HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-02-25, Page 4THE WIN GJIA M ADV A NCE
0. A. BOGERT, General Manager.
Capital Fald Up .• $5,963,000.00
Reserve Fund and Undivided ?refits . 6,963,000.00 ,.
You Can Start a Savings Account
with $I.OQ. It. Is not necessary for you to wait until you have a
large sum of money in order to start a Savings Account with this
Bank. An account can be opened with $1.00 and more on which
interest is compounded twice a year.
(Intended for last week)
Mre, L, Williams of Blyth spent a
day in the village last week.
T. Stewart of Blyth spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, S.
Mies Teesie Halliday is visiting in
T. S. Brandon of Wingham spent a
day with his brother Joe last week.
Mr. S. Jordan is attending the funer-
al of a friend near Listowel,
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Wray is not improving as fast as her
many friends would wish,
There are quite a number sick
around the village just now, Mr. S.
Stewart, Mrs, Watson, W. Jordan,
Jean Geddes and Dorothy Boyle.
(Intended for last week)
Mr, W. F. VanStone of Wingham
was in town Monday.
Mr. Fred Hunter of Brussels made a
business trip to town on Monday.
The congregation of St. Michael R.
0. Church wilt give a supper at the
Commercial Hotel on Tuesday evening,
Feb. 10. Proceeds in aid of Red Oross
Fund; admission 25c.
Anumber :of our citizens attended
the County Orange convention at
Wingham Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Ta -
wan will the Provincial Grand Lodge
meeting at North Bay on March 1 It.
Messrs. Duncan Lsidlaw, Robert
McGowan and Henry Young have
been elected to the Board of Elders of
St. Andrews Church.
Mr. Alex. Porterfield of East Wa-
wanosh has been selected as one of the
County auditors. He is well qualified
for the position arid there is no doubt
but the county will get excellent ser-
The Red Oross Circle will make an
exhibit of their supplies on the day of
their next meeting, Feb. 20, in the
afternoon in Dr. Milne's hall; refresh -
menta will he served and a ten cent fee
will he charged. Everyone in town
and surrounding cc nntry are invited
to be present, Anyone wbo wishes to
help with the sewing can get the
garments ready cut at Mrs. A.
163- •ac} x a
B )swell observing to Johnson that
there was no instance of a begga.t
dying in the streets of Scotland, 'I
believe, sir, you oi,re•very right," ear:
Johnson; "hut this does not arise from
the want of beggars, hut the difficulty
of starving a Scotcbuman,"
War in Winter
"So dreadful have been the events
of the past month that it has seemed
as if nothing could be worse, but this
was a fallacious conclusion. Of all
war, winter was is the most frightful,
for its agonies are practically without
intermission, and the man wbo will
have to endure them are not Balkan
mountaineer,"—New York Times.
The fact that there is less despepsia
and indigestion in this community
than there used to be is larf ely, wN b •
lieve, due to the extensive use of Rex -
all Dyspepsia Tahlete, hundreds '.f
packages of which we have Fold. N.'
wonder we have faith in I hem No
wonder we are willing to efer them
to you for trial entirely at our risk
Among other thiogs. thFy contain
Pepsin and Bisntute, two of the great-
est digestiveaide known to medical
sciense. They soothe the inflamed
stomach. allay pain, check heartburn
and distress, help to digest the food,
and tend to quickly restore the stom-
ach to its natural comfoi table, healthy
There is no red tape about our guar•
antes. It means 3ust what it eaye.
We'll ask sou no queetinrs. Your
word is enough for u.. If Ryall Dys-
pepsia Tablets don't restore your stom-
ach to health and make your digestion
easy and comfortable, we Want you to
come back for your money. They are
sold only at the 7,000 Rexall Stores,
and in this town only by us. Three
sizes, 25c, 50o and $1.00. J. W. Mc -
$5.00 Worth of goods will be given
out of this store to the Cash custom-
er purchasing the largest amount of
goods in this store on that day.
Be sure and see the Bargains
ticketed in the windows and store
$1.00 Day.
W. G. Patterson
The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAM
Dollar Day Offer
To the person making the larg-
est CASH purchase or purchases
of seeds, flour, feed or any goods
in our store on $ Day; we will give
best of all flour.
All kinds of grain taken in exchange
for goods which we count as cash
25 lbs. of
Oatmeal for IP A
Phone 40 Buy your seed from us and.be cure of
a Clean Orop
DAY, Wednesday, Feb. 24,$., DAY
We are preparing the greatest values ever offered in Wingham for this day, and promise to make this store the
centre for bargains ize
Free Free .00 Cash Pr
Absolutely Free
$10.00 IN CASH GIVEN TO THE LARGEST CASH PUROHA.SER, at our store on DJ1lar Day—
Bargains in all departments, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Suits, Overcoats, Sweater Coats, Lr,.der-
wear, Hosiery, Gloves, House N'arnishings, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleumns, Lace Curtains, Curtain
Materials, Dress Goode, Silks, Ladies Waists, Skirts, Coats, Fars, etc. We will mention only a few
of. the many bargains' but come in and be convinced that this store will be the greatest bargain centre
for that day.
