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The Wingham Advance, 1915-03-11, Page 6
r •,. TteProprklaryoa Palen, Me licineAct. AV'egetabik Preparation furls•• simllating IlleFood andilegub'. tinglheStomachs and llonvlsof 1 cox., Infants and Children. Tho (ind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Promotes Digeslion Cheerful•, ness and Re st.Con tains neiliter'. Opium,Morphine norl'liueraL! NOT NAR COTIC. i! AperfectRemedy forConslipa• lion; SourSlomach,Diarriioeal Worms,Convu isions,Feverish • ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of tf THE CENTAUR C3MPANY. MONTREAL&NEW YOM( In Use for Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. STORIA TKR CLN_TAUf COMPANY. NtW YORK CITY. SEEDS SEEDS Red Clover, Mamrloth Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfalfa Clover, Canadian and Northern Grown Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass and all Permanent Pasture Grasses. All No. x Government Standard, we handle nothing else. Bran, Shorts, Best Grades Flour, all kinds of Grain bought and sold. Special prices to farm- ers clubs. Buy your seeds from sus and insure a good catch, The Old Reliable Seed House J. A. Mills iestimammemorammalmaimismanramummom Canadas 'Hair Fashion Store GLENN CHARLES Hair Goods Our Miss Glenn will be in Wing ham. Saturday March 20th, at the Queen's Hotel with a full line of HAIR GOODS, including SWITCHES, BANGS, PARTINGS,` PIN CURLS, TRANS- FORMATIONS, The Nevv MOTOR FRONT, etc. MENS WIGS and TOUPEES We are pleased to demonstrate our goods. Ladies desirous of having Glenn ea11 at residence kindly leave address at hotel. Clenn Charles, 100 King St., W. You Gan. Help Keep Canadian Factories Going by buying Canadian -made goods. Your money re- mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people employed. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is the only article bearing the KELLOGG name are is "Made in Canada," All others are made outside of country and do not help our working people. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN CANADA rinfilimidromoromerbrftes +.• trona** �•+•"ssaetsw.esp.a .rt,rri�i '"'it Kellogg's Toasted Cern Flakes i Made in London, Ontaelo, Canada ii THE WI N G IIASL A V A NOE The Merohant's Brokorage Co. Wingham's Bargain Center We have new g o o d s arriving daily and we are placing them on sale a great dis- count. See our Prints, Ginghams, Cre- tons, Cottons and Flannelettes on. sale at 9c per yd All Whiteware at wholesale prices. $I Gowns' for 69c Clean Cut 50 per cent off all Mantle goods, heavy Dress Goods and Furs Men's Overcoats $20.00 for $10 $I5.00 for $7.50 Boys' Overcoats $I0.00 for $5.00 $6.00 for $3.00 $5.00 for $2.75 Men's Suits in Blue, Black, Mixed Tweeds, Checks end Stripes Regular $18 for $12.00 Regular $15.50 for $10 Regular $10 $6.98 Boys 3 piece Suits in Light Grey Regular $5 and -$6 for $3.75 Blue Serges Regular $6 for $4.50 Buster Browns Dhildrens Buster Browns Reg. $4 $1.98 We have a few Odd Coats- and Pea Jackets, small eizes on sale at $1 each Men's Fleece Underwear, shirts or drawers -on sale 38c each Mens Wool Underwear, Reg. $1,25 ori sale for 75c Mons Flannel Shirts, Regular 81.25 on sale for 75c Shoe Department Heavy Rubbers 0 inch top, Reg $3.75 for $2.48 Heavy Rubbers, Reg. $2.75 for $I.98 Over Rubbere, Reg. $1 for 75c Grocer° . Dept. 2 Cana Salmon 25e 2 Cane I3rkieg Po,Yder.,....004025e 6•pounds Rirte .25 c, 7 bars ('omsort Soap..... ... ....25c Merchants Brokerage Co. $'rllnkL a of High meal Letters from the Front The following letters have been re. ceived from our townsman, Mr, Mur- ch, from his son at the front. 