HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-12-17, Page 6IF Children Cry for Fletcher's The Rind You I'Iavo Always Bought, and which has been. in me for over 30 ycais, has borno tho signature of Per.. and has been made under his. per sonai supervision since its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this: 111. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good are but infants and Children -Experience ad gainsttExperiment. t. 'What is CASTORiA at,itoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- , Drops and Soothing Sy'r11Ps. It is pleasant. It inti neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic • 9tanto, Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms And allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, ;Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrlicea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, 'esintilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Ne Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GEN 1E CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ./ Ia Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought -,THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, NCW YOteK CITY NIIIMflittifliflllflflitiflfl1iflt tlitflflitittflitflititttititflifltm w `� Machine Shop_. -... E This department is fully equipped for all kinds of E work. No order too large, none too small. Best qualities of flour and all F Flour and Feed kinds c f feed. ..r ...- --4 ,� Chopping mill running steadily. M u..•- -"- All orders promptly attended to ..... E. Merkley& Son ......_..--._.--._.--. ••- Machine Shop and Residence on North end of Josephine next to Mill Dam. PHONE 84. P. O. BOX 62 , 'o -..e �iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� ■ • .y El1 It's a LongWayto Tipperary e PATTERSON'S. JEWELRY STORE. Think of it, $9,500 worth of Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware, Jewelry of all the newest designs. These goods were bought at the low price before the war commenced and can, and 0 will be sold from 25 to so per cent. less than the Dealer 0 vt ho had to buy them after the war began. This is a 0 goodchance for the people of Wisgham and surround- ing country to purchase swell Xmas Gifts at a low price. But a Short Road to 0 Pearl Necklets O e' Pendants O ” Broaches 0 " Rings / t( Tie Pins 0 Bracelets 0 Bracelet Watches O Tango Bracelets 0 Ladies' Watches 0, Gents " a TIE W.INGTI A M A The range with pure white enamelled stc°l"1 reservoir stamped from one piece. The ear s reservoir is seamless and clean kin enough to use 1<n cooking, g g and preserving. See the McClary dealer._ MADE IN CANADA R. R, MOONEY, Agent Winghm, The Million Dollar Mystery But all the way down to the B:r• hem" he was moody, and when he answered any question it was with words spoken testily and jerkily. "1 know whut's th matter, said Dunkers, ',He's in love." "Shut your mouth!" ' Didn't I tell yub?" laughed the tantalizer, dancing toward the com- panionway. "Steve's in love, 'r he didn't get drunk enough on• shore t' satisfy his whale's belly." A boot thudded spitefully agaicst the door jam. You fellahs let me alone, 'r 1'!1 bash in a couple o' heads!" "0 yuh will, will yub?" cried Dun• kers from the deck, "If yule twant a little exercise,yuh can begin nn me, yuh moonsick swab! Whut's th' mat - take and the other to hold this mys- terious box, Dunkers struggled to uphold his word; not that he really wanted the box, but to prove that he was strong ere -nigh to •take it, if be wanted• to. The Lague on the box flashed and.. disappeared. It was a, kind of shock ro him, Ile and. 13t"w t=om went bartering votive. the rats, Dunkers' grip . Nltoped and so did. Blossom's', The ,.vetlult was the the box was eatctpritted into ,the tiea., With an agonizing cry, Blossom lean- ed far over. He saw the hex oscillate for a moment, then' sinkgracefully in a zigzrg course, down through the blue waters. Fainter and fainter it grew, and at lasr vnttit'hed. "I'nt sorry, Steve ; but yuh wouldn't let me look at it," said Dunkers contri' tely. "Datnn you; I'mgoing t' kill y' for that!' It became a real fight this time, fist and foot, tooth and nail; one mad with .the lust to kill, and the other desperately in- ter with yub, anyhow? Where'd yuh tent on living. It was one of those con- git this grouch? Whut've we done tests in which honor and fair play bat e no t' yuh? Hub? part. But for the timely arrival of the • You keep out o' my way, that's all. captain and some of the crow. bunkers I'm mindin' my watches, andon t ask would have been badly injured, perhaps no odds of yon duffers. What it I fatally. They hauled back Blossom, roaring out his oaths at the top of his lungs. It took half an. hour's arguing to calm him down. Then the captain de- manded to know what„it was all about. And blubbering Steve told him. "Six hundred feet of water, if I've got my reckoning right. Thz'anchor ` lies in sixty Leet, but the starboard side; drops sheer six hundred. Yoe swab'! Why didn't you bring the box to me? A man has a right to what he finds. 