HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-01-28, Page 3r • It ss, • T ,1. W IN GHAM A DVAN"CE 1 1 Pall Froin Sora, 1st, Term UE•NTRAI ea, etATv'QRQ, ONT. The beet Commercial School le the pro- 'ince. Our oourees are thorough and practical while our instructora are better than you will find elsewhere. We de more for our students than alio similar schools. do, Our rates are reasonable. Write for otic free catalogue and see what we can dolor Stu. LD. A. MoLACHLAll - Principal 1 1 Mr. Geo. Moi Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay. Shoe Shining and DYeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, to Give us a call .R BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the Y. M. 0. A. BL LONDON, O •�To Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ChieedAdeaitant 10vnp RAILWAY TiME-TABLE Trains leave {gingham stations daily as follows r G. T. R , c TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: -Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m. ; passenger, 2.30 p.m, TO LONDON :-Passenger 6.35 a. m. ; passenger,, 3 80 p m. TO KINOARDINE : - Passenger. 11 59 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p.m. Co P. R, TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points: -Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 310 p.m. TO TEESWATER : - Passenger, 12,57 p.m.; passenger, 1027 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST' LAND REGULATIONS /SHE sole head of a family, or any male over j 18 years old, .may homestead a quarter - section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The appli- cant must appear in person at tho Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions, Duties, -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farts of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quited iu every ease, except when residence is performed iu the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing mal pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his I"omt.3toad. Price $3 per acre. Duties Six months' residenoe in eaoh of six years om date of homestead entry (Including the tithe required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubbyor stony land after report by Home. stead Inspector on application for. patent. A homesteader who has exhausted hie home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may • take a pnrcha-rd homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per- acre. Duties, -Must reside six months in oaoh of three years, oulti. vete fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. w. F. COPY, Deputy of the 'Minister of the Interior. N.13. -Unauthorized publication of this ad- t aenient• will not be paid for. Auctioneer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the .P -- Advance Office Pore -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. 'T. R Bemiett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT Auctioneers McConnell & Vandrick, Auotinnerra for be (7('nntitie r t IIURON and BRUCE Are piepar,•d to take WI kir, ds oi' kelps. Having had to wide exper. 'etre in thinline, we are tett Hie Ave can please nnyc.na trusting their Ca have either their - sales to as. You n one to ccmduct 'your t=alc, or can have both Withrruitt tetra, charge. O, dere earl(''C. it* with 1+. M,.Ccn. With ntFlf nr t Vereiriel . at. the muttettAPrst BROKERAGE COO E3;T'ORE, Win hank hes Moderate Charges CASTOR VA :For Watts y .d C .l ret . �{ TO Kiwi Yon {�1'a a mi n l P li'1too The • Million Dollar Mystery Copyright, 1914, by Harold Mac Grath CHAPTER XVIII • Tho Maskr:d Ball, About this tame -that is to say, about the time the Black Hun- dred was etretchiug out its power- ful secret arms toward Norton -there arrived in New York City a personage. This personage was the Princess. Par - lova, a fabulously rich Polish Russian. She leased a floe house near Central park and Pet about to conquer social Now York.. This was not very d"iiisult, for her title was perfectly genuine and elle moved in the most exclusive diplomatic articles in Europe wbich, as everybody knows, is the most brilliant in, the world. When the new dome was completely decor- ated she gave an