$3,500 worth of Furs,Fur and Fur -lined
Coats, specially priced for $ Day at big Sayings
Ladies Kid Gloves-5doz
only, sizes 5 3.4 tC 7, black,
white ana Tan
yS DAy, 2 PAIR FOR yS!
300 yards heavy Messaline
Silk, black, white, navy,brown
sky blue and pink, regular
$1.25 and $ .5o yd
... yS DAY $1
5 doz White Waists, all
this seasons goods in fine lawn
sizes 34 to 42
100o yards Mill Ends of
Towellings, Flannelettes and
Cotton, tO yd ends, regular
value 15 1-2 to 1,5c yd,
2oo yards Pure Irish Table
Linen 72 in. wide, regular
value $1 25 and $1. ;o
5 doz Mens Cashmere Socks
and 5 doz Ladies Cashmere
Hose, all sizes,specially priced
5 doz Ladies and Mens Um
brellas and Parasols;- regular
values $r.50 to 82 •
300 Ladies. Sweaters and
Seperate Skirts, all new fresh
stock, newest styles and colors
Regular price up to $4
Make KING BROS. store
your Headquarters.- Lots of
Room. Heat and Light and
a Housefull of bargains
The Early Bird
Bring your $ $.
Come Early as there is sure to be a town full of - Buyers and - we wish to
serve everybody to the best advantage. Goods purchased on - $ Day are not
KING. B Off.
$1.00.Day' -
�u 6e era o0
$1.00 Day
It is the purpose of the business men and merchants of Wingham to make this one of the most sensational Bar-
gain Days the) town has ever known. The purchasing power of $1.00 will be greater than ever before in the history
of Wingham.
A Dollar Bill will do good ,service on Dollar Day. Watch the advertisements and come to Wingham prepared to take home
your share of the big Bargains.
••••••1110.111 forsommemmukesmr
Prizes for Dollar Day, by the Business Men's Association.
Registered Mare, any class, shown on halter, ; $3 00, $2 00
Agricultural Team . ... , , $3 00, $2,00
Single Drher $3M0, $2.00
Sweepstake, to beat Horse in town on Dollar Day $3 00
First two will be judged at 11.30 a m. and the other two at 3 p.m.
$4 00 to the farmer bringing in the largest load of people to town before 1 a. m.
$2 50 to the farmer bringing in the largest load of people to town before 2 80p.tn,
$5 00 to the person purchasing the most goods In Wingham up to 7 pan on Dollar Day.
$3.00 to the person driving the longest distance to Wingbam on Dollar Day.
$5 00 to the largest family registering in Wiugham on Dollar Day.
All prizes except fur largest loads are payable in goods front any store in town.
All entries and registrations must be made with the Se;;retary, Abner Cosenti, At Ritchie and
Coons' office.
Other Special Prizes
At this store you get a numbered receipt ticket with every $1;00 worth of goods purcharted. Per-
sons getting receipt ticket with lucky number gets the watch, Value $15.00.--A. M. Knox.
$5.00 in goods by W, G. Patterson to the person buying the most goods in his store on Miler Day,
100 pounds of Quality flour by Howson ani Broeklebank to the person buying the largest .,mount
of goods In their store on Dollar Day.
Remember the date:
$10.00 by Silvtrwooda, Ltd., London, for the hest can of Oreem delivered at A. II. Wilford'e ware
house. Can to contain not h ss than 50 lbs., to test not less than 30%, and no more than"
40 % butter fat, quality and flavor considered, Cream to become property of Silverwoode'
Ltd., at 33% per lb. butter fat. S el our special advt.
$10,00 in cash by Ktng Bros, to the person purchasing the largest amount of .goods in there store
on Daher Day.
$0.00 by Geo. B. Armstrong of Rulrose, In service fees for hest heavy draught cf Agricultural
Mares, any site.
Da you shopping early in the day and get better service. Townspeople in particular are asked
to do their shopping before the noun hour
Railway Rates
The following return fares to Wiugham will ho in eff.'ct, two parties of ten or more wish-
ing to conte to Wingh tm on Dollar tape --Kin ca.rdine $1 15, Ripley 80c. Lucknow 50o, White-
church 251, L°atowel $12), Atwood 03, Ethel 701, Brussele 59)x. Blusvale 231, Clinton $1, Londes"
born 731, Blyth 55e, Balgrave 255.4 Harrietoa $11'), Ford eeich 70e, Gorrie 550, Wtoxoter 50c, Tees -
water 40c,
= WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1915