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The Wingham Advance, 1915-02-04, Page 6
THE WINGIL AM AD VAN CE smemossangasaminiai Children Cry for Fletcher's Win: Mild You Tinge Always ays Boteght, Gita which. liar been use for over B0 seals, Iazs born° ilio signature of and has: been made under his per- / 1 � tonal supervision Pince its infancy. iyoulath's. z nooneto deceive .E3 q t s d .:' Allow ri e v • ♦ WY I� L3 Il Counterfeits, Imitations anti, "Just -as -good" aro but Experiments that trifle 'with and endanger the health of Infants and Children --Experience against ,I xperiIa cut., What is CAST .RIA Castoria is et harmless substitute foie Castor Oil, Faroe goriee Drops and Soothing; Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, nor other Narcotic eubstiaatco. Its age is its uarantee. It destroys Wornee and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it ,Tres I:een in constant uso for the relief of Constipation, Flatulence, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles anis Diarrlicea. ];t regulates the Stomach and Bowels, e assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea. --Tito 11tother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS 1 Bears the Signature of t .� ,- , t hi Use For Over' 30 :Years The Kind: You Have AlwaysBought _ • .. ' "'NC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK p ITP. i • t IOW > ti :Isar Iros+asasA 1l . SAVE MONEY: , You can save from $15 to $20 by having that •suit CLEANED, PRESSED and REPAIRED, also a sfinilar amount by having "a• New Velvet Collar etc, on your Overcoat. • • • ' ' We specialize on DRY CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIR- ING LADIES' WEAR, Johnson's Cleaning and Pressing . arks (UndeRr New MANAGEMENT) Chas. G. Jehnsson, Manager eta t I - s atansmassa ,..a IAS q. iliellEMEflE► ii 'ill ... .. Carries a Complete Line of High. Grade Musical Instruments of Every Description Playor=Pianos and Organs of almost any make. Phonographs, Edison • and Jictor. . Stringed Instruments of all kinds, - Violins a specialty . Sewing Machines, Canadian and- American We wish to impress you with the fact that we sell everything that spro- duces music, at prices to suit all. 1 „ TWO STOR:.S OPPOSITE SKATING RINK Phone 222 '► z TIE DOMINION DANK t t0 ECMUND S. OSt.ER ,t.P., PRESIDENT. W. 0. MATTNEWS. viOE•PREStDEN7 C, A, BOGERT, Genoa! Manager._ 0 Do Your Banking By Mail tf you live at a distance from a branch of The Dominton Bank. bepositt may be made --cash withdrawn --or any other Banking Business may be transacted by mail, Just as easily as though one made a special trip to town for the purpose. A Savings Account may be opened in the name of two persons --man end wife, or two members of it family --so that either one can deposit and withdraw money from the same account, WiNGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SC:ULLY, Manager, • eataaagataaraaaame=teacmatealagarsatteatatec �..�...� ". esisaeas • �- '..�: . Many women with disfigi'red complexions. t"" ' ' never recta to think l' at they need en occasional eloansing r ''•, a :r ' inside as well as tiutsitlr. Yet teggiect of this internal bathing shows itself in ,potty, ltnf,14a11ow complexions -gas :•. well ns in dreadful headaches and hiliousnese. It'sbecause the liver bueomcs sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cantotImo eowithout nssietance. The best �s TABIETS remedy is Chaniberlain'ss Stomach and Liver Tablets, which .. , stir+rirv1 tethelivertohealthyaetivity,removefermeritatiori, �. qtly cleanse the t,tornaeb and bowels and tone the whole ` ti . digestive system. Sure, eat and relit We. 'Take one at ' i night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get echxraberiain s today—druggists 2Crc., or by mail front Chovetherlein Wades Cotep*s y, Tomato is I Wonderful Wingham 1915-1938 Twenty yeare from, now, what will our, Win bang be? With prophetic video, its. glories. now I see. From river unto riper, our streets will be asphalt. John street will grQW a mile, without a single doubt. Upp and down, night and day, electric cars we'll hale, Our suburbs will be Wbtteohureb, Belgravia and Bluevale; Catbederal spires glistening in the sun, cbitnee so wouderoue clear, Will take away eadnese, our drooping spirits cheer,. Our Court house and our City Ball, will be fair to see, Great ',Big Ben" will ebiwe the boars, as quickly as they flee, The 0. P. R, and G. T. R united then Will stand, Building .a depot that will be a glory to Qat; land. Our mes ge will flesh forth without