HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-12-10, Page 111•11
'Wingham Advance..
MOTTO:1 will buy my goods from Merchants who support our Schools, Churches,8o Hospital
43RD 'HAI, NO 11
Wingham Patriotic Fund.
The following is a etatement of all
cash received up to date In aid of the
War Relief Fund of Wingham. The
list la till open, and the Treasurer will
be glted to receive any amounts, large
or smell, for either the Patriotic, Red
cross or Belgian Relief Fund:
R. Kling 411, 13, C. White $2, Edgar
Pattison 35, Geo, Meson $10. Wallace
Hough $2, Xing Bros, $10, Peter
Deans $1, Roes & Bell $1, jamas A
Haugh $2, 0, V. Hayden $1, H. W. E
Tonilyn $1, John Galbraith $5, Rev. J.
W. Hibbert $5, Merchants Brockerage
Clo, $5, Mise R. Bowden 50e, WEIL
-F1ek1115, John Leckridg ' 50e, John
Fisher 'SI, ,Tosiah Wells 50c, Helen
Wells 25a, 'fdra. A.. Forsyth $1, Ed,
Worden $1, A. F. I3ailey $1, Geo. T.
Robertson $2, Mies E. Rush $3, Ja12108
Slemin $2, W. J. Haines $1, W. 13.
HaltIOS 111, W. 11. Rintoul $2, J. A,
Morton $5, Mrs. Lawrence and family
3I-50, Z. Lockman 25e, C. Bowden 40,
R. A. Taylor $1, F. Bowden $1, J.
Holland 50c, W, Stokes $1, Weir El-
liott $1, Mise Brock $1, Miss J. Brock
$1, A. sv. webeter $1, Alex. Carson
$1, Chas:Sutton $1, W. H Gamey $5,
Joe. Gibson 31, Geo, Wraith Sl, Alm
W. Moore $2, Mies Mulvey $1, Mise
Galloway 50c, Bradehaw Kerr $1, F.S
BsIlegh $5, J. Mitchell $2, M. White
$1, R. A. Currie $2, 0. R. Swish $10,
W. McPherson $1, Janae, S Isere 35
P. A. Morrie $1, D. G. fl , R. $5,
John Quirk ili, a friend $1, Dudiey
Holmes 310, Wm. Dere $5, Jo -i Ruddv
$1, J. A. Mills $23, J 0 - Geoneet $1.
Mies Henderson $1, Mee R W.
Adams $1,. Mrs, Gilchrist $1, 0 G.
Templeman 25c, a friend 25e, John
Redford 50e Mrs Hasten' 50e, 1:1 Par-
ker 50.3, A Nichol $2, W Fryfogle $1,
Them' Sherk $1, Mies S Fa: quhareini
-$1,• Canada Furniture Mfr e $25, 0 E
McLean $1, John Reid (Lower 'P(ave)
$1, E M Murch 35e, R C Mann 50e,
Mrs E Aitcheson $1, S Benner'. $15,
J J Mitchell $5. T T McDonald $1, J J
Devi. $1, W A Miller $1, Mestoes Rey.
Bold, 315. Dr. Hatubly $5. Ivan John-,
ston 31, J B Swat•te 35, Mrs Weir $1.
M E Zurbrigg $5, Frank Lewis 31,
Francis Lewis $1, Robert Beattie $2
R Vaiestone $25, Bert Taylor $1, M E
Armstrong $2, El B Elliott $10, J 0
Stewart $5, John McCallum $2, T C
*Ahem $5, E Mahood $1, Joe' 411em-
,1,„ lOgWay 0, Mre ji 13 Duffey 2,5.3, *I'S
iatosulani, sire Id Hamilton 50e, i E
Omit& $5: J. Doig 5,t1o, * B Elliott $1;
Mins C 4)Farquharson $2, I), Hanffiltbn
513, Wm and Miss F,eseant $15, Wile
fleel fleid f q vir,,,w 41, ft Eleyell (Turns
,erry1 $2, •Eil $mall 25.s, Henry Aitch-
eson Po, p 4itcheson 1.04, 4- J Fry-
fogle $1, le 'friend $1, 0 P El i wards $,q,
Mrs Halliday $4, Mrs young q3,2, Mlil
Vearson qt, 'w 4 Beyce gq, wi Et Val -
07 41(1,. ri Somers $1, Mit.s E y _cooper
$5, MISS M I Whyte $10, Mies /3E An-
ilersgn $1Q, W j Howson 34, 'JAI)
Hewer $2, Amos Tipling $2, Allen
---- 'pealick $1, (leo Hempen $1, August
Honenth $1 ciao McKenele $5. Simon
pow $2, Jas McKie $5, Thos Bennett
$1, L * Pa.vis 41 Mrs Marsales $5,
Thom T Field $5, John Nichol (Turn -
berry) $1, Chau Elliott 50e, Dr Irwin
$50. C M Ewing $10, Walker & Clegg
$100, R A. Graham 35, John A Mote
gen $1, T S Brandon $1, A E Coiling
$1, Mrs Fleuty $1, Miss M McLean $1.
