HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-19, Page 6� , -1
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For 1ruftits ant Cb,ildrou.
11140MON."" , . � � I ___
I The Kind You Have
11 .11111 Always Bought
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. I ......... 1�� , ... 1, 13 /hy"
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rfomWesl)l 104hee
404sMAReStClIt6s , . of ?, �
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a Use
Thirty Years
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Rzact Copy of Wrapper. THU CZHTAUN GOMP^N%,. NNEW VQR#C 01TV.
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E Wingham, Apple .-d
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= Butter FactoArLy ' '
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0- Don't let your apples waste when you can have '-
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� a- t em. -turned into go(,d use at a small cost. ' _-A
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E We also buy apples and' manufacture them 'into A
EE apple butter whic we sell at 6c per pound. shipped in a
= 15, 30 or 6a lb tubs to any'part. I -6
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0- All orders promptly attended to ,
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= E. Me"rkley & Son]
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F_ Machin,e Shop and Residence on Worth end of Josepbine E3
41- next to Mill Dam. PHONE 84. P. 0. BOX 62 -"*
a- . =
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iiiiiiI 11111111 � 1111H11111141
, . I,
Fast Monteal- Toronto -Detroit -
Chicago Train Service. , ASTHMA COUGHS
Theseso'lidde luxe trains, carrying JBRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS
buffet, libra�y - compartment - observa-
tion cars,-. electric -lighted standand 1 14
,sleepers, together with standard din- - - .
Ing car service between Montreal-To-
rento-Detroit-Ohicago, via Canadian, � E.
Pacific and Michigan Central railcoadd. .LI879 - - -
are kmown as "The Canadian," and. A s' le, afeeand effective treatment avoid-
ing d'u Us d with success for 35 years,
operated daily through the Michigan The .11r..:rrying the antiseptio vapor, inhaled
Central twin tubes between Windsor- with every breath, makes breathing easy,
and Detroit. soothes thesorethroat, .
Weetbound: Leaving and stops the cougli, I ,
Montreal 8.46 a ssurin g restful niglits. ed slee
a.m., arriving Toronto 5.40 p.m; leav- Cresolonelsinvalunble 0
. to mothers with young 1441
Ing Toronto 6.10 p.m., leavinz Londoir ckildren and a boor, to
9.38 p.m., arriving Windsor 12 10 a.m.,, sufferers from Asthma. I I
arriving Detroitll.35 p.m. (central! Send us postal Jor M
descriptive boolelct %,
time); leaving Detroit 11,55 P.M.P . SOLD BY qRUGGJSTO I
arriving Chicago 7.45 a.m. � 1. VAPO - CRESOLENE CO.
Eastbjund: Leaving Chicago 6 10, I Leetaing Miles B!dg.Montr'l
p. m. (central time) ; arriving Detroit, � .
(M. C. R. Depot) 12.35 a. m, ; leaving 1�inplre cu.u_ ,,uin aiany qua� cvr.�
Detroit (M. 0. R. Depot) 12.43 R -m- ',% and irouble Is brewing between Tur.
leaving Detroit (Fort street) 11 40 p.m. key aiid Greece owing to the sinking
leaving Windsor (C. P.R.) 1.20 a., ni� of a Greek steamer and the perse-
(eastern time) leaving Windsor (k� o. cution of Greek Nationals In Asia
R. Depot) 2.10-a. in., leaving London, I Minor. .
6.15 a. in. ; arriving Toronto 8 39i
a. m. ; leaving Toronto 9 M a. in. ; ar. The occupation of Fao, a port of
riving Montreal 0.10 p.. in. Lsidtic Turkey at the mouth of Ahe
Full particulars from Canadian 'Pa� I Shat -el -Arab River, - In the Pqriian
ciflo ticket agents, or write M. -)G., Gulf, and the terminus of a cable
Murphy, District Passenger, Toronto., Ifile to India, was annoUnced In a
statement from the Admiralty on
Saturday ilight. Thb statement was
to the.effect that a milittiry force
from )3rlt4sh India covered by the
Cream Wanted Sloop,Odln, landed'widi a naval de-
tachment after the Turkish guns had
4 11sving an up-to-date Creamery he'en silenced, There were no British
-In full OpetatiOn We solicit yoUr casualiles,
crealln. patronage.
We are prapared to pay the highest LOST WITH THE GOOD HOPE -�,
market prices for good crearn. and gilve
you an hont!sb business; weighin4g I
satuplihig and testing each can of orea;; Four Carl'adian Midshlp;�en Must 14ave
received carefully -*ud returning a, full Perlshcd�Only One Ship Sunk
AtMOVIOnt Of same ]Vo each patron. -
We furnish two cans to each ,ousto It was tile British cruiser Good
met, pay all express charges and pay Rope, Roar-�kdmiral Sir Christopher
*very two We"ki, radock's flagship, which foundered
Write for fall particulars or send fo
cans and give no a trial. Zer being set on fire by shells from
S. E- L ' , German warships In the naval battle
that took place off the Chilean coast
AFORTH CREAMERY Sunday week. The British cruiser
SEAFORTH� ONT. Mftinouth, which the Ge)rmans Laid
I L they had sunk, wat baaly d6inaged,
. - and . Is reported to be ashore on the
I COASt of Chile. So far as I's knoWn
TURKISH PAIGN none of the Good Hope's �er6w sur-
balldlinalles batehods Being Uotroyed Thls� wits the news ),
,�Ivc% to the
by britigh and Frandh Pleat Brltlsh public byL'the Admiralty last
Friday evening just as the people
,A* l9ritish ocefilyation of Turkish Were beginning 'to think that the Ger-
:944potts to Asia Minor is procoodilig inan accounts of -the'retult of the
tljno*t Without Incident, Two forts b4ttle. Ili the Iyacifie had beelt ex'
of ttia rArdstielles are said to have aggerated. The 'Glasgow Was not
. 1544a totally Wrecked �y the bom. badly damaged �and neither tkS otritfi.
botdinebt, from the big Sung Of tho to � not the Canopus was, efigageld.
alliord ftet, and tho Russian Army PoUr Canadian midshipmen Were on
tt�ML C*1q'6j%jj's' if steadily advancing board tb4 Good Rep*. They were:
to #At*#k Xrkbruftl, the ehLe fortified SlIvOr aud W. A. Poftier of
ViNAS of Turkish Arm, 2 Report,$ nk iILC M. Cann of Yarmouth, N.S.;
, ,
sad 0. 'VZ XAMOWO Of Prodoria�ptx,
ct-Aww uamt I& tut -,94M01 J5. -I __ __ - - . - �� _ .
NoMb" - - � mi I I "'. - . � , .-..,..?!�..
You can cook to the full cz.pacity of the top HERO OF NAVAL FIGHT GERMANS FALL BACK - .. 11---
, � . .... ii'��i'�;"",�"R""'ii',""'---�---�l-= . I
- 11. -1
ana bak Q_L an oven f It of good thin s,w ith a IRERNRAVITO If Imp. ME WNT FRON ..=. - . . , -,19,,.�k4,;. � *' �
__ `� `�_"Jw_
'4" 1 '!�''y L ''AM
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I I all, t)aVId r
,*A�t , ,
'ril,�U0�,.y'OVng, Hast�_-,TrQQps VoIng .,� ef F** V
I , 1 1 , , y , v �Vyq _. I Franco . 141 I U 11 D8 "I 1%
ft .� ,j � and Bolglu!p to I , -,�
' ., ace ,�dypclnq, ,t �
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I . .. soon Much Pervj,qo.?;qAd 00*tlMod, 0 � .1 .
. �, L 1, , '� .at ..
. q V01Wun�1ins 'In t -A OPENT. # W. P. 14AT"9W$4 V109-0`011 1%
11 -. , . .;,�? � '-4 ;L -
frua - . 11 I Ftapid Ad%%qcqsw4sfk) 4 - . - - 4' - , �� I
. L. I rys '%'. 4 , �
11 .L 171, � . I __ . V, ., A L #�jv � ,6�f I . � ., 9- , rat M#nLagsr.
� .. . � j SO;L* � #. 4. . Tal .1 . � .. .
I - N . . _:.,.T, P;J.�j'*. It-lwvp m - LL �...� ... . I ., ."
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I 'I '�ep"'Y' ' Vtermat�,.-Is P4 , ... � 11, '.4111 ,;�,
. � - . sl; 4' a lij,i�;O-th�, �"P,X�, I -w . . .
. * , . , , , i�i . ! * Tq hear.AqmIF;,'t; .' site 'Tr� , , 0? 11 .
