HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-02-11, Page 5. .. t*......., -
?Fall Term Froin Soot. 1st
S Rh ONT.** p
The beet C'omnierelal echoed in the pre-
ro-' fitoo. One 'ounce are thorough end
praotloal wbflo our inetruobtre ere better
then FOC will ?lead eleew#erg, w•. de
more for our student. thin obit �tmil,er
*tett!. do, Our rata am reeeenable.
YirsiN:e Air or free oetalwene ani sea
what tiro cent do for Jou.
D. A. MceACHHLAZ • .iPrinalpat
Mr.' Geo. Moi
Wisbes to announce to the citizens.
of Wingham that he is in the old
hand to stay.
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, ell -,
Give 'us a call
Subjects taught at bythe expert instructors
Y M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter any time •
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Centered Accented
10 Yk a*Pfincleall
Trains leave Wingham stations daily as
!Dhows t
G. T. R
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points: -Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; mean -
ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.
TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.85 a.
m.; passenger, 8.80 p m.
TO KINOARDINE : - Passenger,
11.59 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas-
senger, 9.15 p.m.
C. P. R.
TO TORONTO - and Intermediate
Pointe: -Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen-
ger 810 p.m.
TO TEESWATER : - Passenger,
12.57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m.
THL sole head of a family. or any male over.
. 18 years old may homestead a• gnarter-
eeotion of available. Dominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli-
cant must appear in person at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may be made at the office of
any Local Agent of Dgminion Lands (not sub-
ub•a nt) on certain condition'.
Dntios.-Six mouths' residence upon and cul-
tivation of the laud in each of throe years. A
homesteader may livo within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on
certain copditions. .A habitabto house is re-
quited every when residence
performed the case,
In certain eistricte a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along-
side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties
Six months' residence in each of six years
firm date of homestead entry (including the
?roto required to earn homestead patent) and
50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti-
vation is subject to reduction in case of rough,
scrubby or stony land atter report by Home-
stead Inspector on application for patent.
A homesteader who has exhausted his home-
etead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
May .tae a purchased homested in certain
d'tayriets. Pride $3 aTper acro. Duties. --Must
reside six menthe In each of three years. dulti.
vats fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.
•• w. W, CORY.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
t willenot beupaid torn of this ad-
Will 'give better satisfaction to
both, buyer and seller than any
ether auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Advance Office
Pure -Bred Stick tales a Spee"alty
Sales conducted anywhere in
T. R. Bennett
Massey -Harris Office
Phone 81
McConnell & Vandrick,
Auctio'1 ' re for the Cocnties of
Are pierared to take all kinds of
.•also. .leaving bad a wide expels
'knee in -this line, we are certain
We toes pietism anyonetrusting their•
axles to us. You can., hetet either
.Rne.ttr conduct 'Ourtale, or can
hem, both, „Wit hntit sutra charge.
. Ca+n-
Ordard• eah ht+•lt'ft with, T' Mr.
"neli tit' ►gi'th,.1'. F Vendrink. at the
Srt?tt1;, Wino/ham
f harges• Mc derare(e
ry Eels;!
for yo lr • *nit
#ate .:
e Million
Dollar Myster
Copyright, 1$14- by Helroid IdecGet,llt 1 daiwn to t. •??ensign of revenge, witb-
CHAPTER XX 1 •U' say tnrbetowe 1 wi.nt to twine
leargreave'e heart before the game
!rind. u"
''Yon repally wish to injure her?"
"I do not wieb to injure her. Far
Vona it," fie replied, smiling evilly.
"You want her ... dead?" Whis-
pered Olga, paling.
"'Exactly. I want her dead, And
so if rts here come to
nothing,! so *hamy lloflar r ave'.,, His
nothing, 8
millions will become waste paper to
him.. That's revenge. The poison
peach method."
"PoieonP You ehall not Yon
oboei notkill herr' vehemently.
"Tender hearted?"
"No. If I rnust in the end go to
prison, so be it; but 1 refuse to die in
the chair."
"Very well, then. We shan't kill
her, but we'll make'her with ehe was
dead. I was only trying to see bow
far you would go. The basket. of
peaches is in the hallway. Every one
is poisoned No man in the couoi t y
know. more about subtle: poisons then.
I do. Have I not written books on
the subject?" ironically,
"And they will trace it back to you
in a straight line," she weaned. "I
will not have it!"
