HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-04, Page 5�I b 1 .Breakers of High Prices TIT E WIN(-H'AM ADVANGF "ic ��/Ai►�P a �t?l O.r�j �c }� wy5+sy;1r/rp ��►,�T rr. e' '„ d. .i.f'.• "1.4 r'.R G, .�.+',. �y i-. "r.'+' /' , `4 a '',i" . `M •� yr +�„ .�.,�'tat.. ,,`, ♦.� �.:w'�"e� �,• .'� �,•..��1. "���'/"�1. ?i`I, til 1, 11 �. ?! iii. d1, �'i P�, �1 .�'v, .vtt. a'v, .fir..es..'1 erchant's Brokerage Co. lei he On Dollar Day .DEMO NSTRATED THE BUYING POWER OF YOUR DOLLAR. ..,,..,...,._.... ,04.01... • Now for a FINAL CLEAN UP of all HEAVY GOODS .in stock, and make MARCH the BANNER MONTH OF THE SEASON. Read the prices Below, you will find them well worth considering for your FUTURE NEEDS. • Whitewear Dept. P•RIJTCESs SE.r?S Regul..tr $1,75 for • $ 1 15 Regular $l.00 f.+r 69c Regular $ 2.5o for 98c NIGHT GOWJtIS Re u1ar $[.75 $1.13 Regular $ r 5o for $1.00 - Regular $1. 25 for 98c WHITE r.INDERSICI'RTS Regular $1.75 for 89c Reg'ila- 1.5o tor 98c Regular $1.75 for $L25 • Dress Goods Regular Sac, 75c and $1 per yard, 0clear at 38c per yard - Laces and Embroideries from 3c to 25c per yd Furs Furs • Ruffs, Muffs from $.1 up See Them • Boots and Shoes Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Shoes and Lumbermen's Rubbers at greatly Reduced Prices Prints Gingham Fianneletts Groceries 7 Bars Comfort Soap 25c 2 Cans Baking Powder 25c 3 Caw Pea.i, Tom or Corn for 4 Bottles Extract 2 Boxes Yeast ttOte$ 25c 25c 5c 3 Packages Corn Starch 25c 3 Cans Pumpkins 25c 2 Cans Salmon 25c Clothing Dept. Men's tweeds, worsteds and serge suits, Regular $13, $15 Wrapperettes and $16, to clear at Cottons $10. Towelings See our Cretons � eY yd. Cash or Produce We pay 6c .for Dried Apples 2 7C fur Butter, 3oc for Eggs nt's. orkerage Co. Butter in 'Prints Preferred • 11, 11 ,44 1,644 i� X44:. —sks. 41� 14 cur' `41 1 .�1e i1*7 4 " � • 0 �j .e644:4 h1 :4 111:• ®11S laif, 9tf �ietR 11 AAR•4 0:511 • �1, to es s�P li, .01. X11 .11" 'x.111. .1 . 1 Muskrat: Farming. Muskrat farming has proven to be a profitable business in - the United States. Large areas of marsh lands in Ohio and Mery1and are mads to yield good returns through the production' of muek- rat fur. Indeed it has been stated by competent authorities. that many of.these marsh lands are worth more, measured by the actual income from them. than cultivated farms of like •acreage in the same vicinity. Owners of such marsh lands usually lease the trapping privilege, unitiog with the trappers t, prevent poaching. The rt terns from the sale of the rnuskrat fur are divided equally between the owuer and the trapped`, the latter securing whatever extra he can front the sale of the flash, Such an industry might well be developed in Canada. Tba coun- try possesses great areas of marsh land, at ptesent of little direct 'Value, which might le made to produce consi ler rile r even u e P Muskrat fur is steadily growing in • • favour. The agrr•eg de offering ole the London market in March, 1014, exclusive of the Audsnn'a Bay Oornpany'ei sales, weal 4 660.500 skins. While this figure probably shotes an accumulation from the previous year ,till the price q'i.nre.d for April wee! 50 cents a skin. The demand for nmek- rat meat would he confined almost soley to the Indotne unless it were found possible to utilize it as a flush diet for other fur -hearers that are being farmed. Such an undertaking should prove of special villas to the Indian and other trappers wha carry on their work in the neo.e remote portions of the country. At the earns time, many ares of march land iu the settled. sections evhieh new are of little or no use might eo,sfly be made to yield considerahlo tlurencrat returns. -A, D. Home Circle Column OWN YOUR L1.OJ1L No man who has the opportuniotp 6ho0d fail to axe -rove title tp the pro- . petty