The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-18, Page 3OH' S
Nearly everyone has
ripping, tearing headaches
at times. Disordered atom-
ach-eluggishliver docs it.
Cheer up 1 here's the real
relief -Chton borlai n's
Stomach and LiverTablet,r
They put the stomach and bowels right.
All druggists, 25c., or by mail from 9
h berlai
C stn ncdicine
M Co,, Toronto
Ih�M�I„dY1rv4'.aaF.,,'Y t`r••.Ivn�tu•„•.•e ..•, I"w "✓�1FaII Term From Sat,
f.4� nN'r
The beet Commercial Sehool in the pro-
Yinoe. Our courses aro thorough and
pratittoal while our Instructoraaro better
then you will and elsewhere. We do
mere for ourstudents than othe similar
settaoie do. Our rates are reasonteble.
Writs for our free catalogue and see
wit we can do for yo u.
D. A McLACHLAN • Principal
Mr. Geo. Moil
Wishes to announce to the citizens
of Wingham that he is in the old
tand to stay.
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, Pk ,
Give us a call
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y, M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal centeredeccotmtaat
10 Vice -Principal
Trains. leave Wingham stations daily as
G. T. R
TO TORONTO and Lltermediate
Points:—Passenger, 6.45 a.m ; passen-
ger, 11.00 a.m, ; passenger, 2.30 p.m.
TO LONDON:—Passenger. 6.35 a.
m.; passenger, 3.30 p m.
TO KINOARDINE : — Passenger,
1158 a.m•; passenger, 2.30 p.m,; pas-
senger, 915 p.m,
C. P. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points:—Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen-
ger 3 10 p.m.
TO TEESWATER : — Passenger,
12.0 p.m.; passenger, 10 27 p.m.
THE sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years old, may homestead a quarter -
section of available Dominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli-
cant must person at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the dLetriot.
Entry by proxy may be made at the office of
any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-
agent) on certain conditions,
Duties. -Six mouths' residence upon and 'cut-
tivation of the land in each of three years. A
homesteader may Uvo within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on
certain conditions. A habitabio,house
isperformed in every cam
when residence
In certain districts a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along-
side his homtatead. Price $3 per acre, Duties
-Six months' residence in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
t:etne required to earn homestead patent) and
50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti-
vationis subjectto reduction in case of rough,
scrubby or etony land after report by Home-
stead Inspector on application for patent.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may take apurchased homested in certain
districts. Price $3 0d`per acro. Duties.—Must
reside six months in each of throe years. culti-
vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this ad-
tisemont will not be paid tor. o
Will give better satisfaction to
both buyer and seller than any
other auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Advance Office
Pure -Bred Stock Rales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in
T. R. Bennett
Massey -Harriss Office
Phone 81
McConnell I Vandrlck,
Auctioneers for the [;aunties of
IIUItON and BRt7C ,,
Are prepared to take all kinds of
sales, - having had a wide raper•
ienre in this line, eve ate certain
we can please anyone tt seting their
bales to us. You cart.. have either
one to Conduct your tate, or Can
have both without txtre, rharge.
Orders canbeleft with F. M(
nett nr with C. I . V"ndrirk. at the
- S'tORE, Wir,gl,arlt
'Charges Moderate- . '
Try the
for your next
he Mililon
Dollar Myster
Oopyr'ight, 1014 by Herta Mit 0 nth
A Packet Ut Prtpt•rer.
Jim raid nothing at fret about his
adventure to Jones, whom be me
half anour
h later.
"Was it necessary to keep that in-
vieible letter?" he asked,
"No " said Jouee..
"Would it have given one alfaire a,
e'r•ious turn if it had fallen into alliin
h this?''
"D. eidedly," ant,wered J 'nes, "It
would Eta., flight fort h.• Better Hun-
dred or a lung trine under cover, if oury police retroed, Presently his
our friend. Braine learned that, Russia nerve gave way in face of the steady
was now taking an active interest in eye and hand, and he confessed the
the doing of the Bieck Hundred. why and wherefore he had sought the
And eventually all our work would keyhole of Servan'd room.
have to be done over again." • "We are after this butler, Wher-
"Ah!" ever he goes we follow."