"I can go elsewhere," he replied
"You would leave me?"
"The moment you crass my will,"
It became her turn to pace, Torn
between -her love of the man and the
danger Which stared her in the face,
.be was for the time being distracted
All the -time he watched her with
malevolent curiosity, knowing that in
lite sad, she would concur with hie
evil plans,
"Very well," she said fin"elty. "But
lister+; we shall be found out. - Never
doubt •that. Your 'revenge will curt
us both our lives, I feel it."
'Baht The law will have no' hand
in my end. I always carry a pellet;
and that ring of yours would suffice a
regiment. She will not die. She will
merely become a kind of paralytic;
the kind that can move a little :but:
sot enough; always wheeled about -ii
a chair. I'll bring in the peaches;
rosy aid downy. One bite, after a
given time, will do the trick. If they
suspect and throw them out we have
lost nothing but the peaches. A truet-
ed messenger will carry them to the
Hargreave house. And then we'll bit
down and wait."
Meantime, inthelibrary of the Har-
greaves House, Florence and Jim were+
pnszlleg over the blank sheet of paper.
• 'I'll wager," said Jim, "the water
wasbed• all the writing away. The
fire does not stem to do auy good.
We'll turn it over to Jones. Junes'll
find a way to solve it. Trust hem."
"What are you two chattering
about?" asked Susan, who wee ar-
ranging some flowers on the table.
"Secrete," said Jim, smiling.
"Humph 1"
Susan puttered about for a few mill-
utes longer, then crossed to the re-
ception room, intending to go upstairs
At the moment the maid was admitr-
iut a messenger with a basket of fruir
"For Miss Hargreave." said be. Ho
gave the basket to the maid, touched
his cap awkwardly, and swung on bit
heel, closing the door behind him. He
was in a burry to deliver another met •
a e.
"0, what lovely fruit 1" cried &assn,
pausing. "I'm going to steal one," tale
laughed. She !elected a peach and be-
egan eating it an the way up to her
The maid pard on into the library.
"What's thi.a?" inquired Florence.
as the maid he la our the basket. She
selected a peach and was about to Nat
leer white teeth into it wheu Jim inter-
"Wait a moment, dear." Florence
lowered the pease. Jim turaed•to,the
►paid, " WVtao sent it
"I don't .know, eir. A messenger
b ought it, raying it was fur Mies Hats
"Let me see if there is a card." But
Jena eeafrched in vain for the clad of
the doers. At once all his etaptcioes
arose. "Dot'; touch them. Baiter
let the maid throw them out. Fcuit
from unknown persons might not be
the healthiest thing in the world."
"What do you think ?"
"That in all probability it is poison-
ed. But there's no need trying to
prove wry theory right or wrong. Alt
What I want now," maid Braine; as
be paced the living room of the ,apart-
part•meat of the countess, 'lil reven(te. I've
been check -mated enough, Olga;
they're playing with us."
"That is nothing new," she replied,
shrugging. "Lt the beginnlag I
Warned you, I never liked this affair
after the first two or three talinree.
But you would baysyour way. Yon
wanted revenge at that early date; but
I cannot see that you've gone forward.
Has it ever occtn'red to yon that the
organization may be getting tired,
too? They depend solely upon your
Invention, and each time your Weal.
ion has resulted In tonohing leothing
but zero."
"O,1'in not chiding you. I've failed,
"Are you turning against me?" be
demanded bitterly.
' "Do my actions, point that way?"
abe countered. "No. But the more I
veiw what has passed the more
heartened I grow. It has been a . ser-
ies of blind alleys, and all we have
succeeded in doing is knockia$., our
heads. I can see now that all our
fM uses are dun Souse mistake."
"And what the devil is that?" he
asked irritably.
"We were in to much of a burry at
the beginning. Hargreave prepared
himself for quick action on your pari."
And. if • I had not acted quickly be
would have started auccssefully on
one of his world tours again, and that
would have been the last of him, end
we should never have learned of the
girl's existence: So there's your arga•
"Perhaps you are right. But tor all
that we have not played the game
with any degree of finesse."
"Bah!" Braune lit a cigarette and
smoked nervously. "I can't even get
rid of that meddling reporter. Ue
has been as much to blame for our
failures as either Jones or Hargreave..
