.,,.l5oeach 50 Alarm Clocke, regular $1.00 each for 50e each Ladies Wrist Watches, gold- filled 3 Ladies Wristlet Watches, $10, eaeh for .............. $5 each 3 Gold Filled Ladies Watches, Regular $16 for.. , $8 each DIAMOND and PEARL RING AT HALF PRICE .2 Diamond Rings regular $20 far,$8 each 2 Diamond Rings regular $10 for,.... $8 each 2 Diamond Rings regular 320 for - $10 each 2 twin Pearl & Diamond ringe $16 each for $8 each 2 twin Pearl and Diamond ringe $12 each for ..... . . . ... .. . . $6 each 2 Diamond ringe regular 18 Oath for,,........,.,.,,..,..... $9 snob 2 Diamond rings regular•$15each for $7.50 each 6 Diamond rings regular $10 each for . $5 each 2 three stone Pearl Rings $20 for $10 each 0 three tbtone Pearl rings $8 each for .. $1 each 6 one stone Pearl rings regular $6 each for ............... . $3 each Out Glass at half price. 50 Leather jland Bags at half price, 20 Gold and Silver headed brellae at half price, ,All kind of silverwere at half price. nl- Your choice of any article in the store at 20 per cent discount. Watch for goods ticketed in the wi4nows and store. No goods given out without the spot cash. ,,,, - •-..:.�.-. :-.ter _ .- w W. G,. Patterson The Great Watch Doctor WNGAM 01111144,40044' .4 • ** .-..rr. 4 1914 Driest Year on Record But Drainage Gives Big Results Don't Kiss Babies. 'Fin the fleet few months the babe should do little but Bleep and eat. It should not be tossed about, kissed and tickled, nor should it be banked about, visiting; its feeding hours should be regular, and between times let it alone. The persecution these little ones suffer at the bands of sill relatives and family friends is really pitiful. Leave tbe babies alone and let them gross'. The death rate in the first three years of child life is greatest. and aft- er that every added year increase its' safety. The moat frequent cause of infant mortality le improper feeding, and im- pure,milk; the stomach of the new born babe is a very small, and a very delicate affair, but it is through the action of this small and delicate organ all growth conies, and the food which Nature has prepared for the babe's stomach is the another's milk. The wise mother .will insist upon nursing her child not only, for the child's sake, but also for her own. The mother -fed child is tbe one that escapee a hundred dangers to which the bottle-fed babe is exposed: follow Nature and it is well for mother and fop child. Nature loves her own, and it is when we stray from her that in- fant mortality begins. The mother must be well fed if she would feed her child make no mistake about this. To -day we have so many -food fade, and eat so many things that have realty no' food value, that .often the mother's milk is deficient in certain essentials, elmente necessary for the child's growth. Think of all the elments required, bone, muscle, energy, nerve (we can't live today without nerve) the heart, lunge, in fact.all the thoracic viscera, all the abdominal viscera, the bkie, the brain -all must be fed and kept growing; and the mother must through the food she takes provide herself and her cbiid. It is not difficult to understand that a most generous' diet is required to meet this demands, Every food stuff should be a part of the mother's daily rations from the time of conception until the child ie weaned. There is no better resting place for a child than in a roomy carriage on the verandah, sheltered from the., winds, or in the south room of the house. well ventIlated.. warm in the winter time. The Ontario Agricultural College reports that the Crop year of 1914 was the driest on record in Ontario! The precipitation from harvest 1913 to harvest 1914 lacked 52 inches of being up to the average. This is a shortage of almost 20 per cent, The College bas often stated that tile drainage was effective in a dry -season as well as in ,a wet one, and last year • it was able to prove this - in a most practical way, ,Since • 1912 the College has been in'- stalling Practical Drainage Demon. stration Plots in parts of the province where little or no drainage has been done. The plan is to drain half of a field, leaving the other half undrained for comparison. Both parte are sewed to the same kind of grain and the crop from each part threshed separately. Nine plots were drained prior to 1914. The average of the nine fields showed.. that at market prices at threshing rime the drained half produced $14 12 more per acre than the undrained half, and that in the driest year on record. In an average season the average increase due to drainage is over $20 per acre, and in a wet season even more. For a Number of years the Agricul- tural College has been making drain. age surveys for farmers free of charge, except for travelling' expenses, This offer ie again renewed. Farmers hay - leg drainage difficulties may secure assistance by writing the Department of Physics, 0. A. C., Guelph, for in- formation and r egular application forms. 4 • 9 • 4 4+ i 4 esieseallemesees ST. ANDREWS BY THE SEA. Nature has done much for St. 