HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1915-01-21, Page 143RD MB YO 1
re. ammo; Donaldson vele
fiftieth anniversary of their
ea, eta Tuetday, fan. ltetb, t t
In Beyfield, in the prelaze.
h ir family and numerous
Moon left his &theta home
be year 1860, +tontine
. ere he has rennin -
year 1806 he was
of matrimeny to
ter of the latteeohn
n., Godetith Tp.,
cleonalca Presbyterian
4stcr of 011uton. Ma and Mrs.
notation then started to hew out a
horue for •themselvee, locating on the
Mt con.. of Bullet TO, where they
lived for a period •of two years, +Lifter
which they moved to the first eon. of
Tuanberry, a half a mile from Blue.
vale, svhich was then solid bush. After
clearing up a portion of this farm they
deckled to sell it, and sold ib to Mr,
Smith. They then located on. the 10tb
con. of We Wewattoola, Count)! of
Buron, where they remained for a few
years, and sold. it to Mr. Robt, Lock'
hut who since retired and moved to
Winghatn. Ur. Donaldson then mov.
ed to Stanley Tp., Boon County, lo.
eating an the Broneon line where he
engaged in farming. .In threshing he
was the first man to inteoduce a trac-
tion engine in Stanley township, later
on he went into saw -milling which
was carried on by his sons Chas. and
In the year 1804 he moved to Bay.
field leaving the homestead to bis
eldest eon, Chin. and with bis son
Jas. bought the drill shed and built e
• wwftj wbere they carried on an
extensive business for *ears which
Was later disposed. Mr. Donaldson
than retired some 17 years ago and
'With his partner in life continued to
enjoy the balmy tweezes of Lake
* Unto them was born tbree eons arid
; two daughters of wletclx only 2 now
survive, Jas, of the Sault and Chas,
connected with the J. L Case Tbresh.
lag Machine, Co., Racine, Wis.
The ceremony on Tuesday, presided
" over by Rev. Alfred MacFarlane, B.
D., tnialster of St. Andrew -a Church,
Bayfiela, who conducted a lama sea
- 'Mee addreesing the aged couple brittly
aranmendlie them to Go 1, after
whieh the company Sat down to a
sumptuous repast to which full iustice
was dohe.
The good wiehes of the friends •be-
longtote to the family were very fillnitously tendered by Rev. Mr. Mac-
Farlane who proposed a toast to Mr.
and Mrs. Donaldson.
• Several of the friends present spoke
of the appreciation apse high esteem
in which Mr, and MFS. Donaldson were
held and their good wishes for their
future, Mr. Donaldson has been a life
long Preebyteriaxt and an elder of St.
Andrewe Church for a great number:
-ok years. They were the recipients of
many meetly and beautiful presente
frent th, ir relatives and Mende,
Araong thc se from a distance were
Moe. Beck, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Donaldson, Binbrook; Mr. Rbt.
Donaldeop, Hamilton; Mrs. Elsie A.
• Richard, Goderich Tp.
The above refers to. the parents of
our esteemed townsman Mee Mae.
Laugli au -el Grow Fat
The publiet ea rep iet of en 'ash be.
nevolent eociety says-"Notwithstand
ing the large amount paid for med-
icine and medical attendance, very few
ambits occurred during the year.e
Two Irithmen were earnestly dis-
erasing the comparative usefulciess of
the sun and moon, but they could not
disinies the topie as lightly se did
Jenne Russell Lowell, the see. At last
gee of them swore that the Ann gave
Ze stronger light. Said the other -
"taint the moon is more +tensible."
"Ilovi do yea* make that out P., Oh,
it's alsy." Let's hear yeas prove it V,
"'Betted., the moon Shines in the bight,
when we nade it, while the sun comee
out ie broad daylight, when even
one -eyed Man can see without it."
Italy Horses.
M Beek will be in Wingham
, e,‘ oettet, 220, to pttr.
-•aa hies. Be will be oh the
r ispeo, same at eight o'clock he
the mortalotity Site advertieement On
arkether page.
Olistarcily Act.
