HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-02-04, Page 3T E W IN GUAM A DVA OE.
Fall fern* From Slit. let,
4,41 f
R'*'satdATirOl'ta c7 er
The'best Commercial School In the pro-
viral*. Our courses are thorough and
practical while our ipstruotors are better
than you wilt find elsewhere. We do
ruore for our students thanctho similar
sditoole do, Our rates aro reasonable.
Wince tor our free catalogue and see
what we can.do for you.
iO4.14.0a?, MCLAORL,a>$ • Principal
Mr, Geo, Mail
Wishes to announce tO the citizens
of Wingham that he is inthe old
tand to stay.
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, et..
Give us a call
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. O. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue
free. Enter' any time. „
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered
Trains leave Wingham stations daily as
follows i
G. T. R
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Points:—Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen-
ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.
TO LONDON:—Passenger 6.35 a.
m.; passenger, 3 30 p m.
TO KINCARDINE : -- Passenger.
11.59 a.m. ; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas-
senger, 9.15 p.m.
C. P. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
Pointe:—Passenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen-
ger 3 10 p.m.
TO TEESWATER : — Passenger,
12.b7 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m.
soleMBE head of a family,or anymale over
j 18 years
od, may hoesteaa quarter -
section of available Dominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appil-
. cant must appear in person at the Dominion
Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
Entry by proxy may bo made at the office of
any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-
agent) on certain conditions,
Duties.—Six months' residence upon and cul-
tivation land in each of three
tivatfon of th a years.A
homesteader may live within nine miles ohis
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on
certain conditions. A habitable house is re-
quited in every case ekcem when residence
is performed in the vloinity.
In certain (itstriots a homesteader in good
standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along-
side his homtatead, pPrice $3 per acre. Duties
Sin menthe' residence in each of six years
from date of homestead entry (including the
One required to earn homestead patent) and
50 acres extra cultivation. The arca of cultk-
ttation.is subject to reduction in case of rough,
scrut,b or stony land after report by Home-
stead Inspector on application fpr patent.
riiioteadnd cannot owho has btain exhaustedhome-
may take a purchased honlested in certain
districts. Price $3 QVper acre. Duties.-5du t
yr to fifty tierce erect a house woe years, $3oot'
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
W.13.—UnanthorIzed publication of this ad=
tiseroent will not be paid for.
Will give better satisfaction to
both buyer and seller than any
other auctioneer and only
charge what is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Ad Vance Office
1,'ure.Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Mlles conducted anywhere in
C. R. Bennett
Massey»Harris Offit e
Phone 81
McConnell & Vandrick,
Auetl'trepere for the Comities a
Are paer,dto fake alt ktt,de of
> itiles. Having bad a wide txper-
ieneein !hid line, we are certalr
we can pleaee anyone trusting their
ealee to tee You can have either
nue to etlnduet 'your Kilo, or can
have both without (-arra charge
Were can he lt•fC with F. McCnn•
eel; or• with t'. l+' Var,i1rirlt. as the
IlEttC11 i1+'•1'S' lilt0Kp1tAEilf co,e
STORE, Winghatu
CltftrgOs ModOtate
eel •Seaseleeteeedeeeeeee.e.
'OX' Watts laid Chf'lalrer.
110, Kind Yoe flare Always Sough
Bliltx* the
11000114090 rot
:e Million
Dollar Mystery
(}:.py'iifgh,.1'011.hy,Harsod Mr 0r'.h
• A Blank Slteet. of Paper.
Florence was a fortnight in recov.
ening from the ebock of her experience
at the Maeked ball of the Princess Par-
Iova, who, by the way disappeared
from New York shortly after the fire,
no doubt because of her fear of the
Biaek Uuedred. The fire did ,net. dee-
troy the house, but most of the, furn-
isbings were so thoroughly drenched
by seater that they were practically
ruined, Her coming and going were
a nine days' wonder, and the pub-
lic found something else to talk
Norton was a uonstant visitor at the
Hargreave place. There was to him a
new interest in thatmyeterious house
with its bidden panels, its false doors,
its secret tunnels: but he treated Jones
upon the same basis as Hitherto. One
thing, however: He felt a eense of se-
curity in regatd to Florence such ae
he had not telt before. So, between
assignments, be ran out to Riverdale
and he did what he could to amuse his
sweetheart. Later, they took short
rides in the runabout, and at a length
she became as lively as' she had ever
But often she would catch Norton
"What makes you frown like.
