HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-02-11, Page 10New Goods for Early Shoppers A complete range of "Crurnes" celebrated prints in patterns for aprons, shirts and dresses, in dark blues, light blues and light patterns prints 10c, 12 1.2e, 15c yd. Cottons bleached and unbleached at the old prices or under Crepes, Voiles, long cloth in wide width, suitable for underwear and whitewear Galateas in dark and light patterns Iron Gad Galateas for boys blouses and Buster Brown suits, Canadian made goods, 15c, t 7 c 20C yd Curtain Materials . • New Spring Curtain Materials, before buy- ing ask to see our Curtain materials, new patterns, new lengths in Ivory, Tuscan and Ecru, in. Scrims, and Voiles by the pair or by the yard Butterick Patterns No trouble with patterns —we have our new patterns for spring Dress making. Ask to see the Delineator and Butterick Quarterly. Potatoes and FOWL Wanted Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. v Phone your Mail Orders to 70 I HANNA & C Phone 70. a` Patriotism and Production Under the Dominion Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Ontario Department of Agriculture Will be held in Town Hall, Wingham Thursday, Feb. 15 ®tee 3 P.M. ---e The Duty and the Opportunity of the Clan- aGian Farmer" (a) in relation to Farm Crops. Wm. Squirrel B.S.A.. Associate Prof. of Field Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. (b) in relation to Live Stock, Paul E. Angle, B.S.A., Simcoe. Jno. T. Currie will preside 7:30 P.M.—lnaddition to the above speakers A. ti. Musgrove, M P.P. and others will address the meeting. Richard Clegg will preside. .Patriotic and Instrumental selections at night.meetieg GOD SAVE THE KING Ready for Your Spring Order Our spring stock is arriving daily, and a look through our fancy suiting would gladden the heart of any man or woman, who has an eye for the beautiful. We have just received the advanced styles for Spring and Summer. As the war has affected the style centres of France, the French Modes are not so much try evi- dence this spring, but there are many beautiful English and American Models. We would be pleased to have you call before plac- ing your order. Orval E. Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Wiun.gharn - Ontario 4 1 NIP TJIE WING 11 A. ADV'AN'OE CHILDREN'S MATINEE At The Picture House SATURDAY AFTERNOON At 3:30 p, m. Admission 5c Gorrie 0, me to Wingham on Dollar Day, Wednesday, Feb. 24th. Mr. II. V. Armstrong was in Tees' water on business, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avey of Brant- ford, spent a few days last week with the former'' couein and 'family, Mrs. Rebt. Stinson, A load from town went to Fordwich on Wednesday evening to attend a concert there. Oa Friday evening, Jan. 201h, the members of the Gorrie and Orange Hill Methodist church held a social in the basement of the Gorrie church. The principal feature of the evening being the burning of the mortgage on the Parsonage. All the church pro- perty of this congregation is now free from debt. At 9 o'clock, the pastor, Rev, G. W. Rivers, took the chair, and an excellent program was render- ed, consisting of solos, anthems, quar- tette, violin selectione, readings and addresses. At the conclusion of the program, the Presidents of the Gorrie and Orange Hill Ladies' Aid, Mrs. E. Sperling and Mrs. G. W. Strong, w- aisted the pastor in the great event of the evening, "The Burning of the Mort_ gage," and as the last fragment drep- ped upon the silver tray, the com- pany rose and all joined very heart- ily in singing the Doxology, after which several of the members of the congregation in short addresses ex- pressed their great pleasure and satis- faction at being called togs ther for such a cause. Refreshments were then setved by the ladies. This Parson- age was built seven years agos during the pastorate of Rev, W. H. McTav- ish, and is a building which is a credit to the congregation, During the pas- torate of Rev. J. W. Htbbert, Jubilee Services in connection with the chur- ch was held, and arrangements were considered for the freeing of the chur- ch from debt. The congregation is now enjoying the consumation of plans then laid, and they have every reason to be proud of their splendid church parsonage, and all denominations in the towu will rejoice with Tb,•m, and congratulate them in their freedom. i 1, 00000006300 ............ ....... •_• •• X •_• •;. MEAT MARKET • The best of fresh Beef an • Pork always on hand. Try our own brand of SUGAR -CURED HAMS, •_• BACONS, ROLLS, SPEC- : IAL BACKS ETC. •• Also our PURE KET- TLE RENDERED LARD. Orders called for and de- s; livered promptly. • Highest Cash price paid for Hides and,Skina WM. FIELD Butcher •.................... Blyth Come to Wingham on Dollar Day, Wednesday, Feb. 24rh. Miss Hughes of Durham is the gueat of her sister Mrs Rev, Farr at the Rectory, Mr. and Mts. Hamilton of Guelph visited Mr, and Mrs. 0. H. Buse this week, bir. Jas. Begley of Wingham visited his brother Mr. Wm. Begley over Sun- day. Division Court was held on Friday, a number of oases were up for bearing and disposed of. Judge Bolt presided. At the last meeting bfthe sot hbil Me. Joseph Stfi'Iiere was appointed Treasurer of the,.borporation, Mr,',Ta'. MoMurchie having'' resigned. The. Local Society of Oddfellows will be at home to their friends on Tuesday evening in their hall. Rev. Geo. Jewitt has relieved word that his eldest aim, 'Mr. Oliver Jewitt had enlisted for the third contingent. He ie• a mathematical teacher in the Chatham Institute and holds the off- ice of Lieutenant iii the above divis- ion. Tho following letter was recived by the Secretary of the Red Cross Circle of our town, and goes to show how the work of this community is apprtc- lated at headquarters. London, J•an.26ch. Dear Mrs. Gardinei:— We packed and marked our Belgi• an Relief, Tuesday and Wednesday. The car left Weduesday evening and I wish you could have seen it, packed to the roof, the best ebipment sent yet. Thanks to all the kind people who donated towards it and yours was a goodly share. We think a lot of Blyth. Your people ate loyal and good workers. Oa Friday morning Lady Beck, and the Treasurer Mrs, B.o.vn, and myself went to Toronto to the Red Cross annual meeting. Ir was held in Convocation Hall. Hie Royal nightie is, Duke of Connought opened the Meeting. It is surprising how very old he has grown in the last few months, old and thin with an anxious look. I am afraid this war is going to shorten his days, it is such a pity, the last son of our dear old queen and he is no doubt very anxious about his only son, who is now at the front. He says the real fighting has not begun yet. Is will be likely April before the greatest battle the world has ever known will take...place. He told us to be ready with,;;tti11 kinds of hospital supplies especially. It is a terrible thing to look forward too. But a lot depends on the 4, iWomen of Oanada. First we must tamp our e ,Idiere going to the front, hitve a sup- ply ready to forward them from Eng- land. Now we moat still work for Belgium, for they are still fighting, even the King of .Belgium is in the trenches. We must feed the old peo- ple,,women and children. so a fourth car will be sent about the 20th of Feb. Tais time I am aiming at a quantity of canned milk, I have started a "mile of pennies" 1 cent is 1 inch, 12 cents is 1 foot, and 36 cents is 1 yard, 1701 yards is a mile 1700 x 36:—$533 60. Perhaps you could appoint a committ- ee of young people to workout a parr of a mile every 33 te given is one yard in the mile and one mile will almnet uy a ehipment of milk. I con;mer ee ed it here and it is working out. Now • 40•.' i•: 14, Enter Any Day 4j Oet 5r Each student is instructed privately at his own desk, hence, the backward or rusty are not embarassed. Thousands of Succesful Graduates Home -study Courses Salesmanship Courses; always a demand for Salesmen. • Ask for particulars. .r. Winghan lean Business College ono. SPOTTON, Principal 14, �YJ I+t I will Bend you the soggeettone for the work, the scarfs will be needed until June for~ when the great costa are left off, the