HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-02-11, Page 7WITTIVIMMITTITTIMMTIIIMIT E a E se E. Merkley & Son Machine Shop and Residence on North end, of Josephine next to MB! Dam PHONE 84. P, 0. 130X a Li Om** Machine Shop Our machine shop is fully .equipp d for il kittd,, of General Rrpairing. Try us for $A". GUMMING,. SKA f1 GRINDING, KNIVES, AXE8, Etc. We still have a good supply of Apple Later on hand at 6c per Ib. Try a pail guaranteed,. will keep for year$, a a-1 a 10n3 FOR MARKET • theuid be In Ccod Conclition—,Fatten In Coe Confinement It doe's not pay to send fowls to market in Icor condition; they neither sell readily nor at best price, and Often the dealers must lose by tnena, rowls that are poor should be fattened 1 efere going on the market; they lhould be put in ratite', close pens aid fed not lees than four times a day, and nothing is better to feed than ground corn or cornmeal, the letter preferred, mixed with water or milk. They must be given all they want of this each feed; they must be pen- ned in a quiet plaee, with nothing to excite them, and, with the mash, mut have access to plenty of water and grit, Two weeks is ,ong enough to fatten; a longer time than from ten to fourteen days in close confinement tends to make thein restless, after which they :ose flesh instead of gain. The chickens that go in the fatten- ing pens must be In gOod health and free from lice, Charcoal in the water (ones up the systein of fattening birds Ind a little Eileern salts in the. water • eceasionally is e good thin. Iler.CleiNOCK CiCart When engaged on delicate needle- work a good .idea is to have a little flour in a sauce' by you and to dip your fingers in it from eime to time. This will not only keep the hands dry, but the work beautifully clean, Wee., Kills Smell of Paint Destroy the smell of paint by plao ing pailfuls of cold wa:ler in the rooms which are being painted. Change the water night t.nd morning, and, when )ossible, -dd a handful Of hay to the water in each pail. Delicious Chicken Shortcake* The leftovers of chicken can be made into dellciope shortcake. Make the biscuit crust the same as for old- fa.shioned shortcake. Spread the chicken between and pour gravy on the whole. r.arnps on Headgear Artificial flowers for millinery are being made to enclose tiny inco.ndes- bent lamps which can be supplied with enrrent from storage batteries MA - den inside their wearers' hats. Morris. Oenee tO Wingbani nn Dollar Day, Wedneeday, Feb, 2Ath. Itepo'rt of S 8.NO1 8 Mora., fur Jeettory. riapile *limonite d Ar motto, Spelling, ],atete terenake,,, x denotes exeraileti ee, w web t was absent, T, tel300. ..eth—Ut nom int. Seib 82, George Brewer 03, Lorne Turvey Charles Souch 48 ix, Sr. Ord—lElva Warwick 84, Cameron Illastard 08, Charlie Bosnian 61, Cora South 55 Jt. 8od- Gawp PO? 72, Wilrot t Ara01 x, I htOlt rqN• 02 x, 0'. ank Gasaalss 51, Sr. 2cid—Matjerie Grasby 80, Winnie Allen 07, Harry Genies 64 x, Eimer Forbes 03 x, Jr. 2nd—May Warwick 80, Alfred Johnston 70, - Jack Allen 60, Fred Brewer 54. Jr. Pt, 2.n4e-General work.—Walter Sellers 481; Janet MeVittie 465, Fraser Mustard 309, Bertha Souch 381,, Charlie Warwiek 342. Adella Turves 316, Doris Alien 232, Lillian Garnies 215. M. E. Fryfogle, Teacher. Ole nannan. Come to Wingham on Dollar Dpae Wednesday. Feb. 24tb, The following is the report of S. S. No, 3, Turnberry, for the month of January. The percentages are given of the total *narks obtainable on the examinations in Arithmetic. Geo- graphy and Grammar. Sr. 4th—Edna Lincoln 79, Edna Elliott 08. Jr. 4th— xJan3es McGlynn 46. Sr. 3rd—David Eadie 81, Thns Metcalf 67. Jr. &a— lert:pan Metcalf 91, Mary Eadie 92, W INGHAM ADVA CB Rich Indian teas blended with flavory Ceylon's. Rose 102 "is good tea" Annie 1114;icalf 85, Frank McGlynn 00, Se. end—Mary Campbell 80, jatnee Campbell 85, Baby Baird 70, xJean Wilton 55, =Anthony McGlynn 10. Jr. 213d— Edith Metcalf 85, Robt. Baird 78, Elmer Breen 00, John McGlynn 41. Pt, 2—Barbara Weir, Lorne McGlynn., Sr. 1—Jennie Campbell, Grace .14‘itchr, ell, Isaac Metcalf, George McOiYnno Jennie Campbell won the January spelling contest, x missed an examin- ation. Biezevale. Ootne to Wineham on Dollar Day, Wednebday, Feb, 21th, Mr. W. J. Masters ha3 beep making favorable progress since his operation in the Wiugbam Hospital. Mr. Jas Carberry has sold his noun and lot to Mrs. Rolph, and intends re- turning to Toronto next summer. During the recent beautiful moon- light nights, the skating