The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-25, Page 3.e►c
Teti Term From Sot. 10.
y /.. ERTRAL
fRA•Pretete) !?N'
The beet fi:ore nerolul School iu the ere -
Vince, Qttr courses rete thorough [tad
praoticai w bile our lnstruetore are better
thea you will Sud elsewhere. We do
more for ouratuctelite than Otho similar.
schools do, Our rates are reasonable.
Write for our free catalogue and see
what we can de for you..
D. s. MoL,telleall - Prierleed
Mr, Geo. Mai.;,
Wishes to ;announce to the citizens
of Wingham that lie to in the old
tad to stay.
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, ci~,:,
Give us a call
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept, 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal 10ChrteeredAccCoo ttant
Trains le°ate Windham stations daily as
G. T. R
TO. TORONTO and Intermediate
Pointe: -Passenger, 6.45 a.m ; passen-
ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.3S p.m,
• TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.85 a.
m.; passenger, 8 30 p m,
TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger.
11.1;9 a.m.; passenger, 2.90 p.m.; pate
sttnger, 9.15 p.m.
C. 1'. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points: -Passenger, 6.40 a,m.; passen-
eon ger 310 p.m.
,TO TEESWATER Passenger,
12,57 p.m.; passenger, 10 27 p.m.
THE sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years old. may homestead a quarter -
section of available Dominion =arid in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli-
cant must appear in person at the Dominion
Lando Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
1Cntry by proxy may be made at the Wilco of
any Local Agent of Dominion Lauds (not sub•
agent) on certain conditions.
Duties. -Six months' residence upon and out-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A
homesteader may live within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 aures en
certain conditions. A habitable house is ro-
cs pt rformed in the vicinity. when residence
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing ma) pre-empt a quarter -section along -
aide his homutead. Price $3 per acre. Duties
Six months' residence in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
time required to earn homestead patent) and
60 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti-
vatton is subject to reduction on in case of rough,
scrubby or stony land after report by Home-
_ stead Inspector on application for patent.
- A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtaiu a pre-emption
r a d liomt s ed in certain
daistrtake anohae eicts. Price e3.0(Yper acre. Duties. -Must
reside six months in each of throe years, multi•
vete fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minleter of the Interior.
tiissem nt uwi l rhot be paid for. of this ad•
Will give better satisfaction to
both buyerand seller than any
ether auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Advance Office
Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere hi
T. R. Benett
MVrassey-Harris Office
Phone 81
McConnell & Vandrick,
Auotionaar5 for the Cnnnties of
Are prepared to take alt kinds of
: ales. flaving had a [vide exper-
ience in title line, we are certain
we can pleas* importer trusting their
pales to us. You ran have either
one to conduct your esir ate can
base both without extra rharae.
Girders cats heli -ft with k'. McCort -
nen nr'taith C`, 1+ V,tndrlck. n.t, the
MI liana' ' BRO l It 1tA(i1 Coot
Charges Moderate
The Million
Dollar Mister
Copyright, 1914, by Harold M(acGrath
A night of A,dventuree.
The federal government aimed to
say nothing, to put no obstacles in the
way or the Rassiati *gent, provided he
could abduct hie trio without seriously
clashing with the New York pollee
authorities. Is was a recognized feet
that the local polies force wanted the
newspaper glory which would attend
the crushing of the Black Hundred. It
would be an exploit, But their glory
was nil; nor did Servantake hie trio
back with hie to Russia,
Many etr'ange things happened that
might, the night of the final adven-
Florence sat in her room readiug:
The book was "Oliver Twist," not the
pleasantest sett of book to read under
the existing circuwstancee, Several
times --she had reached the place
where Fagin overheard Nancy's con-
feesion-she fancied she heard doors
closing softly, but credited it to her
imagination. Poor Newry, who want-
ed to be good but did not find time to
be! Fioren:;e possessed s. habit fam-
iliar to most of us; the need of apples
or candy when we are reading. So
she rang the bell for her mead, intend -
lag to auk her to bring up some apples.