the use of wires, utaio 1ases will us than the spiresit s , Aad we wilt talk with old England, fly with the wind, Exchanging greetings with the planets, my bow sublime, The dredge will come and clear our lake, by the railway track, Boats will sail all way down, then again sail back ; From. Cape Breton'e rock bound coast, to Pacific's sunny shore, No place you'll find like Wingbaw, it you search the wide world o'er. • Duncan's fine two -hundred acres, our grand Hyde Park will be, A spot near fair as Paradise, beyond the ".ryatal pea; With greet big fountains playing, "Mont flowers so sweet and gay," We'll gather there at even dine, and chase dull care away. M. R. B. JELLiCOE k BOXER Ira the Britinh army and navy tilt. teat game of boxing has long beer. he Most popular sport of both omcere tnd men, Perhaps a majority of tite oiticors nd tars Of the British navy to -day are lever boxers, but, age and weight onsidered, there isn't a better ii ilio ladlator in His Majesty's navy w,ro an give a better account of himat•l.c khan Vice -Admiral Si'r John Jelitc e, he commander of the North Seat fie Che admiral has passed his fifty-7i.t: milestone, but he is still active and. strong and fond of a stiff bout whh he mitts. In his younger days the hale sea fighter—be is only five feet four incites n height—was the bantamweight 'tampion of the British navy. Stories if his flstic prowess are still current, nd it is said that he scored many victories over lightweights and welter- weights. >:n those days "Jelly," as he a 'as popularly called,. always entered :he ring a favorite. At Rottingdean, where he received tris land education, e was a famous •football player, al - hough he weigbed only about :15 ounds. . Through his fondness for strenuous sports he developed a constitution which was strong enougli to bring hint through many perils on sea and land, and. without which he would never have lived to reach the high Honors he holds to -day. HUNTING THE SNIPERS Concealed Germans Made it Unconi- fortable For British Outposts Writing to London Answers Private S, B,enneson . of the 2nd Manchester Regiment tells of a hunt for German sharpshooters. We relieved a company in the trenches, and our officer picked six men and a corporal and sent as over to a farm about fifty yards away, he says. We were to reconnoitre, and to see if there were any snipers angwhere about. We looked everywhere, but found none, so it was decided to leave us on guard, and to post a, double sentry every two hours to watch for snipers. I had my two hours with a chum, and went into the farmhouse, where I thought I would have a wash and a shave, because I had a nice r'ittie beard through having missed shaving for ten days. When I got inside I was surprised to find some people there, bidden away in, a kind of underground cellar. There were some children, and four of the people were very old men, who could hardly walk. When we told them that we were friends, they made us coffee, and I had the luxury of hot shaving water. ,But I had hardly commenced shaving when n shot rang out, and • a • bullet went whizzing .past the gate. After that, anyone who passed near the gateway was shot at by a sniper, who was hidden away somewhere, The people tried to tell us where, but we couldn't understand them, so we sent for our officer, who managed to reach us under cover of a trench, and he at last made out from the people that two Germans had been in a loft all night and had fired shots at us every now and again. We found that their last lading - place was the top of a haystack They must have teen that we were after them, however, because when we reached the Haystack we discovered their knives, Helmets, bayonets, etc„ but they had left in a hurry, RECIPROCITY IN BATTLE FARMER HOLDS HIGH POST Ontario's Minister of Public Works a Progressive Agriculturist It is something of a novelty to find a Minister of Public Works who le at farmer, but such is flee case in the Ontario Government where Hon; Fin. lay G. Macdiarniid fills that important post. • While the soil yields him a liv.. {ng, one 'would' never suspect it from the appearance of the man. Early to Ite•he learned tlfat to lid a sudcessftii agriculturist one need not carry itt- brands about with slim, and his sire teen years of Parliamentary life polish trreneh and German Soldiers Mutually Agree to Passage of Peed Wagons M. Maurice liarres, writing iu the "Echo de Paris,`, said: "The enemy never fire on our food wagons, nor we pit theirs, although we hear them well enough when they arrive