Mies M E Philter $1, Mrs P Fieher $5
0 Dallas $2, Mrs Thos Deans $1, Mrs'
Tougher 50, John Glenn $2, Feed
Hinkley $2, Chas Campbell 50ce Mrs 0
Campbell 50c, Miss Mt:Burney $2,Mee
addle= 50c, Meg Elder 59o, Lisvson
Beebee $5, Jolila Stone $1.-,' Mrs 'gorier
ih. Mrs Geddes li, mi.,- 0 Gracrky.'$.e,
Mrs 14 NicholtliVelehe'Seaboen $5;
vranWn r 4612; GeOrtlr
. Viralker* 1, D e $1., Mi". 0 .4'ing
acq '1pe ii '
2, Mrs Bititlet Si, Oast. igeforen $4
Ti,ev D Perrie $5, M 1necht-1 $1, Wm
Paul 35 1, Miss Clow Ws, MCS 0oult r
25, A McElwain $1, Wrn INt,i,tei $3.
S Chittick $1, nos Gregery $10, Miss
McCracken $1, De J ..e. Fox $1, Mrs,
Geo C Hanna. $2, N T So -relate 110,
flab Cempbell $10. Geo Seaton. $10.
Fred Johnston $5, JJS Pugh 50c, W P
Bergmen $10, Jae B ,gley $1, Mrs
Shortte $1, J 0 MoDonald $1, Mrs
Grade Tr1dd 59, Mrs llerdstnen $1,
W-Ilin We, Won, Tote'es IV., Eat,
1 A
elpsill, Rev 4 ,1- 1311. r 35, irsi4 T
0145ce w 4' minders $1. Llarry p
Welter 31Q, T riatrett if, W A (Jerrie
c. Miss A el trrett 40e, Mrs 1., Pender
eli, Mrs John Campbell $1, Wilbert
Wellwood $2, Mrs Arney st. Ea Har-
rison $1, Miss L Rutledge $2.3, Wm
Gine $1, A M,Oillivray gl Etre. Mer-
kley $1, Eldon Peterrneo 253, 0 LI
Ithitieul 2538 W I iluttota 50c, R 0.
'ItOriee 69, It 0 !Unison 500, Etrold
f4rovesS00 1;4, 4 Angus $fi, h sone,
c, Jotter luellay ae i, Gee 0.4rtvetight
$2, W 14 Haat $1., Mrs J Rogers 2s3re
'T Lutten $1, J A Ceerie $1, Geo Allvn
$2, Th oe Wilton $5, Mrs J le Phelan
St, 0 fel Blaakerell $2, P ii. Beker $1,
A T.4 NAN $3, It iteert McGee $5, O'N
Gelftle $2, .11,41n Anderson (1./hti Se)
Vi, 34.1Mogiti1et 41, wmpanyt, OW)
Wyk Hoefeote $3,11tohn LITurrie
In b f*uuttdgl,` 443 R ,grain 2,S':.
re fl. Neon
re r:r4; 'g I. 4+10 L 3 vis If,
arr4I1i.0ill, ge. '4 Etikee $1,
Angus' 1, Mee tfrm Quest tl.
11'0 5i, I W Sark 41. Tildt.
ert teteetiles iPl. tea'
$34 bal frog* Yfrateli: reed
4 13 sorban Clubt $131.
Meer Mee 1 13 Fen.
tante See A. E Pot -
seeee reeeel_eleel
be published as paid, In case of an
error kindly notify,
Belgians $700 In clothing. Red ()rose
$325 in clothiug, $200 In cash. -Abner
Comm', Treasurer.
Patriotic Society Notes.
The following letter has been reciev-
ed by the President of the Ladies Pat-
riotic Seeley of Wingharn.
Mrs. R 0. Redmond,
Ltdies Pettiotio Society,
Madam ;-
We beg to acknowledge receipt of
six boxett of clothing winch you have
so kindly forwarded to our Relief
We are deeply grateful to you for
Mlle splendid gift and beg of you to
kindly convey our expressions of
gratitude to all the contributors of
this magnificient gift.
In the name of Suffering Belgians,
accept our heartiest thanks for your-
self, as well as for all those who co-
operated with you to this donation.
Yours very truly,
H, Pried Houma,
Hon, Trees,
A further donation of $200 toward,'
the Belgian Relief has been forward-
ed, and the Ladies Patriotic Society
will be very pleased to forward any
further contributions they may re-
ceive fromrhoae whn desire to abeist
TheLadies Patriotic Societylaite opened
subseription net in Aid of the Red
Oros work, and shall be very pleased
to receive additional entaceiptions,
whinh will be forwarded directly to
the Headquarters of the Red OPOSR
ciety The folliewing le the leo of ne-
e already reepived i-Leiliee pa, -
so if-tv 3200, W 0 T U $8,
Mi -e Wtete 310, Mitl, Fe.oulonr$5. Mr-,
elaKi 35, Mi., B. Wellwried ge, Rev,
Path , Felten $2 Mr. J. 13. Fer guson
(San Jese, Oel ) 35. Me. Heine,: 32,
Miss Med'reek en 31. Franeis Lew', 32,
Mitts Lewis $1 Total $242 00. Ad-
ri ition aletinoun te will his %%Are lw lodged
hereigh the press. Address 511-1,. R
0. Redmorld, or Mies Lewis, Sec'y
The ladies keen oe hand a Retiree, of
wool and shall. be pleased to give it
out to ;Anyone wbo wen knit Those
wh have leo alevedy beret asked to
keit or elov re eerie -el -1v re quieted to
help wale the w .t k, be need fee
which increases dooly. tieulaia,
material, wool. ore • ruev he ohsained
bv Antes isig te Mrs. Redmond
Addiiinnel tip.unrg e(•know-
4(1/40• broverh the ores.. Address
Mrs, R 0 R einiond, Pree , or Miss
Lewie, Sec. -Trees.