She turned to bar reading, presently
to break off and stripe the bell again.
Where was that maid? She waited
perhaps five minutes, then laid down
the book and began to investigate.
There was not a servant to be found
In the entire house! What in the world
could that mean? Used as elle was to
heartrending suspenses, she was none
the less terrified. Something had tak-
en the servants from she house. From
whence was the danger to come this
time. Where was Jones? Why did
he not return as he had promised ? It
wart long past the hour when he said
be would be back.
She went into the library and picked
up the telephone. She was told that
Mr. Norton was out on an assignment,
but that she would be notified the
moment be returned. She opened a
drawer in the debit. She touched the
automatic but did not take it up, She
left the drawer' open, however.
Earlier, at the newspaper office that
night, Jim went into the • managing
editor's oifice and laid a bulky mauu.
script on that gentleman's desk.
"Is this it ?"
"It is," said Jim.
"You have captured them ?"
"No; bat there is a net about them
frowwhich not one shalt escape. There's
the story of my adventures, of the ad-
ventures of Mies Hargreave and the
butler, Jones. You'll find it exciting
reading. You might just as wen send
it up to the composing room. At mice
night 1'11 telephoue the introduction.
It's a scoop. Don't worry about that;
The editor riffled the pages.
"A hundred and twelve pages, 300
words to the page; man, it's a novel
"It'll read like one."
"Sit down for a moment and let me
skim through the fleet story."
At the end of ten minutes the ;editor
laid down the copy. He opened a
drawer and took out two envelopes.
The blue one lie tore up dropped
d o
r e
into the waste basket. Norton under-
stool and smiled. ,bey had meant to
discharge turn if he fell down. wn, The
other envelope was a fat one. •
"Open it," said the editor, smiling a
little himself.
This envelope contained a check for
$2,500, two round trip first class tick-
ets to Liverpool, together with innum-
erable continental tickets Web as ars
i,eued to touriete.
"Why two," asked Jim. innocently.
'N.lrget it my buy, forget it. You
ought to know that in this wilco s e
don't eml:loy bland men. The whole
Bsuits[ est 1lpticiouQt
gelden?brown 4zleexiiess;
treetipg pictures gf triages Of
the aiijtd #trtuie , Union jack.
British Bulldog. de,
Enterttrining and instrtal•
tive tor the kiddies and super•
l*tively delicious for the
Ai your grocer's, every'
biscuit guaranteed. 30
B. S. Perrin & Company,
London. . Casella
staff is on, There you are, afat check
and three months' vacation. Oa and
get married; and if ynu return before
the three months are up, I'll tire you
myself on general principles,"
Jim laughed happily and the two
men shook hands. Then Jim went
forth to complete the big assignment.
Five minutes later, Florence called
him up to learn that he had gone. e
What should elle do ? Jones had
told her to stay in the house and not
to leave it. But where was he? Why
die he not come ? What was the
meaning of this desertion by the ser-
vants ? She wandered about aimless-
ly,16king out of windows, itn;agln-
ing forms in the shadows. Her imag-
inations had not deceived her; she had
heard doors close softly.
"Susan, Susan!" she murmured; but
Susan was in the hospital.
Oliver Twist! What had possessed
ber to start reading that old tale
again? She should have read some-
thing of a light and joyous character.
After half an hour's wandering about
the lonely house she returned to the
library, feeling that she would be saf-
er where both telephone and revolver
were. •-
And while she sat waiting, for she
knew not what, her ewiftly beating
heart sending the blood into her throat
so that it &Most suffocated her., a man
turned into the street and walked rs-
sututely toward the Hargreave place,
He passed a man leaning against e.
lamp peat, but he never turned to look
at biro. .)
That man, however, threw away bis "Look!" aereamed Olga.
cigar and hot footed it to the nearest Everyone turned, to Jones' face
pay station. He knew in his soul that peeling between 'the curtains. There
he had just seen the man for whom was an ironic smile on the butler's
they had been hunting all these weary lips, Tile face vanished,
but strenuous weeks -Stanley Har- "After him! cried Braine, reieas-
greave in the flesh! Half an hour after ing Florence.
his telephone message the chiefof the
Blank Hundred and many Lesser lights
were on their way to the house of my-
stery. Had they but known !
