HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-19, Page 8romonauwegme=2- `., FALL STYLES 1914 we are ready to present the newest in RT a4E Distinctive, Delightful, Dependable and Em- bodying the Highest Type of Designing and Tailoring. You are earnestly requested to see these engaging and original ideas fresh with the bloom of a new season. They will satisfy your fancy in every detail from pattern to poise. A l.i.CN LIMITV51 Insert Day and Date Here. 'INSERT YOUR - 'INSERT YOUR • NAME HERE 4 16/11$1111111111DNIIIM11111111111110 Me.ta's and Boys' Newest Overcoats. Ladies' Tailored Art Suits and Coats Butterick Patterns always in stock IIANNA& .0 Phone 70. WING . Contingent, and erbo is now at S aliebury Plaine. betting three dale* leave of absence from camp, he visited London and took in many of the eight® of the old Metropolis. .The day following his return to Salisbury, the troops were reviewed by Lord Roberts, Reparts of German atrocities ie pro. clueing stror g desires among the soldiers to get to the front. Headquarters for Family Groceries If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. • FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season and we aim to please to quality and promptness of delivery. e qualii1tty s hR e beet and the price is uncAS—A trial of our bulk tea hanged d at 30c youl convince. that th and 40c. l Henry T. Thompson THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. Hart Belgrave The discovery of the Gunpowder Piot was commemorated in good styli - by L. 0. L. No. 462, The local Orange- men with their wives and sweethearts to the number of about 80 assembled in their lodge room and after spending an hour or two in social chat, and games, interspersed with phonograph selections, an excellent lunch with coffee was enjoyed. Thereafter Wm. Love, W. M,, took the chair and an impromptu program was put on, con- slating of epeeches, recitations and songs. About midnight the proceed.. ings were brought to a close by sing- ing the National Anthem. A letter was received by Mrs. Dr. Stewart from her brother who went to England with the First Canadian Import Regulations Respecting Nursery Stock. DUAN CF All persons importing trees, shrubs and other plants, collectively known as "nursery stock" into Canada are required to observe the Regulations of the Dominion Department of Agri culture which govern such import- ations, These Regulations, passed un. der The Destructive Insect and Pest - Act, prescribe the conditions under which plants may be imported; spenial +onditions are attached to certain ^lasses of plants, oomeeeetieses aro sub- ject to inspection, of ere to fumig- %Lion. In order that all importers way learn what are the conditions governing the importation of trees and plants into Canada, a Circular en- titled "Instructions to importers of trees, plants and other Nursery Stock into Canada" has been published as Entomological Circular No. 4 by the Department of Agriculture and all persons wishing to import planta into - Canada should apply to the Public atione Branch, Department of Agri- culture, Ottawa, for a copy of this circular which will bo sent free to all applicants. error In taxes, $l, Wheeler•••--4dait--•-Thatnext [nesting be held la i3leevale '1.`tteeday, December 15th, at 10 a.m. TURNBERR' Council met as advertised. All members present. Minutes of last. regular meeting were read and and adopted in motion of Messrs Wheeler and McBurney, By -Law No. 14 was read three times and passed also By -Law No. 15 for the purpose of holding a public meeting in Forester's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, December 28th, at 10 clock p. m. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued:— Wm. 5, King, Court of Revision se- lecting jurors, $5 80; Wm, Holmes, Rep. to grader, $0 30; Wm. Robert- son, Rep. to grader, $1 50; McKinnon Bros. gravelling,i$179,48; Geo. Criuek- shanks, insp.,q 57,00; David Woods, nep.;'11v.l l • yv r,e-iio:• Yeeta rax l;Bg $9.75; James Moffat, brushing, $4 70; S. King, brushing, $7,95; Geo. Wright, Rep. culvert, $2 00; John Metcalfe; sod, gravel and stone, sink hole, $51 28 W. Marshall, work and insp. sink hole $14.50; Thos. Appleby, drain acmescon. 