HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-01-21, Page 8VVIN'I°lE G00 At Haif Price Lines we want to clear at Move of articles we of- fertlist On Prices. The price w are T -2 ce and less. Cash Buyers Benefits. Ladies Muskrat Lined Coats. with Canadian Sable Collar, Black 13t•oadcloth Shells, Pried $52 00, Sale Price $26 75 Sizas3.038,I0,42,Al Ladies Fur Collared Quilted lined with Blark Ont - lar. Regular 018,00 and $15.00 Sale price $7.50 " Sizes 36-42 Ladies Suits Black, Navy Blue, S::k lined Suite, fine serge. Reg. $22.50 and $20.00 To clear $9.95 Sizes 31 to 44 Mess Suits Our Men"d Suits must move on to make room for new Spring goods. We have 40 Men's Suits at $15and $18, Move on Price $8 75 Ladies Tweed Suits tse r 'n Store - s ,. in smart patterns viceshle,, and stylish. R gular $15 00 and $20.00 Sale Price $4 0,5 each 20 Pieces Ladies Furs in Maimot Stoles and Metre Your choice for $3,05 E Leh Ladies Coats 25 of this Sla.nts newest Coate in fancy Tweeds Curl cloth and olein Weeks,. Ii.°gular $20,00, ,»318 00, $15.00, all this beasone Coate Move on price i$8.75 Mens Hats We are rfft•rine' again this week Mens Hats $2, and $2 50 Hats. Move on Sale OSc. Boys Suits 00 Boys Norfolk Salta with Bloomer pants, Tweeds', Blues, Worsteds Sale Price $8.90 Potatoes and FOWL Wanted Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. Phone your Mail Orders to 70 IIA.NN Phone 70. TRW T I4f. A Troy bleak, and the program a en enenced. It fall upon Bro, Felted' Henry who bas been Financial Secre- tary of the Court sliice its organize., tion, to deliver the chairman's Weeds; and in few but appropriate wotde he welcomed the assembly to the cele. bratiol of the anniversary. Rev, J. U're Stewart, pastor of the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church gave an addrees, and Rev, Bro. C. C. Kaine, Methodist minister, Londe. - 1 bore, in a very interesting address dealt chiefly with the war. Fico, A. H; Mur,gruve, M. P. P., Wingham, also delivered an exeellegt address couching priacipally u n the volvere cy and financial comae ion of the order, Me, Herne Job, Wrugharz, gave Several eplendtd reoitattuus wen* greatly pleased the audience. Mr.. der►•y Morey, S. Hewett, snug several of Harry Laude's famous Bongs which always take well with an audience and received great applause. Instrumentals on both the violin and piano were excellently .given by Mr, Stewart, St. Helene, and Mr, E lison, Langside. The accorupanist for each was Miss Stewart and Miss Ellison, Bluevale Our Literary Society never made such a promisiog start as it has this „ :r_—ry$ate The -addresses given 1a -t week by Miss Messer and . Mr. A. MacEwen on -their trip to Quebec were really in- structive and entertainipg and the op• portunity,it gives of bringing out such resources from our own community ie alone sufficient juntilication for our society. The other members on the program, including a piano duet, a vo- cal duet and solo and a ladies quart- ette were bright_,1?.1 pleasing and ^^ r :' , s to make the moan enjoyable opening meeting the Literary Society has ever had. The hall has been greatly improved by the Decoration Committee so that the meetings will he held in more attractive eprround- Inge than has been the case before. A blackboard is being installed for the see of the speakers and there will be something of special interest at each meeting although it is not always pos- sible to make .the announcement ahead. Nest week owing to a previ- ous engagement of the hall the meet- ing will be held on Mond ty night, Jan 25' h. The Red Ocoee workers of this die- trict are requested to meet in the Pt'esbytexian Church on Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of making another consignment of supplies+. The hotir of the gathering will be 130 p.m. Tho ladies intend to send a bale of bandages to Northern France. The Sunday Sehool and Epworth League Institute, held in the Meth° .dict Church last Friday was successful mad .largely attended. 