"You look a bit mussed up. Any- "Well, you've wasted your time, my
thing happened?" asked the keen eyed man, All I am here for is to take ov
butler. • er some property Mr, Hargreave left
"Nothing much. I made a eigarot in Prance for sale. I know nothing of
out of that letter and smoked it " about, your private feuds. N.nv, get
Jones chin kiel. "I et• rl a, ,S ati
have had an ttiivNiture rt «"•1l• 44)rt;
hut it can wait." '
"It can."
'•Because I want you to ,ask off ro
W aehington."
„Yrs. I were t yen • , t.• 4)•,v
thtt,e t:fliciale WC:v rote ont1, t rm ;•err'
with die ex .edition laws."
A new kut6?"
' What I wt„h to learn to toe.: t'at,
a u,au, lormerly uh(iesireatee., take
out naturalization paper• and hold to
the protection of the United Staler;
Government? That 18 to say, a pris-
oner', menaced by Siberia, net:tunes an
American citizen. Lie t1i anduc'er.1
and carried bank t4) Runee. Oe'ulo tt w,4s ttl.o WI tadi.tavrt. '1'hP NIX was
look Co thie txucerr;.sarau, fve • 1•, ag.ut feek.1 awl 1O.v;•'i'ed •nd pees-
tection? Tam, le whit 1 want' y. u t,• an(ty rhe sprrfet n' u441t CI so find that
find our."
"That will be easy, Where shell 1
."As soon as you eau pack your
"That's always packed," replied the
reporter. "You see, I'm eternally
shunted hither and yon, at a morn
ent's notice, so I always have an extra
grip packedfor quick travel,"
"The Russian agent wants Braine,
Vroon, and the countess; and to -nigh t
I'm going to try to point thein out t„
him. It would satisfy me more than
anything I know to eliminate this pre-
cious trio in Russian fashion. It's thu-
-rough; and once accomplished, good -
day to the Black Hundred in America.
The organization in Russia has still
some political significance, but on this
side of the water itis merely on aggre-
gation of merciless thugs."
"I'll take the first train out. But
you will tell etlorence?"
"And take care of your own heels
You were watched at the hotel."
"I know it; but the watcher could
learn nothing. Henri Servan as a
name will suggest nothing to the fool
who followed rne; Besides, we bet h
knew that he was trying; to peek
through the keyhole. That hotel,
you know, still retains the old fash-
ioned keyholes,"
"To keep the maide, in gond humor,
laughed �V
I suppose, bed Jim. ell
b I
must be on my way to make that
The twnshonk hands and Jim her -
Tied off. The butler watched him i11
he disappeared down the eubwaye
h edge of authority,"
The Loan fumbled in him upper peek -
et, hoping swains, hope that the muz.
7,'e of the t•evolvee would waver,
c: "You're an ordinary thief," declared
he Russian; and as Stich 1 shall in-
antly hand you over to the betel
authorities ut less yon tell me exactly
tvho and what you are."
The roan remained duinb. He hung
between the. devil and the deep. sear,
If he told the truth the nrganizitirin
woald soon learn the truth, if he kept
111 he would he lodged in jell, per
caps indeti+t:ttely, for he hadn't a city
out Bur beef, < lit of sur w•tip 1 :t 'rt
not. a pt aceta! nisei."
The spy tu:ethlt a run i- "1- ti r:• ; urn -
teed rn, by an one ,.1 ,„r ,,ti,. y; :1,.•rt S,•i-
v,t:t web •(14)444 11:' - , rt• w4) 4t -rye• to
(r m4,arttive ldit ii'... Te It h:,,g'r
b g.i. to :vrtke up.
e , g G nue :re , ”, X
alit "..-. wrli 'ti tvic Ire^r•d ir,' d • $ anis y
1i4a•gre are" t•Ly' .r'r 11 -.t(- d :,1r:..11,'r1 .e
A hn-v seeder had W0Vt•11 ti. tz 44, '4(110x,'.
the handle (u 4 b. getout toil, The.
box wan tl.lti badly • St tailed from In.
tutor• rsiun in the salt water. At a
certain tains. it was, goterly withdrawn
from its hi.iinit 1•leee. It. was stt•alth-
llv •(periled, A bend reenhed in, and
whorl rr :vir041 ew a peek.' of papers
"He's a good lar(," he r ii inured,
"and a brave lad; rind money is only
an incident ie humanatffaire after all
I'll be a good angel arttith t.-thc two he
happy, since they .love each other and
have proved it in a thr'usand 'nys
Meanwhile -the Russian af!r- 1t' sett- "And what are these documentir?"