Now, the man who had created this
tremendous .agitation vent serenely
an, fie proceeded directly and fear-
lessly to the front door produced a
latch key and entered. He parked
through the hall and reception room
to the library and paused nn the
threshold dramatically, Florence
stepped back with a sharp cry of
alarm. She bad heard the hall door
open and close and had taken it. fpr
granted that Jones had returned.
There was a tableau of short. dura
'"Don't you know me?" asked the
stranger in a singularly pleasant.
Florence had been imposed upon
tar, many times. She shook her head
definitely, though her knees shook so
that she was certain that the Ieast
touch would send her over.
Florence slipped unsteadily behind
the desk and seized tbe revolver
which lay in the drawer, The man
by the curtains smiled sadly, It was
a smile that caused Florence to waver
a bit. Still, she extended her arm.
"You do not believe me?" said the
man advancing slowly.
"No. I have been deceived too
man timer), y t m e, sir. Stay where you
are. You will wait here till my but-
ler returns. 0, if I were only sure!"
she buret out suddenly and passionate-
ly, What proof have you that you
are what you say?"
He came toward her, holding out
his bands, "This, that you cannot
sl oat me. Ab, the damnable wretch
era What have they done to you,
my child, to snake you suspicious of
every one? How I have watched
over you in secret! I will tell you
what only Jones and the reporter
know, th tt the evictor died, that I
alone was rescued, that I gave Nor-
tbe five thousabd, that I watched
the windows of the Russian woman,
and overheard nearly every plot
that was hatched in the council
cha cher of the Black Hundred; that I
was abet in the arm while crossing
the lawn one night. And now we
have th- t•coundrels just where we
vivant them. `They [veil be in thie
house for me within half an hoer,
end not one of them will leave it in
freedom. I ata your father, l:+'lorence;
I ata the lonely father who bas spent
the beat years of hie life away froth
you In order to secure your safety.
Can't you feel the truth of all til' ''
(•No, nol Please do not approach
any nearer; stay where you art!"
At that moment the telephone rang
With the revolver still leveled s)iF
pieked tip the rectoiver.
"Hello, hello! eVho le it? . , i 0,
Jim, Jim, ane at one(1 I ani ho d•
At that moment alta heard a sous
at the door. Her gaze roved; and it
was enough for the man. He reached
oat and caught her arm, She tried
to tear herself loose,
"My child. In God'e name, listen to
reason? They are entering the, hall
and they will have us both;"
Suddenly Florence knew. She
could not have told you why; but
Otero was an appeal in the man's:
voice that went to her heart.
"You are say father!"
"Yes, yes! But you've found It out
just a trifle too late, my dear. Qulok;
this side of the desk!"
Braine and his men dashed Into the
library. Olga. entered leisurely,
"Both of them!" yelled Braine ex-
ultantly. "Both of them together;
what luck!"
There was a sharp, fierce strnggie;
and when it came to an end Har-
greave was trussed to a chair,
1:3"Ah, so we meet again, Hargreave!"
said Braine,
Hargreave shrugged. What he
wanted was time.
"Amillion! We have you. Where
is it, or I'll twist your heart before
your eyes."
"Father, forgive me!"
"1 understand, my child."
"Where is it?" Braine seized Fior•
since by the wrist and swung her to-
ward him.
"Don't tell biro, father; don't mind
me," said the girl bravely.
Braine, smiling his old evil smile,
drew the girl close. It was the last
time he ever touched her.
"After him." mimicked a voice
f mu the hall.
The curtains were thrown back
suddenly. Jones appeared and Jam
and the Russian agent and a dozen
policemen. Tableau!
Braine was the only man who kept
hit head. He floored Norton, emaeh-
ed a window, and leaped out. The
blow dazed Norton, but he was on
his feet almost instantly and follow-
ed Braine through the window.