"Was I frowning?" innocently en
"I find you this way a dozen times
in an afternoon, What is the mat-
te!? Are 1 hey after you again?"
"Heavens, nut I'm only a vague
issue, They will not bother me so
long ate I do not bother them. It has
dwindled into a game of truce."
"Do you think so?" eyeing him cur-
"Why, yes,"
"What's the .• use of trying to fool
ire, Jim? If they haven't been after
you, you are sensing a presage of evil.
I'm not a child any longer. Haven't I
been through enough to make me a
woman? Sometimes I feel very old.'i
"To me you are the most charming
in all this wide world. No, you're not
a child any longer, You are a wom-
an, brave and patient; and I know
chat I could trust you with any secret
I have or own, But sometimes a per.
sou may have a secret which is not his
and which he hasn't any right to dis-
She became silent for a while. "I
hate money," she said. "I hate
it, hate iti" '
"It's mighty comfortable to have it
around sometimes," he countered,
"As in my case, for instance. If I
were poor and had to work no one
would bo. heir' wne,"
"I would!" he declared, laughing.
"Dome, le.'e throw off monde, and go
into town for tea at the Rose Garden;
and if you feel strong enough we'll
trip the light fantastic."
They had been gone from the house
less than an hour when a man ran up
the steps of the veranda, and rang the
bell. Jones being busy at the rear of
the house, the maid came to the door.
There is no need of sending
your orders Inc counter check
books out of town.
We can fill orders prompt-
ly at prices that will defy
compec ition.
Ask to see our samples.
Their are the very latest thing
in the line and can be had in
blue, Mack or red ink. No
difference in the price.
ing Karn Advanlo
Wingham, Ont
Qstcopatbicr Pl,ysititan'atid ;curoI0;;istS
"la Miss Hargreave it?" the strap-
ger asked,
"No," abruptly. The door began to
close ever so e�lowly,
"Do you know where I can find
The maid eyed him with covert
keenness; then, remembering that the
reporter was with Florence, said: "I
believe she is at the Rose Garden this
"That is in town?"
"Thanks." The man turned abrupt.
ly and ran down the steps.
The maid ran back to Jones.
"Why didn't you nail me?" he de*
mended impatiently.
"Thera wasn't time"
"Did you tell Ishii where she was?"
"Yes But I shouldn't have told
him if Mr. Norton had not been with
Mise Florence."
Jones ran to the front, dashed out,
eyed the back of the man hastening
down the street, smiled, and returned
to his work, or, rather, to the maid.
Ne took ber by the shoulder, whirled
her about, and shot a look into her
eyes that quailed her.
"Always call me hereafter, no mat-
ter what I'm doing. The mean has nev-
er laid eyes on Florence, and bas no
idea wbat else looks like, Why did
you drug my pollee the night of that
She stepped back. .
"And bow much did they pay you
for letting that doctor send Florence
to Atlantic City? I know everything:
Hereafter, walk straight, If you play
another trick I'll kill you with these
two hands, And listen and tell this
to your confederates: I always know
every move they make; that is why no
one is missing from this house, There
is a traitor, Let them find him if
they can. Will you walk straight. or
will you leave?"
"I—I will walk �raight," she falter-
ed. "The money was too big a tempt-
"Did they give it to you?"
"Yes, And more to say here. But
this is the first bit of dishonest work I
ever did."
"Well, rememher what I have eaid.
.Another miestep and I'll make an end
to you. Don't, think I'tn trying to
Frani you, You've witnessed enough
to know that it's life and death in this
house, Now run along."
At the Garden Jim and Florence
sauntered among the crowd. not par-
ing any 'particular objective point in
"SW" whispered Jim.
'•What is it!"
"Olga P.•rigoff is yonder in a box."
"Very well; let us go and sit with
her. Is she alone?"
Apparently. But don't you think
weld better go elsewhere?"
"My deer young man;" saki Flor-
ence with mock loftiness, "Olga Peri -
golf has written me down as a -simple
young fool, and that is why, sooner or
later, I'm going to put the shoe on the
other foot. You and Jones have -cod-
died me long enough. Inasmuch as I
am the stake they are playing for, I
intend to have something rteore than a
speaking part in the play."