in which he is to reei.le. Until one owns his own home, his life is not ure? When you go down the street, a. complete as it should be. look around and you can see examples Even if a man Must go in debt to of people who have been waiting for secure his home, it is the thing for something to turn up. Aek them and him to do. Paying for a hone is as they will tell you where they made good a game as one can engage in, their mistakes. and the arf eulties attending it but Make use of your spare moments lend zest to the struggle. Those who by training yourself for a better post enter the lists •almost invariably come tion. Make your own opportunities. out better for the effort. Show the -business woe Id you are a live Really, the chances taken are not one, then they will receive you with formidable. In almost any town, pur- open arme. Make up your minds at chase the real estate at a fair valu• once., Heim is a good business .investment. Take one moment now, and suni up Land values are going up and they the number of hours you are actually will continue to go up for years. In wasting each day, Many of our most towns like cur's with desirable in- prominent men of this country have fluence and every advantage as a reei- won their dietinclion by „making use deuce town, there is little prteepect of of their spare moments, a reversal, If there did not exist the commer- Ease: Wawantosh. rnereial agrgunient in favor of owning The following is the report of 5, S. ons s home, there would be plenty of N;o, 7, E (st Wawanosh for February. caller reasons tor' recommending it. Sth. class, -I' ea $ tet r $0. Jr, 4 h,- ! Some one has reruatked that it is like Mary Pr rnleon Et): edeiville Baeoroft 77, reaching the state of parenthgodr hyla la'nes 72; Mary Boyle 51, Je. When one acquire* a home be bee 3;J-,Olarence Chimney 63, Wilfred eorperhiug worth living for -fighting Robinson 67, Charlie Robinson 69 Jr far. It makes him a better number 2 id -Almond Jamieson 73, Cecil of society. It gives him a Substantial ,Chamney 53. let Cl:rss-Clayton Farb - interest in the great organization I inson 71 -I H. 4, Taylor, knows as a gove;nit( n'• _ ,• �— And while it increases a mane sense Changes in Train Service Of mbL•g:tripe to society and his coun- try, it gives him a new bort of free,. Canadian Pacific Railway dom. In his own home a man feelstt liberty o do things he doee not feel EFF1tC'11VF MONDAY lake doing, in the homes of others, He expands and developer bis energy. MARCH Ii 1 (t, 1915 1'orhFtps ho establishes a talent f. r Effective Monday, March let, Trains mechanics. Perhaps he.tnekes a gar• den and sat.iafies an inherent longing is dig and plant. He may never be- come an inventor or a 'eueceseful grower oT• plant life, but he can have the tun and satisfaction of trying with our, feeling that be is imposing on Someone else, If he wants to have a workbench in the cellar or tear up the lawn for hie experiments in garden- ing, it is bis own buslueee. It costs money to keep up a home, but Wont of thee? It (mate money w er,j ty arty of the pleasures of this hf•:, at.ct total, is roe wog that. giver 8o Me a = t.turUA. t.Fi h,' C Xp, 41.10111,00o 11,000 - SI•„ m oaf $', de tr,bexint r tt ;Nits rs s' hem own will, No other possession hem y q sire ever insane q'.tite so much. SPARE MOMENTS What do you do " with your spare rxpellent:4 D i you tree theui to better yuur.,wif, or do you use them far a good You -have anbitionr, every in e111- petit pee lou hair. Why don't you tr..w the wmrid wh'' you rrat, (h.? Are . 