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The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-25, Page 6
THE WI NG.k{A..M AD Y A N 01001 ._.....,4,,, a 111144.110,1k rt4i'�Ift :It I ut:d ora t' -.;uh+ tin; ihe,3tarnedisand IloiNIsof Promotes Digestion,Chcefful- Hess andRest.Contatuslte1thcr Opitan.Morphiae nori`liaerlal. NOTNARCOTIC. laregeorMIDAVIARZPITCVER Ifan�drie Seed- Jfiel.dleSolts- 4lmseSu$+ D1l r onto hiss IlbemSeed- c fled pern'tfrran Ap¢rfect Remedy forConstipa lion, SourStomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Corivulsions,Feverish• ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FaeSimile Slgnaturcof TUE CU; TAUR CJMPAty. MONTREAL&NE1v YORK For.Infants and Children. &o Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signathro of In Use For Over Thirty Years. Exact Copy of Wrapper. TORI THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW MONK CITY. wet SAVE MONEY You can save from $15 to $20 by having that suit CLEANED PRESSED and REPAIRED, also a similar amount by having a New Velvet Collar eto, on your Overcoat. We specialize on DRY CLEANING, PRESSING and;REPAIR• ING LADIES' WEAR. Johnston's Cleaning and Pressing Works (Under New.MANAGEMENT) Chas. G. Jehns;on. Manager LL • Carries a Complete Line of High Oracle Musical Instruments of Every Description Playor=Pianos and Organs of almost any make. Phonographs, Edison and Victor Stringed Instruments of all kinds, Violins a specialty Sewing Machines, Canadian and American We wish to impress you with the fact that we sell everything that spro- duces music, at prices to suit all. • 101.1001•011011•111•1•10101 0•1000020•01010110010CTIZEWEVIC00 TWO STOR:S OPPOSITE SKATING,RINK Phone 222 You Can Help Keep - Canadian Factories . 'ring by buying Canadian -made goods. Your money re. mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people employed. ; WR Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes is the only article bearing the KELLOGG name are is "Made in Canada," All others are made outside of country and do not help our working people. KEEP YOUR MONEY IN CANADA Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes Made in London, Ontario, Canada 1000..7010004.011000.,u,:wx.01w.nw.w+.�..r<.....c........W.4.600. .. _. . . .0.. 10.0,. 11.0.00000000 ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE IT HAS THE CIRCULATION GIRLS OF TO -DAY ENJOY LIFE FULLY author of Dodo Tells They Have Bettor Time Than Those of Generation Ago Edward Frederick Ronson, prophet of the Now Womau, has written a New Dodo. Seated before the tiro in is London study, • hung with blue Mina, he talked wittily of wc.men as be knows them. "Tho first Dodo," said he, "was - intent against Victorian convention- tty. Dodo the Second is a daughter of the old Dodo and though she has the same originality of character sho 's different in many respects. Less mpulsive, more studious, she is deep In social problems. Never had Dodo °easoned before sho acted. "The girl of to -day is absolutely tifferent from the girl of 20 years Igo. Two things have helped to, bring his about—the improved methods of education and the disappearance of the chaperone. Chaporonitis was a positive disease •.n the Victorian time, quite as com- mon as appendicitis is now. But just as people remove the appendix bo - cause it is unnecessary, so they have removed the chaperone because she :s unnecessary. Nobody thinks of Mrs. 'Grundy nowadays. She 1s so near death that sho hardly matters. "The girls of to -day are eager, they are really; they want tre learn, they are critical and want to know how and why. They hold their hearts 'sigh, and let them beat, and lot them• Selves enjoy and bo happy and taste .hings to the full. "It is easier to be miserable for most people. Young people think for themselves far more than they did. They are not forcoa to learn all kinds of useless things in which they have no interest. The education of to -day !s like a nice -warm poultice Which is applied in the proper way and draws out all that is inside." THE DEADLY COCKROACH A Carrier of Dangerous Disease . Germs in Samo Category as Fly Cockroaches carry diseases. They aro almost as dangerous as the house fly, to which medical