"An right; you're the admiral," he
said with pretended lightness.
So the two of them joined their
Subtle enemy, conscious of a tingle of
zest as they did so. On her part, the
countess was always snspieious of this';
sleepy eyed reporter. She never
could tell how much be knew. But of
Florence she was reasonably pertain;
and so long as she could fool the pret-
ty infant the suspicions of the report-
er were of negligible quantity. She
greeted them effusively • and offered
them chairs. For half an hour they
sat there, chatting inanities, alt the
while each mind busy with deeper
When the mat in search of Florence
eventually arrived and asked the
manager of the garden if be knew
Miss Hargreave by sight the manager
pointed toward the box, The man
wound his way in and out of the .idl-
erg and by the time he bad reached
the box, clam and f+'lorenee had spade
tbeir departure, The man bowed, ap-
proached. and asked if she was Miss
Hat greave, For a moment the coant•
ess euepeeted a trap. Then it appeal.
ed to her mind that if there was no trap
ittnigbt be Well to pose as Ti'lorence, if
only to team what the outcome might
be. .
"Yes, What is wanted?' the asked.
The luau took the letter from his
pocket and handed it to Olga. saying:
"Give this to your father. Ile knows
how to read it."
l3 .for e she r e Ia could reply y the man
turned and n as hurrying away.
010 opened the note, her hr'at•t
f,,.aarog furiously, It was utterly
blank. At first she thought it was n
hoax. Then she happened to remem-
ber that there was such a thing ate
invisible iulr. 4t Iasi I ilargreftve
as alilr: i tbis let ter wiled all dorlht
in her rolled vn tote pee! ton. Antal
i,ISrJ.V3L ;tar ItVINta:1A4 Arid not only that, tut the girl and
• Jones were evidently in con,munl,-a•
,7oeeiali-ee i:l tiara rr'.s.; ut•rtt of •ar tion with barn. She sitnalonedChrenis Dee. t#
Women', iT �',t:t'?,- 't' e. kai.rs�P;, toff Wisher Madea taeotet sign, and be
a`•tratho.,, s .if .I ttai' t. It 1. tttn,,,4lwr, bused and approached. She *:lipped
(),ttyep, ft*, (.att.•- now,' ,.11 ,-l•.'- t<t ,,. rho lt.I?:rr into, his hand and wht+pared. Idealttiu fit', rlOtence Wasbotne txlorg
1) uu1N..., i,i ', .1... \L't..1.E1,111 0111 "S Msa, that at the rave to-mot•rov,: by the swift current of .the liver,
over Ciera ,' • y 1. 1- lt.vn�.1hie knit and meant for- Her- whieb gained in swtftneta evert' mr' .d
rap dot II.fe.,,, -a, -- 0 t' " . 1e.°tom Si Y " f Otto. ii'tole) rime PO timethe 1,tunoril
%A d�,,,'ae -•,: - 1. y 11 11 11 ••, ,et. j •.il, "r -el...?" ,� 'the reeky wane., bar she elnag
` y s-114.tn.- 4- 1) se m. 1 "1'oef lecie. -yro Iffe Yelleefly. In tete tminitatte the
"Very welt," The waltsr bowed
and strolled away moncbalantly,
Braine was in Boston over night,
otherwise. the oaunteee would have
taken the mysterious note at once to
biro, She remained for perhaps a
quarter of an hoer longer and then
left the garden. She would have, talc -
en tbe letter to her awn apartment
but for the fact that the chemicals
needed were hidden in the cave,
Now It happened that Flbrene.e
went out for her early ride the next
Morning, and crossing a Held she caw
a elan with a bundle under hie arm.
The, sun struck his profile and lihmed
it plainly, and Florence uttered a low
cry. The man bad not observed -her..
So, very quietly, she Blipped from the
horse, tethered It to a tree, and etart-
ed after the roan to learn what he :was
doing so far from the city. She would •
never, forget that face. She had Been
it that dreadful night when the note
had lured her into the hands of bar
enemies. The face belonged to the
man who had impersonated her fath-
It occurred to her that she might
just as well do a little detective work
on her own hook. She bad 'paeaed
through so many terrifying epiapdes
that she was beginning to grave for
the excitement, strange as this may
deem, Like a gambler, who has once
played for high stakes, she no longer
found pleasure in thimbles and needles
and pins. She followed the man with
no little skill and at length saw bim
approach a knoll, stoop, apparently
press a spring, and a bole suddenly
yawned. The man vanished quirlkly,
and the spot took on again its virginal
appearance. .A. cave! Florence had
the patience to wait. By and by the
man appeared again and slunk away.
