HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-12-10, Page 31 WIN GRAM ADVANCE
. .
>lf�N Term Eton) sant, iSte Mil ion
The beet Go;nnvrcial acheol in the pro -
view. Our coarses are thorough u.d
ereettoal while on ltstrnrt'rs are better
than Tru will Lind c lsew110-O. ore s t1.1
7r1,•aV for one M'udsnte tier: (, he • heir,':•
sehrinte do. Our ray's r is 'el..) l..) ,,,,ht-.
WO e tar our free cetelogne ata see
What we min do for yon.
D. a, NhS. AIM, n P 1111
Mr. Geo. Moi:
.Widhea to announce to the citizens
of *Ingham that he is in the old
tend to stay.
Shoe Shining and Dyeing.
Cigars, Gum, Laces, el'
Give us a call
Li taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. 0. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. lst. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal Chartered Accountant
10 vice-Pdacipal
Trains leave Wingham stations dally as
G. T. R .
TO TORONTO and Iutermediate
Ppiatte--Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen-
ger,MOO a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.
• TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a.
m.; ,passenger, 8 30 p m.
TO • KINOARDINE : - Passenger,
4.80 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas-
senger, 9 16 p.m.
• C. P. R.
TO TORONTO and Intermediate
'Pointe: -Passenger, 640 a.m.; passes•
ger 8 10 p,m.
TO TEESWATER : - Passenger,
12,67 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m.
ninE sole head of a family, or any male over
.L 18 years old, may homeetcnl a quarter.
section of available Dominion land in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Tho appli-
cant must appear in person at the Dominion
1�ands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district.
1cutry by proxy may be made at the office cii
any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-
agt,nt) on certain conditions.
DDtttlos.-Sid months' residence upon and cul-
tivatdbn of the land in each of three years. A
homesteader may live within nine miles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on
certain conditions. .A habitable house is re -
!piled in every case excepe when residence
is perforated in the vicinity.
ti-.^srtaia Ais.
riots a homesteader in good
standing trial pre-emptaquartor•section alng-
iidp his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties
-Six mouths' residence in each of six years
date of homestead entry (including the
e required to earn homestead patent) and
aor.'v extra cultivation. The area of culti-
vation is subject co red intim' in case of rough,
'scrub tu• co stony land after re eft by Home-
stead Inspector en application for patent.
.A. homesteader who has exhausted his home-
stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption
may in.ke a purcheat.rl homosted in cortein
dist>t'iois. Price $3 (Alper acre. Duties.-Must
reside get months in oaoh of three years, rulti.
state Aft* acres and erect a house worth $300.
w. w. cony,
Deputy of the Minister of the Tinnier.
Atlee entnwill notlbe paid fon of this ad -
Will give better satisfaction to
both buyer and seller than any
other auctioneer and only
charge What is reasonable,
Dates arranged at the
Advance Office
...'-•> Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
Sales conducted anywhere in
T. R. Sennett
Massey -Harris Office
Phone '81
cC nnell & Vandrick
McConnell ,
: Auetionrer•: for the Comities 'ti
Are prepated•tn take all ;kinds of
wales. laving had a i ids expel,.
fence in this line, we ate certain
we can
leastan ctrusting e .t
sales to us. '-ou can have either
•,t n
r Tow pejo, r• ra
one to ct odor, . i l n
have posh wirhrr,ut tettra charge
rde s eau bele •t with e.. e''on-
O r n +'�d
. a r'• a
nen n with ltd tt k. at .
1 t- r (•', the
i t
%t I:t '14 13Ii� );I G L� C o
• if.OR1y, 'irabutp
Cheirgea 'M�cl,eratc •
eller Myster
C. pen nein, Iiiln be. Herold MaeGeeih).
exsoaete on Plummier cialt'rnne
+t,I,•Y tl ::r ek.,lt(:llt•.1+sir's°, 1)•.(E1r
te ut it• • . ape 1 n, ter ei,r n'
a# t and p here eeneos gist, to face with
the i &tng'e leerier, Ermine.