From The Front.
The fidlowieg letter has leen receiv-
e by M. .1', Mamie, photographer:,
Sergt. B, R. W. Herron,
Q. Company lst`Batt,
Canadian Expiditionary Force,
Bustard Oamp, Salisbury Plain.
DCar jack: -
At last I am ping to write a few
lineto you and I expect you think it
is abent tirne too, don't you, Well,
her we are in England, on Salisbury
Plein, end muter canves. We hope
and expect to go into huts in a few
days, they have been built two or
'brae miles from where we are now,
We have been having an awful lot
of ;edit since we have been here, and
we have been nearly ankle deep ie
mud, but of course, we must expect
these inbonveniences, so we just grin
and bear it.
Thereat of the fellows from Wing -
hare are all well, expect for a cold or
two and they allwish to be remember
ed to you and everybody.
I was in Salisbury yesterday. (Sete-
rda)'). and while there I saw soine of
the Now Z etland trooeve they are a
veryeemaAand able 'looking let, they
itee dressed'rntich the eain'e as We are,
einiy'they re te eoft liras tilitied tip on
cilia) side. 't • .1
,l'Ark what, do you thiuk of the
, „
war now, T'thint we are geeing winie
preit7kop,a rye for lis money, don't
yon? fid J ever tell yeti my brother
was tart at tne front, ha has been out
there a long time now he ie in ib'
Royel Field Attillery my people dime
hear Irian hitn very often, you know
they ale not allowed to write letters
they can only send post cerd.s and on
these me printed sentences you clone,
out what you don% want and leavs
the rest. Th•3 sentences are some-
thing like this: -"I arn weld,' °I ern at
the teeekr,' I haie beenWounded!: and
140 giel, 1...6 Ea f er, .
60 h other
has got. eo
There are a toe of Belgian wounded
in the Infirmaey in SI diebury, in facl:
they ate putticig rho wouuded where.
over they ran.
How ts Wingham looking now, I of-
ten Wish I could tutu up mei mei every-
body again for a few home, but it is
held to say when we shall cross Ile
pond ogees'. Well I Llii4 1 Ingete!eure
now etie will write aging soon. w inettsv
remember fee andell of ue to every"
I rethein,
You ts' Pertly,
1', 8.-W ilaylei some Urn,' ego
was eromoted,L. Coeporal rest suppose
you ktueee via tbei other 4)4 lie Wel
prori'iotett A111'431..0111, 11
Well'and'pleyilg 'tie.' game for an he is
Wo!11611%1 10$1110P.
The rfsiitlifkr 41ralthly me t
Woneen'e Inst't ite wiN he
any, Dec. 17 h, In the a,
bar twes o'clock. The d
est L mei en
g of the
1 Cant»
The Modern Good Samaritan
The road that leads to Jericho,
By thieves is still beset,
For gaiser Bill, the highwayman,
Is there already yet.
Thrown thick o'er half a Continent,
Ilia blood-stained victims lie;
The Priest, in horror, lifts his hands,
The Levite passes by.
The Modern Good Samaritan,
Kind-hearted Uncle Sam,
Exclaimes, "This thing gets on my nerves,
I'll send a telegram.
But, as its not my funeral,
I'll keep out of the wet,
And, since these chaps are down and out;
I'll steal their trade, you bet!
Church inewis
St. Paul's Church.
Wednesday Evening Service at 1,30
R W. Alla* the aesietant Secty, of
the M. S. 0. 0, will address the con-
gregation on the Subject of N, W. and
Foreign Missions in the Basement of
tie Church on Thureday evening Dec.
10th, Mr. Alan epecially invitee the
awe of the congregation to be present.
The address will be augmented by
Lantern Slides,
The Chapter of the Brotherhciod
will meet at 7 30 and 8 o'clock at the
Rectory un Friday evening
00 Sunday morning htst, Rev. E G.
Dymond made an appeal to his con
gregation in Si. Paul's Churcb to more
loyally support Huron College, Lon-
don, as the theologieel college of their
diocese, and explained the import wt.
work beiog done there, At the close
if Morning Prayer there was the veg-
etate monthly celebration of the Holy
Jorninunion with a biro number of
,.nmiuunicents present, among which
vines the newly confirmed members, in
nerat cases being accompanied by their
perente, who thus participated with
• beir children on the solemn occasion
of their that Eucharist. The newly
confirmed afterwards had their certie
!hates filled in by their Rector, axd
thus were made full members of the
Oburcb, At Hvening Prayer the Reel, -
or preached on '‘Judgment", emphaz.
Ing the importance and value of char-
acter on that last great day when the
secrets of all hearts shall be revealed.
Fine anthems were rendered by the
choir at both services.
Sr. Paul's branch of the Women's
Auxiliary to the M, S. C. C. held their
annual meeting on Thursday Dec, ard,
when the following officers were elect,
ed: -Hon. Pres. Mrs, Dymond, Pres.