A, week or so ago, latierretattite in
front of II. Johnetent's *Ohio Wot ke
wire tweet from their bases by tease
vonclele, Mrjohneton hes offered a
hatelsome reward foe the 'capture of
the perpetrator of tech vandalient
Provineal Officeir PhIppen Iles been
Metalled on the tune and it is to be
bopedthet the guilty oast Will re*
etora Ogles poralehroette
14, rsi. 144tiaseld Is Sou will hold an
bon soe of tonna were &ea young
lit tbs bissiesi4. Betel on tots
eiseepery etext, aommenesing et
fr�**ors WS be 4(fisiett'
itg owl alt
boo retneinge
Aetfate- 'tea
, • tiffl
f& Palls
• ,
The Canadian Way.
When tilnea are good,. and labor dear
We coax Mos r1t8 workman here,
And, should he ehrink to croao the drink,
We tell hien he has naught to fear.
But, when the times are hard and straight,
Ilis ia indeed a torry fate;
We let him lie, With itarving cry,
• Vire Litmus,. Weide our gate.
When all the battle flags are furled,
• And wolf and Iamb together Curled,
We loudly sit,g,.....‘,God save the King."
' And bid defiance to the world.
• When sonte Intlet go to bear the brunt,
And cheek the German KaitieraS stunt,
We still can brag, and wave the flag,
But send the Britishto the front.
• When Princess Pato charge down the pike,
And put the Gerneane on the hike,
• We shout—'4illooray for Canaday I
The world has never seen our like."
•• But when word comeacross the waves,
• The Ant contingent misbehaves,
:We cry aloud to all the crowd, •
• _ 'Them Britleh born are foOlo or knaves."
• .When other men with oivord and gun,
Would stop the fierce destroying Hun,
We 0011batbe emit- as money lest,
• And still look out for number one,
When other lands attain their goal,
. Our name shall blacken Heavnts ocroll,
A thing of scorn, all men to warn-
A country that has lost its roul.
• Onlooker.
• Election of Officers
Maitland Lodge No, 119, 10.0 F.,
at their regular meeting Iast week ib'
following racers were beetalled •into
office by District Deputy, Peter Deane,
of Wingharn, after which some de.
gree yank was conferred on some new
N. G.--11. Jobb. •
17. G. -B. Porter,
R. 0.-J, F, Groveca
F. S. -X. Haines, ,
Treas.-}1, B. Elliott,
R. S. N. G. -J. Crandall,
L. S. N. Jacques,
• Ohap.-It. Hinecliffe,
L. S. V. Robb• ,*
R. S. V. G.-3. Moore,
0. S. G. -J. Cummings,
J. S. G. -T. W. Dodds.
• eleleteloleleaat
• Guide'
Index to Advance Advt.
McConnell & Vandrick
T R Ben •ett
Orval Taylor, Studebaker
W. 11 Willis
W. J. Greer
• Hamilton
14% Carter
T. Fells
Wm. Field
Elmore Mahood
• J W. McKibben
Merchants Brokerage Co.
Hanna. & Co.
• 3. A. Mills
H E, riard at Co
Xing 13ros
R. A,, Currie
Jas Walther
W. A Campbelt
Christie'sJ 11
Henry T Thonieson
Johrlson & So
Ritchie & Cosens
). G. Stewart
ot A et. •
E. Markley & Son
Mantes Studio
D. Bell
Misses Carson& Pyke
A 3. Walker
R. Ji Centel&
A. McLean
Save Money
• The price of the Advance is $1 per
year in A.dvance. We bare over
$2,000 past clue. We need the money.
If lea paid to advance is $1.50. If
we moan go to the -expenee of en -
ging 9, Cellection Agency to collect
arrearages $1 50 will be charged, '
Former Principal Successful
The Press of Ingersoll are loud in
their praieee of Principal J. 0. Smith,
of their Collegiate Inetitute. The
attendance this time last year was
118 andnove it le 173. There is el.° a
Claes of 27 in Agriculture, y;
Card of Thanks .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed; Lynett wish to eat
tend their sincerest thanks to their
neighbors and frienas for their kind-
ness during the Massa and „,death of
their little boy.-
At Home .
