HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-12-17, Page 81 OH RI$TMAS CHRISTMAS NCE more we are doing our best to offer you a line of Christmas Novelties and 'Christmas Pre- sents of the newest assortment for Women andChildreu in FANCY DRESS GOODS, FANCY SILK WAISTS, SILK MUFFLERS, SILK SWEATER COATS, SILK AVI- ATION CAPS. LINEN GUEST TOWELS. EM- BROIDERY DRAPES, TABLE CLOTUS, LINEN IIANDKERCHIE1+'• . E iBROTD- FRY ILS. N DKE Rt'H I I+J FS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, INI'T'IALED 1tTANDKERCUIEFS, LAUNDRY BJ.YS, FANCY COLLARS, PIN CUSH- IONS, B1100011E8, CUFF PFRRIN'S KID. GLOVES, PERRIN'S CAPE GLOVE'S, LADIF'•B MACKENAW, LADIES' PARA -S SOLE a'• Men's Suggestions for Christmas Shoppers Biggest and newest lines of Neckwear to show you in SILK KNITTED TIES, PLAIN SILKS, CATCH TIES, Boxed Separately SILK KNITTED MUFFLERS, ARMLETS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, SUIT CASES, UM- BRELLAS,.FANCY KNITTED VESTS, FANCY PLUSEI VESTS, PERRIN'S GREY SUEDE GLOVES,SILK LINED GLOVES,MEN'S SWEATER COATS, SILK BRACES, and many other suggestions to offer you. To thos+i: who Shop EARLY: Potatoes and FOWL Wanted Cash Paid for .Butter and Eggs. Phone your Mail Orders to 70 Phone 70. 1 1 1 III Whose, Your Grocer? 1 '.We are Bidding for Your Trade entarleeenseineanaa Ji ri,.•, e ices . kern 1YYa.. 1 Have you tried marketing here? Call and lets have your neat order. If you want clean, fresh -Groceries of the beet quality, at Lowest Prices, we have them. Choice Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Appetizing Meate, High-grade Tea and Coffee and pure Confect- ionary, all leading•brands of Breakfast Foods • and best Canned Goods on the market, Your orders will be promptly filled and satisfactorily if left with Henry T. Thompson THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. Hart Tea i.rses us e... I3iytb faa. /Imo y twitted a cUi' of fires eatwa. goal this weak. ¶'ls+e following gentlemen attended the Liberal Convention at Wingbant M,lndaay,111r, Robert Sloar, A. B. Carr, James putt, Jae. IlleMurehie, John Parrot, Luxtia Hill and. Thomas Sloan, Mr. Eiit+lop will be the candidate to contest the new riding, at the next election. Sunda', evening, Den 29th. our Imes alsociety of A, F A. M, will attend ,twice in a h•,dy in Trinity Church and will be addressed by their Chap. Iain, Rev T'hoinas Farr,. Mr. Robert, Watt of Flatlet won the Herm* Co, special prize at Guelph winter fair, for heavy horses with hie Canadian Clyde, Flora Dura. Mr. Watt is to he congratulated when con sidered that the flower of Eastern Canada was represented there. The Patriotic Concert on Friday night was a grand succese, long before the time standing room was ata prem. Lure and dozens were turned away, Proceede amounted to $100. An old and much respected resident Mr. James Nesbitt passed to the Great Beyond on Tuesday, Dec. 8th, at the age of 85 years and 8 months. De. ceased was only sick a short time with acute indigestion. Mr. Nesbitt was born in Monahan Co., Ireland, and when 20 years of age he came to Canada and remained in the vicinity of Port hope for 2 yoare, then he came north and took up land, then known as crown land and settled on lot lot 4, con. 7, Morris, cutting the first tree as everywhere was a dense forest with nothing but a small space of daylight above his head, By bard work and toady perseverance he hewed out for himself a comtortable home and in S••pr. 1800 he married t1iss Ahigai ' nelrzer of• Goderieh townshi,p who survives bine and proved a good help - ,nate. In 1801 they retired from their farm and purchased a comfortable home; to spend his reclining years. Eight children 'wore born to them. 