1'd have taken care of it for you till we got back to port. I know ; you were greedy ; you thought I night want to stick your fist into your treasure And you'll never find were not honorable He it in 600 feet of water and tangled, pores intentions proposed to desert before any honorable. have a grouch? Is it any ' o' your blame businest? All right. When we stepashore at th' Bahamas, Mis- ter Jim Dunkera, I'll tear the ropes out o' your pulley blocks, But till we git there, you t' th' upper bunk an' me t' mine." "Leave th' of grouch alone, Jim. Th' mate won't stand for no scrappin' aboard. We'll have th' thing done right in th' custom -sheds. We'll have a finish fight, Queensberry rules, an' may th' best man win." "I'm willin'," said Jim. "So'm 1 agreed Steve. But bis • took place. Not that he was physical- ly afraid; no; he wanted to dig his hande deep into those doubloon and pieces -of • eight. So the four days down passed otherwise uneventfully, amid paint pots and iron rust and three meals a day of pork, onion soup, potatoes, and Cut Glass 0 Pearl handled Flatware 0 Sterling Silver Noce ties• - 0 Mesh Bags 0 Silverware 0 Leather Goods 0 Gents Canes Ladies' and Gents 'Suit. 0 Case Umbrellas 0 Must Von Be Bald? What have you done to stop your hair from failing? tlave yott triad Reran 093" flair Tonic? if not, we want you to try it at our risk. If )vou have dandruff;. if your hair lazed and shiny, Argot: use Rexau 03"Hit Tooio accordiot to dime. tions for thirty days, and at the end of that time you are not thoroughly satisfied with the results and will toll us so, we will immediately hand back your money. Wo won't ask you to promise anything. We won't even question you. Wo will take your mere word and return your money, Doesn't it stand to reason that Itexall "03" Hair Tonic must be a mighty good remedy and have given groat satisfaction to our customers it We know0 o it like this? t we endorse no similar remedy that Is as good. It. is bocauso of what Retail "" 03" Haut s Tonic has done for others that we back it with our own money. Why stiffer scalp and hair trouble or be bald, when Rexall "03"Bair Tonic will remove dandruff, maks your scalp comfortable and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to prevent baldness-- when we'will pay for the treatment should it fail to please you? • to We don't obligate you to any thing. A, You simply buy the treat. meat; use it, and if not pleased) come bank to us empty -handed --an we will bend back what you paid us. Two sizes, 50o and $1.00 a bottle. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonil In this community only at our ,totes le fel ing out and your kcalp ie pot ;14e Sioro There is a Rexall Stere in nearly every tots and city in the United States Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexaq • Remedy for. nearly every .ordinary human ill— cash especially designed dor the particular ins for which it is recommended. The Reese Stores ag eSAmerica's Greatest J. W. McKIBBON, Wingham Fait Monteal---Toronto—Detroit-- Chicago oronto -Detroit-•- Chicago Train Service, These solid de lure traiine, carryine buffet library . cuwparttui'nt • observe, tion care, electric lightNd tltandttnd ,e Ntogether 1 tr►n din s! With a datd Ing car eervce between Montreal Tot rento•Detroit.Cttitagc, via Conudiar. Pacific and Mlchleat (?ea ttto von, ,td•. are known ors '"Ther Ce=vers t.r•," act+ :priated daily tits u;;h ih 4i rhrgte, ;'a•a.ttall,vett_ a.uluu Inti',:r•i a ,,tit• reel 1)t•tret e'c.its molt Le:'.see :'I i 8.4;, ,..tu., art ',teem T.::;tee 5 40 �•�re; tees ing Toronto 0.10 p.m , envie, 1 taut, P 0,53 p.m., arrivieg Wrr.deer 1210 A.M.. arriving Detroit 1135 p.m. (centre) time); leaving Detroit 11.55 p.w„ t• a r^ err via Chic 7 45 t pi. B K Eustis :end : Leaving Chlcagu 010 es nt. (centra' Urns) • elusion Detroit (M. Q. R. Depot)12.