HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-19, Page 3FaII Term From :art. 1st The fleet Ceartsenelel ideal 1e tele ere- vteN. Oar mums' .ere tkemeitalt uta t while ear ilenteent re er.letter time sae will 1i4 a etwitettl- We do ittsre for Aar eautennn tam: ether *holler moose do, our miter, acne reennnabl'. Write fee oar tree c telogxe. apo. see whet w. etch d� for D. ♦ SitLeenli. ,It ?Melee • Mr. Geo. Mole Wishes to ai nottnoe to the citizen of Winghain that. he is in the old tend to stay. Shoe Shining in :and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, Oz. Give u•I#call BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND &agate taught by expert instructor's at the Y K. C. A. BLDG, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College is session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. 3.W. Westervelt 3. W. Westefvelt, 31. • >t ilacipra ie vloee--rn aaa"ee'ts est RAl'LWAY TiME-TABLE Train* leave Wingkem• station* daily a* loliows, (i•. T. R . TO TORONTO and Intermediate Poiats:—Psesenger, 6.45 a.mpassen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 pan. TO LONDON: --Passenger 6.35 a. m.; paieteager, 3.80 p.m. TO KINOA1tDINE : --- Paa.ougar, 11.89 a.m.; passenger, 2.80 p.m.; •pea- senger, 9.15 p.m. O. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points :—Passenger, 6.40 a.nt.; passers• ger 3 10 p.nr. TO TEESWATBR : — Paesesiger, 19.67 p.m,'; passenger, 10.27 p.m. SYNOPSIS O/ CANADIAN NORTH WKST LAND REGULATIONS TRE soli head of a !emir. or any male over 11 years cid hoeteetese a motion of available on land it wl,a, Sasiattehain4 or t mast *spear la p,,eetrao•at'tb nd.egens or Sub-As'eney for tri by proxy may be made et . affices et as Foal Agent of paries Lt (sot web - on win e. —uqr mouth.' residence - and t� O0 eels p) mien tine web- loan the land th�h of the»r homesteader may live within nine >Lrllte,al his home■tead cm 'a farm of at`lenot ssseeo eerie -o certain coadtlton■. A habita8bie sous. Is re - :mitre in every caw, ezoests when r..td.nee lain eemro performed elarleotVaginal. homesteader la good indar real ,ire-antat a quarter.eeofieaallow d ht. hems Meed. Price 33 per acre. Duals menthe rertionoe in rack of . y ■ from date of homestead matey finale 1 time required to .ar. hooimpead pa , t1 lb acres extra enitivaties. The arse of mat, ration is wivae; to teinbtbrnln.ea..'of•t�agb, scrubby or stony land atter report by Moine. Mead Inspector on appiication for patent. A hoineeteeder wee ham exhantrted his home . tad right and wenn obtains pro..,otptaoa may take a puncha.ed ►.masted In careens ailmets. 'Print $3 00 per sem. Dntt.t,—Stoat reside six months in molt of three tt. vete fifty acres and erecta horse t W. W. COI1Z Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Uneuthoriaal publication of this a4- ti..ment will not be paid for. CASTOR IA Per Infante and Children. Yin Kind You Have Morays Bought Bears the Signature of For Loss of Hair Wet wilt pay for what yea use U Resell "91" Hair Teak Acle sat /rottl.te the growth eft year lair. Ia ell 'tar eztpe.isuee with hair Wake the este that Ilea done most to tai, our osatldeae. is It:mall •'93" Hair Tonle. We have such wait- founded faint in it that wet want you to try it at our risk. If it does not nadir you in .eery partiatlar, Ott wsi[ay fer What you ues t. the SBitent of e.'0 flay treatment. It bull "93" ]Mir Tiede dose ret remove dsrdrute relieve meaty irritation, stop tkn kik, twee &Meg sad prmmote a new growth el fait 'come back to us sad ask us to'iletuen the :nosey yeti paid ter It. and we will pronrntly hard it Itgok to year. Tat �don�'t ren. ea thus, proal.. a - thin;. bring sartlarte hack, "la tae�rr way oblsats Younker. bat that fair= tDoteetit it need to miser Mit we would not make welta liberal .e it we did *et truly bdi.. Rosen "03" Obit Teide wlr do we claim for it --. t it will :de sod mom than. any .liter rowdy, Wo hays everything Wee is a,4t1• mend ler, sad are als5s to t llt merits et the' aid tt Somers tali use. el nei lit note letidied WWI .1 '93" Hair Tonleto S Altair di*" priVerati.# we MIL Mart a it.at t.at et Rossi "03 1 Thar Trade U settise.-do. elk *deka. ,Wiens Tw..htl bera �w„ 110e and 91. "!tett Dart buy honed Hearid l't arid Teak k this coesonseity oily R1 Stilt .b at e Million Dollar Myster; Copyright, 1b14, by Harold 1acGr t h) SYNOPSIS OS PRRPIQUS ca,APTER$ Stanley Bargreaye, millionaire, after a► miraculous escape from the den of theang of brilliant thieves known as the Mack Hundred, lives the life of a recluse for eighteen years. Hargreave one! night entero a Broadway reataur- .ant and there comes face to face with .theang's leader, Braine, After the 'mestiag, during which neither man apparently recognizes the other, Hargreave hurries to his mag- nificent Riverbeds home and lays plans for making hie escape from the country Ili writes a letter to the girls' school to New Jersey where eighteen years before he had mygterlously left on the doorstep_ hie baby daughter, Florence Gray. He also pays a visit to the han- gar ofa daredevil av ator. g Brine and members of his band sur- round Hargreave's home at night, but as they enter the house