led clown before his writing pi rtfoli, ; asked Olga.
and once or twice as be wrote he "Ah, i h it's what we are Ho >a,nxlou-
thoughi, he heard a sound nut iris tire, to find out. Some papers are going
door. N,a 4intiht ibis butler of Her- to 0e,ed between this Russian
greave's had been watched nt.ti follow- spy and Jones or his a,{er,tr. That
ed. By and by he rn:;P, ele�esv hie+ rP- 1 these papers concern us vitally, I em
volver, and tiptoed to tiara, (Le g1'li- certain. That t� why I stn going to
quPly so th'tt the wrttrhPee nu'eide! get them if there has to he a murder
might not become ware of hie ay- at the opera to -night. N. rton, b en
proaeb. S•ii fiiy he swung hark the to Wttshirtgton. Ile wee rt'en pendia;
door and the mPm'eer of the Blore oar of the Rt a."i:.ra ernh,aeey, trout the
[ionised stumbled luso ilio room s eet:aroie44 of S. meatal Witte rad ati
Aimvet instantly the Rueslin c to :.Mer ren utile '� to fin$ out juer
ban by the collar and held h•rn :t p, r,h,s,t ,alt rhi. the tnv,"
"What veto you doing entente my i e It tu••au•r that the 'itute bas, come
doors `t" for. us to fly," fetid Olga, '•We hnvo
The man did not anuses. He wee stili plenty Of tu•ntey left. It is tithe
trying to collect his thoughts,
"A tips of some sox t, et.?" f flied our tents and stole away
I'm a detective," said tlr(e'ulctn final-: q't (ally. I toll you I feel it in my
bones that there e kl is e
a before
,• pit foe us
sae/ lite e
ly,thinking he a ht c,lt+h.
Eorc ere'anl
tawit l if youa
force issues we
v v (, to ••a.t•
"And what d o4) expect t 1 rt
n Irl
l 1 ['hall all fall into it"
by Io king thiottgh the keyhole f sty
duot't' "'1'h r white 1.•.i: rr:*, any deal?'
e • .,i p r
0 o r ••e♦
t ,
� n were pointed out t r.t is 3 r t v o e°
d Tta t al •ia t.,o 11 row,.
Xa t, n if t r
senuggler.'.', b.' 1h' Wilt Pee are •et ei o tit
Servan laugbe.d. "Show m' yr.u.' to a H;'0•t, c tnrlen."
.. :.>oe.yrffl. cs..,...-_.n, .,...c�,eee.,.e.•.c gi.R+v..•�,,,...... ......6._.;..,
tli•+ r•utininl- trap. had been tut�ttly des-
troyed matt ten-. Infinite p;M.ienee of
his kind he began the weaving of an•
other tarp. Perhaps this would be
mere successful than Its predecessor.
Later Henri Servan received a tele-
phone call, He was informed that his
purpose in America would he realized
by his presence at Such and such a box
that. night at the opera. Further in-
formation c ,uld not be given over the
telephone. S+•roan seemed well Neon
fled. He dieSeedcarefully that even-
ing, called up the riffle() clerk, and in-
quired if his box tickets for the opera`
had arrived, He was informed that
theeehad. Instantly the spy, who hid'.
dared to linger about the hotel, over-
hearing this conversation, determined
to notify Brtine at pace. Ana. at the
etne time, in disguise, determined net
to loss eight of this man whom he had
set himself to watch,
The spy left by one 'entrance and
Jun by another. Jun had learned
what he had desired : that the Russian
agent would be followed to She' opera
and that it was going to be difficult to'
hand the documents to him. The spy
entered a drug store and telephoned.
Jim waited outside. When the man.
came out he strolled up the street and
entered the nearest saloon. Jim's work
was done.
It was Beeine's lieutenant, however,
who took the news to Braine.
We v
e ha a succeP
"t>!o •d!" said Braine.
"Ile will go to the opera. He will
have a r ox. D ,ub'•less they have ar-
ranged to deltvet• I he paper a there."
"And the tact thing is to get the
number in the box." Tbie Biable had
no dtflirrutty in doing. "S:, that's all.
fixed. He calls himself Servan and
registers " trout Paris. I'll e,huw the
fool that • he has no M. uj•k to
deal with this trine." .
on the chauffeur of the liwour4ue.
