HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-04, Page 6THE 11 I N HAM AD Y A NCE
Infants and Children.
ha Kid You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
IbsPropr'tefaryor Pateent lledieireAet.
Vegetable Preparatioionf els.
sitnilating Ihefood and Regulai
ling the Stomachs and Bowels et
ness and Rtest.Cantainsiteiiheri
Opitritu.Morphine norAllucral.
t'im�kin ,i'red-
.illxSaara +
Permittt •
Ill CarroarMt du+
'sell d & r.
hgreen' larrr.
AperfectRemedy forConslipa•
lion, SotirSieasaclt,D(arrhoea,
nese and LOSS OF SLEEP.
FecSimile Signature of
Tk1;-CENTAUR C,ememv.
D OS S .. 501416
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
You can save from 815 to $20 by having that suit CLEANED,
PRESSED and REPAIRED, also a similar amount. by having a
New Velvet Collar etc, on your Oyercoat.
Johnston's Cleaning and Pressing Works
Chas. G. Jehnsson. Manager
tat- . r.
:sacs °ii
Job `; ork
of every descrip-
At the
Advance Office
You Can Help Keep
Canadian Factories Going
by buying Canadian -made goods. Your honey re-
mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people
Toasted Corn Flakes
is the only article bearing the KELLOGG )name are
is "Made irk Cana.3a," Alt others are made outside
of country and do not help our working people.
Keliogg'-s toasCorn Flakes
Made in %Landon, Ot3tairio, Canada
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Thomas McLean of Wingham
renewed old aequaintancee in town
A number of the Orange. Brethren
attended the funeral on Saturday of
the late 1tir, L Nethery at Belgrave.
Miss Ada Stackhouse visited friends
in Wingbaw during the week.
Mr. and Mre, James MoMurebie en•
terrained a. number of their friends
Friday evening..
The. Misses Little & Bennett ace
attending the Spring millinery open-
ings at Toronto..
The next monthly Horde Fair will
be held Tciesday, March 2od,
Died -At Watford,'1n Friday, Feb.
10th, Mr, Robert Moody, formerly of
Lucknow, in bis 58sh year end eldest
son of Mrs. James Porter of Blyth..
Interment at Watford an Tuesday,
Feb. 23rd,
There died in Toronto General Hos-
pital on Feb. 19th, Mr, Harry Mc-
Vhttie of North Bay,eldest son of Mrs.
S. McVittie of Mullett. The remains
will be brought to Clinton on Tuesday
for burial.
Rev. Arthur Barber, D. D., of Sea -
forth will preach in the Methodist
Church on. Sunday.
Counoillor Robert Sloan is attending
the Military Camp at London for a
couple of weeks.
An interesting deal was consumated
on Friday when the Rural Telephone
Company purchased the Heli System
in town and the same will ba operated
from the Rural Central shortly.
See the exhibit of Red Cross supplies
in Dr. Milne's Hall Friday afternoon.
Refreshments will be served and the
ti wall fee of 10 ate. will be charged to
help the work of the R' d Owes.
A gloom woe eaat over this oow-
xnunity last Friday 'by the death t f
Mre. Albert'1'honhas after a brief ill -
nese from appendicitis, Mrs. Tbowi
wail a young woman and leaves a hus-
band and, a family of little children
who have the deepest sympathy of
everyone in their great loss.
Minutes of meeting held in the
township hall on Monday, Feb. 15th,
The members all present the
m m a w er e
Reeve presiding.
The minutes of the last meeting
• were read and on motion of Johnston
and Laidlaw were approved.
Johnston and L•ridlaw, that R.
Proctor be appointed collector for
1915, salary $125.
A petition was received from C. F,
Taylor and Mrs. M. A. Taylor asking
to have lots St 11 and 12 con, 9 be
taken out of S. S. Nb. 1 and put in
S. S. No. 12 the .petition was entertain
ed and the clerk was instructed to
not ify'arl parties concerned to appear
tat next Council meeting at 2 o'clock.
A grant of $2() was made for tb.
Children's Aid Society of the bounty
on motion by Fraser and Laidlaw.
The auditors presented ttletr report'.
and on motion by Johnston and Laid•;
law the report was adopted and the
auditors salaries were paid.
An application from the Trustees.
of S. S. No. 10 to raise $200 on debar,.
tures to defray the cost of .a school,
house to be erected during 1015, the
debentures to be issued on Decen,b>I
15th. 1915, and bearing interest a 57
arid covering a period of &fteen years.