Mrs, Walker, lst, vice Pres. Mrs. R
Allen, 2nd vice Pres. Mrs, Roderus,
Tres. Mrs. Mite, Sec,- Mrs. Deyell,
common work Mrs. Walker, Mrs.
Morgan and Mrs. Grey. Delegates,
Mrs. Allen and Mrs Grey, Sub, Del,
Mrs, Dymond and Mrs. Garrett.
The anniversary services of the
Methodi t Church were held last Sim -
day and Monday, and was an eminent
success. Ideal weather, oyez flowing
congregation'', inspiring sermons and
splendid music, all c'enehined lo iiak
the service' aver isi-lee"f,ofgeltten. Wee.
E. E. Scott, of Toroblo, assisted
pastor, Lev 1. Elitibeit, 'skni4 preaclie
ed tato' e quent sermees. en the
morning hie tet was from Plan le le,
The Theme "ffetterenel and in it yield
and most eloquent feshion he pietnred
tbe Pity of god, end urged all to tern
their faces, Hemmen ward, ire the even-
ing hie theme was ''The Pre eminence
of Oht•ist,"Uol. 1 18, and in it masterly
way he revealed Jesus as the Sup
erior to all of us as an Artilieer teacher,
example, Saviour and Ler& These
wonderful afar:out ses will not soon be
torgotten. The excellent service i•if
peaise was led by Ilte cheir, et d
heir music, indeed, was an iusi 11'41
tion, Peaticulea mention ehou,d
male of theseoles cif Mr. Frm1..'1-pq
in the idormog end Mae reliffein in !bp
...v,ning Vb. Fowl 3ttoper en' p,..•
taintnerit on Mendel evening was an
unqualified succees. Over 80) people
sat down to the excellent fowl,eupper,
alter which it good program was de
livered in the church. The pastor.
Rev. J. W, flibbert pi esided, and ex
cellent music aelections, ete., were
eendered by the choir. Rev. D. Per.
vie cotiveyed the featernal gremingis tif
be Presbyterian Char eh, and the Roll
13 E, Secitt geye e yeti teterestingind!
ifeeiee upon lleied in the Wotd Polities "
LI3 turned to the old testament peps
and revealed how the proehete taught
them that God was the•Saprinne
,guTar aeriices Will lie held fti•the
ing and evening. 14 • p t:tor-
preach rit bath" setvid'es. 41i are wel
Ae.:0,dit.cnext Sondey in vie
,Imech ,
414 SCIlq41 E434r611
mtire piericilTrfitintieee op leader
.13 1,141fIfillat4 14)1111I0 thert
e in
'With all pre*rrt bet
etellag end 1410y4. Trustee Toted Wait
movo4 to tire obeli-, 0 Ily hu intas of
a routine nate re to adopt ion. of 'Miele
pale rennet, le 'Invent* of *clement*, lit
41 P. Geoeite Sit x4, 11. S.
t /4. Rae aui4 'rlsosisseenel 62,
irwi13;a IT]
Mrs. A. 3. Nichol spent the week end
in Guelph.
Miss 0, Taylor is the guest of Brus-
sels friends.
Mr. Thos, Deans visited Shelburne
friends over Sunday.
Mr, J. A. McLean was in Toronto pn
bueinese last week,
Miss M. Harris, Wroxeter, is the
gueet of Mee. J J. Elliott.
Mr. Cornell returned to his' home in
Guelph after visiting at Mr. Cantlelon's.
Mrs. Gus Hasenflug, Teeswater, was
the guest of Wingham friends on Fridey.
Mr. J. P. Walters of the Merchants
Bcokerage Co, is In Toronto on busi-
Mr, Wesley Walker was in town this
week in the interests of a Life Assurance
Miss Kathleen 11, Telford, Army leettesei,
of Halifax, England, is vieitieg Hegel
..; ;
Mr. Tti. masoa, Soetheiripton, visited
his brother, Mr H, T. Thompson, during
the weekend,
Mr, T. S. Brandon of Wingham and
Mr, J. A. Brandon of B,elgreve vete
Sentdin.Y n pe7e.YAnil.•
Mr and M's. Quo. Cottle, White-
einweli, spent Sunday with their daughter,
Mrs. Thos. Kew.
Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Arbuckle and
children, Saskatoon, are visiting Mrs.
Hugh Hamilton, who is seriously ill.
Mr. Percy Harris, wbo has enlisted
with the 2nd Contingent, came up from
London for a few days
Mrs. L. Pender has returned Ilorne
after visitingher daughter, Mrs J. Mc-
Gillivray of Detroit.
Mrs. McGregor and daughter Miss
Mary of Edmonton, e rmerly of town, are
visiting friends here.
Me, and Mrs. H. Create:, of Rounth-
waite. Man are visiting friends in and
around Wingham for a tew days,
Report of S. 8, No. 6, Turnberry
for month of November: -Sr.
Norma Foxton, Iezz'e MeKague,
Robert McKagne, 11-ionry Holmes,.
Ferey Kitig,% Sr. a;e1.-E38:eold Shnvv-
ers, Oliftord 4enkine, pan Eoth. r.