Across the lawn the two sped, with
an exchange of shots which emptied
both automatios but did no damage.
Braine headed for his auto. He
jumped in, only to be hauled out
again by the furious reporter. A
band -to -band fight followed, and the
clean life of the reporter told,
"There, my angelic "friend, I be-
lieve that the game is up. There is
one ehot left in this automatic. If
you make any attempt to escape I'll
let you have it; not to kill you but to
disable. You and _your precious
countess will sail to -morrow for the
Baltic, and from there you will go to
the lead mines." He dragged itis
prisoner toward the hottse.
"Your troubles are over,_ my child,',
said Hargreave, as be pressed Flor.
ence to his heart.
"And mine have begun," murmured
the countess. "But I have still one
The police stood • encircling her.
Calmly she opened her handbag and
took out her handkerchief. It was a
tbick and heavy silk one, Swiftly
she unscrewed the top of her walk-
ing stick et will be seas now that
the carrying of it was not an affec-
tation!), extracted a vial, and then
fell violently to the floor. An over-
powering sweet odor filled the room.
Jones, knowing how deeply versed
Braine was in Oriental poisons and
narcotics, made a desperate but fu-
tile effort to tear dpwn a curtain to
throw over the maid; but even in
the effort be felt his senses going.
The last he was conscious of was a
mocking laugh,
But the entrance ofJim dragging
Braine after him, shocked all the
banter out the countess. She turp
ed and reeled madly for the etaies,
without }laying the least idea how
she was to manage an peps pe frOgi
the ypper etoriee. • nine had thought
Praise free. As she flew up the
'steps alt the past returned, alt her
wartsinee to that stubborn man. This
was the end , , , Itussia 1 The horrors
of the cold and the deadly damps of
the mines , , , forever t
Jim stood holding the battered cow
rrptrator, watched her flight in amaze -
went, Ile could not understand --
tilt he pushed Braine into the librety
teed the eanirbing ador assailed his
nr,strile, What these fumes were he
was never to know, but they proved to
ing at bay a Man who says he is my be trabsitory. Five minutes milked
father. Hold him where he is, you to bring all back to their senses. For
say? All right, I will. Come quick[" the while they forgot Olga,
"aim!" murnlltred the than, still ad "This man is wine," said Servan,
vancing, Ile must have that revolver, nodding towatd Braine.
lhepoor child [night spoil the 'whole "He's yours Without Charge," said
Affair. "So what Jones toile now is dirt.
true; that yeti aro going t:i cit tray • "1 am an American oltleen," said
a his repot ter chat 2" Brains., who, realizing whet the fu -
She did 'tot answer. lure held, readily preferred a long
"With or without toy co.ii3en ?" visor) tet in in America to the bor.
If out, he would drop that feat lees tars of Ituselan exile.
Naiilt•t she thought. "With or with- "Your eertilleate has been dea'ttoy-
out a-tybody'.. [tensest," she a;ald.
What in the wo: !d can I salt to
you to convince you?" be itmkd ' The
trap is set; hut if Brtilte and his then
came and find us 1 ke this„ good
helmet,' oh lei, we ate bet los.1 Comte
sono l" 4
have laid tot} many mines its the
blae1 *ualling business, and the GoY•
ernment does not propose to have
thein made known to the public
through a long and useless trial. It
was a long run, old top; but right is
right. And by the way. I want yon
t'6 meet Mr, Jedsop, formerly of Scot
land Yard.
He indicated Jones, who stetted.
"Yes" went on the reporter, "I re-
cognized hint long ago,"
"It 1e true?' said Hargreave, tak.
inn, Jones' hand in hip awn. "Fifteen
years ago I employed him to watch
ray affairs, and very well has h
done Bo. And to you, you wretch,'
turning upon the haggard Braine
"listen, there is a million, and you
have been within a foot of it a doz
en timee. It has been under your very
twee. Do you remember Poe'+s 'Pur-
loined =setter? Hal Under your very
nose, within tench of 'your hand.