After the rtaectie+g, during whirl
neither man apparently recolnnieete the
et her, I1nrgre eeit hurries to hie tnng-
etti••'tnt trivet hale hoer-- and 'aye ,glen
f•,�rrtt='mg h+•rat,iia-fa en he•',nee 'en.
Lie writea te letter it) r.ht' gals' ecijlio
in New Jersey where eighteen years
bxfore he had mysteriously left on the
doorstep bis baby daughter, Florence
Gray. He also pays a visit to the ban
gar of a daredevil aviator.
Braine and members of his band sun
round tiargreave's home at night, bu.
tae they enter the house the watchers•
outside see a ballon leave the roof.
The +•efe is found empt y --the million
whi h Haigceeve was known to hav'
drawn the, day genie. Then some on
announced the ballon had been puner-
i uretd and dropped to the bottom of tet•
se i,
wlorence arrives from the girls'
school, Princess Olga,, Brain's num-
panion. visits and claims to be a relat•
ive. Two bogus detectives call, bu
their plot to kidnap Florence and holt)
her for -ransom is foiled by Norton, n
eewspaper man.
By bribing the 'trap
of th
Oc lent Norton lays a trap for Braine
and his gang. Princess Olga alto vis
its the Orient's captain and she easil3
falls into the reporter's snare. The
plan proves abortive through Braine'*.
good luck, and only hirelings fall ink.
the hands of the police,
After failing in their first attempt,
the Black Hundred trap Florence.
They ask her for money, but she es-
capes, again foiling them.
Norton and the countess call or
Florence the.next day, once more saf.
at home. The visitors having gone.
Jones removes a section of flooring.
end from a cavity takes a box. Pur-
sued by members of the Black Hun-
dred, he rushes to the water front and
succeeds in dropping the box into the
Braine conceives the idea of giving
a coaching party to which Florence is
invited. Jones and Norton both go
along and are fortunately on band to
save Florence from being imprisoned
in the country house to which she is
Florence goes horsehack riding and
is captured by one of Brain:+'d mer'
along the ro ideate. Not -ton rel-CUse
her. They . are pursued, however,
and the pair snake their complete
escape only tuner Norton has exploded
a tire on the flet approaching machine
with a bullet.
Countess Olga, scheming to break
t. he engagement now existing between
Florence Hergreave and Norton, in.
vices thein hath to her spine ments and
pretends to faint in the reporters arms
Florence appears in the doorway just
at the plantted mnntent,Anti as a re-
eult gives Norton back her ring,
Accomplices of Braine succeed in
kidnapping Florence while she is shop-
ping, and hurry her off to sea. Norton
receives a wireless !Rater informing hits
that the girl had leaped into the sea
and been drowned.
Florence is picked lap in a dazed eon-
dition by a party of fishermen. The
Black Hundred locate her, and Braine,
disgnised as her fat her succeeds in
takic'g her heck to sea with him.
Florence seta fire to t be hoar and is res•
cued by a ship on which Norton has
been slaughtered.
When Jones received the telegram
that Fioreaee wit+ sate, the iron nerve
of the man broke d ova. Tne suspense
had been FO keenly terrible that the
sudden reaoU in left him almost hyster-
ically weak Three weeks of waiting,
waiting. Not even the scoundrel and
his wife who hed been 'the principal
actors in the abduction had been Found
Prom a great ship in Mid -ocean they
had disappeared. Doubtless they had
hidden among the immigrants. who,
for a little money, would he.ve fooled
all the officers 00 board. There war
no doubt iri Junes' mind that the pair
had handed safely at M sdrid.,
As for Susan, she did have hysterics,
She wont about the room waiting and
laughing and wringing her .hands.''
You would have though: by her act-
ions that Florence had just died The
sight of her stirred the eaturoine lips
of the butler into a smile. But he did
not remonstrate with her. In fact, he
rather envied her freedom in emotion.
Man cannot let go in that fashion; it is
a sign of weakness, and be dared not
let even Suson see any sign of weak -
nese in him.