I � � ,O ,;"- -% � - We lio'hor 6i -A"' 1A 'Ahq- tip�p.j, d ` , , I . . .4
'.. 10" � a FiLtmeris
11 . , ,,III I' . I - el Vrau6 'to' th;4RQqer . .11 . , 1` ( " r
*j-1 t c * � -- 4- - '
. I 'u6h. (fp tile' ih-IoAle xvw �' glum 'And' - ot! *, r" *tk X m
. - , I � , -,,Irl�- 9"',
A - ' o? 1,,'4st.4V1V9F','a, To4h � anq W19.q.V -- ,_
I I the Arat *V,val 0agi*T0V+V8?1A- , , ' . , 4,j� I bauldrif pirvios. I
au,,qr,t0.Vrj; Ri�,*T-.Uj; o ti wea I . . I
I -o;, , Ili the J�Ipb$ ,,ok,. eII'olIgaJtnd,y4�, , Tiie 1th&4"ft fbeel'l compelL ,� 4
0� .
, ,
I ' , , � Jav .Wo, torm3, andadvanoosmatill
. I Virce Corm I I IWO10efl.,;e;i14-�tNe wolt Q., pa, " �
L ,.1 I 'ri -.Ngv.��,64,-� - �� t?",t" ,;! . ��,
. r Vsdo,boat"'desfroyca 14, :V**� .Tftq -that,olculAt .�**,.W,ces- of t Ta ��'T�tos,,�,
r. -- - " L, . .. � ,
LLL "I L L .a - �,F)
.... . . . . . 11 LL j�i.,numlleT ol 'Qcrm4U.,,fdjr N - - � ia ft0o!l , ont Jls,A'�rife and convoniont dopositery
,p%c,o-b*jtK , Wman .Nikspl-r,e Od 't6:"clbge
. 1. '"
I to . . 0,41y'damaged. I I _ - V1* . fo . , ,,'Ar,�W o;i. deposlix. of
0 at the same time. Many., I fafte'6f the Jtussiars, If possible, 414, , .�izit rattle 14 paid
.�exclu, 'Sir David was made a KnIgAi"Cbm , -.. ,_%',�r ��
,* ... i opevini kviteway to Ilerlin, on . L - r`4
ures,you - alander of the QKdpr o�.tha tlath only L" ,�
. I S
sive feat should know The hardest 11glitin no I.
4F . q4qlvtonday 0 Upt In the UyIngl; Pepzrtrnont.
I I - I .
. * V . .a few monthp.]�Rori tho tb k I in the extrehg hUrth of France, . ... ;., �
about. Let tbe McClary deatqi�sh .. the war. 310.119', ) . -
- qw, y ' .6 1 : CS ) � s 1,,Lgelghl,Wr,�i �-.* 4. '. % j- �,"` , f ."', f ,
I . , ,� . �.* % '
. .7 . r 4i .; .Vvqr.t.ke �cir,dog h h.
-_ - We & o a A "I'lWai. �
Ik � 4vi nd t �
I whe e' *p 'r-e.rinaiis t4up.g .jvit . I 00401-i'* Wid kj."','�, M. SQVLLY M;knager,
. . A B
, .tlqpnt� _ 0
"gADE, IN CANADA" Peatty tq air. It.in ��etjrsbu;,;, in out I I , Ff.
. gliy 'hueder's t�*��ir,,etf.(gt�,Ltp,.gli�,tter � W. - '*;%�'41+..� ,P : .�!OPV 61 ,
, I . 1 41 " f� 9, I I 4 +(, . I . I I
. .%r" -c Qui - the �vtftetwhlc � , �. !" .
.t a� .. _._
I Rupslan '�iUt% " TU fl 't 6ruiscr I , , ead- I I I 11 11' I 11-ji,
R. R. MOONEY, Agent Winghni. � - � . . I .. .. N." , 1 4R.", ". '11Y... bVOWN, . 00", I I e., e $1 , 1,0-1, 1 rw;c
- I . . ;;�A! ... 'I J;: "', q�' ,�' Q. - I
- 11, ii: .. 1, I kh k. I ..* P. I 'Th%4,,A-tQ§t %ofoall lktftu�. ,'�%df, l' ,�40�0
- I . � I � - � ,I? a 0 -,, iv r * , � - I Inj '#A It# allib§ l' v 0� ,,A"'.*�Iq, ''."'V
� � �. . I ; - I 1. . - I I - . I : eq!�j , .4 ,* tWt4,
I , � I I . �_ .11
.., 0 0 A z9WAW ;o -, � me 01., - - I., I 1111111i��
n il..t..., ih 11 ,� A;.- A . "I" 9- - - I 4- - -
. -
Thil Art Af P.q,At;n& wrnripp ive F-116", . I .a. I � � 1A, r iiin�__ �
N.A I .
1 41. . . .? I_ , , , � sts -q�pnjt L ,A bul,* � 11 . I .
I 1,16 An . ,
PPOdUcer Point, andth'a-e .4 �` V �Xqv , , �; �. V. , '. 1, .
'Uptit , ; ,
oped By Edisbn � utireiv new s'.'It NP -1 - .. , A,r,,)�.�.- qg"�,�,�,! t: I
, ' ' . . - .a' 4411'4 - � ,
44 .,.,d,:g * , ,5 - ,0 '' .. .
.ixq*w wk4"'110 of, rjl.,.kPnriA u-iod in I , ti1%bVt1w,'j' il ce,, .' ". (P�bil� wpo..! 4,� W I" .� , .
Recording wha,; h and P *M;i�tkahl v h ird. I in .. � ... ,;;. I . 0, - V 11
� . � . " ., ""'.. , . . ,#I 1; �, .!
0 '4,,�C,h,4,dv,1ai *wed olui'Whieb.. . - th ' ' ! . . .. I
udan'v earlielit -palstimee. pte6iototik- th,i rd( -7 rd �* t . i,'j.,%s�.N& ye, - -�o e , I
I p . - ;m;f 4 ,v . fsoba*i.'r&es* "'! �, I - - -.6i , ,,-,, �. f'. .. � -
. . 0
. . - . x . i -1 . .4:;6(. ,,, .
C,ves�tbe rWns of Nifieveh-the Pyra. by the I , .1, e ,;.,,. �V4apft��.N,egiqf ad%sinAkt- i! . 'f�Fos- � - . - ,
:way, never ha 'to be R '" .1 oll ,; .4%t,te.,g4lea�ta � � 0 .. 1� I
,q ,bikvgpd, ,,.t . � , 1 ; 1,
. , ,"... . , -;,nr i. -
..." t.�,A!%6.
-' . ` *i-.-1W,i , dvances ,on,, 01 I - ,.-, ,tu1X-;,held# . . . . . .��.v,.,%; "
uIlds of Egypt 'these reveal to uj some ill P"OticallY t�lctionieioo. ;Wpi,ij4er� tk- . . AM 7 ",,�.%� - 1 1,,# � ,,,.; ,q � 11 .
. .,.
,,91 4
� , �,ji-,.-�!\V,�..'-,�I:,'Jkw,. 1_--..-._M , , . R. Abelr gF&'?IT ` V , .
� ,�.�. . A ,r, k ..
. ..j, ., i ,,.,,,t�, I..
of his early eflopts to picture the im- f(My senuitive, it,follows the most,nitjj�t� il' ii'4140 I-!! I . 'u ". - A."j, .qj? � �,� st "o ;
'. fpRture- - -;;' .
.- . � �I;% , "
�A �,--..",,........�,�,.!,'.�,�..',,.�'..�,��.,...�"IN, 'l,", , .' kWlt",']��4'�te!"
.. ... , of Ihlev, 4 , , I I I lko!'" t .. "'. , . ,;
., �,;,,, � k XN - . I
' ' _ o - N - 0 4, I I/V i . � ' _0 - ir" -_ ?"A , :�
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received througb� "' `�' pl-I ... - .,�. ,'�� I � A .. . J�, ]Aent, Is; iilht� JAIC I � . V0 . Tllhql I Al 1 It", .L,�. .; F.'r. .� , I
I ' t go.. I 0 X &J.; . e ,
I "" , N .�k
Ard record, searcitV .. I
I . , *1 " ---.'� --� - * ' &,, �0',0344-17 * ,�I., 1 �,
nia ,-,-,%�-,.--�.-,�,---,�-'�..,*,IIA _ , - �.' -
, v..", + A'A . , .
,t 6" -,�!-,---, �., 11
presEdons his senee of ute wa,,�es in the hr px� , I . . ,
. � A, ....., N.
eight. I 0 k", a - faithfully reprodubini, the . �,, �. %. .. .,.��. .., ..gg g � , ". kalllop, pQghehslq�lb iT170i � . a 'hy, -
. 1.