Last week Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Rob-
ihson of Belgraee, gave an At Home
to their friend and gueet of honor,
Miss Bertha Disney, of Wingham.
They had a very pleasant tea, after
which wag music, vocal and instru-
mental, Miss Alva Rebinson, delight -
e' of the house, gave an instrumental.
There Were about one hundred and
fifty present. The guests included
Behr:ewe. Blaeale. Whitechnrch, St.
Auguetine and Wingham. x
Cburch ilews
• Methodist •
Interesting seevicesWere held lint
Sunday in the Methodist Chun* in
connection with the Missionary Anni-
versary. Mr, Wta, Gibeon of London
was the speaker both morning and ev.
ening. A gifted speaker, his graphic
'diEcription 1g missions and his earnest
appeale impressed the large congregp.
• time. The people reeponded liberally
ia behalf of Home and Foreign rain
dons,• Mr. Gibson will always be wee
COMO in Winghtro. '
' The Eptvorth League meeting on
Menage, evening last was largely at-
tended, Mr. A. ff. Musgrove, M. P. P.
gave a taagnifitient eddtese, his theme
[being, "The Place of Fiction in the
:Teaching of biota' Tomb." Ile by
'splendid ilinetretioter revealed that
'the great write. e of Fiction in etory
iform made clew great woadiv
• lie cloeed by a revielv of Geo, BIllotte
masterpiece, 4Rinnote " Be was heal t
ily thanked for his ericlreett.
• Regular setvices will tea held net
Sunday in the Methodist Church both
morning and evening. The pastor
Rev. I. W. Hibbert will D. V. preach
at both eereices. .A. cordial welcome
Ito all.
St. Paul's Church
: A very pleasant owed evening Wee
spent eit Monday by the members of the
A la P. 4 At the conclusion of the us
uAl order of business a short progtem of
songs and reeitatioos was ga en, after
4.4..14•1.444.444.4.44++4•614.1.44. which light refreshments were seta ed.
When Moyer iles in the grave
And hitt erlp on life relseee
Safi Will Aebfigt1 folk be rear
- Poing taxes,
When" 1124 tnlebty war le cirri
• And Romany le tin more,
Still will Asliflehl toile be PaYball
'News as telore,
the'estrth &Rh COMM tO Veen
tes side.
tier Aelearial folk he done
Meld* lattite,
&welds an Wednesday evening at 7.30.
W. A, on Thursday afternoon at 3 e -
• The Senior Chapter el the Brotherhsol
win Meet at the Iteetory Friday itarening
" " • ••• .6
' . . .
Mrs, 4rah, who Ise been the
rest of her hrother, Mr. .1. ito11.Le,
14_11.rottlreed to hw bone I
filakPLefi.e.tilletelaie Ire' in
Mt Mord'
e. WI re,'MWelti le a b e vita
feet to ettertefeto,
its lamina ef
Letter From Sub,
scriber in Russia
Eawzngnl,analtif, Sept. 31, 1914.
To ths Editor of Advance ;
Wittghana Oat,
Dear Soe-et thought that a few
lines from thie far away part of the
world might be ef intermit to your.
readers, particularly as Russia is our
oily in the great war now devastating.
eEftethe4)wtwhole ehdl:orralld.Y6413g the eamterteree'':
Since the outbreak of hostilities, I
have not always received my AdVance
regularly, hut when I do get it, you
may be sure I read it thoroughly,
think your correspondent "Cialoolter"
Is rather severe at time), when he hits
up the Town CounciL If he were out
here he would fled something to growl
about, As you know, We have eotne
sort of government by the people here.
but it is considerable of a farce. The '
country le really ruled, by different,
eteetsalinti clans, or certain t3O Called
holy order of the sacred ikon, and any
one outside of these has no show. In
some places the lines are drawn en
closely that no one outelde of the °hoe
sen few is considered eligible for the
position -Of echaol teacher,
The Municipal laws are made by a
number of men, eupposed to be elect-
ed by the people, but really Chosen in
advance by the order of the ikon that
happened to be in the ascendancy,
attended a meeting of the town.
fathers recently to see how the pane
• is played. The leaders for the Tear as
called aline& and the others are all
',tornado, with the exception of a sort
of intddie man, who is called A SIM -
ink. It is the atnbition of event Lo -
muck to be a Blalock, or, at least, , a
Simuck sonie day. The leimuck for
Luis year it a nem named Wm.'. • He'
teferted to the recently elected Lla.