elobrate dianer, and that attracted the newspapers. They began to talk about her higbnese, printed portraits of her, and devoted a page occasionally-- in the Sunday editions.. She became something of a rage. One morning it was announc- ed. that the Princess Parlova would give a masked ball to formally open her home to society; and it was this notice that•tirst brought the Princess Parlova under Braine's eyes, He was at the Perigoff apartment at the time. "Well, well!" he mused aloud. "What is it?' asked Olga, turning away from the piano and ending one of Ohopin's mazurkas brokenly. "Here is the Princess Parlova in town." - "And who is she?" "She is the real thing, Olga; a real princess with vast estates in Poland with which the greedy Ste'? uext door has been,yery gentle." "I haven't paid much attention to the social news lately. , What about het?" - "She is giving a masked ball to formally open her house on the wes,. side. And it's going to cost a pretty penny." "Well, you're not telling ice this to make me want to know the prin- cess," said Olga petulantly. "No. But I'm going to give you a letter of introduction to her high- ness." ,.0!" And you are acing to' ask her to invite two particular friends of yours to this wonderful ball of hers:" "Indeed," ironically. "That sounds all very easy." "Easier than you think; ny child." •"Well, then, Olgo." "That's better, Now, how will it be easier than I think?" "Simply this, the Princess Par - lova is an oath -bound member, but has not been active for years." "Olio!" Olga was all animation now. "Go on!" "You will go to her with a letter of introduction - no! Better than that, you will make a formal call and chow her this ring. You know the ring," he said, passing the tailsman to the countess. "Show this to her and she will obey you in everything. She will heave no alternative." "Very good," replied Oiga. "And then the program is to initet that she i dale IN NW II COUNTER CHECK L� BOOKS .� 1 "There is no'heed of sending your orders for rounter`ebeck books out of town. . 1 We oan fill orders prompt- ly at pr's as that will defy competition: A k to see nue Remtlles. They are the very latesIThing Iin the line and carr he bad ;n bine, black or red ink. No difference in tbep rice t Wingham Advan e Wingham, Ont. i 0 4agareawanweALeseerantanse J ONTARIO MEDICAL. JNST. ' 263 • 265 YONGE ST, TORONTO,`. .,y GENIT4 URINARY NE RVE SKI N"er DLD • OD DISEASES A• CONSULTATION FRO, - ,„sea=s-1.'ElftSflNAL OR BY Uri'EH DR. I3AR OER && I RKf Osteopathic Physiciaosand Neurologists LlSTO X'E!, andWING.-IAM Specialists in the treattnarnt of •call (`hronte TJtat'atnab, servo flieordere, Women's D'sen ee, VI'ti ltntsFrt+ of Children, Stiff Jnlntrt. RhtLntatirn'. Osteopathy cures when All Plea fails: brugiesn met h,.de. `iringham OCttle over (.1111 i' r t F .. tarot a. 1 HOURS aaiwcla il'.800$ m-iiit}m.. • 't a ll ain a4-Opita,8.# Invite Florence and that fool of a re- porter to this ball. Then what?" "You can leave that to me," "Haven't all these failuree been a warning?" "No, my dear, 1 was born opt!. miet%c; Out there's a jinx eom,ewhere in one of my pockets, Time after time I've had everything just where I wanted it, and then -proof! It's pure bald luck on their side, but sooner or later the wheel will turn. And any chance that offers I am bound to accept. Somehow or other we may be able to trap Florence and Norton. I want both of them. If I can get them enugly away Jones will. be forced to draw in flargreave," "le there such a man?" "You saw. him that night at the restaurant." . "I have often thought that perhaps I just dreamed it.". She turned again to the piano and began humming idly. "Stop that and listen to 'me," .said Braine, DOE. in quite the best of tem- pers." "I'm in no mood for whine." "Music does not soothe your soul. then?" cynically. "If I bad one it migh"'. You will call on the Ptincees Pavlova to -mor- row afternoon. It depends upon yon what my plans will be. I think you'll have little trouble in getting into the' uresence of her highness, and once there she will not be able to resist you." "I'll go." "And go she did. The footman in green livery hesitated for a myweut, but the