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The Wingham Advance, 1915-01-28, Page 5
* k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * The Sale Von Have Been Waiting Fori$AROE$ 12th SemkAnnual Sale L_ tl4000 C, -,.,,9f C01111ENCING ATU. ,pAY,.:JAN. doth at 9 a. eyrie. and ending on Eeb. "13th, 1915 , Bargains in Groceries 3 Bars L•►undry Soap for . Tomatoes per can 100 10e Royal Yeast Cakes .. . , • . . . . . . 3: Canada Laundry Starch '° 70 Battle Pickles 10,s 20' 25e 25 25c 25e 4c 25e Special Blend of Teas, per pound 30e Large Bottle Extracts8 Re•oleaned Currants ... 10 Sweet Naval Oranges per doz 25+' Corn Starch per box 8t) Maple Leaf Salmon . . Baking Powder, 2 cans for 7 Bars Olive Oil Soap for 35c'Broows for ., ,'. • , 'Cern and'Peae, 3 cane for . . . . Pearl Put Bariey... , ...... . Choice Salmon, 2 cans for . . . . . , . • Ready -to -Wear Ladieb' Ready -to wear department on second floor will be a busy spot during this BIG SALE. Sweeping Re- ductions on Women's, Misses and Children's Coate. Only room to quote a few lines here of the many offered. 10 Skirts to clear out at 32.95 8.Womene Winter Coate. Your pick for 3 95 a 10 Fancy Tweed Coats " 7 75 7 Misses Winter Coate " "' . . . • 5 00 15 Womens Heavy Coats " 14. • 8 98 Fur Collared Coats. soid.for $25 sale . . . . 19 00 Womens Rat Fur Coats, full length, sale 89 -30 For collared Coate to clear at . . 0 . . . . • . . 10 75 12 Girls Coats. plain and fancy tweeds.... 2 90 L'dies Fur Coats to clear . at 10 00 All other lines at greatly reduced prices Carpet Department Big Bargains in alt kinds of Floor Covering', Rugs, Carpets, oilcloths, Linoleumns—Big Choice ° DRESS GOODS Buy your new Dress now and save money in order to re- duce our Iarge stock, We will give 20 per cent off regular prices Every article in our gigantic\stock of up to date Qty Goods, (lents' Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and. Shoes, Furs, Furs Coats, Ladies' Winter Coats and Suits, Carpets, Linoleums and Rugs, at prices thatmust move it out within the net, two weeks, We dont care where you go or what bargains you get elsewhere, we know we can give you much more for your mon- ey. Ml bonds will be marked at prices which must *ppeal to your sense of economy. MAKE BIG SAVINGS BY BUYING HERE. Come early for best choice. Bargains in Staples. 5 pieces wide Flannelette sale. . . . . . . .. . 10e 10 pi. cee Pettey Wrapperatte 12Se.for . , . ... •. . 10e 36 ineb Fine C.embrip 12ac quality for . , . . . ..... 100 Heavy Crash Towelling Bale .• . . .. . .. .. . , flc Fine English Cambria 15c quality sale .. 12ae Grey Flannel. wide 30c quality sale 25e 250 Window Lace Curtains ,wide, 25e, sale .. , . 205er. 2 yard width Sheeting 3 Oe Line 2 New Patterns Art Sateen 25e value sale .. ". , . . 20c Large heavy Flannelette Blankets, Bale 1 50 15e quality Heavy Factory Cotton, sale . , , • 12 1-2e Table Linens One piece Heavy-Tahte Linen, sale . ....... 2 pieces Wide Table Linen regular 550e. 39C Fine Quality Bleached Linen, reeular 60e tale 48 2 pieces Ble..ched Linen, regular 75t' Pale. 60 One piece Extra Fine Wide Linen, $1 sale 80t•. Sweater Coats A large stock of Girls and Womens Sweater Coats, all kinds and Bizet). Sale 20 per cant off regular prices, Furs. Furs. Ladies Furs on sale at BIG CUT IN PRICES. Mulls. Stoles, Caperines, Ruffs, Cape, Gauntlets, Fur -lined Coats and Fur Coats to he iaold regardless of Cost. RAROAINS IN SILK X.large stock 4 Silk an ht sold at sweeping reductioue 27 inch Jeran Taffeta Silk. 50' line for 40c Fancy colored yard wide Sttk $1 25 for . ... . $1.90 One piece Black Pailette1Siik, yard wide, regular $1.25 value for , , .... , . . ... 