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The Wingham Advance, 1914-12-24, Page 8
t is. fro elIo Christmas This Is chrst =t ay. Off• -,r bing a hiSertiq Chritmat 7. siba i1toiberoue th ew r,car to h v4 ou I Potatoes and FOWL Wanted Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs. Phone your Mail Orders to 70 IIANNA & TUB 1 GRA, . ..DVA.NC1 Our Christmas Season Aintteactoeia A congregation in Africa geeMetc'd nut, of heathenism, censieting of wh.'ut 2,0 0 tuetnber,,, }gives nnereet!t of each pert:Kee ttern inger to the Lord Title they bring to church on the Sabbath in the funs of brass rode, the medium of exchanger, That amount is not theirs, it belopgs to. Clod. Ther, having given God his own, they proceed to snake their fret will offering, on the baeie that they have not already given: anything of their own. But that is ot all. Oa Christmas they cent; lite e a large stun to J•:tu�, chose day it is, thus remembering their Saviour with.a gift. Here ie a due exempla for us, T,• t us. this atria' MAP give our best gift to Jesus. 13 it cot eelfieb, or at least thouyhtlese, of us to give presents to one another, as though it is our birth- day, and nothing to the One whose birthday it i ? Let this suggestion be. adopted by everyone of es; plan theft Geist ehall reeve thti that and hest W i-lv t1) Becaueo it is Hie birthday net ours. (2) Because of the wonderful sift God has given to us in him. (3) 13r.OtatISta by to doing we can help meet the un',atiefield longing of His heart for those "other sheep" whom He "must bring." (1) Because 11;s woi k will stiffer in these times of stress unless we show our gratitude to Him for what He has t1 me for us by gicing that which will help to stake others know Hire. HOill (1) By' spc n ling less on ourselves and others and lovingly giving a large gift to Him. (2) 137 undergoing some real sac- rifice that we may have a substan- tial present for Him' (3) By.lsuggeseing to others that we snake this Christmas season one of self -des ed for Ells hake. (4) By , tiding our gift to the' me- sh) ,tory w •rktrs of our Church, that we envy hep the cause which lies so near His heats. ' I•ua-much as ye have dotal it utast one of the least of these, my bretht en, ye have done it unto Me." Municipal Nominations year, leaves thie t. i'1 tor hie home In Vletrherton prior to taking his departure with the second Contin• g'r t, 1)r. J. A. Me Donald and Me. Ste wee t• Ly r(l ids+ the misfire -mime illtehalf erf'be (Ilobei'd•to:•l etre tepor•tere, seed Lleut. McLean left bis rtewt+paper associations follow- ed by the best wishes of a host of friends." Re, Money ByaLaw. 1. It is only a revote, the people• have already voted the amount it cctrjeuction with the road machinery debentures. 2 The buildings are alreedy erect- ed aed money borrowed by note and tintess the by-law is carried the amount must be raised and paid by taxer. 3. When voted on the fleet time in connection with the road maehinety debentures the Oetv,rio R ilvvay and Municipal Board rejected it because road rnaoliinery debentures could only be teeued f.u' a p-•ri ui Of fiver years.; anel sate 'rt.., •vii.;,, b; . v+, in :-,i, •- at+ d d. The money t•tle,uid be paid .r both butldrnge sire permancet improv- ements and the proper way to pay is by the is, tee of debentures. Nominations for Town Council and Public School Trustees will be held in the Town 11 til on Monday evening next. Town Clerk Groves will recieve nominations from 7.30 to 8.30 p.m, and aft;r that hour, speeches will be given. It is th duty of every good citizen to take a deep and abiding interest in the wet are of their town. hence, ell Phone 70. such s „.stria attend and Hee that good men, who. vrilt sand, be nominated for the various • fiice'. Whose- Whose - Your Grocer? We are Ridding for Your Trade Have you tried martketing here? Call and lets have your next nrder. If you want clean, i reap Groceries of the best quality, at Lowest Prices. we bave thew. Choice Grncel ies, Fresh Ft hits, Appetizing Meats, High-grade Tea and Coffee and pule Confect- ionary, all leading bra tide of 13.reakfast Foods and beet Canned. Goods on the market. Your orders will be promltly filled and satisfactorily if left with -.