1L. T. 13. Officers. The following are the c.ffieers elected fur this year in I+'ern Lodge No, 19, of - n.. 4 he Loyal True Blue Association:— W. M., Mre, D. Hamilton; D. M., Mise Annie Cunnirghatm; Rec. and Cor. +.lee., Mite b1. Imlay; t!in, See.. Mr. W. 1'. Miller; Treat„ M s R. D. Maser; Chap., Mre. J.)yet; U ar tf (kr., Mr., W. B. Elliot ; Con., Mee. A. P. Bailey;' TyIer, Mee. W. J. Iiainom; Committee --Mrs. Miller, the, Cunningham, hire.; Joynt; Mrs. re kwitb, Mr, C. 1) ,Sh'tckle ton. St, Helens W. T. Miller t f 'V4ririgham event a few daye around the burg last week. Skating is the order of the day in 8 1ltienr, everybody Ekatoa but tette... ,Jim Miller with hisgasoline ergine reit 40eerde of woad for Thos. Ingle, in Otte del and 73 cords for lied Webb in twit stye, Jimmie is a hustiet with the saw. St. Helensv.aa well repteeenlcd at Wingbam fair on Wednesday, Jan. 13%, Jas. rotator gr t fleet prize for hie big team. mortis. Mrs. John t, 1•'attt•t cn r,f Wiegbam, is epei,ding a few veer ks with her sis- ter, Nis Georg. Thornton. Wh itcchurch lrll 30,.h Anniversary — Court •White• church No 110 C. O.F.,celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of its organiza- tion on Friday evenirg, Jan, 15, 1915 On this date 1385, the Cot started s arted with 18 charter members and in the thirty years it sae grown until to -day it has a membership of 83. It is one of the most prosperous Courts in the vicinity because when an official re- pott with regardto assets used to be issued, Whitecburch stood second in the province. Its financial standing is becoming 'better every' year, and theCourthas every prospect for a bright future. The celebration took tbe form of an oyster supper, followed by a well selected program. The members of the Court with their wives and lady friends gathered about seven o'clock and sat down to splendid repast which for q•tality and quantity could not be excelled. M i•, Kern Paterson was en- gaged as chief utterer and deserves great credit for the splendid way in a Lith the oysters were cooked. About 8.80 Chief Ranger, Bro. T. G Gaunt took Cie chair in the beauti- fully decorated A.ssem'ely 11 01 of the Everyone enjoyed himself to the utmost and the evening will long be remembered in annals of the Court, Tne tutees of this reunion will be an. incentive ro the Foresters for the ruture and cause them to look, for- ward to the next thirty years with. greater interest and with greater de- termination to make them more euc cessful thap those that have gone, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the church on Wednesday after- noon, Jan, '13 h, at 2:30 o'clock, the president, Mrs, (Rev.) Stewart in the chair. Following the business part of the meeting, Mrs. D. Jamieson gave a reading on our Indian work in the West. "Row Best to Imprcve Our Society for 1915," was the subject of an address by Mrs. Stewart in wh'.cb many helpful points were brought out. The topic for the February meeting ie "Our Educational Missions." and will be in charge of Mrs. David Kennedy and Miss Mantis. The topic for the Guild meeting on Sabbath evening, "Make Bold Beginn- ings," proved a'very interesting study under the leadership of Misses Bessie Laidlaw and Jean Olubb. The Scrip- ture passages were read by several' of the members and a paper dealing with the subject was read by Mies Bessie Laidlaw. 4 dismission followed which was full of suggestions t11tt could be need by the young people as a basis for "bold beginning" in Christian work, Next Sabbath evening, "Fav- °rite•Characters of the Bible," will be the subject considered with Mr. J. F. Davideon as leader. About ten o'olock last Saturday af- ternoon the Whitecbilrch Home Guard under tbe i dieient leadership of fleet. Robert Carrick mustered at the ares. byterian Church new shed and par: aded to the Grand Trunk station to stirring tunes of the bagpipes by Mr. John Simpson in honor of three of their number, Russel McKay, Tom Garton and John Kennedy, all Cana- dian born sons, who have enlisted in the third oontingept and who left t n the 'afternoon train for. +mewl. There were 07 men on parade in addi- t on the member's of ,be Whitechurch Red Oross organisation. At the sta- tion between 200 and 230 of the elth Gens pf Wluitectturch and community rzsscinbled to bid farewell to their boys. At the cleppr, eevcral selections were rendered by the Whitechurch Mouth organ Band .and es the tryjp passed out long and loud cheers were given by the crowd, About two e^eeks ago the 13ome Guard was ores anizFu here under Capt. Carrick as instructor,' ellen 20 men enrolled. Drill taking place hath Tuesday even• ing in the Presbyterian church's new sheds and already °v• r 501.a' a enrol,et and the members of the Gamed feel proud that three of their number at least are to represent ham at the front in defence of the British .Er)pire and of the liberty of the world.' ,Corrie. Mies Deyell, Wingham, spent a few days last week with the Misses Earl, south of town. Miss Graham and Miss Peebles were visitors last week with the Misses Edgar. Mr. Wm. Stinson made a business trip to Toronto on. Monday. Mrs. White and Miss Louise spent Sunday at Wingharn with the form- er's son Milton, who bas been off duty for the past few days through illness. The boys in:the Bank of Hamilton entertained the members of the 'King Pastime Club' on Monday evening, Dr. Whitely visited with friends in Burlington last week. Mre. H. V. Holmes and Miss Elea- nor Perkins visited friends in Wroxe- ter on Wednesday afternoon last. . We are sorry to report that Miss Ethel Hyndrnan wbo was supposed to be recovering after her recent severe "Beautiful Hair Goods Display" fHE DORENvvEN D CO. OF TORONTO, L1 D , Canada's premier hair -goods house, an- nounce their visit' to THE BRUNSWICK HOTEL .WINGHAM, ON EDN. 3333 ESDAi�, FEB 3rd when there will be shown an exclusive ample stock of OUALI'I'7 IIAIR GOOD'S it of LAINES Switches, Braidss Transformations, Parnp1dours, Wavelets, etc. An itivltitiJll is extended to every Tatty o call and ,in= spect these goods. "The Doren« ens Sanitary Patent Toupee" is an absolute necessity to every man who is bald. It will protect your health •and make you appe4e years young - ens, •r ti4 Ind( tectabk, Featherweight, liygenic Be sure ani see them on day of visit. A demonstration places you under no obligation whatever Rellnem eir the date-dWeduesdayi a � illness hada relapse on Friday lest but is recovering again. The O. Y. B. of Orangehill etre halt- ing an entertatninent in the Tower Ball on Friday evening, the 22nd, at which Mr. Geo. Spotton of Wiaitbata will give a leotnrt, and a good ,wtzsioal program will be rendered, A very successful Institute was held in tbu Methodist Church on Thursday brat under the auspices of the Epworth League and Suiilay School. ' The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church hold their January meeting on Tnuredayafternounat the tome of hire. Jest, , W, Edgar, south o1 Gorrie; Over 40 ladies were present. A very pleasing effete of the meeting was r the he a er that btheAidr t m m ai of p teen ed Mrs. (1tev.A. B. Dobson with a life membership of the Missionary Society. The Secretary, Mise M, Maguire, read the address and the Preeidaut;, Mrs. J. W. I+;iger, presented the certificate Mss. Dooe+on was t'.ikon very much by surprise but she thanked the ladiee in a few well chosen words.. The January meeting of the Wo- man's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Gregg on Wednesday afternoon, firs, Armstrong read au excellent paper on "the Mother and her child." Blyth Rev, and bars, Small of Hespeler called on fteitedn on Saturday, while en route to Visit the tatter's dome in A churn, There Will he a Mineionary Bat:quet held ire ells Methodist Church Jan. ' •h. Rev, Arnott of Toronto and Mr. J. Stanley of Lucan will be the speak- ers. Mr. Ceaser of Markdale is in attend- ance at the bedside of his daughter Mre. Herb. Thomas, who is very low. On Thursday Jan. 14 b, the Red Cross Uu-cle packed and shipped to the Belgians, 2 large cases of clothing, 1 large ease of food stuffs, 4 sacks of floor, 1 sack of oatmeal and dried ap- glee, in, all 1200Ibe, • On Friday after- noon they will hold their meeting in Milne's Hall, when a consignment of !shirts and socks, ete., will be packed fur the soldiers. Constable Phippen of Wirgham was in town Monday, the result of his vis - will be made known at Wingham on Thuraday, when a number of aur citi- z,ns will appear as witnesses in the case of a young man found drunk in Ideal option territory on Christmas night. Mr.. and Mrs. W, F. Me0euhey of the Commercial Roti!, entertained a large number of their friend's to an in- fnrntal dance on Friday evening. The Phalen Orchestra ng Clinton furniehed the music. The annual congregaticmtl meeting of S`.Andr'ew's Chuch will be held Monday Jan 25th. District L. O. L. election of officers, there was a good representation of the district on Talesday, after routine bu4 inese the following officers aero in• stalled by Wor. I3rc, Henry Horsley of town, D. M.',' Bro, J. E. Tainan. Blyth; D. D. IOL. Bro. Bertrand'•Brxd- burn, Belgravt; `D., Chaplain Bra 0. 