98a 20 per cent off 'aloes of narrow Silks RIBBONS Large stock of all kinds of Ribbons at greatly reduced pricea G ie 15 pieces new Ribbons very wide, all, colors regular value 15e, sale price , 100. 20c Plain Ribbons sale price . ,• , . , .155 25e Plain or Fancy Ribbon, sale price . , . 20o PRINTS Lots of tbe beat•Prints here to choose from. lien Prints. light or dark colors, your pick quality for • CORSETS We cary the largest stock of Corsets. You can get your A t h f c o lilies o clear ........ , • . 69,: OUR COATS Big baraaine in 1lTene Fur Uoats price musts sell them $16 50. $17 50, $lp 00, $20 Notice --Your accouns is due.- We will appreciate prompt,remittance by cash or note • s} TERMS' OF SALE—Spot Cash or•ProdUce COOTS and SlO1�S 'Big ea in all lines of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women Boys and Girls wear • Men's strong wearing Boots $3. sale price . , • . , , $2 50 Boys' Heavy School Boots $1 75, sale price . 1.50 Girls strong School Boots $2, sale pr;ce , . 1.05 Women's Rubbers to clear , . . ... , .... , , , , , 50e Men's Rubbers to clear " 05c MEN'S WEAR STORE You are entitled td the most for your moor y—be sure you get it. You will Resit and at the same time you'll get the most eotisfactory clothing obtainable if you take advantage of this Mid -winter Sale 10 Men's Fanoy Tweed Suits, stylish, well made, regu- lar $10, $11, $12 valge gale price to clear $7 95 Youth Snits, fancy patterns sale price . 4.75 Men's Fancy Striped Pante, regular $2.50 for . .. • . 1.90 " strong Overalls sate price .... 75c, 85`c, $1.00 11 heavy Overcoats special to clear .. . • 12 "Inc collared Overcoats special to clear .. . ... 8.50 " fancy worsted Suite sale price ,, , 11.95 Boys Suite, small sizes sale price 150 (TENTS FURNISHINGS Men's heavy wool ribbed Underwear Shirts and Drawers at 85e A Iot Mena Braces at . 19e Men's lined Bid Gloves, $1 25 fur 1 . $1.00 Mens lined Hid Gloves $1 for . .. . . ,75c Mans Leather Mitts . . 39c Meng Clgth,Caps .. . 50e Mens heavy work ehirts50e Fancy Print Shifts . . 85c Mens and Boys Sweater • Coats reduced to....1.00 Fess Fleece lined Shirts & Drawers A . �3o HOSIERY 6 doz heavy Worsted Hose regular 35e quality, on sale 25e All other lines reducea WOOL BLANKETR Extra fine quality Wool Blankets to clear at greatly reduced prices 6 parte to clear at . , 33 95 8 pair to clear at .. 2,93 All first quality goods 8 8 t3 8 aaooOp000nooceoc ; 'o 0030 60 f,2a0000eocao 0 .00000 ©C 0000 06002: a ' Seed selection is not costly, If the > - o, gy,. ., - §� Ploughing Matches farmer win save the best portion of 0 Theme was 'a time in Ontario and his crop' and then thoroughly clean e3 Quebec when the • ploughing max ch that portion, by running it several was an event of importance in many times through the fanning mill, he localities. Later, interest in the mat- will not find it necessary to pay out gibes decreased greatly, especaatly money for seed no better than, and among tbe younger men. As a `result cften not so good as, his own, well good ploughing