title on the visitirig card was Trate sufficient. Be bowed the coun- tess into the reception room and went in search of his distinguished mis- tress. The Pincers Parlova was a hand- some woman verging upon middle age She was a patrician; Oige'e keen eyes discerned that int.tantly. title casae into rhe reception room with that dignified serenity which would have impressed anyone as genuine. She held the card in her fingers and smiled iugniringly to• ward her guest. "I confess," she began, "that I re- call neither your face nor your name. I am sorry. Where have I had the honor of meeting you before?" "You have never met me before, your highness," answered Olga sweetly." -, '"You come on a charity errand, then?" "That depends, your highness. Will you be so good as to glance at- this? Olgaasked, holding out her palm upon which the tailsman lay: The princess shrank back, paling. "Where did you get that? she panted. -'Brom the head," was the answer, "And you have followed me from Russia?" whispered the princess, her terror growing. "0, no, The Black Hundred is as strongly organized here as in St. Petersburg, But we always keep track of theold membere, especially when they etand so high in the world as yourself." . "But i v',• is calved ens; ba; ray -- ed!" exclaimed the princess. "They urged me to join on the ground that the 'organizeiion was to attempt to, bring about the fceedom of Poland." Olga shrugit;ed.. "Yes were rich.' highness. The Black Hundred need- ed money." "And you need, it now?" eagerly, believing that she saw a loophole. "How -much? 0, I well give a hund- red' thousand rubies on your promise to leave me alone, Tell m'•!" "I am sorry, your highn se, but 'I have no authority to. accept such no offer. Indeed, my errand is far from being expensive, All the Black Hunched desires id four invitattoes tis Chia ball which you are Soon In give. That should not cause you, any alarm. We shall not intetifere with your bejouvti in Arnec(ca in any way whatever, provided these invi teatime are issued." "You need not rob my guests" horrified "Positively ni.! Here is a list of four names. Invite thew; that is all you have to do. Not so much as a silver spoon will be found miming, This is on toy word of honor, and 1 never break that word, if you plea*r." "Uwe we the list," aatd the prin• nest+, wearily. "Who gave you that rine?" "The head." "la Russia?" "No; here in Amnesia" Olga dip- ped into her handbag and produced a blip of paper. This she handed to the prittceds. "litre is the list, high. cess." "Who is Florence Hergre€tve." "A friend of mine," evasively, "Does she belong to the organize- tior.?" "\Tose "hien you have borne u1 '-tlor pur- pose in having me invite het'." "I have," nnawere;i 0:g4. sharply; "hut that does not concern your high. flees in the least." The princess bit her floe. "I see your name here also; a roan named Braine and atath'r, Notion." Sty at once that you do not earls tc *Petite te tha tuiK lCl-ili ante natd8 ->f the older," Said v'ga coldly. •`"1 -will title 5a~jlat Whit. ••A•val 1 yea „'•,rt til isrdai-Jt tett, a>`tit 1'f' thing happens to any of my personal friends-" ""well?" baugbtily from Olga. "Well, I will put the matter in the hands of the police," "But eo long as your persoael friends are not concerned?" shall then of neceeeity remain deaf and blind, It is one of the pen- alties I must pay for my folly. I wish you good -day," "And also good riddance," murmur- ed Olga under her breath as she role and started for the hallway. Thus it was that when Norton went to the office .the next afternoon be. found abroad, white envelope' on hits desk, Indifferently he opened the save and hie eyes bulged, "Princess Parlova request" and so forth and so on, Then he shrugged. The cheif bad probably asked for the invitation and be would have to write up the doings, a phase of reportorial work eminently distasteful to him. He went up to the city desk. "Can't you Sad sOnte. one else to do this stuff?" he growled to the city edi- tor. The city editor glanced at the card and crested envelope. "Good Lord, man Nobody in Chit office had any- thiug to do with that. What Luck! Out' Miele Sayers tried all manner of schemes, but was rebuffed on all sides, flow the duces did you chance to get one?" "Search me," said the bewildered Norton.,' "If 1 were you I'd sit tight and take it all in," advised' the editor. 