HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-19, Page 5• The Wizard who put Music into millions of homes. A S you sit in your own home and listen' to the stirring strains of a mnilitaii ' band—or the liquid, luscious nolo of a far famed singer—do you radios the thanks that you, and all 'other. music lover*,owe to Thomas A. Edison P A. rola knove Mr. Edison invented sound -recordist and' sound -reproducing instruments. it lima d°r,s to his genius that millions of home* are able. to enjoy everything in music. It was due to Mr. Edison's ei'irte that 7011--110 Matte where you live -may have the great artists, the fewwfia 11004 the cleverest entertainers, the brightest pnblio speaker*. east i• your home. For more than thirty six years, Mr. Edison bas d1'rveile and improved the Edison Phonograph and Bdi.M Iteeoetdsi. The Edison Phonograph today -with He 4lasesed impose ducing point (requiring no needle,)-.has...ftniss, • ttilaem,, a velvety smoothness, a wealth of delicate everteeses, thee cannot be obtained with any in,trussnt tuned maid ir..dass which must be changed with every record. You really must hear the Edison to appreciate It tee lb* Oii, David Bell, - Wingham, Ont. c,,„„ .....• eu Fare 3 QQ D V S*TW4•Ni LEVELAN THE GREAT SHIP "3EEANDEcW' jength 500 feet; breadth 90 foot. i inches; Sae staterooms ted parlors wean ed.tLr SIN pte• grill. Greeter in toot -larger in all pre nine -tither to all epp.ral-"ya-down tar mow” ti inland waters of the world. In *orrice June 15th. Magnificent Steamw "SE'EANDBEE," "City .f Elie" o.1 "City of final hew Daily —BUFFALO* and CLEVELAND -- Mar lee t. Des. let w Leave Buffalo • • 9:001'. II. Leas Cleveland • • !tie P. N. AMT. Cleveland • 7150 A. M. Arrive Dahl* • • t'1PS A. L (Eastern standard Time) Commotions **Cleveland for Putin•Bay'Toledo. Detroit and afl peiawwe a aa.eetiees0. 1114114.0.1J uekela reed*between ti$fele ar(Rleralaad see geed ibr leam'erluAwen 11,1MO 116111111100. Atk goer ticket agent for debate ria C. dill. Liao. Wale M Ar lradnaa. Qla,tra«d briar row THE CLiVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.. tr.v.t.al, O. 444444.49.441,4144444411140.0440011.1101104NHPO0041411 COLD WEATHER NEE SWEATER COATS --a splendid as- sortment in Men's, Boys' and Child - rens' Sweater Coats. Guaranteed pure wool. OVERCOATS and SUITS --we have a splendid range of Overcoats from $5 to 20.00 PLAID MANTLINGS--for Ladies' and Children's Coats, this is guar- anteed all wool and was purchased last spring before price of wool ad- vanced. Right up to the minute for style. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS..in 11-4 and 12-4' at the old price. All wool blankets such as Alexsfld-:, er; King Edward. Those nice dol'- ny kind that feels cosy and warm,: RUBBERS --of all kinds and sized for the cold damp weather. The best grade of FLOUR always in stock. All kinds of Produce taken , on goods. J. A. Mills Phone 89 Wingha Try The ADVANCE for You Next JOB Tuirltbsrry. Report foe the m.st% of Oeteksr lmt s, e, x.. e, t.w.mtllp0 of Trer.bsrry sad Merrle. *sines in eider if *Olt, Jr. 44,--Y. Prost**. 14. iaai.sc. 11. > ,—R.. rate eat 11. Walkers Jr, 314,-i1. dimidenaM. A. !moats', V. McLeniie, O?W 1M4, -•,M. Afeedr.t,gt O. Riatoul, i, 11,t,Rat, .X lleaderwtr. Jr. Zai, -cit, li'owler, O. •blastic. PrilnOr—J. Wright, i. Mote, J. Pewter. Q. J. Brock, Teacher, Wro=utor. The foltewleg le the school report of U. fi. A, No. 15 Newish and Tula. berry; molted with per oast, --.