3rd-Ela'rold Faiths. 4r. 2nd-Qecar
Holteies; rins ()handier,. Harold Pox -
ton, plith 4enkine, Herbert Foxtoxi.
3t14 Oallis, Frank Roth, Mary Roth-
jr 4.1d-salt:t1e Homutle, Very John -
eon, Anita Wheeler, Alba Johnson,
P. (-1d-..Mary MoGregor Ruby Dick.
son. Genevieve Roth. Joe Austir.
Sr. Pt. I t-lereddie Goll, Ruta Jens
kills, Chester Showers, Hilda Mo-
e irmick, Milford Poet oraf Georgina
Goy. Jr. Pt, 1-Aino Kelly, Aggie
eilcKague, Herold Casetnere, Mait-
land Porter. Primer. Pr imer-Grace
lionmeh, Gertie Wheeler, M.trgaret
GM, Mary Ohandeer.-Ada Hainee.
TO.111 *IflINKAO
.4yocaptio Qf Ely,liaw No, 715,
To rai 110 the sum et 32200.00by the issvo of de-
bentures to pay tor tee construction at it
boll!Ing for It lad machinery and onothet
for a Hose Tower. Amount of debt to he
contract: d $220100.
TIOW PASse.1313.
, . s. , 1.1.
Br twon'y onnuottostolnionts of prirjelpal and
. interest amounting to ISIOL.81 Muni. 'tate
et leterceertat'lesii sent.
TATCE NOTICM that the &hove Is a true
' %1IIIIYOtalto Syn pele of a propo.ed lIplsw
Wht1)11,hembeen token Into coesIder*tIon and
which will be Ila tI y tamped by the Counoll Of
the Mitole;11 Mil Y (to the otono'C of the Meant ot
the eleoctrebalog'obtalned thereto) after one
month from ttie non pithfiear ion tit the Wing-
ticie Ad yorioe, ,),eda• 0 of WhIolt publIestIon
.4 Thiumi.iy, the le h (layer De..ember.A.
I ,, IOU. and teat the %'01C9 et the ' elielere s et
the skal 34uolCinatity eillsho token thostb,o 4
(IA erestiliaSToolbirel bloc loM '
1 Oii'S'tttledity 'VI 31. I ''10' l' 'Of l'Ilt r 1. l'.
41`tf . ityiit, oe tkes se! s'Towlt ; c vi'llublui toll
iti;ell eteihe eaten it let ei tee sele area et
eicya U'4.)Ci 110 toriemin to imp '115 ticr.
k.) g WM, Orld t 144 ViirIqiI41 14 1111114 Moen.
g r. 4311- tvtt"ti,,47,4,4441.1..,141.),IgtA,
stet f tel lid n f teltintaled or eerie leg the
etig11 Biwa t• iy
ala tatork cir Lni Held '1.10Wit of
:desert ne t4Alit.)1 ToWtt 11.41 at Crypt:
tenet le the for neon et Tine day ttis le li
di,vot J•teta,trt 1911 nips; 1r the mintlisr et
vu"IfI'LITA TX,' i::.
ate 0 nt tgiertrery tmnrint
hie ea velem nes Ity.law med. deliver 1,4
knot tem then rho Tenth day bolt e
Ike vete. tIsi dr.
Town Council.
The following accounts were Passed
at the regular meeting of the Council
�n Monday night.
Geteseer., Derr.
J F. Graves, sal., pstg , selecting
jurors $ 88 83
G. All- n, salary 87 50
Ed. Lewis, salary . 35 00
41 60
500 00
Win. Stokes, salary . • ..• .
Pub Sch Ltd adv, on levy
Can. Bk. ot Com , debs, and
coupons 984 67
Bk. of Hain, Elec. Lt, Dep. 601 69
J. Stewart, Ins, & AO's. Court
Sittings 168 28
Dr. A. 3, Irwin, selectingjurore
Arthur Ferguson, work on St
Joe Wilson, work on St • 9 03
Arthur Haines, work on St 9 45
C, Shia, work on St . , . ...,380
A. Sanderson, work on St . 27 35
John Stratton, tolls 10 03
Bell Tsil. Co. tolls,. ,1 15
W. Holmes, repairs and supplies11 85
R. McGee, fit. and cartage sewer0 51
Wages on sewer, Nov, 10th... 03 25
Wages on Sewer; Nov, 18th 53 45
Wages on Sewer, Nov. 4th 64 15
•• " Chester Hill10 00
John /deDonald, work on sewer1 15
A. Leggett, work on sewer • 50
John Weir, work on sewer .,.. . 50
E. Dennis, flushing sewers 3 00
G Mason &Son, wallpaper, house 6 64
A. McLeod, scrubbing hat 12 00
G. Denyer, work and material9 25
John Ritchie, insp. Fire Hall .,28 35
Punlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co,,
supplies.... ..... 30 18
J. A. Wits, horse feed 18 05
Dom. Exp. Co, express 60
10 14
H. 13 Elliott, ptg. and supplies..
J. A Ma.- an, lumber
R R Mooney, supplies
R H. Sa nt, teaming
W A. Currie, repairs....