-- Henry T. Thompson THE ROUSE OF QUALITY Succa:ssor to E. B. Hart • FAMOUS g CAR Made Ir Canada ORVAL TAYLOR DEALER Wingham, r Ont East Wawannsh. The last meeting of the Coutteil for 1014 was held cn Dee. 15th with all the members present. Minutess of last meeting read and confirmed. Report of Dr. Stewart, M. U. 11., showing the township to have been particularly fres from any contagious oe infectious diseases during the year received and read. The own of $23 was granted Dr. SiAlWart for services! as M 0.11. The *lark was instructed to hill the tttetatelea of S. S. No. 11 for $5 50 being beettOtebt of expense incurred in having crest lttl OOS made of the water from well akbseehooti leansa the past tteason. them. froze the 0anstidiatitt lituffenge Sr.. mowiteities seirlas that tileenentiaPps1 oeexosanted th solurriel tro- y spa that a Bluevale Tae annual Oheistmes Entertain- ment of Bluevale Meth.tdiet Sunday Soh ao1 will be held in the church on Cirri turas night, Dec. 25 h. An ex - cella -it program will be given. Don'c fail to hear it, Dors open at seven o'clock. Program commencing 7.25 p, in , sharp. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Everybody come. ;,t, Blyth .Bar. and Mrs W. J. 1.aotter'of Blyth stun ,u7 ce the e rgagement of .their di,ughier Isabel W. to Ma.itlaud 13s11 only son of Mr. and Mrs. • J. T. Bell, The marriage to take place early in January. Miss Mary Miltre visited friends dur- ing the we e't in Louder. Mr. Roy Stackh:rute and Mr. Will Jewitt are horse from Toronto Uaiv- errity. Mr. and .Mvs Frank Me calfe, re- turned home from the West on Sat- urday. Me. Frank Ho11yiitan has purobas ed the bakery business from Mr. Neil ed and ordered to be Sled. It was oreered th It when the Trus- tee Board of the Police village of Auburn furnishes a statement show- ing there they have expended what monies they have on hand and send an order signed by the chairman of the board on the Tp. Treasurer for the agnotintrseeeeted the* the Treastuor hl+ OAT 0(10.1 to honor the same. Leif •teet ratepayris wire preslsnt regetdlrtg; m'n •r drainage problsn.e but ;n ertoh ease these matters w.re irft Netter for the present. The ta.xet4 hav ng not all been rol'eetsd the ct I• ! gt; lreetot's time for returning bis ro°l was extended till Feb. lit, le1G. A l*rgo number of accounts which willswear in the finaseelel etatentant littioratig Wets oa`ete'icetl pad fritters tire lg..rati�� Ceminuilication, lit. Bete 14. Brlgacle, 0,. 0. L. le, eters city Piee , Dec. 5„h, 1014. To the Elito, ;- Dear Si; ;•- 1 hear that these ie a report current in the town of Wingham that Sergeant Herron has deserted. Would you do sue a layout, and state that Sergeant Herron is still with tau 14. Batt. and that he is one of the most effecient Sergeant's in t he Batt. • Your:, Paithfnlly, 0. W. 1Iudg,-on, Lieut. { High School Not; s A special meting of the Literary Society was held in, the AssemblyHal: on Monday, A +hadow was oastover the school a few week; ago when it was made known that Miss 13 E. Anderson was going to leave our midst. Her loss will be deeply felt. throughout the school as she was an ardent worker, both, in fulfilling her duties as a teacher,• and, in the dif- ferent societies The students were greatly at ached to her be th as a teacher and, friend, and took thin opperrunity of showing her 'the great esteem in which she was held by pr.