. - - , '. �, - .11 ;1 if
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0 . ,��.. . .. I 1. ;.,3t .1;4.ey�`. dpq,X,�-;t,�gp * . -the,�
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� lipj�pjpq,,V�.,r - an -d- :� . 1,
eaturles passed before theis crnde ovattones,'of t .quqic, , %,��.,,,-.,, . . VtQo*aa4-w,1 - , eg , � f
� I k".� ;
, ,, ;I.., j. .00tead �qk. 51 11�v � w I 3� L ., "'.: 10 I , I . , . or
IM - _ .Yrg *,,04 Q .- 4W1jAR . . 11 -
outline drawings, without shade or ex. paut'ing out a fl.')Od qUa9f,"n, rich, mel, - . , �_ . ,I . 4_-A--%` k I .3 :,;i, ,r.- � , '� -
. � i q ,*dftn'dV,t'1rj t�,-A , iiA.- '-A'; I
1. ..., �, ?� 11,; , inryiow� 'I S as . . . . . . . �V . -
. wgv& A ! . I . -1 . . I .
pressiou devel� .a _,_ ,,t_ _,.. low sweetu.'-sp. In 14PAg"ifig thi@ t1V � ` I" . i�.. 0! 4niai�? - - � er- '.
I I t, . ,..t - :g.�� 1 l�I i - t &
'A'." I �, I I. 14 , kk 131 W �� ..,out
. . "V4 , 1. % , " " ' "'I . ?
- - . . . � NOV0, V9 1-61 �:g 11 . . . I , ""' " - l, '. '
pieces of Rembrandt, Raphael and Ru- pr)duc�lv, E,lieon, with . . t " a'P,%e"eWVeV ; ... , ,
�. a", �PaE 9�74 - . . . . .. " ,
beng, where all tlje'�realth ofform a,nd 6tic thoroughness. co40trudt,q4-4114. .-..� . 1:1� � r.t I Ag � I I k I - - " " - -
, ave 4�en .slowly and at p . lul"e or :
=111 Pre-ftw . I 1;�. -1.4�!-!,A�,,�
h . AY�,for.41 lojifff 0 te, - .1
te,tetl. o4tov;e1,2;000 dil!f,ireint.'z;�Wdol,7; I. I)i-1- ,
color inakes thh canvas 8tiein to live , '� ;i-,,�-.,�%,,- - v-ance -
;,. winnhig the advanced tr,enchel . � j . " 2.
Nowadays the perfection of p.,xinting' Thp rei-hit ainply' rapayo: the effopts '41, . -,of tfie � .
� ' . 'k GqXp.ahs iLbove the llfirf�6,'MA had . �1- . , . ...
.. k""'il ,j-t-1�4k_i. .
�,' N, . . I L.j�j; ... . - -,
pb�otogeaphy, color prinringand litho. rinont on it, fort hi,.-Rd1oowj,Phbno96'p't �-" 4? 14,1 q* * ---
. givisq . . �. ,W. � V ed 1, hktl ot th ), ea.U,..,n.q� '.1 :R t 't .
IV - . I , '1� , Of Th, 40. : .
�. 11q, to U90 * :
graphing enables us to (doe nnd tho 1nv'i:tnt'0r%q own .% 4zq41l&ftAhN'1� I �.- W 14 _9_1�1,_, A. T , , .
enj . , .. .;6 .3 -i��',:*, Largest, G'ke ulation in
I � . , V lis - rimmu-4-thV! 11 , , I W. `, 1� . -, " . ;",F,:,_` ,� '.
I x0gly. ,"" , -
I . :, . . I � ; ,
the beauties of th� whole. wi& ,worldi W`1"ds- "lusic #%t ],Lst," .. � I . �3 Z,m 14M.. 4 I I i�..! " I , L'.-' ,�'. '. !-
at t w 41titft, 4 41 4-4-11 ,�,,-,
trifling expense, amd'witbour mov- � It , A rx &qA'q9#1j(Akj4,1 t -Mall-C I I 11
'I I = '*'Ig ljj� gpw: t&4141 , ON
441, �'. 1:1 .
,:, !t�p .� -
Ing fAr from our own fireside�. I . a'ck "'; L.'Jioay .f 404tfill"141
. � e - ermat, age ryt. orr.4 I-
1. b , A.r . Co. "
I .� I , "
. .. G .. , . qtal I � �, 404"
. . . . , t 1� 0 V" i 41111feuld, Miloa ,be P4.4-.1 q ; 44 -,. -.1 '44'4 � ..- . ..
The, Union j .
- .
� .
., - . .
But while the art of recording and TVs goli a om%ll bit of bunting, . 409 I rA .4 ,!�I-,-,- ; s,pi*. '... -,t . _1, Z_
reproducing things visible had thui . ;-., . . 1.i . o ,UA14 � a1Xd-1lf#s#�B`*fee1C-l'Q ,AdL'4nqgeA_ -- . ��o.. � - �.
1,,'o only an old colored,rag'-, ' ' , ". I I . . .+ . . q .. , �, �!',
� . �Ai ir" , ,;:� .. ---
I i Ili �*_A. R __-1--- , -
I *I ... A, . I ,f .,F i - kelftwlier,4&aldilethet**fOhd'tlieiq woUl ` L ,�,T�
I I'!! � , !;:- ,�� r
. M AL R*b) . � . _.,,kq,al�pr4vAW.-10 t,d#t t] I " . I ,,- z!*'. i� -
. -11
roducing . 'it k� 1 P"';', ,
b. -en perfected through the ages, the Yet thousands have + `dlgrd f J'r 'ti REAR -AD . 'j" 1% t -1 - b&. * 0.!t, 11 - k!", �.�, !.I - "
wiliter art of recording and rep I . ., S. - . .. . *0;, O' W, & 4*4 .0 s, ",- te-.�,.; ',�.�4 �
. honor, 1. � . , V1. *ai.1'.j �e44A,!* M �.
. , a, 14& �� q,* '%443, �, - 11 ,11 .
L *eg q, . 13, .
, _z '�j4;�pt -, *.: It! ,;,&Gr.g-". -,
, __ �o,ij . I .
1 . zt . ; If k P,
sound Wai only born some thirty-seven TX �'. .. � I 'a " ,
Arid shed thitir beat blooil for thti. 4�, ." . _11:111 -TAe"Q - `�4 4 d.WePd4; , 4� t`.�, I .., �_�, ,+1-1 Av . I
I I ' .. . , K I �- .��, -.., .
- Elisou I A'% , , .. I 1J . .� ....
. -11 aA F, , - "� " "I'v I- , I
'i.. erT - . vv , , � '4 ;-1j,"!*!, . .
I .. -
years ago, when Thom%s A.' 11 .1-g. , I . � . s(�i�adf'on. .Their partiloulariy-gracidus. Ieiiaiv fkT,6hg*.11�h04? i,A�,Jt " -, X vo. I " ".. ", , A .
I . , , ,I . . - � ,;;.. 'A.4
brought out his. first phonogpapb. It's charged with- the oros . N�&D66n by the C;Ar and,, C;&4rIna Was' fightifig:'ifig"I ejf6i�' WrIT1.1 ,; I F 1. I . ,nt, �- - I
, - a OPIZV - - -h , , , I -7 -, 1 1 1 1 "O.L.C., �. "W
As might be expected,. this 'first av,e to t e very' WArm regard in WIkIch -.they 41hve: 60&'Ac4�fffr11'd7- n w ' I , ls . ith *all the
Andrew;. 1� + -, ... .- -4 ,,Jy.�, .. . I ._1: , � I .
' - . . I , 'iia held by Quedh Ale');andra, by porpp� f6r ari�,Ij�ffer�.�to bttll 1% "t", . , , . I -1 , .
' �, the ". . . t1f, f 4 "I . ._� . . , ., - I . 0
phonograph, like m%n's fIrs', sketcheLt, Which, 'old Saitla*i "George, dnd by'hlg `dbri��. tho allied jpjq,.�., .;af i tAytsa ,jund ii .. � , ..v - . ? I �. I
I - , .11�', i I �
I . 11 L
) ud'* .heroes ha,4� Kinj 4' , 4'.. -4-1 I .1
produced only barely recognizable out- .", IniQ , � It. 1i A,. : -,� � .
led ; , , , " , d, the personar Triendship o el ;f-4;*. , � K, ,,�- I.,
. - . 11 - � 'r- - B I u :�§
'r..: � . f oi4lounge. , .ft�f6y.,.Q A*.Ada *f."�,, -napers-in
;.J-� . - .. I .
_t4,4j# ,
. 6 the 'ha *-lut. - , ! W. , .