I admit that in his case I judged•hasti
ly. I believed him to be just AIL online
ary newspaper man, and he was clever
enough to lull my euspicione. ' But
I'm going to get him, Olga, even if I
have to reaoes to ordinary human
tricke. It there's any final reckoning,
by the Lord Harry, he shan't get a
chance its the witneav stand."
"And I begin to think that that
little chit of a girl has been .hood.
winking me ail along. By the way,
did you find out what that letter
said?" ebe aeked after a panels.
"Letter? What letter'?"
She sprang from her chair. "Do
you mean to say that they have not
told you about that?" Olga became
greatly exited.
"Explain," he said.
"Why, I was at the garden day be-
fore yesterday, and a man approach-
ed and asked if I wise Mier Herpes's.
Becoming at once suspicious that
something very importantwas about
to happen, I signified that I was Mits
Hargreave. The man slipped a paper
into spy band and hurried ef!. I took
a quick glance at it and was dumb-
founded to find it utterly blank ' of
writing. At tirat I thought some juke
had been played on me. then I chew-
ed to remember the invisible ink let-
ter you always wrote men. Under-
standing that you were to vieit the
-case in the morning. I bad one man at
the garden take the note. And yea
never got ill"
"Someone shall pay for this care-
lessness. I'll' call up Vroon and Jack-
ecu at once. Wait jest; tens unlet."
Be went to the telephone. A low
mattering convereation took place.
Olga t ould herr little or none of it.
When BX'u,ine put the reciev.r._back.
on the hook btu face was not pleawe
to see, -
"That girl!"
'?What non?"
"le seems ehe bad beset out horse-
back riding that morning, She bad
seen one of the boys crofts the flrld
and ..uddenly dit'appear, and she was
curious to learn what had become of
him. With her'usual luck she stumb-
led on to the method of opening the
door of the cave and went in. She
must have been nosing about. See
didn't helve much time though, ay the
boys came up toaevelt We. Evident -
1y ehe crawled into that old chest and
omit she live P" '
"0, yes. But ehe will be a wreak
for 'tome months, Send her to the
hospital where I can visit her frequent-
ly. And I'al take that peach along for
analysis.. No police affair ?"
"No, We dare not call them in,"
said Jim.
"That's your affair. I'll send dawn
the Ambulance. Keep her .quiet. )She"ll
have a species of paralysis, but that'll
work off under the treatment, A Oran-
ge businees.
"So it is," agreed Jim grimly.
Florence knelt beside her friend's
bed and cried softly.
"You called me just in time. An
hour later, nothing would have paved
her. She would have been paralyzed
for life,"
Jim accompanied the doctor to the
door and went in search of Jones. He
'found the taciturn butler eyeing the
fruit basket, his face grey and drawn,.
thotieh his eyes blazed with fury.
"Puieon 1"
"A pretty bad poison, too,"said Jim,
We can't do nothing. We've just
got to sit still. But in the end well
get them. That she devil.
"No, my friend; that he devil. The
woman is mad over him and would
commit any crime at his bidding. But
this it, his work. We want him. He
wasn't without courage to send .hie
fruit, knowing that I would instantly
suspect the seeder, Yet, I have no de-
finite proof. I could not hold him in
coart in law. He will have bought
the fruit piece by piece, the •basket in a
basket shop. He will have injected
the poison himself wben alone. Poor
Susan 1 That messeuger was without
doubt some one over whom he -holds
the threat of the death chair. 'That's
the way he works."
jun tramped t be room while Jones
carried the fruit to the kitchen. The
butler returned afcer a while. -
"What about that blank sheet of
"It bas to be dipped into a solution;
after that you can read it by heating.
1 have already dipped it into the• soles
tion. The - moment the heat leaves
'the sheet the writing disappears again.
Tee ink is.weter proof. I'll ehow you."
e'onee got a candle from the mantle,
lit it, .and. held the sheet of paper very,
close to the flame. Gradually, almost
itnperceptibiy, letters began to ferns
on .the blank sheet. At length the
message was complete,
"Dear Hargreave : The Russian
Minister. of Police' is at ., the Blank
Hotel under the name of Henri Ser.
van. He Is investigating •the work
of the Black Hundred in•this country
and can free you from their vengean-
ce if you supply the evidence'•beaded."
"Now, what' evidence catthe want?''
asked Jim,
"Such ant will prove Braine an un-
desirable citizen."