0. Keine, Londesboro; D. lite. Sec., Bro Henry Horsey, Blyt.b3; Fin. Secy. ileo. Wrn. Elroy Blyth; D. 'Pres,' Prjttt, Bruce, ndesborn; D. D. lB,ckggitt, loth; D. L •rtttrer, Bro. Reber' Owen, Beigrave D D. L';cturet•, Bro. Henry Leith, man, dielgrave, Lord's Day Alliance. • The aimtial tneeling of lite ,Wingham Thome)) of the Lord's Liao Alliance was held in the Methodist che!rch otr Wed. tan. 1$0l• The president, Mr. Peter Cempbell,-prosided. Devotional pxerclses were conducted by Revs. Perrie and Hibbert. Rev. D. W, Snider, Toronto, Sec of the . Ont. Br, of L. D. A , gave a strong address on the work of the Alliance 'in preserving the Oabbath as the Lord's Day. No *here was the Sabbath better observedthan in Ontario. A subscription was taken up. and the following officers elected: Pres. PP Camps hell; Vico Presidents, Residept Clergy; See Trees , A. 0osens; F,septttive, A. C'a:ppbell, F. iluchannan' W. D. Pringle, R. R. Money and j . Nash, The Enemy Attacks our Front With Knives. On Monday evening last, between six and seven o'clock, the front of our store was attacked by our enemywhn withdrew after putting four elite about twelve inches in length in one of•our good woollen horee'hlatikete. We did not catch him at it, but can vouch Inc bis skill in sharpening and using knives, as the cute were very clean. However, we have brought up reinforcements of horse blankets, just ae good, and just as cheap, and dt will take more than knives in the hands of spiteful fiends to drive us out of Wingham as we have too many friends here for that, and we Intend to have more. We are prepared to stand a siege. We have been iu business for thirty years and have never neer a friend of this Calibre beforeand if we catch him, 0 spy's tri atmerit will tl0ljk.t Remember ! We tnanufactttre our single harness as well as the ,heavy team harness, and do not handle the factory made article, Our prices speak for themselves. We areracticel Collar makers and p a can reedit anything in this fine as we are thoroughly acquainted with she construction. All repairs promptly at tended 'to.— Your patronage solicited. Yours truly, J. Johnson & Son. lilsallh t:ithibit. On lrriday afternoon and evening Jan, 22od,'the'inoying picture exhibit of the Provincial Bolted Board of Health Will be given inthe Town Hell; The meeting at 8 00 wilt be eslieoiatiy for sejiooi eehild'te1i, at 5 p.m. or ' adults as well. Dr. 1'- J. McNally distiet c fr c.-r� of health Will be present andedd, ebs the meeting on Tntl.tte're pertsjning EO pule lie health. The meetings ate free to all, Tender For Wood Teeders,will be retteive'd by the nn- deretphed'tip to Saturday, Jan. 20th for the steepty steeplyof filtered cords of green *and, Woad to be firet class tnttpis and beetle +32 istetltet, eat from hody of tete and delivered at, the Tolett ball: Joltt$ F. Olti?`st Crotte Monthly florae Pair. The last Horse Fair wee such a grand sumoto that the Wingbariz usiness Mrn's Association have de, olded to hold one on the Bret Tuet• day of east month. the next one ht.• ing Feb. 2ud. Vallee particulars next week. -.rr.•4 Of Interest to Lovers of Music. Miew Nettle tibrlstie will begin her study of the organ under her Father's direction and for.the purpose of study and practice. Mr, Christie has ie. stalled in his home a Two Manual and pedal organ. A descriotion of the or - can may interest the musical. (m19 v MANUAL Clarinet , , . . 16 ft . , . 6t notes Diapason, , . . 8 ft , , , . 01 notes Dnleiana . . . , 8 ft . • 61 notes Trumpet . . , . 8 ft , . , , 01 notes SWELL MANUAL Bourdon . . ..16 ft , upper 87 notes Oboe . .. . . . 8 ft , . . . 