Nowt take him away, Mr. f3ervan,
The police will be satiefied with the
prisoners they have."
So presently, Hargreave, Jones,
Florence and Jim were alone. That
ewlle which had revealed to Flor-
ence her father's identity stole over
his face again. He put his hand on
Jim's shoulder and beckoned to Flor-
"Ara you really anxious to marry
this young man?"
Florence nodded,
"Well, then do so. And go to Eur-
ope with him on your honeymoon;
and as a wedding present to you
both, for every dollar that he has I
will add a hundred; and when you
get tired of travel you will both
come back here to live. The Black
Hundred has ceased to exist,'
"And now," said Jones, shaking his
Weil?" said Hargreave.
"My business is done. Still-----"
Jones paused.
"Go on", said Hargreave soberly,
"Well, the truth ie, sir, I've grown
used to you. And if you'll let me
play the butler till the end I shall
be most happy" • ` -
"I was going to suggest it." •
Norton took Florence by the hand
and drew ber away:"
"Where are .you taking the?" she
I'm going to take tbia pretty
band of yours and put it flat upon
$1,000,000. And if you don't believe
it, follow me "
She followed,
(Tae End.)
Race Poisoning.
To the Editor---
Sir-fs It true that the white race
are being slowly poisoned off the face
of the earth, thtst men, are growing
smaller, disease increasing, doctors
and stores multiplying, the insane
increasing out of all proportion to the
increase of population, and the
weaklings and unfit threatening to
equal in number those who are able to
take care of themselves? Is it true
that the moderate drinker who pro-
bably has never been drunk may leave
behind him a race of weaklings on
account of his self indulgence? Is it
true that where prohibition has been
pretty well enforced for a number of
years that the insane, the weakminded
and the idiots bave decreased in a
wonderful manner? Is it true that
many of the great nations of Europe
have become so alarmed at tbe de-
generacy caused by •the use of
intoxicants that they are trying by
posters, handbills and other means to
warn the people of their danger ?
If these serious statements are even
half true, and they are wholly true,
what ;cindof people are 'we that do
not rise in a masa as the people did in
Russia and demand that this poison-
ing of the nation abet' cease. It is
humiliating to find that nations that
we have been calling "Heathen" have
more care for the national welfare and
Stability than we. China bas con-
quered in her war against opium. A
large colony of negroes in New York
with property valued at many millions
are fouud to .have less than half the
number of saloons that the surround-
ing whites have. Now we have the
news that Russia bas abandoned. the
use of intoxicants of all kinds. Re-
cently the great cities of Petrograd
and Moscow have refused, by a popu-
lar vote, to allow the use of ever; beer
and light whore.
To view of an these facts is ft not
time [batt we a••t; the Legislature, by
an immense petition to do something
41 Special - _:
t. _
._. for r=.
:_ Dollar A
air .ti
.e, cf.5lit nail of Lard, (Pure ICettle X
• tendered) and 2 !be, of Sausage
• for $100 .;i
X. E`ndu'ed pikes on ell meats to .s.
•_• these pot chasing h) (plant hiss of ._.
•t• '$100 or cvet fur cash en Duller •..
4 Ila, .t.
.t. .ti
ed," mad Server), "and the .State the •_• Lo II
parfrnent considers your papers Void •, becaube yeu obtained tbetn tinder ..W MeIE.:
false who. Yotl ate an undesirable ._
citizen, and Ibe R'public is happy to BLtiCCr `s
1. --it n, thee yt u will be take n cif its I.
• 13 s • •
haled.," .4.
(. .• a.:xired,6.. ...A. a {...1"*"*.
.,Anillicc:ttl.te,1atltitsi ir" rteri, you .'•�"•,,w4,•q•c4,.,.•s....;,,,.0......"..,,di''
•_. r
%IIIItiiMIMITIIII1I TMIt.AlliII IItt ittttllllllllIMITltt Milia
Our machine shop is fully equipped for all kinds of
General Repairing. Try us for SAW GUMNIING,
..-- . Merkley & O
Machine Shop andlResidence on North end of Josephine
next to Mill. Dam, PHONE 84. P. O. BOX 62
to save the nation before it is too late?