"And then?''
"Qutetiy pack him off to Russia,
toss tie is badly wanted."
"Who sent this message 2"
"One of our mysterious friends. We
hove a few, as you already know.
Bat I'll go and make this man Ser
van a visit. I have seen the real min-
ister, and if this man is the same one,.
something' of itmaoctance may turn up.
I shall want you somewhere about.
Here, I'll let you,haye this letter, Rs.
member, heat bringa it out and cold
air makes it vanish. Now 1'U go up
for a moment to see how that pour
gal is g•. tttug along. We are lucky ;
there's no gainsaying that."
"You're a clever Hiatt, Jones," said
Jones turned upon him, his face
grave. The two men looked steadily
into each uihet's eyes. Janes was
Stem to turn aside his glance; as he had
something to coiiL'eal and Jim had
nothing. •
When the ambulance took the tor-
or•tured Susan away, Jones addressed
Florence gravely, •
"1 am going out, and so is Mr. Nor -
tun. Do not leave the house; not even
if you nave a telepa,on- cattier' or
Norton. Both of us will -return; so
don't let anything bottler or confuse
"I promise," said Florence, etrug
gling with a sob.
for its basis the venom of the cob -
in some inexplicable manner purloined : Jones. Hail tall you to throw them
the letter from Jaekeon's pocket. * aw S�rritilt !" Florence ?shuddered,
'1 hey left to rarcaarpoles?? f sad it was "Stir tltby do not want to poison me.
there th it Jackson thecovertd h r loss.
ei hen Florence hest•d them rut nrning I m to* valuable, 1 hey tate t tied J me loom"
she jumped into the well. bei lived Who al P' B
rbraugh that tonne!! The devil is in try. 'They may have learned that
they cannot beat us, no matter what
died they tutA up. I may be wrong,
but take my advice .and throw • tbem
<ir,d 1 hod iter in loos Arne., testb away. --Good Lord, whatd that?
"Or out of it, since we consider him
our friend"
s►rid all " stertied. •
".But with all that water there will
9 One
nut bean . writing on the is lair." '`;i?, Atists FloreeCe.1" estelainyed the
y k d !;error s rbClteni ae ehe ages! ed
"in vainly ink is genrrsri►lly Indellbls mad. �' •.. ,
and tipper--vluus to the settop of water; S, au'•a'' act'' " .., 6e.44n tpolt a
at least the kind 1 tree le, : I'd give a pi 11 ti out the bee et and wty, eat.
thuubau4 tor *trot at thee teeter.* ; leg it oil the as, t her a ot'gl 1" x�
(ligate it might be wottb tt igllltion." : i000d heeivtas It ttnrop,d Jtq}, 1
suggest, d, Teta right. The 1 t1 ' wee 'poisoned "
' ;hut the teast doubt of ik iib "pay : ,lit}? bad bt"Ad4noggl; to e'n4 for a
rood, 'alga, old girt It doia balk as i>1 epeit a lati lief kustw, Tire apectali t t '
.- b nates biter
r d hue. ewe int
my Stitt* wee greeting elle?! Weiii rev. a gay
mover �gq't our wet'
on ?•bat � . �+,+�,y,,...q.. �•� `,,�. s., -r�i�,_ � � ,,�e�t� 1. �t,,, y�,�, �� ,p ,y,
I ttie'i•1`t las• )Ery A et' it +lt itt e,iCf twig 14-b'elLMtD4 jitatido• �G Le t a ulgca, " tri iy+.�t W tr;S �J' ?lid. !tie e"ti�+lENi aist al keit 'tied lube 1411'
treaaut•r, or thti whereabouts of Hare
Thus while only one man followed
Jones, several kept tt far eye en Jitq,.
Jones scribbled his name on a blank
card and had it taken to the Rltesians
room. The page eyed that card cur-
iously. Ie was different from any-
thing ha had ever seen before. In one
corner were written three or four
words which iesembled a cross be-
tween H«brew 'ad Greek.
muttered th • boy,
'"Wltadda y' know about that? Chick•
en seratehes but I guess the bell ring.,
Roosian. On your way, Hortense,'"
he Dried to the hall maid, who wanted
a look at_ the card, When the boy'
returned to JQnee, he said. "lJp t' th'
room sir. He'll see yuhl" The boy
kept the silver salver extended ex.
pectantly, but Jones went past with-
out apparently noticing the hint,
The Russian was standing by a win-
dow wheii Jones knocked and was
bidden to enter. •
"Yousr are not Hargreave,
"Neither are you the Russian Mita
!mesa of, pgltce," urbanely.