10, $6; J. Hindman, tile, 56.80; W. J. Greer, exp. and telegram, 57c; A. Stapleton, rep. to Jenkins' culvert, $13.801 John Reid, plank, $9.65; J. Mulvey, jurors and B. 0. H., $I1; P, Powell, jurors, and B. 0, H., $19; Dr. Redmond, salary M, 0. of H, $25; Wm.Oruickshanks, B. 0 11„ $8; G. Wilson, pt.,salary, $30; J. W. Rose, P. Powell, elezk. Gordo. Mr. Wm. Ardell of Allendale is isiting with his uncle, Mr. J. Ardell, Rev, W. W, Leech is very ill at the home of his brother, Mr. James Leech. Miss chary Dobbs, who has been visit ing with 1)r. and Mrs. Armstrong-, lett on Friday for Fordwich where she wi'I visit with friends for a few days before going to her h •me at Bee' on. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toner attended the wedding of a friend in Mount Forest this week. The young men of town and Gerrie. South, invited their friends to a dance at the Anglo American hotel onFriday evening last, Division Cgurt was 1st ha Tues ll on y a , held in the town Hunter Killed by Deer Wm. ilughto, jun., of Wilborforce, near Lindsay, lost his life while on a hunting expedition with a friend at Buck Lake, live miles south of that village. A deer which Ito had wound• ed attacked him in the lake, upsetting hie canoe and pouncing upon him while in the water. Miss Laura Nay spent Sunday with her friend, Miss. Agnes McIlwain, Mr•. Chas Heibine lett on Monday morning for Strafford where she intends to have ar. , operation performed for cataract on her eyes. Mr. Heibine ac- companied her. Morris Mr, Geo. B. Turvey of the 2nd line of Morris has returned home after treating for a month with It specialist. We are pleased to state that his condition is much improyed. The J,C. Rockwell 'Sunny South' Company. That uncommonly strong combina- tion of colored talent, known as the T. 0, Rockwell "Sunny South" company, the show that never disappoints, the one that never misrepresents, is an- nounced to appear in the Opera • House, Wingham, Saturday evening, November 280h. Thi•i company has been here several times and it has al- ways made good every promise, deliv- ering the goods as advertised. As on its former visits, it will be found to be clean to a fault and during the entire performance there is not a line, an action nor an insinuation towhich ex- ception can be taken. There is every ingredient of gayety and melody and the performance is alluminated with Olio of top-notch and clever vaude- ville stunts, such as are seldom seen outside the larger cities. From the rise to the final fall .of the curtain it will be found to be new and right up- to-the-minute in every detail. The fun, which will be banded over the for.t.lights, is all new and heeds no arrow to paint the way to the laughs. it is snappy gingery, cntezt+tining -wnd-WVe11 calculated• to drive away the blues. Mr. Rockwell does not believe in outing the greater patt of his allot- ment into one or two acts and allow- ing the balance of the performance to suffer through the employment of cheaper ones, which always disgust the experienced patron, but, he has found that the expenditure of coney for the pnrpose of making each act and detail complete pays twice over in the box office recent', This explains why the petformances given by this company are alway up -to -the minute and sends the audience home whistling, happy and contented. The orgaseear iy a is accompanied by a solo concert hand and a superb ovules extra. The "Koontown" parade takes place at noon. The prices of admis- sion have been placed at 35 and 50cte. Seats are now selling at McKibbon's. Death of Mrs. Hosting. The War Does Not Affect The Nursery Business. In spite of the war we are selling more nursery stock than ever before. We have room for another agent in this county however and applications should be sent in at once. A good man should earn from $15. to $30. per week right through the winter. No deliver- ing or collecting, Outfit free. Thos. W, Bowman ee Son Co., LTD., Ridgeville, Ont, A