As 1?art•ar'ta teat thrilling nate died
away Braine and Olga rose,
"Be careful, Arid come to the
artmeute just as soon as you can."
"I'll be careful," Braine declared.
When. Servan entered t he 1 •xinusinte
he was quietly hut forcibly seized by
two men who lied been lying in wait
for him, due to .the apparent treachery
tof the chauffeur. Servan fought vain-
ly, for all that he knew what the end
of dal 1
"I «hall never give up. You are fre
to pack a}i and go if you wish, As fo
int., I'm going to fight this out to th
bitter end."
"And take my word for it, the en
will be bitter."
"O, I shall stay, You know that m
future is bound up in yours. In th
old days sty advice generally appeale
to you as sound; and nivel you follow
ed it you were 4ucce4.r•ful. From the
firer I advi.ed you not to pursue Har
gre,rve, See what has happened !"
"Euough of this chatter. I've go
to die tome rime; it will he with m•
face toward this men I hate with al
my soul, You trust to me; I'll• pul
out of this all right. You just fix
yourself up stunningly for the opera
to•night and leave the rest to me,"
Olga shrugged. She was something
of a fataliet. This man of hers -had
suddenly gone mad; and one did not
reason with mad people.
"What Shall I wear?" she asked
lint+ r ,ld. ; `hey're y'etr good lurk
•-1,.rrre.. Yee a. tit g.. '•, ; t r box h,•f•, t,
1 d•,. I'!'t t.,i.:o c'prud some Limo or
Hie vixen i r, Ili• et11 a that, 4 hi, Servan
shall .tr r ryes• And u t•' Tette possible
et, .t +•ut fr+eud J 1tt•n Will (:0048 1•,,re,.
It ,:,,t. J•-tte•, r.ttNt, N,•rt•,n. I WsS a
tarsi 41 et to stlt,or biw when I had the
chance, We could have covered it up
with 0., the least difficulty.: But 1
needed the ieteemation about that
neper. With Norton going to Wash-
togton' and Jones conferring with this
Servan, I've got to strike quick: It
conoerne us, that I'm certain. Perk
up; we'velote of cards in our sleeves
yet. Be at the opera at 8.30. Pay no
attenuant t0 anyone; wait fer me. Re-
wetubee, I -hau't write notes or semi
Hely phuue meieegee. Be wary of any
trap like that to get you uutside, Now
I'm off
Jones approached Florence immed-
iately atter %limier.
I have important: business in the
city to-mgttt. Under no circumstan-
ces leave the house. I shall probably
be followed. - And our enemies will
have need of you far more to -night
than at any previous time. I sbau
not send you phone or written nue
sage. You have your revolve[. Suuut
auy strange mau who eaters. We'It
wake erq'tieiee after,"
"We are near the end?' whispered
Piot ease,
• "Very near the end."
"And I ehall See my father?"
Junes teat hes head. "If we suc-
"There is danger?" thinking of her
lover. •
"There is always danger wheu 1
leave time house. So' be g.,od," tor.
butler added wttn a elude,
"An,1 Jim?"
"He man proved that he can take care
of himself."
"Tell him to ba very careful,"
I'll du eo, but it will not be neces-
sary," and with this Jotted set forth
upon what be considered the cutrninat-
iug adventure.
The usual brilliant crowd began. to
pour into the opera. Brame took his
stand by the entrance. -He waited a
longtone, bUt patience was r -
warded. A limou,tud drove eve upand
out of the dour came his man, who
looked about with eabual interest. He
dismissed the lttriuuslue, which wheel-
ed slowly round •the corner, where it
could be cunveuteutly parked. Then
Servatieentered the opera.
Brame hurried round to the limon.
due. The lighte, save those dt m•,nd-
ed by traffic regulations, were out, The
chauffeur• w,ie huddled in hie seat,
"My man," said Braine, "world you
like to•mi,k•t some money?
"Haw muck?" lrstlebsly. The voice
wee u)ufll. d.
"(load night, air."
.`Ftfr y."
"Gmm night and ,,00.1 morninsl"
, -A. hundtedI"
"N :w you've got rite interested.
<L res kind of ti j ,y tide do you
"Na 1 'y ride, Listen."
Brtc-fly th- coneptrators outlined his
rte,•de, and finally the chauffeur nod-
ded. Five twenties were pressed into
hi'. hand and he curled up fn his seat
• tams
,iti t .