18t Canadian Contingent,lst Can. Batt, British Expeditionary Force, France, Feb. 14tb, 1015 Dear Father:—I am alright so fel We haven't been up to the firing line yet, We are billeted in a small town and sornetirnes we can hear the big guns from the front. I hope you are all well. It's a poor country, always raining. It's no use putting any more in for it would only be consored any- way, So long Ted. From Pte. E. J, Murch, No. 0037, 33d Regular, No. 3 Double Oo'y, lst Infarr• try Brigade, 331 Reg. G. Oo'y, tat Batt,, Ist Brig., No, 3 Double Co'y Bustard Camp, let 0. E. F., Salisbury Plain, Feb, 0;h. Dear Father;—It is nearly three weeks now since I've got a letter from Canada. I am beginning to wonder if youNiaave all quit writing. We are leaving for France any hour now. We have all the new Webb equip- ment and we got served out with 120 rounds of ammunition each today so the time must be pretty short. Wo were reviewed by the king last Thurs- day, the 4th. He looks pretty worried looking. . The king asked our Colonel where we came from and all about us. The king congratulated him on the men he is commanding. Our Battalion is the beat in the field. I suppose you have read in the Toronto paper that the Queen's Own are the best and the only ones under •canvas. It's a lie all through. We are under canvas besides the other two battalions, four Batts. to a Brigade. We trimmed them at shooting, trench digging, marching and practically everything. I feel none the worse for the winter under canvas, Well, I hope this letter will find you all in the best of health and lots of work. So long Ted U. S. Wheat Crop. There has been some discussion as to whether or not United States prohibit the export of wheat. The statistics are interesting— "The 1914 wheat crop of the United States was estimated to be 891,000,000 bushels. The estimated surplus carried over from the 1913 crop was about 70,000,000 bushels. There was, there- fore, a total available supply of 907,- 000,000 bushels. The normal annual per capita consumption of wheat in the United States is about 5,3 bushels Five hundred and twenty million bushels should meet our normal do- mestic requirements for food, In ad. dition 90,000,000 bushels are required annually for seeding. Six hundred and ten million bushels, therefore, should supply the .normal domestic demand. Thie would leave a surplus of 357,000,000 bushels, Of this surplus about 210,000.000 bushels were export- ed by January 30. This left 147,000,- 000 bushels, or 40,000,000 bushels more than our average annual export for 'the past five yeare, for export between February 1 and the appearance of the new crop, or for carrying over into the next crop year. This amount is sufficient to permit the export of nearly 1,000,000 bushels a day until July 1, before which time the new crops will begin to be available. This is about the average recent exporta- tion." Turnberry Report for S,S No. 11, Turnberry and Morris. Names in order of merit : Jr. 4th—Vera Proctor, Lawrence Len- nox, Wilfred Anderson, Gordon Walk- er. Sr. 3rd — Rebecca Armstrong, Norman Walker' Jr.3rd—Vera Nc- Kenzie, Margaret Henderson, Addie Proctor. Sr. 2nd—Mabel Armstrong Russell Henderson, George Fowler, Harold Moffat Chester Rintoul. Jr. 2tid.=Glaiksun Martin. --O. J, Brock, teacher, Report of 9, S. No, 11 Turnberry for the month of February, The names are placed in order of merit— Jr. 4312, total ,531•—Olive Groves 400. Se, 3rd, total 407--Gertie Groves 350, I$ idle Shrigley 337, Jr. 3:d, total 277 —Donald Cleghorn 157, Se. 2ndr total 018—Lewis Darnell 005, Tom Lockridge 510, Maiae Hart 450, Gordon McGregor 230. Jr, 2ad, totals '553— Rubin Campbell 441, Alice Kendall 410, Alma Lockridge 838, Lizzie (ruik- shank 200, ,Myrtle Dennie 213, Pr. 2ud, total 414—Etta Shrigley 330, Fred Wilson 200, Albert Wilson 220, Della Dennis 215, George Finlay 101, Calvin Cruikshank 171, Sr. 1st, total 500, Marjorie Wells 482, Horace Kendall 101, Millie Hart 405, Bessie Campbell 220,, Winuifred Darnell 51, Jr. 1st, total 371, --Elmer Shrigley 280, Everett Shrigley 275, Gordon Deyell 259, Charlie Peyeil 228, Jack Oleghorn 222, Charlie Wilson 180, Neil Potter I10, Wilfrid Dennie 93, — Lizzie V, Johns, teacher, Progress. To the Editor:— "Of course we all know that rail- roads have long maintained - strict rules in regard to drinking among em- ployees; but do we know that within the last few years practically every great industry in the country has es- tablished similar rules." "Drinking will now epell prompt dismissal for you if you are an em- ploye of the Hershey Chocolate Com- pany, the International Harvester Co., Sherwin Williams Co„ Sheffield Car Works, United States Steel Cor- poration, Western Electric Co,, Pull- man Co., Edison Co., Western Union, Interborongh Co., Standard Oil Co., or auy one of a thousand otherAmeri- can firms of the first rank." "This magazine could be crammed from cover to cover with instances of the strong front industry has assum- ed against alcohol during the last two years." "And note this: 0. L. Close, Mana- ger of the famous bureau of safety of the United States Steel Corporation, a man who knows the social side of industry as fewmen do, declares his opinion that in ten years, through the combined effort of the American in- dusties. the manufacture and sale of liquors will be at an end in the United States," January issue of the Technical World. How I wish that every one could get a copy of the Journal from which the aboye extracts are taken. There would be few who would not be con, vinced that alcohol is the greatest evil in the world today, H. Arnott, M. B., M. C. P. S. 177.7" • Fence Facts By PAGE Of Course— It we felt to "high and mighty" to deal DIRECT with Farmers— We could hire a Sales - manager for $3500 a year— He could hire an Organ- izer dor Blackman) for 83000— The Bloekman could hire Agents and Dealers on' 20% to 30% commission, and of- fer "free excursions" to the dealers who sold the most fence at the highest price— And finally the Agent or Dealer would sell you the fence for whatever he thought you'd stands. Naturally --if we sold that way—our prices would have to he 25% to 50% higher than at present, Or the QUALITY of our Fence would have to be lowered. (Made in Canada) Try the "ADVANCE" for your next Catalogue ALEXANDER POPE WAS RIOHT The proper study of mankind is man. --Alexander Pope. R. POPE, who was writing poetry about 200 years ago, was exactly right in his declaration quoted above. If you would study, man you must study his deeds.. WHERE WILL YOU LEARN ABOUT THEM EXCEPT IN THE NEWSPAPERS? These accurate histories of the world's affairs tell what man h doing everywhere, whether it is flying through the air, stealing a °million dollars, laboring for world peace, plotting to overthrow a gov- ernment or to establish one, com- mitting a murder or trying to es- cape punishment for ono already done, making a political speech or watching the antics of a comet. NOTHING THAT 1S INTEREST- ING OR IMPORTANT ESCAPES THE DRAGNET OF THE NEWSPA• PERS. News that literally costs thou- iands of dollars to collect is prime ,'d and given to the reader for a •Falls or two, Can vou, can an: ,ne, afford to miss snob a menta` ."aft and tinarll'lal bargain ? TAKE THIS PAP(~R. LI 1 moi COUNTER CHECK BOOKS j There is no need of sending your orders for counter check bboks out of town. We can'fill°orders prompt- ly at prices that will defy competition. Ask to see our samplee. They are the very latest thing in the line and can be had in ' blue, black or red ink. No differance in the price. Wingham Advance Wingham, Ont. 1 1 1 WINGHAM ttRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. f!, Min Becau$e PAGE QUALITY Fence simply cannot be sold for less than our price. In fact, only PAGE can give such high quality at such low cost We sell DIRECT ' From Factory to 'arm"—with only one squall profit between YOU and us. 'When you buy from the Dealer—yoa help to pay fat salaries; to the Salesrnanagor a n d Blockman — fancy profits and "free excursions" to Dealersand Agents,' They add 60% to the COST of the fence -lint not one cent to its actual value. Eicher you must GJV.)v MORE—or GET LESS. We KNOW—be- cause we've sold both ways. And we'd ra- her sell DIRECT TO YOU every time. In this way, we can give you the HIGHEST QUALITY Fence at the' very lowest cost. We can cut out all ;¢middlemen's expenses and profits—and give you ILEAL -VALUE for your money, When you buy through the dealer or "direct" from department -stores, you give dollar -bills for 50c, worth of fence. When you buy DIRECT from the PAGE Factory, you sell to yonrself—pockets the midd em'u's profits— and get the biggest actual value for your cash. Don't give dollar bills for 30c. Don't pay PAGE prices for in- ferior fence. Mail your next order to the nearest PAGE BRANCH — and get the BEST FENCE nt the LOWEST COST. IMMEDIATE'' 8 H I P- ill BN TS from stock— FREIGHT PAID on $10 orders aria up. PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE No. of Stars ROacin11 burs Height inches spar, of horizontals 5 37 22 8, 9, 10, 10 6 40 22 6' 7, 83%, 9, 9 7 40 22 5,5%, 7, 7, 7!. 