4eq thp tiross,bf St'. P' - .... ens.,tor,ALady .-Beatty Is" �lMs` fa6l ' I lf�n�. b"',�-..v .,�-. -.-I-4. '. . , . 0 .
I - - 1� * A Z` ,w A , tbL 16., "
. , such.** - . ;1 .!f,:,
me z ,;; _ . �'. -
overtones, which give expression'and 16t' they hai.e' . ly t6o ftttAdkkaa&tveA"j5Jiq T' '' � '4� � ,,, .i i, . , ,
Wo que , lkt:0 i�
lines of the original. The wealth of It c.irt ,itrick � ,_ . .,... - .. :: . _
--bepr.�,j,qn � ,,;;* _
V;,�. :� . 9 Aj: . .ai�, - X
Far which Ireland's I 0 . *-Z.( f," tl$�4 .(
" � �vt- ,�MiKg, to ftds,"*� � .., ;.r"", �941V '. . r'' 0 -, , � �
.� - I i .;.. I
. -I
raBlody to voice or music, were lost. . . , lPiivesk, h waly'e"in-her c*%t4t�,;-ob- nearckessi ' � 11�, --, , `: " ::� ( 'i T,
" I � _ I_.- ..� � . , . .-, I . . L
MI o d. � - .',,.-_*� 9WO,Tdd�thatstaild fh the way 'of ad-. .. Unoffici;ll:,riipovt��'#b,O,lt'p�'.,-&o , &t : - I '. .. ,.�.. . : , - .. �
., �'.' " -4. ., - " I .. . ,..,, !I .; W. .
. � ' � " - .� _.. .
Bat a start had been wade. For the �,Tolned with thli�� '"I"' ID, '. mfil,�*follt of - divere�` s �'�t couri, for the, allies 4yejjn-4b&W4 os ib ,Aw pj,�, i ! �, -I.... 11. . -
. Prl-.Qtlr own ng4 e .14 ..f-,,--. - . .
.1 11.- er' Ea'n "at'an"y'.' t'�'p' ' - - �cu 'Ibn . ,,, ,� - . �,,;, - .;111 " .,,, . I
sound I ibli ensigh . 'gktty, wholIM-44o9onlyida ',6ght* t,. - C 11 I �
first time, in the worltFs history, i '�4- .* .;1,:11;,+ , . .., r,ad�-' . *LLL -*.1; .. ?., . .
, 9. sipaae.th t, at �
, .- _&g,ffi
had been reproduced. I (I. � .0 Eoupi,�',16q it,. I .. 'A I I' ,� 1
of th-efate' MarpliallY 90, 0 .N. �. .!
So. Georgb'a rod cross '6n white , jeld;-!of Clike4"" f O'S't .1 , , - I -q1-- I . ,.,�).- , I-111a.;:*"W -in't'* 3- 4 . I .
. � L' aiv6ided - her.. first jiqp -Arthur, Vort6tL'-' haf�41 eff , ?.* 4,04
Since then it has been simplV a case field,- - , qlid,,� . a , - Se .:. & , I
. .,*� l, ,,, i �,.*. -* v .�,ql-lr; '. .
, &I ,rdn ' I �. ..;,
. � ,� 49e it, �', ,* .
- - - Had �iloq,af re ' meet the Russians . '1�1-1 I 11 I . q, - , , L.
'kichard to' �'� � Nei-ghgo ' , 4
of development. But since Edison has Round which fro . ni,king T�ee4-� ' troops -'frbnf . ,wj(ji , lAwd s- t il _�, A It- A , . I I .
been behind it, this development has wokey, - . . e 1. - .' ' �,-; - . I .'!.' '.' . -.'-',5 - '46.1�0 :; = .-.k Vr* , .. . I
. . + ;+L . , 6.6iig�, sia. and 8ilgil�,-,.,Z-i�'. .:r, , 'A., � �r. , P �
been phenomenally rapid, reaching its . ' Th;,. Eleattys were fqrtjXna&';b " 4 ,iowf I " ; I I . , , 11 . . . I - . . .
I . I - . 4;,A,!I-.1 .,4v� 01,�;-j .�,q. -.lio,, flo".124.41411 . .
Britons corquer or die-but'h `jr, i� le ,f -4ir -' , � - '- * 1.-4 I .� -.,.7- 121f:� , - - - �.S. .01. -
.0 ,qeyeral*autumne ,j6uc . 1, Aa.-, . -, I . , I A ,, �,T,!: ;1'.1. ... .
a. I ,.,;Lse"f9 . . .
climax in the wonderful Edison bi I . . - - . � ,� _ . L . 1� -P -, '" '. . "11-.4- ! 1,� I.; 1 .4
;.]A 4- � , .. . _�� , "t; ',g j .; , . � .,,r.
.vw.4.4 11 t?"AW10'rt,
j . . 1. , , 0 S�� .n one or the other OL Lljq! Ca$&iOS - - T - . . - . f 1�; ...'i!t- ,,K�-_ . __ - i I An- A -A ` -
' '
1. e$A)") -
niond Dive and Ambrola Phatiograp he, Ibfitliters triu Within. ..drivi:dg Alstancel,oi Balmoral., i, , 0A . * 4'.- #�O, " - 11 .
. , V.,�q4V
n ' ari.' *.V -d .01 �. , 1ALRY.- I 0 -0 ONO
.�,.i�,. L 1 �.� I - - 1p��
I 01, - ` .1 ft o .,.,I �". .. � . I , "'. -; .
vecently perfected. Here at last are - mPba t O'ar,tbe oce, d-aq�Ae�tty- WU a Id navitl'chum - � _ , Z., 0 * i.. `
I As free 4s the wind and.- 4he, wave; .�-fid - . ., I I "' 4 ", . .io'�..'�,.,: I " �'
instruments that truly reproduce mus. I . 11 I a M. wi-:gQ i, 3 ��4;�-, X--,-�owo�tw�;- -
� , ..cortirade ,,.of; G6orgb -�?,,'-- 'Q4d ' " Four ,q , , mg " , ,
* " irifdtv , "
And bondsman fro . K 140 . �tl
mt i;s. *iAll'. -.1ti, I't".. . ,;-.t.. RIP40,�-;j I --
shadkles- 1�6- � Mfqy, .:tb,en.PrITicesa ,of.,W416 , '.. ..71f ' -.� ,., .,rv.:. � e�,�-� , -
. I
. . . I -1 I -I �F 'Ir'
ic end do not distort it `F0r*Wtt'1'r'c,' %;Wq: ,. , ' - 6 .. ; �t
. . I . ,... i
loosened . .�', . I., 1, '4beigeldle ", and ' - - 'I" I ." � % -1 -2 . - 4 - ' 4 � "A, il"':6, .
. ... . staying,.Zat' I Castlo, . � I - I;.. '. ,.,;�, �o?- A I"
This Is accomplished by two distinct. .1 ;., .,4. . . ;111N . ., 1, 1, -
- .,.., I - '. 4;� " .. .", -
. 'Neal,h ir,; .-ShAdo*s "�.no. Ion �ueen,�Alexandra,, p tal,z.,wem �.,�','T]�, b�0'minrd6-G6V,6rniheiit"b , I *J0 .e.
I . . ger,s .Lt,Balmqr .@ A., - ..., F111
- - Indu1c'e"d ,to estliblitli `n`4ij qrly�,,Xq- ,,.di&d,j, f6 iotq 1,1 -, -a' ..� � 5.01 �,
slave. �, ., .., �,.,t . I. P , . � - . ectity ,r6
� . at.0 W,m W .,� I I
. . I �' . ' Iatlonsr'�ith ,Lady -bdatty., - " ty, - from *i-, -Q1gQ4,4, Akt-6r ,63T'AA, , .. 'n., � ....
. . � , , I .
' , I "' 11 , -
I --. . ,,, I - ithl!. - - � ", AT -ISM '
.It flO,%ts Over Cyprus andrNalta, . Thesp relations -owete 1afthei Co. ,w ! . * �, , j.."_ ..; ...
., ......, -, 1, - _`. ,,zIwi .
1 0 O'er CanAda, India., Hong -Kong; . . mented.-bY the' Intimacy.:whibb, ,W611 �.-', I mbbiliie�.4t�"1041;teI*.i6u�Ir.. Vq,g.fthWA6,- - V-11 - - , : ,�v 11 i; e� , . .
of' a a 14- L*L;' - `_". W . ' - �
I . mqi.;ntpd efi- ne dn * �, - %- t `%, . .