Sa the reporter had found her and
she was safe end Round and on .her
way to New Ynt•k ? .fioawing by this
time something of the reporter's coma
agP, be was eager to learn how the
event end come ahout. When he had
not heard a telephone message frnm
Norton in 48 hours, be had decide,
that the Blark Hundred bad finally
succeeded in getting hold of him. It
h id been something of a blow; for
while ho looked with disfavor upon
the reporter's frank regard for hie
charge be apeteciated the fact that.
Norton was a r;ta(f to lean on, and had
included theA privilege nfevery-
going av t
even if oao eouli notalways get
As he fo'ded the telegratn and put
it in, okAt ucs h ihe observed the
than with the opera glace ea over the
way. FIA struggari Well. let him
wtrrt, till 111a eves drnntv~d net of hie
head; he would ace only that wbiob
wets Intended for hid oyer.. Still, it
War, i 18011ie to feel that no matter
seism t'sr wbere, y;t rn+.ave°d, we,elttng
eyes nbeerved mud ehronikled them
Suddenly, not iu°itig devoid of a
ANrrni of da•y humor, Jotted stepped
over to the tele'pbone and called up her
highttot,d, the Princess Perigof$.
**Who is it?"
He was forced to admit, however,
reluctantly, that the woman had G
marvelously floe speaking voice.
eIt. is Jones, medium,"
Me. Hargreaven butler, uiaibttn."
"U ! You have news of Fioruuce ?"
"Yes." It will be an embarrassing
day for humanity when some one in-
vents a photograpic apparatus by
which two persons at the twoends of
the telephone may observe the facial
expressions of each other.
"What id it? Tell it quickly.
"Florence has been found, and she
is on her way back to New York. She
was found by Mr, Norton, the report-
'°I am so glad! Shall I come up at
once and have you tell ore the whole
amazing stort ?"
"It would be useless, madam, for I
knowing nothing except what I learn-
ed from a telegram I have just receiv-
ed. But no doubtsome time this
evening you might risk a call,"
"Ring up the instant she returns.
Did she say, what train ?"
" No, madam," lied Jones, smiling.
He hung up the reciever and stared
at the telephone as if he - would force
nis gaze in and through it ea the
woman at the other end. Flesh and
blood ! Well, greed wasstronger than
that. Treacherous cat! Let her play;
let her weave her nets. dig her pits.
rhe day would come, and it was not
far distant, when she would find that
the mild -eyed mon-goose was just as
4eadly as the cobra, and far more
The heads of the Black Hundred
must be destroyed. Those were the
orders. What good to denounce them,
to send them to a prison. from which.
with the aid of money and a tremen-
dous secret political pull, they might
readily find their way otit ? Tnev
must be exterminated, as one kills t ff
the poisonous plague rats of the Or-
ient. A woman ? In the law of re-
prisal there was no sex.
Shortly after the telephone episode
(which rather puzzled the princess)
she 'received a wire from Braine;
which announced the fact that F1gr•-
ence and five had oacaped and were
enuring to New York on train No,
25, and advising her to met t the train.
en route. She had to fly about to do
When Capt. Bannock released
Braine, he had been in no enviable
fraise of mind, " Tricked. fooled by
the girl, whose mind was as uncloud-
ed as bis own ! She had succeeded in
bribing a coal stoker, and had taken
hire unawares. The man had dooned
the disguise he had laid out for shore
purpoaaes, and the blockhead Bannock
had never suspected. He had not re-.
cognizsd Norton at all. It wan only
when Bannock explained the histnry
of the shanghaied stoker that he real
ized his real danger. Narron. 13e
.oust be pushed off the board, After
this episode he could no longer keep
up the pretense of tieing friendly,
Norton. by a rare stroke of luck, had
forced him out into the open. So he
it. Self-preservation is in no wise
looked. upon as criminal,• The lacy
may have its ideas about it, •but rhe
individual recognizes no law hot Re
own. It wan Braine whore he loved
and admired, or Norton whom bin
hated as a dog with rabies hates water.
With Norton free, he would never
again dare return to New York open-
ly. Thie mendling reporter aimed at
We ease and elegance.