G. Phippen, Att'g Court Sittings
C. N. Griffin, • . 411
• •
17 10
19 50
4 60
3 00
2 50
12 00
Herb Campbell, sal $ 10 00
Geo. Allen, salary 27 50
J Brooks, salary ... 3 80
R Chittleburg, work 11 20
J. Huffman, work 2 44
A. Stratton, work ' if e.1
W. Guest, work .. • 174 12
11, B. Eillett, 'eehpliee ...., 8 50
fli'iAliii, 441teere, stipplies 191 48
W genes, -uppliee" 1 30
W. A. Currie, supplies
R. M 'Gee, fit. and teaming.. ,... 33 73
It Vanstone, Legal fees 15 00
Jae. Stewart, Ins, pump heuse15 33
Herb Campbell, sel
, , 310Q 00
J. Brooks, ela,ri. $8 40.
E Galbialth, salery .., e ,. al 26
F, liaween, salary 67 50
5 Radford, salary 67 50
J. Bradwin, salary 20 00
John F. Groves, postage 3 75
Town Gen. aut., Deb. 561 69
John Ritchie, Ins 52 00
C P. R Tel Co , message 25
Dom, Exp. Co , exp. 2 95
14. H Elliott, supplies 21 20
J. A. McLean, coal 528 01
W A. Currie, work 1 6Q
Rae & Thompson suppliee ....,2 99
Northern Elee c oil supplies 122 13
Otto. Gen Elec.. supplies ... 31 60
Pittsburg Lamp, Brass &Glass Co
supplies 24 55
McDonald & Wilson, supplies37 50
Central Elec. Supply Co , supplies 9 00
Renfrew Elec. Co , supplies 10 45
Garlock Packing Co . supplies..., 23 70
Goldie & McCulloch, suppiies14 51
Detroit & Pittsburg Coal Ca , coal 58 06
H. Davis, duty 24 77
R. McGee, fit, and teaming 85 19
C. P R., fit 118 44
Can, Exp. Co. exp 1 85
We eve glad to report that Mr. Jno.
Evans. who has been very 01 for the past
tWo we -Its is convglesceet.
14e. Roe 1 Melee of• Tosemite,
?of,'Wr4.*,54, viPASO, ±:CASWAs.
Mre 18111110R ofNettonto arrived home
cul Sate eley evening to help nurse her
Lather, Mr.'Jno Evens, Miss S. Evans
of Inglewood Junction accompanied her,
returning to her school on Moticlay
Mr and Mrs. :Wm. Roe secret a few
days last week at Guelph
Mr Lambert Stinson of Toronto. spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Win Stinson.
Mies Annie Murray who is teachirg at
Danes'school, eorth of Onerie, had the
.misfortune to sprain her knee while, eit.
tending to her duties on Frictiy
van Rettig Beret se Feerielltee wee
a vieiteelle toWelle Sentley, eftereciee
%. I., • • ,
Miee. gelteticle, W1149 ef Mount Velvet
en et aeeday her parents, nir, and
!firs. It Fs h to; her &Mein, Mr, Carl
While eecompanied her,
A number of petty thievings have been
reported in our town lately, clothes lines
and wood piles being especially attractive
to these light fingered parties Our law
abidi g town has been singularly free in
the past from anything or thie nature and
we t.ust that this work will end or tee
guilty ones may ffind trouble, fereeeein
ntllntIng lftlLadil.A
Ilte honte
afternoon. Most of the old ofezers
were re elected. .1
Mr. Adam Sipple re:call:Ad were leet
weeek thee his Tee*: 1/2.4* %‘ery 01, and
eeaehed 'Peleeereten just hefore the olcl
ftkft Cunt %hi:111;10h g tirolitek pelLatettelenoend
etr,Albert rielbine spent Stenjay 11)
Strafford with hie aesteer Wee? tiro* e-
eitoe'vere feivbeetely relear1 fineries vieit-
ingdfrieede m tieeloe (Wore hie venire
Allee Alitg.tliett of Shaffer 1, wee
wo POPOI'led leit week as gretleating far
tl 'Mese :Veit tool' the gold model We
eeur4el4te miss Jane.
Th.) enuull meeting of the Sunday
Sheetb:reala °C ° ft b the
ou Monday evenlier, Tb' teachers %tyre
at it d ectad ant ma t of the olneere
'The Beare of neater:Iva for the
Public lebsary belie the r December meet -
'Jess st 1)e. Areveroag'e on IllortJav et
m Amen oilier hil4110.5VI treneacted
range.etete were m:tde ior elying 4
for tint leltlraree
The choir of Knox church, Beigrave
spent a pleasant time at the home of
Dr, and Mrs, Kirby, Friday evening.
The time was *pent in games and am -
sic, Main feature of the eveningevas
the presenting of three oak rockers to
the three ladies who so lately had left
the choir. Address was read by Jas.
McCallum and the presentatione made
by Miss ()Quires, Miss McLean, and
Miss Halliday. Suitable replies were
made by Mmes. Bliehie, McGill and
Scott on behalf of their wives, Ad-
dress was as follows; -
To Mrs. Miehle, 'Mrs. Scott and Mrs,
Dear Fellow Workers, --We, the choir
members of Knox church, Belgrave,
have assembled here with a deep sense
of the loss our choir has sustained in
the carrying out of yonr intentions to
enter the ranks of the mearimoniale.