Soldler'e Big Wedding Private Sidney Bryant anti Miss Elizabeth 1.lrouillard were married at London in the presence of a thousand soldiers of the 18th[ Battalion, Lieut. Col. Wigle and staff, and many others officers, besides thousands of citizens . Hon. William Templeman Dead ! lion. William Templeman, former Minister of Mines and of Inland Revenue in the Dominion •Government, and proprietor of The Victoria Times, died at Victoria, B,C.,on Saturday. IISREIBIZESIMIIIRSIVECZEMMERSMIOSIONNISEMMei BARGAINS IN l MILLINERY i On and After Thursday, Nov. 5 An assortment , of Trimmed Hats, Regular price $4 to $5, Sale price $2.85 A 'few Dress Hats, large, medium and. small, Regular $6.50 to $7.00, to sell at $4.25 A limited number of Untrimmed Shapes for Women and Misses and Children's at HALF PRICE. These hats are made of material of good qual- ity. Advise Early Selection We have a few nice Ostrich Plumes at HALF PRICE. Assorted colors. Alio Feather mounts. Mrs. Runstedlers Next door to T. PELL'S Butcher D. BE 6111 WHAT N HOME wIrUOU I' A • SINGER $2 will place the best Sing- er Sewing Machine in your home, balance small monthly payments. A. J. WALKER SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture Store Wingham, - Oat. There passed away in Wingham on Friday last a highly esteemed resident of Turnberry in the person of Mrs. Margaret Adelaide Hastings, in her 57th year. Mrs. Hastings had been in poor health for some weeks. She was born in the Township of Howick, hut had resided in Turnberry for a number of years. In religion Mrs. H [stings was a Presbyterian and an honored member of ' Ledie's Church in Turn - berry. She is survived by six sone, viz;—William C., of New Liskeard; F{. Elmer, David Elden, Edmond Noble, Alexander Roy and Alvin Burns at home. To the bereaved will be ex- tepded the sincere sympathy of the comtpunity. The funeral to Wing - ham Cemetery on Monday afternoon was largely attended. The services at the house and grave being conducted by decpesed's paetor, Rev. Crawford Tate, of Bluevale. • Carries a Complete Line of High Grade Musical Instruments of Every Description Playor=Pianos and Organs of almost any make. Phonographs, Edison and Victor • Stringed Instruments of all kinds, . Violins a specialty Sewing Machines, Canadian and American We wish to impress you with the fact that we sell everything that pro- duces. music, at prices to suit all. TWO STORES Turkish Forts Taken The secretary of the Admiralty ane nounced the success of operations against the Turkish forts at. Sheikh ;'aid, on the Strait of Bab el Mandeb at the entrance of the Gulf of Aden, end of the occupation of the Turkish forts at Turba by Indian troops, p.ssistcd by the British cruiser Duke of Edinburgh. , The United States has adopted 'more stringent rules regarding the Issuance and use of passports. Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBALMERS and UNDER - TA KERS. We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James Walker 16 years experience. A. J. Walker 0 years experience Day Phone 100 A. • Night Phone 1001) and 224 epee tIHRISTIE11 GROCERY • PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p, m. Here For ixmas. Fruits! Ail kinds of Fruits are corning to band. We'll sell you posi- tively the Best to be had NEW RAISINS me per ib. This is our third lot of new Valencia Raisins and they're superb, ' FAT, SOFT and JUICY— just the kind you1 wail t. XMAS BAKING takes place ONLY ONCE A YEAR. Don't spoil it by us- ing inferiorrut fruits. Get the Best FISH AT CI-IRISTIES Cold Feet One of the most miserable things that we Canadians are troubled with is, "Cold Feet" and at the same time one of the easiest things to avoid. •z. n': have heard some of the most peculiar arguments regarding the 'wearing of felt shoes, maks, the feet tender some people say, and if you wear them once cr lath[ f dor t ne season you have to wear them always in cold weather. The very.same argument holds goods with every kind of winter or cold weather clothing. For instance, you should not wear an overcoat in winter—or warn under- wear or any other kind of colp weather elothing-----it is best to stand and shiver around the fire til day for if r get in the habit you will always have to wear waren clothing. 