He left the freighter at soon as a
boat could carry him ashore. The
fugitives would make directly for the
railroad, and thither he went at top
speed. to arrive ten minutes too late
“Free!" said Florence, as the traiu
began to increase its speed.
Nertau reached over and vatted her
hand. Then he eat back with a sudden
shock of dismay, Ho dived- -a hand
into a pocket. into another. and an-
other. Tne price of a telegram he had
sent to Jones was all he had in the
world ; . and he had burrowed that
from a friendly stoker, In the excite
meat he had forgotten all abous each
a contingency as the absolute need of
money. -
"Florence, I'tn afraid we're going to
have trouble with the conductor when
he comes,"
He pulled out his pockets suggestive•
ly. "Not a postage stamp. They win
put us off at the next station. And"
with a glance in the little mirror be
tween the two windows. "I shouldn't
blame them a bit." He was unshaven,
be was wearing the suit ,enbetituted
for his own ; and Florence, sartorially,
wets not much better off. '
She smiled, blushed, etood up, and
turned her ba^.k to him Then she
eat down again. In'ber hand she held
a small, dilapidated roll of banknotes.
"I bad them with me when they ate.
ducted me," she said. "Besides tbis
ring is worth something."
'Thank the Lord !'' he exclaimed, re-
So there was nothing more to do
hut he happy ; and happy they were.
They were quite oblivit•us to the pe-
culiar inters -t they aroused n.m.)ug
the Axpassengers This une x
young man. In hie ragged coat and
Boiled jersey ; ° this beautiful young
girl, in a v. tinkled homespun, her
s blood's e'r, a,sery, a fid the
wav'they looked at each other during
those lulls in conversation peculiar to
inners the world 'ov.'5 initieen.' i the
S. ,
Minwomen with disfigured
e ca )ext
never seerrto thik that they need an occasionsI cl
ea s}
inside' as well as pi#§icle, • 'et begg*of this }nteclIf
bathin .shows itself i sllotty,an complexions -as
well as in dreadful headaches andpsnsss. bepapsp
the liver hccoples sluggish, and was o"matter aeeumpia>;es
which Nature cannot remove \yithou r.ssistdrtee.The best
Por lamas 'awl Chalirb?s,
' Med You lieu Always Bought
remedy ie Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermetltation,
gently cleanse the stomach and o e1d
and toneoa the whoot
i esti e system. Sure, raf) and reliable. Takeonoat
night and you feel bright and a my in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's teddy--drt gi , or by mail from
c,,, ,lis Wilda Me stains C • . its, Urea. 15
other passeng+-re with the idea that
eemething very uuuonal had happened
80 these two.
The Pullman conductor was not ere
pecially polite; but stoney was money,
and the stockbo!dere, waiting for
%heir dividends, utlade it impossible
for bine to reject it, 'The regular con-
ductor paid them no more attention
than to grumble over changing a $20
So, while these two were hurrying
on to New fork, the plotters were
butrying east to meet them. The two
trains met and stopped at the sante
station shout eighty tulles from New
York. The princess, accompaoted: ny
Vroon, who kept well in the back-
ground, entered the car occupied by
thetwo castaways.
In the mirror at the rear of the car
Norton happened to .cast an idle
glance, ' and he saw the princess.
Vroon, however, escaped his eye.
"Be careful, Florence," he said,
"The princess ie in the car. The game
begins again. Pretend that you sus-
pect nothing. Pretty quick work on
their part. And that's all the more
reason why we should pity the come-
dy well. Here she comes. She will
recognize you, throw her arms around
you, and show all manner of effusive-
ness. Just keep your head and play
the game."
"She lied about you to me."
"No matt )r,"
"0!" cried the princess. She seiz-
ed Florence in a wild embrace. She
was an inimitable actress, and Nor-
ton could not help admiring her.
"Your butler telephoned me! I ran
to the first train out. And here you
are, back safe and sound! It is
wonderful. Tell me all about it.