1''s going to be the biggest eplurgt" 01 its kind we've had in years. We've been working every wire we know to get Mise Hayes inside. but it was no go. This princess is nor onto the game yet. In this country you get into so- ciety or you don't through the Sun- days." - "Hanged if I know who •wished this, thing on me," "Take it philosophically," said the editor sarcastically.. "The princess won't bite you. She may even- have aeen your picture-.--" "Get . ul1" grumbled Norton turn- ing away. He would go out and see Florence. On the way out to Riverdale he came to tbe eouciusiob that the fiat of the princess fell short and some friend of his who was helping the woman out suggested his name. It was the only way he could account for it. - But when he learned that Florence had on invitation exactly like his, own and that she received it that morning he became suspicious. "Jones, what do you think of it?" he questioned. u "I think it was very kind of 'the Countess. Perigroff suggesting your name and that of Florence," said the bunter urbanely. "Olga?" cried Florence, disappoint. edly. "It is the only logical deduction I can make," declared Jones. "They are both practically Russians." "And what would you advise?" ask- ed Norton. - Why, go and . er joy ynut selvee. Forewarned is forearmed The thing is, be very careful not to acquaint any one with the cbaracter of your dis- guise, least of all the Countess Peri goff. Beiidee," Jones added smiling, "perhaps I may go myself.". "Goody I've read about masked hells and have always been crezy to go to one," said Florence with eager- ness, "Suppose use go at once and pick out some costumes?" sugg•'sted Nor- ton. "Just as conn as I can get my bat. no'," replied Florence, happy as a •Iark. • "But mind," wiened Janet; "he sole that you see' the cttrtomcr alone and tbat n.; i>ne else is about" "1'11 take particular care," agreed N.trtott "We've got todo some hustling to find ermothing suitable. For a big affair lake this the town will be ran- sacked. All aboard! There'd room for two in that car of mine; and we can have a spin besides. Hang wik!" Florence laughed, and even Jules permitted a smile 'iii which was not grim this time) to stir hie lips. A bappy person 14 generally nnnh servant•. To bappy persons together. a"e totally unobservant of what par- -es alnttnd theta. In plainer terms this lack Is relied love. Abd being frankly in love with each other, neith- er Not tun nor Florence observed that a taxicab followed them into tow;." Jones, not being in love, was keenly nm,.ervent; but the taxicab tth k up the trail two leoeke away, so the Mee.; ter wholiv c-'tapei J mess eye, The two went into.arrrrat• enetum - ere', lett; cciixia not fled 'What bin"-, wanted. Thea t-ventetilly discovered a ebop on a aide street that had Been. Overlooked by iliosts'in'e:tsi1 -to teethe tnatcinerade, ' :Noy had -a-merry-tinier rufnmeglrg . aiainng' the caniplfory ernaliltlg hoseit, 'there were 'detti'in- oes nf'aTt' eol"yre,.'mid at length thee agreed upon two modei<t ,oileir that were "tie 'nly *latchrd:in rotor and.de. Nip; Florence nee 'ordered them to 1:e cent home, !Eben the tern rtf them eat. led up to the Allis, GMlton and had Tla+eIll art from the taxteati entered neer anrivaieon dienlayed a deteielvele -Wield and detiroo:ndedihitt ilia ,frrnpte.!; tdt" ►'Deist hire t'ii1 tfastatta#tt�i'ee'k si. by the two young people who had Pat left. The man obeyed wonderingly, "1 want a pair exactly like these,' said the, detective, "Row much" "Two dollars eaoh, rental; seven apiece if you wish to buy them." "I'll buy them," The detective paid the bill, nodded oprtily, and returned to his taxicab, "Now, I wonder," mused the cos.tumer, "what the dickens those in- nocent looking .young people are up tot" Bo never found out, On the night of 'the ball Norton dined with Florence for the first time; and for once In his life he ex- perienced that petty, disturbance of collective thought called- embarrass.. meat. To talk over war plane with Jones was one thing, but to have Jones serve soup was altogether an- other. 