The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-18, Page 81 i T.IB WI tfl.A ADVANCE DOLLAR DAY Bargains Once more we offer you special prices for Dollar Day. Come with the crowd. Shop Early and make our store a place of convenience, Highest Prices for all kinds of Produce DOLLAR DAY Lace Curtains Regular $2.5o and $2, Dollar Day $1 Underskirts • 14 Ladies Underskirts in Grey and black, Sale Price $1 Brocaded Velvets 3 yds for $1 Prints 10 yds for $ Mens Hats. reg. $2 for Io yds Toweling for $1 255 Girls Sweater Coats Sr each Mens best quality Leather Mitts $1 pair All Fancy Silks Regular $r.50, 1, 25, S1 a yd Mens Wool Socks, 5 pair for $I 20Ladies•Flannel Waists Reg. $2.50 for $1 3 pair Black Cashmere Gloves for St zo yards Frilling for $ A Special Dress Goods sale, 3 yds for $ r Mens Best Silk Neckties, 3 for $ t I Suit Mens Wool Underwear for $ r Canned Goods assorted 12 cans for $1 25 Bars of any soap for $ 3 lbs 4o0 tea St 4 lbs 3oc tea $1 25 lbs Rice for St Railroad Fares paid for Shoppers within Mites purchasing $15 worth of Goods $r 5 yds newest Curtain Nets, Reg. 35c yd, 5 yds for $ i Few Ladies and Child- rens Hose, 5 pairs $1 House Dresses Pink, Blue, White, reg. '$1.75, $ Day $t Umbrellas and Parasols $1.50 each, Special $ Day $ t each Forty HANNA & CO. • Phone 70. 11111111111111111111111iti® 00000000000000000CtooQ00000fit a0000000©0000 ioC1QCloO000S The Ten Commandments 8 Keep them, and you will be happy all year. 1 Attention. 2 Have your hens lay now. 3 Watch far" quality it counts. 4 Insist on entering our cream contest. 5 Let as give yon satisfactory results. 6 Feed your cows, it pays. 7 Order your cans now. 8 Ring us for produce prices. 9 Deliver your cream early on Dollar Day. 10 Send your cream to us all year. Creamery Contest open to all. - Sllverwoods Ltd., London, aro giving 310.00 for a priz3 for the best can of cream, to consist of not less than 50 pounds Of cream, testing not less then 30 per cent. and not higher than 40 per cent. delivered at our warehouse. We will teat it here and will pay you 33c per lb. butter fat. We supply empty cane. Call !motif., A. 11. WILFORD, Wholesale Produce Phones, Office.174, Residence 108, 030003 0000000b000000000000000000 Ready for Your Spring Order Our spring stock is arriving daily, and a look through our fancy suiting would gladden the heart of any man oI• wotigllf who has an eye for the beautiful. We haVe just received the advanced styles for Spring and Summer, .As the war has affected the style centres of Vrance, the French Modes are not so much in evi- dence vi-i nce this spring, but there are many beautiful English ;.nd American Models. We would be pleased to have you call before plac- ing your order. Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Chani Ontario fry $ DA A continuous show will be run At The Picture Douse For the entertainment of visifors. Commencing at 1 o'clock . Fine Program has been arranged Admission 5c Bread, Potatoes and Soup given away free to any families in need, every Tuesday and Thursday at T. Fells'. Use Cantelon's Coal The very best hard coal mined. We keep a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling. Give us n trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. R. J. Gantelon °Moe with . Dominion Express Co. Phone • P. 0. Box 127 MO, .1,116■111[4.011MMIIMINM... PROF. WEAVER, L.G.S.M. '[(Concert Organist. Pianist. Voice Specialist) Teacher of Organ, Piano, Artistic Singing. 15 years practical experiense In Wingham on Thursdays Pupilsprepared for all Exams. Residence and studio 021 Dufferin Ave., London, Ont. monlimmolowslwr Fire, lite,Accident and Sickness Insurance REAL ESTATE—Bevel al good bargains in town resi.. deuces and first class farms J. G. STEWART offices -Griffin Block Phome 184 P. 0' Box 426 ii Special t BARGAINS :_: 3• • • .;. • '_' for ay •: i ..f.Dollar . ;_; Y. ._. ... r=. Reduced prices on `all meats to ._. see those purchasing in quantities of .f• S. 00 or cyer for cash on Dollar 4• _. Day. ..•. _. WM. FIELD.=♦ a. ._. .