Oa motion by Laidlaw, Fraser, the.
application was accepted and the clerk
instructed to prepare a by-law. carried
Oo "notion by Laidlaw, Fraser, the
application was accepted and the
clerk instructed to prepare a by-law
The following are the accounts
paid-Pbilip Ament, 280 ft. Hemlock,
$7,84; Frank. Martin, snow fence,
Sunshine Bridge, $3; Municipal World
5 copiee and supplies, $9.00; Munici-
pality of Mullett boundary, $133 67;
John McGavir, gravel, East Bound-
ary, 83; Jotnes Rae, g.av;litng, $1;
McNiel, snow plow, $3; John „McDon-
ald, use of plow, East Boundary, $5;
Alex. Smith, farm'tbridge, lot 20 B. C.
D., $15; Buely Farm Bridge, lot 21,
B. C. D., $15: William Skelton, gravel
$11.50; William Skelton, one day's
work, $1.50; Alex. Welly, work on
road, $4.30; Harvey 'Wells, work on
road, $4 00; R'chard Proctor, collec-
tion balance of salary, $25; Richard
tohnston, auditor, $10; Peter McNab,
auditor, 810.
Meeting then adjourned to meet
March 15th.
Shaw. The mover and +seconder of
the AddressR-ply to the lepeecb
from the Throne wet a Mise Cora M
Messer and Mies Eva, D sit respective-
ly and they received congratulation
from speakers on both sides of Oa'
house for the excellence of their Maid.
en efforts In Parliament. The I,}jade
of the Opposition trade a etrona
speech in reply in wbich he criticised.
the proposed legislation of the Gov-
ernment on the ground of being op.
pressive to the poorer classes especial-
ly as regards the proposal to prohibit
domestic animals from being at large
on the streets of Bluevale, He charg-
ed the Department of Agriculture
with laxity in preventing farmere
from selling bad eggs ,to the store
keepers and blamed the Government
for cowardice in"not adding tobacco
to it aforesbodowed measure of total,
prohibition, tobacco being in his opin-
ion an even greater- evil than alcohol
bait alledged that the metubere of the
Government were reluctant' to effect
its suppression because of personal ad •
diction to the insidious weed. There
was one unpleasant incident during
the Leader's speech when he was forc-
ed to withdraw an insinuation that
the Cabinet Ministers had spent mon-
eyfree the con tI uencof
freely in b s t y the
Mover of the Address in order to se-
cure her election.
A splendid entertainment was given
In ins Methodist Church last Friday
evening under the auspices of the
Willing Workers. 'Rev. Mr. Rivera
of C3orrle deliverd,1 a tine patriotic ad-
dress and an amusing and clever pre-
sentation was given, of "The District
Singing School" by a large number of
young people dressed in old-fashioned
costumer/. A pleasing number was
given by a male quartette consisting
of Rev. H. D. Thompson, Harold
Thompson, Milton Smith and Ernest
Wilburn, while Clarence Thompson
sang "Tipperary" in a way that de.
1 ghted the audience.
There was an overflowing attend-
ance at an opening of the Bluevale
Mock Parliament which took place' In
the Foresters' Hall last Wednesday
evening. b
i g The members of the Legis-
lature occupied the stage while the
gallery was crowded to the doors and
the apectatore even encroached on the
space that reserved for the peope'e
Representives. To the strains of the
National Anthem played by the Blue -
vale Literary Band which was station-
ed at the back of the hall, Lieutenant -
Governor, D, B. Thompson was es•
corted to the seat of honor between
the ranks of standing members by
Premier J, W. King and A. L. Posliff,
Minister of Education, assisted by the
Sergeant-at-Arme, Craik Cleghorn,
armed to the teeth' His Hanoi re- .
chained seated while reading the ad-
dress from the Throne which gave a
splendid resume of the critical condit,
ions now confronting Canada and the
Empire and forecasted a wide variety
of progressive and, in some instances,
revolutionary legislation of both local
and provincial interest, la proposing
Mr. Robt. Musgrave for Speaker the
Premier paid and eloquent tribute to
the personal qualities and public ca-
pacity of the member for South Ren -
'raw, the representive of a family
which has the unique distinction at
the present time of contributing three
of its sons to the 'Province. The Min-
ister of Education supported the ap-
pointment and it was concurred in
xcept for on or two reservations
actuated by political bias, by the
Leader of the Opposition, Robert
An old and honored resident of
Bluevale passed away last Sunday
morning Feb. 21st, in the person of
Mr, John Burgese, after an illness ex-
tending aver several months. Nr,
Bargees Was one of the best known
and most highly esteemed men in this
part of the country, his many years
of service as Township Clerk of Turn -
berry, and his connection with the
Canadian Order of .Foresters and the
Bluevalei Cheeseand Butter Co.,
bringing him in tomb with a wide
circle of friends and acquaintances.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon to the llluevale Cemetery.
