HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-19, Page 4i KIND °Rich Indian teas blended with flavors ceylQ s. • Extraordinary Sale of Ladies' and Misses Cloth Coats For Thurso day, Friday and Saturday ONLY a y, Regular $10.00., 12.50, ♦ ..15.00 and 16.50 Values Your Choice 495 for CASH This is a rare chance to procure a fcod Heavy Winter Overcoat at a raction of the original cost price. The • lost consists of Blues and Black, Dark Grey and Heavy Tweed effects in Browns and Greys. There are 23 coats in the lot and all sizes in Ladies, from 34 to 42, and Misses in 16, 18 and 20 years. Watch for Display In South Window Coats wIll be sold only on above dates. Come early and get first choice. We are Agents for Northway Garments, the well•know Shape keeping coats at popular prioei $15 to $26 PRODUCE WANTED --Large quantities of choice Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Dried Apples, Etc. • •. KING BROS. Phone 71 Agents forStandardPatterns J Business is Waiting --Telephone for. it. Business may be quieter than two years ago, yet there is no cause for 'depression. Crops are good and already business is waking, up. - Call your customers by long dis- tance telephone. Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word. Keep both yourself and them . posted on prices and general conditions, and there will be no slowing up in your business. The economy of telephone selling ivakes;it a welcome aid. to business just now. The long distance telephone is the proven .ally.of economical business.1 Emu belt t?elephona a Lone Distltnce Station. The Bell T ,1ephone . Co OF O('ANADA. The Mon Dollar Mystery (Continued from rage 8) ,As dile thought wee in accord, with her own, "B'lorenee nodded her head fly. •.u* tithing earlotar.• Sus# a fancy. 1C *bag t the Marry again, Olden are tori deltatifeatei they always have mien anti alw& 11 irlti bet rerhelpe I'm a bit winked! but I rather like to prows my *seri that MI tneo err weak, If 1 hada daughter rd rather tare bar s w good „ tea:" bought?" "We are quite willing to wait till Cne snarl ie untangled," "1 am sorry that this hag, l eappeped, 1 do not consider it quite honorable of Mr. Norton, when,. he 1inowa bow really helpless you' are. But, of course, 1 have no authority, 1 Dein only want you." Ile bowed , and walked toward the kitchen. %• Florence flouted her head and re-' joined Susan and forgot to telephone, Norton. Had she done go she would have been saved many a .heartache. At any rate, She had unburdened her conscience and she must` tell Jim' that. he secret was out. When, eventually, Wee did call him up he was .not to b•• found. She left word, however, fo, nim to call after the opera and escort her home. Norton did not return to his rooms Gill 7. He found the telephone call and also a note in a handwriting un- familiar. He tore off the envelope and found the contents to be from .he Countees Perigoli. "Call at 8 to -night," he read, "I have an important news story for you. Tell no one, as I cannot be in - ARRESTED AN EDiTOR He Criticized Arrangements at, the Big Camp---WII1 Claim Oamages ` After spending three hours under guard at Fort Osiiorne Barracks, Win Meeg, 'lCnox Magee, editor of The Winnipeg Saturday Post, who wa. taken into custody ore orders from. th Militia Depertnient for publishing as article' criticizing Col. Sam ilughes Minister of Militia, and the ar;auge- menta at -Va1eartier for the despatch of 'Canadian expeditionary forces, was set free, ,after ;signing a paper that he would not make any, further refer ence to Valcareler' Camp for the time - being. The arrest'was made at the instigation of Major Lawless, in charge of tlae military district, in the els- ! Bence of . Col. Steele and . Major Ket- chen, Adjutant at Valcartier, Mr, Magee threatens an action for heavy `damages and mote out a war rant for the arrest of Major Lawless which, however, could not be served as the officer had left for Valcartier • H.M.S. HERMES SUNK UANAD1AN 'else$ CHANNEL fiosplteti Corp'Mavee' to Prince--* Others March'*Through Ola London The honor Of g the ilret Cale - esthete emit to Lave for the fro*bthas fallen to N. Stationary IioApital :and..Mty Canadian ,elates. ,They .,Ieft,Son. *Monday for .France, I.teutenant-Colonel A. T. Shillington, Ottawa, in