What an adventure! And, good
heavens, Mr. Norton, where did you
get these clothes? Did you find her
and rescue her? What a newspaper
story you'll be able to make out of it
alt! Now, tell me just what hap-
pened." She sat down on the arm
of Florence's chair. The girl had
steeled her nerves against the touch
of her. And'yet she was beautiful
How could anyone so beautiful be
"Well, it began like this," said
Florence; and she described her ad•
venture, omitting, to be sure, Braine'a
part in it. •
She had reached that part where
they bad been rescued by Captain
Bapnock when a thundering, grind-
ing crash struck the words from her
lips. The three of them were flung
violently to the'side of the car amid
splintering wood, tinkling glass, asp
the shriek of steel against steel. A
low wail of horror rose and died away
as the oar careened over on its side.
The three were rendered unconscious
and were huddled together on the
floor, under the uprooted chairs.
Vroon had escaped with only a
slight out on the band from flying
gime, He climbed over the chairs
and passengers with a single object
in view. He saw that all three he
was interested in were in•eensible. He
quickly examined thew and saw that
they had not received serious in
juries, He bird but little time. The
princes/3 and Norton would heats to
take their ebunce with the other
passengers. Resolutely he stopped
and lifted Florence in hie arm and
crawled oat of the car with her. I+
was a difficult task, but he managed
it. Outside, in the contu,ion, no one
paid any attention to him. So he
threw the unconscious girl over the
shoulder and staggered ontoward the
It was unfortunate that the accident
had occurred where it did. Five
miles beyond was the station mat cod
for the arrest of Norton as an ab-
ductor, and the taking in charge of
Florence as a rebellious girl who had
run away from her parents. If be
could reach the Swedes hut, where
his confederates were in waiting, the
game was his,
After struggling along for half an
hour it carriage was spied by Vroon,
and he hailed it when it reached his
"What's the trouble, mister?'' ask-
ed the farmer.
"A wreck on the , ailroad. My
daughter is badly hues, and I must
take her to the nearest village. How
ftp is it?''
"About three miles."
"•I'll give you twenty dollars for the
use of that rig of yours,."
"Oan't do it, mister."
"But it's a case of humanity, sit!"
indignantly. "You are refusing to
aid the unfurtunate.".
The farmer thought it over for a
moment, "all right. You can have
the buggy for twenty dollars. When
you get to the village take the nag
to Doc Sanders' livery. He'll know
what to do."
"Thank you. Help me in with
Vroon drove away without the
least intention of going toward the
village. As a result, when Florence
come to her senses '•he found herself
surrounded by strange and ominous
faces. At first she thought that
they had `taken her from the wreck
out of kindoes-; but when she sew
the cold, impassive face of the man
Vroon she closed her eyes and lay
back in the chair. Well, i11 and
weak as she was they should find
that she was not without a certain
In the meantime N eon reviecd,
and looked tib +tit in vain for )iter-
encs. He searched among the crowd
of terrified s a
)fled as en ers thehut ht tend
p ,
the unhii'rmed, but she was not to be
found. Ile ran back t;) the 'Princess
findehelped'heit• out of the h'Mken car.
-'Where is Florence?,'' nue asked,
dazedly. ...e.
"God know-) here, come avera,id
sit down by the fence, till I see if
there ie a Held telegrapleat
They had alreeely ,)wetted One, anti
We tpes.sage went (4 cpitii a hatch
of cohere. This time be was deter-
mined wit to treat to chance, The
shark may hnlehr
ht beck Flor-
ence's went tl r!iwnrder, hilt she Illnq
have wandered
rd ( iisetthn
t knr
what the es doing. o the other
hand, she reeler have b'en
tattled r'ff.
And spinet turn a contingently be
txrilet he fortili yd. Mone31 The •
curse of (end was upas lit it rvsas
ibis trail of ilie serpent, • spreading
pnr.. . un to tt5. tenk•,y
ley and by theprincess Ware awl•,
to tdafkt and. supporting her, he led
her to the toed. elenne tehinh thee
K•a'ked slowly Inc at least all h nth.