- s'•nting her. with .t manicure set, as 1 ulluty::- Drar Miss Anderson - ie with the deepest regret that see have learned that you have decided to lesiva the staff of V{'ingbam Lligh School. During the past six years we leave always found you to be rt zealous teacher ended true friend. You have no confined your energy to teaching only, but you h..ve been very self- sacrificing, devoting both your time and' attention to furthering the inter ests of t he Chris Athletic Association, and have e.bereby won the esteem and admiration of the student body. Also in all our school functions, your original plansveld ideas have altval•s contributed much to their success. If you should even fired li possible to' return again to W. 11. S., as a teacher, we would eontiderr ourselves very fortunate indeed, and should extend to you a very hearty welcome. Stuce words canritjt express our goodwill and appreciation of your services we ask you accept as a slight token of our regard Chia Manicure Set, not fur its, intrinsic: velu+', t:uc:, that wherever tem 01,y be it may call to your mind mento: Wu of hes udents of Wingham High Sehoul. 0.t tiebifif of the tii.u.1enti, uiyne.l— A. G. Riotous, Pies, of Lit. Sae., Miss N Kague, Pres. of (iirlu Athl. Soc., Mr. Chesley MacLean, Treas. ret Li Seto. 4li.0 Atiderson wife completely taken by surprise but replied feelingly. • Mr: Kerr. the care.raker, was then called to rhes (timbal)]and Pres. Rin• tout on behalf of to, Lir. So'. and the school presented hint with a purse as aChristmas present. ylr. Kest• lists. now been a number of years with u-, stud takes great interest rnthe welfete of the school. As we, go to press, the hall is rapid ly filling up f at the concert. A furth er announ,.'m •nt of lr will be giver, n-xt et Graphic Hits Of Ancient History Taylor. Sr, Andrew's Church Sunday School will hold their annual Enterraininent on Christmas night in the Industry There died at the home of.his niece. Mrs Richard Sellars, on Tuesday evell- ing, Redolphus England, aged 81 year e. Toe funeral was held on Thursday at 2 30 p m. Interment at Union Cern etery. At the Annual Meeting of the Blyt b Branch of rhe teepee C•ariarla 13ihis +So• cleft•, the f cello wi eterffee re were elem. e i : President J rhea ,smith; 'Vete P. iedtit, Henry Iotn; '1'eatu:er, Cr o. S,reretary, Alex Ei• def: Directore, N. Cuinings,•Hent'y Yung, 33 Brndot ; A. King, Malik Metcalf, 1t: R bite:un. Me, Bert Pearce and 13i,r1 Bently have returned from the Vest. Whitechurch The article below, which appeared in Tnesday'a issue, WC 15, of the Te: ronto Globe, has reference to a broth er of Mrs, (Rev,) J, Uro Stetvatt r,f Whitechurch, v he late unlisted for service abroad. Ile was born in Blyth and he graduated frotn Toronto C7ni• versify in 1012 and alter spending a short time in the woe was cffared the lmportan position of A`+'+iv ant Ceuta nterrial 13 titer of tier plebe, Ile ie now at_ Q ole to d 1 %pet+rs to lease with the S.eeed (Jontingenr. "Lieu'. D. (3, McLean of t he. Ar- my 8..-1 vies. Corps, crhn will leave ecu ii 1y fur { u"bee and theses to with Canada's second the front i d roe tioitan't, `were preeentt d with a pNl4 of field gtles4es yesterday af- ter [tGr i° ` there meta hers of`f fro (lupi 14.40' , WW1 bans,r t-•li ;rl.i,StrJi eglt 116 Nwi3LYhrstmas Tree JAWS 18rmrcor4s RILEY Beigrave A wet ting wan Mkt to the Zell ou rlaterdisy fright lett to arraopa for a Patriotic C'orsceri, in Jaauaty. Uon: uneeets Were slltltonettd. 