}i5 a. in, : icuving Detroit (M. 0, R. Depot) 12.43 son. ; leaving Detroit (Port street) 11.40 p.m. leaving Windsor (0. P. R.) 1.20 a. ni, (Pastern rims) leaving Windeor•(M. C. R. Depot) 2.10 a, m , leaving London 5.15 A. m. ; arriving Toronto 830 a. m, ; leaving Toronto 0.00 a. m, ; ar- riving Montreal 0.10 p. m. Full particulars from Canadian Pa- cifio ticket agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger, Toronto. • WINTER TOURS s TO THE LAND OF Sunshine and Summer Days ; coral That's what you get for being a blamed hog. "As for you, ' and the Cap tain turned to Dunkers, 'eget your dun nage and yoiu' pay and hunt for another boat back . I won t have no murder on board, Captain Manners." And the soon• you go, the be ter." "I'll go, sir" said Dunkers, readily enough. Had the misfortune happened strong, bitter coffee, The winde be- to hint and had Blossom been the aggress- eame light and balmy and the Peal or, he�would want his life. He under blue and gentle. The men went »;hour stood Like the valet in 'OliN ette " it in there undershirts and du,rgat•ee"o, was the time for disappearing barefooted. Of course the coming "An' keep out o my way. I'll get y tight was the main topic of conversa• yet," growled Blossom. tion. It promised to be a rattling "Keep your mouth shut,' said the mate, good scrap, for both men were evenly "or I'll have you put in irons. you pig 1' matched, and both had a "kick" in ' All right, sir. I've sa d all I m going either hand. Even the captain took a t' say fday," and,Blosso'm strode off. "What was he box like ?" asked the captain of Dunkers. Chinese contraption, sir ; leastwise it looked that way to ate. Didn't ook as if it'd been in th' water long, sir. Somethin' lost overboad by some private ya.:ht, t' my thinkin'. I'll keep out o' Steve s way. I'll. lay low on shore sir." And though Steve made a perfect range of the spot, he never came back to find the mysterious box, never saw the Gil son house back home, nor did he ever see Dunkers again On the voyage home be brooded continually, and was frequently found blubbering; and one night he skip- ' ped his watch and went to Davy Jones locker. :11.11111•111=1,11•111 00 20 per cent. saved on Diamonds. The, largest stock to �JJ choose front this side of Toronto. 0 � W. �-G.PATTER5C��3.. 0 The Great WatchDoctor' WINGHAM, ONTARIO 0 mild interest in the affair. He was an old sailor, He knew that there was no such word as arbitration in a sail- or's vocabulary; his disputes could be settled only in one manner, by his calloused fists. When the old mudhook (and some day Steve was going to hang It over the entrance of the Gilson House), •.lithered down into the smiling wa- ters of the bay, Steve concluded that discretion was the Netter pat t of val- or. He would steal ashore on the quarantine tug which lay alongside. He was willing to fight under ordi• nary circumetances, but he must get his treasure in safety first. They could call him a welcher if they wanted to; devil a bit did he care S•, be pried back the boards of his bunk wall, took out the box, eyed it g g fondly, and noted for the first time the I.-ril-rmg On it; STANLEY HAROREAVE. ' He wrinkled bis brow in the effort to recall a pirate by this name, but was unsuccessful. No matter. He hugged the box under bis coat and made for the gangway, and inadver tently ran -into his enemy. Dunkers caught a bit of the box peeping out from under the coat. "What 'a' yuh got thert?" he de- manded truculently. "None o',yoar damn business! You, lemma by; hear me?" "Ain't none o' my business. hub? Where'd yuh git a. box like that? Steal it? By tripes, I'm goin' to have a look at that box, my hearty. It don't smell like honest onions." 'You Iemme by! ' . breathed Steve, with murder in his hear t, Suddenly the two men olosed, Burg-, Pd back and forth, one determined to Dunkers bad not told about the name he had seen on the box; and Blossom had not thou ht to The name Har reeve had instantly brought back to Dunkers' mind the newspaper stories he had re• cently read There was no doubt in the world that this.box belonged to the miss ing millionaire, who•had,drawn a, million from his•banks and, vanished; dud, more- over, there was .uo doubt in Dunkers' mind that this million lay in the Bahaman waters. It had been drawn up from the bottom of the 'sound,.• under the' path of balloon. He proceeded then Co take a most minute range. It would require money and partners; but half a lea would be better than no loaf -at all; and he was determined to return to New York to find backing. Finding is keeping, on land- or sea,' NoW it happened that his favorite grog shop was a cheap saloon across the way from the headquarters of The Black• Hun dyed; and Vroon occasioulty dropped for he often picked up a valuable. bit of maritime news. Dunkers was an old friend of the barkeeper, and he proceeded to pour and guzzle down his throat a very air good substitute for whisky He became communicati"e He bragged. He knew where there was a million, andall he need- ed was a first class diving bell.. A year from now he would not be drinking cheap whiskey; he'd be steering a