. . . TgI _V
* . . %1 .,
^ 1 dev,eltiied between the 1�e - -cjAI(f-* .. . . . . .0. 'j - t.A�*,'_
*6� - . And Britonut where'er ,the fiag'tl fly . att,$r andi � - .1,6,,, r.obh-Dfy"at'-�l'orolit)49�np.,kl� - 11, .. I �t a4jk Yi4u A" oul .%ortl Jor the remarkable
'g;�-'. ..
, � .. ren aqd those of the then -Prince . d 6nd!,� SisKat&0a *
�; - .. ,I 'It
. Ing, - ,:!� . � � .
. �11 -vow , :0 tllx Case,
__,� I . � - Prin��ss Of Wales. "king ' . fA.1mvey togr of $- 8 of rbeumatism laoural.-, "
� I '� 0, t�04- �� be,ftw: -a 'iln� BiAtfst 61,U)MV, - 4 . It .
. � I ... � Obilm the rights which to-, Britons$ -t66k a erbat faucyvto-the .d'�k .,.&AQP1, k.l.. �,, i ". "I )
, , ,
. � .136'attys, a v'r _0 ..- - �,, .
. I belong. � �� I. ' _T%d� ' . . tkIt�-. O.' xte 'flft. 1� , � 96 ,hew� cbes or otbe,j,..UI-jc.Acid troubles, or the wtr I
, ' '* ' "". I I . 911, . . ,
.dtp,614t .-Da. '4 ,'��'. ,,,,�v I
I. � . .99, .y.1d. Beatty to hii'bufC4, � .". . ",""I'll ............. -1 *"..01 - I ._ V�l � . i"",
. I I - - ,
I We hoist it to show our devbtion, "Vnef,pf his, l�ayaI,,aid.es-:de-cjmpp-v, ,� - - ____ - ". � _ - " - - r .,- - I . han t .tbou. 'lid people SOT,Aoim has rostwed to
1. 1. 4, q.,,, pd ime ,k& p�
� t is Only - ff�i�,i�,.Ply,�Paxtdtto. add . QRsfip".4 . .!,, .e k, :, t. V` �� - - �_,
To our King, to our .country and ,that he owe�i'.111� tapic' tip - .154 ` , . I - M41th' i U the:*.w4d of', eighty-one. doctors using SoLA, '
;":: .. - 1. I ,�. Piomo " n and t ��r ),.e
Aiiiiii I * ,I. . .. ) 0.3
- - 'Tis 1i s a(ky,apeement W . ., .& 7 "Ive t� .. i.
., . fliqy a e '411 -0 " e ee ust writ(- us for a FREA
laws; , . p and
I . I . .. . I I to"t2-91ahk 'cif rear. the bape."Of 01 . #. I
visibla emblem hdniig4I"at thid- .woda'eiftill��`� . . '! M
the outward and . � . isnotoibe I �'� �'�'ru" 4 ily ili",A & pra��(",`ft' - , J
. . pe ;,.41A ."'.04 .
Of advancement and libert' ' . of --,'31;�� i�':`dlstinguished war,'ser�la b - harslip 1k IqLn testimonials from Ductc)rs, Druggiists and In-
Y16 cawtlu� 1. . .. I 1. "�;.190M d
, i;��Tthan to roy &8; tl* " -�.*,% k� -
, * rAthe , ,,fl,, ,.favor.% IT� , " ,!,t I . "i '
YOU May Eay its' a small � , I t of �un . , ., "I '! .; 4 - .
1�i t- WAs' ebiplbyed. In,F, j 'f fo!j ral aggrav q ve, tk e,j . I 14 Also SOLAoF, remedy.for .
i 11 -
.. - .3 .. .,
� i .!,e y e o, � 4:7 .1,
Honor Roil I a g,-, ,�- , - � . �,,.- . . yb�ais-`V_4der�'�Lo'v'd - tu'h -or, - troubl jor t,V '! . 1. 5-, I. t:. * - k . ", 0
� - ` . en - ana � bub4w & a 1�, .. .. � I , z%lji, -:�,:-,; , i;A .
� * "'
. '. . A* Keb'*Pil %wa§�, ' X ' � I � .
.... , & :g, , uho . . .,�.. I �
YO'1 M -.Y call'i't"kn''old , _4 ,rjLq .;.� .:
I colorp � ; wlhdri Admiral SIF,--, , Sin a $ 41 'K %" -1 -
� freedow hath. - wound 0611 of the gun. . .Li lets. They
RANK NA . . eitic, ' ; '- ' " 1So;it"fi6tj K V . I 1 er, e the ,
. . I rng�,t . a re � ;flie $, '.
. - %9�emy. 7k , grea .,,,. p6psistence an - �jlist , Ic I I
, �b.
. .
And Time hath enuoultathe:'fli I gi .1 . ..I� . on the Nile, figh� U. . , , nd '- . .. -,�� - TION
__ . 1, I . t � Chhrnlberl t�inawwt I ..., S I '
yet '4,kd*.ft mp,j dd t6ok 611 " 661. tl;,q . t" I . , i
, 11 T!-, -FA
ME ' . i
Captain .................. N. T.;Sinclair .. ljn;� " . ,$.. - b . - r� ,� ", .. �. ` �4t � , .1 � . � I
1 -4.1- 1 ...0 .,, - ,,, 'b6fikage,"hi -wi4;0 -4he.dI8'f1tFguI01- Q lb . ..... - V � . I� ,.;# , " 1.
Lieut . ...... ................ H. McLean 1, , � %4 ' �4g -1 �. , : .. I , I - i .
'. .� .. - servje. I - - .- - - __ I .
94 . . I 1-i _�,- ed '- - p'-� or,q��.q,F. j,-�,#j4.'pralnj4t1ofr.;ttA � - - _ - Q . - 1 ""'A" " ': ,jJ16xA-X11VP, VAD TONIC CONBINED), I
... I ................... G. Sliialls . , i '! 4 I'l, lt! - - � " �t�
:1 ....... .......... C. G. Vanstone How il. .the rai)k.: or.,eomm4,naer.,,eaW,,S, tbjitm- , , ___,� .
. . ' ' i "
t ..... H. Cariipbell, - ... � iwo y;6dfs 'iiti�y-�-.,d§,!a'r'e"Waiii,tQi . I -, �Ii 1V&`1V5 J11k surely but pleasftut4-Waturels way.. No distress
. . .. -z,. @& ��
rs .1 *;. gallantry in th 4 ..." , `6 j��Jp -g-yo sick %I k
Office ..., "-
Col. S; r'llt., , *. *. ". " ,.'.'. , ............ J. Mann German a battled of 44zii and, X -,% V, 1"l.,014"I'l - -
�,_..' � _� ? I , N, ��A-WAW,�41') W#-,� ouing. The TWO rem-
, . ,
., I - I iTto, 0-q im-Uan In 1869,#_ q � .1 ,�.. - , 11-� 1.1/,, - - �%- .�', ') '.
Sergt . .................... W L Lutton i Tricked Her' -�!l. -.14 I !. t , . ,,(do* j .
._ ' 11 4kqi,,�ie.�o.,wi"ifi.�ke,"I)nt'ihey are the greatest known t h
If I I .:, Making Naval:.'Attack " "_ .,. -1 ""' .- - I ._
. I.. 1; �. .11, �_ I , I , '-!' ' 4ea,7 " 01': ' - -- - - - V ,,�, - . , , a t e
..... I .... I ......... P' Harris I . I - - , W..qjL. wlqt�:-W,oun
it , . .. : ----:. ., ..t., . -.4.1. Th - --- , #1 WOEA #X&,4jj ; ,
......... , ,,.,..,..-.k,.*Cliapraan! - A 491i,V D6111hes,eand,Ahe q3tege-i , "' '- ;,t,4t-n�e.d1c.r%l-_ , I.P. ar�`t�(id` to'b" Free of opiates or harilufal
;.1--t 111 . I., , .. 111a
Corpl . ....... � ........... W, Van wyck The contention .of, the Britisf, g4 "bf*,the foreign - lega IQ�Lj ,.,,9/.t,,,,P,p4,In1 A . �� � A. - . . .� � - �
� iom� ,8:��m ribo..�
(I . B Elliott Poreign ,Ofilces 'AUA. . Turkeye.-�;Was�i',Jditrid'-h � ,I,-- I 1. ,
"r . , I.! ,p .% b�-art or �AoTnmehbnt helps them.
64 ..... I ............. w I I rin s4rvf1hg!%,b&kmq,1 WRIL, I - .. . ,,,L. ,*,,,,,, ,4.q go. A. Neither affivettg tb(
' ,jqj , * . I ;,L;,r,o,,-,, G1Q*1*1'q � -,o - w"U'le"fill ('tto�*tfveilil-'t,lrofSoLAo.uriam&dieiiwrio
. . .............. R. G. Freeborn forced into ,the .Wi(r4eby."Ie 'aut-fti,;l', tlie,-battle ': AftfftV Vh Iri'� � .. .,rca p
,,,#PIP , ,T . he �.QN44, 1. ,�.