research has traced the spread of germ diseases and through a campaign of publicity has educated the public to wage mere'. less war upon. Now science is camping upon the trail of the roach, having pronounced it a death -dealing agent. Kill him at sight. He is a menace to your life and the lives of your children. Evidence as to roaches spreading other diseases is less direct, but there is no doubt they play an important part in the dissemination of dii}b- theria, tonsilitis and tuberculosis, car- rying the organisms on their feet and in the intestinal canals. Cockroaches over -run kitchens, pan- tries, garbage heaps and decaying 'natter, picking up particles with their !Det, or feelers, and dropping them later in another place. When hgn- :lreds and thousands of cockroaches lo this, the amount of matter they tarry from place to place is larger .han the average housewife considers eossiblo. Flourid of sodium will exterminate :he cockroach. It is a dry, white . powder, and costs but 15 cents a pound. It should be so distributed that tho roaches will walk in it. A small quantity adheres to their feet or tntenae and the insect cleanses them ;vith its mouth. It should be spread in thin layers in runways where it vill remain dry and powdery. With t blower it should be forced into ;racks, pipe holes , spaces behind noulding, pantry shelves, cupboards 1.nd wherever cockroaches are noticed •raveling about. In small quantities he powder is not dangerous, although Then it is used in pantries it is al - rays best to scald dishes and pans before using them to wash off any 'articles of the powder which might nako one sick, CHINA'S MILLIONS OV[REESTIMATED Vast Tracts of Territory Unpeopled and Unproductive In Land of Flowers It Mari been generally assumed that China is so densely populated that :elisions of its people are unable to find a lit-ellllood on land, and are 00m- veiled ampeiled to live in houseboats on the elvers, and some authorities, in con. sidering China's problems, have re- ear•ded the possession of her vast ter- 4tories beyond the Great Wall as be. ing absolutely .nocoasttry in order to provide fo, hey turDlue population. oONTARIO MEAICAL INST. 163 lr,', tt,Nht ST. MOON ON TO CONSUL.T-A I Intl FRU 1 1 (MAI s•ri 1ti° Itdttli Rich Indian teas blended with flavory Ceylona d Rose ea pry good tea Inqufrles, however, have "beja ini 1e by those in a position to snake them, and the results of these hare done much Ito disprove the generally accepted theory that China 1s over -populated. For Instance, Sir 1leaaadtir 11001e. while acting as commercial attache to the British Legation, wrote in his report on the foreign trade of China: "Having "'sited 15 of tho 18 provin- ces of China prop.., as well as the three Manchurian provinces, and seen how scantily many of them are pope• laced, 1 douLt very much whether the whole of China, Manchuria and the uew dominion contain a population at all approaching the usually accepted 400,000,000.•' Mr, Rock t!1I, who travelled exten- .4100101.10 aoa A. larges' pup..,,.,,Uli than 4UJ,vv' , A Chinese nr 'tlpaper in referring Cc the frontier troublen stated that "the root of all thos% troubl. s is that we have done nothing to populate the vast territeeles along our borders. A fair land, vast, undefended an. Impolite late/ ,s euro to attract rho attention of aggressors." But rs the rich have not shown any 'lneltnaaon to leave 'heir comfortable homes to sojourn in this remote land. and as the poor have not the mane to enable them to leave their homes end develop this land, it would seent Ns if China had very little use for these outlying territories at the pre sent time. - sively in China before he was appoint-• ed United 2:ates Minister to Pelting, estimated 'i f`t:ina proper bed riot Look at your label. LIEUT. HERBERT R, ALLEY a young Toronto infantry oflcer of the first overseas contingent. German Historyin Three Lines "The following 'History of the Ger- man Empire in Three +pines' deserves mention," says a Petrograd corres- pondent: "'Kaiser Wilhelm I. was its maker, Friedrich Wilhelm, his heir, just its taker, &lad 13111y, the grandson, its breaker.' " PATRIOTJSMPRODUCTION The Empire's Cali to Farmers "Approximately twenty