HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-03-04, Page 1The Wingham Mvance. 43RD YEAR NO, 23 WINOHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1915 LICENSES. Some folks are so eccentric, They'll license, if you choose, Most all things, good or evil, But they will not license booze. They'll license automobiles, And aeroplanes, and crews, Bus lines, and livery stables, But they will not license booze. They'll license picture houses, Tight skirts, and high heeled shoes. And wooden lege, and whiskers, But they will not license booze. They'll lic nsepews in churches, Where weary brothers snooze And circuses, and corsets, But they will not license booze. They'll license engine drivers, Lest boilers burst their fines, And dancing halls and pool rooms, But they will not license booze. They'll license snow shoe revels, Coming home with the To-whoos, And skating rinks, and hockey, But they will not license booze. They'll license fire agents; With game of win or lose, And life insurance artists, But they will not license booze. They'll even license families, (Not more than ones or twos,) Divorce and low necked dres es, But they will not license booze. They'll license transient traders, And barbers with shampoos, And fierce appendix experts, But they will not license booze. They'll license politicians, Grit reds and Tory blues, And ice cream men with push carts, But they will not license booze. They'll license judge and jury And dreadful hangman's noose, And bloody, hellish. warfare, But they will not license booze. Onlooker. v The Late Lancelot Nethery. There passed away on .,Thursday, Feb. ]8.b, Lancelot Nethery, at bis home on the fifth concession, Eeee 1Vawanoeh, at the ripe old age of 85 years. Mr. Nethery was horn in the county of Ferma pagb, Ireland, in the year 1829, and came to Canada in the year 1852, settltug in Oartwright Township, Durham county. where he rea,ained aotil the year 1857, ,Leaving Cartwright he came to East Wawa nosh and took up tbe farm on which he died. In the year 1879 he married Elizabeth Tyner. The ceremony was perfumed by the Rev. Wm. Render- eoo, rector of the parish of Blyth at that time. Deceased was a member of the Anglican Church, and one of the feundere of the Church in this parish, holding the office of warden for some years. The tur.jeetof the sketch, the late Lancelot Nethery, was brought up by the Church of England, but was liberal to all, for in the pion- eer days of the country when char cher were few in number he had a church built on his own place for alt pro- testant denominations to worbhtp tberein. In politics he was a staunch Cc n servative and for over fifty leers a valued member of the Orange Order. He was one of the Charter members of Belgrave L. 0. L. and a member in good standing at the time of his death. He was a delegate to the •coanty Orange Lodge of South Huron, held in Exeter for the purpose of the divieton''of the county inta<South and North Huron, the latter' o1r vShioh he. *as the third county master and for Which he was ' a delegate tto the upreme Grande Lodge of Brittah werica held in St. Johns, New. il}nswicit. The ft)neral took place on ,Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21)th, to McCreas cemeteret;under the auspices of the Orange Order. The Rev. T. 11. Farr, rector of the deceased took the service at the house taking as his text the words "I will never leave Thee nor forsake Thee" Mr. Nethery requested Mr. Farr to speak from these words and to tell the friends hew true God had been to His promise. At the grave Mr. Groves of 1'Vinghem, Oounty Master of the Orange men of this s district officiated. Mrs. Nethery died in 1911 and since that time Mr, Nethery made his home with his only son, Mr, W. G. on tate home. stead. The late Mr. Nethery was a pian of sterling qualities. He could give you a yes to what' was right and a no to what was wrong that there was no mistaking, straight forward, sterling honesty marked his every act. The Empire never boasted a more loyal enbject, nor the Orange Order a more