course up and down Broadway and buying wine when he was•thirty He was no miser But he had to have a diving bell, and where the THE "CANADIAN" la AST TIME BETWEEN THE DOMINION BANK MR tDMUND R. OMR, M.P., PREfrIDENT. W, D, MATTHEWS, VNi•*Rt#($ HW 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital Paid Up ' . ▪ $s,400,000.pO Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 7,100,000.00 You Can Start a Savings Account with $1.00. It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a Large sum of money in order to start a Savings Moo tilts $anAn scootcanbe opened with 1,CGiiail' • air Bank. Int d t Pe 5 r� Interest is compounded twice a year, WINGHAM BRANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. MONTREAL -TORONTO DETROIT-CUICACiO Particulars from Canadian Pecifi•; .Ticket Agents. or write M. G. Murphy' District Pafsenger Agent, corner King and Yonge Streets Toronto. blue devil could he get one with $12 ar.d (r IU n m D T1 N RativiJy Ingersol watch in his pocket? , From his table Vroon made a, sign which the bartender understood Then he arose and'approached Dunkers. I own a pretty good diving apparatus " he said. "If you've got the goods, I'll take a chance on a fifty fifty basis." Vroon did not believe there was anything back of this talk; but it always paid to dig deep enough to find out "Have a drink; and, 131.1, give us a real whiskey and none of you'• soap -lye. Now, let's hear your yaiet " "I don't know yuh," said Dunkers with drunken caution. "How is it, Bill ?" turning to the bartender "He's the goods Jim.' You've heard of Wyant and Co. ?" "Sore I've heard o' them. Best divin' app'ratus they is." "Well, this gent here is Mr. Brook , general manager for Wyant and Co. 1 can 0, K. him," Vroon threw an appreciative glance at the bartender. He wa not affiliated with the Black Hundred, but he had . ften aid ed Vroon in minor affairs. ' • "All right, if gull say -o, "Bill. Welt here's the yarn." . And when he had done, Vroon smoked quietly without speaking. Dont yuh believe it?" demanded Dunkers, truculently "But 600 feet of water in a coral bot- tom, and noway of telling just where it fell overboard. That's a tough propos- ition." • . .1O, it is, is it ? I'm a sailor. I can lay my hands right cater th' . spot Do yuh think I'd be a fool enough t' hunt for it without a perfect range ?' Dunkers tap - pea his coat pocket suggestively, And Vroon knew that one thing he wanted was there, a plan or drawing of the range. So there was another shang- haied that night, and his•• destination was' Cape -Town, twenty.two days voyage by the calender. Vroon carried ht,sinformation to the or- ganization that night. They would start the expedition at once and till this was ac . cpmpanied Hargreave.'s daughter was to be immune from attacks, Besides it wou'd give Hargreave (wherever 'he was) and the others the idea that the Black Hun died had concluded to give up the chase. Above, with his ear to a small hole, skillfully bor. d through the ceiling with out permitting the plaster to fall, knelt a man with a bandaged arm, He could never see any faces; no one ever took off a mask in this sinister chamber. But there were voices., and he was never go- ing to forget some of them. Ater the meeting came to an end, he waited an hour after, and then stole down into the street by the aid of the fire es••ape Later he entered a tel phone booth and called up Jones,'.. Then, one leathern and steel box, dot- ted with bits'of ivory.and mother of pearl,, became two; and the second one ttas soaked in mud and salt ' water for two weeks till you could not have told it from rhe original. And that is why Jones was able, some weeks later, to hide once mord the original':bok. -As for the substitute just as.Braine was about to' use a ma let and chisel upon it, • the lights went out. 'There was a wild scramble, a chair or two ivas overturned. . • • • "The door, the door!" shouted Braine, furious. It s ammed lite moment, the words left his lips, And as suddenly as they had gone out the fights sprang up. The box was gone There were evidently traitors among the Black Hundred, (To be continued) etNo •more Dy$pe; There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if •lie or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night.and you're RIGHT in the morning. ' All dru¢eists, 21c, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 CHAM B[RLAI SAVE MONEY Von earl save (rots $1a to $23 by having that, suit OLEANED, PitE!49Lb arrd •REPA11t1l:i), atr,n a similar amount by having a New Velvet Collar. etc, tyre gess' overcoat, Wt ttpeetalfze tstl Dint 0LL4 NINE, PRl4SSING and REPAIR" fN0 tA.11iES' WEAR, ' Johnson's., Cleaning and Passing