$r. 40---Uus Mamie M, Vitae 119011ley 77, Ela Met?reiary 15, Lasa Mitchell 68, Harry Q.wdlt. about.Jr. ilk-, Mar/4'Ot Ahearn 55, !►illi'. Me,kley, 79. 41Ib. Barrie 59, Oliver ldeOreery 67. qr., 964-Iffasght Weir 66. Leslie Futons 74,11100 Pert&Yeds. 71, Prod Deu4ledt. 06. 3r, ltrd--Mktle 1[ai• hes *R, )Cathleen We.tI ke 73. Igeetreli M!Mfekaet A1, Alba Gallagher 66. *r. level -Neese, ' Weir 70. £$bi a Wast•. lake 10, Llopd Me$lkbail A4, Jokaa► Qattabsr 54. Jr. Ind --Marty )r.rkk -, Imps., Ws'; Aaltis Deu la., "rale Harris. reinter -1st ;s#ra le DeliPlby` Arisen; alta Mel lIehm el. Wilfred Beery, Alicsi >/a•kw,--l. IL Ashton. • Morris angstee dentition weather hold is the township ball, Yeas* s ;M.eday. 0.1. lath, 1014, Tim iosIa) ere wort prel.nt, the reeve Ansetdiig. `rho msinn$Ou et lash nsisiiisg were read aad approve/. A petition for a mud- eipal drain was Received fees" J. Robb and ethers,`it"was skrt.Jssd and a sopy mal to Ike township ma. ginger. The following *mounts were paid -A, !dilated, gravel, $0,40; Jamie Peaetisk, gravel, 1115; D. eolith, gravel, $1.$O; McLain Bros., advertising. $8.3S; W. Robertson, repairing grader, $1.110; Frank O.Msrjdge. seas*t, $16 $5; wtperatios et Birth, hall rest, $5; Municipal Werld, ..ppiies, Inc; Rowiek Mutual irons.on hall, $1.100; D,- Itimseay, iad.rbt aching, elleroad 2i, 20, $15; R. Adam., gravel. Half. last Bdy., $6; Davld *ohh. tile, $1; Wm, *then, fare bridge, B. 0. D.. $15; J.ha Brown, cleaning award drain, 05.00; J. H. Hall, csnenl rul. $4; 111Rdrain sero.■ rood. $4; olsaaing cuteh heals ]lira drain. 51; 38 4-laeh tile, 6110; Gee. Neat. farm bridge Smith dr., lot 2, on. 11, pay, 515; Fraser Embury Wit 1r. Ellis dr.. $10: Aaaie McMillan Pram lr. B. O. D.. $15; J. R. Bell. Fara Br. B.0. B., $15; Oliver Ossmpb.il. greed and frees Gray'. Brings. $i45; Jobe Oso.pb.fl, lights on Oraiak.baak'. bridge $4.21, lifting plink floor. 115; NeArter A Miller, died) sad till aorme road, $10; W., PN•jusea, Whig 'aad fining culvert, Nisbet drab, $10, patties is file calverlf, $2; Rd. Ward, digging Omin- etl'e chart .f Aidsreoe award. Pt. putting in til. ;culvert, 1; B. Young. gravel, $1 40; lame. Cechy, lumber 41k line br., 52; A. Meslliwen, soden, $161, • broken buggy. $1, telephone* 40e; A. luhr, ''extra es Blytk irsek drain. *510; John Hopper es Hopper deals. pis, Next sleeting Noe. 2ld. A. Itlacllwe., Clark. Mr. Allgood Buhr has sow eompl.$. ed' the Blyth Creek Drain and ors reeelving hle shalom he Lave • the treasurer •% to las applisd to the Pitr1.tic toad. Mr. pahr's roseate setae from Garmailly but be bag no eyt*patky ler German *tlilsriefmt. S. 8, Ns. 10 Mosela Isiandind 1,i Spell:. Ariel... MyglOa. Osol.. Nature 8a.e17. practical 't.e$..Tot.l 450-16r. 41k=-Mar1Y Miller 460. J. dtb- Ad. ConP'risb/1 571, WW1 *ebb 310, Usrvsy Rt vie rtioe RA 5r. lata - Ret -tis Terve'', 416, Cb rbiel • retreat S88, Etta Bamil l7 376, Jr. 3rd. -Versa Johnstoet t1A. 8r. INC. total 300-ez• smmlaed Isi Spell., Arltk.. -Reeding, Nature Eitady-Sparliag Johnston 153, Margaret Miller 24O... J,. Sad -Garth, hobserns 27i. Janet Miller 161, -"Ger. demi Moffatt 152.. Ilammliloil'lit Ipell., Ankh., Reeding aad Qoaipeeltion, total , . P1►, 2n4o-Mabel Jobneto. 1i2$, Jeanie $,seer VA Jess* SU, 1'aeutee 1?ranr 804, Linea John• etqu 7, Margsret McDougall 288,, if liny Robb 01,4, ( tit. Zshmler 258, Datums *cDosgall ;$4, *Otorge Dar. ler 74, Pr. Zt -..,Florence 0ollmisr, Willie Peacock, V*►taeron Miley Vaasphe11 ReWrteoa, Clarence John. WM. Stanley Moffett. • absent, -B, lime, teacher, ;o VALUE IF RHEUMA FRON THE COURT. 