=cite, seying he was glad, they were
not an altogether new set, a eumbet
ot the old identitiee were still there, an
mound as ever, and quite able to stand
the grind for another year. He hoped
the new men would not have their
nerve killed by Critielern before they
had citt their municipal eye teeth, a
litele drilling would do them good.
• Speaking of a pavement recently
put down on one of the Main streets,
he said it might have had a better
crown, and. the enamel was wooing
oft lee had also noticed some cavit.
ies, but them could be ,fifIcclea,
•' With regard tofirianCial neettersile
stated that after having been a year*
office, he had discovered a ehottageetif
about ten thousand roubles in ehe
ttnrn accounts, the town had eufferea
a lose of revenue through the prohibi-
tion of the +tale of vodka, but he be.
lieved a strong, eteady pull would
bring it out all right yet. The expendi-
tures had, bean on too liberal a scals,
aud more Conservative methods would
have to bc adopted by thoeeln office.
Simuck Ohitatell seid he had agreed
with the JEltnettek regarding haviug•
Conservatives in office; he believed
town bush:lees should be rule on party
Lomuck Belykin didn't agree With
the latest speaker. Business in the
country, he said, might he done on •
patty linee, but in town every PAO'
-should have his own 'phone.
Lotnuck Navormante owner of two
hundred acres on the Side of a hill, ob-
jected to this; he de:night the country
people just ae good as those in town.
The dicunion threatened to grow
personal, when Lomuek Lebeivad
moved, and Loinuck Poterstansecond-
ed thee the whole matter be referred
to a Committee- With power to act..
This was carried. .
flunuck Winri then referred to the,
fact that a certain JeW named Ware
brohryte deepite repeated warnings,
mill continued to traffic within tir.
to wn initP, At this an anti-Setae:lee
uproar occurred. The noise Wee ad
greatthee I caught little that wise
bead, but 1 remember Lot:creek Rub
celled stating that the jewe had.
brought On the Teutonic plague. *
Atter the ,umult hadsomewftataLtb-
eidedthe Ilimuck again referred te
the ten thousand, rouble thertage,
ter some discuesion it was moved by
Lomuck Fotdcawr, and seconded by
Siam* Chimtell, that the town scribe
be requested to take out a search war-
-rant to find the money, This Was care
tied Unanimously and enthetlastically.
A tturnber of men then implied fut
• variant positions. A maa was needed
to superintend the building of a tow-
er from which a lookout could be kept
for the Germans. The applicant, en
being asked for hie qualifloetione,
stated thas he was a budder of pave
manta Me ikon being right. he get
the job.
' The next Man applie4 to eepervire
the diggiag f trencties mound the
• Wei, 1is qualificetions were that he
Once built a torte stable, and, AS hts
ikon too, was satisfactory, be was glv.
en the posileop.
A taint marl applied to take oiler's
of the brsteien el aim's* building to
&oleo tete treaties on their wee tee tea
wow, Eh was at ones taken on, as hie
Ikea was O S. Val he ware OW
Sire% aieweintimem thee toot peeve es-
, emit Ili '00/11 WA, bat al aftwataa
estallitept, Wofook toe tlist whenteplened
taken, as most of them were from a
distant part of the Empire with differ -
eat ikons, It was thought that the
beat use that could be mode of them
wattid be to send them to the front to
stop GerMan
• This clotted the meeting and the
'members went home shouting "Down
with the Jawa" and cheering for the
Great White Ozar, wondering in their
• hearts where they eOuld find any
I MOO cc:include as this is a much
• longer letter than I intended to write.
Kindly remember me to Frank Van-
e6one, Paye Ball and all thereat of the
oho Smith.