in the silence of the evening, for on both sides we respect them Similarly Y at night t, e li rench and German sentinels, posted Well in front of the trettehee and quite close to each other, refrain trout lir. Ing at each other." M. Barren at,de: "Are not these dee. toms w Eei tipping up without an ex• pressed agreemeht snfteientiy strike rho foreshore of seyreolne toot and ' waters In British Cglulinbia, "So absolutely regulated has ties nein in 3,080,000,000 feet of high ing?" Adjacent warfare becomo that at one place on' grade cedar, wore rege4tly transfer - the, Sulppes road there Is an nnder red to a syndio't,ta et papltellets froth stool 4raily truce of one hour to allow ; the United Statee, It is meld to be of both aides ,btaining supplies of the intehtlon of the purchasers to be- fresh water from a good well whish ficin logging operations on the limits happens to lie between the. lines. id the near future, and the plane eon. "Punctutflly to the minute the tetnitiate tili;teinr, several sawmills on affof whistle Hounds, and the men troop the property, The sta city cedar 1 n the tri reasin price of h". grade d 6 c h a are it out with ue s and flue minutes 1 lr ket , cs bt+- . tore the hour 1N ifp Hitt whistle goes; timber tit t Vnited St tee have again; for enc minuta :jilt tha hour caused Ataer.cttn ntilltnen to turn their attention to I3rltish Columbia, the t toldliocterrf are el±ipitt briskly. +which hal% the largest compact area ant told that while tie a rtglii the , Af ptercliantabie timber ar the con water terriers do their worn in sllenc0 E finterlat: The abolition of the duty on t'anadten tihingles and other torer- prodaota be' encouraged and give impetus to the shingle iuuastry, whi Ole mods great progress in the pe . tneal r.Ceatlf'.--t anstdiAn Engineer. HON. FINLAY G. MACDIARMID r3 him into an experience3 man of the world. Mr. Macd:armid has won something of a reputation as a public speaker, always presenting leis arguments In a brief but Iogical manner: Even if it took sixteen years of testing, Mr• Mardiarmid was still the 'oungost Minister in the Ontario Cabinet when 'he entered it, and his forty-five years rest upon him lightly. iitill young in appearance, tall, of athletic. build, and ruddy countenance, outwardly he is the typo of man who Is able to weather the stress of office. His appointment to the chair of Public Wqrks came as a distinct sur- prise to those who were not on the inside. Doubtless his work -has been Pone in silence. At least he-- is not flashy type of roan, who constant- ly y proclaim's his political patriotism. PESTS IN FOREST TREES films Threatered With Parasite SEmi� lar to That Which Killed Pines Startling statements were made by lir. J. M, Swaine, Ottawa, to the En- tomological Society of Ontario, re - larding the destruction by worms of ate pine forests of parts of British I otumbia. The lumber Industry was l.i such a tad condition, he said, that lothing could be done at the present Erie to combat the great havoc to l.i.i pine tree. So many trees of .hese forests ware kilted by the worms i:lat now the dead timber was a ter- t:ble fire menace to the remainder of lite trees. He referred to the killing oft of the hemlock and p,ne trees in the great Staniey Park at Vancouver, and. said these parts of the park would be reforested with Douglas fir, inr. Swaine also uttered a word of warn- ing to farmers to be on the lookout for more serous damage to trees. He spoke particularly of the p1m tree, telling of the deadly enemy to this specie/3 which lead been found in the United States and was new so near Canada that its appearance might be expected at any time. If It •lame in, and all it has to do is cross the 'border, it would mean the destruct• tion of practically ali elm trees, said h1r. Swathe. lIa thought that farmer, el-,ould be furnished wite descriptions rf thrao pests, that they might know them wire}} the/ first made their ape peereeee, TIMBER WEALTH ON COAST filch Limits in British Columbia Ae, tiufred by United States Firm It is k1orted .hat timber limitsis ex- tending tending over 11 s are tiles along confining their attentions toward, ,h+ opposlite camp to enowis, at times they get to fisticuffs, said omoers have hastily to seeerate the red tctntaers; from the bluri•gr'r7' rolling in tke OW.* d." tiflRE STRENGTH FOR �LQ PEOPLE Mrs. Hutchison—Eighty-Ono Years Old --Uses No Qth, er Tonio but Vino( and Rec. omnends it to Friends., Greenville, S, C.