1ad0 Barh.ret was Relieved e ttba*taatit.tn Alter Doctors Failed. If jet have boil navy other retie - dies. ad doctor.' treatments fir Rhos. usel us and braid they failed, do not be 0keptleal *bout tryingRBEUMA. MM Read . testimony ofJudge John Bar - beret of Feel Laramie, O ; "Alin treatment by three doctors ttithinl tomtit,1 have been erred of a eery bad ease of Rheumatism' by using iwo tittles of 1tItli;UMB. It le now Iwo years sloop 1 aced the remedy, and I stn .tail sa well ss ever. ' 1Previoasty. I wee asripple, walking( with crutches." each tastinson should be sonsi.eing, QD isntsel J. W. XS* bbIM, guaran- tied. Morris. - Report for Oetob.r• of 8. 0. 14.. 4, Turnbetry aad Norris.—Sr. 4th Total iso;, -J' Dobie, 0 Jewitt 214, 0 *eDottold 211. Jr. 4th, total 210.-A 9meltei 215, R. Tkonps.a 104, M Mo - Gee 184, H M•eeer 177, 13 noble, 10.1. Id Haney 164, 111 McKinney 139. .rd class, total 150,-M Ousels 1114, 8 Elli- ott 190, R Breckenridge 172, 8 lGallag- bar 130. Sr. 2nd total 250,-1 lilcl�[i• sheet 197. is Gannett 155, A MoKin, say 131, R Tullock 181, JWatson, 75"•: J r, 2sd total 200,-J Black 184 J B reckenridge 184, 0 Elliott 171, s Me Donald 154, C Dobie 80••. Pt..2nd dr. glass -C Gossett,. H Wawa. Jr. class -It Elliott, R Thema,. W. Mundell. T Calvert, Pt. 1st Sr class -B Dobie, 0 Messer, O Stewart. 6 Elliott, B Beam.. . Jr. dace -1 Wilburn. 1 Thornton. 14 Breckenridge,. .7 lIcSiaaey.H Thom. es, C. M. Miser, Teach. r. Whitechurch L patriotic lecture entitled "Pah- Qermaalsal and the Kaiser". will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Tburlow Fraser of Owen Sound is the Presby- terian resbytsriaa allure). bore on Monday evening Nev. 23ed. at 8 o'clock. The address will be slightly different from the'•ism- ear one delivered at )Jelgrave recently Nowerer, being somewhat nose pope- lar It will healers litsreating as well as profitable. Special music la the way of yatrietie solos, delete, male and mixed quartettes and Aomori will be rendered under the charge of Miss Mari oris Gorden. A silver offering, will be tattoo al Ibe door, the proceeds fir Ike benefit of the patriotic fund. At this sleeting a retried' organize, tion will be formed for Whiteehuch aad eomaasity. All are welcome. .•••••••••111F.0.4.44••••• Alcohol And Mentai Disease. Ts the Rdltor-- ".e. ascent report treat one of the Glasow Distrtet Mental Hospitals g ives the *sued testimony as ti tke in• thanes of aleobel In producing mental isolability and deterioration. Oa this point* ear ; In 4Q cam alcohol was pal d.wa as the determining Gained insanity out of 103 adasissiors and in.sembinetloa with other degass- es is tea other owe made 214 per cent of the admissions. >e usual the la direct iafluenoe of aleihel in cooing lasaoitj was very.telkl.g. The case. la which a hislery .t• tke abase or aoa•alses of 'alcohol by the gement woos 4Nalned gal. • percentage of psee.tal abase of alcohol. of 51.6 per Ont. Sul when these eases were sep- arated into two groups, namely those Who were abode aad these wk. were not above the age of 26 years oh their t rot attack of cental illness they Bund a history of parental abase of alcohol .t 80,6 per cent of diose whore i .11111111118111 Photographic Galley OUR pictures of children are more than photo. graphs. They are studies of child life that will interest you and your friends, and the children —grown up—will also appreciite them. .. The Mann. Art Studio Win.