'the fact of the matter is, that we Canadians are cum - pelted to wear warmer clothing in winter than in sum- mer, and it is just as necessary as is cool clothing in summer, and warm footwear is just as necessary as warm., underwear or a cur overcoat. The theory that warm felt ft,otwraar make the feet tender is not true and can be proved by to wrifer of this ad, who -has worn warm footwear (felt) every winter for 20 years or even more and who has neither a corn or bunion or tender feet. COLD WEATHER FOOTWEAR We are showing in our south window an entirely new, nice and comfortable range of cold weather footwear for men, women and children and right now at the beginning of the season of cold weather is the right time to buy them. DO NOT PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW WHAT YOU. CAN DO TODAY Have the full benefit of warm footwear and you will enjoy life better even when the war news is bad or no• more than favorable. Take a look in our South window at the warm cold weather footwear. W.11. WILLIS2i CO. TI -IB SHOE, STORE Sole Agents For The FOR SHOE: 1 i 1 Siecoses, Haddie, Fillets, Fillet. 1 led Salmon, Kippers. ,me a.ieMe 1 OPPOSITE SKATING RINK Phone 222 New Auction Rooms Mr. Frank McConnell has opened Auction Rooms it; one of the T:,mlyn stores, opposite A. E. Smith's Bank and will hold his first sale there on Saturday next. Mcgonnell and Vandrick will be the auctioneers. Bible Society Meeting. A meeting of the Wingham Brar ch of the tipper 'Can•ada Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian Chn oh on Sunday at 4. p,m. The attendance was emelt. Reverends Dymond and Relay gave excellent addre, res on the work of the society. • . Scranton or Lehigh Coal Wood, & Kindling Lowest Prices R. J. Cantelon Office with Dominion Express Co. Phone 47. P. 0. Box 127 Boy's Suits a °r • Regular $5,00 to $9.00 We are giving a very special price on Boys' Suits this week. There are 65 of them in the lot ranging in sizes from 28 to 35. They consist of Navy Serge and Fancy Tweeds. There are both two and three piece Suits. Regular $5.50 to $9.00, on sale at $4.95 Auction Sale Under insh'ur:tions rectived from the eVardena of Trinity Church, 13.'lgreve, there will he nilered for sale by Pnhljr Auction ou Saturday the Twenty first lay of November A D. 1914, at ay - hoar of nine o'clock in the forenoon at ' he Church property in the Ville go of Belgrave by James Naylor, Auctioneer the Soutli elart of Lot number Eight Non on the North side of Jane Street, 'v1cOrea'e purvey in the Village of 1#.l grave, containing about one•tenth , f an Terms of sale will be made known rn day of sale or upon knpliration. to he Wardens of Trinity Church. Dudley Holmes, Solicitor 12 Boys . Buster Brown Suits in Navy and Fancy Tweeds, sizes 20 to 26, regular $5,00 on sale at $3.50 12. Boys Buster Brown Suits in Navy and Fancy Tweeds, sizes 20 to I4, regular $3.75 and $4.00 on salt at $2.50 Wh iesale Produce and Provisions Gunn's Fertilizers Stock Foods Are the most profitable on ;the market today. One order will convince. You cannot afford to do without them. We are Sole Agents for Wingham, Brussels and Walton Districts. ORDER .NOW. i We are introducing Calf and Bog meal. Try a► temple Sack. WILFORD - Wingham, Ontario TliaPPIONESI-01,6a4 74 pwrlaittat, 1G Butter, Eggs and Poultry There is always a.good market for produce of fiat -class quality. It does not pay to produce poor stuff, Express Your Cream Our first year's business in this department has been a sue. Cess, ask some of our patrons about it, they are our beat cad• rtertisefl ent, 6 only Boys' Light weights, short Overcoat,, shower proof, sizes 27 to 30, regular $5,00 for $3.50 Meats, Lard, Poultry For Sale Ask your dealer for our goods a they will not supply them res port to us. Do not bort any thingjust as good. We sell the Best. I W. A. CAMPBELL The Clothier Maolitnald Block, Opp, Bank of Cour