„ ... •_. ._♦ i; A 51b. pail of Lard, (Pure Kettle rendered) and 2 lbs. of Sausage ,2. for $1.00. Butcher W roxeter. The Quarterly Board of the Wrox- eter circuit of the Methodist Church, at their last weeiing, expressed their high appreciation of the services of the Rev. R, S. Lackland, and gave him a unanimous invitation to return for the forth year. Rev. G, W. Rivers of Gorrie,• will conduct services at Belmore at 11 a.m., Salem at 2.80 p.w, and Wroxeter at night. I1apiedale. Mr. and Mre. 3. Middleton enter- tained a few friends one evening last week, Mr, and Mre, J. A. Taylor and fam- ily, who are home from Alberta, visit- ed with friends in the Dale last week. Mrs. Neil McDonald and children of Antler, •Bask , visited relatives in this vicinity last week. Mr, and. Mrs, John McKenzie of Lang•iide visited their 'daughter, Mr. and Thos. Grant, on Wednesday. • Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Sec. 50, Chap. 121. of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that ail persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Hart, decased, who died on or about the Tenth Day of February, A. D., 1915, at the Town of Wingham in the Province of Ontario are rt geir- ed to send by poet, prepaid, or to de- liver to R. Vanstone, Wingbain, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the Estate, on or be. fore the Fifteer.th day of March, A. D. 1915, their names and addresses, with full,perticulars of their claims in writ- ing, and the nature of the securities (if ane) held by them, duly verified by a statutory declaration. Aud turther take notice that Afrrr the said Fifteenth day of March, 1915, the a+sets of the raid estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and the estate will not he liable for any claims not filed at the time of of the said distribution, Dated at Wingham this lath day of February, A. D. 1915. R. VANSTONE, Wingham P 0. 47 Solicitor for the Estate. Look at your label. 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 1' 4. 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4. a 4' +000000000000000000000008 Meat Fish Poultry The highest class Beef and Pork, Fish and Poul- try sold at { T. Fells Butcher Store Give us a trial, you will be pleased, Highest price paid for Hides and Skins. 0000000000000poomp00000tga elite/4N see ere nter Any Day Each student is instructed privately at his own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed. Thousands of Succesful Graduates Home -study Courses Salesmanship Courses; lt1ways a demand for Salesmen. Ask for particulars. Wingham Business College O1O..POTTOM, Prillacipd t � is k Whitechurch. The monthly meeting of the. Weee- enre Missionary Society was held in the church on. Wed, reb. IOth, Mre. Stewart presiding. An unusually large attendance marked this second meeting of the New Year. Mrs. 11. Kennedy and Miss• M. Martin were in charge of the program and both gave interesting papers on "Our Education- al Missione. " The topic for March "Our Medical Miesione," led by Mrs. J. Gillespie and Mrs. D. Jamieson, A sewing meeting will be held in the basement of the church on Wed., Feb, 21th, at which lunch will be served, Oa Sabbath evening the Young Peopled meeting was in ()barge of Mese. (Rev ) Stewart, the topic being,. "Solid Foundations of Life," A very helpful paper was given by the leader, followed by a solo by Mies M, Gordon, The topic for Feb. 21st, ie "Favorite Ohaptere•of the Bible," by the leader, Mr, A. Kennedy. Mi'. C. L. Gillespie, who is taking a course in butter snaking at the O.A C. spent the week end at his home here. sesereettateeseiseeer What Do Your Cows Test? Supposing you know one of your cows has a test of 3-4 per lent of fat for the first month she is milking, have you any certainty of what she will test the next two months or the last twc? One cow in the herd may keep at that first test for three for or four months running, another may give far richer milk the third month and the test may increase steadily; or again, with two cows both -increasing in the test during lactation, one may increase far inure rapidly than the other. Hence, at the end of the Bea- son one cow may have given consid- erably more fat than another which gave about the same weight of milk. It will thus be seen that the quest- ion of sampling as well as weighing a