Rev, Crawford Tate of Knox Church,
of which Me. Burgess was an elder,
conducted the services. A. more ex-
t nded ° account of Mr. Purgefls' lif.
will be given neat Week.
h3 )6EiYONGL ST.
"tU�•@NAL. i•4+ AY 1t`Isen
Two bills were introduced at the Physically and Mentally Worn
first meeting of the Le islature the
vealed a patuetaking btudy of the sus-
lett along with a wit and elcquencs
that visibly impressed the opposition.
benches and was largely responsible
for the substantial .tee j erity of five
with which the bill was carried on di-
vision. The Bill to extend the Frii11.
chile to Women on the amnia terms as
men wae introduced by the Minister
of Education in a speech that 6howed
a remarkable knowledge of the fair
sex and wee attpported by the Minister
of Public Works, W. Id. Homey, who
exposed the tojustisce of w's,n.mede
laws and described the qualifleations
of women for fighting present political
conditions. Mise Olive Saott replied
for the Opposition but owing to the
1ateneas of the' hour the spetohee on
this bill were greatly out tailed and the
two parties will have a better chance
to reveal their etrength when the de-
bate is resumed at the next meeting
which will take place to morrow
night, Feb, 26,h. The bill to bring in
first, a Bill for the Commutation of Out -Tells How Nervous
Statute Labor, being sponsored by the and Crying Spells Were
Premier and supported by the Minister Ended by Vinol.
of Finance A. MacEwen, and the
Minister of Forests and Mines, Rich- Monmouth, Ill.: -"I was weak, worn-
out and nervous. I had no appetite and
and Johnston, Representative R. was getting so thin and discouraged,
Black Ied. the opposition to the bill one day I dust broke down and cried
ably seconded by J. F. McCracken and when a friend came in and asked me
what was the matter. I told of my
W: H. Frazer who desired the prom -condition and how nothing I took seemed
eition to place the road work under a to do me any good. Vino] was suggested.
paid Commissioner as having already I got a bottle and before it was hal#'
been on the Statute books for many continued is usetanddnowemy friends
years but never adopted because of its say I look ten years younger, acid I am
inefficiency. They claimed that the well, healthy and strong. I wish I
new system would result in extrava- could induce every tired -out, worn-out,
ganee,political favorirism,and a patch- nervous woman to take Viral:' lora.
work system of road improvement be- HARRIET Monmouth, Ill.
sides abolishing one of the grand old There are many over-worked,• tired -
Bides e n his
gout careworn, nervous wo n 1 t
w ,n3
institutions of the country, Statute vicinity who need the strengthening,
Labor, with its social and fraternal tissue building, and vitalizing effects of
benefits and its unquestioned advent- Vinol, our delicious coil liver and iron
tonic, and so sure are we that it will
build them up and make them strong
that we offer to return their money
if it fails to benefit.
ages, superior to either the Farmers
Institute or the Agricultural College,
as a means of circulating agricultural
and general information. The great
speech on this bill, howevar, was un-
doubtedly that of the Minister of
Foreete and Mines. His address re
Vino) is a delicious preparation of the
extract of cod liver oil and peptonate of
iron and contains no oil.
Sold by J. Walton McKibbon, Wing -
barn Ont.
It's not such a "long way to
Tipperary" Biscuits --just as far as
the nearest grocery store.
Each one bears a picture----
troops of the allied armies. Each
one is crisp, brown, and delicious.
Say Tipperary to your grocer.
London, • • Canada 26
Fence Facts
Of Course-
If we felt to "high and
mighty" to deal DIRECT
with Farmers -
We could hire a Sales -
manager for $3500 a dear --
Be could hire an Organ -
iter or Blockman) for
88000 -
The Blockman could hire
Agents and Dealers on 20%
to 30% comfnisston, and of-
fer "free excursions" to
the dealers who sold the
e i
most fence at the hest h
And finally the Agent or
Dealer would sell you the
fence for whatever he
thought you'd stands.