We cannot truly say that this is sud-
den for we could not help but see and
hear the signs of the approach and yet
your weddings have come so close
together that it has been a sudden
thinning out cf our ranks. We have
not forgotten your years of faithful
service, your promptness and your dil-
igence in the work of the choir and we
have truly appreciated your valued
assistance in our efforts to advance
the service of Praise. We believe in a
sense you are loath to leave the work
so dear to your hearts but as duty
calls you to your new home and your
genial husbands we will give in that
our loss is their great gain. Instead
of quarrelling with them we will con-
gratulate them on having secured
such talented wives who will cheer
them when they are sad. It is to ex-
press in some tangible way our appre-
ciation of your valued service that we
have met hear tonight. We therefore
ask you to accept these chairs as it
slight token of our esteem and as a re-
minder of the old days in the choir.
We all join in wishing you long life,
happiness and continued prosperity
and the blessing of our G gl.
Tee E armers Club will meet Tuesday
evening, Dec. 15, in the Forestere' Hall
East Waw an as h.
There are rumors of an election in E
Several from this vicinity intend go-
ing to the Winter Fair 8.r, Guelph.
David Cook, of Elgin, Man., is vis3-
ing his parents end friends here, after
an absence of seventeen years.
Mr. John Woodley has sold his farm,
stock and implements to Mr, 0. 13
Wightmeee. Mr. Wightman is in pos-
session, and Mr. Woodley has moved
to St. Helens,
Mr, Stuart Anderson, teacher of S
S. No, 13, intends holding an enter
taiament in the old school house on
Dec. 21st.
Mr. Wm. Walters leas taken it con-
tract of cutting a criantity of wood for
Le. Vanstone,and is already on the job
with a large gang of tnen.
Mr. Norman Taylor of Wingham, is
visiting his mother, Mee. S. Walsh,
Geo. Aeid, one of the soldier boys in
London, yisitecl friends on the tith line
this week., He expects to leave for
atlisbury Plains in the neer future.
!Local Items
The Winghani Dramatic Club will
h ad a concert eerly in the new year.
Hides en Skins-Bighest cash p ice
paid fov hides and skins. Field Bo.
Leatowel had one of the largsst fairs
in its hietory on Pitchy last. Wine-
hatu will have one in Jennary, per-
Rs Meted ntectirtg, Of the Northern
qpiay Iseetelle will be held in Listowel
teI3 ?tittle of tide week at 1:3Jp iti
Den% forget to see the Light; 0'
London at the Pictuie House Wed-
nesday and Thuredey nights.
At an adj mrnsd eatiog of the Magi -
traces Court, the cherge against the
two hotel -keepers from Bruemele and
one from B!yt.h was dirtniesed, the
other frnm Ble th wee fined 3199 and
costa, The eerie of the eetteenel here
was again adj tut -nee.
Ow annual meeting of the Huron
Medical. Associa ion held ie Clinton on
Dee 8, the following officers were elected
for the comiog year:- Pres , Dv
Kennedy; Vi e Pres , Dv eiecheil; Site,,
Treas., Dr, It 1,e. sexelee. A motion was
made anqwnrct et.l, that the profession
; I
W.cIII14 414 041 witheet leteg,e, the families
ef all soldlere going to the front
The ladies of the Hospital Aueiliary
will t c very g ateful to any of thp eve,
chance or others in town ee emote, who
would send in hristmas cheer" to
‘'‘ (feeler:0 timpani. It has
!Wee the eustom itt the east to personally
solicit den4tien0 towards the Hospital
ehrietente hut ae there have 1)000 so
Many ether tl ventricle this year they have
divided telly Li rotoltid 1.14050 Vlb0 woukl
bo so kind as to semi A Oltnita y ortirCsAgS
towards the Cluietreas of both the paticiee
and the state
•••,...0.01......•*•.***14•0•A.0(Wr -:14$111104.1.4•100.446.4.0
Spetial Notice
'rho j14.r. V We t)0*, hieyele free," 111
f tor,* 11T 11 1.1 'Mr OH 14o
11 Wel owl 1913 834'
1.114111 l9.4111.3 '11' hi' 41 r)...t, le .4 1.1im
ntlt row re .1 $.1 l" ,11 ,14•11#.1%
nt me to Well
ougeompTioN 3100 PIM TIAll Antaren
1111.60 TO einnenueise 111 U 13:
Mr, Millar Begley le 1101ine frOM the
Mr, Ceasar of Markdale visited his
daughter, Mrs, Herb. Thomas, who is
Don't fail to see the only young man
of the village at the Patriotic concert
in the Industry Hall on Friday even-
ing, Dem lith,
Mr. E. G, Powell, Secretary for
Huron Co. Temperance Association
will give an address along his line
of wotk in the Methodist Church
on Tuesday night.
Mr, Frank Moore has returned from
a two weeks visit in Bruce Co. and has
resumed his work as clerk in Mr, L
Williams, hardware store.
Mr, Lux Hill was in London during
the week attending the funeral of his
nephew, the little 8 year old son of
Bel -
grave. Thomas Hill, formerly of Bel -
The Woneen's Foreign Missionary
Society of the Methodist Church
ehipped a large bale of quilts and
warm clothing to the Deaconess Home
in Toronto this week.
Mrs. Gardiner of Exeter is visiting
her son, Mr. Peter Gardiner.