worthy brother, and the Ohurch knew him as a good son. He was a good type of man and highly respected in t in which he lived f so gate neighborhood ensue, y yeare. Belgrave, Feb. 28, 1015 Mr. Jno. Nethery, wife and family: Dear Brother --We the members of L.O.L. No. 402 extend to you and your family our heartfelt sympathy in this the boar of your bereavement in the loss of your brother Lancelot and our faithful friend and brother. We will miss him from our midst but We feel that our lose will be His gain. We share with you in the consola- tion that comes from the thought that your dear brother always placed hie trust In His Saviour. • t.,- • We fell -enured you will humbly submittto the 'Will of •flim who hie tkught its that than pay haat 'a t; 'ort aOne to live 'and fits days 'are full of orrotii. 'In death he halanswered be tat roll oral1t and gone to the Vida, it d'to'ta lltWe� o e hall, of �. etr e itm'T oy' a'bd bv°e y �l'. , ., .' , ned'oil Waif of . , No. 482, l'I,(l i Ile hrma . Yu � c tea o O e As . pelgrave. Ont., Feb. 21,194 To Os Manger 4n01ern ars pf 4: q. .111'x. 40"2., Belerave, 0a4. 1gea►r brethren,• --t wish to egpress my gratitude and thanks to you for your kind words of sympathy and condolence to me and - mine in the passing of my dear and lainented brother, My prayers will be to Him who nevere slumbers or sleeps, that in Hia gond time when the last roll call is given, that you and your dear ones with all of us will be joined in that Grand Lodge ,above with the Captain of our Salvation to he our Great and Glc' us, .Greed Mahler.. forever., and, forever, adieu John Nethery. [tiwww..r.....,•......... Cburcbiwfl Baptist Pastor Riley of the Baptist Church gave a fine sermon Sunday night on the Subject "Ch LOS or Cosmos,' or, "Does God Care?" Next. Sunday evening his subject will be "The Immanence of God in His- tory." St. Paul's Church. Service (this) Wednesday evening at 7.30. Subject—St. Peter. The W. A. will meet on Thursday afternoon and the Girls' Auxiliary on Friday afternoun in the Parish Hall. The Brotherhood will meet at the Rectory Friday evening at $ o'clock. Holy Oommunion next Sunday at 11 a.m. July Twelfth Celebration monster A m r ce lehration will be held here on July aril. Some of the best speakers in the Orange order in Can- ada will be present. Pias Army Horse. Mr. Robert Graham, Howiek, sold an'extra fine army horse, which will he used for special work, on Dollar Day, receiving a handsome figure for same. Card of Thanks We a wish to thank our many Customers for their patronage during the past ten years, and wish for a continuance of the sante for our successor, Mr. Wamsley. Yours truly, L. Kennedy Patriotic Society Notes The Ladies' Patriotic Society having completed six months of their work held their semi-annual meeting on Monday, Mreh let 1915 at which the following otters were elected:—Pres„ Mrs. 'R• 0 Redmond; Vice -Pres„ Mre, J. W. Hilbert; Secretary. Mre, 0. M. Walker; Treas., Mrs, W. J. Greer. Executive Committee the above nam- ed officers together with Mre. W. Gray, Miss Cornyn, Mre. Bone, Mrs, Pugh, Mise Peasant. Mrs. Tyndall, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. Forgie, Mrs. Phelan, Capt. Cbi wpken and Mrs+ Stone. Officers results will appear in next week's. Italie. Two auditors from the men's Patriotic Society were appoint- ed to audit the book of the Society. namely Mr. R. Clegg and Me, A, Oos. ens. It was decided to hold a concert local Went in the Town Hall on Thursday evening March 17,furthcr particulars of which will appear in next week'e issue, On Feby. 28th, the Society ehipped to the headquarters of the Red Cross So. clety, nue, hundred and sixteen pairs socks, 5 pairs of waistlete, sixteen scarves, twelve Balaclava raps, twelve face clothe. Tbere was also shipped on March 1st, to the Belgian Relief a box con• taining sixty two quilts shipped in ad- dition to eeventy quilts shipped in Feb making a total of one hundred and thirty two quilts sent to the relief of the needy Belgians. -We would again repeat the appeal on behalf of the Red Grose Society for white material suit- able for bandages and surgical dreet•- legs, There seems to be some misun- derstanding which is keeping many persons from sending in old material. Any sort of old white cotton or liner, rags or pieces, thoroughly cleansed seems cut or ripped out and premed, done up in bundles or rolls is what is required. W,e would urgently request all those who can do so, to hurir nut all white cotton and linen garments and have it prepared and sent in for shipment at once so that it may he in- cluded in the shipment which is being made very soon from the Red Cross Society to the hospital at the front The need for this is increasing every day and the call comee with a special significance to those who bave rela- tives and friends among the soldiers now on the battlefields. We hope than• Wingham will not fall behind in thio good work but nnntribute as large a share es possible toweade the hand- agee and surgical &seseinas for the wnnnded soldiers The following is N. oottrplote• lira of all those wh., donated comr,tered quilts. Mr•+ R J Tyndall 2 quil•• ; Nee. N. Griffin. 2: Wee Lontitr, 2; Mia.. M C aIJ ,wsv 2: Mee. 1Zncteder•-,2; 4t+•.4 W N A,tarin Me'.F.ietneth need f'i•.rel. 2: L'sdir•e of S. 8 No 9, Wawaaoeh, 2; %ire. Si, Tindall 1; Mee. W Dive -leen. 1; Mre, G Wrighr, 1: Mre. E C. White & Mre. Tyndall. 1; Mre. Link - later, 1: Mre, T. Sheerer.. 1: Mr•N ATebie Patrersnn, 1; Mrs, J. Patter - eon, I; M:N W. Field, 1: Mrs,. T. Kew. 1; MrA, Johns. 1; Mre. Loge., 1: tiers. McKie 1; Mes. H. Davie. 1; etre. P.0:t- we; l; Mire lretieiekle, It Mrs. 'Raeford; 1: Mrs. J. W. Walker, 1; Mra. Geddes, 1; Mime Jean Tervetr and friends, 1; Miss E. King. 1; Miss Weir. 1; Mr, Ricker'. R. q, elRse. 4;• -Met. Pringle, 1; Mre. T Wheeler. 1; Mrs, T. Wilson, 1: Mrs. Rr'binson, 1; Mre. Brandon, 1: Mee H. Jobnston, 1; Mrs. Lloyd, 1; Mra, Vanetnne & Mre. Weir, 1; Mre. 3 Wheeler, 1; Mrs. A.' R Johnstone, 1; Mre.. J. •asemnre, 1; More Stapleton. 1; Mrs John Kelly & friends, 1; Mrs. Frank Henry, Whitecburch, 1; Mrs. Wheelene, 1; Mrs. A M. Anderson. 1; Mre. Currie, 1; Mrs. 0. A. Rinton►,l ; Mise 15 Little, 1; Mrs, W. D. Varey, 1; Mise McLaughlin, 1; Mrs. John Md. er, 1;. Mre. M. Roharteon & friends, 1; Mrs. Merton's S S. Class, 1; Miss Mc- Kenzie'e S. S. Class. 1; Mies Cruick- •hankie S. S. Class, 1; A. W. Satiety, C. O. W. B. M., 1; Mre. A. Reid, 1. If there are any persona who gave quilts whose names do not appear in thie list it le through the names not being marked. on the quilts when left at the hall. Millon Dollar Mystery. There is just one more chapter of the Mal on Dollar Mystery and it will not be` printed until the flnieh of same at the' Wingham Picture House, which will be a matter of x few weeks. The Net chapter is en- titled; "Solving the Mystery". a tart JacgaeaC r Rht A quiet wedding took place at the manse on Wednesday. Feb. 24tb, at 7 p.m., by the Rev, D. Perris, where Mise Mary nide, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cartwright, became the bride of Mr. Geo. M. Jacques. After the ceremony, dinner was nerved at. the bride's home and the young couple left Thursday morning for a shot, honeymoon iuToronto. sitenet' _ Removal Notice iIy Millet in the future ivilihe in the Town Hall inet'ed of the Griffin hinek as f rm. rly, at,d would Wily thai. alt my neuranec en. RAM Estate bust nese will be condnoted at' the Town Hall in the future. Ihave a fairs ehoice residences for sale et hafgain prices. 