cow's milk is of great importance. Neither ie it sufficient to sample and test the mixed milk of the herd; in- dividual quality is worth study. ft should be plainly stated in addition that the times demand more attention being paid to testing, for the simple reason that the general ave, age test seems to be steadily increasing. As milk is valuable In proportion to its cream, or to its test of fat, it is portant for the dairyman to ,know which are bis high -testing cows. He may want a specially rich milk for his own table use; he new want an extra good mice when selling a high -testing cow; he may want toraise heifers like- ly to test at least as high if not higher than their dams; so evidently it will pay;him to know the testof each cow be owns. It is a simple matter to take samples on three days per month, and get a composite sample tented once a month. Ask the factory in your sect- ioa•to eco the testing, speak to the dairy recorder about in, or write to the dairy division, Ottawa, for full information about getting your sam- ples tested free. C, F. NV.. Plants of the Bible. • Continued from page 1 themselves to be the bearers of i', and it was to be presented as a gift to the same Joseph wlio had been sent into Egypt by the dealers in _balm froin Gilead; for Jacob orders them to "take of the best fruits of the land in their vessels", and of these, balm is one particularly specified. This fruit seems to have been well known to Jeremiah the prophet, who alludes to it more frequently than any of the rest of the sacred writers. That it was of a medicinal or a remedial na- ture is evident from the manner in which the prophet men;.ions it in con- nection with the physician when he exclaims, "Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?' :And again, "Go up into Gilead, and take. balm, 0 virgin, the daughter of DEATHS Clark—Iu Wingham. on Tuesday, Feb ruary 10th, 1915, Martha Cunningham Clark, relict of the late 5extus Kent, • aged 92 yea's, 5 months, moodninmeir Egypt; he train shalt thou use many medicines for thou shalt not be cur. ed." It.seeme also to have been of a soothing and sedative quality, and many have thought it was a sort of laudanum.. " Babylon le suddenly fallen and destroyed ; howl for her take batty for .her pain, if so she may be healed." The district from whence this highly valued article of commerce was !-caught was situated on the east of the Jordan, and constituted the southern part of the kingdom of Bas- barr. Eesebius Gaye, it reached from Libanus to the land of Sihon. It mon therefore, have been about seventy leagues in length from north to south Gilead is often applied to a particular range of mountains, That part of the mountainous tract partly eo called, le, according to Burckhardt, a smaller range of hills, now namad Djileead, about seven miles south of the river Jabbnk and about eight miles in length, from west to east, They are described by Buckinghamas beautiful in the extreme, The plains are cover- ed with fertile soil, the hills are cloth- ed with foreste, and at every turn the most beautiful landscapes that can be imagined are presented to the eye of the beholder. But a sort of balm seems also to have been obtained in Judah, and the land of Israel, and is mentioned as one of the articles in whichthe people of these districts traded with the people of Tyre, 'Judah and the land of Israel, they were thy merchants; they traded in thy maiket wheat of Minnitto, and Pannag and honey, and ell and balm." In a marginal reference, the balm is called resin. LinnAms refers the balm, or the balsam of Gilead, to the Amyris Gileadensis, and saps, that the balm of Gilead is the gum produced by this tree. Bruce, in his travels in Abyss- inia, seems to refer the balm of Gilead to the same species. He says he found it in Azab and all along the oaast of Babelmandel. It is probable that the balm alluded to by Ezekiel and which was produced in Judah and the land of Israel, was the Amyris opobalsa. mum, or balsam of Mecca, now so much prized in the East, and which is still collected in the neighborhood of the Like of Genneeareth. Ledy M. W Montague has given a very good description of this balm. It