million mon have been Mobilized in Europe. A large pro- portion of those have been withdrawn from the farms of the countries at war. Even in neutral countries large numbers of food producers have been called from the land to bo ready for emergencies. It is difficult for us to realize what will be the effect on food pro- duction through the withdrawal of several million men from akt the great agricultural countries of Europe. These millions cease to be producers, they have become consumers, —worse still, they have become destroyers of food." HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculture. Britain must have food—food this year, and food next year. Britain is looking to Canada to supply most of that food. We are sending our surplus now, but we must prepare for a larger surplus this year and next year. Patriotism and Production must go hand in hand Because of this need of the Empire for more food, and the call .to Canada in that need, the Canadian Depart- ment of Agriculture has arranged for a series of Conferences throughout the Dominion with the object of giving suggestions as to the best ways of increasing production of the particular products needed at this time. At these con- ferences agricultural specialists, who have studied agricultural conditions and produc- tion throughout the world, and the best means of increasing agricul- ATTEND ° YOUR' CONFERENCE tural production in Canada, will give valuable information and suggestions to the farm- ers, live -stock men, dairymen, poultrymen, vegetable growers, and other producers of this country. The Canad- ianDepartment of Agriculture urges you to attend as many of these Con- ferences as possible, also to watch for other information on the subject that will be given in other announcements in this newspaper. Put Energy into Production of Staple Foods The Government does not ask farmers to work harder, o much as it urges them to make their work more productive, and to produce those staple foods (ltat,ihe Empire most needsand that can be most easily stored and transported. Europe, and particularly Britain, will need the following staple foods from Canada more than ever before:— Wheat, oats, corn, beans, peas. Beef, mutton, bacon and ham. Cheese and butter. Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada 111 Poultry and eggs. Vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, and turinips. The larger the yield of these staple food products, the greater the service to the Empire. Germany In the last ten years has doubled the average yield of the majority of her field crops largely through better seed, thorough cultivation and use of fertilizer. And while the Empire's armies are busy putting down German Militar- ism, let us at home appropriate the best of Germany's agricul- tural methods for the Empire's advantage. The Government urges farmers, stockmen, dairymen *and other producers to make a wider use of the Tree Bulletins issued by the Canadian Depart- ment of Agriculture. Clip out, fill in'and mail the coupon below and get a list of these bulletins. Then select' the bulletins that will be of value to your' Mail your coupon right now. Do not put a stamp on the envelope. Your coupon will bo "On His Majesty's Service." JIM 1®t— EEO MINIMO®NMI ®11111111t11111 Publications 1 Branch, Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Please send list of Publications Available for Distrfi`itrtion Name P.O. Address County Prov MEW 51151 31 SEMMO r,., tE NM — Prws; 11 i........... A Word To The Vise On Fence Buying 1 When You Buy from the Dealer YOU PAY 1—Manufacturer's factory cost (including mat. et isle, labor, machinery, superintendence, Pte.) 2—Mari ufact uret so adverl.io.ing cost. 3—Manufacturers salesmen's travelling expert - SCS 4--Manufact ute,'s Palet man's commissions. ri—Manufacturer's interest on dealet'e "time. account." O --Manufacturer's allnwanoe for bad debts. 