Naturally -if we 'soh,
ihat way -our »rices won d
have to be 25% to 607
higher than at pipeent,
Or the QUALITY of on
Pence would have to lir
(Made in Canada)
Because PAGE
simply cannot be sold
for less than our price.
In fact, only PAGE can
give such high (purity at
such low cost We sell
DIRECT ' Prone Faetory
to Farm" --with °ivy one
small profit between YOU
and US.
When you buy from
the Dealer -you help
to pay fat salaries to
the Saleemansger a n d
Blockman -- fancy prr firs
and "free excurslone" to
alers}led AgentF. They
add 50% to the COST of
" MAnifi f 1 t OA NA.T)A"
Roasts retain their natural flavor -o.
bread, cakes, puddings, etc,, baked in a
'1 s� do always come fresh and sweet
from its a fe tl veer a
r c Y� t 1 tete
.yeti. SeetheMcClary des in ,
4 -_ .- �: _ ar�r-.....: hex • your to�><x,
R. R. MOUSKY; Age;a�t Wing rim,
a measure of Tax Reform on the basis
of 75% on land and 25% on improve-
ments will also come up for discussion
at this meeting and the Government
ce t
will no doubt also introduce their pro-
posal for taxing all bachelors on a
sliding scale according to age.
Owing to the bereavements in the
neighborhood the meeting of the Lit-
erary Society announced for hent Mon-
day night was postponed to Friday
night Feb. 26.h, as a mark of sym-
pathy and respect. Next week the
meeting will be held on Wednesday
night as usual,
Whitechurch -
(Intended for last week.)
The third meeting of the White-
church Literary Society which was
held in the Troy Block last Friday
evening was a decided success, Solos
were given by Miss M Gordon, ;Dan
McKinnon and A. Fox. Recitations
by Ada Clubb, Kathleen Terriff and
Jas.. Penrose, also a reading by Mr.
Jas. Middleton. The dialogue was ap-
preciated. by every one present, the
title being "Trapped", Inetrument-
als were given by the band, Mr. R.
Henry. Speeches Carrick and Will H n q, Sp c by
Mr, F. Davidson, Thos, Moore, John
Gillespie and Mr, ,Penrose. ,The
"Echo" was read by the editor, Mr.
John Cook, The next meeting will be
held on March 5th.
The Guild meeting last Sunda,
was conducted by Mr. David Kennedy
the subject being "Favorite Chapters
of the Bible". A very. interesting and -
helpful paper was given by the leader.
Feb, 28th is "Our Medical Miesions",
the leader beirg Miss Eunice Peddle.
amenusiennewsimessee macalaslas7
the fence -but not one from department -stores,
EIthee you m est rent to its actual value. you give dotlar•bills for
31VE Me. worth of fence, When
. you• huy DIRECT from
the PAGE Factory, you
We KNOW -be- sell to youFact -pockets
I tell •middietn sol prn8te-
cause we ve "told
oth anri et ti's biggest actual
ways, And vre'd ra-
a- value for your cash.
rel•,• sell DIRECT TO Don't Rive dollar
YOU every time. In this Don't
w4v, wo can rive you the bills for 50e.
HIGHEST QUALITY pay PAGE prieee for in -
Fence et the very lnweet ferior fence, .Mail your
eoet. We lean cut rut all next nrder to the nearest
middlemen's e x p 0 n a e 9 PAGE BRANCH - and
and p r o fi t s -• and get the 'BEAT FENCE
give you HEAL VALUE at the LOWEST COST.
for your money. Di MEDIATE 5 1'.i 1 P.
M E N T q frnm stock-�-
n 10
I a
ht tin u h EI
'Wirpn vett t y o g FR
the dealer. or " diteOt" orders and up.
ke, of , slava Spacing 0.1. in 01,1
tarsi !.! SJ thaws web othorizontals Ontario
5 37 21 8,9, 10, 10 50,21
6 40 22 655 7, 1335,. 9,9
7 40 22, 5, 54, 7 7, e 8 76
7 48 22 5, 4 7 , 9,10. 10 .26
8 42 32 b, 6, , 6, b, 6, 4.... .29
8 42 16r 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6
8 47 32 4. 5, 5i, 7, 8 , 9. 9 33
8 47 16#4 4, 5, 5 .