is at first turbid and white, of a very strong, pungent smell, like that of tnrpentine, but sweeter and more fragrant, like mint; varying according to its good- ness,•and of a bitter -acid and astrin- gent taste. By age. it becomes thin, light, limped, and of a greenieh hue, and then of a golden colour. When. very old, it grows thick like turpentine, and loses much of its fragrance. It is so scarce that none of it comes here; nor are its virtues perhaps superior to some of the resinous juices sold in the shops. It has been esteemed as a cosmetic; but we bear little of its medicinal or sedative. qualities. The Eastern women, in particular, make great use of it. The Iady above mentioned informs tie, that balm, when applied to the face, caused it to become swelled and red for some days, but that her complexion was much im• proved by it. She says, that the best quality isnot easily procured, even at Constantinople, where the women all uie it, and have the loveliest bloom in the world. 'The real balm of Gilead tree is about fourteen feet high, with diverging purple branches, str"ated a little, having protuberant buds lo rd - ed with balsamic resin. It is of the class Octandria ; order, Monogynia; and, like many of that clash, bears a drupaceous fruit. It le; sometimes called Balsamodendron Gileadense. Tbeophrastus says, that in his time only two enclosures of small extent were—known to produce this plant. Virgil mentions .'balm distilledfrom wood:;" which were, no doubt, dis- tinct from that brought from Gilead. The Hebrew word for the plant is bake; and the Baka's Vale of the Psalmist evidently alludes to some vale where the balm -tree grew, which seems to have been well watered, DOLLAR DAY Our store is full of the Best eatables and we ask everyone coming to Wingham on that day to give us a call. BIG VALUES will bethe key note in our store on Dollar Day. OnlyFresh goods of dependab'e quality will be offered for sale. SPOT CASH SPECIALS --Airy special offering is for or- ders taken at the counter for spot cash ANu Fol; TEAT DAY • ' 'Es S --offs o�vN sgxcx�f;1 r,1 Ybs 5 pounds Peres:, $I.75 for 11.51) IO pounds lase Tea $ 3 50 for p0 1.9$ 3.Sti 5 pounds 45o Tea, S2 25 for 10 puede 45c Tea, $4 5') ,r ..,,., The quality of these Teas are well known around here, and we condctently assert that better cannot be bought. Canned Goode—The only kind we carry is Aylmer Brand. This is Canada's Standard, and they have no equal, Dollar Day Pries . 3 Peas, 3 Tomatoes, 6 Corn for 81.00 Sultanna Raisins—We oiler 60 packaged only of these M a special Price, They am beautiful Raisins of Large Panay quality, Cant be replaeed, The regular price is IBo per packaga. Dollar Day Privt ..,,,r.r...................+30 CHINAWARE There will be special I duolions on Chinaware but apace will not permit gnotatione. These are only a fere of the good values. Come and see what we've got . ‘ c -tSI, es ` ocery BIG SALE Boots, Shoes Rubbers beginning on Thursday Next, Feb. 18 and ending on the following Wed- nesday, Feb'y 24th This is our annual February Sale and as WE NEED THE MONEY . - we will give the biggest bargains we have ever yet offered. Everything in the store included. W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE 14409,1, FOR .S7/04.,LADIES aos_ 25 Per Cent. DISCOUNT on February 24th WINGHAM DOLLAR DAV We will hand you back 25 cents on every Dollar's worth of goods you can buy here for cash on Dollar Day. We sell everything a man or boy wears except Shoes. W. A. CAMPBELL the Clothier MacDonald 131061(...@gyp. �a�iko� Ga.1nmarFa. .01101110110011111110111101011001111001.11011010111111.11 Whose Your C�rrocerY We acre Bidding for Your Trade Have eon tried matket.ing hero ,y Call and tete have your next order, If you event clean, fresh Grocerten of the beat quvlity, st. L'rwest Priem', we have them. Choiee Geoeerietr, Presh it'ruit•, Appettitng Mettle, Bigh.gretio Tee and Coffee teed pute Olenfaots ionarlr, alt loading brands of Breakfast Todds and best Canned Goode Ott .the market. Your orders wilt be prowl tly filled and sallbfabtorilS if left with Henry T. Thompson��� TIM 1101188 01' gLAtli Successor to B. B. Mart t1141141141114 4441HR