11 awe tar d ':. litter. ITTLE Mandy and her Ma. 'S poorest folks you ever saw t Lived in poorest house in town, Where the fence 'uz all tore down. And no front -door steps at all-. Ist a' old box 'g'inst the wall; And no door -knob on the door Outside, -My! but they 'uz poor! Wuz no winder -shutters ori, And some of the winders gone, And where they 'uz broke they'd pas'e Ist brown paper 'crest the place. Tellyoui when It's winter there, And the snow 1st ever'where, Little Mandy's Ma she say • 'Spec' they'll freeie to death some day. Wunst my Ma and Me -when Wet Bo'n to church, and's goin' to be: Cbris'mas purty soon, --we went There -like the Committee sent, and Sir! When we're in the door, Wus no carpet on •� the floor, And no fire - and heels--and-head Little Mandy's tuck- ed in bed. And her Ma telled my Ma she Got no coffee but ist tea, And , fried mush- and's all they had Sense her health broke down so bad. Pot Grayed In "Ceeativa" Yesterday residents of this tows, bad their first glimpse of the Biblical pho'oplay "Creation. There was a large Arid appreciative audience erre sent. Paoli* church attendants and "worltllnig" alike were touched atm cheered by the recounting of old Odes' stories, more or less familiar .0 all and associated with childhood de.ys. The eplendor of the colored illustra- Lions, the lifelike tigurea brought out of the inisty put with startling resllent, the mchirlo that ,talks as Fl• gm -telly and r:!p r• 1 v as Anyle•t t u• - ,•i, ere-. r el,i,,g mete, Of. d ,•,i•t n:to) s ,i,ry tele f'el'led ..1f, lea/. t M4 f•t.er'ee.1 for ted•rl.ti 1•r.linl;. Wino.the motion pictives 'gt'++ neing shown s•rcteIt a•r:d classical Waste wits rendered by talking iu irhuie.. These 'psis ri graphs accurately titu••,r Mid gem eel 10 follow tier pt lgt4a01 111, I he icrren sting awl talk with rucr n • mere th51 otter might fences a huln•tr. 11tt fuer of nieut,uat vocal gate, though ro,ecsated floral eight, vt+as singeing to ilktng to wait ttuk t eeminn, II- ad rtmsak�iasm faar «'*.i 'taleat•ted and thee ala,,, Nen Ma hug and bold me wherfll Little 3iandy's layin' there; And she kiss her, too, and not 1lcandy kiss my Ma again. And my Ma she telled her we Goin' to have a Chris'mus-Tree At the Sunday School, 'at's fes All the children, and ter her. Little Dtandy think—nen she Say, :'What is a Chris'nt:us-Tree2' Nen my Ma she gived her Ma Somepin' 'at I saw. ' hortborns Herd Ileaded by Favorite Character, Iny, For Nile 4 BULLS 4 from 10 to 12 month. ole• These young bulls are an exceptionally fine lot, some of them are ready kr service and, are thick, smooth flashy fellows. Correspond or give erre a call 11 you want something good. J. G. FYFE, R. R. N0,4. Wingham, Broadview Farm, 1 1-2 miles South of Wingharn Xmas Cigars In Small Boxes Choice Assortment of Case Pipes and Smoker4 Sundries a 000poocoo0 0000©Oe:t 08 And .gay she must take it, -and She ist maked her keep her hand Wite close shut; and nen she kiss ; Her hand -,shut 1st' ike it is. Nen we corned tr;.ay And nen When its Chris'mus 3 ve again, And all of us chit: Berns Xie At the Church .4441 Chris'mus-Tree• e ' And all git our toys slid things 'At old Santy Claus he brings And puts on the Tree;-wite where The big Tree 'us standin' there. And the things 'uz all tooked down, And the childerns, all in town, Got their presents -nen we see They's a little Chris'mus-Tree. Wite behind the big Tree --so We can't see till nen, you knoweee And it's all ist loaded down With the purtiest things in town;. And the teacher' :Yr�X ii'l smile and say: s�' • y u "This here Tree 'at's i.i,"Z hid away t It's marked 'Little' 'Mandy's Tree!' Little Man d y! Where is she?" Nen nobody say a word. Stillest