'Fire 'Insur1nci attested at t l owest rate and intirNt c ass � fro.,asieA. Yours it 917; 3. C`;. Stewart, Wingltapt, 70/4T 44 f1 v14ian-1n Atklneett, lunula, on Feb. 4 :Ind lI ,diet Moll sitnttlat be, loved cif. of 'rhos, Davidson, Qpenl+et ep. Dear Mr, .Agriculturalist: -- Four years ago we promised you certain inducements in'our canvas for cream namely that we would take your cream all the year, that we would pay you upon delivery of each can of cream,.that would mean a daily test and also that we would be in a position to pay as much for the cream as any city Creamery. We are sorry to confess that in each of these inducements we have not been able to fulfil our protnise however, de- lays are not denials; on Saturday of thie week we will open a. new depart- ment in copnection with our produce busiuese. Silverwoods Lid., of Len- don will have a man in aur warehouse testing your cream upon arrival then we will pay you the cash far it. We are glad that we can make this an- nouncement and hope that this de- partment of our business will he of great service to you as we would like to have the fanners of this district drop in at any time with samples, of not only the cream, but also a satnple of the milk of each cow of the herd,' It will then be known which cow is the pi'otitabld• one. We therefore, with hist equipment, think thata we are in position to compete wit. h the first tenmeries both n service and in )+rices. Try and have eome cream here on Saturday, we buy it in any quantity. Yours Sincerely, A. H. Wilford Wholesale Produce Dealer. Mr, Brunk Brandon, Hanover, visit, ed his parents here on Friday. Mr. M. Matheson of Ripley is visit• ing in Wingham and vicinity. Mr. Robert Downing of Brgasele spent Dollar Day in town. Rev. Mr. Gilmore of Ripley, was a visitor in town this week. Melvin Williams, London, is the guest of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg were in',Ing- ersoll over Sunday. Mrs, Leaky, Kincardine, has been visiting her parents here. Wingham Citizens Band play at a Brussels carnival tonight. Misses Lillie McTavish and Mae Cantrlon are visiting in Ripley. ExaMayor C. G. Vanetnne•' 1. aid Wingbam a short visit last week Mies G. Pyke has returned frons an extended visit with Gorrie friends. Mr, W. A. Campbell left on Thurs. day on a business trip to Winnipeg. Mre. W. F. Vanstone is in Tnrento visiting her son, Mr. O. G. VanStone. Mr, Rnhert Johnston of Detroit,was a visitor. with friend, here last week. Mr, Geo. Moir was in Listowel nn Mr.uday attending the hockey match. Frederick Foxton left Satueday morning for a weeks stay in Toronto, Miss Annie Roulaton of R'pley'is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Richard Solomon. Mr and Mre. Wilfrid Reid spent a few days lana week with friends in St Marys. Mise 1klaeGemmell of Ripley ie'the t!ut st of err tister, Mina Lena Oen• melt. Mr. J H. Galbraith of Brussels was here on Dollar Day and purchased pix berms. Mies Myrtle Friendship, Tse"water, Is visiting her sister, Mise F. Friend- ship. Mrs, W. A. Miller is spending a'few &eye with her parents at Moorefield thi'. week, Mrs. Johnston Ronleton of Olivet is the rtu,•.r of h•'r daughter, Mrs. Rich, and Solomon, Mr. Arehihald Hislop, Liberal Clan• didate fur North Huron, was in town Dollar Day. Mr H Bi,•rnineham, Conservative 0•&sn.nez• fur Ontario, was in town last week. Miss Siva) ie, Mervin. S•'ek., visited te-•r are her, Oau•,s,in T. N Sineleir leer week Mi -s Perth Butler and Miss Mary Welker vi-i'ed London friends over the week -end. Mr. S tune' McMui•ehv of Ripleyis v:...t•r t: ar • he home of his aunt, Mrs. D. M••Tevt'h. Mr. and Mr+. J A. MacLean; red turned tin Saturday from a"short''atay rn Toronto. Mr. John Adams, jr., Wroxeter, was a business visitor to town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Will L. $random of F'rehisher, Sask., visited at T. S. Brandon's laet week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Calvert entertained a number of friends to dancing and *lards on Thursday evening. Mrs. C. Henderson of Montreal is 1 he guest of bet. hrnther, C. N Griffin end family for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Twamley, A'h- field, visited the latter's parents, Mr. end Mrs, William Saunders. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wall. Crystal City, Man., were. guests of the form- er's uncle, Mr. John Morgan, last week. I Mr. John Ritchie last week took his regular Real Estate and Insgranae trip to Lucknow, Llgngannop, $lyth, .,,r, ... .. , ✓w- Persortats etc, )( Mise Annie Deyell, a graduate steno. grapber of the Wingham Business Cul- legs, has taken a position in the Par- liament, Toronto. 