—"It is with pleasure I tell others of the great benefit I have derived from Vinol, for the past several years. I ata 81 years old and I find Vi- nolgives me strength,a healthy a Fe. - tte and a e comesnervows disorders. Vinol is tho only topic reeonstruetor I have used for several years, I have recommended it to a great many of my friends and it has always proved satia- faetory" -- Mr,, M. A. HtrrowSON, Greenville, S. C, Such cases as the above are constantly coming to our attention. If people in this vicinity only realized how Vinol in- vigorates old people we would not be able to supply the demand. It is the tissue building, curative ele- ments of the cod's liverst aided by the blood making strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in Vinol,-.that makes it so successful in building up strength for old people, delicate chil- dren and for all run-down conditions. Vinol is also a most successful remedy for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. If it fails to benefit any one who tries it we. return your money. Sold by ,T, Walton McKibboo, Wing - ham One.. SOME SALAD RECIPES } Mayonnaise Dressing Put into a double boiler a piece of butter size r'f egg. ' Melt and add one. tablespoon of flour and blend until Perfectly . smooth. Add one cup of milk and allow to come to boil. Stir to avoid lumps. Beat three eggs'nntil very light. Mix with one tablespoon of sugar, an even teaspoon of dry mustard and one even 'teaspoon of salt. ' Pepper; to taste. Mix thorough- ly and add one cup of vinegar. Stir into the other ingredients in• double boiler; let boil a few minutes and set ,side to cool. French Fruit Salad Peel 2 oranges and remove pulp from each section, peel 2 bananas and cut into slices. Seed 1/2 cup of broken walnut meats, 1 head of lettuce. : r - range on salad plate. Mix fruit and nuts, place on lettuce and serve with French dressing. Bean Salad String fresh swung beans, cut in inch length and boil in salt and water until tender, drain well, and to each quart of beans add 1 small anion chop- ped fine. To 4 tablespoons of peanut o" add 2 of strong vinegar. Sprinkle a little cayenne over beans. When ready to serve beat the ell and vine- gar to thick ;seam. Turn ove; beans and serve at once. Originator of "Kewples" y.. R08E CECIL O'NEILL WILSON With dozens of little kewpie dolls as her companions, Was Rose Cecile O'Neill (Mrs, Leon Wilson), author, and designer of the droll kewpies, epends several months each year at her country place, "Bonniebrook" In southern Missouri, After a look et her merry face one can easily eedteestand the comical antics of the tins@ tellows tl}q•t }ref° Elie Pr96110t of her imagination, Old Timber Strongest Sound lumber, twenty-five years.old, Mica peen proved py test to be i a- tefia}ler stronger 41144 }lee stock. Epley Wheet Fqr&erns Operated by hand, speed being at- tained be gear wheels, a tiny emery wheel has beau Invented for grinding off come, Plenty Everybody CigarettesCigarettee manufactured ed in th. United States in a year., if laid end to end, would almost girdle the world twentythree times. Locorr otivetr Push Chars iron bar+d:I,g freight ears et Cleve land a lar.;e railroad has install, e electric 1owenativt:s wh:ch run on separate traults and enlist the etre anile side ATMS. • JILTED LOVER LOSES Young Lady Allowed to Keep Present,. When - Engagement Ended Chief .Justice Meredith had to de.. cf.de who was entitled to engageme.'•t presents in the event of an engage.. rant being broken. Tlie action arose as an appeal made by a young lady of Berlin, Ont., against the decision of the Court of Waterloo, which said that elle was to return time gifts she bad received from a young man to whom sho was formerly, engaged. It was a condition of the engage- ment that the youth should refrain from the us') of liquor, and the a;ppel• last declared that on two occasions she smelled liquor on his breath, but this was denied, the defendant swear- ing that he had not tasted drink dur- ing the two-year engagement. The appellate division held that the engagement was a conditional ono, and there was a conflict of evidence as to. whether the conditions had been observed, and decided that any per, sonal presents .to the young laxly could not bo recovered. .tt.s a res:': the young man secured an order b.:. a $26'candleabrum purchased for at prospective hdtne, but the lady keer;i a 'diamond ring and cut -glass set. The English • Vocabulary There is go accurate or complete estimate available of the number et words la the vocabularies of th various .nations. The English lane guage, however, is generally