Servan emoted his box. In the box
nt•xt to his sat a handsomely -gowned
young woman, He threw her an idle
glance, which was repaid in kind.
Ltter, Buaine came in and sat down
eesole Olga.
• Etere laine 1 ke like plain ealling,'`
'i hiepet ,
t t i 1 t ti.
()k4;4 ahs nr:t.;td el',;h-1y.
tlae.rt.•t.rtnis,ton between Ow
Litt,7 and second ;tots, Servan took the
rear chair of his box, near the cur-
�Y. '°� • Indian
q tains, Braine, watching with ti
t6Lt8� �Ke Eyes of a lynx, sudden( observed the
_ y
Curtains stirring. A. hand was thrust
through. Ia thia.t hand was a packet
of papers With 1 seeming- indi(f( sauce
Sorrell reached Back and took the
papers, stowirig thein away in a pock-
Braine rose at the beginning of the
second act,
"Where are you ; oint,?" irked 0 g
her run.( y. 1
"To see Otto "
802 1 "A hold attempt Wee merle to rob
good tea
Servan while in the bet, but the ••r,
ly arra al .,• Jiny ft nttreteed : ht' ,t .
So Brains was forced to rely' ram th.
�'o y oyortvrr.
is exp oit was going to be. One
of the Wen truceeeded in getting the.
documents from Servan'e pocket,
"Done, my boy!" cried the victor,
'Give him a crack on the moo and
we'll beat it."
"Just a minute, gentlemen!"said a
a voice from the seat at the side of the
chauffeur, "I'll: take those papers!'
And the owner of the voice, beteked by
a cold sinister looking automatic,
reached in and confiscated the spoils
of war. "And I should not make any
art empt to slip out by the side door "
"Thanks, my friend," said Servan,
steak ng h'tueelf free from his cap-
"Don't mention it," said Norton
amiably. "We thought something
like this would happen. Keep per-
fectly quiet, you chaps. Drive on,
chauffeur; drive on!"
"Yee. my lord. To what particular
police station shall I head thie omni-
"The nearest, Jones; the very near -
es you can think of! Some day, when
I'ur rich, I'll hire you for my cbauffer
But for the present I shall expect et
t••ast 4)t box of Paitegas out of that
Junes chuckled. "I'll buy you a
hex en' of My own pocket. That hunt
'le ed g • - to charity."
"b'a'rer we art! Out with you," said
Jim to his prisoners. He shoulder ed
them into the police station, to the
captain's deck.
"What's' this?" demanded the cap-
"Holdup men," said Jim. "Entered
this man's car and tried to rob him."
"Uh-hub! An' who're you?"
Jim showed his badge and card.
"Otto! Hey, there; I mean you!"
said the -captain, leveling a finger at
Otto. "Lift. up` that blit; lift it 'up
Sure it's F.•uutain Pen Otto! Well,
well; and we've been looking for you
fur ten months on that last forgery
arse. Mr. Norton, my thanks. Take
'em below, sergeant; You'll be here
to make the complaint in th' morning,
air," he added to Servan.
"If it is necessary."
"It may be against Otto's pal, I
d.•n't know him,"
"Very well."
And Jones and Norton and Servan
tiooped out of the station.
At last Jones and the reporter enter-
ed a cheap lunchroom and order coffee
and toast.
"You're a wonderful man, Jones,
even if you are an Englishman," said
Jim as he called for his check,
"English? What makes you think
I'm English?" asked Junes with a cur-
ious glitter in his eyes.
"I'11 tell you on the night we put
the rollet•e under Braine and com-
es "
J,nee ,:tared long and intently ar.
his young partner. What did he
scats. Ln sn ir
(To he continued.)
How to Have. the Cary Stable Clean
and Healthful •
In clean:i icss the dairy stable
should bo as nearly as.'rnay be the
equal of
the housewife's kitchen,
are 1,...c,r toric which human
stn v i ch u an
.ocd is prc, asst.. Much of the food
2rcpared in the 1,_tc'•cn is cooled and
thereby star'.:?;;;.d, v;' the food pre-
;iared in the c'.a,ret :table is consumed
itergely in en unekee -ed state and the
rirt and filth tl:. t i7 .s gotten into it
'rem the cerieernilles rttr:tains-un-
'te:ilizrd. in .. .'i h::..res the dairy
'Path shc:r'rd. as '1: ae'y az possible, be
I':e cr,r e1 l f cur l.eirc - fer are not
nr dairy c ;' tl r f ci'rr.; o2 many
:1 ard r.!! cfr, r th::c:ren?