1oil .v.ir mg for serntet hintr 1 o two up Leat will give you rr.Frm.tior? Vent its millions have been eunrnioned him 4F1r1 l) i? er'rraln. You Mil ts,- Nailing lite'pailcy of industry to the inter•no tier v retell from now for rurnethirrg of destruction; now, when tira.talt . °, tip u up, ando et ue hent dayet are I. flgntittg for lietgfun►'e:ritt►t tri ll5, 0 , •t 'heti what will you d•, whiternr,w, *ben !.he ;make liberties are 'ate,.. you i.eat'z,J yr.uq 11ie bee beto Caf'i•1e`t'a•kr; boot, vrbit`n iiei'irlltIli' 'eetkti io Nos 719 and 722 on the Elm, Sated rv- ision Will run as mixed train.; instead of straight passenger, daily except Sunday, on the following schedule;- No. 719 will leave Oataraot. Jct. 10.15 a re,., E.'in 10.45,-Hilleburg 11,05.. O*t- on 11.30, Br•lwood 1155, Spier 12 05 p.m. Fergus 12 33, arriving Elora 1245p m„ No. 722 will leav Elorae 3 15 aim Fergu- 3 55, St. for 4.05, Belwond 4,36, Orton 4.65, Habsburg 5 25, Erio 5 50, arriving Catered Jot, 6 10 pan. Effeetive same date, Trains Na,a671 and 071 now running between Lend"n Windsor', daily' excep' Sunday, will he discontinued beyond Cha:narn. Fn+'ther putieure's tiom Canadier. Pacific flake,. et.;r r.i.., .rr' write M. G. • Mui pby, District Passenger Agent, Totonto. Patriotism And Production. Pairlotieni without productioh le an empty sound. If ever there was ,a. time when by your deeds you are re- quired tp be kt psi fpr it le no*, qow, whets the jwpfr'cieatt war; now, when tri 'by r f the regular chattnele of eurw ply a, w Chime!: now, when Hien In THURSDAY, prlie, rale 1$r train even nor be tote prop trated BsIglq°r,; wow, when Germany /OA t 4ten5 i rite f• rty people of t,ngland, Scotland, Ireland and Withal with starvation; . now, when the enemy le bombarding peaceful towns and village',, olaugbtering innocent and harmless women and children; now; when fertile fields and fruitful gardens of other lands are lying In waste and swollen with death; now, ie the time when Canada is called upon to put forth her mightiest: effort to help otem the tide of destruction, to aid the Ew:, i t' and to profit herself. In entering upon the .campaign In which it is now engaged, the ,Depart. anent of Agriculture of the Dominion has entered upon a task that ehouid do untold good. If, is not that our farmers needed altogether to be prompted to benefit themselves, but that perhaps some of . them do not entirely recognize the seriousness of the present and the more than pro.. bable critical conditions of the future. If the war were to end tomorrow, there would still be need for every effort in productiveness, for many years must elapse before the devas• tation that bas been caused can be remedied or repaired. Unhappily, the probabilities are that the giant conflict will continue for many months yet, in which ease the mind of man cannot fathom or foresee the damage that will have been done to every form of industry. To agriculture in particular byy the waste of life, by ` the wrecking of property and by the spreading of desolation. It is in repairing the damage others cause, that the farmere are called upon to aid. It is their mother country that cries to them. The Agricultural Department is not alone holding conferences at many pointe in the country, but it is en- gaged, as will be seen by the an- 1 5louncement elsewhere, in distribu ting large quantities of literature telling how the farmer can best serve the Interests of the empire, display his grateful sense of patriotism and bring profit to himself. In brief and explicit language. that all who run may read and understand, is pointed out the needs of the situation and how those needs can be met. Above alt, the advice is given to .avoid waste. Everything can be utilized. Noticing need be thrown away as valueless. The economy of production is in saving. The wisest can learn something by reading, and in the Bulletins and Re- ports prepared and written by expert!