command. The staff in- cludes nine officers • and one hundred and; tifty men. Rarely nae London's population turned out in such vast numeere to witness a Lord Mayor's show as en :Monday when Sir Charles. Johnston ,1,+. , assumed the ancient ofilco, Internet in the affair was immensely increaafd by- `reason of the show partaking largely of military dlsplay, in whitsh the Canadians played a moat con- spicuous part, Three hundred men. of nearly every branch, now at Salis- bury Plains were in line. The mels, who, value from each, brigade, received a vociferous' wel• come. At tho°last moment they were, ,• by -special request of the Lord Mayor, placed immediately around the state coach, to recognition • of his Lord- ship's lifelong connection with the Dominion. Tao AY. N b?. 19 f 4 • Tr the ANCE„ for your next Catalogue volved in the case. Cordially, Ogle, Germane Believed to Have Naval Bang Oountees Perigoff," on the Belgian Coast Humph! Norton twiddled the note" in his fingers and at length rolled it The British cruiser Hennes, Cap- iito a ball and'threwinto the, Waste_ :Ain C, R. Lambe, was sunk on'Saturi basket. He, too, made a mistake: he day by a torpedo fired by a German submarine in the Straits of Dover as should have kept that note. He dree• she 'was returning • from Dunkirk., +ed, dined," and hurried off to the Nearly all the officers and crew were vpartmente oY the countess. paved, but about 40 lives were lost.° He arrived ten minutes before Flor- ' Qhs loss of the vessel is of small military significance.m ence and Susan, The Hermes • wasa comparatively And Jones did some rapid telephon- old vessel, and from a naval poin, 'iusan and mete leo to the opera with 'ter to -night. Will that be all right?' Jones gazed abstractedly at the ,rut, Whenever a problem bothered him he ,eemed to find the solution in the leli cate patterns of the Persian ruga E'inally he nodded. "I see no reason why you should not go. Only, watch out." Jones. there is one thing that will make me brave and happy. Will Yeti tell me if you are in direct cotnmuui cation with my father?" "Yee, Mies Florence," be answered promptly "But do not breathe thio to a single soul, neither Susan nor Norton." • "I promise that. But, ah? hasten the day when he can come to mil without fear." That is my wish alto." "You need not call me. miss. .Why should you?" "It might not be wise to have any one hear me call you thus familiarly," he objected gravely. be an old maxi's darling than a young man's drudge. 1 distrust every man 1 know. I came to ask you and Susan to go to the opera with me tonight You will come to my apartments first. You will come?" "To be sure we will!' "Simple little fool!" thought the Itutseian on the way home. "She shalt sea." "1 the countess le engaged to be married." Bala novenae to donee, ""Indeed, die?" `►"dew. i eeuldntt get anything de. Mato out of her, but she had a beauti- fwt dog ott , r Boger, She wants 1 "Please yourself about that. Now I must telephone Jim." "Jim?" the butler murmured. He caught the word which was not. intended for hie ears. But for _once Jones had been startled out of him- self. "Is it wrong for me to call Mr. Nor- ton Jim?" she asked with a bit of banter. "It is not considered quite the pro- per thing, Miss Florence, to call a young man by his first name unless you are engaged to marry him, or grew up with him from childhood." " Well, supposing I were engaged; to him?" haughtily. !'That would be a very grave affair':' What have you to prove that he may not wish, to marry you for your money?" "Why, Jones, you know I have not a penny in the world I can call my own! There is nothing to prove, except your word, that I am Stanley Hargreave's daughter." "Nei ; there is nothing to prove that you are his daughter. But hasn't it ever occurred to you thate there might be a purpose back of thie? Might it not be a means of holding them on the leash? Thereto proof, ample proof ney child; and when the time comes these will be shown you. But mean- time put all thought of marrying Mr.' Norton out of your head." "That I refuse to do," quietly. "I am at least mistress of my heart;' and no one ebalf dictate to me whom I shall or shall not marry. 