"Who ars you?'"
""l am Hargreave's confidential man,
The two eyed each other cautious-
ly. '
"You speak Ruselan?"
"No, I,am able to scribble a few
words; thitjt ie alb"
The Russian lit a cigaret and .mak'
ed leisurely. He was in no hurry.
"No; I am not the Minister; but I
atn his accredited agent. I am . em-
powered to bring back to Russia a
man who is known bene by the name
of Braine, another by rhe name of
Vruon, and a woman who calls her-
self a countess and unfortunately is
one, All I desire le some damaging
proof agaaidse them that they caro out-
laws in title country. The rest will be
"They heve all three taken oat 0a-
ttiralilation papers."
The Russian waved his hand airily;
"Once they are in Russia those docu.
merits will never come to light. This
man Braine, it has been learned, has
long beenafn the pay of Prussia, and
hes given •the general staff of that
country marry plans of our frontier
forttflcations. I do not 'know what
any one of the three look like' That
le why I eot;ght Hargreave,"
will gladly point them out to
you," said Joliet, rubbing hid hands
together, assign that he was greatly
"That will be very good of you I'm
sure,"t in :a rumbling but perfectly
legible Englieh. -
"And suddenly they all three will
disappear?"... •-
"Suddenly; and you may believe me
that from taut time on they'll be heard
of never more." • -
"All thief; soande extremely agree-
able- to me. Mr. Hat•greave will be
happy to bear that bis Long enforced
hiding will timed conte to an end."
"All you have to do sir, is to'point
them out ?Deme."
"It Way take a week or ten days."
"My govea nment bas waited for ten
years to, atber in this delectable trio.
A montb, ifeeou like."
"The sooner the better. I shall call
this eventug after dinner. We shall
begin with lair. Braine; aid generally
wheeze he is is the woman, Vroou
willbe. tun timer. dlflieuit." -
"After diener, then, mince you know
some of his haunts, There tri a re-
Jones laughed shortly. "Keep it
yourself, sir, Mr. Harer'eave would
wailingly double whatever this reward
is to el nunate these despicable• crate
tures true his affairs."
"Theukt;' -
Whilu this conyersation was taking
place Natoli idled about; end feeling
the cravinge for a clgaret, prepared to
roll one, only to find that he hadn't
the "makings." So fate. urged him ea
soap into the nearest. tobaceoniat'e.
Ile. asked for his favorite brand and
passed over the silver. -•
Braine and his companions saw Nor.
ton. enter the ehop. It agreed with
their plans perfectly. The tobacconist
happened to be affiliated v, ith the or.
der. So they hurried into the shop.
Jew•iastantly realiztel that Le wale. in
u trap. •
"!How can I get out of here;" he
whispered to the tobacconist.
The latter eluded. '•I have to obey
those gentlemkn.• I don't know what
they want you foi; but if 1 mode a
move to help you 1 t:hould find my
oven throat ,eut:evith, ut saving yours.'
"The devil!"
Jim t ratide a dtaeh for the rear dont;,
Le fin` d'it lockkd.' Even as he fumbled
with the key, Braine and his compan-
ions flung themselves upon the report-
er and overpowered him.
"Ab, my friend Breind" he said.
"My frien;l Nat tnl" jeered the vic-
•,And wisest do you ,wan'; some
peaches?" : .'
"A paper, my friend, a littled sheet
of paper with envieible waiting on it
We prouhise�.tti'give you soniethivg in
exchange for it."
"What?" asked Jitn with as much
noucha)auce dee he could assume.
".Life.'.' ..
Seaich,'-alai! • . Jam. 't'Ybou : even't
t "cit to my earekingk" lee beget; to
hJ't,wb'1'e tote.. pe to over
oil a digaret } thet, perigee '� l .
ir. e'stru� t- a Mat chi the plea
east; at •orua t}f totacco' fleeted about
!?lusts oltt It An ben seenett treat.