8 7 48 22 5, 6%, 754, 9, 10, 10 a 42 22 6. 6,6,6,6,6,6 8 42 1654 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 8 47 22 4, 5, 514, 7,- 85- , 9, 9 8 47 1635 4, 5, 554, 7, 8l , 9, 9 9 48 22 6, 6, 6 6, 6, b 6, 6 9 48 1654 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6 6 6 9 52 22 4, 4, 5 51", 7 8!,,', 9, 9 .34 9 52 16,'. 4, 4, 5 51 7 8l 9. T.,.36 10 48 1654 3, 3, 3 4, S14, 7, 7, 755, 8 .3R 10 5 16 11 55 16 Prlca In Old Ontario , }0.21 .26 .26 .31 ,30 .32 .34 36 3r 3,'3, 3, 4,55 f�, 7, 81, 9, 9 .41 New Ontario Prices on Request. AIL FULL No. 9 GAUGE SPECIAL FENCE No. 0 top end bottom. nelanca No. 13. Uprights It Inches nyart. IR -bar, 48 -incus $0.46 20 -bar, 60 -incl}..,,,,,,,, .51 3 -ft. Gate n„u,•.,,,,.•., . 2.30 12.0. t. Gate .............n..,, ...... ,...... 4.35 13.1t, Gato 4.60 14 -ft. Gate 4.85 Set toots 8.00 258511. Broca WIre .75 25 lbs. Staple .80 FREIGHT PAIL) ("fig ORDERg OF $10.00 Olt OVER - PAGE SIRE FENCE COP LT "8730 uDh St., RTWest MENT W TOR NTO E 11 1 "e.11'1AI)E 1N CANADA” You can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an oven full of good things with a arm dora anspy at the same time. Many exclu- a.. sive features you should know about. Let the McClary dealer show you? aS R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghm. -.••••WWIAWNWr..*, 00000000000000 00000 DO 000000000000©Qt; MOOQ000DCtWOOS 1' 8 8 8 8 8 8 it 8 8 8 Watches, Diainonds, ...Jewelry ... Silverware and Cut Glass, Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas. Whith Ivory and Ebony Manicure Sets, Sta- tionery, Pennants and Post Cards Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty y Phone 65 A. M. KNOX 8 ' Watch Repairing a Specialty wl000000n00000000000nanocw00000ci00000000000000p0000 Taylor's Styles ARE .SMARTEST FIT—certain in cutting STYLE—assured in the making Properly shaped shoulders, nice hanging sleeves, stylish lapels, beauti- ful edges, handsome contour= -the ear marks of High Grade City Tailoring. Your patronage Solicited Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Wingham m Ontario REU:ATISM' We don't .ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for 011oiiSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CpNBINEDO Does the work surely but pleasautly-Itature's way. 1,'6 distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach -no weakening. The TWQ rem- edies are all we make, but tthey are the greatest known` to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SoLAoE remedies write for Fp BOXE$. State if one o} both are wanted. SOL4CJ CO.? $attle Creek; Mich., U. S. 4 - vi P Take .One Tonig ht -;f .you fees bilipuy, •"headachy" gild irritable- for that's a sign yopr liver is nut pf order Yell?' food i6 not digesting—it stays in the stomach a eoip, fermented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Ciambcrlip'a ,Stomach and LiverTablete-- they make the liver de its work --they cleanse and Awoken the, stern/Rh sn4 tone the whole digestive syotem. You`11 feel fine in the morning, At SII 4rngi>nts, 25e., or by mail from Chamberiniti Madicin, Company, ei'oronto l4 THE DIN EDMUND IL OILER C. N.P., P. BOGERT, PRESIDENT. _, General W. 0. MATTNmWa, Manager. Vi0E•►RE010ENT. . 1 Do Your Banking By Mail tf you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. Deposits may be made—cash withdrawn—or any other Banking Business may be transacted by mail, lust as easily as though one made a special trip to town for the purpose. A Savings Account may be opened In the name of two persons —man and wife, or two members of a family—so that either one • can deposit and withdraw money from the same account. WINGHAM ttRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. f!, Min Becau$e PAGE QUALITY Fence simply cannot be sold for less than our price. In fact, only PAGE can give such high quality at such low cost We sell DIRECT ' From Factory to 'arm"—with only one squall profit between YOU and us. 