The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-18, Page 4THE DOMINION BANK MR *DMIUHD O. Imre M.P., Mt Elf ENT. W. V. MATTHEWe, VIOr•PR$61O6NT, 0. A. BQGERT, General Manager,, Trust Funds Should Be Deposited 1.p a Savings Account in The Dominion Bank, Such funds aro safely protected, and eara interest at highest ourreet rates. When payments are made, particulars of each transaction may be noted on the cheque issued, which In turn becomes a receipt sr voucher When cancelled by th. bank. WINGHAM 13RAN4''H; A. M. SUULL,Y, Manager. 1 Jamestown Mr. and Mrs, N. MacLeod have re- turned to their home in Gcderieh, The ladies( of Jamestown ruade a generous amount of warns clothing at the +'sewing Nee" held Jaet week. The box of clothing was packed on Monday and sent to the needy of Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jacklin entertain- ed a number of young folks ,at their home on F,iday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston spent Thursday lase with Gorrie friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton 'were the guests of Molesworth fiends on Friday last. Mr, Jas. Ballantyne has bad the rural telephone installed in hie new bowie. His number is 2019. Mise D. Watson teacher an No. 4 spent Sunday at Mrs. Maclutosh'e of Molesworth. Mies Olive Lake is visiting with Bel• more and Wingham friends at pres- ent. Miss Edith King who has been very 11 is doing nicely now. Culross. A pretty wedding took place in St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, De- troit, Mich. on Tuesday, February 9th when Mies Effie A. McCormick, was married to Mr. John L. Cronin, of that city. 7.'be ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Father Hewlett. as- sisted by Rev. Father Blair, of Walk- erville, Ont. Tne bride was attired in gown of white duchess satin and net, trimmed with ermine and silver bro- cade and carried a bcquet of white Kilarney roses and white orchids and maiden hair fern, Mies Genevieve McCormick, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and wore blue crepe de chane trammed with chiffon and cream lace and carried pink roses and white orchids with maidenhair fern. Mr. George Cronin, cousin of the groom, acted as beet man. After the .ceremony the bridal party motored to the halite of Mr. George Cronin, uncl of the groom. an Fairview avenue, where breakfast was served; after which the happy couple left for Wing - ham, where they were met by some friends. Later, about sixty guests had dinner at the home of the nrides parents, and in the evening dancing was enjoyed by many young friends of t=he bride. Music being furnished by Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Mowbray and McKinnon, • accompanied by Miss Leah idnOormick. The bride's even- ing gown was yellow satin trimmed with chiffon and beade. 'b " groom's gift to the bride was a pearl pendant. Whitechurch Minutes of Council meeting held on .Feb. 8±b, Members all presen', but Mr. Stonehouse. Minutes of last meet ng read and cr oft, med. Communicae Lions from several charitable instates tions asking for donations in aid of such, also from Geos Roads Associa- tion were received and orderod to he filed, except that of the Childs en's Aid Society of Ooderich. The sun) of $5 Deing granted for aid of that Society. .Tenders for the Tawnship printing for the present year received :from the Times and Advance offices. Wingham and the Standard office of Blyth. The tender of the Standard at $38 25 being the lowest, was accepted. Currie—Irwin That Dr, White of Whitechurch be appointed Id. 0, H. in place of Dr, Stewar t, who has •res&gn- ed.—Carried. Oa motion of Councillors Irwin and Currie, John E: Ellis was re -appointed Collector for the current year at the arae salary as formerly. The Auditorb' Report and Treas. urers' Abstract for 1914 received and read. Moved by Currie and seconded by Bucbannan that the same as now read be adopted, and that the Auditors be paid $3.00 each for their eervicee.— Carried. The sum of $3 75 was ordered to be refunded Mre. Iogold. being part of taxes on W. H. Lot 32, Con: 3. The following accounts were paid : Win. Ninon, gravel $0.75; Treasurer of Morris settlement of Bouodry Linn 'account $10 08; J. E. Ellis, balance of salary as Collector $15 00; Mrs. Ingold, refund part taxes, W. 13. Lot 32, Con. 3, $3.75; The Municipal World, Assess- ment Rolls and Express charges $4 95; J, Shoebottom, repairing culvert, con. 10, 50 cents; §G. N. E liot•, grant to Chitdren'a 'Aid S)c'ety, $5 00; A. Por- terfield, fees as Div. Registrar in 1914, $12.20; F. Anderson, salary se Town- ship Treasurer $110 00; J. W. Bone and J. S. Scott, Auditors, $8 00 each. .Next meeting of Council will he held on Monday, March 1513 at one o'clock A. Porterfield, Clerk. ON DOLLAR DAY $5.00' Worth of , goods will be given out of this store to the Cash custom- er purchasing the Largest amount of goods in this store on that day. Be sure and see the Bargains ticketed in the windows and store $1.00 Day. W. G. Patterson The Great Watch Doctor WINGHAM s,— o�rww Dollar Day Offer To the person making the larg- est CASH purchase or purchases of seeds, flour, feed ' or any goods in our store on $• Day, we will give 1 BAG of QUALITY FLOUR, the best of all flour. All kinds of grain taken in exchange for goods which we count as cash . 