" }vo hits• taiee 'it. tie's dot his nerve
:, ltk ip tft.t"
'�jiia" rii,aret )aIawe a. J11t1 .!pelted
`�'1trGugb evi ry Locket they iv, tet,
'Tele cop", Bete tf Ute wallet lay !•cotter
1 �
t .r.d /tom
i s� ch east i '
ed Ills feet, his w 3
pew ?ricer
tela+ chole!. The t i .tri'? {tt N l i
Jones went duwnetaira again paused
ho a wiudow as if cogitating, and sud-
denly threw it•up and 'looked abroad.
A rustle setting the lilacs caused a
sm le to il•t act;ass her face. So they
pad sent sot:Wa ne to learn the effect of
the poison? O.• to follow him should
he: leave thee.htaus.2 Ile retired to the
k,atcheu, and gav,i sunie explidit otdead
1.0 -the chef, orders which did not in
any Way rife!' to cooking. •Then
Jones and the repoi ter left•the house,'
each quite aware that they. weed be-
ing foliowod Neat the:t3lank 71,otel
they seperated in ordertoeonfuse tile.
stalker, He- mi lit doddep., and .sol-
aw the wrong to �tl.. l3at :it' tai eyi•
.nt tient thietime he tied 'been 'directs
,, ; i', r Iii' en'tt'a•et%• i Iia
I , to fallow J un
hotel a mit! }te ,tl'i.er Jones. •
t40 tl..... •'`lir;,t,'(!c y iti Agyy?, ash' ell
•eriee• �,rr�iU . !!!•T4.•h:tli 'iiht ¢ 'G, t".i''dllie:
1 . Wit'.. tr. °li+vi lb..i t1) Y'i i%il if 'Atli,
IPA '1t iiel 10 t ;rlf�,iri» '•d 713)t'1iYrpt
'Gill •� ;,.' ZI G t'.u• ,sWrwj�, "li.'lt:at' ban
1 ,.r,,,"1 f+'tion -hail 'lsttdt!ltrat llsh►-i till
Y4it"•Htsi0' tpJtltt'atw,l ells made at
w essagte he
• Ctrrir n . tet
the.? s 1 g
Tin 5
btb.s Y 1I1i't skits.! i fast arr'f ° To hili k.eiP tike it i tt.teant to bevel i:. might he a 'life anti , ar,d ehartee. S s Tder l on.'" of tt,ce
Bank of Hamilton
Capital Authorized - $5,000,00'a
Capital, Paid-up • • 8,000,00
!Surplus • • • . • 3,750,000
A Banking inetitatios gets. strength as emelt
frees the men who direct lir, *fairs es from
She tonal capital invested.
Meow deposited. in tits Bank of Hamiltop le. guarded r,,
by seen well known or Oahu*, int.grity, and ane
men -men who rains maturity more than high prollte.
To Ude Poliesle due a earplug welch !s one quarter
larger then ts Capital, -the result of over 6i0 7esre`'111
ooaeervative manasg•malnt,
Ma s ager Wingham
the olgaret from Jim's lips. Ie threw
it to the floor•,and stamped out the
"I thought sol" he exclaimed, hold-
ing out the scrap of burnt paper to-
wards Braine.
The words "Dear Hargreave" were
all that remained of the message,
With a snarl of rage Braine whipped
out hie revolver,
"I will gigs you one minute to tell
me what the paper contained."
"And after that minute is up?"
"A bullet in your stomach."
Quick as a flash J.im's hand shot out
caught the loosely held revolver gave
It a wrench, and brought it down sav-
agely upon Braine's head. Then be
reversed it and backed toward the
front entrance.
"Au revoir, till we meet again, gent-
-, (To be continued)
Ft6+ 'fid»ea ohi'S HANDS
Air Forced Through Heatltig Appar-
atus Does the Trick
An "air towel" used in the large
public levetere• in the District Build-
ing at Wasttteiattpn, D.O.; resembles a
•.octangular box eleven inches by
three, set fa a base having twelve -
inch legs, with an opening in the top
of the. case fn which the wet hands are
held while being dried. The device
consists of a blower that forces air
'.hrough an electric heating element
,o ducts and defectors suitably placed
for distrib,.ting the warmed air to all
parts of the hands at the same time,
t,nd its operated by a foot -lever or
i•edal, which in turn operates a quick
i:cting switch, thereby slitting the
blower 1n motion., By removing the
loot the device Is put out of oper-
i tion. The hands come 1n contact
with no part of` the device, thus est
I wring a perfectly sanitary operation.