anctgood soil cuitiva- cleaned, In many tests on the Illie- tration Fame of the Commission, it •m Big Special: Sale at The MERCHANT'S BROKERAGE COMPANY This week are offering you a list of, Special Bargains. on a Number o lines,, we are clearing out regardless of cost. , Below are a Few of the Many Bargains loo tfic:.'u and Boy& Suits from $1.98 up ° 51 Mer:s and Boys' Overcoats from $3.50 up 100 pairs Mens and Boys Pante, from • $1.00 up 'te. •a 50 Mens Raincoats from 50 dozen Mena fleece' lined Under- wear to clear at 38c 50 dozen Boys fleece lined Und r- ear to clear at '23c 50 tit zee Mena wool Ilnderwxarat -79c 1 50 pie,3as 31•,ntte Cloth at half of regular price, rangirprom $5.00 up - $1,25 to 2:50 We have also a large stock of Men's, -Women's and-Childrens Shoes and 12 dozen Mens rancy flannel shirts regular $ t .to $ 2, sale price 79c'to $1.15 10 dozen Mens Undersbirts, extra Large mud medium sizes, in all wool, Pen Angle and fleece lined,- Regglar $1.50 to $2.50, sale lirlce 79c to .$2.00 also a few combinations in the sante quality, • Rubbers which we are offering at and below wholesale prices, FURS FURS i Mink Marmot Stole reg. $22. for $12 1 ., ,l " 12. for 7.50 1 11 " 15. for 998 2 Sable Ruffs regular Si 2,00 for $6 ,18 1 Sable Stole regular $14 0o for $6.98 .totTly Persian Paw Stole; rel; $t° so for$5 t only Grey Squirrel Stole regular $lo o(.1 t w$5 00 r only StoneMart;n R ff Reg $9 f,tr $4.6$ 1 only Mink M irinot Ile a 47. for 1"'75 pROCERIES 7 Bars Comfort Soap for 25'c. 3 Clans Peas, 'Corel or Tomatoes for 25c 4 Bottles Extract for 25c 2 Cans Slim 11 for 25e 3 lbs Currants for 2.5c 3 lbs Raisins for 25c FURS r Sable Stole Sic for $6.48 I Throw and Rug Muff, imitation black fax reg $20 on for $10 t Isabella Fox Rini reg. $7 5o, for $4 5o 1 l s for 7 50 1 Muskrat Muff " r 2 So for 7.5o 1 Mink Marmot Muff res~ la So for 7.50 5 (,trey Push Setts re,.-. $5 t's. clerir 2 19 1 only Coon Se, reg $36 for $15• GROCERIES 6 tins Sardines for 250 , Baking Powder '10c Per pound 2 bottles Catsup Ise 2 Carla 1,3e for 15e Pickles regular 15e for Se • tanBrokerageWilghail, The Gntk K; r' Old Stand We take Dried Apples, Potatoes, utter and Eggs oeor000000c000n000tm000000m tion have fallen back Borne points since .the Old 'days, except in the few• die- striete where the matches have been continued. As the lret•claes plough- man le likely to be a good cultivator of the soil, agriculture, in general. bas suffered On the other band, the farm- er who regards'ploughing merely as a process of turning over hind, the sooner done the better. will not, and can not, • be a good cultivator of the ,soil. Un- less the soil is well ploughed. it is im- jrossible to give the land the best pf preparation for the seed. It is encouraging to note, however. that the 'ploughing match ie being re• rived, and that the Prairie Provinces alio are taking alteen interest in com- petitions of this kind. If tbey .are 8' beni8Gial as an aid tobetter farming Q on the virgin prntirie they are of even til greater value in the older parte of the country, where the; land needs more careful Working to maintain soil fer- tility and increase crop production. Good ploughing is a matter of good pieughrnen as well as of good plougbs arid, as tbeee matches encourage good workmanship, they are worbby of sup- RHEUMA WILL STOP port by all interested in better' far tn.tug As they have an educational Value and tften glue the boys. the Rheumatisnit Complications Cheatedneeded :eneouragernent to remain e n the fern), ploughing matches nigh and the ""Human Sewers" Restored well forret one feature, of the Work of The Iiidceys, £lotvels and Skin are the "betuan sewers" -which carry oil 5g or Agricultural Society.