Werra (Under New MAN/WS:VENT) Cha*,'0. Jahtatleat. "tanager System TORONTO AND RETURN FARE. AND ONE-THIRD From Stations in Canada, Kingston, Renfrew and West thereof Good going P.M. trainsDecember 10, and all tains December 11.12 Acrcti t "Toronto Fat Sruck Show All tickets valid to return up to and includin December 14, 1914 W. F. BERGMAN, Agent, Wingham NO SUCH THING AS FEAR" Trooper W. R. Long, of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, writing from hos- pital to hie father, said: • ' • "I am up and walking (slowly), and I think that In the course of another week I shall be on my way back to the regiment.. The old boys have not done so badly, especially at the place where Lieutenant C. N. Champion De Crespigny Was 'killed, We were sur, prised at daybreak. The Germans, had their guns and maxims on us, with a line range, too, but they Cannot time, their shells, so they merely .make 'a bitof a roe, and it takes more than noise to fr'„ hten us boys. When we had pulled ourselves together and got a bit of a firing line stretched out and one maim en the go we settled down to what we thought was going to bo a twenty -round go, 'We fought them la the good old style for halt an hour, and at the endof that time We had to our credit twelve guns, four tnaycime, and about fifty men. Two of my dear old pals went under. Oa* big sausage manufacturer that.we cap - Wed stood about t ,fret 2 Inches, and he let sue go arid take hitt kat off, and never' said a word, There le leo Bruch a thing at tear out here in the British army, but there Its no ehanoe of getting a really good se eo. if we get close they put their bands up, and our officers won't let us go In and 118.8 the butts of osis r;fiee or even our fists." Honor Roll RANK NAME Captain , . . . . . . N T Sinclair Lieut. 11 Col. S••rgt. Ser t. 44 114 Corpl. u Bugler Private " 14 1t '4 tt It t1 " t1 H. McLean G. Steens C G. Vanstone H Campbell J Mann L Lutton • P Harris A Chapman W. Van Wyck W. B Elliott R G. Freeborn H. Hinscliffe L Harding C. Shoebottom R J. Little , T, MacDonald H. Guest E. Madigan G Hayles W. Stapleton W. Austin ✓ Taylor R. Finlay Herbert Chisholm Harry Chisholm 3, White G. E. Read G H. Ross tt ... t1 tt 11 44 tt " ft 41 t1 1/ t t• 4' ft " t1 44 tt 11 1. t1 /t 11 /1 1,1 14 it 1t ft 14 14 14 1♦ 1t 11 " 4' u .4 tt If 41 .1 14 it er F S. Sturdy A Jones C. Wood E. Pitt , C Bleach Jas McCalltan J G Nethery R. Jones C Liarle ... R. Osborne R. Huffman A, Scott .........+. ..., F. Lutton ,,,,, Guest •W H. Murch •. ... R. Harrison M. 1'.bite G Schaefer F. Fixter G. Jacques E. Sanderson 1-I Deer 11. Jobb A Aitcheson . J Holland H. Cellar I; Iserd G Day M Rogers Frs` .. R o yth W. Srigley A M. Forbes C Crawford .,,,.,..,... ., R. Berkett 4,,;.1,11 .. 0 Fender .... .. , . ...P. E. Gillespie ,...,, .W. C. 'Helps ....K. Smith • J Holmes .... ..; .,W, McLeod E. E Denny .,,... ....R. Mann C. Brooks II: F. V1 illis 11. Drummond .. .... , • L. Drummond Vance Sanderson Vivis it 1. Binkiryy ,,. L. Brock 1t,. ,.:, ,...A Doney 44 V.,, , .,.. •R. Stones ', ' A=1{neehtel 4' „ ,,.,. tf: No num W. R. DYER • Sticeetsl r to A. NI4 CttAWI'O*D Whole Ile sod itettlil "Tobaccos WINCHAM, ONTAI1t1O tiff i'wrwtr tnr+Mlellr JOIE WORK Neatly and Promptly Done at the Advance Offc and at Prices to Suit asrmtsenes cVz 7- u RH EUTAT-JSM We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, cur gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the we r.l of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using .Maa40s exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a,PRas BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists , and In. dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATION (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINED.) - Does the work surely but pb'asautly—Nature'■ way. :No :dial4.reee —no gripping—no sick stomach—no weakening.- The TWO rlem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known •:16o the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiate' or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps,thtem. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., IJ. S8 -A* Kea sees 17.4 L tdi+ y' :ttl(.l (r' -tit's 'Watches Gold Hn.l `Ai v'.'r Bracwlet Watches 1)"4nland trd Pear. Rings N- (.•kiott« attd Pendants Cameo Net'kle't.l Cameo Ring.. and Broaches Scarf Pint and Fobs Lockets and Chains Brame) et.; c uff Links " ;ill t'erwt'ar Pearl Handled Fiatwaro Cut (Mass and Jewel Cases Kitehen Alarm, M anile Clocks Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas • White Iv'or'y and Ebony Sete, llatteure Set., Brush Seta, Militery Brush Sets, Eb.toy Mirrcus And Hair Brushes, Xmas Paprtelles and Post Cards.