They waste their time and the coun-
try's money aver childish nonsense;
compared to this great national evil,
which they seem scared to touch.
H. Arnott, M. B., M, (1 P. S.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good cement house, Iarge orchard, and
considerable quantity of timber. Price
$6500 00. Apply to R. 'Vanstone, Wing -
bane P. O.
Notice to Creditors
NOTIOE is hereby given, pursuant
to Sec. 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, that alt persons
having claims against the Estate of
Tbomas Hart, decased, who died on
or about the Tenth Day of February,
A, D., 1015, at the Town of Wingham
in the Province of Ontario are requir-
ed to send by post, prepaid, or to de-
liver to R. Vanatone, Wingham, Ont-
ario, Solicitor for the Estate, on or be-
fore the Fifteenth day of March, A. D.
1915, their names and addressee, with
full particulars of their claims in writ
ing, and the nature of the securities
(if any) held by them, duly verified by
a statutory declaration.
And further take notice that after
the said Fifteenth day of Marcb, 1015,
the assets of the said estate will be
distributed among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have
been given, and the estate will not be
liable for any claims not filed at the
time of of the said distribution.
Dated at Wingham this 10th day of
February, A. D. 1915.
R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O.
45 Solicitor for the Estate,
The highest class Beef
and Pork, Fish and Poul-
try sold at
To Fells
Butcher Store
[Give us a trial, you will
be pleased,
Highest price
Paid for Hides
g and Skims...
pose+tar: atJOOt,,00000000txxxvoo
W1 Elmore Mahood
Contractor and • Builder
If you have any work in my
line write or call at my house
on Frances Street, Estimates
and plans furnished on request.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wingharn, Ont. Box335
Excellent Stabling accotnmo•.
dation at The National Hotel
Stables. Attentive Hostler.
Reading and sitting room for
patrons. Moderate Prices.
Fred Scott, Prop.
w..��..nn, �wvwrw� nvww.n
Walkers Undertaking
TAKERS. We carry
a full line of Gaskets, etc.
James • Walker
16 years experience. A. J. Walker
9 years experience
bay Phone 106 A.
Night Phone 106b and 224
Cream Wanted
Having an up-to-date Creamery
in full operation we solicit your
We are prepared to pay the highest
market prices for good cream and give
you an honest business; weighing,
samplibg and testing each can of cream
received carefully and returning a full
statement of same to each patron..
We furnish two cans to each ousto-
mer; pays.l express charges and pay
every two weeks.
Write for full particulars or send for
cans and give us a trial,
For Infants and Children.,
The Kind You Havel Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Enter Any Day
Each student is instructed privately pt his
own deck, hence, the backward' or rusty are =lot.
Thousands of Suceesful
Horne -study Courses
' tetlitansllip Courses; always a demand lot•
Salesmen. Ask for particulars.
ingham Business College
OHO. S11'C%T'!"OM, PriticIpsl
Elstabllshe4 M40,
Read [laden GUETiPE, ONT.
Risks taken on all of Inc.
curable property on tete cash or pre
tnium note system, -
President, Secretary,.
Agents, Winglsar, Ont
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
(Mee: Meyer Mock. Wingham,
Money to loan at lowest rater.
D.D.s., L.n.a,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pan
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
--Woe in Macdonald Blook--
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
W. R..HAMBL,Y, B.SC., N.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, baying
Olen postgraduate work in Sur.
gery, Bacteriology and Soientifio
Offioe in the Kerr residence, be.
tvveen the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Ohuroh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P, 0. Box 118
L. R. O P. (Londa
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
General Hospital•
(tinder Governmeeb Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed pbysiotans.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nnreing •-14.00 to $15.00 por week, according
to location of room. For further informa-
tion -Address
Box 223. Wingbaln Onb.