P. S.. -.I have an opportunity to send
thie out of this country by the hands
,•of a Yankee friend, who will , pose it
for me when he gets to New Torke.I.S,
• Mr. Robert King ie on a businets
trip to Toronto,
Ex -Warden Brill, of Teesevater, was
In town on Saterday,
• Mr, A. M. Crawford WAS in London
en businees last Friday.
Mr, Solomon Oloakey of Bluevele
spent the past week with friends in
• Mr, D. Eckmier of Clinton visited
at the home of Mr. Lutton this week.
Netterfleld, of TOronto, is visit-
ag ber sister, Mrs. T. J. McLean. ee
• Mr, and Mrs. Fred Morris have been
visitina friends at St. Helens for ths
pala4'.P days.
rs, William Hetheringtcm, Wilkie,
Seek, is visiting her piece, Mrs. A.
Mr. It. A. Currie Was In Stratford
this week attending the Stratford
furniture exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Ashley of• '
Kingston visited at the home of Mr.
• Jno. Cloakey last week.
• Mr. Bartley, Winnipeg, is in town
again assisting Mr. Albert Rintoul in
the purehaeing of horses.
Mr. G. M. Elliott, Goderich, was
en town Wednesday in connection
.with the Childeener Aid work.
Mr. and Mrs. Si. Clair Phippen and
:daughter have returned from an ex-
tended visit with friends in Grey.
,< /dies I. Haddock, Deaconess,and
Ratlewell of Vancouver, visited
their cousin, Mn. Lutton; on Tueeday.
')k Mies Violet Scott, who is home for
her holidays gave a party to a num-
her of her Mende and neighbore of
Heist Wawattosh on Friday evening.)(
.Mrs, Wm, Finlay, see and little
grand -daughter, Mabel Kemp, are
spending the tvneter at Long Island,
New Yotk, with the latteee mother,
.Mrs. John geMP.
Mr. and ears, E. A. Haentaceill and
little son left last Thursday to reside
in London where Mr. Hammond has
:had a position for some time
)(Mr. J. W. IL VaeNorman of Bran.
don, Man., while on &business trip to
the eastern cities, took. a run up to
Winghem where he teas a welcome
visitor to his many old friends.
fmit Id eel '
•••••;,•11111.0.016"4.110 .•••••••%"....0 P.010.6
'Local items
Mrs, flohnes, mother, of Mre. jos
Wellwood, was stricken with pantie
ale on Friday lest; she is 94 years old
Mystery ot the Poison Pool In five
reels at the Picture House, Friday,
Jan. 22nd. This 113 an extraordinary
.production. Don't miss it.
Health is all Important. You should
go out and see the free /fleeing pie.
tures in the Town Hall oa Friday at
80 p.m. tied 8 p.m.
The editor of the Advance is grate-
.ful to the officers of the Huron Old
Boys' Association of Toronto for an
invitation to their fifteenth animal
At -Home.
Bread, Potatoes and Soup given
away fres to any families in need,
every TueXday and Thursday at
T. Felts .
)(This week Mr. Fred Devidsote of
bast Wawa:posh who is one of the best
'feeders Of Derbam cattle, soul t.ei Mr.
Wm. 'held, a tear of Baby Beei'year
old-. which have made very fattey
bed. Mi. Field intends to keep in
etoek the beet 'pet Shat can be bought.
The regular monthly meeting of
thii Wombs: Institute will be held
In the Council chateau:tie Thursday,
eJun. 28th. at 3 o' I -rk. Reading by
Miss McCracken and Mrs. Hall. The
members are regime, ed to answer the
roll with quotations from Burnie
Mr, O. Munro, Manager of the Buy-
ing Dept. of the William Davies Co.
for Western Ontario, hart inereesed the
floor soon of hie often, taking In
that formerly ocenpled by the North
HuronTel. Co. Mr. W. Vanitone,
who owns the building, 1. rateltibg
110Ole inaprovetnente.