1t takes juat thirty seconds to dry
the hands, and, says the "Scientific
American," although this seems a• long
'while standing with the hands in the'
prior and practically unoccupied, tests
have Shown that the ordinary oper-
ation of drying the hands with a towel
bonsumes more time it the hands are
b` o be dried as thoroughly as by the
lectricai drier.
A simple, Bate and effective treatment avoiding
drugs. Vaporized Cresnlene stops theparoxysma
of Whooping Cough and; relieves Spasmodic
Croup at once. Itis a boon to sufferers from
Asthma. The aircarryingthe antiseptkvepor,in-
haled with every breath,
mates breathing easy;
soothes the sore throat
and stops the cough,
'sewing restful nights.
it is iavalllabb to smothers
wit► yam cbiiln..
Send us porta! for
descriptive booklet
leealagMiles • „Sweet
t Important Change in Train Sera
Effective Sunday, January 31st, 1916
Theparticular attention of the tra-
velllog public, is respectfully directed
to the changes in train service, effect-
ive Jen. 81st, 1915.
Following service will be operated
on the Sr, Mary's Branch
Train No, 663 will leave Ingersoll
North th 055 a.m. arriveIngersoll
v 'June-
unction 10 05 a.m., leave Ingersoll Jct, at
10,20 a.m., Embro 10.40 a.m.. Benning!
ton 10.50 a ns., McConkey 10.58 a.m.,
Lakeside 11.05 a.m., Uniondale 11.20
a.m., arriving St, Mary's 11.35 a.m,
Train 665 will leave Ingersoll North
635 p.m., arrive at Ingersoll Jat. 0.48
p.m., leave Ingersoll Jct. 6.55 p.m.,
Embro 7.03 p,m., Bennington 7.18p m.
McConkey 7 24 p,m., Lakeside 7.84 p,
m., Uniondale 7.44 p.m., arriving St.
Marys 7.55 p.m.
Train No. 664 will leave St. Marys
7 30 a.w , Uniondale 7.45 a.m., Lake.
side 7.52 , McConkey 7.59 a.m., Ben-
nington 8.06 a,m., Barbee 8.15•a, in.,
arriving Ingersoll Jet. 8.30 a. m.,
leave Ingersoll Jct. 6.40 p.m., arrive
Ingqersoll North 900 a.m.
Train No. 661 will leave St.. Marys
40.2 p.m., Uniondale 4.35 p.m., Lake -
ids 4.45 p.m., McConkey 4,62 p.m.,
Bennington 5.00 p.m., Embro 5.15 p.
m„ arrive Ingersoll Jct. 5 30 p.m.,
leave Ingersoll Jct. 5.40 p.m., arrive
Ingersoll North 5.50 p.m.
Train No, 38 leaving Toronto 8,05 a.
m., daily except Sunday arriving To-
ronto 11.40 a. m. will be withdrawn.
Train No. 37 leaving Trenton 3.10 p.
w., arriving Toronto 6.50 p.m. will be
Train. No. 26 leaving Toronto 9.00 a.
m., daily arriving Montreal 610 p.uq.,
and Train No, 19 leaving Montreal 8 45
a,m., daily `arriving Toronto 5.40 p.m.,
will be regular stop at Whitby, Oah
awa, BowmanvIlle, Port Hope, Co-
bourg, Trenton, Belleville and Flag
stop at Mewcastle, Colborne and
Train 602 leaving Toronto 5.00 p. m.
daily, except Sunday arriving Tweed
9.55 p.m.. and train No. 601 leaving
Tweed 6.05 a.m., arriving Toronto
10,40 a.m., will be withdrawn between
Havelock and Tweed.
Train 621 leaving Kingston 7,45 a.m.,
arriving Renfrew 335 p: m. and Train
No. 622 leaving Renfrew 7.00 a.m., ar-
riving Kingston 2.30 p.m., will be op-
erated Tri -weekly leaving Kingston
Mondays, W eduesdays and Fridays,
and leaving Renfrew Tuesdays, Thurs.
days and Saturdays.
Train 765 leaving Toronto 11.10 p.m.,
daily, arriving Hamilton 12.13 a.m.,
will he operated daily except Sunday
instead of daily.