1: '( Mise McCall of Toronto is a visitor at Mr, S. Vaneton's and her solos at the Methodist Church the last two Sundays were greatly appreciated. Y. '( Mr. Eddy Hocken, who played in- side home for London Lacrosse Team last year, is in town and will play with the Winghtlm team this year. X 1( Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Tbornbeck of Shoal Lake, Manitoba left for their home last Saturday accompanied by Mise Norma Foxton, who is gone to view, her teeter Mrs. who Cassells, )( Address and Presentation )(On Tuesday evening, I+sse:--,gird, prior to a happy event on Wednesday, Mr. Geo. earques was tendered a banquet at Mttier's restaurant by about thirty young men of town and presented with a beautiful oak rocker)( and the following address; Dear George : As the curtain is about to fall upon the close of your bachelor days, our hearts re- fuse to part with you without one last farewell night of pleasure. We have lov ed you well, George, tried to bring you up in thetogo Pleaded wayyou ought g ht with you, with tears in our eyes to bide with us yet a little while, but ye would not. Tru to the Old, Old Story you have cast us all aside for the smile of one fair damsel. So now there is lett to us .but one choice, anti We are gathered together with one resigning cry, "Let George Do. t although you are giving us pain in ' reit• ing, ' ' ' ' ' Re Inge will be ours in the days to Vast Crowds At- tended Wingham Dollar Day From early morning until 7 in the evening, Wingham merchants had more patrons than they could wait on. This Wingham Dollar Day brought one of the largest crowds that our town has seen for some -thee. The merchants put on special values and the citizens of Wingham and vicinity were not slow to reach out for same. The special prices given by the Busi- ness Men's Association were won as follows; Registered Mare, any class. shown on halter, George Cruikshanks, let; James Stuart, 2nd, Agricultural Team, David Ramsey, 1st; Forrest Wilson, 2ud. Sweepstakes to best horse in town on Dollar Day, George Cruikshanke. The $5.00 to the largest family reg- istering in Wingham on Dollar Day went to Mr. and Mre. Patrick Gibbons. The Advan.:e reporter was told that they were a flne, healthy, good-look- ing, intelligent family. Their• name), sere, Mary, Kathleen, Agnes, Evelyn, Angela, John, James, Joseph, Francis and Blair. Of the special prizes Mr. Dan Mar- tyn, Whitechurch took the prize for largest cash purchases in town that. day. Mr, Martyn'e cash purchases totalled $123 37, Of the special prizes Mies Bella Scott, Belgrave, won the $5 in Mr, Patterson's store; Mr, Dan Martyn tbe 100 lbs, Quality Flour front. How- son & Brocklebank; Mr. William Adair won the $10 Dash prize for hav- ing. the best quality and flavored cream brought to A. H. Wilford; Mr. Thomas Hardy won the $15 gold watch at the Knox Jewellery Store; Mr. H. Young won the $10 in cash for largest purchases at King Bros; Mr, Silas Johnston, Lot 4, Con. 16, Grey Townehip received the prize for driving the longest distance; name- ly,. 20 miles. The army horse buyers were here and purchased a number of horses Mr, John Galbraith of Brussels pur- chased 6 and some horse buyers from Toronto also purchased a number. The Wingham Dollar Day was a grand success and no doubt all will look forward to Dollar Day of 1918, Council Meeting; -r•, The regular meeting of the Wing. ham Town Council was held on Mon- day evening with all the members present but Councillors Currie and Crawford and Hie Worship Mayor Irwin in the chair. A petitition was presented for a sidewalk on John Street and Oarllug Terrace. Moved by Councillor Bell and seconded by Councillor Patterenn that the petition regarding sidewalk he left in bands of Street corn to be looked tato and report at next meeting. The report of the Finance Com, was adopted on motion of Councillors Pat- terson—Bell. The Property and Fire Com. report- ed recommending that contract for woad for Town Hall be given to P. Gibbons and contract for coal to