)(While a number of ottr Methocilet
frlende were j nue:toying to kleet'lle
On Friday leer, the sleigh everthrtted
and Mts. A. tilled and Ulm pato)
slightly 'balked. Several rotenone are
*twat for the upsetting, but 'the most
ttp Them the one eide watt Wile Val
fettiltabbee beetna thetelna retell gee
0.1.44g and gleve4.,•ovtr to the other,
y Malt. T, Ctovell, A. a. p. non.
vine. Got., ime ateepted the poen of
Orgartist and Choirmaster Of St Andrew's
Church, Winghent, and is prepared to he*
copt pupils at reasonsible terms( for (ho
study of toted and insti mental music'
Mr. Cowell has had a iNide end varied ex•
perience in muck and is a eery euesessert
teacher. Mr Cowell hopet toles In Wing
ham to take up his &hoe the first Week
I1 February; chivies to start the second
week, and hope% that by Atria attendee
to loreense Rad fitidiful work te berme a
loy -1 celeste ot Vinvgisatro.
Itaiteraton-ato Mort* ent
nary 3 h, to Mr. iod
Thortreate, herk
Letter From Mr. Hall
To the Editor
Dear elir ;-I buppOse by the time
3'ele *agave Ghia the municipal content
Will be over, and the new Qouttell
each Member armed With *
bum% of good resolution, as to Whet
he 'will acioneplieb. during 1910. Had
We been a resident of the good old
town* We certainly should not have
fayored:eitch of the eandicletes for the
Reevethip with a vete, However,
may a epirit of progress and economy
preyall andwhen next nomination
hour iterivea, every member of the
Council be made happy by the sincere
ambits of the electors. When Z MAO
• to refloat, on the wort of electors, I
do net think that bas occurred very.
:often in Winkhard, and so I cannot
give accurate dates, but I hive often
Weird of It being otherwise,
Well, I ata not repeat° write again
so loon, but having a fete !Pam Mc"
Mentes my thoughts turn again to the
town where I spent Often • years, and
the paper on which I apente ea much
real hard work. So IIIII my fountain
Oen and begin.
While half the world is torn and
bleeding from a war unparalleled in
the history- of this old planet, Cali-
fornia, is conducting in her Expositions
at San PrAnCISOO and San Diego, one
• of the greeteet celebration of the
triumphs of peace, Already tourists
accuotomed to wealthier to Europe or
Florida, are artiving In Pasadeba.
• To -day, four long palatial trains be.
sides the De Lexeeregelar overland
arrived well-filled with passengers.
Wel cannot blame tourists for being
shy of war -tor n Europe, So far tide
winter these tourists have 'brought
with them twentriive eardeado of
autonlobiles, with whith they will
enjoy Oalifornia's magnificent, roads.
Of these tweirty-flve-car-loade of autos
twenty one costly ones were billed to,
Pasadena., Before: 1916 rolls around,
it le estimated that millions of vieitore
will enjoy a trie to Mitt state, many of
whore will become residents. It is
predicted that prosperity and progress
will be the result. Railways, report
that during the first three weekti of
October lest- fifteen hundred 'people
who came to California offered their
returnefickete for sale or refund.
• 'Anima our noted visitors recently
was Edward Ensertgai Barnard, one of
the greatest astronomers of the evorla
Be has discovered sixteen Comets, as
well as the fifth' satellite of Japitet.
One of hie eatilavemeeti was to photo-
graph 'the, "Milky Way" He holds
many Old medals for his testronomeeal
:* Say, Mr, gattor, what Would you
think of a train half a mile long lead -
ad With oranges? Wella train loaded
with the yellow fruit, half a mile long,
left Los Angeles hat week for the
Emit. Did you geteniy of theni?
• Pasadena le in Los .Angeles county,
and by.the\ way this :county will soon
ehow Meth, tereesspreir books a valua-
tionof one billion dollars in property.
The figures are a little over $793,000,
000. The billion dollar value is here,
andlio,en will appear on the amessorie
roll. 'Thee puts this county ahead of
any other in thin State.
New Yearley was oneof tharming
beauty, and the 26th annual Tourna-
ment of Roses was a aplendid .success.