34. 7, 8. 9, 9
9 48 12 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .34,36
9 48 161,4 6, 6, 6,' 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
9 51 22 4,4,5,51 ,7,815,9,9.34
0 52 16 4. 4, 5, $34, 7, 51.5 4 9.36
10 48 16 3, 3, 3, 4, 515, 7, 7, 73 , 8 .35
10 $2 116 3, 3, 3, 4, 5,.r�, 7.81 9, 9 .3i
1 56 16 3, 3,33,4r5j ,',etc 9, 9.
Mr (Ontario Selectee Request ALT. VULL No. 9 GANG
Ifo. 9 tori ani bottom.. Winer, No. Is.
Uprlahta a Whoa apart.
18 -bar, 48-Incl1 50.46
20 -bar, 60 -Inch 1.Si
34t, Gate
12 -ft. Gate 4.35
134t. Gate - 4.60
14 -ft. Gats 4.85
Set tools 5.00
151b1.'grace Wit.* .......
25 ibs. Staples
FRE1G1 7 PAW ON OltDkitS
OF $10.00 Ott OVER
r j' LT D 1873C KrgPVy lis St W t rlo �"!W',flL ly1 V11.L
Looks Like an Aeroplane and Lives
Only a Few D::ys
A new insect, which has only re-
cently been discovered, was shown
tt the exhibition of the Royal Society
it London.
It was -lamed the protura, and it
Is barely eiscernible vith the naked
bye, but when viewed under a micro -
cope it has a striking resere-'ance to
monoplane. The. protura is ex-
remely rare and there are only a few
xisting specimens in the world.
Of its activities nothing is known
to far, beyond that it lives on decayed
Vegetables and that its span of life
foes not extend beyond three days.
Fire, Lite,Accident and
Sickness Insurance
ESTATE -5v eel al
good bargains in town rest_
dances and first class farms
Office -*Griffin Block
Phome 184 P. 0' Box 426
London and Its Lumber
London is the most conservative city
In Europe, if not in the world. It
loves its lumber. You may still see
those notices attached to lamp posts
which announce "Standing for s"our
Hackney Carriages," or whatever the
dumber may be, though lot years no
vehicles of any kind have stood there.
Perhaps it 's as well that these relics
should remain; they are a tiny part
of our social history. They will prob-
ably remain when we are flying to
dinner or the theatre in omni-aeros.
By that time people won't know what
"hackney carriage" meant, and there
will be discussions in the "Notes and
Queries" of the period. For each
generation hands down to the next cer-
tain nuts to crack, -The London
Atter frying onions, pour s little
vinegar into the frying pan, let its
get hot, and it will remove all smell
from the pan,
A Man's Ability is his Passport
(Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice
Teacher of Organ, Piano, Artistic
16 years practical experiense
Wingbam Thursdays and Fridays
Pupils ph prepared for all Ezams.
Residence and studio 621 Dufferin
Ave., London, Ont.
A simple, sate and effective treatment avoid -
in drugs. Used with success for 35 years.
The air carrying the antlseptievapor, inhaled
with every breath, makes breathing easy,
soothes thesorethroat,
and stops the cough,
assuringrestlulnights. - iced
Cresolene is invaluable
to mothers with young
children and a boon to
sufferers iron Asthma.
Send us postal for
deseriptiva booklet
We've always made
Our Bread So Good
So Fresh and Light, So Brown,
That the verdict stands as it long
has stood --
"The Very Best In
Our Rolls, Our Pies,
• Our Buns, Our Cake -
All the goods we daily bake,
Are just as good as . we can bake,
So Come and Buy Them
For Goodness Sake!
Bright Brass and Copper • , !
After cleaning brass or copper vwiti4
salt and vinegar, rub with olive oil,'
and the metal will not tarnish for fit
long time.
Farm for Sale. "-
A good 200 sore farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good cement house, large orolrard, and
considerable quantity of timber. Price
$6500.00. Apply to R. VanetonO, Wing-
Liam P. O.
Wingham, Ont.
(;.•t voile JOB WORK done at the
We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable
curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural-
gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word
of more than ten thousand people Sox of has restored to
health, or the word of eighty-one doctors 'using SOLACE
exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE
BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In-
dividuals. Also SWAIM remedy for
Does the work surely blit p1eaaautiy- 4 ature's ways, No distress
-no gripeinig---.no sick stomach --no weakening, The TWO reel,.
edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the
medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful
drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach -but helps tlbem.
To prove the wonderful curative power of SozAelt remedies write
for FREE BOXES, State It one or both are wanted.
SOLACE CO., Battle Greek, Mich., U. S. A*