—P. 0, NI the impurities in the blood. When fp, t 8 8 has been clearly demonstated that it pays to sow gbod seed. In the case of clover, the crops from home-grown seed have proved, in nearly every in- stance, to surpass those produced from purchased seed. In many die. tricts where farmers think clover and( 3t. grass seeds can not be grown, it has] e) been proven that these seeds can be tele, successfully produced, They are of- ,g; ✓l. 411. .t1 .t. i.3 .:G .:: :1: i*C .1: <ts LIC ct� West Wawanosh. council mot on Jan• kith as per Statute. Members all present and having subscribed the necessary dec. !oration and qualification papers Reeve Murray in a short address ex.* pressed the hope that their best en. deavore would be exerted In behalf of the municipality who bad seen fit to elect them by acclamation and that the strictest ecanonty should prevail during 1915, Tba following officers were appoint. ed to serve for the current year --W. A. Wilson, Clerk; W. J. Thompson. Treas. ;; G. Webb, assessor; George Rutiege, collector; J. Cameron, rare, taker; R. Anderson and Cbas Girvtn, auditors. Reeve, Councillors and Road Commissioners -- A, Anderson, L. Grant, W. Thompson, J, 3. Washing. ton, Sheep Iospectgre ; Dr. L. E, Case, M. 0. H,; Reeve Murray and J. McLean, Executive Board of Health; Messrs, Gaynor, Stuart, Bear, nes, Bailee, Johnston, Health Inspec- tors, All officers to receive the same salaries as prevailed in 1914. Dungannon News received the con- tract for printing minutes of Statuory meeting held Dec. 15, 1914, read 'and confirmed on motion of Naylor and Johnston. By.Law No. 1, 19155, read 3 times signed and sealed confirming the. ahoy? appointments and their respec- tive salaries for 1915 on motion by Naylor and Mallough. Motion by Johnston and Purdon that Public Librarys at St. Helene, Dungannon and Manchester get usual grant—carried. Motion by Johnston and Purdon that Solicitors acct.' and the Young drain matter be left in care of Reeve Murray who will consult interested St's dui he, ek rte during t rw� P 1; , County Council le. in session. Ac- counts and grants amounting to $111.- 955 were passed and paid on motion by Naylor and Purdon. Council adjourned to meet Feb. 9 at 11 a.m. W. A. Wilson, Clerk. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haws Always sought Bears the Signature of 144.4 Try the -,nasi...° A D V A N,-C.,E" for your next Catalogue 9 <ti <ji < . * * <b <v <Ti <rt� �6. <t,. <ti <ti <ys <;� v <b n <ti ♦•- ♦ <vf poi a� ► r►•r► r► rr ra► rr rr ..► ,.►•.. r'a►•r►•r►•rr r>,� 9,(1, r►•r 10. .• *VAIr •.► .. j� .:. ff. peciai ale ��` .t. ten found growing to perfection on roadsides and in fence, corners, which goes to show that, with care, they will grow in' the fielde. During the winter months is the time to prepare the seed grain for the spring sowing. Clean out alt the weed seeds and Boor and.ehrunkert kernel;; so that the good grain will have a xbanee to do its best. The question of tbe_quality of tbe seed a farmer shall sow is largely iu his own hands. It rests with him whether it shall be clean or dirty, good or poor. Gcod and clean seed will pay.