01 notes Saiielonal , . . 8 ft . . ..61 notes Flute .. 4 ft . . , . 61 notes Harp AEollen° . 2 ft 2 ranks 21 notes PEDAL ORGAN Open Diapason , Id ft , ... 30 notes Stopped ... ,16 ft . • . . 30 notes COUPLERS &C ' Swell to great . , . Great to Wale Super Octave Swell to pedals 't*OX ziUptAt,A Full or B� n F 1 gain p= dell . e „ , la cb Swell Each stop *on the organ, of which there are 16 operates a complete and eeperate set. tree pedals are concave and radiating to college of organ- ists scale. Patrlotic Society Notes The Ladies Patriotic Society shipped this week, to the headquarters of the Red Cross Society, a large box con- taining aR quantity offiannel shirts, night shirts, pyjamas, socks, caps, scarves and wristlets, Total value of • shipment $l50 00. The work of making quilts for the Belgians is proceeding rapidly, a large number of quilte are already complet. ed and a great many more in process of making under the direction of the Committee. Several completed quilts have been donated. The Society would again, ask all those who have material suitable for patches, batting or lining for quilts to send same to Mrs. E. C. White, Con, Tenor of the Committte. A chain of ten cent teas is also bee ing carried on to aid the funds of tbe Society. Anyone wishing to ttssiet in this way, can do so by giving one of these teas. The thanks of the Society are here. by tendered to Mr. L. Kennedy for bia,*fesistance in giving half the re- ts foe, two performances in the cture Hoose, namely, Thursday eve- ing and Saturday afternoon; the amounts received being $19.30 ard $5 00 reepeetll; ely. Also those who patronized the performances are:here- by thanked for their kindness. Let -everyone bear in mind the silent thanks of hundreds wbo will be assist- ed by the work of the Ladies' Patriot- ic Society. without any definite 'know- ledge of whence comes the aid, Let this thought inspire everyone with renewed energy in the euro, two Men_ F en, el' ° ii?:a • 9:t the Rall of .Honer Second Lieut. M. E. Ldlvrenre, whose name appears among the killee to a casualty. list, was the only sur - living son of the late. Hon. H, A. Lawrence and grandson of Bartel Lawrence, of the Punjab. For the last four years he had been living in .Britleh Columbia. He enlisted in the tllth victoria Fusiliers on the day war 1 was declared, and went to );tlg.an : . with the first Canadian contingent 0• landing he hcard that his yon»'. brother, who held a comm' sslon. is Xing'ss Royal Mlle Corps, bad e^ killed in action on the Aisne. He wa offered and accepted a commission his brother's regiment and was sen jo France, Lieut, Ace. MacAlcster of t''. Royal Eng nceers, one of Vancouve- best known golfers, was woaneed A the front and had his right arm arra. putated, Word has 1 at been received in Vancouver that he is In the }'o' pita] at Boulogne, getting along we' Lieut. Cyril E. Parker of Vancouver who (vent to England with the firs' Contingent a• •' was drafted to the King's Royal Ririe Corps, and wa.- killed in action, was the first officer of a Canadian contingent to lose his lif'fleld. Coorpinoraltheb'tey of Toronto, a member of the. Princess Patrician, is reported to have been shot throughthestonach vrliile in the trenches. Private 't hm:lt's Tl, hose of Brant- ford died 31 ''rth-ra -on Hospital of ons axe, Hon. Thomas Bain Dead Hon. Thomas Bain, e:• -Speaker of the House of Commons, died at Don• las on Monday in his eighty-first; year. He represented Wentworth fit the TIot!tr' of Commons for twenty, eight «„'en, 1872 to 1900, Look at your label. ♦ti 4, S MEAT :e ° MARKET A +_, ♦♦ iS .2. ' Inc hest of fresh Dee! and ;t; Pori( "always on hand. Try our own brand of SUIiGAR-CURED 'HAMS, 3; • BACONS. I LLS. Sl?EC- J. •t • i AI o Ant pupg NET. " T'E'R tiE L D. • Order4 caIftcl for arta itt)- livered promptly. y Highest'Cattt'prtee paid for hides f' tet;;d Skirt. • WM. FIELD Butcher Wingham High School Notci'. The 1Gxeetutive Committee of the Literary Society' met on Monday evening Jan. 18 b, to arrange the programme for the meeting on'i'hurs. day afternoon at 3 o'clock. livor» - one is looking forward vtith a great deel of intterest to the nett meeting of the Society