1 love Mr. Norton' and he loves me, knowing that I may not be an heiress after all, And some day 1 shall marry him.' " donee bowed. This seemed to ap- pear final to him, and nothing more war to be said. "I here a ,right to be happy," she added, in defence Whey attitude. "No one dues t at, Are we not all of tie striving that in the end you may be happy? nacre we any other • trig. "How long, how , long!" the butler murmured. How long would this strange combat last? The strain was of view was of no great value, but the fact that she was attacked so near home indicateh that the German submarines must have a base some- where on the part of the Belgian terrific. He slept but little during the 1eoast, which is ioocupied; by German nights, for his ears were always wait (troops, from which they can menace ing for sounds. He had cast the chest ships of the allies passing between into the sea, and it wouid take a Pngland and France. dozen expert divers to locate it. And , BUTBA GETS UPPER HAND now, atop of all these worries, the child must fall in love with the first comer! It was heart breaking. Nor- f Bober Boers Failed to Aaoompiitslt ton, so far. as he had learned, was cool I f1 : Anything--9eyarW In Flight brave, honest and reliable in a ! •el Conrad. Brits,° Who had bean' pinch; but as the huColon husband of Stanley engagedColonel suppressing the rebellion Hargreave's daughter, that was alto- started by Lieut; Col, Manta 1nF'Nortle, nether a'different matter. And he *est Cape Trainee, reports that the; must devise, some means of putting ,i. invasion'bt the Cape has filially been. strip. to it, but- Ibi•olten according to a Capetown de• But hewas"saved that trouble... Another despatch from •Cape Town. Mongoose and cobra. that was the 'pays that- General Botha, commander `game, being played; the . mating ..t pf the defence force, reports that tit@.. 'be one against the, deadly venom of rebel General Boyers' eommandoea elle other If rte forced matters hi. lave been scattered, and are not like; would onlylayktiniself nen to th. y to reunite, Genstar Heyes has pfled in an -unknown direction.. strike of. The. Hnakee. He Inuet have The Official Prase Bureau, sayat. patience G,•adnelly they w erebr ,,.. "242 rebels have surrendered at,Bran;d-= ^stet th,c ovg,.r,izt'ir,n, looping ;11,0(t. viel.�General, Mackenzie has roundel •,ra»ch here at,d th p; but the up all the rebele'in the distrtot. One olled, one wounded, seven captured. ,of the future depended upon getting a !!s -•_ -° gripiin the spine •62 the cobra himself ' • .,,Niewa Hint;h, the ae ♦oqn.fessed•^0lay, The trick was simple. The counteee er gf Immigration IAspeotor W,. „ bad news; tr,ust her.ior tb"}c. Skt3 ex ;0Patio on at "Vsnoodyer round• guilt o1 mar ori an�l sentenced to be hangs hibited a eablegram;datedpt'Gibraitar, i¢ Ja aiy S,ir He 'nae no denia in wbieh the British. autholIties stated 'of the offence. definitely .that ice"'such . person aH : Jaynes 'Robinson was 13011011.00.d. -4,k • Awful German Losese The German casualty lietpp for the past week amount of 62,040, accord, ing to, a deapatch..ftore Berlin. The total to date is about 420,000,. Clot W. R. TOYER Succeosor to A. M. CllAWFQRD Wholesale and Retail Tobaccos • WINGHAM, . ONTARIO j The ADV,ANOE for Qood Job Work PEAS 44. We will pay the highest price for peas de- livered to us, We are also in the market far the, purchase of wheat. oatQ, barey, buckwhe tt,etc. Highest Prices, Trade or (lash: (USE QiJALITY Ii LOUR) Howson & Brocl lebank Telephone 4 tin V 3 d 1+4++"44' i••Vt'T 1N♦JJ•JrH.4X44.:4N•♦••HNJNw.,N1,44.tN♦.44•••JN♦M•N•Mt'•N•J '.4 ._. ,•_, J=. •=i Williatrt Orfs aviator had dlrrived nt :IIamiltoll to tw8ntp years in the pence Giibraitee And then ae 'hero a also 't tertiary for maN laughter in the .kill and gently -precipitated herself into hist Sng',• �ndi�e lchardaotx, ; arms, just at the moment Florence Very pimp e. Weed. When a woman +rp et2red in the'doorwify. Berlin a City, of Sorrove. V 1 d h It ., is said - that . practically everyt. body in Berlin is related to someon{ falls toward a man, thgtce . is nothing ,killed in the war, and' that the vas for hem, to do but extend his'.,arni to' amount of mourning exhibited hag e prevent her from falling, Outwaedl•y, }depressing effect on . the pumice hoti'fever. to the eye which saw