on the pond was excellent, and a large number took part in this winter pastime. Lest week the Literary Society had the pleasure of hearing a black•board talk by President Haney, on "Short Cute in Buildieg"which was very prac- tial and helpful. Such educational features are to be more frequent in ,....1****••••••0 the work of ihe Society this potion, now that an excellent blackboard has been inetalled. Mr. A, MacEwen con- cluded bis account of Montreal, Que. het, and the St Lawrence, closing ,ivith an eloquent picture of the trials and experiences of the French discov- Orem, and martyrs thet wee lietened to • With deep interest. The Society was assisted in the evening's program by some friends from Jamestown. The tecitation by Mies Pearl Payn, and, a musical selection by Messrs. Burk and Wallace, receiving warm applause. Mr. Harold Kearney was an immense success in his violin sole, and the otheratteraers were all enjoyable. Census of 44aska Seals I With pelage Vealing effectively' etopped by an,eternational agree- ment, the ria ed States Government will keep a atibeles of the birth and death rates in the crusades to pre- serve the fur seals of Alaska for th? comfort and adornment of posterite, To makethe gas berri brightly, a Halo salt should be sprinkled over the' eop of the mantle, This eamodpe be one when the gas is burning s* Mary Carnell of Philadelphia isdeae a the woman photographers in th.1 United States. .4t4e.6416:4*Vik:44.4:44f4e6vV4L:44t44k4t414AWP*P4W4,6401164e644:0,44.441.:44,484St:404:446:4*4404e,: .1PST-TiV.,07M-9PSTIPIRF•TcV4f".ehSPS'FlPtT1PW.IKTIPIF?M1041010W114*"..44PSITe.18.1MIPWITW •44T/pst*s• • • • • Great 15 Day Sale of 4st DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES Conunencing SATURDAY, FEB. 13 and Ending FEB. 27 BUSINESS IS GOOD WITH US We have bought and sold over $55 000 worth of merchandise since Aug. 8th, 1914 and find that the secret of ;;;,,L,-- being able to sell goods cheap is in the buying. We have just purchased another big stock of general merchandise at a very low rate on the $1 and have brought it here to clear out. This means great baraains- for the + people of Wingham and surrounding country. Just think of it. All kinds of Dry Goods, +. Groceries, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Furs Boots and Shoes—just the kind of goods 4i* you are wanting—at a great saving in price. You cant afford to miss this chance. • This is where $1 will do the work of $2. Never in our History were we in a position + to give the public better bargains than during this sale. Be liere it will pay you. Space will not permit to quote prices but • you can i.buy 4+ Flannelettes, Prints, Ginghlms, Ott ms. Flannels, Corsets, Gloves, Sweaters, Ladies' and Childr ma's 4. Coats, Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, Ladies' and t+ Children's Underwear, Mens and B,Jys Underwear, Top Shirts, Overalls and Sn3.ochs, Ocloi Pants, Odd, 4+ Vests, Suits, Overcoat, Djslies (plain and fancy), Shoes and Rubbors tor women, and °lath:iron. at Less than Makers Prices. GROCERIES GROCERIES 7 Bars of Comfort Soap 25c 6 Tins Sardines for 25e 3 cans Peas, Corn, or Baking Powder 13c per ib. Tomatoes for 25c 2 Bottles Catsup fur 1$g 4 Bottles Extract for 2ge 2 cans of Lye 15 2 Cans Salmon). for 25c picIties, reg. 150 for 8e 3 lbs Currarits for "25i 4 packages corn titavch for 25c lbs il4isiiv for25i Etc, Etc. Etc. • , 4 % . , WealiVOARIEUNtteiSita0Malagtaa~gagalgritigataMear . verything Coes buring this Sale Be Here Battoiday, Feb. 13th erchant's Brokerage G� , Wingham Breakers of High Prices Terms of Sale: --Cash or Produce. Butter in Print-. Prefdrred ,sibit.,..siii4:6,isa Aiiit 0 *ilk, Ativk jig( Aak. slik &ijk smil ,Qiik. Ale , ....,.. ' ' . '' '. '' ' °‘*'*;*• * 1.r4304 lif‘W34. . r . ifilfiliWT.Pf .M1tfM' . r . • r • f • • ' • 0". ,... •'• .". •'• ... :.• •..• O' • ,' • t' —.4111111- 4r 4 4 4 4 4 zuRsrav, ***** r • ra or ** **************** *it ******.