That n trthre very 'dell have waited
„ i .• , t t.
tenor trans. u, r..
tot l f a 13 eta old
a e 'nog /VA . and h t r a t
n t lr ht of in rtivi .
a �'
Ten w
h th i rt- It M oft
�` ft had her civvies stew
Ing behind or Ruins with, him }Is
h t' ,lr,. atrtrrtettr• hilt het not+tld no'
WA a
the side of her head, and she limped
They stn ped at the first farm.
h nis , expl'tint'd what had happened,
and th'• in'stelae urged them to m-
itt.. She, had Recti no orae, end
reit Poly not a young woman. She
must have wandered off in another
d rection, gibe ran into the kitchen.
f' r +< basin and towel and proceeded
to pistols the princess' hutte.
She was exttemely uneasy, That
ebe would be under obligation to Nor-
ton galled her. There was a spa' k
of conscience left in her soul. She
bad tried to destroy tern, and he bad
been kind to her Wee he tt fool (0
was he deep playing a game as
shrewd as her own? She could not
tell. Where wed Vreme? Had he
carried Florence off?
Au bout- later a man came in. -
"Hullo! More folks from the
"Where's the horse and buggy,
Jake? his wife asked,
"Rented it to a man whose daughter
was hurt, He went to the village,"
"Will you describe ,thedaughter?"
asked Norton.
The princeta twisted her lingers,
The fanner rudely detsuribsd Flor-
"Have you another horse and a sad-
"What's your hurry?"
"I'll tell you later. What I want
now ie the horse."
"What is to become of me? aeked
the rrincess,
'"You will be in good hands," he
answered briefly. "lam going to fit d
out what bas become of Florence. Je
there a deserted farmhouse here -
(Continued on page 6)
War and
A few words to sensible men,
If you were enlisting for active service
you would be very anxious that your life
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At the battle of Gettysburg, the blood-
iest of the civil war, the loss of life was 55
out of 1,000 men engaged. This means
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of living to 53 than a soldier had of com-
ing out of Gettysburg alive.
Tact the first Bull Run battle and we
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The Mntual Life Assurance Co. of Can•
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There is nn need of Rending -
your nrdere Inc entinter check
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We can fill orders prnmpt-
Iv at nriees that will defy
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Ask to see our samnlrp.
They are the very latest thing
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Chronic Diseases, Nerve'"Disorders,
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"Wedneedav rand Fridsty 9--:1.a. a, m,
Thurtday a m. 4-0 p. m.
a: otomi•
Cream Wanted
Having an op -to -date Creamery
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stetetr.er t of Min,. to each patron.
We Turtrith terve (taus to ettoh mete
r, pay ell tairesi charges and ps
prissy ea0 tcAtkw.
ie t
� send , 1 rtt niers or i#An t)
ti f rftj.l A
COM And give ua a gri).
Pure, cleans flavory
and strong, in sealed packets.
Carries a Complete Line of High Grille Musical
Instruments of Every Description
Playor=Pianos and Organs of almost
any make. Phonographs, Edison and
Stringed Instruments of all kinds,
Violins a specialty
Sewing. Machines, Canadian and American
We wish to impress you with the
fact that we sell everything that spro,
duces music, at prices to suit all.
° Phone 222
You Can Help Keep -
Canadian Factories Going
by butting Canadirn-made goods. Your m' my r --
main-, in Canada, 1 eeping Cant:dian Wolk ng pt o;t e
Toaste s Corn Flakes
is the only article b,eatring tie I{i LLOGfx nam • • • e
is "Made in Canada," All others are mMd- outs ,!e
of country i,11n•1 (lo not help our working people.
Keilo S Toa��aCM Raks
Made in London, Ontario, Chi! oda
l 't price for
will pay thy, h rhes p iC'e
livered to us,
We are also in the market for t'te
of wheat. oats, barley, buckwheat,etc
Itigh »st Prices, Trade or Clash. -
peas de -
purchase i
Howson & Brocklebank
Telephone 4 rsil
g V 9 d
Established Iti4O.
head Udlee QVEI4'H, ONT,
Rieke taken on all classes of in-
surable property oI► the cash or pre
tnlum note system.