• and men of practical science, farwer,• will find hints, buggebtione and in. formation will of the greaceet possiba value at this season, and such as evil, advantage both their land and them- eelvee for all time. They will a1Ro aid them in that duty to the Empire which is such passing and instant in, portance that to shirk it ie to be grin, final.. Cobies of the publications t the Department canbe had upon ate, •tl:"reeeing"' Publications Branch, U pertinent of Agriculture, Ottawa, N postage is required on the appticati. TIMBER WEALTH 014 COAST 11Ich Limits In BPitlah Columbia Ac qulred ley United States Firm It is reported that timber' -limits ex- tending over 116 square miles alon. than foreshore of Seymour Inlet •and adjacent waters in British Columbia, including 3,000,000,000 feet of high grade cedar, vfere recently transfer- red to a •eyndfc .te of capitalists from jthe United States. It is said to be the: intention of the purchasers to be- gin logging Qperations on the limits In the near future, and the plans con• temiilate placing several 'sawmills on the property. The scarcity of cedar and the increasing price of high grade timber in ,the United States have caused American ' tniilmen to turn their attention to $.ritiyjc Columbia. whfch has the . • largest compact are cif merchantable tither ea_ the con 'Orient, The abet:tion of the dety Canadian shieeelee and other tor • iriutluete lees enL+tYl ragrl r.na "{ mpetua to tit" abin d-:.,. v. has marie;,ro-- ,• ince ter^ :Y '• Lieut -Col. A. E, Belcher bas writ- ten an appeal to the young men of Bruce and elsewhere to manfully shoulder tbeir reeponsibilitiee in the present•world struggle in which the empire is engaged, Lieut. Col Belch- er learns that the young men of Ilruce have not responded to the call for men for the second contingent in such numbers as the past record of the County would war rant. After point. ed out Britain's rause, Lieut. Belcher concludes his nppeai as follows: "R-. member what Btnce did at the time ni the Fenian raid and again at the north-west rebi I ion, and in South Africa, we were in evidence then You are sons of worthy sires wh fought when their country needee them. G., forth, do your duty, blear - in the honor end glory of the soigne win the reKpect of your fellowe, ant lasting rewind will come to every who doer( his duty as in other days," • Isard's Reduction SALE oney Saving Chances FOR Saturday, March 6th, and Tuesday, Fair Day, March 9 Big Bargains throughout the Two Storer. Read the List. Ladies' Wear Store 10 piece yd wide Flannelette, Heavy, Light and Dark Patterns, reg. values 12ic,oSale 10e 8 pieces dark Wrapperette, reg, 124c, Sale10c 6 Ladies' Rain Coate, all prices, to clear $1.00 5 Girls Rain Coate, small size, to clear $1.00 7 Women's Winter Coats, they go at $2 95 8 Girls Winter Coats, must go at. $2.50 Pure Linen Roller Toweling, reg, price 124c, Sale 10c 500 yds Factory Cotton, yd wide 12 1 2c, Sale 10c 800 yds Factory Cotton, 34 inch, 15 yds for....,5100 4 pieces Drees Goode, reg. 50e, Sale 25e 1 piece Heavy Table Linen, reg. 60e, Sale 39e 3 pieces, 25e Curtains net reg. price, 25e, Sale20c 8 Sweater Coate, Girls and Women's, reg. 51.50 Sale • 51.00 10 pair Flannelette Blankets, Large, Sale $1.50 6 piece White English Long Cloth, 15e, Sale-, , 12ic 10 chez Heavy Ribbed Hose, 35e value, Sale. 25e 2 doz. Corlett+, new style, reg. price 75c, Sale 59e 3 D.,z. Lace Dollars, reg. value 50e, ei price25e 6 only Underskirts sold at $1 50, Sale 51,00 I2 pairs Women's Dongola Boots $2.50, for51955 Men's Wear Store 10 Men's Suits, to clear, Woretede, and Fancy Tweeds, reg. price 510 and 512, your pick for $7.90 • Men's Heavy Shirts, reg. 75c, 2 for $1 25 10 pairs, Men's Boots, odd lines to clear $1.00 12 pairs, Men's Bootee value up to 53.00, your pick $1,98 Men's Heavy Black Overalls, Sale 75c Mien's Peak Caps with Fur Band, reg. 75, Sale 50e Boy's Sweater Coate, reg, price 75; Sale $1,00. Men's Heavy Underwear, reg 75c to 51,00, Sale 59c Fur Collared Coats, on sale at $15 CO Men's Fur Coate, Black Dog, Sale $15.00 Men's Overcoats, to clear, reg. $10 and 517.' for$ 85.950 Boy's Fancy Tweed Suits, good value at $5 for$ 8.95 Grocery Bargains 7 Bars Soap, Laundry, for 14 lbs granulated Sugar and 3 lbs Black, Green or Japan Tea, 35e quality for $2.00 2 Cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder for ... 