At the regular meeting on Tuesday
night of our Local Ledge of L 0, 0. F.
the following officers were elected -
N. G., Mr, George McTaggert; V. Gs,
Thonsas Wallace; R. S., A. Robineuro
8., Jobe Petite; Treat,, Dr. Allison;
Medical exammer, Dr. Milne.
Mr. Frank Haines, manager of the
Bank of Hamilton for the past year,
Is transferred to Teeswater. Mr.
Anson Robinson, it former Wingham
boy, will succeed Mr - Haines as man-
A very quiet wedding took place at
St. Thames, when Miss Mary Morris.
«n was united in marriage to Mr. E.
L. Stevenson, of London, on the 25t3t
oi Thel ceremony was per-
formed by R -v. Me. Elliott, of St.
rho/nate Mtes Morrieou was the old- '
est daughter of Sid and Mrs. Morris
on of toe Pere el •quette, St, Thomas.
After wbich they had left on their
honeymoon to Detroit and parte
West. As Bit'. SLeVlille30/3 ida fireman
on the local passenger train between
Wingham and London -they will take
up their anode in Wingbam. They
have secured Mrs. Ltuklater's cettage
in Pleataut Valley. They were a -
corded a warm reteption by the resi-
dent railroad men of the G. 1'. R., and
atter it very nice supper, at the newly
married couple's% home, They played
cerds and games until late. The reii-
dents of Wingham also wish them
happiness and prosperity in their new
Tax Notice 1914.
Tax payers are hereby notified the'
all taxes not paid by the lith of Dec-
ember, 1914, will have an additional
5% added on.
1 t James Stewart, Collector.
Notice to Advelisers
Owing to the Christmas rush, ad.
vertisers must have their copy in not
later than Monday noon of each week,
J Greer.
FOR SAT:E.-One team of good work
Ina hor,es. Apply to A. H. Wilford
Winghatn, Ont.
Wouldn't Mother enjoy a pair nf nur
feurtahle Felt House Sliepere? Re-
member her at Christmas tinad -W.
are; .1e,eaueldNynr.eoir -d Oa
. vve feor15w1a9nt
you to have one. Please call. -W. J.
Cured meats ',smoked or piCklOal
also lard, always on hand at whole-
sale prices. A. H. Wilford, Whole.
sale ,Produce nf DTi ra.s,apple but tpr jam ;
Is a ph...141) thing at 6 cre. tpei:
notivtil (IfirVairloviile the price 01 anger.
Met.kley & Son, phone SI, Wing
ham. Oat.
Butter and Eggs wanted, We pay
special prices for special products.
A. H. Wilford, Wholesale Produce
Order your Christma3 p0Oltvy
whili prices are low. We will teep
diem in cold storage fe,r you. A. H.
Wilford, Wholesale Nocluce Dgaler
FATOt tn proved fa rm, so
1"itse for5 feral of l'eatte 130 or 200
earee, by competent fee mar tnitable
for ire ai• d feinting Arch. Bantus
lis ,-isrno, P O.
Farm Por Sate.
alter. S. 3, Smith, Tp. of Itorrie, box
56, rare of W. Pella( k, 13 Oh, Ont„
wit' do heir weneing front eombings
or cot hair; ewitohoe, 00114. leansfor.
inetione, tido yoiW, ete. Reitsonehle
wee.* eemee entrees eiett eel:eerie
eeiehe Wet $.1 to 00 at
Patter rotes Jewehe y Store.
110.010 li) HI .16/
One for Every Ailment
For a short time with every pur-
°ham of Rexall goods amounting
to 25c or over
We Give Free
A complete Aquarium, consistine
of 2 Gold Fish, Globe, etc,
There are over 100 Rexall Remed-
ies and Toilet Amides to choose
from and they are all "Made in
Larger Aquarium complete 35c.
J. W. McKibbon
The Store
Two Weeks
More then
"The Day!!
You couldn't go wrong by
giving shoes or slippers. They
are an every day need of every
body, and for that very res.
son would be of value.
That's the sort of present'
most people give now -a -day
-Something sensible -some --
thing useful.
And weere would you find
anything in the whote list of
wearables or useables that
would be more appreciated
than shoes.
But have them good, that's
a reason why we ought to tell
them to you, and don't pay
more than you ought -that's
another reason.
Yen won't forget to visit
us, will you?
We do repairing and do b
right. Bring aloug your Shoes
romit 1141118111/1181.
eaduato ofteatiadianEmbalmers
Aeenelso ion
We Garry it large and fir et.
obeei stock of
A inage dock of euerything
found in a. modern furniture store
atore Phone 51 Residence 155
111141411,4/111110 MOO 114•1111i1M0
Kitclien Stoves and Ranges
Base Burners and Heaters,
Furnaces and Hot Water
Open Grates, Fire Places and
btearn Boilers, Smithing
Wood, lahs, Kindling, Charcoal
and Coke, I.umber of all
Read Our Ad, Ileaelod Is;
One of the Most elicKS land Sensibie
christreas .esenis tineeLeft 1141
Resd *Lour It In ovt? ost 1441 poi* 1..urtibt r, Cool itk. Wood
;1. 1 CO.
e Phone 44a. 14111Aans1144*
liataittle nee rH*41