When she was sure that he was
beyond range, she came out from the
place of concealment crept up tbe
knoll, and searched about for the
magic handle of this strange door.
Diligence rewarded ber, and she soon
found herself in a large, musty. earth -
smelling cave. Loot was scattered
about, and there were boxes and chairs
and a large chest. Men evidently
met here, possibly after some desper-
ate • adventure against society. She
found nothing to reward her hardi-
hood, and as she wail in the act of
moving toward the cave's door she
beheld with terror that it was mov-
She was near the chest at that'
moment, The cave was not a dap
one. There was no tunnel, only,a
wall, Resolutely she raised the lid of
the cheat, stepped inside, and drew
the lid down. She was just in tiros.
The door opened and three men enter-
ed, talking volubly. They felt per-
fectly secure in talking as loudly es
they pleased. To Florence, it seemed
almost impossible that they did not
hear the thunder of her heart, Strain
her ears as she might, she could
gather but little of what they salt),
"If Hargreave bad this paper we
might all be put on the defensive.
To an outsider it is a blank paper.
But the boss will be able to read it.
" The speaker moved away from
the vicinity of the chest and she heard
no more.
Very deftly Florence raised the lid
just enough to peep out. The man
who had been talking was putting the
note in bis hip pocket. As he turned
toward the chest he sat down on the
soapbox immediately in front cf the
cheat. An initpiration came to the
girl. an exceedingly daring one. She
took her liberty in ber hands as she
executed the deed. But the dimness
of the cave aided her. When she
crouched down the magic paper was
here. -
It seethed hours to her before the
wen lef„ the cave. As she heard the
hidden door j ar, in closing she raised
the lid and stepped out, breathing
deeply. The paper she had purloined
was indeed blank, but Jones or Jim
would know what to do with it. And
wouldn't they be surprised wheat she
bad accomplished all alone? Her ex-
ultation was of short duration. She
beard the whine of the door on ire
hinges. The men • were returning.
' They were returning because they
had discovered a woman's shneprint
outside. It pointed toward the cavae
freshly. and there was none corning
away. To re-enter the chest would
be foolhaldly. It would be the flret
place the men wooed took. She
glanced about deaparatelt'. She saw
but one chance, the well. And even
while the door Was swinging inwataa,
rillient un i e enter,
lectin the b s n e e,h n e,
the 6titnrnoned up the+ courage end let
herself dots'» into the''we�i. wbieb
proved to be'rothing !pets rtor lei+t•
than an underground' rive?
The men cape In .yjtjl a tgt,h. .`bey
ppset iiolcee, lgols'ed Into tbe oleot•, pa
the MAO who w4s. ¢gideptlr la • am.
Inaba geed dowp tile well, t•keklog
his heed. There seetcb wee lleorvugh,
tbey $onud no one. Atyd at' linear
they began to reason that petliapb fit
a'ornan had got as far as the tto)•.ttt d
then turned away, walklrsg: on .the
was swept to the other side of the hill,
into the rapids; but the blue sky was
overhead, she was out in the familiar
world again On, on, she was carried.
Been though she was half dead, she
crluld bear the roar of a Salle some•
where in advance,
Braine thought be really had a clue
to the treasure, and with his usual
prnmptness be set about to learn if it
wasworth anything, He procured a
launch and began to prowl about, us-
ing a pole as a feeler, All the while he
was being closely watched by Norton,
who had concluded to •hang onto
Braine'e trail till he found something
worthy of note, Brain was disguia-
ed, but this time Jim was not to be
fooled, But what was be looking for,
wondered the reporter? Braine con•
tinned to pole along, .sometimes paus-
ing to look over the gunwale down
into the. water. In raising hie head
after the Iast investigation be discern-
ed something struggling in the water,
about three hundred yards away. The
current leisurely brought the object
into full view, It was a young woman
with just power enough to keep her-
self afloat. The golden head roused
something inher stronger than cur-
iosity. It might be 1 •
Braine proceeded to move the launch
in the direction of the girl. It was
tole movementthat turned the report
er's gaze. He, too, now saw the wom-
an in the water and wondered how
she bad come there. When Braine
reached the girl and pulled her into
the 'Auntie Jim eau/ her ' face plainly.