R. J. Cantelon, and on motion of Coun. Bell—Reeve Mitchell this report was adopted, The Assessment Oominieaion "reports ed having engaged Mr. A. Fleming as Assessor for 1915 at a salary of $112 50. Moved by Ouun Bell and seconded by Reeve Mitchell that the report of the Assessment Commission be receiv- ed and ,adopted. Mr. A. Pullen's account was ordered to he paid when properly certified on motion of Councillor Binkley—Patter• son. Mr. Lack Kennedy asked for refund f taxes amounting to it u n 10.60 and $ was moved by Coon Binkley and se- *:onded by Coun. Vannorman'that the refund be given Mr. Kennedy for overcharge of taxes for year I914. It was moved by Councillors Van. nnrman—Binkley that all Committees report at next meeting what they in- tend to pay for day labor. ;. Moved by Reeve Mitchell and sewn - ed Cnun. Bell that the Auditors meet Mr. Groves and Mr. Stewart to report n•+ Finances for . annery and February 1915, Ei,TPTRIo LIGHT DEPT. J. Radford, salary J. Brooke, eatery 13'. Galbrai' h, salary 13'. Bowden, salary J Bradwin, salary. 13. Davis, duty on coal R. McGee, freight & teaming. Ober & Michigan Ooal Co., coal Rae & Thompson, supplies.... R. S. McGee, supplies Toronto Pattery Co., Supplies Thos. Kew, supplies Imp. Oil Co., supplies Chas. Barber & Sons, euppliee Garlock PackingCo., supplies Can. Westinghouse Co., sup Northern Electric Co„ sup ,,len. Elect. Supply Co„ sup., Can. Gen. Elec. Co., sup Dudley Holm , legal fees ..: Herb Campbell, salary John P Groves, postage 3 75 Can. Pacific Ry. Co.; freight119 09 WATETWOE1.S DEPT Mr. D 1.6lme0c. 0„ onus fa Ottawa lase; week, Miss Ailsa Buchataan ie vieitipg in Toronto, Mr. Alf. Biker of Brgseele wag in town pollee Pay. llppwn r. Colhasn Pgreerv;,is, Lfl tt w IMP. Art r W it Iayi of Lopdon was iti we or, Monday, Mr, Orval It 'Taylor was In CfOrrte end Pot dwlch on Thursday acid Fri- day', *hers be .goes weekly, taking ordtri for ladiea' and gent's garments, iiolyhootl, was .-come; ' .' When' the boys all say with sympathy, grei- ing; Pifer Geordies' play clays are done: We i incerely hope ti;;;t the tulllnlcnt of your nee ttutie5 will qct have such a strong claim upon yogi leisure. hat that you will find tiutettuw and again to come out and frolic with your old pals, who will indeed miss you, if you don't. May yotl ever sit, pat, and never have to say that wins, in the great game you are About to 'enter, George, to morrow night your name will be Mr Jaques, but to night you are still George, and still amongst us Will you accept a email token of our appreciation of our friend/... Your Wingham friends, $ 03 00 260 15 00 03 00 19 20 24 90 20 44 58 88 0.23 1 35 05 17 55 2 70 19 39 75 00 30 97 18 89 98'19 29 88 100 00 Geo. Allen, salary, Herb. Campbell, salary Wm. Davies Co., work J Brooke, work W m. Hayden, work T. J. McLean, work . R Obittleburgh, work., .. , . , Rae & Tnompson, supplies oarlock Packing Co., supplies J. A. M,'Leau, coal ... M. Zurbri It t. E, blue print .. gB Root. McGee, freight Dudley Holmes, legal fees .... Gl;>,NERAL DEPT. John F. Groves, sal & pstg.,$ Geo, Allen, salary Rd. Lewis, salary Wtn. Stokes, salary .,, A. ?lathes', wotk ,,,.,,, Prank Gutteridge, F. Gutteridge, cernent sewer.. 1, Sanderson, snow ploughing R Mooney, wk. Town hall. fi 3. Cantelon, coal P. Ciibbone, Wood hiunici al World, asst, rolls Rae 8q Thompson, supplies.,.:' Wm. Robertson, supplies J. A. Mills, horse feed .. , . , , , W. J, Greer, Firemen's coats.. G. N. W. Tel. Co., cable to Salisbury llndson, Boyd & Co., payment on audit D. Holmes, le mss al feea re sewer leg el Holme,, legal fres, ra _pavement . ...... •••••*• D. Hol meq, legal feee re at b:• teat ion Holmes, legal feel 1I Brotenn D. Holmes, Leger fees, general acct ,..r..., 27 50 10 00 5 52 1020 2 80 1 00 10 00 4 00 10 31 800 20 76 19, 43 84 83 37 60 85 00 40 00 43 19 45 D. Holmes, Advt, Ont. Gazette 0 15 SI el " 8 00 D. Holmes, law coats private bill. 100 00 Pub. Sch. Bd.. adv. on levy..., 400 00 High .1 II" ,.., 50000 Municipal World, •Assessor's guide 54 R. J. Cantelon, coal. 34 18 40. 