25 lbs. of el Oatmeal for IIOWSON BROCKLEBMK Phone. 40 Buy your seed from us and be sure of a Olean Crop THE WIN MA M ADV A NCB AY, Wednesday, Feb. 24, 'a DAY We 'lie preparing. t e .greatest values ever offered in Wingharn for this day, and promise to make this store the r. Free Frec warammeammaaeaamamae Las' 2 Absolutely F $10.00 IN CtSF( GIVEN TO TF E LAR( EST CASII PURCHASER at our store on Dallar Day— WI NGaAIIV GREAT IIA,.RGA.IN DAX. Bargains in all departments, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Snits, overooatr, -Sweater Coats, . der- wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Rouse Furnishings, Rugs, 011 Cloths, Linloleumus, Lace Curtains, Curtain Materials, Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies Waists, Skirts, Coats, Furs, etc, We will mention only a few of the many bargains' but come in and be convinced that this store will be the greatest bargain centre for that day, $3,900 worth of Furs, Fur and Fur -lined Coats, specially priced for $ Day at ms sayings Ladies Kid Gloves ---5 c c z only, sizes 5 3.4 tc: 7, black, white ane Tan DAY. 2 PAIR FOR ,S'I 300 yards heavy Messaline Silk, black, white, navy,brown sky blue and pink, regular $1,25 and $ .5o yd :,� •. tib DAY $'X 5 doz White Waists, all, this seasons goods in fine lawn sizes 34 to 42 SPECIAL )8'1 moo yards Mill Ends of Towellings, Flannelettes and Cotton, 10 yd ends, regular value 15 1.2 to 15c yd, SPECIAL FOR DAY yIPI 2oo yards Pure Irish Table Linen 72 in. wide, regular value $1.25 and $1.5o FOR sS yARD 5 doz Mets Cashmere Socks and 5 doz Ladies Cashmere Hose, all sizes,Apecially priced 3 PAIR FOR ):‘'X 5 doz Ladies and Mens Um brellas and Parasols, regular values $1.50 to $2 SPECIAL, FOR >$ DAY 300 Ladies Sweaters and Seperate Skirts, all new fresh stock, newest styles and colors Regular price up to $4 FOR 0.1 EACH Make KING BROS. store your Headquarters. Lots of Room. Heat and Light and a Housefull of bargains AND REMEMBER The Early Bird Bring your $ $ Come Early as there is sure to be a town full of Bargains and we wish to serve everybody to the best advantage. Goods purchased on $ Day are not returnable KIND. BR S. t. $1.U0 ay v INGIIAM'S $LOO Day DOLLAt.on WE'1`N= SDAY,"Ri BRUARY 24th It is the purpose of the business men and merchants of Wingham to make this one of the most sensational Bar- gain Days the town has ever known. The purchasing power of $1.00 will be greater than ever before in the .history of Wingham. a A Dollar Bill will do good service on Dollar Day. Watch the advertisements and come to Wingham prepared to take home your share of the big Bargains. Prizes for Dollar Day, by the Business Men's Association. Registered Mare, any class, shown on halter, : $3 00, $2 00 Agricultural Tram . ..... $3.I 0, $2.00 Single Drieer . . .. , . , Sweepstake, to best Horse in town on Dollar Day $3,00 Firpt two will bo.judged at 113) a tit. and the othertwo at 3 pen. $1 00 to the farmer bringing in the largest, load of people to town before 1 a. to, $2 50 to the farmer bringing In the largest load of people to town before 2 30 tem. $5.00 to the person purchasing the ,,cost goods in 'Wingharn up to 7 p.m on Dollar Day, $3.00 to the person driving the longest distance to Wingham on Dollar Day. $5 Of/ to the largest fancily registering in Wingham on Dollar Day. All prizes except for largest loads are payable in goods frons pny store in town. All entries and registrations must be made With the Secretary, 4bner Dolens, at Ritcbip and Cnsens' Office, Other Special Prizes At this store you get a numbered receipt ticket svith every $1.00 worth of goods purchased. Per, sons gettingredelpt ticket with lucky number gets the watch. Value $15.00.—a. M. li;noX, $500 in goods by W. G. Patterson to the person buying the most goods in his store on Dollar Day. 100 pounds of Quality flour, by Howson ani Brocktebank to the person buying the largest amount Of geed. In their store on Dollar pay, Remember the date: $1.0.00 by Silverwoods, Ltd., London, for the beet can of Creem delivered at A, U. Wilford's Ware- house, Can to contain hot 1t se than 59 Ibe., to test not less than 30%, and no more than, 40 % butter ft.t, quality and flavor considered. Create to become property of 8ilverwoods 'L'd , at 33% per ,Ib, butter fat. Sse our special advt. $10.00 in cash by King Bros, to the parson purchasing the largest amount of goods in there store on Doti sr Day. $0.00 by Geo. 13 Armstrong of Kulross, In service fees for best Leavy draught of Agricultural Manse, any age. Da you ehopping early In the day and get better errvice. Townspeople in particular are asked to do their shopping before the noon hour Railway Rates The following return fares to Wiupthain will be in a ecce two parties of tenor tuore wish- ng to come to Wingham on Dollar Dern—Kin cardine $1 15, Ripley $1e. Lucknot* GOC, Whites Church 25'. L'atowel $1 2), Atwood 95, 13 ;bel 70 i; Brussels 59., Bluavate 25., Clinton $1. tondea- boro 731. Blyth $53, 133'gcave 233, itarrleton $1 19, Ford Nish Ile, Gart'le eye, Wro>weter 503. Tees- water 40s. = WEDNESDAY, FE13.24, 1915