for 1015. We would like t see more visltors come to our gather. ings t+nd enjoy the programme with us. The meetings of this term prom - lee to be among the best ever held in theschool, and we feel cure that soy - one who make the exertion of climb- ing the hill will not be disappointed. The Winghana high School Cadet Corps is now almost fully orgairiz-tl, At a recent t,e t t n Bite ion J.A.ri t .1 cI3 linev became FerrierLieutenant, hC0111*lf co• pony cnmmander.or subaltern, and Elmer Taylor, junior Lieutenant. These Men are next,in effete to the captain, G, 'W, Howson. The four Sergeantsof the Corps are John Campbell, Chesley McLean, Earl Johns and Gordon Jefferson. Theta men have chosen their section», and. drill will commence in the armories immediately. Part of the supplies for the Corps have arrived and we e;.• pect to t•tat t shooting practice as soon as possible, eseeseesese3te,Y•-.� Look at your label. W. Elmore Mahood Contractor and BuildEr If you have any work in my line write or call at my house on Frances Street. Estimates and plans furnished on request, Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ELMORE MAHOOD' Wingham, Ont. Box 335 Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER- TAKERS. We parry a full line of Gaskets, etc. James Walker 1.6 years experience, A. J. Walker 0 years experience Day Phone 106 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 PROF. ' WEAVER, LAG. S, M, IL(Ooncert Organist, Pianist, Voice Specialist) Teacher of Organ, `Piano, Artistic Singing. 15 years practical experiense In Wingham on Thursdays Pupils prepared for all Exams. Reeiden,ce and studio 621 Dufferin Ave„ London, Ont. WHAT IS. HOME WITHOUT A SINGER $2 will place the best Sing - el Sewing Machine in your home, balance small monthly payments. A J. WALKER SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture Store Wingham, Ont. ipso amimmor ameario 'GHRISTIE'S` 1 GRO'GERY PHONE 59 1 Store opens 7 a. M.Open evenings during December NEW SEASONS TEAS Om• first lot arrived last week. and the GRADE' OF PICKINGS. we can confidently say, more than match last seasons, .1.00.0.m. WO OLD TEA co �[ as we are completely cleaned out of last seasons', There is no chance whatever of you being supplied with old Tea, • TWO POPULAR BLENDS 85e and 45c or lb, I) These two blends ere of a very high ataudard. They are favorites with all who use them. They out- rank everything on the market at similar prices. Better can't bo bought 1 i 1 1 Lor ereasesetesertn 1 +ris.,itirnrtnehas asitr Qagtelon's Goal The xrery %ept hard ;coal mined. We keep 0 gpo 1 supply of et'd and Soft Wood atilt Cedale Iiplipg, Give its it trial otdar aria join our tuts! teas p>t satisfieJ,ustomerp. R. J.Cante1c)11 Olio, atm i7otiatnloti Exprrefe, Uo. t' ►c e, 47. r'. 0. fox 427 :1 We Have X1,50 IN OUR, BOOKS We wish to Wing this to the at tentionthose o f rho a Yndebted to us and at the same time a regaest for settlement not later than SATURDAY, JAN. 23rd • Of This Month Oe need the money and we need it badly, and trust those who owe us will not fail to favor us bydate mentioned r.. W. H. WILLIS Sole Agents For The THE 'SI-IOE .STORE FOR. .57/00:,LADIES• BOYS' Overcoat SPECIALS Boys' Overcoats, sizes 24 to 28, 5 only Regular SE 3.1, to clear ate 15 only Boys' Overcoats, sizes 24 to 28, in Browns, Navy, and. Dark Greeni, Reg. $5 value, to clear at 3.5u Special prices on all lines of lien's and Boys Ready- to-wear Suits and Overcoats All 1914 accounts are now past due and I must ask that they be paid at once, Aet CAMPBELL The Clothier MacDonald Block, Opp, Bank of Commerce,1�\` Whose Your " r e We'. are Bidding for Your Trade t n .. Dave von .ries tuntk . ,lir# hen? Call and lets have lever nc*r, n rder, !.lean, ffresh(,lrort+riPa of the trent tlu+liry, at Levees t f yrs wanr, i iras, we have them elindeis (meet les, Ft't'.`b 1''t u►tto Appelizing kieets, lligb-grad. Tea and Coo..0 and pure Ot.hfebt- ionary, all leaning brao4s of liteakreeds Beds and hest 'Canned: Gat tis en the; maiket, leder orders twill he prom tly iltd! and SalisfaetOiIly if KIt With HenryT. Thompson '11115 HOI/Slt OF QUAI.tr Su weer to E, B. Hot .,.• �- "--"'.fir"•- �=. �rrr�tt __....