President. Secretary,
Agents. Wingham, Ont
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
Office; Meyer Block, Wiligham,•
Money to loan at lowest rater,`
Altrifflit cf. IRRWIN
Doctor of Dental Sprgery of the Pen
neylvanla College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
-Office he Macdonald Blook-
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D,S
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, having
taken postgraduate work •in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence, be-
tween the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54: P. 0. Box 1I8
Late member House Staff Tor
unto General Hospital. Post grad
nate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. Agnew
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Ohieholm's old stand)
General Hospital.
(Under Governmer.d Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully' furnished',
Open to all regularly licensed physicians,
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing) -$4,90 to 815.00 per week, according
to location of room. For further interna,
tion -Address
Box 239, Wingham Ont.
J A, FOX, D. 0., graduate Chin,
praetor. Chiropractic is successful in
such difficult cases as Insantty, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaohes, Con-
stipation, Female Trouble an? all Chro-
nic Stomach, Liver and 13owel trouble.
Office in R. Knox'e house. Entrance per
Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good Dement house, large orohard, ,and
considerable quantity of timber. Pride
$6500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing -
ham P. O.
anyone pebtltu'g a eketohpnd dtlsortptton may
gnteldi tsdertnln our oplh on res whOother aD
Invention Is probably t tab b. Coeinruntoa•
tloneetrl0tlyp¢r,ndent155l.'�iA'NDDOOK on Patents
sant iron. Oldest agenb) fSraecuirtutring atedta.
speecialn ot(ccee, shit Ou(uchants,, lathe
Scian1ilic Mmeil keds.
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air.
enlation of any eoientirie journal, Terme for
t'anada, 53,71 n year, portage prepaid. Sold by
all ilewadealers.
�� ®,aeu3roadway, New Yl rk
Branch Unice. 8225 F St„ w'ashtngton, ii, ..
Icing George arrived in France
Monday morning. The Prince of
Wales met him and they passed the
day visiting the hospitals in Paris
and going about in an automobile.
The Prince seemed to be extremely
well pleased to lid with his father on
the tour. The King and his son bow-
ed and smiled repeatedly Y in rosponse
to the cordial greetings of the ins
habitants who gathered by thousands,
welcome the 13r t
8 It sh sovereign sand
his son. Among the places visited by
the King were the hospitals where
wounded British officers and soldiers)
are being treated.
Rounding up the Aliens
There i e tr '
s anon i 1
o alien enemies,
in Canada will not be completed for
several weeks yet, but 25,000 have
already been registered and over 1,009
Germans, Au ri
st c
ens aniT u r s k in.
tented. Quebec has agreed to have
the alien enemies who are detained
in that province set to work cutting
firewood and clearing up forest lands
that will be suitable for settlement.
The Ontario Government is expected°
to make a zitnller arrangement, r
Audacious Reported Ratted
Passengers arriving at Niro York
on the atearner Lusitanla Rete Li't'er'
pool, say that the dreadnought Ants.
time, reported sank off the Ifd*ti eiliaat,
has b'aen rallied and is now itt. ,s, dry)
'dock, 'undergoing i-ept*irs.
Bank of llamilts n
Capital A uthorized - .$5,000 0')) n
Capital, Paid-up - - 3,000.00'
Surplus 3,750,000
11. Banting iustitutiou gets strength as much
from the men who direot its affairs as from
the actual capital invested.fif
Money deposited in the Bink of 11 million is guarded
by men well known for bnsines, integrity, and ata-
men -mon who value security more than high profits.
To this policy is due a surplus which is one' quarter
larger than its Oapital-the rotult of over 40 years'i
conservative management.
'1 Ma Tager Wingham
;i ':L'
L ��
You Can Help Keep -
Canadian Factories Going
by butting Canadirn-made goods. Your m' my r --
main-, in Canada, 1 eeping Cant:dian Wolk ng pt o;t e
Toaste s Corn Flakes
is the only article b,eatring tie I{i LLOGfx nam • • • e
is "Made in Canada," All others are mMd- outs ,!e
of country i,11n•1 (lo not help our working people.