conceded to lutve the largest n;imber• of word The fallowing ngures are taken from reliable dictionaries of the various languages and aro fairly eomplete:— English, 450.000 words; German, E00,- 000 words; French, 140,000 words; Italian, 140,000 words; Spanish 120,- 00h words. Mountain Scenery by Searchlight One of the strong at+ractfons for tourists at Niagara Falls has been the use of searchlights which play their Eight upon the foaming; waters. An Interesting roposal has' baen made to ace a simil,•ir scheme at Banff, In the t;anadian Rockies. There are enor- mous unused waterpowers in this dis. trict.and, the proposal is to generate electricity from the mountain streams • to supply searchlights on the snow - bled peaks which surround this tourist resort. lf' carried to completion this would create a veritable fairyland in the mountains. Carry Your Own Wind -shield Wind -shields to he worn on tale shoulders of occupants of automobiles that lack ruck devices have been patented, The Guards at the Government wireless station at Point Edward re- port having been fired at twice tro,i 0- 00000000000000000000000000 '- ©000000000000op oo©o©00000 BUTTER WRAPPER PAPER Neatly Printed. AND FOR SALE AT • THE ADVANCE The beat of Parchment paper and the Proper Ink. All Dairy Butter put up in pack- ages trust now have a printed label on it. See us about the matter. The Advance Ptg. andPub.Co. PI-IONE 34 0a0o0000000o00000000c We've always made Our Bread §a 0994 So Fresh and Light, So Brown, That the vera'ct steeds ns it leng has The VOW Left fri Taw). Our Rath 4tir Pies, Our Huila, Ow CaTic-- Ail the goods we daily bake. Are just as good as We can bake. So Gonne' and Buy Them For Goodness Sake! E. CARTER '111Ji3tEClir Or►t. Utilises every heat unit. Flues arranged heat is forced to travel over top of oven in "Clarfs dora . i i down behind 11t ande cud . and twice ul� der the bottom before es+;P- � tag to chimney. See the McClary dealer. >E. "MADE IN CANADA" R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghr , JOB WORK Neatly and Pomptly Done at the Advance. � and at Prices to Suit RH EUMATISM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTI PATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED) Does the work surely but pleasautly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach --no weakening. The TWo rem. edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove t'ee wonderful curative power of SoLecm remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich,, U. S. A - Honor Roll RAND NAME Captain .N. T Sinclair Lieut. , <`.... .. .... , H. McLean G, Shivlls C. G. Vanstone f f , , ... , ........... It Campbell Col. S'•rgt• ..,, J IIIann Sergt. \V L Latton 1' P Barris . A. Chapman Cor l. W. Van 'A yck tip ...... ........ W. 11 Elliott it R G. Freeborn 4 VV 13ugtar H. llinsclifi'e Private •..L. Harding •f C. Sloebottoin •t R. J. Little t• ,,,T AlacDonald r • . H. Guest E Madigan G I-iayles NV. Stapleton ......... ....r ...ya.CV. Austin ✓ Ta •t � Or . l4. Finlay jerbert' Chlsiiu!iii I 'Harry Chislii nt - 3 W h i t'e G. i. b,. Beset . ...., .., +U '11.'ltos?t `.iofles f..'I .,.. ..... 1A. I ill. . Meech J ...... J s blctallttAt, i e � (a l� it .1e ry II, Junes, • •.. u, I•iitrio It. t ishores , 12. Ifuf'.0 an; 4. Slott ..... .... "01 i•ufE7lty b Guest'. NV 11. Murch it Harrison .. M. tt hit* (i 511iarfer;. ....>............ F. Plater fi ...•....,tr, •... trr == a G. Jacques E, Sanderson H Deer H. Jobb A Aitcheson J Holland .....,.,rr... H. Collar B lard G. Day M Rogers 12. Forsyth W. Srigley .......•.,••.,..r A M. Forbes 0, Crawford .. R. Berkett ..,...rr.,.,....t1. Pends` P E. W. C. Helps ... I€. smith .•..J. Holmes ri . DIpbt"ad It E Penny Mann C flrooki FI. P Wfitis H. Drummond L. Drummond .. • .. , , , Vance Sanderson L Hinkley .... L. Brock • '•,• A tbnney ..•• • .......r •.,. ♦ , Stone '••••..,..r a.r .... A Knechtct H. Huffman . ,. . 1 .............. •., , , t, .. r. ...•. Cream Wanted 'Zitav ntz 1111 up)-ttft••rlate p'ri' ntozry In full operation tin solicit groin Crean). patronage. •'e ere tempered to pay the li!giie merket pretest for pp ui '•resin t.r;`i gi - you lsis honrtt busm'es; wt`ifshing, tt p ibg Sud tf-sang pooh an of cream r' poived carefnll, and rratnrilipg tl' full etKttrrr et 1 of • am'- to rapt,* patron. tt`p inns>h two calls to ea 'h CyitO Mr, pay i• 11 Eeprtxs chergia ape, pity every two we. ire, Write for hall parttenlare pr Lind ler can. and give us k triol SEAFORTH CREAMERY SEAF0RT°i, ONT. ti -t your 30B WORK Blame lilt the ADVA tit •