'When you buy from the Dealer—yoa help to pay fat salaries; to the Salesrnanagor a n d Blockman — fancy profits and "free excursions" to Dealersand Agents,' They add 60% to the COST of the fence -lint not one cent to its actual value. Eicher you must GJV.)v MORE—or GET LESS. We KNOW—be- cause we've sold both ways. And we'd ra- her sell DIRECT TO YOU every time. In this way, we can give you the HIGHEST QUALITY Fence at the' very lowest cost. We can cut out all ;¢middlemen's expenses and profits—and give you ILEAL -VALUE for your money, When you buy through the dealer or "direct" from department -stores, you give dollar -bills for 50c, worth of fence. When you buy DIRECT from the PAGE Factory, you sell to yonrself—pockets the midd em'u's profits— and get the biggest actual value for your cash. Don't give dollar bills for 30c. Don't pay PAGE prices for in- ferior fence. Mail your next order to the nearest PAGE BRANCH — and get the BEST FENCE nt the LOWEST COST. IMMEDIATE'' 8 H I P- ill BN TS from stock— FREIGHT PAID on $10 orders aria up. PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE No. of Stars ROacin11 burs Height inches spar, of horizontals 5 37 22 8, 9, 10, 10 6 40 22 6' 7, 83%, 9, 9 7 40 22 5,5%, 7, 7, 7!. 8 7 48 22 5, 6%, 754, 9, 10, 10 a 42 22 6. 6,6,6,6,6,6 8 42 1654 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 8 47 22 4, 5, 514, 7,- 85- , 9, 9 8 47 1635 4, 5, 554, 7, 8l , 9, 9 9 48 22 6, 6, 6 6, 6, b 6, 6 9 48 1654 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6 6 6 9 52 22 4, 4, 5 51", 7 8!,,', 9, 9 .34 9 52 16,'. 4, 4, 5 51 7 8l 9. T.,.36 10 48 1654 3, 3, 3 4, S14, 7, 7, 755, 8 .3R 10 5 16 11 55 16 Prlca In Old Ontario , }0.21 .26 .26 .31 ,30 .32 .34 36 3r 3,'3, 3, 4,55 f�, 7, 81, 9, 9 .41 New Ontario Prices on Request. AIL FULL No. 9 GAUGE SPECIAL FENCE No. 0 top end bottom. nelanca No. 13. Uprights It Inches nyart. IR -bar, 48 -incus $0.46 20 -bar, 60 -incl}..,,,,,,,, .51 3 -ft. Gate n„u,•.,,,,.•., . 2.30 12.0. t. Gate .............n..,, ...... ,...... 4.35 13.1t, Gato 4.60 14 -ft. Gate 4.85 Set toots 8.00 258511. Broca WIre .75 25 lbs. Staple .80 FREIGHT PAIL) ("fig ORDERg OF $10.00 Olt OVER - PAGE SIRE FENCE COP LT "8730 uDh St., RTWest MENT W TOR NTO E 11 1 "e.11'1AI)E 1N CANADA” You can cook to the full capacity of the top and bake an oven full of good things with a arm dora anspy at the same time. Many exclu- a.. sive features you should know about. Let the McClary dealer show you? aS R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghm. -.••••WWIAWNWr..*, 00000000000000 00000 DO 000000000000©Qt; MOOQ000DCtWOOS 1' 8 8 8 8 8 8 it 8 8 8 Watches, Diainonds, ...Jewelry ... Silverware and Cut Glass, Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas. Whith Ivory and Ebony Manicure Sets, Sta- tionery, Pennants and Post Cards Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty y Phone 65 A. M. KNOX 8 ' Watch Repairing a Specialty wl000000n00000000000nanocw00000ci00000000000000p0000 Taylor's Styles ARE .SMARTEST FIT—certain in cutting STYLE—assured in the making Properly shaped shoulders, nice hanging sleeves, stylish lapels, beauti- ful edges, handsome contour= -the ear marks of High Grade City Tailoring. Your patronage Solicited Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Wingham m Ontario REU:ATISM' We don't .ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for 011oiiSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CpNBINEDO Does the work surely but pleasautly-Itature's way. 1,'6 distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach -no weakening. The TWQ rem- edies are all we make, but tthey are the greatest known` to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SoLAoE remedies write for Fp BOXE$. State if one o} both are wanted. SOL4CJ CO.? $attle Creek; Mich., U. S. 4 - vi P Take .One Tonig ht -;f .you fees bilipuy, •"headachy" gild irritable- for that's a sign yopr liver is nut pf order Yell?' food i6 not digesting—it stays in the stomach a eoip, fermented mass, poisoning the system. Just take a dose of Ciambcrlip'a ,Stomach and LiverTablete-- they make the liver de its work --they cleanse and Awoken the, stern/Rh sn4 tone the whole digestive syotem. You`11 feel fine in the morning, At SII 4rngi>nts, 25e., or by mail from Chamberiniti Madicin, Company, ei'oronto l4