4'84 50, local Items Don't fail to hear Rev Dr. Barber in the Methodist Church, Monday, March 8rb Subject "Our escape from Ger- many. On Aoril 1st you will be fooled if you have not taken advantage of the special March sale at. Walker's Furni- ture Store. We would appreciate your fertilizer order as soon as possible,—A. H. Wilford, Wholesale Produce -Dealer, Witighani. Mr. Bert Currie was euccefsful in drawing the cord and securing the clock in the window of W. G, Patter- son, on Dollar Day. Wbile at the home of her eon -in-law Mr. W. Reid on Tuesday of last week, Mrs, T. Brandon slipped on the ice and broke her arm, The Willing Workers' Mission Band of the Baptist Church will give an enter- tainment on Friday evening of this week at 7.30 o'clock. A good programme. Everybody come. Admission 10c. Maitland Lodge I. 0. 0. F. will give a progressive euchre party on, Thursday evening; all members are cordially invited. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital will he held next Monday afternonn, the 8th inet, at 4.15 in the Council Chamber. Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., de- livered an address in the townsbip hall, Gerrie, on "Why Britain is et War and Canada's duty," on Friday night. Mr. A. H. Wilford distributed five Dare of Gunn's Fertilizer last week; there will be about fifteen cars sold in this district, which means 375 tons, making this the banner district of On- tario. Mr. John Davidson is very ill with rheumatism and is confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson receiv- ed the sad news of the death of their eider -in-law, Mrs. Thos. Davidson of Illinois, formerly of town. Lo5T.—Satarday,.. Feb. 27th,` void- able gold locket, heario-abape, Set with 18 pearls, initials M. A. B. valued as a keepsake. Finder please leave at. Elanna'e store. Our Escape from Germany,-eA very thrilling and instruotive lecture by Rev. Dr. Barber of Listowel. In the Methodist Church, Monday March 8. Don't miss this treat. Admission, 25c, children 15c. 1884 30 83 2228 85 4 40 17 10 To, the Ciiiegs of Wingham and Vicinity 1 beg to announce to the citizens of Viugham and vicinity that I have pur Chased the restaurant business of Mr. Kennedy, and solicit a continuance, of your patronage. I propose to maintain the high stagdard that this restaurant has bees noted far daring past years We re gest that eaoh and a'1 to gine tie a call where will be found the choicest srleetipn of goads obtainable as well as the best of serviee, Yours truly, G. Walmsley. sensseemesiessillnieWis Monthly Horse Fair. 5 00 March Horse Fair is elwaye the beet of the season and the Wingham Buei 100 00 nese Men's Association is peering no 12 70 paint to make nur next monthly' Horne Pair on Tumidity, March 9, the hent 2 00 one in the history of Wtnghatn. Theon, will be hose havers here who will any 42 i9 cheap hnrsee or dear horses, light hor- 25 9') ties er heavy heriies. Everyone shonld Meek the aaiendar for March 0 and 29 00 corns to Wingbam, 19178190 'TION on0 1 AusW>fM IN U. * 00000000000000000000000000 00000 * * 4 * * * * * * * w*****_************** Produce Wanted Choice Butter 3oc New Laid Eggs 3oc doz. Dried Apples 6c. pound KING BROS., Wingham Thank You. The Editor. As we enter our third year, in the publishing of the Advance, the Editor, on behalf of the Wingham Publishing Co., Lt'd, wishes tc again thank our subscribers, adver- tisers, job work patrons and re - reporters for their patronage for, the past year. Mortgage Sale Of Valuable Pro- perty is The Tovi nship Of Turnberry Pursuant to a power of sale con• rained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by Frank McConnell, auc- tioneer, at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Wingbam on SATURDAY the 20th Day of MAROH, A.D. 1915 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow. ing property, that is to"say,—Village lots 13, 14, 17,18 and 19 on the West side of Victoria Street in John Case- more's registered Survey of part of Won let number ten in the first Con- cession of the Township of