scarfe and tnllitat y suit ie all they have, po the mate, caps, socks and wristlete will, be required, For the bed quilts we used red flannel or grey flannelette. Your work is always admired at Hymens Hall. At any tiara any of your people come to London and visit our Red Oro s Rooms you will hear about yourselves, as your work is always admired. Wiilte me if there is any thing I can do or suggest, Sincerely, Francis T, Edwards, sestetese-esieseeeeses HERE'S GOOD NEWS FOR DYSPEPTICS We have good news for every panic n in this town who has any form of stomach trouble, It is about a rem- edy for indigestion and dyspepsia that, we have so much faith in as to offer it dee' not relieve you and satisfy -you in every way, we will refund the mon- ey you paid for it without question or argument of any kind. You risk not hues; either Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- tete will relieve your stomach ail- mente or the money you paid for them will be handed back to you, There is no red tape about our guars antee. It means just what it says. Your word is enough. If Resell Dyspepsia Tablets don't satiefy you, the °money is yours and we want you to have it. Rexall Dyspepsia. Tablets soothe the inflamed atom'sch, check heartburn and distrese, stimulate a healthy se- cretion of gastric juice, aid in rapid and comfortable digestion of the food, and help to quickly restore the stom- ach to a comfortable, easy -acting heal- thy state. They Alio aid greatly in promoting regular bowel action. Rex - all DVRpepsta:Tablets are sold only to the 7,000 Rex 411 Stores, and in this town only by - , W. MrKibbon. Three sizne, 251, 50c and $1.00. NOTICE Separate sealed applications mark- ed on outside, applications for Treas- urer, will be received up to 4 p. m. on the 12+h day of February, for the of- fice of Treasurer of the town of Wing - ham, under the following conditions (1) At a salary of $275.00 per year. Treasurer to collect electric light .and waterworks rat and have office in Town Hall. Office hours 10 to 12 a. m, and 2 to 4 p.m. (2) At a ealary of $225 00 per year with no electric IiCht or waterworks collections and office need not be in Town Hall. John F. ,Groves, Clerk. Loolc at your label. DIPPING SHEEP A tick seems smart enough to know that he will find more tender and juicy pasturage on a lamb than on an old sheep, but ticks annoy sheep of any age. In order to be sure that one has dip that will be effective, he sh d mix up a sample according to wee - Lions and test it on a few isolated ticks to see if it does actually cause tleath or only temporary unconscious- ness. Many of the dips are not ttandardiaed and, even when made up in the solution as directed, will not be found to be strong enough to kill ticks. If warm water is used in mak- Ing the dip it will penetrate to the skin better. Many fleeces are so oily that cold writtr can scarcely make its way through them. One should take great care • to see that the sheep is enfirely immersed in the dip and that it is kept there for at least one and better two min. utes. To simply let the sheep alk through the dip In great haste oes not ordinarily produce very good re - tufts. A forked stick or a• broom can often be used to advantage in keeping the sheep under the dip. Sheep should be clipped a second lime in about ten days after the first ,lipping. This is because the dip will Lot kill ticks itt the embryo or egg form. On any sheep there are likely to be a great many eggs and these developing -rill make good foundation stock for another c^op of ticks un• less they are killed by the second dip- ping. ROCK REMOVER Gkids Cs= Together Under Stones When Horse Starts up A simple and effective apparatus for removing rocks from fields has been resigned. A pair of strong skids are idngsdly connected at their rear ends and have a forin of buffer there. Tho !rent ends aro connected by chains to ring that is hooked up to a horse's. 'races. 