Be flew from his vantage point,
found a skiff, and started after Braine.
"By the Lord Rarry 1" murmered
the rogue, "Well, they can talk of
manna from Heaven, but this is what
I call luck. Florence $argreave, out
of nowhere, into my arms t The god
of luck has cast another - horse-shoe
and it's mine."
He had a fb k in his pocket, and be
fnrced some of the biting spirits down
the girl's throat. She opened her eyes.
"Well, my beauty r
Florence eyed him widely, not quite
understanding where he had come
Don't know how you -got here," he
said ; "and I don't care. But here we
are together at last.') Where is your
"•I don't know; I have never Been
Braine laughed. •
And Jim's boat ran afoul some rocks
and into the water he went. He had
not attracted Braine's attention, for-
tunately. He begen,to swim toward
the drifting launch.
"Where have they hidden that
money "
"I don't know."
"Welt, well ; I've given you your
chance, You'll have to try your luck
with the water again." -
Florence, weak as she was, set her
"You don't ask for mercy 1" he said
"I should be wasting my breath to
ask for mercy from such a monster as
you are," she answered quickly.
"That damned Hargreave nerve 1"
he snarled.
He rolled up his sleeves and stepped
toward her. She braced herself but
did not turn her eyes from his, Bud- •
denly, from nowhere at all, came a
pair of hands. One clutched the gun -
whale and the other laid hold of
Braine. A q tick pull followed, and
Braine began to topple. But, even as
he fell be managed to fling himself
atop his a8sailant ; and it was only
when the struggle began in the water
that he recognized the reporter. All
the devil in him came to the surface
and he fought with the fierceness of
a tiger to kill, kill, kill. • In nearly
every instance this meddling reporter
had checkmated him. This time one
or the other of them should stay in the
Norton recognized that he had a'
I:ot only in the family llv-
i • rootrt, but t!,roughout.thc
horse s It o al ti provision be
mule for boo'Ls. trot -when
the home pawre:;scs a library,,
,rovisiea c,toalt .� ltaue €cr
the " M
i.li"t.t,s,nr, of'pcvl 1 i:t con-
vc:lic:,w pla...:s in other rooaua.-
5041904 11901Y:4403
May he itt?;3pt1rti4 to.. every dc-
sigh and sc:sa mteolborrliabing
and of r;r,l the greatr:•t late -
talc for to ehercice of indi
vitine'l to -i-. •
Porrect tar tots itookslttllf
nEn» Entire Library."
Call at our stare nttd let n's
chow you the possibilities of
fantails -Macey Driekeiselw
Jas. Walker
A lady's conmecrt—
'astes better --goes farther.'
a ia gooci tea'
large order before him to disable
Braine, The recognition between
them was now frank and absolute;
there could never again be an diplo•
matin sidestepping.
"You're a dead man, Norton t"
panted Byaine, as he reached for the
reporcer'e throat,
Norton ;aid nothing, but struck the
band aside. For a moment they both
went under, They came up sputter-
ing, each trying for a bold. It was a
terribly enervating struggle.
•.Fiorenee could do nothing. The
boat in which she sat continued to
drift Witty from the fighting men,
Once sbe tricil to "reach Braine with
the pole he had been using, but failed,
From the shore came another boat.
For awhile she could not tell whether
it contained friends or enemies. It was
terrible to be forced to wait, absolute-
ly helpleee. When she heard the new-
comers call encouragingly to Braine
she knew then that the brave fight of
her +sweetheart was going to come to
naught. She knew a little about mot-
ors. She threw on the power and
headed straight toward tbe row -boat
The men shouted at her, but she did
not alter ber course. The row.boat
bad its aides crushed in and the men
went piling into the water.
"Jim," she cried.
Norton absolutely flung off Braine
and began to swim madly for the mot-
or boat, which Florence had brought
about. Even then it was only by the
barest luck in the world that Norton
managed to catch the gunwale. The
rest of it was simple. When they fin
ally reached a haven.. Florence, odd-
ly enough, thought of the horse she
had left tethered nine miles from the
stables, She laughed hysterically.