*Luna, - Ont. •(Soecesep1I to R. Armstronk) 1 SAVE MONEY Test ma R1111811111) eat 1t1 IUD s �tyi dtsillmet that nit OL kA blf a New' Telts1 Opt* ate, on your Oyereout. Wespaslatter on DRY CLEANING. r1Ilbs1NQ.aiRt*PM)l. Johnson's Sloulet aid MathWith i'tt*&es lrlett► I)[1N d Gi1t11 1Py Q.s.. O. 341111slrtt. llatmaee! firlt breakdown took place before they iniad completed 26 years of age, wbile alt tilos* wko.e Arsi.t breakdown took 0440 after the ape of 29 years there wa0 a Moiety of parental abuse of Moehol In only 86.0 sir cent." The Prembyterian" The svidunse is now beyond dispute that more insanity le caused by oleo, hot than by all other causes put to- gether and saddest. of ail, as the above article rho we that it is not 00 often the drinks* that stiffen as hie lnpocent oteltriap.`" H. Arnott, K. B, H. 0. P. 0 YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE, It Quickly 'Motes Dandrtift; Just because your hair la full of dandruff, thin, amity, dull and paver will do up to look pretty. do not de- spair. Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lu.tro.s and ab.olutely tree from don- deuff Is only a matter of oars. Parielan Sags frequently applied will work wonders. Just one appli- cation stopi itching head, removed dandruff sad all pzs.wice oil. It goes right to the hair roots and furn- ishes the nourisbtrent needed -the koir becomes soft. fluffy, abundant and radiant with life. Parisian Sage not only saves- the kale but.tlalulatea it to grow long and boavm Geta 50 -cent bottle from J. W. ' McKibben at once. There is no ether "Jttst-as-good." la THE OFFICER Canadtpn' Author's Story .t Hoye Dis- honest I0honest Mirchant Was Served. Sir Gilbert Parker tells a story or bow be and a certain British oMeer managed to secure' fresh egge At a email military post in Egypt. The ealy other food to be had was tinned roast, so the eggs *ere an important item of diet. Day 'after day, how - eve*, the eggs were obviously not fresh, end one morning 'they were dm* uneatable. Th. officer. who held the power of We and death in the district, wits determined to put a stop to this sort of thing, so he ordered the egg •mer- chant to be brought before him. In t short time the merchant arrived, eondnoted• by two sentrled. 'dire roti the man who sold us thous emsar • demanded the officer. •In fear ae;ed trembling the other ad - Mittel that he was indeed the man. "Then open your mouth," com- *sanded the officer, picking up a dish containing two bad eggs. The trembling mefchant obeyed, And before he realised what was go - lag to happen to him the officer had slipped one of the evil -mailing eggs tato his open mouth. With horrible grimaces the mer— seat was tercel to swallo5 {t, tont his teasrsbles weft not ended. "Now open your. math again," .otaatandell the officer, and the second .gig followed the first. "After that," says 81t Gilbert, "the *Meer could always depend on haying fresh okra." India'. Splendid Part The hope that India would grrBp the present opperttmlty to strike for Home Rule was • destined to Cs. appointment. Horse Rule for India is a long way off until the Indiana settle 'Idea taco shall do the rtiiing. Mean- will'.e the keen little Ghurkas, and the Sikhs and the bearded Mahrattae tread the soil of Europe for the Snit time in the cause of the British " ' and its allies. It le a precedent n Uiegy to be forgotten, in Europe