25c 2 Cans Goods Salmon for 25c 6 lbs good quality Rice for 25c 8 Cans Peas, Corn or Tomatoes for 25e 25e WANTED --Butter, Eggs, White Beans and Dried Apples. Best Prices. ' Keep the dates in mind, Saturday, Mar. 6th and Fair Day, Tuesday, Mar, 9th. ---Low Prices and Big Business. H.E. Isard Cce: �t ©t t t t OOOOOO t r�c� l> O cOOO J oOOooaaacit Constipation -- the bane of old age is not to be cured by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trouble. For a gentle, but sure laxative, tae Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They stir up the liver, tone the �' nerves and freshen the stomach .and bowels just like an internal bath. IMINIIMMOD Woman's best friend. From girlhood to old age, :hese little red health re- storere are an unfailing guide to an active !Iver and a clean, health normal stomach, Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and t31e' sour stomach ay'' ter - mentation., and the hCia••'ie, have all ewie by morning, All druggists, 2ile., rr by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 1s Call a Halt to Subsidies. "There are railways," he continued, "which have received subsidies amounting to the exact cost of thea construction, and the promoters is- sued stock and pocketed the spoils. Assert yourselve', and declare that subsidies to private individuals must cease. We have sufficient transcon- tinental railways. Let us be in earn est. Tell those men you have sent to Ottawa and Toronto that they have •eeu elected 10 serve you and not nivate interests, Call a halt to eub- ••dfee i Call a halt to land grants i Oat' a halt to all boouses! If we must guarantee bonds, let us guarantee Fur own. As soon as the frost is out If the ground, we will proceed with be construction of 98 miles of radial !nes to the northeast of Toronto, Phe whole of Canada is interested in his scheme,, because it means se uah, then let ue g -1 some asels'a.nce one r. •I,.rtndF , THE DOMINION BANK SIN'DMUNQ 1.9*1.50 &1,P., Pfl < IDINt W. D. NATTHtWS, Vr's*•h*[$IDtNT, �, 7l►, COURT. General Manager,. Ido Your Banking By Mail 1f you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominion Bank. Deposits may ba made --cash withdrawn -or thy other Banking Business may be transacted by mall, lust as easily its though ono tnado a special trip to town for the purpose. A Savings Account may be opened he the nate of two persons ---man and wife, er two members of a, family -so that tither enc - can deposit and withdraw inahey born the sante ttedouni, "....K+1iNdi• A1Vi-bliANCH . A. M. SGULI.Yr Manager. t44.1444.44-1444.444•44.44444~4*********“.: s,, New Spring Goods Arriving We are receiving and passing into stock, New Dress Goods, Serges, Voiles, Crepe Cloth, etc. New English Prints, Towelling, Table Linens, Shirtings and Cot- tons. We have a few specials for next week. 1 O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 Gadd Cotton Shirts, 3 for $100 Good Print Shirts, 2 for 1.00 These are extra good value, but must be cleared out • to make room. 35 per cent. discount on all Winter Goods during March. 9 cans of extra good Salmon for $1.00 All kinds of produce and grain tak= en in exchange for goods. M•%.ftr.. Phone 89 ills Win hsin 8444444+44444,4,++.4644* 44*444'_4:.404 44'4+4h4 ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE IT IIAS THE CIP,Cz ,x.AT1ON