"I guess he won't die. We can send
some one out for him. Now for heav-
en's sake, how did you get into this ?
Where were you ? What have you
been up to?" with tender bruequen-
wanted to do a little detective
work of my own," she faltered,
"It looks as if you had done it. You
infant 1 Will you never learn to keep
outside this muddle? It's a man's
Florence, thoroughly weakened by
her long immersion in the water, be-
gan to weep silently.
"You poor child, I'm a brute 1"
And he comforted her.
Later that day, at home, she re-
membered the blank paper.
stole this from sae of the men in
the cave. He said this blank paper
would probably save father."
Jim took it. "H'm ! Invisible ink,
and it's bad a fine washing."
"But maybe itis waterproof."
"Maybe it ie. Anyliow, Miss Sher-
lock, we'll show it to Jones and see
what he says."
(To be continued.)
Mr. R. T. Cowell, A. L. C. M,
Organist and Choirmaster, St, Andrew,s
Teacher of Pianoforte,
Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired.
Wingham, Ont.
Try the
for your next
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s-udeb. l -•r V01111; $12.10 Electric righting and 8 sittings -Fell F'eatitig
S'-ifeefieker SIX u•Pnasenger $17,11 Rear A stles--Smkee Hon' 4nizQ'rhr, u�R._hoot
$ udebakrrSI: 7.1.tasenger,$1825 Eel re Size Tit -pee -One Mn, tyle
Left t D. ive—Center Control
1$atabiialted IBM
Bead Office GUELPH, OST,
Blake taken on all claeees of in*
fineable property on the .cash or pre
adorn note uyeter°.
f,'reeident, Secretary,
Agents, Wingham, Ont
Barrlster, Soolicitor, etc,'
Mee: Meyer Block, Wiugharna
Mosley to loan at 10tween ratee,.
ADA, L,D.e.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pep
neylvania College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
--Qmoe in. Macdonald Block–
(, H. ROSS, D,D.S,, Z,D,S
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Bergeous of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University -of Toronto.
Faculty of Dentistry.
OFFICE OVER R. s. MAD & 00'9. Man
W. R. HAMRLY, B.Sc,, C,Y,
Special attention paid to diseased
of Women and Ohildren, having
taken postgraduate work in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and Soientifio
Omoe in the Kerr residence, be-
tween the Queen's Rotel and the
Baptist Ohuroh.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54. P. Cr. Box 118
Late member House Staff Tor
onto General Hospital. Post grad
nate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr, Agnew
Physician and Surgeon.
- (Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
General Hospital.
(Under Sovernmer.b Inspeetfon,)
PIeasantly situated, Beautifully furnished.
Open to all regularly licensed physician.
Rates for�patients (which include board and
nursing)—U.90 to $15.00 per week, aecordlhg
to ideation Of room. For further : Infforms-
Box 998. Wingham Ont.
J. A. FOX, D. 0., graduate Ohiro
praetor. Chiropractic is successful in
such diffloult oases as Insanity, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Con-
stipation, Female Trouble and all Chro-
me Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble.
Office in R. Kuox's house. Entrance per
Presbyterian ohnroh walk, Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good cement house, large orchard, and
considerable quantity of timber. Price
36500 00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing -
ham P. 0,
OVi:R es YEARS',
Anyone sond?ng a sketch end dotcripttoC me,
gInckly ascertain our Opinion free another an
invention is probably patentable. Communise,
Lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sOnt free. Oldest aubnoy forsocuringyytlterlts.
Patents taken through Munn $ to. roosirs
special notice, without charge, Intl*
Stlenttfir .fnnerIra1
!t hnndsome1y illustrated weekly. Largest err.
cnlation of any scientific journal. Tern* for
Canada, $3.76 a year, poetSge prepaid. Bold by
rU newadealers.
MUNN & Co,3s1Broa y, New York
Branch Onico. 6125 V BL. Washington, D. t'.
Vire I..
neon tt+se
h Pest Coln
Life 103 . Mutual Life of Canada
Aeeident Ins - N'ecveFt Polioies
Plate Giese, Live Steck and Auto.,
mobile Inettranoe properly written,
at lovvestisAtes conformable with
Real 1atate bought and south
lioness to rent.
Renta eolleetec?,.
Satiahtetion gu Iran , et.
Ritchie & Cosens