'An- drews. No prettier place sap be visit•• ed by the tourist of the summer vaca- tionist. It is the most - popular of Canadian Seaside Resorts and it is now, -chosen by large numbers of surptppr visitors from New York and Boston -vino desire to get away from the overeroestle4 resorte of the United States. - There are excellent pea . thing Recilities at half a doren places in • the neighborhood: The Canadian Pacific bas rebuilt the lei gra 4igonuuin Hotel. while the "Inn" affurde accommodation for. those wb.o desire the quietness 'ofd cottage life, Changes in Train Service Canadian Pacific Railway EFFECTIVE MONDAY MARCH 1st, 1915. Effective Monday, March let, Trains Noe. '719 and 722 on the. Elor Subd iv - Won will run as mixed trains instead of straight passenger, daily except Sunday, on the following schedule:- No. chedule:No. 719 will leave Cataract Jct. 10.15 a. m , Erin 10.45, Hillsbur•g 11.05, Ort- on 11.30, Belwood 11.55, Spier 12.05 p.m., Fergus 12.35, arriving Elora 12 45 p.m., No. 722 will lea* Elorae 3,15 a.m , Fergus 3 55, Spier 4.05, Belwood 4.30, Orton 4.55, Hillsburg 5 25, Erin 5 50, arriving Cataract Jct, 6 10 p.m. Effective same date, Trains Nos. 671 and 671 now running between London Winne-,, daily except Sunday, will be diseoritinued beyond Obathlrm. Further perticulare fi Om Canadian Pacific Ticket, Agents, or write M.' 0, Murphy," I;istrict 'aseenger Agent Toronto. To Be Hanged Before July 1st 1915 20 Thousand Rolls Wall Paper Having' the most up-to-date Designs suit'tbie for every room in a person's house. Prices ranging from 5o a roll up. • Call in and bare a' look over large stock of Sample Books sent to your house ;f reouirp i. Call in and have a lops 40 oar Spacial order Sample Pookp LAMA 010404.1 4 Phone 65 M. KNOX Watch 00pa1ring n Specialty ANNUAL MARCH SALE RE' you sharing in the wonderful values that are be - offered in Our March Sale. We -are replacing many of the sold out lines with new goods and can romise you exceptional values for the balance of the 1.1 , month ..on all lines mentioned. We have just received a, large,consignment of (ken= er"al•Merchandise bought at an .exeptional 13w price for quick. sato. Buy your spring goods now and save money, Table Linens, . Towellin;~c, 'heetin's. Flannelette Sheets,Factory Cottons,Pillow Cottons,Bedrnom Towels and Ccmforters specially priced, Read the values. 72 in. ,Double Satin Damask Table Linen. Best quality damask, woyen from. double satin.;tbread, laund- ries beautifully, in neat spot and floral designs. Reg. $I.50 per yard, SALE $1.19 . Other values specially priced at 450 and 98c 72 in. BLACK ENGLISH SHEETING. Plain or Twilled weave. Regular 35, yard SALE 230. •• 200 PAIRS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, Large size Grey or White with blue and pink borders, SALE PRICE 8I.39 pr. Last Chance to Buy Furs and Fur Coats This week we will fin- ibh our fur sale and. in- tending buyers will do well to share in the money saving values we are offering- as all furs will advance in price. next year. Ladies Fur Ltnt+d Coats,* Regular $82.50, Sale $50 Ladies Muskrat Coats Regular $100,, Sale $69 Ladies Fur Collared !oats Regular , $:47.50, -lido $ 25 , . •_ . , Ladies Fur Collared " Coats, 'Regular "$25.00, Sale $18.50 ' 40 IN('H 'GIDE •FACTORY COTTONe Extra heavy and very closely woven, free from im per fe.ct- ions, tbe•heet valva offered. Reg. 17cper yd, SALE 14s- 36 in,•FACTORY COTTON, Reg, 12 1-2c yd , SALE 9c SPECIAL PURCHASE DOWN COMFORTERS -Down Proof Sat - teen Cover, $6.50 value S'rle $1.95 Down Proof Satin Cover $22,50, Salo 315.00 25 DOZ. LINEN BEDROOM TOWELS. Extra fine quality full bleached hunk towels, very closely woven, made from best quality flax Regular 503 pair Sale 39,: 500YDS FANCY SCRIMS and CURTAIN NETS -All hew goods, specially bought to clear at a price Regular 25c value, Sale 15c yd 2000 YDS BEST QUALITY Eng- lish PRINTS -All new goods in light and dark patterns, put in your supply. Regular 12 1-2a Sale 90 3150.00 Canadian Coon Coate, Sale 3115. 385 Canadian Coon Coats, Sale 355 $25 Black China Dog Coate $10 50 318 Fur Collared Coats Special $8 75 DRESS MATERIALS and SILKS that will save money for you, 36 in. Black Moussllino Silk, `al- fo 79: 36 to. Peilette Silk 3125 for 9$c 30 itt. Muuseline Silk $1 50 for 1.19 30 in. White Silk Habitat 31. for 70o House Furnishings, Rugs, Carpets, stair Carpets, Lino!. eums, and Oil Cloths at say. ing from 10 to 20 per cent REMNANTS all ends placed on. bargain table to clear at 1-2 price 1 25 Men's Fur and Fur -lined Coats for quick selling Produce Wanted Phone 71 Terms of sale cash. No goods charged ,at reduced prices. - ©mimeo° �.o ++ Qoowe, o BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER, Neatly Printed AND FOR SALE AT THE ADVANCE The best of Parchment, paper and the Proper Ink. . All Dairy Butter put up • in pack- ages must now, have a printed •label on it. Bee tis about -the matter. 4, 4, 4' 4, Kx r*s,wwa The Advance Pig. aidPucb•Coi ?ONE 3 4 - Coming to Wingham '('he .Dorenwend Co. of Taranto lutists, Canada's foremost hair- . As etablirbmrnt will <liepley avid m+tnstrate a sample t-toek of the • tress hats geode feshicree for ladi.,s sn•i toupees and wigs for bald men, St THE BRUNSWICK HOTEL WIOGHAM, ON THURSDAY, MARCH 18 FOR LADIES ---D:rrt'nH end t+'Trausftu 'nation by overcoming every de- feet, of your own hair will aHN ist toto appear at your b.,t, alwa3s. . ;Switches, Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. of the finest quality hair and unsurpassed workmanship. You are invited to inspect these goods GENTLEMLN 1 ARE YOU BALD? A. Dorenwend Art Hair -toupee Will .retake you appear years ynung- er and will ,peove a benefit tb your health and comfort Indectable, Featherweight, ilygenic Have a Demonstration of vt hat it will do for you Remenber the date -Thursday, Mar.. 18 ADVERTISE11 •, ` E DVAN tT HAS `Y-1lf; If ,t OLA O >