To cre'cr to •s.•,: r;, t''1s high order
•i c.: n 1 ic:.'.t1'fttinc.: the
!r: barn r`rrrl to certain
.ncral The floors,
should be
1 'a tri' , _': , �r:.b .t^ :;e. (Jon -
I ..' I ,. .. r.i Ind, iii r+'•scted,
e:•.ririt le clean nee. -fra.c from dis-
' c ,.a: Tho 111-
1. .rt.rth that dust
1 d d' t rr: a e'!-,... tcd. G alvan-
I r l ere dcz:rable in
' 1•t a ••cl fixtures are
21 e ,. The int:lt
•t.lil •I 1 ..:t -d from the
., l: i;11 ventilated
17:17 hl•(.i:: i; 1:71t. ('..7:11 in a closed
reem c l.ta n in a passage;
11'ai the r.: tc.t he lad ,n With
duci tit eeir, lisee The stalls
1liculd he V. ell + ,t,t: d that dirt may
he seen and that ti:e sunshine may
exert its p:'rifying .01i?tti1 cting powers.
131x square fc et of pass her animal
or 15 square f.:et if floor space are
I:sually provided.' tl. Ordinarily the light-
ing Is mors efficient Etch east and west
windows than north and south.
Adequate ventiiollon :;Mould bo pro.
vidc d fer. An a:1' flow of about
A- ,-r4 'e.1 n.
cub'e. f�.rt. ,Er hour .1
t,v (ivQ_c1' animal
;Ecoid b; it , t., cl that the air 'of
1'•e st^'1'`.', unly L� pure .and health -
C1CNf t�:3i1C CRO
A C:'n17:°, L " n .1 el,e4 t t' "t .bili'
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teamnatt:Httes ' -w'r'l
gill Bank of Hamilton.
Capital Authorized , $5,000,00)
Oapital, Paid-up . 3,000,00 1
Supine 8,750,Q00
A Bttn'ring iutitftution gets strength ae much
from the meg who direct Ire affairs its from
the actual capital invested.
Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton la guarded
i" by men well known for business integrity, and aou4
11! mon-men who value security more than high proflta.
r. To this policy le duo a surplus which is one quartos
t,(. larger than its Capital -the result of over 40 years'
', , censorvattve management.
10, Manager Wingham'
Prof: Pember of the well known
hair goods, Toronto, will be in
at the
Brunswick Hotel
Thurs. Feb. 18
will a full line of the latest styles
in hair goods for ladies and gen-
lemen, manufactured from the
finest European Hair and per-
fection made.
F:iit0r.4rr1 f �!
The Pember lightweight ventilated toupee
or wig is the most natural substitute for your
own hair ever produced, also consult him
about any scalp troubles.
Advice free Charge;
Brunswick Hotel'
Thurs. Feb. l
i ItYttltll��t11l��tt�1t�I1�11�t1��11�' 111111111111111I11111M4I14II'1I14II:l*
Our machine -shop is fully equipped for all kinds of
. General Repairing. Try us for SAW GUMMING, -41
We still have a good supply of Apple Butter on
hand at 6c per lb. Try a pail guaranteed, will keep ,
for years,
E. Merkley& Son
Machine Shop andiResidence on North end of Josephine
next_to Mill Dam. PHONE 84. P. O. BOX 62
lllilllllll; i11111111Iliillllllli111 1111111111111111111111111111>i1111111%
wvV�MNM/vw-•r�../� h/V�W.N.
Walkers Undertaking
TA KERS We carry
a fall line of Gaskets, etc, •
James Walker
1p years experience. A. J. Wrlktr
9 years experience
Day Phone 100 A.
Nieto-, Phone 106h end 221
NEW i .._,i Li .
Leeks Li! .6 ri Asrcp!ane sand Lina
On!, a Few
A new insect, which hes only re
gently been disc•.vsred, teas sho vn
it the exhibition of the Reetil Society
St London.
'It was lamed the prc'ura, and it
:s barely elreernible t•itil the ual;Pd
tele, but when viewed und.r a micro -
INTO it has a :,tritsing resetr":tt:ce ao
rtcnop'a^c. The proiura is e:c.
t•elnety rare anti there are only a Eery
txistiu g ria cityors ill the world.