** * * **PA*** 3 DAYS MORE ocommogoop0000moopooctea MARDI Clean Swoop Sale Positively ending Saturday night, FEB'y, 13th. Big Choice of goods at unequalled values. Move quick for BIG BARGAINS. You get the most for your money by taking advantage of this Big flid-winter Sale. Save a quarter, a third or a half by buying here now« • H. E. ISARD & CO. Your accounts is due. We will appreciate prompt remittance by cash or note 0000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000acepocoscotsc000ctoonceowee MACHINE PICKS POULTRY A 'machine for picking poultry aa - been lahnted which possesses many admirable features, chief of which is that it does not require an operator to hold the fowl against the pickers. •The. •Owls are attached to a belt Which travels through the machine, lend the picking is done automatically. The endless belt on which the fowrf. are hung passes upward through the Picking chamber, Within the latter ere two types of pickers. The lower picker's eonsist of a tubular member with a picking comb , flexibly con- nected with a tubular opindle which pleases through a frame arranged within the picking chamber. The picker may be moved out of its nor - teal. position in any direction required. by the passage of the fowl through Lite chamber. The feathers and down m the fowl Lre grasped between the I.Q;cle et a bellows and pulled off as the Itewl is fedeupward by the belt. Suc- tion through a slot serves to hold the feathers fast to the pickers mit causes liern to be torn from the fowl. Int- nediately thereafter a supply of corn- ressed air.passes through the plelttr, iausing it to release the feathers, which aro then blown out of tht. top )f the chamber by means of a con- tinuous draught of compressed air, UPHOLDS SMOKING Famous Medical Journal Has Much to Say in Favor of the Weed In appealing fora generous pply If tobacco for British soldiers and tailors at the front, The Lancet asked ihose who objected to the use of the 'weed" to lay aside their prejudices and consider What a source of cone loft It was, how even at home it "does Inuch to allay the restlessness aril eauscular irritability engendefed by Trental and physical fatigue."1t said (here could be little doubt that to- bacco filled an important pieoe in the i)sycbcephysiologicel etaire of the human race. "Smoking," eaye the Lancet, "is a custom that bee Widely prevailed nruong man dietluguished by. their gudgment and by their success in th. WOrlds of art, science and literature— men who have played a greAt par': In olving the problems of existence in its many difficult details. "Huxley once eenfessecl that emonest his renew students at the hpspital he was exposed to con- eidereble tereptatione to snioke, but an 14a essaying to aequire the habit he soon found himself on the floor. He pro it up for forty years. On the occasion of a tour in Brittany, however, he found on a very wet and told day a companion who lookqd so happy with his cigar before the warm fire within the inn that he thought he would try to smoke twain, 'And then I found myself a changed man. I found that I was in the pose tion of a lamentable pervert, although the person who led mo astray was most distinguisbed and a late presi- dent of the British Aseociation, lerem 11 et day to ley ruin. For, from (lay. A:le:lover smoking Is going .n hoy be pretty sure that 1 { ANOOAGE3 OF TAE WORLD . • • Ilia r.'„ae,, fa:eel...az, if afzitrd i.!::W :4 allY ite.g er Ec g di c rg -vete p, the. World, could g:ve •ateeleieg hltz atl. accurate answef. it 'nay appear an exageermed state :tient, but it is neverthe els true that there ere over four thousand lee- fetages sleeken by reietileled, while the turabee or dialooks eeeeede this. There are more than sixty voealm, laries in Brae% and in Mexteo the Nahtut Is 'broken tie into neene seven hundred d'alets. There are nun- drede in Borneo, while in Australia there is no classifying theetnuplex- ions, Let uk rssurno that fifty dialects eu an average, belong to each latt• ,, : *Meg& and lye have the colossal total 0, . " of a quatter of ,a million linetiletie . elelities. • ' e fismormoommrassmot /,.., "No more, Dyspep or Us!" There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented etomach, etc., if he or she will take( Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. All demists, 25c, or by moil from Chamberlain Medicine Compamy, Toronto. 16 CHAMBERL A:LETS e 20 to 30 Per Cent • Off All Winter Goods MEN'S FUR COATS-.Coon,China Dog, Corean Beaver and Calf Skin All Men's and Boys' Cloth Coats and Reefers Men's, Boys' Ladies and Childrens Sweater Coats Ladies' Chinchilla Cloth Coats at 1-3 off Regular Price We do not want to carry over these goods. A full stock of Fish now on hand Pickled Lake Superior Herring at $1.60 per pail of 25 lbs. am•elimae******.misalamMYNNaga All kinds of Produce taken on goods. J. AO Mil's Phone 89 Wingharn .44.44,44.....44444-4,044444414.44.414444.0644 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0. 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 V