. : 'g2j,,W
-T 1,6-M, , - , , 0" , , 11 '� - .. I .Aq - .S�qeka;lx�v_,An -4 2ilw ... % ,,&NltT Pffi�`;'41
Buglar .................... 1-1. Hinscliffe trIgue and.-,aga�nst -th?0i, .. e�b-, n , . "
Jfh?--.Awv_ t V.I.- -� j �� 70liver,4 , � , OXES. State if oue or biibh are wantcd.
.4& ff If atoxft'l k I&I 4 .1,
,,q -%.0:f.9re."-Z-W6' ;-the"bli o , ,
Private ..................... L. Harding, respolisilile .govern-YVAidlatt - ds. OlV0110 -, 7v�gjjgc ;�6� . I - Tal,Z6.3a4i **,� .. . V�
..Qfu4n dal., -A, yi MM;tt
,,_d$o-e�.-wjAclj-,'1 A
19 , : ljC,,f,fffj'� I JOM = -
I ....... I ........ C. Shoebottom by inforfiLatibii 1A%m-,-,Q 0;* ��
4-',.�qq t4ntf 1K111 Yluu, W,r
" . I fl. .1 I g
. �), c W, �g - . .
, ..�y, ,o ... . . .
4C - . . ,,4n qqg pttoh, 4 �! l'18tb0X_.fb",411hW'i3 tomac : 14,
, �Uu� it - . ) capture ?f"a?cOf1p1e.,,.bP ._,'fabljct.*,Q_jig1l t ..
94 � I '" - , :"Creek, Mich., 1J. So A- '
� eTM , - WTlCqT -at.thp 1' e if -JL,* .;;;t'-Baft1e' '
, .............. R. J. Little whicl �.,,Lrr , ' " ff aud.- t- 1! I 'ji'Nab t1aQ1 I
': "I ,
.... 1. I ...... .... T, MacDonald the - IV` f0i - .... I -, I sour go n.ac n ._ . �� i � $i,'. )C A kto .&O .
it . � LQJ? 1114,.L� -, UU�_ - .- . . ,'� 4_ �.,., A., ,,hq;Ld op,� - -, �.. .
." on t,
- I - ,� 1. An Itor. i , , .
,,� 'r - L I
�, I il. $J,.�_�Qt,, t: :.. .
V,**6.' .1or'd - "*..-6f' b'lW-J'dckets, ,- , , ��, .
I ... � . ...... I .......... 11. Guest cr - -- irf-11 . ;
4., � - ;; UAL� ..
viser'Goeben. .; ,
cc ; , _ I . L j. Ru- , ,�LuVn .t�i adach,g,,, .. ' C., , ?, $1 . I :, i�.. , A .. . . ..
.............. ...... E. Madigan . A" ; � 6 b�; i;�b - - I .1. . ,� -� .
it ............. Th,e,G � a..bad**b_e*(.,n sen , i4lp�_Iltne�.�'.. V., W tNVice"*,0ddd6d , %le - . �� �nb - - �_. I . 1.11.1 _�__ - I
, ruirgis ,1 25c." , , �. ; -
I . �. �
. i " tft'�.af%o* -A T - 4ar-�., xv . p " I*& -the *gnk or. cnAln"', - . , ., 4... -k .�, ,.� �, . .
......... G. Flayles ,Diu, , , 11 .
a "' me oure., , � - .. 1� at fth ., I ro It. , . . I . .
........ : ......... 1,W. Atistin 'Af : . I r. * , Midi � n ; � , ,
,11 .0v :. N4 rkip , 010 � - 3" i" 1, . . .
(4 e0e h'. s rqm?l, . ;.;. " 1, 1 I :.
Vrec - Virk � " , "" 7 �9_ � * - . . ... .. � ,�. � .1 .
14AI..., 11 , " - -
Id : ..... W. Stapleton ships dig-, - ,V - -1 . 4 :-hl li�;Ii. but 29 years of age 0 ..� . I!, 1 �41,- .. - i, .
I " lin �w�A, " . I.. ; 1�,�"% ,?'�. . I . I . .
'gr.�%,p _.v.Uy.t,&4 jfed*1 -. JIM �.-e+ ,-- - -T, t '- � � . -.-, - �1� 1, --'��`:,Tri the ,_ .."
11 ......... ., Aft ,,;;, " �� §1 mi. �, am,el
49 V. -,Taylor '� 7- "o �-0,6.-,�stdnds �` , 'z'�'- - 'Q `,'V'V.k a t the . . . . mpny, T I "I. . ,' ? . - . '. V I
($ ........... ,:-::.,:::,It. :�Finlay &a:t4�4t�y �*riwg I,Qpjii b 44ftibilloly. _."IT. 1 -Ir 404'Ac' .
............ I.h sejit-A,4�v.w rejess' x6goagb 'tb ' 'rs'ta' '-', amiralty-whIC11'r"egaras him ap one :� . .,I A . :
"� . Hamboarts I
.............. Herbert Ch .1. _� pkh' � . :.,� 'N C E"
.- "
(( V re I
. t1noplo, 4jpljygd�ort*(J. t4 �- I .. . ! 'I D o-1 `* A;`4
. - VAI
- I cer . - , !_ ". . - 0 %3. " - ?'! . �
i I . ........... Harry Chisholm . .. lis " . � - __,,.N,hpable 'staff dfIl " 6" " '
SIaP5ljad;jjjhtFd.,Z' I I I I � ' . - , WOMR9 9t -,,�t .. .. - - - - 1
40 'EC'Ltreajb I q �, One _thi4-rXyhicb.. commends ljj]ln *to ' ' ' , .. - . , , .� I
-, - . .i�el I . T. II � --, , -.4
. * * -,.Mut,�gftqE� .,-at .Whitqr,ajl,,,,and 4. London -� - -Eog., . oet.,p'- 27,..��A&ft A:- 00-,"", CM `70
.... .1, ..... :.: ... I .... J. White .?. I _ f I I
441,�Q.L,.,,� I " ." ` & , " * ��49 ur next 1.1, -
Wt. - a !� . , -
44 1 .................. :G. E. Read - Ely -B, - � r- _ t . . I ., ., &. .
,�4 . 00Q ' 41arnbourg-,�v� ffini liark ntmi.str. .a-. - ..;�._ ...;. ... " V-1 �
(d .-i rbe, :, a m&.;, �v w ,G.e6.A rlk1'1_?1K1
sh� flAt-U., .y ,Itq,� Xjng.. � �fo-� - ous, Ru@ ... .. .9 �v
I ...... ... I ...... I � . . , . . T'ff -,.?
1. - 'A.W".
. . - ,:. . W,
, �2
I . . - �
., *Wt,- ,,.- - ... ��
' I 11� -, S': ., - iiii .... . . 0�
..... A- Jbnq , tr p; - - On I _i,
- P. S. ,��tmrdy .. . . . , - , CL-- - atljq� " . t�, ..6 U
I( -defensive - '_� - ... ., '. ., e , ".. . his "i'REGAZ67 . ,'4 j khom the. Lnnd-�m "Mail -'bali X-
. G. 14. Rossp ki . h. �v4n . .. I I , r I
. ....'! ........ lue '.. r. 1-1. 1. I'
e''M I man; �itod.-thp, . '_ - !,- ." . -i,
. ,:.,: * , - .,d s - - - . pr4,pl-i e*r j,* Wt r4.1 * _i, ...
:q; tp fell, Into I auitb,r.�', � �" . - ...
4 C ... ...... I I ..... I,isie ; . eli;quelice and til .
. 6 ....... I.- .... 4..'a ' Th * on:!, ' , " �, - - pp " � " I . .
it -Aftb�,._��Jw,Qabinet ,jppun�fl; * t, -of of-discretI64. �� , _ . -,,�.�.. --tvA6apdr for"libel and was awarded . . I
: -t I . -
1. . �i, ;�t
...... s ... .... .... .I.C. were approved � .. . , .1 . I I � I t� I- - I ' � 2 �4 L'A �. 1, I
. "I I % , ,,. r,. �
it 14r,a lar-Asures 10S�vIt was I ", ".. . ... _.:_� , � . . . $2,500 damages, 4K" .4": b, . " '6F,M,1T8-0R'"A �.,.
..... T.- Pitt s " ". 0, .4 �'r. " .1 '. �6� 3 , 1, 4 "., i �1, `�"
4t ............ - until I ' L � . .4 - -.' , Tilis is a brother of th ,jitm :9. - ii lr .!-i. -- r, .