'l'o remove a rock the skids I re thrown cpen on each side of the obstacle and the horse started up. As i'•io animal pulls away the skids close rl,t\DT TO CLgAIt FIBLD. bnneatlt the steno and it rolls back against the buffer, The implement is then driven to the spot inhere rhe rocks are b^]ng transferred and left there. rot the easy and expeditious removal t,f stones frq:a a rock field this implement steams to be all that could bo do ;trod, at the. nkide dote with i:uffie:raft f.:rro to uproot Mks. 'f the latter are not ton large. Bread, Potatoes and Soup given away free to any families in need, every Tuesday and Thursday at T. Fells'. f 4' 4' a< 4' 4' 4' * * 00000000000000Q000000 r Meat Fish Poultry The highest class Beef • and fork, Fish and Poul- try sold at T. Fells Butcher Stoke Give us a trial, you will be pleased, Highest price paid for Hides . and Skins. * M 4' a< 00000000000O200000000000000 Fire, Lite,Accident and Sickness Insurance REAL ESTATE -=Sever al good bargains in town rest_ dences and first class farms J. G. STEWART Office --Griffin Block Phome 184 P. 0• Box 426 PROF. WEAVER, L, G.S. M, 1U(Concert Organist, Pianist. Voice Specialist) Teacher ort Organ, Piano, Artistic Singing. 15 years practical experiense In Wingham on Thursdays Pupils prepared for all Exams. Residence and studio 621 Dufferin Ave., London, Ont. WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A SINGER $2 will place the best Sing - el Sawing Machine in your home, balance small monthly payments. A. J. WALKER SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture Store Wicgham,; • Ont. COM 111111111111113111IND1111111111111111111116 iCHR15TIE'SI GROCERY PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a. m. ■ Good Tea Value We buy our Teas on the TEST PRINCIPAL and r.n that alone can you ever br sure of getting genuine Tea A alae. There is QUITE A DIFFERENCE in this method, and that of buying them because they cost so many cents per pound. WE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE As is well known the best grades of Tea ha' e, for several years past been lath ancing in price We have not AT ANY TIME substituted a poorer gpal• ity for the sake of keeping our prices the old level. . (That weuld mean poorer quality if and it wou'd al o mean that we were trying to put Dust in our Customers eyes, Our prices are $55c, 45p and Obc a ib. Uncolored Japan $5c and GOc, 1 tOCIS i.r..1111.tn.o....s w10OPND• Use Cantelon's Coal The very best hard coal mined. We keen. a good supply of Hard and Soft Wood and Cedar Kindling. Give us a trial order and join our hundreds of satisfied customers. ;R.. 1 Cantelon I Office wtrh Dominion, Emmet* 00. r. o not 127 } L'hune 47. Big Shoe Sale for Women On Friday Next, Feb. 12 At 4 p.m., Precisely 46 pairs Women's High Grade Oxfords and Boots, Regularly sold at $2 to $3.50,0. SALE AT ABOVE HOUR $1.17 per pair One shoe of each pair shown in North Window W. H. WILLIS CO. THE STORE Sole Agents For The FOR sHo LADIES Underwear Reduced • Do you find your Underwear a bit thin this cold weather, if so do not lose any time in fitting yourself out with a couple of new suits. All Medium and Heavy Weight Winter Underwear Has been reduced in price to such an extent thut there shouldn't be a garment left in our stock la a Wt.cs time. Well known makes, '°such as Stanfield, Penmans and St. GI orge are included in the above. It is a well known fact that all wool goods will be very much higher in price next winter. Why not lay in a supply of Underwear now for next winters use. and avoid paying the high price. A. CAMPBELL the Clothier 6 MacDonald Black. Opp. Bank of Commerce. ... rffisinammotoimmilaap% Whose Your Grocer?. We are Bidding for Your Trade flava, von tried inatketing here? Call and lets have your next order. If you want clean, fresh (,lroceties of the best quality, at Lew, Ft l , ire', we hare them. Choice (arr+t•erJen, F,•et,h l+rutte,. Appetizing Meats. High-grade Teta and Coffee and pure Confeet• ionary, all leading brands of Bteal.fast Foods and best 'Canned Gorda on t.be 'akar, arordersniwiil'bo promt tly filled and eatlafactorilq if left with Henry T. Thompson T11l HHOCap Ol? QUALIT Succeiisor to E. B. Hatt