411 through dinner Jones 're- plied to questions with CO more arid no fess than 'Yes, sir," and "No, air." Norton was beginning to..learn that this strange man could put on a dozen kinds of armor and always re. tain his individuality. And to -night there seemed something vaguely fa- miliar about the impassive face of the butler, as if he had seen some- where in the past, but could not tell when or where. As.he and Florence were leaving for the automobile which was to take them to the prin- cess', the truth came home to him with the shock of p douche of ice cold water. Under bis breath he murmured; You're a wonderful matt, Jones; and I take my hat off to you with the peeped admiration. Rang me!" "What are you mumbling about?" asked the happy girl at hie side. "Was I mumbling? Perhaps I was goingover my catechivm. I haven't been out in society in so long that I've forgotten how to act. "I believe that. We've been in here for five minutes and you haven't told me that, you love me." "Good heavegs1" And his arms went around her so tightly that she begged for quatter. "Bow strong you are!' The splendour of the rooms, . the dezz"ing array of jewels, the kaleido• scopic colors, the perfume. of the banked flowers, and muslc all com- bined to put Florence into a pleasur- able kind of trance; And it was only when the first waltz begun that she became herself and surtetpdered to the arms of the man she loved. And they were waltzing over a vol- cano. She knew and he - knew it. From what direction would the blow come? Well, they were prepared for all wanner of tricks. In an :alcove off the ballroom sat Braine and Olga, both dressed exactly like Norton and Florence. Another man and woman entered presently and Braine spoke to theni for a mo - went, ailif giving'iiietructiona, which was indeed the case. The band crashed into another dance, 'and the masqueraders began swirling hither and thither- and yon. A gay cavalier suddenly stopped in front of Florence. "Enchantress, may I have the pleas- ure of this Banes?" Jim touched Florence's hand. But ebe turned laughingly toward the stranger. • What difference did tit make? Tho man' 'would never know who she was nor would she know him. It was a lark, that was all, and despite Jim's warning touch she was up and away like the mischevious sprite she was. Jim remained in hie chair, twist- ing bis fingers and wondering whether to laugh or giow angry. After all, be could net blame her. -To him an affair like this' was an ancient story; to her it was the door of fairyland swung open. Let her 'enjoy herself. Florencewas having a splendid time. Her partner was asking all sorts of questions and she was reply- ing 111 kind, when ont of the, crowd earne Morton (as .she supposed), who touched her arm. The cavalier stop- ped, bowed, and made off. Norton whispered: ' I, have made an important discovery. We must be off at once. Come with me," Florence, without the least suspic- ino in the world, followed him up the broad staircase. What with the ruany'sounds it was not to be wonder• ed at that the difference in the quality of voices did not strike Florence's ear 1te odd, The result of her confidence will that upon reaching the upper hall's, opposite the dressing rooms, she was,suddeuly thrust into a room and made a prisoner, When the light Was turned up she reoonizsd with her- ror the woman who bad helped to kid- nap her and take her away on the George Washington weeks ago. She could not have cried mit for help if she had tried. Meantime Jim get up and began to wander about in search of Florence. Braine played a clever game that night. Ele and the Russian, still do- minoed like Norton and Florence, ors dered the Hargreave sato, by number, entered it and Were driven up to the to the pilt.t eochere of the Elerga rave house. The two alighted, the chauf- feur sent the car toward the garage, and Braine and hie companiou ran lightly down the path to the street, whete the (.tttl nbieh had followed, picked tht m up. grew It more and more evident to Jim that something iii.towatd had taken place. Ile could not find I"''lo- rence anywhere, in the alcoves, in the t.idte rooms, the supper or caul room. Later, to bis utter amaz'fnent, he a-a"t informed that the llargrre auto had sprue time sines been exiled and ire Werner taken home, Some one had ' taken his plot t . 