7 •-•Manufacturer', profits, 8—Dealer's property investment More, stock, fixtures, ete,) 0—Dralet'a interest on customer's "time ac- eta," 10—Dealer's allowance for bad debte, 11— Dealer's prclite, dial 1011111111 When You Buy Direct from Page YOU PAY ONLY 1—Manufacturet'e factory cast tincluding m,tt- eriale, labor machinery, hypo intendeuco. et e.) 2 - Mnnufacturet•'n adeertising cost. 3.Manufactuser's profits, And the other eight big items which you don't y represent the extra actual value of Page Fence over ordi. Eru.Err�.w,�,r+.rE nary fence the saving you keep in0011000•000001010your pocket every time you buy Page Fence. PRICE LIST IIEAVY FENCE No, of Shwa Spaoln4 Moe In Old ham )1 lgbi Inaba' apart ofborttoputa Oatarto 5 37 22 8,9, 10 10 80.21 6 40 22 bt 7, li d, 9 9 .24 7 40 22 5, 6, 7 7r hi�. 8 .26 7 48 22 5,6 7 9. •, 10 .26 8 42 22 6..-6, 1, , 6, 6, 6 .29 8 47 1634 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6 .31 8 47 22 4, 5, 51A, 7, A�j , 9, 9 .30 8 47 1614 4. 6, 5. 7 Std 9, 9 .32 9 48 32 6, 6, 6, . 6, ii, , 6 6 ......,.34 9 48 16'4 6, 6, 9 , 56, 6. 6, 6, 6, 6 ., .36 52 22 4, 4, , 5 , /, SI ,9,°' 9 52 16 4, 4, 5, aid 7, 5 . 10 48 16� 3, 3, 3. 4, 5 , 7, 7 8 .38 • 52 16 3 3 3 4 5447'84„ 48 1 65 16. 3, 3, ,3,'3r �r fI ,, 8, r lri � .41 et 09Lirio Pric s on Rtnuc.f. Act. t, t). 9 4IAL''ent SPECIAL FENCE No, 0 top and bottom Salam) No, 1S, rprltthtx 0 Inehca apart. rs-ba-, 48 -inch 20 -bar, 40 -Inch 3.f t. Gatti 12+ft Gate 13'.ft. trate 14 -ft. Gate Sot toots 25 itgt.'Rraoe W lre. 28 The. atil0100. $0.44 .51 2.30 4.35 4.60 4.A5 8,•0 .75 .80 ***tom PAID ON ORDERS Of $I0.00 Cilia OVER When you buy ordina"y fence through the dnlar ..you're giving dollar bills for t0,!, Worth of fence. When you buy direct from PAGE you get more neatly 100% real value for yother fence bougtrtInehl n anthan wiy tother way :bail your or'a1Yr to PAGE today. PrAfght l aid r n order• of, $10 or beer, PAGE WIRE FENCE CO,' r LTD. � h tib s>* W� t No t1WA PEOrl, "MADE tN C'.A.NADA" Roasts retain their natural flavor-. bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a WCiarjs Pandora 1 $ a always come fresh and sweet tit- from its perfectly, ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. R. It, MOOINEY, Agent Winghm. PRESERVING FENCE POSTS Creosote P.,'s For Itself In Lengthen- ing Life of Wood SVoccl-rot, in till its forms, is duo to the action of fungi working under suitable air and moisture conditions. In fence posts these conditions are most favorable at or near the surface of the ground and hence it is there that decay first •starts. Some 'woods, like cedar and tamarack, aro snore re• sistent to fungus attack and may last, as fence posts, from eight to ten years. Unfortunately, however, the supply of these woods has grown very scarce, and ono is faced with the alternative of importing durable material at a high price or of applying preservatives fo tiro cornnion non-dur01e wood which grow in tho wood lot. The latter alternative is not only cheaper, but also much more effective. Creosote, a "dead" oil of coal tar, Is perhaps the best preservative for this purpose, as it does not dissolve out of tate treated wood, when in con- tact with moist earth, It costs from eight toefiftecn cents per gallon. There are two methods of applying the creosoote, but before Dither methal can be applied It is necessary to have the posts well seasoned if the best results, are desired. This seasoning is beat accomplished by peeling the bark from the posts and then stacking them in loose piles in the open air fcr several months. Then they can be given two coats of orosote with n brush or dipped to a point six inches above the ground, fine. In either case the crosoto should he hcs:ted to tho boiling point. WHEN THE TIRED MOTHER GIVES OUT What Then?—The Family Suf- fers, the Poor Mothers Suf- fer—Mrs. Becker Meets This Distressing Situation. Collinsville J11.—"I suffered from a nervous break -down and terrible head- aches, and was tired all over, totally worn out and too discouraged to enjoy fife, but as I had four in family and sometimes eight or nine boarders, .1 kept/ on working despite my suffering. " I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks I noticed a decided improvement in my condition and now I am a well woman, ' —Mrs. ANA BECItER, Collinsville, Ili. There are hundreds of nervous, run- down, overworked women in this vicinity who aro hardly able to drag around and who we are sure would be wonderfully benefited by Vinol as Mrs. Becker was. Tho reason Vinol is sQ successful in building up health and strength in such cases is because it'combines the medici- nal tissue building and curative elements of cod's livers together with the blood making, strengthenin ..,,properties of tonic iron. We ask every weak, ner- vous, run-down man or woman in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol on our guarantee to return their money if it fails to benefit. Sold by J. Walton Mcltibbon, Wing- " tn On Real Scotch Porridge Thrift, resourcefulness, and tasty dishes aro marked characteristics of . Scottish cooks, and their stalwart then do ample credit to the cratering of their womenfolk. Now that housewives have to be very careful, both of their money and their food, they cannot .do bettor than try the simple, nourishing, and in- expensive recipes of their Scottiah sisters. Porridge is the bads and J splendid one, too. Take gp'!' 't+n 'o' rnr ,t Sec't' h t ozTa ,�QQQ© We've always made Our Bread So 'Good So Fresh and Light, So Brown, That the verdict stands as it long has stood --- "The Very Best In Town." Our Rolls, Our Pies, Our Buns, Our Cake— All the, goods we daily bake, Arc,,1 ust as good as we can bake, So Come and Buy Them For Goodness Sake! F. CARTER Wingham, Ont. meal, and steep overnight. in cold water. Next morning pour into a saucepan, add a little milk, and keep stirring until the right consistency, neither too thick nor too thin, Twenty minutes' boiling is usually enough, and stir all the time or you wall have a lumpy mixture instead of n smooth, creamy porridge. Salt according to taste. That's real Scotch porridge. tcecentty a number of applications for divorce in Newllrunswick were disposed of by the Judgo of the Di- vorce Court of that Province. Such cases may come up there at any time, and as a :nutter of fact they do oc- cur with considerable frequency, says sho Toronto Globe. There is no divorce court in either Ontario or Quebec, and all applications for divorce in either of those Provinces must be made to the Dominion Par- 1'•.ment, which can grant relief only by enacting a private statute dealing with an individual ease, The explanation of this anomalous state of affairs is that Now Bruns- wick had a divorce court in operation before she became part of the Domin- ion of Canada to 1S67. In the British North America Act it was provided that "all laws in force in Canada, Nova Scotia, or New Brunswick at the union, and all courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction, and all le.,a1• commissions, powers, and authorities, and all offices, jadieial, administrative, and Ministerial, existing therein at the union, shall continue in Ontario; Quebec, Novo Scotia, and New Bruns- wick, respectively, as if the union had not been ma;le." Provision was made also for the repeal of such laws tad the abolition or alteration of su&t :ousts sty either this 1)aminton Par - lament or T'rov:u' sal Lcg:elature. .THEY'RE. .'KIDQ�E. abYou should always keen a bottle of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on tho shelf. Tho llttlofollc no often nevi a mild and safe cathartic and they do npprecinto Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. Sor stomach troubles and constipation. give ono lust before going to bed, All druggists, 2&c, or Bond to CHAMBERLAIN MEDiCINIrs CO.. TORONTO 1s BEII: AtN'• Gait your Jefli WORK • done at the 1DVANCE. H EUMATISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural. gift, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than telt thousand people Sor..iwn has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, D3'uggi is and In. (lividuals. Also &LAOIC remedy for CONSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC COMBINED) Does the %yolk surely but pleaeautly--Nature's way, No dietresd —no gripping -1.1(.) sick tatorra;sc'll no weakening. '1'1►e, TWO rem• e,tlit's ttrtt tl,ii we snake, but they aro the greatest known to the nictiieat world tu14 I,uarantt'wl h) lift Pre,e of Opiates or barmiul.. dregs, Neither hfieetA thin 11Ptzrt or btnrnit'h=---l)t1t helps them, - - TO prove the wonder( till corativo power of SOLACt. remedi01 writ' for FREE DOXES. E•.t.tta if 0013 Ysr 13.111 111'P ej101.,AC1r C'(:; I.11ittl Creek, Mich., ll.. A.