M. G Murphy,
Dtstricr, PassengerAgent
.g Trees
By the cee of a delicate Instrument
for cutting tlny s:ices of wood fro -•-
living trees and examining them b,
microscope, scientists are able t'
guide lumbermen in the selection. o'
standing timber.
Unique D:sp'ey Reck
Called a "round-2bort,' a motel
driven display reek for stores ie
i e>r ted• in b:n;tlanl enrrice goods is
be shown or the end, of ?arms t'e•
revolve veriic.1y arta at the set••
time swine '.r .1 a a ricz', she*:
Prof. Pember of the well known ,
hair goods, Toronto, will be in
at the
Brunswick Hotel
Thurs. Feb. 18
will a full line of the latest st)1
in hair goods for ladies and gel,
lemen, manufactur(d from the
finest European Hair and per...
fcgtion made, - ..
The Pelnber lightweight ventil: ted tc up: e
or Wig is the most natural sub •titute for yt31lr
own -hair ever produced, ; Iso consuit him
about any scalp troubles.
Ad.ice free e Char e
Brunswick Hotel.
Bead 0 o. GUELPH* CRT.
Rieke taken en all classes
rumble property on the earl?
mium note ayetem,
G1E0. Surra t, Jomc DA.
RITQFIIIt eta QO8 Na, .
Barrister, Solicitor, etk,
Office; Meyer Block, Wingh ,
Money to loan at lowest rattle,
D,D,O., L,D,O,.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of
naylvania College and Lie
Dental Surgery of Ont
-0111oe in Macdonald B
Honor Graduate of the Bo
of Dental Surgeons of Ont
Graduate of 'University o
Faculty of Dentiatr
W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., 1[,
Special attention paid to die
of Women and Children, ha
taken postgraduate work in
gery, Bacteriology and Ode
Office in ` the Kerr residence°
tween the Queen's Hotel an
Baptist Church. ..
AU business given careful att
Phone 64. P. 0,
DR. H. ,J. AD
Late member House i3
onto General Hospital.
nate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. Ague
M. R. 0. S./Eng.)
L, R. 0. P. (1on.
Physician and Surgeon,
(Dr. Chisholm's old. 'stand)
General !Hospital.
(Under (lovernmet.b Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated, Beautifully turntehed.
Open to all regularly licensed physidans.
Rates' for patients (which include board and
miming) 4.00 to 115.00 per week, according
to locale of room. For further., intermit,
tion -Address
Box 929, Wingham Gate
J. A. FOX, D. C., graduate Chir
praetor. Chiropractic is successful
such diffionit oases as Insanity, Epilepe
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaehee, Con-
stipation, Female Trouble and all Ohro-
nio Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble.
Officer in R. Knox's house. Entrance per
Presbyterian ohurch walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to S p.m., 7 p. m.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank- barn.
good cement house, large oroherd, and
considerable quantity of timber. Price
96500 CO. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing -
ham P. O.
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M
Organist and Choirmaster, St. Andrew.
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired.
Wingham, Ont.
D Z. P \T:C ; t & PARKER
Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists
SpecialIets in the treatment of aI
Chronic DCisases, Nerve Disorders
Women's Dioeaaes, Weeknesves of
Children, Stiff Joints. Rheumatitsm
Osteopathy cures when all else faint.
De ugl,.as methods. Wingham Office
over Christie's Store.
etuesday 11.300 a, m,. 9 p. m.
,Wednreday and Friday 0-11 a. in
Thtiraday 0-11 a.m. 4-0 p. in. ..
OtOnniENCC •
Anpent fending a eketab aced descrintion mod
quirkily aaeertaih our Oplettottae ether an
Invention le probably paterstpp8� Commun(on.
Vonaetrlctlyrnetndoutlnl. HAND w➢GK 0nP4enes
sentf t,u eat seepfogaacwrnaps
[ateta taken torruha
cbur that?peals? notice, withoutRe, In th
zzrk a
i #�A� a
A. Lonesomely illnstreted ?Weekly. T tees? ttft.•
eulattort et -any-ertsnttdo Journal, Terme roc
t�Aelnda. :Z a scar, postage preps:d. Bold t,>•
All newadesters.
1'11NROfGO ' a�omo0k
lame web'
re vrue groom i+'r
A r t t the.lea
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of the c..rctnony slipped a two -dons?.
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