The parade of gorgeous floats. was
three mike long and took pettily an
hour and half to pass onr point of
obsereation. It Is intimated that 150e
000, visitors sew the perade. There
Were ten Bands, and the most popular
tune and, the one played by each Band
Ii;'s a long *ay to Tipperary,"
and elle of the Bands for a 'variation
• sang it, enine of the epectatoet joining
with . them, NO eity in the world
open the NOW Year so charmingly AS
doeS Palau:Una. The scene is one of
exquisite beauty, and a description of
it, even could I attempt it In Ihnited
space, Would -utterly fail to be at all
commensurate with the beauteous
scene. One of the floate east over
81800.. A floret f. te on January let is
bnposeibla except in a few favored
cities, but here, floral beauties bloom
out-of:doors when eastern, northern
and Middle America are covered with
a mantle of now posing, I may
say' that it le claimed that theta are
here 8,000 Varieties, of roses, The
Imo:mole throng of viators was Meet
orderly and gave the police force no
• trouble, The elecerie milweete hOWe
ever Were ivenuoudy taxed or a test
401"h: Oiai:ttltith40 citietytalc0tsg
s 04tVinioitOrlan
PbOrelt," apta se WO tO44 Or ittOtOen
tiVitt their knittipg needled while
listetilag to the sermon, 1 illuieretend
eaat poe Bishop lool intimated thet
•knitting in Chetah is more tolerable
tole leo Of te then to g0 to sisep
during tha tarmon, and We have
knee/0 teen a Winghato editor to atop
10 Chneith, but of tented that was
marbly a tribute to the sonfiltog
dowse of the discourse, The ptitne
promoter of this .new department' ,of
ohliethso activity (knitting in (Thumb)
*aawonanwhoIjesid to hate Oete
useompleawl !1,00 TUX IX nealla
Fil) ve Ss -swim of is, s
Follows the
that ell the congregation° have taken
Op tbe fad, for peretintellY 1 have no
seen any of It but it is 'abroad', Now
bnittiug for the young Belgians is
commendable, but it occurs to nee that
one'neillion dollars of that lady's thirty
five would buy a thousand times as
Melly socke as will be knit in Church
by the congregations of Southern
• The railways of this State appear to
be optinistic of the future, and are
preparing for trade expansion. As an
indication of this; two mortgages were
recorded in Los Angeles1 the county
mat, a few clays ago. One of them
was for $100,000,000, and the other for
$160,490,500, and both were gieen by
the Santa Fe Railtetty, The Southern
Pacific and also the San Pedro and
Salt Lake are improving that equip.
But it is time..._to, pease, and so 1 will
weary yoertaimpositers no longer at
prevent. ‘' Wishing you and all my
at one/time subscribers a prosperous
I am Sincerely,
Theo, Hall.
Called Home.
At the midnight hour on Friday
last; Mrs. Hugh Hamilton of this
town was called to her long bome.
For some time she had been ill and
the end was not altogether unexpeet.
ed. Mill. Hamilton was horn in Car-
leton Place 67 year" ago and when a
young girl tnoved with her parents,
mr. and Mrs, John MoTavish,
to Turnberry and about 48 years ago
was married to the late Hugh Hamil-
ton. -
There rennin to mourn a loving
mother, two daughters, Mrs Arch,
Campbell and Mrs. Robert Arbuckle
Saskatoon, and four sons. John, Gil-
bert Plains, Man.; Hugh, Oshawa;
James, and David of Wingham. One
daughter, Bella, has gone before.
Mrs. Hamilton has four sisters, Mies
jesste McTavish, Wroxeter; jno.
McEwen, Mrs. Thos. Dow. Gilbert
Plaine; and Mrs. Duncan Matven,
The funeral was largely attended
and the services were conducted by
Rev. D.Perrie of whose church Mrs
Hamilton was a consistent, devoted
member. Ali that was mortal w
borne to its lest reetiug pl
Messrs. P. Campbell, A. Pamplie 1, J.
McCallum, Robert Lockhart, j.
Ague*, 0.- Elliott. The •family have
the eympatby . of all in their sad
bereavement. e
On Monday evening last, Mrs, M J,
Bell had the miefortuneeto fall on the
sidewalk and spraining hottailaillt
" Miss Mettle Calvert, who WI-- leen
indisposed *ith a severely sprained
ankle, as the remelt of oketing on te
river ono day last week, s rapidly
Meeting of Huron County Council
The council of the b rporation of the
County of Huron will meet m the control'
chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on
Tuesday the 213th, inst. at the hour of a
W. Lane. Cleric.
Wanted -daily work -Apply Mrs.