-th? -Tu , � ,., .. V" "I
..4 ----I- . args - I . . W - , , . - �.-
...... -tif -I - SaVirlgrli-@60 ' -, t' i Q whiolVill'.&P # , � �
....0 Bleacil not. Okish ,�hijj,-ic� ij�d
f t�" � Pr�ssiana I ff_,!, 0, .j , , -
it rl .1 . R V1 - I I ;
... I ....... ...... jas h1cCalLUM �. -1. .. t�,�Wjoe , liat, . Ul 4� 0 V '' .&. ..'. . -
it y exposed .�7,,'� . 1". � . .1 I - . H w W6101-thei*'B.6varla e� ,pr` kTq.jyn MI, fi t�,yj I !1 o= 'i 4- -
I , , , ff l'!
'�' . � 541qy . 2111 1: I—! �
.......... I ..... .. J. G. Nether I . :.; , .,Fhti��, """.:_. 1.%!,,7UQwas ' - , A No 8tb , 1. Ife"?, � �1_1! � 44 � I I -
. - 1 , I �
ca � , ';, '�,%i.,., �t ,�� ftpsplAns ivas brougbt*�qqpt , , �I,' , � ", -
- :1, P ug��lr,��,,
9i , .%, __. g ,ry
%t. '. RL I il . Aull
� , ,
.... I... .. ... ....""..R. Jon - lr:,�,.Ilf - - L I $' , .. . , _ , -_ � I , ,� �
-g " "I - ... .. . - ,,,. ever appeatod here, '"' Viery ... L�71 -
.4 . I ...... I ... ...,...�C. -Liarle � " - , , Xatier when, if! 6o pourse 0 hliARd-� i "; 9 , /I �, � I I
, 7- ..tl I . drpo,_,to na,val rocruitl4 AaV'Xijr,� IVP,, 'h6ply-s-bovid wait their coming ar:d '__ j I. I
, "
� ��
66 , . , ;� I 'j'A. 1 .
...... .............. R. Osb heir-thim. .�. 1�
" �61*,n,e�. !. .. _i�i� . 1-1 . I � -, I, - - I
".. .. , ,
,..i I ..-" -, .. urged themAo, *fight vallantlk against . .� t94.4�1?-'�� � ,_,,.�. � I .1 J" .. ., .1, . 11 .;
(9 - I ! illf% �1. � , � ,�� � " .. � . . - . . ..... 1 . ,
.................... R. R I . ���__ I ..., - 11. .I ,
I - � � 141, L I
f . . '. 4 I � 16, � VZ %xi, INU n lv
(4 ; , I .1, I , � I _�Iii ,fpF&**4t$J_11---tUj�-,--g l4uA�-,4fj,..N*eWn-, . , -'j. 1 �,4v .:
. ,
.11, I I -a �
.!:, , - L "Pt - 'Idet ' k If, Mi �. ' Ali *'I'Le'L I L� q' PON jKE0 , -r " - . I
iaA�_ , , - - - � 1 " PR f. 4 - I � :::: ..
...................... F. Lutton Ifl, 01-11vis., I., � ",L,R,.,.P,q. A*_*L�.'.. - 10 r, I 1vrXq,aSqa* I'll , _W:.,
....................... :..A. Scott, .. !',,;. those butf s" I -
it , , �� vhits'k -. E &',PA:� li' J,x' % - - - ." �-
it j1p ;;p%L.. - �� - �,-., -
I I �. ,*; -1 ".)�3 -� . I �'L I., i ��. 7/ . -11 .'' ll , I
claijsaitc] .NjqqWtQgjjk,j f;,,,.N � V'... ,'-f ,11
. fiis-t, thu's ho 01, "" ''Af - 15 e RL -C 1 1 c � _- 2 !2 � " " . . 111. 1. �! k"!
44 ... ..... I.." . ..... R. Harrison _110r4d, b ing a st( eas. .I- -;,$ F -1 W Nb%A, M 11 1�. , I -g�05�A,r -, - p �. -
(C - 'H iiiN "I , _�11111
'� , � '. . !� .; ". , .
'r - to.. nterxMvg!�qowc I& the ..rqcNXt.$*he. *0 , -� -��
. ..c6iieltision'.01 . �`�ONVAR . li't �§
.......... ...... 1. .11 I . ,Guest , C un,N IC. .�,,,,",�. in �1111 . I.-, .
(C ........... I ...... W. H. U11rch nu uu. 0,.,-., . I'll � irl� a 10- VIC _� -
... I I . M White a I . 0,4'k ,froiA..,a ,,,ileznotg� part of --1-1 . - - , z� , "
. I . .. ..... I ..... . -_ .. ,,_ . .Z. - 1. , I ." - ,, 1 ;4". ". , .. ' .
(I ........... � ........ 0. Schaefer . ... I.' '6_4r,�.;qtW.-ehlef foreign foes?" he ""' -, iv 4L. , if " if " .
Ed r . � - %, t ,.j., �, rZ 1.- ." . ' . 04Wo ftr 4ho ltroatlmrlly -R�111" , # ti 411 - I 1: I
..... I... I ............ F. rixtdr ' Wd'i 'a�fc,�A- - -",Tile 1tussians . hn& -the, .. ApA0 L.'r - .. -k� TI
ts s-- ....... �.. G. Jacques Told ih the 6110WInwLetter �;r6llcll,, �&Ii iiajesty," 1! . Chennin DirpRaos, N4,tv- Dis,,id,.;.". ,W.'_-,oKn*M00A&z1" t:2CzC1P5;ql=, �
�4nd who are ' I ; 14i 1 � 7 !-
, - "...
it � . .
-8.1 _ ,
..... I .... ... I .... E. Sanderson oneniles'NMthhi the ,64h.pirV'l Pit* Q ; . A .. `�;�
:,, . .111, 1 11;; .I.
t , P. . I I A �--041 - .:. , 1" L
by a Jaokson' Mdn 'Who the VvZomeO Dlk,ptimt-�. VX'er - i�l . .1 .
, ,
� cqeded Wilhelm, expecting of �&ri*l I I . 1% 4-olltv'. - Rv, - �Ijki, .. . % 11, , '111 ,
" It y'cvreswhPn mi (4- ".
.................... �.... H, Viler .. Knows from ,.,Experienoe; ", �11 11'! 0. .4, ..
. . � 4. �4 I A. R
9i I , I t:m � 11 �
......... - I ... � ....... 14. jobb ... to`be told. they were the Soclalist�, , W i 11, - 1-i 4 14 .
1( , br eels othr'd , Wfughato geR . i . . . . . . . . . _... - . ."%4*,
- - , 'L
.................... A Aitcheson His Word Is Good. - ;.. ','The Prussians, your majesty.".W.-libil . , I'l ?,.;: :
4d I � J)v .,!!�4(tl� st.�10.� , - ,:;.141 . . . � I CHECK -
... I- ............... J. Holland the storm of rage 41th which this I .1; - j . I - -_
It Jackson, Mis§.-flr�hm"a c " I i . ke, .
. %L1.14AW*A.S;-�1 .' ke
� . . - 1300KS
.__ , 4Tfemter, reply Alled.tjke eraperor's HOURS , "__;Q1r.@j" rc to mo
..................... H. Collar and the grippe left I - bosi5m had 4 , 4� .
Id iq pdt..,bzily.w.�th 4 yl Aw A .w.-7�4ill*X) , St... i 0 . #,e,
................... _..B. 1,4ard chronit cough, but ;F . subsided lib.found that it hold be" �." , ' - �
' . -E."
66 Vat nn-dow ,, -!'To ,�
P - P ease our liny. .- 1- I.
- , --h-od L F."in. . ,,,,�,e .*
. � lbw4ftws, .&V * VNtease � ..�
df . ..... .�. G, Day worn out And Weak. -1 Wk -'ill kinds Of given In pqfqct- Innocence','And g000� NNWK� a � PAM, L .
4C ::::: 1, *.* * ..... .. I - - M R09evs cough syrups b' t th dia-Iii no good; faith. Thut.-Zly 9-11 -�.M. I - 0 F. 0", �A , ' '.?'�V'Va , .