only the picture 'and comprehended not ° pyo the cause, it bad all the hallmarks of Auctioneer s an affectionate embrace. T. R BENNETT, J P Florence stood perfectly still ;fora • s . moment, then• turned away. "I beg your pardon!" said - the countess, "but a Sudden fainting spell seized me. My heart is a bit weak." "Don't mention it." replied the gal- lant Norton. He was as innocent as a' babe as to what had really taken plane. Florence went back home. . She wrote a.brief note to Norton. and en- closed the ring which she had secret- ly worn attached to a little chain around her neck, When Norton came the next day she refused to see him. It was all over. She never wished to see him again. "He pays there has been some' gruel mistake," said Jones. "I saw him with the countese in hie'. arms. I do not see any cruel mis- take in that. I saw him. Tell him so. And add that I never wish to see him again." Then she ran swiftly to her room, where she broke down and cried bit- terly, and would nor be comforted b Susan, "In heaven's name," demanded the frantic lover, "what has""happened?" The comedy of the whole affair layf in the fact that :neither of the tc�o suspected the countess, who wheeled them both. (To. be oontlnued) Will give• better satisfaction to beat buyer and seller than' any other auctioneer and;: ; only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office ` Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty c Sales concll>licteil anywhere in - Ontario. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 WINGHAM, ONT. Auctioi eers McConnell &' 1andrick,' Auctioneere for the Onun+lee of HURON and BRUCE Are prepared to take all ands of sales, • Having bad a wide exper- fence in Chia line, we aro certain we cdn please anyone trusting'their sales to us. You can have either Lino to• conduct' your sale, .or' can have both without 'extra charge, Orders can be left with F. Mc0on.. nelior With C. 11,.Vandrick. at; the MEIt0HA1 T8' B1t0E11tACIE STORE, Windham Charges Moderate ADM' IN THE ADVANCE IT HASTHE CIRCULATION •• •4•••:+e le e. J:1 Seo •eolo•{'f•0 ♦.�N ♦e .: J4- - JJ•1 :1 XNJ..•,JJ11••4••;":••:4 4•. )t. ' :The MerchantsOKERA E J=. J=J o. J=. B�ught -Ower$40,00O. $40,000 _ - worth �fllerchandise Since 'Oct 1 st ._. mostly at forced sales. at a low rate on the DOLLAR " That is why we sell . all kinds of goods at less than = e. Read r Few of Our •. `a .=J Read and Compare our WITH OTHERS ; it makers prices. •_• :_• _• f. - is i• .=J i• .. ._. ._. ►jr ►_. ._.. A. • .any BARGAINS 150. Men's and Boys' tweed Suits at Half Price - $15,00 Suit7t will eo,r x,,u $7 75 $12.00 Suits will cost t on $6.00 $10.00 Suits will coat ;ion - $fi.00 $ 5.00 Suits will cost you $2 50 E'RCOATS, AT HALF 200 ODD PANTS MEN'S, LADIES' .'GIRLS' BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES. at Whole- .. Sale Prices. Men's $1.25 Wool Underwear 79c Men's Fleece Underwear„Regular 50c and 60c .goods for - 430 = Boys' Fleece Shirts and Drawers, all szt-s frons' 22 -to 30, on sale 32c each. _. FURS --Ruffs, Muffs, and. CoatF, one half the regular price and lest'. See them before ,you buy. „Raincoats $13.00 Raincoats' for- $8.48 10 50 "" "� "• 7.48 6.50 • "" "" • 4.48 AT $1.48 Boys' Overcoats Bays' Overcoats from $1.00 up Boys' 50c CAPS to clear at 25c 3 pairs of Ladies' Or Men's Latna Hoe° for $1.00 Men's $1.00Shirat for ° 69c `Men's $1.25 Shirts for 89c Men's Work Shirtslor 43c - klvVeater Coate' at makers prices $4.00 Trunks to clear at $2.48 $2.litl:$uIt<(' Miles til clear at $1.68 $2 25 Suit Cases to clear at $1.48 $3.25 Suit Cases to clear at $1.98 $2.25 Telescopes to clear at 68c • $2,50 Mantle 016th for $1.48 $200 Mantle Cloth for $1.19 ' $1.50 Corded Velvet for • 95o • 25 pieces heavy Drees Goods, Regular $1', to clear. at 43c 11-4 Flannelette Blankets $1.39 Ladies' Jackets from $.1.00 u,? Girls' 50c Tams for 190 'tones Groceries 7 Bars Comfort Soap for 25C 2 loc Boxes Shoe Polish for 15c 4 boxes Extract f t 2.5c 3 bottles 'Catsup for 2sc - 3 packages Cates *for 25c 4 packages Corn Starch for 25c And a 1000 other things will be here at Makers Prices xerchants Brokora e y , w `'STAND Win' KERR'S OLD '... �a en . .fs';":"i":•'i»'.i't":i".i'''ti' '�."."'l '�" ".. ..1.4 ::4iYsi.'r".`"' s*iti i 41t4+44+.4. 0.