Of its at tiv:t4i s noth:ng is known
to far, bey_n e. Veer it lives on decayed
regetabits 01.0 that its span of life
lees not t'':tL I'd -b eyond three days.
Lewis e.,sti its Lumber
Londca.i is tae meet conservative city
e4) l.t.ut,rE, 1t net in the world. It
:oyes Its Iti:t1,'r. Von .may rti;l see,
these e . attached to lamp pos
tvhielr nan,•unce"Standing for +our
llxcltney ('arl :cs," or whatc'v'r the
number may 1.m. though for years: no
Vehicles of any kind have stool} there.
Perhaps it 's ^s writ that these relics
=hoard rer t t they are n tiny hart
Amu. e t .I ' ' c?rv, They will
ably 1 `.1 t,l` t,P411 WE' • (11.0 11,2,-1v 1c
dinner • tt 1:.t, th. etre in 000t ttreros.
' • r ntvl'o•atrn"tt, Itann;rd:v .,vitlt...i••4 For Infants 61g O�der, xAltai p"
will b 0 : in the "Notes
.d,The Kind foo Havu xr nls Bondi •.>:...:. 11,
. .. .... ..... . ...0 �
fluer,. ' • , :: i f'",rr ,e, •+•
r, •.. y3e0xs the
talo r • .., .0 t::,,, l.. -`l lit' i,..:tr,'al; i�'lgn>><tctre of-. !MOD'S Cosens
7.laroaicie. r �� � I REAI, I. i11T1'l An 13SuRIlitt
W. Elmore Mahood
Contractor and Bniidfr
If you have any work in my
line write or call at my house
on Frances Street. Estimates
and plans furnished on request.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wingham, Ont. BoY.335
Excellent Stabling accommo-
dation at The National Hotel
Stables. Attentive Hostler.
and sitting' room for
'patrons. Moderate Prices.
Fred Scott, Prop.
80atabliahed 1840,
Read Mike CiUELP$, ONT.
Risks taken on all claws of In•
curable property on the cash or pre
mimes note eyetera.
President, secretary.
Agents, Wingham, Ont
Ranter, Sollcitor, oto,
office: Meyer Block, Wingham,
Money to loan at lowest rates, •
D.D.9„ L,D.B.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen
nsylvania College and Lioeat ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
-Office in Maodonaid Block -
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D ,S
Honor Graduate of the oyal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry,
W. R. HAMBLY, B,SC., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, having
taken postgraduate work in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and Soientifio
Office in the Kerr residence, be- •
tween the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Oharoh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. O. Boit 118
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Ohisholm'e old stand)
General Hospital.
(Wade$ Oovernmor.b Inspection,)
. Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly' licensed physiolans.
Rates for patients (whish include board and
nursing)4.00 to $15.00 per week, according
to location of room. For farther,' informs -
Non -Address
Box 829, Wingham Ont.
J. A. FOX, D. C., graduate Ohiro
praetor. Chiropractic is successful In
such difficult cases as Insanity, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Con-
stipation, Female Trouble and all Ohro-
nio Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble.
Office in R. Knox's house. Entrance per
Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m.
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M
Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrews
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos and Organa tuned and repaired,
Wingham, Ont.
Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists
Specialists in the treatment of al
Chronic Diseases,
Nerve Disorders
Women's en Dieeaves. Weaknesses of
Children, Stiff Joints, Rheumatism
Osteopathy cures when all else fails.
Drugless methods. Wingham Office
over Christie's Store.
uesday 1I.30 a. m,-9 p, m.
Wednesday and Friday 9-11 a.m.
Thursday 9-11 am. 4-9.p. m.
OVER 85 YEARS.' 'y
Anyone sending a sketch and desert tion may
(lewd,. ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patetttable. Communlca.
Cons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK On Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securingatents,
Patents taken through Munn• k coo.•reoai'e .
*recta! notice, without charge, mute
$deutific American.
of any eclentl a journal. Terms for
s 1 owsdialerea, year, postage prepa:d. Sold by
MUNN & Co 36l8roadway, New Ygrk
Branch wee. (In 5' St,. Washington. D. .
We have a purchaser for a
' farm of ioo acres or more, 1
!one or two miles from Wing -
ham. Buildings not neces-