'His first ieettipatlolr was ittePotent Wry against Janet, who had pel Wit - ,•!.h fit e, Ile Ming n0 tola •tl4 Wit- ted the out of 'ihe ruanstoir br CPie1'anniousl%, cornDifu.dreii'ii is rah, aMI i** trtet to R:vtedda ti. Anti 'vil*OIt JAI% dlfask etre, clean flavory and strong, in sealed packets. 803 a°33 gOa►d, tea" to the door he was staggering with sleep. "What'sthe matter with you?" de- wandered Jim roughly. "Where's Florence?" "Isn't she with you?" cried Jones,. making an effort to dispel the drow. elnees, "What time is it?" suddenly, "Midnight! Where is she?" "Midnight? I've been drugged;" Without a word Jones staggered off to the kitchen, Jim at his beele. There was always hot water, and within five minutes Jones had drank two cups of raw coffee. "Drugged!" he murmured. "Some one in the house! I'll attend to that later. Nowa the chauffeur! But the chauffeur swore on hie oath that he had left Jim and Florence on the steps of the port cocheree. "Get in!" said Jones to Norton now fully alive.Se could not getit out of his head that some one in the house had drugged him. The events which followed were to both Jones and Norton something like a series of nightmares. In the new home of the Princess Parlova a bomb exploded acid fire followed the explosion. From pleasure to terror is only a step. The wildest confusion imaginable ensued. 1'.ioet of the guests were of the opinion that some anarchist had attempted to blow up the house of the rich Pole. Jones and Norton arrived just as the smoke be- aten to pour out from the windows. A, crowd•had already collected. Then JIm overheard a woman mas- querader eay; "The fool made the bomb too strong. She is In the ropm on the second floor, The game Is up is she suffocates---" The voice trailed off and the woman became lost in the crowd, But it was enough Per the reporter, who pushed his way roughly through the excited masque- raders and entered the house. The rescue was one of the most exciting to be found on the newspaper files of the day" So Braine in his effort to scare ev- erbody from the hoose had overreach- ed himself once more. (To be continued.) • Look at your label. "Beautiful Hair Goods Display" PHE DORENWEND CO. OF TORONTO, LTD., Canada's premier hair -goods house, an- novisit to unce thBRUNSWICK HOTEL WINGHAM, ON WEDNESDAY, ,FEB 3rd • when there will be shown an exclusive sample stock of OUALITY1 HAIR GOODS FOR LADIES in: - Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours, Wavelets, etc. An invitation is extended to every lady to call and spect these goods. "The Doren end Sanitary 'stent Toupee" is an absolute necessity to every man who is bald. I t ` will protect your health afid make you appear years_ycung- er. 144 Indetectable,° Featherweight; Hygenic Be sure and see them on day of visit. A demonstration places you under no obligation whatever Remember the- date --Wednesday, Feb.3 WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Establlsbe' Head Ogles I%UELP1$, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of ins surable property on the cash or pre mium note .system. ORO, SLERMAN, JOBN DAvxDsON President. Secretary, RITOHII1i c r °OSIRIS, Agents. Wingham, Ont. DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRIO, AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater, WINGEAM. ARTRUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block - G. 11. BOSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Graduateo~ f the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISAUD & 0O'S. STORE W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc,, N.D., C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur - gory, Bacteriology and Montilla Medioine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the 'Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. TJ. ADAMS Late member House Staff. Tor onto General Hospital. Rost grad nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE+ IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND �T g . M. 11.. P.