Turnberry. Oa this property is situate a good one and one half storey frame dwell- ing. TERMS OF SALE—Twenty per cent. of the purchase money on that day of sale, and the 'balance in twenty ro days thereafter. The above property y will be offered subject to a reserve bid Futher particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale, or may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated this 2nd day of March. A.D. 1915 R. VANSTONE, Vendor's Solicitor 23.24 Bread, Potatoes and Soup given away free to any families -in need, every Tuesday and Thursday at T. Fells'. Special prices in all lines of furni- ture during the month of March ate Walker's We are buying butter and egg . We de not cull your eggs 'except for rotor and held stock.—Wm. Davies Co. • tf A few barrels of good winter apples for sale. --Apply to D. McPherson. Cedar Rails Wanted, Telephone to The Western Foundry Co , Ltd., Wingham, No, 85. Our Fertilizer is the money maker. —A. H. Wilford. A bargain in second-hand cutter.— Apply to R. A. Currie, tf Bracelet Watches from $3 to $50 at Patterson's Jewelery Store. cash for Butter and Egge.—A. H. Wilford. Carload of corn for sale at the Grand Trunk Station—Tipling & Mills. Bring your butter and eggs to us. We pay highest cash price market will allow—War. Davies Co, tf WANTED—A reliable man to sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN STOOK in Wingham and Duron Co. Stintnow tt the beet selling timee Send for liet of Spring Offerings and terms to agents, Liberal Cornmi's inns, Handsome free ant fit'. --The Fonthill Nurseries. (Established 1837) Toronto. Try a pail of apple butter jatn ; this is a very cheap thing at 0 ata, ser pound considering the price of augsr. —E. Merkley & Son, phone 84, Wing - belie, Ont, Mrs, S. J. Smith, Tp. r f Morris, box 50, care of W, Pollock, Myth, Ont., will do hair weaving from combings er cut hair; ewltchee, curls. trantfnr- matlnus, side rolls, etc, Reasonable ales. Wear Greer's Blanes and Pr nbbere. • erseseessweirastsestmeraseetemaasamiseiessem Final Clearance Mens Fine Boots Read our Ad. on last page. I WILLIS & CO. .••e�tlYeriir� Stationery We have at the present time one of the largest assortments of Stationery in town* Stratford own 4,. - Stratford Lines, white, fabric finish stock, boxes at . 25c box Hillcrest Linen white, fabric finish stock, ,laxed in attractive boxes and great value for the price 35c box Cascade Linen, white finish, 48 sheets and 48 envelopes ..,., 35e box Victoria Fabric, white linen finch, 80 sheets and 50 envelopes 39., boil Symphony Lawn, theiHighest grade Stationery made and exceptionally, cheap when quality is considered at 60c box We also carry Lord Baltimore Linen in pound packages at 35c along with a full well assorted line of Writing Pads, Envelopes, etc, J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN 7heC4G021 Store 1 Cut Prices on Shoes For Ten Days Only, a big •en price sale on all kinds of our splendid. SHOES Figure out your saving at these prices. 28 pairs Women's Shoes, Regn:ar price 33.00 si. QQ to $4, Sale Price... 1 20 pairs Misses Shoes, Reg. Price $1.75 and $125$2.50 Sale Price 15 pairs Boys Shoes, solid leather, Reg. price $2 ,j to 82.25 Sale price... 1.5U 12 pairs Mens Shoes, Regular Price $4.50 to $5.00 Sale Price S298 VISIT OUR BARGAIN TABLE Come early—=for there will be no more shoes at these prices this season W. J. GREER rUMW 01171111101111 1 ROBERT A. CURRIE Graduate ofCanadianEmbalmers Association We ca rrlarge and first- class stock of a. ar g FUNERAL REQUISITES A largo stork of everything found in a modernfurniturestore Store Phone 51 Reeidence 155 . Coal. Coal. In all sizes, Connells Smithing and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Coke, Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath and Shingles always on hand and delivered promptly. To avoid subtitution and im' position order D L. & W. Scran- ton Coal. Cash for Logs and Heading Bolts. J. rA. McLean tDl DEALER iN Lumber, Coal a 'Wood Mike Atone 64a. Mill ,'hone 64m `itesitlpnctt+ none 55.