of >� ladle. --New Tort World. torr aA Vo *duos regions Reported its Have Gun P1M• *woo sn St Usenet* Leland *1legosd nesswce et migrate • /Sip Imbedded • 11i the at • '>te*at rift the tele et Or- Mestrgtttag the $unlet of On* • id ROS lntraate 40 tb. St. Lair'• PMMA lies fila battled to tse sttsa- Nltri W the Iltiltia Depattnnnt. It I. piste$ that a Gems* 0oetpant' hal MMeaa eantdaeturtag eca rte bieokg at i} J*as, on the Malin, and the Is to the *feet UM gulf $sb. have been eotst cet.d for lunolteet• siege bett.Nes. 1t le tattler "Mated that the same cemeany bit OtlteMet. pleat et the bead of Ihe haw at Pert Arthur, As tavestigation is '10011 mads ST. JOHN THREATENED Diser{Nint Sumer* Attoa% at oitaws ---Pr.cu ttopt Taken • AO a remit of the German caval vtc4orfy in the Pacific. ,pfeeautions taken by the Canadlin authotdtiei to pr rsrm,t ,attack on our . harbor" and .oasts ars...betng redoubled. This applies not . only to the Paeifla, but le tk. Atlantic. D1squtetiog^ stories have been heard trent time to time of intended German raids on Canadian perts. and the latest of the is one "Melt ie being takers more or less seriously. This is a rumor that Germane may attempt to ray mines in the Bay at ready in anticipation of the user 6f St. Jean ec a winter port from wlbieb i 1ploads of grt►lli, vegetables and other sifts to the OM Country of Cpmadtan produce may be leaving. ME BITER IS KW= Mules Laid by Germane sink Twe *4 'SSG Own Veseah>--ony a ¢Fusers no German Whitler 'Took stNok to Miall in Jands Bay last Weik and sok. Of the mew lei were raved ant 240 were drowiatd lahbe Bar is In. the ,*forth See, nam l oration ust lest ofthe of Withelthabemon ifent- trioti the !Ay. The 'Mock wai an antlered cruiser of i►,1160 tone, with a speed of !t knots, and tarried tout 1.l, ton CS. Matson 1.4 glad rotation Willer roar. The sinkingat WI dna milker is the greatest inividual lose h. Oeri*an nett bas *detained to 40e. 2t not bats' been a (teritatl thine which "sok the *wail. A large German iteimnmei hie boot blown up 'Mouth at the Danlsb Mend or Lantekand, In the Great Dela, br a mine, said to hare been pluoid by the Dormers. A number et her crow stoat inoi ISARD'S Every Day Bargains These OUT PRICES ou SEASONABLE GOODS jt1•t at a time when you are likely to want them Should make BUYING EASY, Only room to quote a few of the MANY BARGAINS awaiting you here. LkeDIES'.'WINTER COATS ,Tutt in, many snappy styles, Fanny Tweed effeots, Regular $12 to $12.50 Qoats, ,Saturday Prime 49,75 10 WOMEN'S GOATS made of fancy Purl cloth and Diagonal weaves, fanny Dollars, $15 goats, Saturday 011,19 A clearing line of Girls Coats up to five dollars value , ...32,95. WOMEN'S TOP SKIRTS to clear, made of 'plain cloth and �J tweed effeots, regulate $5, Saturday $3.39 BARGAINS IN HOAR 10 d••ze•n heavy ribbed Hose, all .lz.s, •85o value, Saturday . . , ` 250 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR. white or grey underwear, yeste and draw«re. r• gular 35o line H..tprday 25o DRESS PLAIDS aad • )RE(K g' good quality and weigh, 12 1-2ov„la-, for 10o. SNAP IN FLANNELETTES. 