J. A. FOX, D. 0., graduate Chime
praetor. Chiropractic is - successful in
such difficult oases as Insanity, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Oon.
etipation, Female Trouble and all Ohm -
vie Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble.
Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per
Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p,m., 7 p. m,
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M
Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,s
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos and Organa tuned and repaired.
Wingham, Ont.
Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists
Specialiste in the treatment of al
Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders
Women's Diseases, Weeknesaes of
Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism
Osteopathy c when all e fails.
p yres
u else fai
Dr ugless methods. Wingham Office
over Christie's Store.
uesday 1I.30 a. m.---9 p. m.
Wedueeday and N'rlday 9-115. m.
Thursday 9-11 a.m. 4.9 p. m.
•, + :' • DESIGNS
Anyone sending a ekttbh and description mat
quickly ascertain opinion #
n ether
111,711111,1011 Is probablyratortnhle. Communieaa
tionestricuyconnociaml. HANDBOOK ent'atenta
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patolits.
Patents taken through Muyn & Co. racers
special/tette", elthont charge, in the
$tientlfle itmerkran.-
s. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cit+.
culetioa ot
any scientific iournai. Terms tor
Canada% MIS a year, postage prepaid. Sold bF
ae nc,vadeagicrne
MUNN Co 3G413rendway, New Ygrk
stanch 091ce. be V'' St.. Wnabington. fl.
We have a purchaser for a
farm of too acres or more, 1
one or twci miles front "Wing;
ham, Buildings` not feces -
Ritchie & Cosens
'BILL LS ITt Ob I161J1Ct
.. -,--,
- _,..„.
Bank of Hamilton
Capital Authorized •
Capital, Paid•up - •
Surplus • • • • ,
.A Banking institution gets strength
fromthe men who direst its
the actual capital invested.•
Mousy deposited in the Bank of Hamilton
by meo well known for buelneee integrity,
men -men Who value security Mere
To this volley is due a surplus which
larger than eta Capital• --the moult
eonservatitiv�e management.
ns atuoh
as from
is guarded
and sou.,
high profits.
is one quarter
over 40 yeare'
-IL. tlp_
;., ;...:
t a:
%IIIItiiMIMITIIII1I TMIt.AlliII IItt ittttllllllllIMITltt Milia
Our machine shop is fully equipped for all kinds of
General Repairing. Try us for SAW GUMNIING,
..-- . Merkley & O
Machine Shop andlResidence on North end of Josephine
next to Mill. Dam, PHONE 84. P. O. BOX 62
to save the nation before it is too late?
They waste their time and the coun-
try's money aver childish nonsense;
compared to this great national evil,
which they seem scared to touch.
H. Arnott, M. B., M, (1 P. S.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good cement house, Iarge orchard, and
considerable quantity of timber. Price
$6500 00. Apply to R. 'Vanstone, Wing -
bane P. O.
Notice to Creditors
NOTIOE is hereby given, pursuant
to Sec. 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised
Statutes of Ontario, that alt persons
having claims against the Estate of
Tbomas Hart, decased, who died on
or about the Tenth Day of February,
A, D., 1015, at the Town of Wingham
in the Province of Ontario are requir-
ed to send by post, prepaid, or to de-
liver to R. Vanatone, Wingham, Ont-
ario, Solicitor for the Estate, on or be-
fore the Fifteenth day of March, A. D.
1915, their names and addressee, with
full particulars of their claims in writ
ing, and the nature of the securities
(if any) held by them, duly verified by
a statutory declaration.
And further take notice that after
the said Fifteenth day of Marcb, 1015,
the assets of the said estate will be
distributed among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have
been given, and the estate will not be
liable for any claims not filed at the
time of of the said distribution.
Dated at Wingham this 10th day of
February, A. D. 1915.