Frost, Patrick Sr.
Good Breed Sows and some Armee
for sale. Enquire at Advance mace,
LOST -In Wingleam, it fine gold
chain with gold piece attached, Finder
will be suitably rewarded by leaving
same at Beattie's 'AVM&
NOTICE -All acconnte owing the
undersigned which were contracted on
or befote Jan. lst, 1915, must be paid
Mier before Mar. 1st, 1015, and save
further expense -S. E. Pattison. 17-18
Recruiting has been in progress now
for over a week, for the hird contingent,
Canadian Expeditionary Form To elate
some fifty odd have enlisted from the
County of Huron, eight o, them being
from Wingham Major H. T Rance of
Clinton, the recruiting officer for the.
County of Huron reports thee those taken
on so far are all first elan men, game of
them being old soldier*.
Recruiting continues until Monday 82th
N. T. Sinelair.
Pated at Goderich, this 12th, day of
teleary, 19I5,
Oaticad of torn for sale at the
Gotha Ttenk Station-Tipling & Mills.
WaNeaatt-A reliable Matt to eel!
STUCK in Winghain and Baron Cot
' filbert now at the best emitting time
Send for Set of Spring Offerings and
tertos to sgtoto, Liberia oonoosvs.
liandanlide free out titeaTbe
r)mthill Nursoriee. (Eetablithed 1887)
Try a pail of apple butter lain; this
is a -very cheap thing at 0 as. rer
pontid considering the twice of anger,
e -E. Markley & Son, phone tia Wing -
ham. Ont.
Mrs al I Smith, Tp, of Morrie. boa
40, care Of W. Pollock, Myth, Ont.,
will do heir westing from oonthingto
or cut heir; switthee, cr1s, transfor.
Deletions, Oda roll*, etc. Rettatamble
rates. ,
Vit • ,
You Say You •
Can't But. You
know Cod, Liver ,041 is ne thing
need, but 1 ctiet't tabett on so.
• count of it's hortilge • .
Ever Say that? •
ttlo e 11 ria
If you didayolCed Liver 0bad in Mind aim
old blue bo
its taste and sm 11 Were ealatettbah
to he dreaiied. „..ea
STOMAOlitti ie
itexall• Emuisioto
Clod Liver Oil combined with
Potalosphites of lime Sod sod
welch greatly ettengtheme
nervous system,
Two Eliza's, 50e and $1.00
Every bottle gtftoatiteet1 or your
money refunded.
J. Wo. MoKibbon
The Wamilimmilmage fAtA9
learing Sale
• 4
House Slippers
We have about
125 pairs of Wornens
IFek and Suede
House - Slippers
which must lo.
Reg. price $1.00 to
fit.25, Pc. '
price 690
Cut prices on all
IliWinter Foot ear
IsiminhaisMS) Willin
Graduate ofOttnadiantm
We carry a. large and
class stock of -
love etnek of enorytlit.
feinted In a InOtleila fternIturestor
Store 'Phone 61 Residence 1
In all sists, Cannells Stnithin
and Stearn Cools Chtreoal, Colt
Nara and Soft Wood, Luta
Lath and Shingles alvvays
hand -and delivered promptly.
To avow, suntituttort and Inv.
• positiou order 11 L /6. W. Se •
ton Coal. Cosh for
Heading Bolt*.
- J. A. M
petty omi eirsh in het Om nava* wortla
m1116141,0 minitin doming. or ,course , i temeriseeetesisefitetealeitteiaeeesss
el* does hot knit hee a, living, but %hie
Root Oat 44. Hooded. telhetoalt 11`4,
ter* hadvetty lets for Itis ol led the Have slow Lumber,
ftreetiebitiat eterow maks for tlais m.ea am, ekee ei.„, tee,
feettoff. *ad 'Wasters. hots ono
Aron kat etiettededit r CO.