—F. C. N. URIO ACID DEPOSIT the Farmers' Cluts, Farmeb' Iust.atute, wrn-a Vesel-•.irjy Farre Losses POOR SEED D these ate clogged Uric Acid sediment 1 ;ge lodges in the muscles and joints and (.;e. Rhuetnatism followe, ItSIHUM A, ✓e` the great remedies for all fortns of the at terrible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. "For many yenta 1 suffered wit h Rheumatism, -1 am 71 years old, 1 Lt aux proud to ear that after tte•ing of e bottle tf 11 LIEU 1iA the Rheumatic pains ate entirety gone, I daily tt• q, 'emend e ill 1) tay tr k, A great Reduction Sale in 5c, 10c and 25c Store for 15 Days Only Beginning Saturday, Jan. 23rd and eziding Saturday, Feb. 6th. Visitors to our store are always surprised at what a �NNIOK-EL or a DIME will buy, but this sale will be a money saver for you. We have too large a stock to enumerate articles. Sc I4c and 25c Store Misses' parson & Pyke Wingham, Ont. One Door South of Picture Douse 4.•et:4)Z g4.1.i to... A".4'11' ,5!4, �i•�ii.:�rt r:'..ra.::.a►tif.��►*ii►i:.►iiiiir*�i q. IS. 0,01,. I, I,. t,. I,. Tri 4', 4,q. 4 410 OA* . 4•0 4' 4,4✓10 1,. -A ✓,. ✓,. ✓,* 0,4yninetaen�/,ui ttf nrle ,hotrGt,r,d • RHEUM >, i frieude."_ E IttMillittlilltl1t11t11111tlltllill III11I11I11111111111111I111t1IIllttr artadiitn fa' xne•i �'ei-i't tl last Twat ir't ;Will ti,•it Bred r htir Onr, tne'repte.et ta•,v•• 11 1;'• C.)rrlme-.1 n 3, W. Mcltibhan will return Trot, • fCr use tvatin.. sa fC +; ;n h, ;', +. money if it fails; 50 c.nta a bottle, ises 1•)'Ob iii*Cutial. tel• t t Pt° srtateling•state of tiff tire Is die ,•lased, sullen ;sw btigati,tin detnnn- t,trates that least than 'two per ve,nt'of the fat thirra visited fulioty a ystete et - le selection of eeeii situit,xr to lluit fret• hiwt•d by tnemilers of the Gonadial, Seed ;Mowers' Association. It Is he 'Inert or parte o'that quite a , flu,r,her keep the ht... f'. their field for Bruns .!itlt:M1, t,4•V •t,te.•n aesthette,e 4Vet'e C•,11ti cls ft ttlr &MO r1.0d,1H. one disttiet itt Ontario, there Were ttlneti•rn vaeietir- on fifty farm The 'flartner will e,,, theists tett VariPtl•+" toohail, ktt.:ta Jr 'their strength' of straw; arrsi'epttbillty ttl4 dieese orvgeoerai arurt nhtlit rto b» • • • AS HMA COUGHS %YNOOPINO COUCH SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS CA ARRH COWS 14 tst.13T A simple, s:tt..lnd eit stlte treatment avoid. In drugs. Used tvtth nuoeass for 35 yearn. The air carrying the anttreptts vaper,lnhaled with every breath, makes brehthinit easy, soothes r t these ethrnnt' and stops t le south, A*,urinttreaKalaight,, Cr'esolene is teemastie 50 mothers with your; ehildrten and a bm•nto sufferers from At*t.xtnn. Amex* **at j•r dei*'ript'L:,, ben 1. t 1744,940., Ujilir to. da.lt'Ichtr't Machine SShop Our Machine shop fay lei iiftp d for all kitt4is of Genera) il,/'ix:tirl`tldr. Try 11; for SAW tYt_ri1'I111NG, $;KA 71+; ilRIN DIN'(, Ii\'IVES. :�i.1I , Etc. 1 t' ',till have, a ;cod nul>111y of Apple Batu r ort Mand at 6.1 per lb. cry :t ttti1 gu'ltanteed, wi:l keep for year:, E. Merkiey& Son ...hie • Shoo and itt'sidttu4,. net N'n'tit end of Jo'ep'hinti next to 31111 1) m, 1'i1ON E 84. 1'. 0. 130X 62 iI1ti L Jk ialt i 4iii i i{r i1� 3 t Lit lilili�UU L3 d+t•il'�`'('' f : r• ,i