place you ever heardl Till a man tiptoe up where Teacher's' (still °tr- waiting there. Nen the maxi he whispers, so 1st the Teacher hears, you know. Nen he tiptoe back and go Out the bag door-ist es slows Little Mandy, though she don't Answer --and Ma say "she won't Never, though each year they'll be 'Little Mandy's Chris'mus-Treo.!' Per pore children" -my Ma says- 'Ahd Cotnmittee'say they guess ,"Little Mandy's Tree"'all be 'digger than the other Tree! .a+ c (0opyriatt, by Dobbs -Merrill Co.) Why We l=!glit A reader of the Herald asks, if it is not queer that the peoples of India, Australia, Canada and South Africa ere fighting tot England' and th,4 fsngllsli, Vick aro not fighting for England tilt tiro English. Tlreyy ate fighting for the British Bptpire, in which they fe fel• they have just Air deep an lntereet lis the English have the significant' developments df t1 o t thla great war this is by no Means the least. It Canadians, Australians,. Africans and Indians regarded slues as concjuered by fir sele,gwl to atf rad tip Wee* at -New eat Fish, oultry The highest class Beef and Pt.rk, Fish and Poul- try se+ldat T. Fell; Butcher Store � 5 Give us a tt' i +l, j ttu will 1 pleased, Highest price paid for Hides and Skins. 900000003O000000O O0C,30O0l nlw,Y �+a. .�`�•;, ,.1^'4•,",:. TA,.✓ .y`,?•5.. ei• .�..iY:..'. WHAT IS HOME WITHOUT A 5I` GER $2 will place the best Slug=' Pr. Sewing Machine in your home, balance small monthly payments. A. J. WALKER SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture S ore Win Otero, - Ont. w.n...wvwti..v.niw.iw.v....•w.... Walkers Uidertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER - TA KERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James Walker 1G years experience. A. J. Walker 9 years experience Day Phone 100 A. Night Phone 100h and 2241 'CHR1STiE'5° GROCERY PHONE 59 Store opens te a. m. Onen evenings during D-cembei 'Christmas Oranges etc Our Christmas ft nit Las just arrived and bum open; d op lb; autilul stock. They or tat' test obtainable brand of navel. Prices 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c per doz Candies and Nuts As usual our struck is large and •varied. Mixed Candies, Fondants, Caramels, Chocolates Bon Bon Boxes, Walnuts, Al. mond Nuts, Nigger Toes, etc. From 10o to 50c per ib The Best in Eatables Evora thing we sell in food her• got to Measure up to a ver) high standard of excellence. TRYU3 FOR YOUR XMAS e • ORDER eines assiimisims tiass oi L Scranton cra nton or a Lehigh Coal Wood, &Kindlin� Lowest Prices C .nteIo Iidlei1 iJO. O. S.S1 To Buy More Sensib1e., CHi3TA3 Prese•hts. For Women or Men, Boys* or Girls or for the Kiddies than Fine shoes, rubbers, slippers, . err n'r-"l"'•a" �'. doef's hockey shoes, moccasins, overshoes, rubber boots or in fact any thing in the footwear line. SVin, v..•.w.a CLAUS has place a big stock oftkese lions in our stare k tfhe Iatsst nd best. W. H. \%'ILUS L CO. Sole Agents For The Ti 1I1- .41-t?.E STORE Cif 2weem. SHOE OR • Christmas SIFTS F you desire a Christmas Gift for a man or boy, get them where he always buys his wearablesi Get. them here and then you can't go wrong. A Man Always Likes Something He Can dear and he will appreciate it more this year. Our Xrnas Ties Every man and 1 ot• always e.xpect'i a Christmas ie and gen- al ,yy s it. Our El+tliday Neckwear is the choicest s';a+k n Exclusive Sinks from r'XClthiye makers, 25c, ',O.. 7`tr and• $r e,.. Other Xmas Hint BATH ROBES. MUFFLERS. SWEATERS SHIRTS SUSPENDERS HOSIERY GARTERS GLOVES HAND ERCHIEFS DRESS SHIM_ HATS HATS COLLARS UNDERWEAR CUPS CAPS Come to a Man's Store for a Man's Gift W. A. CAMPBELI The Clothier MacDonald Block, Opp. Bank of Comm