'Chre.e died in infancy and Joseph aged 19 died in Regina in 1895,. Four chit• dren are living, Mrs. A. B. Carr of town, Robert, on the homestead in Morris, Mrs. Thomas McKenzie of Clinton and Maurice A. in D. troit. The pall -bearers were old friends and neighbors—W. Pollock, W. Dempsey, N. Cumings. Wm. Sims, John Mc- C+.ughcy and Wm. Phelan. The see. Nice was held at the home on Thurs- day afternoon. Rev. Turner, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev, George Jewitt. Among those who attended the funeral.;were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smeltzer of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald. Interment at Union cemetery. Belgrave Mr, and Mrs. A. Horn have moved into MissBengoug's house. There were four care of stock shipped from here last week, three of cattle and one of cattle and sheep. Mr. John Armstrong got first prize for fat heifer at Toronto Fat Stock Show last week. Mrs, James, Miss Renis and Miss Coad, all of (tome, visited at D. Stewart's over Sunday. Miss Leech of New York spent a meanie ut days last week at Dr. Stew- art's, The Pubbie School are having a concert on Tuureday afternoon, Every body welcome. Mr, and Mrs. John Proctor of Red Deas, is visiting his starer, Mrs. 0. Rob:neon and other friends, Don't forget the Xtnas. Tree in con- nection with the English Church on Friday night, Dac. pith. A meeting of the Patriotic League and all ladies and gentlemen in the community interested in that work, will be held in the Forester's Hell on Saturday evening, Dec. 19, at 8 o'- clock p.m. for the purpose of arrang- ing for the giving of a Patriotic Con- cert In the near future. ERIMEZEINIO Dealers ':. ` anted For High-class popular priced line, of Automobiles, in following Townships:-- Kincardine, ownships: '-Kincardine, Huron, Kinloss, Culross, Ashfield, East and West Wawanosh, Morris, Grey, Howick and Turnberry. Apply 'at once to Box 243, Wingham. Bluevale. Report of U, S. 5. No 4 Turnberry and Morris. Sr. 4th, Maximum 250-0. McDon- ald 207, J. Dobie 189, 0. Jewit 181. Jr. 4th, Maximum250--A. Switzer 193, M. McGee 176, It Messer 176, R. Thom- eom 167, E. Dobie 157, B McKinney 4 97*, H Haney 90' 3cd cls s Max't s 3r + mtrm?50-.. P.McXntyre 187, S. Elliott 177, R, Breckenridge 105, M Cards 103, 8 Gallagher 82. Sr. 2"d, Maxi mum 200—E. McMicheal 175, J Wat- son 170, A, itl:'1Cinney 145, B. Gannt•tt 80, R. Tuliock 55. Jr 2,id, Maximum 200—J. Breckenridge 180, J, Black 100, 0, Elliott 150, I. McDonald, 130, C, Dobie 75. Pt, 2:1d,-0, Gannett, II. Watson. W. Elliott, Il. Thomas, W, Mundell, T. Calvert. Pt, 1st --14. Dob- ie, C. Meatier, It, Elliott, G. Elliott, 0. Stewart, E, McGee. E. Wilburn, Is'. Breckenridge, I. McKinney,11, Thorn - ea, B. Thornton.—O. M, Messer, Teem - her. Bluevaie This Is an unusually busy time for the ehdlairete on accouat of the number la.- that are being of .nterta lnreeetlto t a P ned for the 0hrietn M season, Tne, Presbyterian Sunday School wilt hold its annual °lariatmeet Tree in the )roe maters Hat[ ad Christmas Eve, Iavit- r• foal ami being issued for the doges t wake* tett the Ilineva)•e school 'cel the afterson% of Teresday, erica, _ /111. 'iotas i few weeks but this is the fiat public event to give the. parents an opport- unity of teeing the children in their bright new surroundings, Miss Mes- ser is training the scholars in a num- her of dialogues, songs, drilla, etc. to provide an hour of entertainment for their visitors, Next Friday nig'lt, Dec. 18 h, Miss Maud Fryfogle and pupils will give a concert in Brown town school. At the close of the pro. gram lunch wig be served. These will all be height event. for the boys and girls: The Methodist entertainment will he held in the church as usual on Christmas night. Paul's store has put in a new show- case and makes a tempting display of Christtnas confectionery, Mr. fi'r'ed Haney and family c•f Cal gory are in Bluevale for a visit. Mr. Iv, Rogers trapped a large owl which bas been making raids on his chickens. At a successful meeting of the Worn. ens Institute held at the residence of Mrs. Geo, McDonald Last 'Thursday it was decided to organics a branch of the Red Cross Society id 131uevale. The opening meeting will be held in Itnox church thleThurYadayaffternoon, Mr. It. McMillan of S iaferth was the guest of Mr. W, icing this week. 0h+ristmee services will be heist In Eno* Olaiard on Sunday next. The choir is sterbilleates4 epresisi stag a ,ikk SHAT DEAD AT HIS DESK dung Grand Trunk Telegrapher Murdered at Whitby Junction. night operator .Lt WillWilliamStotle, ig t pora . the Grand Trunk station at Whitby Junction, wan shot and )tilled early ast Friday moraine while on duty in tis office. The murderer escaped without being seen. Stone, wlho was 22 years of are, )himself gave the alarm. "Send down the Chief of Police; I've beet shot," he said, when he 11 d r'n;, -.p the telephone central. "Who di:'. 