R. VANSTONE, Wingham P.O.
45 Solicitor for the Estate,
The highest class Beef
and Pork, Fish and Poul-
try sold at
To Fells
Butcher Store
[Give us a trial, you will
be pleased,
Highest price
Paid for Hides
g and Skims...
pose+tar: atJOOt,,00000000txxxvoo
W1 Elmore Mahood
Contractor and • Builder
If you have any work in my
line write or call at my house
on Frances Street, Estimates
and plans furnished on request.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wingharn, Ont. Box335
Excellent Stabling accotnmo•.
dation at The National Hotel
Stables. Attentive Hostler.
Reading and sitting room for
patrons. Moderate Prices.
Fred Scott, Prop.
w..��..nn, �wvwrw� nvww.n
Walkers Undertaking
TAKERS. We carry
a full line of Gaskets, etc.
James • Walker
16 years experience. A. J. Walker
9 years experience
bay Phone 106 A.
Night Phone 106b and 224
Cream Wanted
Having an up-to-date Creamery
in full operation we solicit your
We are prepared to pay the highest
market prices for good cream and give
you an honest business; weighing,
samplibg and testing each can of cream
received carefully and returning a full
statement of same to each patron..
We furnish two cans to each ousto-
mer; pays.l express charges and pay
every two weeks.
Write for full particulars or send for
cans and give us a trial,
For Infants and Children.,
The Kind You Havel Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Enter Any Day
Each student is instructed privately pt his
own deck, hence, the backward' or rusty are =lot.
Thousands of Suceesful
Horne -study Courses
' tetlitansllip Courses; always a demand lot•
Salesmen. Ask for particulars.
ingham Business College
OHO. S11'C%T'!"OM, PriticIpsl
Elstabllshe4 M40,
Read [laden GUETiPE, ONT.
Risks taken on all of Inc.
curable property on tete cash or pre
tnium note system, -
President, Secretary,.
Agents, Winglsar, Ont
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
(Mee: Meyer Mock. Wingham,
Money to loan at lowest rater.
D.D.s., L.n.a,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pan
nsylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
--Woe in Macdonald Blook--
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
W. R..HAMBL,Y, B.SC., N.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, baying
Olen postgraduate work in Sur.
gery, Bacteriology and Soientifio
Offioe in the Kerr residence, be.
tvveen the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Ohuroh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P, 0. Box 118
L. R. O P. (Londa
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
General Hospital•
(tinder Governmeeb Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed pbysiotans.
Rates for patients (which include board and
nnreing •-14.00 to $15.00 por week, according
to location of room. For further informa-
tion -Address
Box 223. Wingbaln Onb.
J. A. FOX, D. 0., graduate Chime
praetor. Chiropractic is - successful in
such difficult oases as Insanity, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Oon.
etipation, Female Trouble and all Ohm -
vie Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble.
Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per
Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p,m., 7 p. m,
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M
Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew,s
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos and Organa tuned and repaired.
Wingham, Ont.
Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists
Specialiste in the treatment of al
Chronic Diseases, Nerve Disorders
Women's Diseases, Weeknesaes of
Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism
Osteopathy c when all e fails.
p yres
u else fai
Dr ugless methods. Wingham Office
over Christie's Store.
uesday 1I.30 a. m.---9 p. m.
Wedueeday and N'rlday 9-115. m.
Thursday 9-11 a.m. 4.9 p. m.
•, + :' • DESIGNS
Anyone sending a ekttbh and description mat
quickly ascertain opinion #
n ether
111,711111,1011 Is probablyratortnhle. Communieaa
tionestricuyconnociaml. HANDBOOK ent'atenta
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patolits.
Patents taken through Muyn & Co. racers
special/tette", elthont charge, in the
$tientlfle itmerkran.-
s. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cit+.
culetioa ot
any scientific iournai. Terms tor
Canada% MIS a year, postage prepaid. Sold bF
ae nc,vadeagicrne
MUNN Co 3G413rendway, New Ygrk
stanch 091ce. be V'' St.. Wnabington. fl.
We have a purchaser for a
farm of too acres or more, 1
one or twci miles front "Wing;
ham, Buildings` not feces -
Ritchie & Cosens
'BILL LS ITt Ob I161J1Ct