• (LoudO .)) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Ohisholm's old stand) General .. 4i'ospital. (Under Oovernmei.5 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. 11'1- Opon to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which inolnde board and nursing) -4.90 to 815.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informs - tion! --Address MISS L. MATIHEWS Superintendent, Box 228, Wingham Ont. ec. 31 January Sale jail. 31 at Knoxs ••' verythin g below cost. WAT6HES Ladies' 14kt solid go'd watch, 15 jewel Waltham movement, reg. $40, Sale price $29.00 Ladies' gold filled 14 kt, 15 j -w- 1 Waltham movetnent, t eg. $16, Sale price $11,75 Ladies' 14kt gold filled Walth- am or Elgin watch, Reg. $12, Sah3 price $900. Lodies' or Gents gold filled watch Reg. $10, Salo price 87 25 Ladies' Silver Watch, Reg. $5, Sale price $3 5o Gents 18 size 14kt (old filled case, 17 j -IA el Waltham or Elgin movement, Reg. $25, Sa'o 817.50 Gebta 18 t:iz' gold filled sae", 17 jewel Waltham. or Elgin movement Reg. $20. Stale piice 814 rents 18 siz•i gold filled ease, 15 j-'wel 'Waltham or Elgin move- ment Reg, $16,Sale $10.() 0" nts 16 si7,3 14kt G•>lfl filled ease, 37.jeael %Agin or Waltham, Reg. $2'2, Sale Brice 816 71 Germs 10 size gold filled Walth- am or Elkin vtalth, Reg. $16.(0, Sale pit* 89 76 Gents 17 j WA Oh (1 'i, it 13 ,it g. $1 8, $11). hitt 0.12.16 0410 +17 jewel Waltham rnnve- . tY"i't t it' tnfit'kt•1 ebur, Reg. $ i 13, Sale p' itre 88.73 tlt'nth Elgin nr Waliltdlu ntnva- mens, in nickel Clli*-, Itt-g. $8, tale pearl" $12!5 left over ;nom Christmas must be sold at and BRACELET WATCHE4 Regular $35.00 Sa'e Price $25.00 "" 15 00 "" 10.50 t t 10.00 "" 7 00 t" 8 00 "" 5.25 "" 5.00 4 3 25 I 3.50 4 2.25 Ladies Bracelt is tt (t tc it it tt tt 8.50 7.50 5.00 3 50 Pendant 25.00 15.00 10.00 Ladies and tt g tt tt Xeeklaces it tt t" t t 75 00 5500 40.00 2500 20 00 16 00 10 00' 5 00 3.50 2.50Ciltcks i"i 25 4.00 3.00 2.25 17.00 975 6 50 Gents flings 7..8.00 3000 2800 17 50 11)$0• 9,75 6 50 3.25 2.23 tt 1,40 "t tt tt t, it tt tt :' tt 1, 12 03 t' "i 1(1 01 , rg.03 , I 6.01 a" T.adi :a n d Gents Ch ins ," „ 11 it. 01 8 01 8.1)1 "i oft 210 „ 850 G 51) 11,25 J. A. FOX, D. C., graduate Ohiro praetor. Chiropractic is successful in such difficult oases as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Cons stipation, Female Trouble and all Chro- nic Stomach, Liver and Bowel trouble. Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191. Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m. t> (i() t 15 2 75 , 1 71 len , Lutes Erna Berlet- stow, l.inair at 52,. a if tWtliugly low try:coy S;yediel lmit:C.s 0.1 Tl k tV �hi'v , Ladies id Genie robs .larf len Cul1' Unite, 1Y Irt"ire,, tt lr at toil btlcane. Largo yturk Of Si, Vin Gat.• tod i<'ut tl.ts,1 ; C 1 t TATE yiuEAq Farm for Sale. A good 200 aore farm within nine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement° house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price $6500 00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham P. 0. OVER BE YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADE MARK; DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Attyone eond!ng a aicotch and deserlpGen mal quloildy ascertain our opinion free _whether so invent 1On 1s probnbiy patentable. con>a>uniea- tlonsserlctlyconlldontlal. NA OBOOK onPatents sent rreo. Oldost n ency for cuacurmgp aloins. Parente taken trough Munn 6-; 00.ltCoeiyO special =Moor charge, In the $rde�iftfI Rrerkran. Aall handsomelynewadeaiere. ilinstrated weekly. Largest clr. eulallon er any scientific journal. Terme tor Canada, 83.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by MNeQ 36:Broadway, New Ygrk nranch OEloe. 825 F 8t.. Washington, D. . BUSINESS AS USUAL seael tale Vire Iota -a -i e - Beet Companies Lite Inc - Mutual Life of Canada A'o:tit nt Ins r Newe> t Foliates Plate Glass, Live Stock and Auto- tlil>1. 't r 8 In_c urancerl r r o rlttell p 1" 9w y at lows t rates conformable with ext, ty. Coal 1lstatt bought and sold. It tu, es to mitt, llent q rot 1+ tied. L ttis:tae.iot1-gaurtntee .