1' ?" contra) asked. "I don't )low," be replied, "but g.• the Chi;f.' When Cafe: McG•rotty arrived at th station he found Stone lying on the floor quite dead, The desk teleplion which the Ilea been using was )rani; ing down from the desk as it had fallen from his hands. I'averythian else was in circler in the office. Tile cash drawer had not .been touched. There had been a good many tramps about the station lately and this led Chief. McGrotty to telephone the Tor- onto police to watch a freight train that . had gone through Whitby Junc- tion shortly after the murder. Titis led to the arrest of Cecil 'and Albert Connors, brothers aged 17 and 21 who sold they had come from Oshawa. It is not believed, however, that they had anything to do with the shooting. interesting Meeting. Fern Lodge No. 19, Loyal True Blues, had a very interest,g meeting on Friday evening last, Besides the regular nieetiog in the Blue Degree, including an election of officers and important business transactions, one ,newber was advanced to the White Degree and three to the Scarlet. A ruin of money was donated to the 0 phanage at Picton, Ont. At the clone of the merting the members repaired to Mr. Miller's restaurant where they twit lyed oysters, etc. The installation nt' otii'ers will take place at the meet- ing in January and the list of officers will then be published. RUSSIANS ON OFFENSIVE in East 'Prussia the. Russians are said to have resumed the offensive or} the River Angerapp, 340 mi1en f;roip Berlin. In North Poland they )lave driven the Germans from Prztlst3ysz, 320 miles from Berlin, back towat'd the frontier. In Central Poland they are progressing against German at- tacks around Lowicz 280 miles from Berlin, South of Cracow, 335 miles from Berlin, tho battle with the Aus- trians and Germans still proceeds. MADE ATTACK ON DOVER Two or Three German submarines Believed to Have seep Sunk Half s dozeth Getman tubmarines made an attempt early Thursday morning to enter the admiralty her. bor at Dover, England, and for half an hour the batteries kept up a furious fusilade, . firing at least 200 ')hots. It is reported that two or three of the submarines were sunk, but no conflrmation of this *'can be obtained. The attempt was made under over uiingof early morning darknessttess and dur- ing a heavy rainstorm. The flret alarmn was given by the .firing of a naval gun, and soon ell the batteries were in action, The Admiralty said that It had not reeei eanaurmatLoa of the reported USED HOUSE AS FORT Farmer Near Bowmanvilie Objected to Notice of Eviction Angered at receiving a notice of eviction from his house, Austin Mc- Donald, a farmer living near Bowntan- ville, locked himself in with a Win. Chester rifle and a store of ammu- lotion, provisions and water sufficient to withstand a siege, and resisted so strenuously that a squad of special constables were forced to surround the premises and exchange several fusilades of rifle shots before he sur- rendered Sunday horning. Joseph Wright, owner of the house, Wright's son and Chief of Police Jar- vis narrowly escaped injury from the enraged man's bullets. McDonald gave up after some thirty shots bad been exchanged. TURKS SURRENDER TO INDIA W0`..1% ' San inter..oJ i.. C;::ario dear Lan.' In North For .» :,:tri::forst Fares An expe neeettrt farm of appro- ,i 'g oee •l.r.