Keilo S Toa��aCM Raks
Made in London, Ontario, Chi! oda
l 't price for
will pay thy, h rhes p iC'e
livered to us,
We are also in the market for t'te
of wheat. oats, barley, buckwheat,etc
Itigh »st Prices, Trade or Clash. -
peas de -
purchase i
Howson & Brocklebank
Telephone 4 rsil
g V 9 d
Established Iti4O.
head Udlee QVEI4'H, ONT,
Rieke taken on all classes of in-
surable property oI► the cash or pre
tnlum note system.
President. Secretary,
Agents. Wingham, Ont
Barrister, Solicitor, etc.
Office; Meyer Block, Wiligham,•
Money to loan at lowest rater,`
Altrifflit cf. IRRWIN
Doctor of Dental Sprgery of the Pen
neylvanla College and Licent ate of
Dental Surgery of Ontario.
-Office he Macdonald Blook-
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D,S
Honor Graduate of the Royal College
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Special attention paid to diseases
of Women and Children, having
taken postgraduate work •in Sur-
gery, Bacteriology and Scientific
Office in the Kerr residence, be-
tween the Queen's Hotel and the
Baptist Church.
All business given careful attention.
Phone 54: P. 0. Box 1I8
Late member House Staff Tor
unto General Hospital. Post grad
nate London and Dublin.
Successor to Dr. Agnew
Physician and Surgeon.
(Dr. Ohieholm's old stand)
General Hospital.
(Under Governmer.d Inspection.)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully' furnished',
Open to all regularly licensed physicians,
Rates for patients (which include board and
nursing) -$4,90 to 815.00 per week, according
to location of room. For further interna,
tion -Address
Box 239, Wingham Ont.
J A, FOX, D. 0., graduate Chin,
praetor. Chiropractic is successful in
such difficult cases as Insantty, Epilepsy,
Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaohes, Con-
stipation, Female Trouble an? all Chro-
nic Stomach, Liver and 13owel trouble.
Office in R. Knox'e house. Entrance per
Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191.
Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m.
Farm for Sale.
A good 200 acre farm within nine
miles of Wingham, good bank barn,
good Dement house, large orohard, ,and
considerable quantity of timber. Pride
$6500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing -
ham P. O.
anyone pebtltu'g a eketohpnd dtlsortptton may
gnteldi tsdertnln our oplh on res whOother aD
Invention Is probably t tab b. Coeinruntoa•
tloneetrl0tlyp¢r,ndent155l.'�iA'NDDOOK on Patents
sant iron. Oldest agenb) fSraecuirtutring atedta.
speecialn ot(ccee, shit Ou(uchants,, lathe
Scian1ilic Mmeil keds.
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air.
enlation of any eoientirie journal, Terme for
t'anada, 53,71 n year, portage prepaid. Sold by
all ilewadealers.
�� ®,aeu3roadway, New Yl rk
Branch Unice. 8225 F St„ w'ashtngton, ii, ..
Icing George arrived in France
Monday morning. The Prince of
Wales met him and they passed the
day visiting the hospitals in Paris
and going about in an automobile.
The Prince seemed to be extremely
well pleased to lid with his father on
the tour. The King and his son bow-
ed and smiled repeatedly Y in rosponse
to the cordial greetings of the ins
habitants who gathered by thousands,
welcome the 13r t
8 It sh sovereign sand
his son. Among the places visited by
the King were the hospitals where
wounded British officers and soldiers)
are being treated.
Rounding up the Aliens
There i e tr '
s anon i 1
o alien enemies,
in Canada will not be completed for
several weeks yet, but 25,000 have
already been registered and over 1,009
Germans, Au ri
st c
ens aniT u r s k in.
tented. Quebec has agreed to have
the alien enemies who are detained
in that province set to work cutting
firewood and clearing up forest lands
that will be suitable for settlement.
The Ontario Government is expected°
to make a zitnller arrangement, r
Audacious Reported Ratted
Passengers arriving at Niro York
on the atearner Lusitanla Rete Li't'er'
pool, say that the dreadnought Ants.
time, reported sank off the Ifd*ti eiliaat,
has b'aen rallied and is now itt. ,s, dry)
'dock, 'undergoing i-ept*irs.