10 pieces, yard wide cloth, cheap at 12 1-2o, Sam day 100 MEN'S STORE MEN'S '4UITS at OUT PRIOES BAR- GAINS Saturday et $6.98,$7.95, $9.75 and $11 MEN'S Reavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Spe'al Saturday 750 BOYS' F1.Elrrt.7 LINED UNDERWEAR Shirt•, and Dew r'. Saturday 250 MEN'S d B. YS' OAPS with insede ha, del spental nut ,.rice Saturday 50c SWE ITER °OA PS, special line of heavy Sweat r Coat.. sne-c al out prioer, Saturday $8, $8.50 34.4 0 $4.50 *5 00 FLANELETTE BLANKETS, large size, fine quality English Blankets, grey or white, special for Saturday $1.50 COMFORTERS made ,of Fancy Chintz, good size, Saturday price...... $1,24 LAOS COLLARS, new collars just received, cream or white, valve up to 50o, on sale... .25o RIBBONS -wide hair ribbon, all colors, regular price 15o, Saturday 100 WOOL BLANKETS, big bargains in Bian- kets. See our special for Saturday $8.00 HIGH t1. COST OF LIVING Reduced' by Buying Your DRY 000ES, GROCERIES, BOWS and SHOES, MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, LADIES' COATS, SUI rS, FURS, ETC. AT THIS STORE. READ THE LIST, then come and see how we carry out our- plan of REDUCING LIVING EXPENSES. BARGAINS 14 Ib. best Granulated Sugar for 31.00 3 cans Peas, Porn, Tomatoes for 25o Best Oatmeal. 6 pounds for. 25o Corn Starch 5er gaekelge........ ..........8o 7 barn Snap for . 25c Fanny Oakes per lb 103 61bs Fresh Rice 250 1 cans Maple Leaf Baking Powder for25e 8 packages Corn Flakes for 250 IN GROCERIES Tin pail Best Soda Biscuits 25o Pare Oasttle Soap 253 bars fnr , 2110 Choice Saimon 2 cans for. 25o Good Sardines 56 can or 6 for 25o Best Syrup in pails for 250 Ohoioe bend of Tea per pound.... ..... , , 85o Canada FoundrySteroh .8 New New Seeded Raisins p• r 'Hirci age luv H. E. ISARD & CO., Wingham nwatammmentonmeana Watches Diamonds Jewelry Silverware and Cut Glass Xmas presents. renealleatrel for Gold and Silver headed Um- brellas. White Ivory• and Ebony man- icure and toilet sets. Imiardegewi Stationery, Pennants and Post Cards. • Watch and jewelry repairing specialty, A. M. KNOX Phone 65 Oppos. Itationll Hotel DAILY UNTIL DECEMBER Ism. Although the heavy tourist travel oa the (creat Lakes is now on the wane, the discriminating traveller will continue to enjny the lake passenger steamer service until the very close of the season of navigation. Following their usual custom the 0. RD B. Line will operate their ateaniers daily between Olrvaland and Buffalo crani the tint day of December.lt,e,vi••re , i• er city st eight o'clock r vas,. v and reaching destination 1 he 1. 1. ,wi4)r, morning at 620 (central time ) During thin se:t-snn of the y.=etr, 'hoa4 taiga $te*LUNra n." h,.p• ori r t• throughout, and rhe nicht',• j .,rn.v i• made as oomfortableae if ill. r ravt lir t were .o corti ning at aluxu•i ' hoteta It Is 'this reason th,tta I.rrget v .1• Hole of Oetvel is attraoted to C, ttr B Line Stetere until the last trip, De oember 101 .�r ••i1. .t•• egto ,A• ►iir?.iii q0 q 41 /0 40 ..y q� Ay A,0q• 4'' ,A. •31,1 i ilii►i1-)It• hVg41i►+�i!�►4�jj' ' iti iti qt. iA� q� z; . i ii, h v� ;i� l' War on Oil We will sell for the next TWO WEEKS the Best American Oil at 14c per' Gal. You will have to buy a drum at $5.50, 40 gals. at .14c $5.60 PLUMBING AND HEATING A SPECIALTY WIJ.B • OYCE 4114:+G:1AOA OA OAA kV) kV) ,?) iA�i1q�ipq�l 1& V.71 154gc You Can Help Keep Caa dian Factories Going by buying Canadian -made goods. .Your money re- mains in Canada, keeping Canadian working people employed. IOg'E'�S Toasted CornFlakes is the only article bearing the KELLOGG name are is "Made in Canada.," All r thers tire made outside of country and do not help our working people. KEEP VOUR MONEY IN CANADA Kollogg's. Toasted Corn Flakes �I Made in London, Ontario, Colitis- . — �...sac.-:t.s•Iw..a.rw•�....�lfbw,:.'_. �__Y.:.a...•.e-•.s�v�t.c