• ..., t t:crts is t" Qst..Il„icti ^::lint i:alltediately in 1:r diem Oatar.o, and the worst of crit ing will be Venni at once by ut l:z'.n the labor of rri.Pnncrs of w.ir nos is • terncd i;t the Province. Ito !needs:. while not yet of icialiy determined. likely to bo in filo Vicinity of Hearst, worn of (•ce'lre:so, and ou the line of the Transcontinental Railway, The announcement cones u r a r2. suit of negotiations between Premier Ileant of tate Provincial Governnleet and the Dominion Department of Au: - culture, British Force Gets Control of Terri - eery at Head of Persian Gulf It is officially announced that Subhl Bey, late Governor if Basra, Asiatic Turkey, commander of the Turkish forces at, Kurna, last week surrender- ed with his troops, to the Indian ex- peditionary force which is operating at tie 'stead of the Persian Gulf. Kurna subsequently was occupied by the British, who are now in com• plete control of the country from 'the junction of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers to the sea, which is the richest part of the fertile delta. The British losses during the whole of the operations amounted to one British officer killed and three wound- ed, with 40 Indians' of the rank and file killed and 120 wounded. CHRISTIANS IN PERIL Turks Threaten Massacre If Allies Land at Beirout Serious news comes from Beirout, the chief seaport of northern Syria. The Turks, fearing that the Allies, who have a strong fleet on the Syrian seaboard,' would land and occupy the city, have abandoned Beirout and fled t , the interior, taking with them Christians as hostages, whom they threaten- with reprisals if Beirout, is occupied. The position of the mis- sionaries and of Europeans generally in Syria is hazardous. FOUR FELL TO DEATH, Quadruple Tragedy at Cooksville —Scaffolding Gave Way Dropping seventy-five feet to the ground when the scaffold upon which they were working collapsed, four men were skilled amost instantly at the National Brick Works, near Cooks- ville on Saturday. A fifth had a mira- culous escape, and owes his life to the fact that he by chance grasped a rope and slid down to the ground. The dead are: Andy Webster, aged seventeen, Cooksville; H. M'Kenna,, aged twenty-three, Toronto; J. Boller, Toronto and G. Warner, Toronto. CANADIANS FOR FRANCE Belgrade Retaken by Serbs Belgrade has been reoccupied by the Serviette after a fierce battle, ac. cording to a telegram received at 'London late Monday night, Belgrade was evacuated during the night of Monday, Nov. 30, and was garrisoned by an Austrian force on Wednesday, Dec, 2. Thus it appears that the Aus- trian triumph in Servia lasted for less than a fortnight, Seven' Hundred Engineers Likely to Cross Channel to Build Hospitals The Canadian Engineers, number- ing seven 'hundred, may shortly go to France to erect hospitals and other buildings. Sir John Jackson, a great army contractor, asked the. they be sent. One despatch says they have received definite orders to depart from the training camp at Salisbury Plains. The Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry regiment expects to leave Winchester any day for the front. Premier Flemming Resigns Ilon, J. K. Flemming has resigned as Premier of New Brunswick and Lieutenant -Governor Wood has called on Hon. George J. Clarke, Attorney - General, to form a new Government, Kaiser Getting Better inho Kaiser who has been i11 In Bete lin Is said to be recovering and hopes to get back to the front within a week , • '`England Expects'/ nEegland Expects" is a picture play designed with the hole pnrpo+e of ar- sirting the all important r •'rniting movement. It le a pictorial call to arm. --a living appeal for this rrinitt ' oble and urgent :Of rouser, at. the Picture HouseThorhday, rJ c. 17th, Admission 15'. Lebanon Chapter. The Lt baton Chapter of Rola' arch Mations met on Tuesday night and plc etad the following Miller, ; 1st Principal' 1J, I3. Walket 2nd Pile. rineI. F. A. Motrint 8 •d Prfneirn.l, Nash; Treat.