.1!1�, '. _ -*1Tt"'-VV1ihhe- _.�t`,
It ....... I .. .......... R Forsyth I finally F lei Was neot able to . .t, , ., I. -.,� . : . 4j,"_'.. . _�ftr..,- --� - !'�,, 'r -,
n1eak . . . �'.��'D4uy,:t,� . We Me f 1-1 Tt .. *, lotba A# volftAlr*v
.ot, so, t,Q p d sK� .1- T
it ... - ........ ; ... I ... W- Srlgley dO a day 8 work; ind coughed Ao much I Clae of 66 bombs dropped b 1P ..V11 ;,%-,j t, �I 0 7. . I � � , I
.. 1. ik -E=. Le`�-,% .. - 4 . ;; � , - --, - � � -nunt,or check
bent my co4dition. Ono -1n * , ,0 , , 1,
................. A Wt. Forbes was alarmed a ' � MI z . � ko ti�e_*,r tig - it!* g*-" f " t 'IT, I71'r," , ",""r�, for r
44 Zc.ppelln is estimated-to�1"T14ye .. � I . .1 towr.
41 . .1 ' - ' '1� " ! , , �
I.." ....... I ... I ..C. Crawrord evening I read about Vinol And decided tee I)ounds in",Wbight- NOTICIF to horobr givein TVIrAunnt to 1�r 0- U r', ...'. �, . . . . ..
tryit, Before I b6d tiken a quarter . I �� .- 0 Ekci"( ., I
........ I ...... -S ... It. Berkett to . ,, U,I%,, i I
..... 1. O... tion 56, CbAp. 121, of the I . . IV M; 41-3 1
.....1.111 . en r ex. a bottle I felt better, and after taking � of Ontario, th6t all, persons bayipw 6WIV, a , 4� "t-Jeoti that V0,11 defy
. P. 9, Gillet e q,thateFitnto of 4eable Ann 4 141 I 1. , , tance,- .
1. .... 1. ... I.:: � I i Gallant Stildiar P led Himself a i .FW " , ',Ii�jAof First
$9 , two bottles my edugh is entirely cured A ' -1 a
laf.',gd, wht dlea ov,',orUaboub MO ty. I .'Iff".1n.
� . . ,
. , 1 61 1.4, ut - e, . ttlow �'j
1�' , ,
... I ... -1- I., . 6...X. Sinith stna I have gained new,Vim' ai tIred,.,wj,3 aemiaeVkimbarley jkt�, in the C , ato'r - . 1. . ,j % �.. t �- -
. 1. Holmes V. '�
(I .... ... ... ::: - W- C- "clPs all the bad symptoms kaV6, disappearea Major,Gjjuer�J'Rob�rt Xekewich, sixt, 644t, . ff k 0 fitla *tjj iit,- � : �nrrljlo,
It ,� I i�d4f, of Aiiglilt,, - � bi 635
r , ..6 � �
-JONN L. DENVA, 71�� 1.!4 days agi quired o Rend b At,'Vrepidd. -tsr to deliver I I ". I tb Ift&.1. - . � T1- t - I., lv*1000 th;rk,tr
49 _14 * 0? W K. .
,.inch Vtrest, Iffist-1 t4� Beer armle� 1% e 4 tnt" ��.,' A V 4 , roo rivi, *am"Isto
.14 energy. I I 1.1 I .1 � ,g
� � V- . � ,, ,I I . I I
': *::::: :.: I ... W'. McLiod 6 te)R,Vanstone Viristlism, Ownrlo. 80ieltar . , �
:::::, 'j . " . �,
I lqg,q " I I -it) b., 1hisil fin
99 Jatkson Miss*.' ,k,j . ,,W4V foiYhd� d6ad 'In, -,,hla bedr6o ' � �tl "W . I t.%..V '".
......... W. I 1. ...... In. E Denny Thi� ' M forthe Executorm, ou orb44p)ra tl*vVie0kjw#,? ).&--'W : � UTIA t,
I 4 � I . .t. " � �71 . *,*V,,t 1, .., , '17 , I I -Ir -*- *4A ffAk Ns�
.I '41'is so -Aedle.,., frohi%kz,ttself-i� ated -otipeo"Vb", &A, 1014- their imine . I I V _*:z .1� ,,, 1,,.,�
41 ' ."' ' " ' ' * '.: .. ........ C. nrook. ases is bec40i'6 t96 iLctiv� I .Won . io 41 0110101§: ?9 give " ,
- �'Gener$ft. I . . . I � '1`46 , and h. .Mura, of thk��. pedtlolft' I L ',! C i . " 41 � f, %_ .I *1�1. ps1pipt
sa ,�. ., A't , . IV,." iil I - -
, -
"... ;eei(5h V111 -suecessfut in � London , IV It"', I . I 'Vil I
...... R Mann guch,e % ,
ins, rinciplq �Orc6d%%i oil 6itaffierl", nd in thd Md." 'i Ar. jspvAth fplll peirticulars. ef 06111�141 V . I I _. . .&.
(9 I . . Kokowl h - a at _ I % , 1�9 � � �
% iIH8 in nol d c tribut94 to 'vtuy) hald by thoth duly varl&d b� a a t�#,.t U,t,, 1. �111 �_ , I t. .
it *ft. * Ir a ( � I I g, 11 t 'i .
.................. 11. Drummond, Aupialiesstrength-Khtivilker t6 the nerves -.1 I 1.1 I . V� 10fir, J., !! �. '
. I .... , I A; , , Nhl.�-Itopl � I - 1� . 1. ,-.
..- ... I ........... 14. F f Vi reBuil S witstift tissu�s,iAd nervous breakdo , ory deala, at 0 - , 1.11.
It . � 11 -4 jj 1, V, � ,fli 066 lrii'14'ibe, " ' i "'"l " � � .i h,yoS I I
. ......... L- 11tummOt'd and-museles"Whae 'fha,ftnfc-,*on ihd � Ott y'".1 Pecombdr. 1914, thot tis;w : 11 .
I 'Z" I . , "'
9 ...1. ., .1..w.VAnce Sitntlemon wine assist t1fi'rdA d;i�eIqd1tf'-tbc' 'i Montreal his T� , e a Home Guikfd maid twtats "I be ObtrIbuted by tho Fteefit. .. ,
4C 4 '6V three thousand mop" each to po.�- ore aMons the pattla!i 6ntitk,d t 0 to V,�. ur� , , 11, I -
. . . . 1. .. . I L BinkleY blood to abot)rb.,oxk'keu!�eAd'distiihtte - I I 0. 11, r a lbbly to .lh& "WA) I I. , Am, Advgvp
. I
, it 44 � " , .
I I ,
, 14 . a Ookerlol - �
!.. . 1 ..71 .. el
:: ...::..'.. ..:::::::. L. Hrock ,it through the sys6o.m,,t,jws t " ' ' g1t. � a Otte ai� 10 roislids of, aftbiw MA vc w4v . V I
V, � . ; ..
_N � I a . 41A 'Ali I 961; k , I , ,
- health lind eCfe;ljjt,`h.'tOj p �", j I `hl&n.' i - ; . - - - '---t I ... n I ablo 6f ith ZUItns not
tt - T , 11 � twltiih�mt 0"t.
a. - "'�
L'r#g Orin Rak'.6. - ' "
. I I 11 ....... A r)oney _U : . . I � . ..
A t;� IS69,0 , " , , . . b,4! Zl 1*b t. am tbid Third DAY J� `�, . A
I ... ..... R. Stone d' eci � , th6. W I Capt. Robt. Allb
$6 .... 1. I �-: �rg"V� F . Y.- - - I I f nril, I PHONt 132 a
" ; 4. ,, ecuttl .L1 VIII15 a 0, holp V991, Tff* r4tUrn I -tied 06 lost A 0 ftjr.)).� , . �
to , , .4 , I q I .
to -1 I 0 %::)... -0 & I 01 t I .. 14., Hn . " __ r 14 N? 0 t b 0 : I &WAN
Uftan 701ar mobil. � . : , ., " � -his rtiolied * OitWC , 11L I—- I - I I I I j N*
� I . I . - It P= bout 4 - . j 4!
1� " , , I I . .f VA190 4,13k "'Ort L.., __'i b i
I I I I . 11 - ,. I .,*J,A�l ,'�' ... I .1. , ,!_: I . %& - 1
4 .1 . It— �e,4, 1. ., � - . I . I. I '16, ___ I
. , f 1, � I
. . - It- , , * . 'Pt A- a 14 ,ttiork . ., I , . ., - latft i , ,: - , U, &Aifit�
N , " , _ft"�'- Lj t4 %.�,,/- 1, " - t,.AA6A1L_ - F 11 .C.C.-L I __ . Ago - - __ -
",,� �-.,. _ ,�' J", � _Wm���
� '', 1�. I Te
_ I .., #!.-
rl%'11-_,� It- 1�,�, - ilm"
,� �
1� :�,; ,�. Ii, i � �1` .'�
J. ,
I --- �
- `�* `4�
..., , , ,:Z.,L.:M1-'X