„ 3', W. Meltirrlr,rrs grnrr e to„14, ts.W Tattnlynt .SrnIh,.N, Geo, or Zahn flitseines; Gorrie. Mr. Jas. Ferguson of Ingersoll held an auction sale of cows at R. F. White'e on Wednesday afternoon last. Provincial Constable Whitesides of Hensel) wasnin town on Wednesday of last week, Red Cross- !Official Dead • Lieut. N. W. Parker; assistant colit- missioner of the Canadian ?ted Cross in England, died o ._f pneumonia in Lon- don on Sunday. Lieut. Parker was connected with the Dank of Montreal, and was at one time in the bank's service at Brantford. Lady Drum- mond, widow of the late president of the Bank of Montreal is a sister of the deceased. Garman Professor Quits Mr, Bruno Tapper, one of the three German teadihers to whom the Board 'of Governors of the University of ,Toronto gave "leave of absence" on full salary, has resigned from the university staff, A little daughter of- Mr. and Mrs, Robe. Wallace died at her parents home near Fordwich early Tuesday morning. Mrs. Wallace is a cousin of Mre. R. F. White cl town, Mr. L. Tsinkley of ' Vingham was in town last Tuesday on business con- nected with the Bell Telephone. The December meeting of the Wo - (nuns Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Armstrong on Wednesday afternoon Last. Mrs. (Rev.) Rivere gave an excellent paper on "Giving Cheer and encouragement." We are glad to see Mrs. Chas. King, who has been very i11, on the streets; again, The Statuary meeting of the town- ship Council was held in the Town hall on Tuesday to wind up businese for the year. The sad news was received on Tues• day of the death of Mrs. Wm. Roe, ,vbich occurred in Guelph giving the Dec,ple quite a shock as Mrs, Iioe who had undergone an operation last week was understood to be progres- eing faverable. She leaves to mourn hoe death an aged father, her hus- hed. and a voting daughter and son. The remains are to bo bropgtt to 110111r fur it,terrnent which N ui take place on Thursday. - The Township of Howiek gave more ra duce than any other Township in the County and with less expense. Mr. John Evans who has been ill with appendicitis for tha past two weeks died at his home on Sunday -,vening at 7. Mr. Evans has 11, ed in Gorrie for a number of years and was vet yligbly respected. Ile was born in .Beeton, Simcoe Co. '75 years ago. !•le was mauled to Miss Eliza Jane Millar who lives to momn a kind, affectionate husband. He bad eight ,•blldren, five daughter's and thrt e •.nns, namely, Sirs, .Wm. Stinson, Gorrie, Mrs. Spence, deceased, Mrs 1'. K. W illimott of Toronto, S. M. Beane, Rho is teaching school at Ing), - wood Junction; Miss F. A. Evans, of t'alifnrnia; W. W Evans, Manager of 'he Union T. tet Co., Winnipeg; Her. elan Ev,•ns, Vancouver, and his twin urotbet., Norman, who died in infan• ey. He also leaves two sisters and one hrother, Mrs, John Irwin, Carney, New Ontatic'; Mrs, (Dr.) Keifer, and Walter Evans, who is living retired at Beeton, Ont, Min Evans has been a consistant member of the Methodist church for years. and was a staunch Conservative. He held the .office of J. P., Justice of the Peace, for several veare. The remains will be laid to test in the Gorrie Cemetery on Thurs- day. TOWN OF , WINGHAM Synopsis of By -Law No. 715, 1914 PuRFo?E OF BY-LAW. Tarn iso the sum rf $22O0.f0by tho is,ve of do• hentur, s to pity for iho construction of n hulloing for.ltoed Machinet y nnd another for a )lose Tower. Amount of debt to he contracted $2200.00. BOW PAYABLE, By twenty annual instalments.ofprincipal and interest nrnonnllng to $101.81 each. Hato of interest rix per cont. NOTICE TAKENOTICE flat the above is n, true espy of Iie Syn. psis of a privy ed Bylaw winch has been token into co, skier Don and which will be flnt.i y pnsecd by the Council o' 1heArunicpi:Oilylin the Celli t,of Iheassent of the electors laving obl Wined thereto) after one month from 11.c first publication in the Wing. haat Advance, rhe date of which Tublicalion was Thursi, a, the 101h day of December, A. D , 1011, n nd I Iat the voles of the Electo s of Iho said1111micirnlity tie ill be taken thoreon at the ensuing Municipal Else ion. On 8,aur•dny lt.o2rd nay 'of January, 1915. the Mayor of tee FRP Town rf Winehnm attend nt the T'.wn hall in the slid Town al &even o'clect: in the forenoon to appoint ter - sons tontLew at the various polling place aforesai•+. oral at the final sumn•i g up by the Clerk on behalf of De persons interested in, and desirous of promoting or oppo ing the pnr.'n0 of this 0 late respectively. • he. Cleric of fine said Town of . WVinuhnir• Town lt,tll n t sieve*, , " a herd that -and l l halt a o'clock inthe f,a'•noon of Tile.dny the 15111 day of Janunrt 1915 to sunt up the number of votes for and ngatnst 1 ho nl•-]aw. Ami) ALSO talco rotico that every tennant who mar vcteon this By-law must deliver Lo the Clerk not less than the Tenth day before the dny appointed for takince the vote. tho de- claration provided by Lbo Conso'idatc:d Wen- ioipel Ao.,1014. JOHN F. Ga, alork. Towed 4viegham. WINQHAM 'MARKETS. ...+.,;.r...... Wheat $100 $114 ((Barley ,..:....,., Pearl ` . 1i) l;uekwheat 06 Bootee . , 200 Potatoes ...... ,... 85 Hay . ,.., 11 00 S raw ( un•1b•ri) 1 00 Deism . Shorts T+'Tnttr 8 70 atter.. } ...,.. T loge,..... ... Ln.rnbe 00 2 411 40 1 400 12 00 2$ .20 ll 15 2i 0.715 7 40 4 00 theta 10010 12 Iii 12 12 1B 141 Lieut. -General Sir James Wolfe Murray has been appointed Chief of the Imperial General Staff, in succes- sion to the late General Sir Charles Douglas. Seventy-five more Canadian nurses are required immediately at the front by the War Office. Influential Hindus at Vancouver have offered to raise a regiment. Meat Fish Poultry k. The highest class Beef and Pork, Fish and Poul- try sold at T..Fells 1 Butcher Store Give us a trial, you will be pleased, Highest price § 11 paid for Hides s and Skins. 8 WHAT is HOME WITHOUT A SINGER $2 will place the beet Sing- er Sewing Machine in your mime, balance small monthly payments. A. J. WALKER SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture 5 ore Wirgbam, - Ont. Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER- TAKERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James Walker 16 years ars experience. A. . J. Walker 9 years experience Day Phone 100 A. Night Pbone 106band 224 seal .o.a...... .. 'CH RTSTTE'S' GROCERY PHONE .5S Store epees 7 a. m. 0 •.•n evenings during D-cembe, Christmas Oranges ele jOur Christmas fruit haw just 1 arrived and has opened tip h; a.utifnl stock. Th -y tins t•h, b+ -tit obtainable brand of nu., ell, Prices 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c • and 60c per doz Candies and Nuts I As usual our stock is large, 1 and varic: d. Mixed Candies, • Fondants, Caramels, Chocolate* [ion Bon Boxer, Walnuts, Al- mond Nuts, Nigger Toes, etc). From 100 to 50c ter lb The Best in Eatables Ever3 thing we sell in foo d has lint to n7Pnsnte up to a verj high standard of excellence. IT1tY VS roR YOUR XMAS(' g ORDER somasa Gelate AL Scranton or Lehigh Coal Wood, a Kindling Lowest Prices J. Camtclon Ottoe with Dominion Express 'Go. Phone 47. P. O. fax 1..t:7 11 mposs!bie To Buy MoreSensible CKISTMAS •Presets; For Warner' or Men, Boys or Girls or for the Kiddies than Fine shoes, rubbers, slippers, warm house shoes, hockey shoes, moccasins,. overshoes, rubber boots or in fact any thing in the footwear line. SANTA CLAUS has placed a big stock Ultimo lines 1110110101M,Maa. .1.111111•100. WO in our otfRe latest and b 'gyp to no apt H.WILLIS L CO. Sole Agents For The iiii n SI10E STORE SHOE LADIES eentJ! itis^'rna hite:y�SY tinsi iii r.. ONTee `' dz—s .n,i: F you desire a Christmas Gift for a man or boy, get them where he always buys his wearables. Get them here and then you can't go wrong. A flan Always Likes Something Ho Can dear and he will appreciate it more this year. - -�-- Our } was Ties Every man and bt,t, always txpectq a Christmas 1 ie and gen•gra'iy gt•t•, it. Our Ibilida3 Neckwear is the choicest i.hown. Ekcotlwive Silks from exeliAtve makers, 2:5o, 50e, 75e and $ r Other r as Hints BATA ROBES MUFFLERS SWEATERS �. SHIRTS SUSPENDERS HOSIERY GARTERS GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS DRESS SHIRTS HATS COLLARS UNDERWEAR CUFFS CA Come to a Man's Store for a Man's Gift W. A. CAMPBELL Tho Clothier MacDonald Black. Q�� Bank of Comm