the watchers outside see a ballon leave the roof. The safe is found empty—the million which Hargreave was known to have drawn that day =gone. Then Qom, one announced the ballon bed been punct- ured and dropped to the bottom of the sea. Florence arrives from the girls' school. Princess Olga, Brain's com- panion. visits and claims to be a relat- ivebogus detectives call but dQtrctt their plot to kidnap Florence and hold her for moons le foiled by Norton, a newspaper man. By bribing the captain of the Orient Norton lays a trap for Blaine and his gang. Prineeas Olga also vis- its the Orient's captain and she easily falls into the reporter's snare. The plan proves abortive through Braine's good luck, and only hireliage fall into the hands of the police. After failing in tbeir first attempt, the Black Hundred trap Florence. They auk her for money, but she es- capee, again foiling thew. Norton and the countess call on Florence the next clay, once more safe at home. The visitors having gone, Jones removes, a section of flooring. and from a cavity takes a box. Pur- sued by members of the Black Hun- dred, be rushes to the water front and succeeds in dropping the box into the sea. Braine conceives the idea of giving a coaching party to which Florence is invited. Jones and Norton both go Montt and are fortunately on hand to save Florence from being imprisoned in the country house to which ehe is lured. Florence rose horseback riding and is captured by one of Braine', elan along the roadside. Norton rescue's her. They are pursued, however, and the pair make their complete escape only after Norton hae exploded a tire on the feet approaching machine with a bullet. CAPTER VIII The Wiles of a Woman After the affair of the auto ban- bite—three of whom were killed — a lull followed. If you're a sailor you know what kind of a lull I mean : blue -black clouds do-vn the south-westhorizon; the water crinkly, the booms wobbling. Suddenly a ser- ies of "accidents" began to happen to Norton. 'At first he did not give the matter much thought. The safe which fell almost at his feet and crithhed through the sidewalk merely induced him to believe he was lucky. At an, other lime an automobile came furi- ously around a corner' while he was croesiog the street, and only amazing agility saved him from bodily hurt. The car was out of sight when be thought to recall the number. Then came the jolt in the Fubway, Only a desperate grab by one ;of; the guards saved him front being orubbed to death. Even then he thought noth ing. But when a new box of cigar. is arrived and be tzied oue and found it strangely perfumed, and, upon fur- ther analysis, found it to cot.tain a J,Ivaneee narcoti, a slow but sure death, he became wide awake enough. They were after hien. He began to walk carefully,- to keep in public places as often as he posuibly.could. He was not really afraid of death, but he did abhor the thought of its coming up from behind, Except for the cigdrete they were; all ' acci- dents"; he could not have proved any- thing before a jury of his intimate friend.. He never entered an elnvater web out scrupulous care. 11e never passed under coverings over the eodewelks where construction was going or. Still, careful as he way, death con- fronted him once more. It was his habit to have his coffee and rolls—he rarely ate anything more f. a lyse breakfast—set down tiutsade his door every morning. The coffee, being in a silver thermuu bottle, kept ite heat for hours. Wheu he tock the stopper out and poured forth a tarp it looked oddly black, discolored. It is (lotto probable that had t 1Y(.1 1" been no se' e of "accidents" tie would July,: di utast .e cup—And dted in moral ag nv. It contained bit:blonde of mt.reue •r Very quietly he set about to make *worries. This was realty b:online ser•ioue. In the kiteben downst.tu. nothing could be learned. The maid had set the thermos bottle before the door at 10.30. Norton had opened the door at 1;80 --three hours after. The outlook was not the che.rfulest, lie knaveperfectly well why all these things "happened"; he had interfered with the plana of the scoundrel* who wet, amities sleety 4loeaiblamove to kidnetp Fiorenoe k1argr+oave. One alteration he paid Fit:tepee a 'Lits Of course he told her nothing. They hind baaatne secretly en -gaged the day aftest he bad reett -d tree f +.to the auto bandits. They ware oecretly .ngeg+ed boos' ow 1Plerenae wanted it l., For orae Jones suspeatred nbth. hag. Wily should lw 11 had trim. Meir' lit h. As tet ma I er of fart, Norton WAS aired . f Jun e. L'iee woe era!d of him in the same sense as a boy is afraid of a poi:Leeman, But on this day, when the time came, he accosted the butler and dt'eta hien into the pantry, "Jones, they are after me now." "You? Explain," Norton briefly recounted the delib erste attempts against hid life, "You see, I'm not liar enough to say that I'm not worried, I am, devilishly worried. I'm not worth any ransom, I'm in the way, and they seem deter- mined to put me our of It." ",To any other man I would say travel. But to you 1 say when you leave your rt ome don't go where you firb t thought youi e e g t e, om usual haunt. They'll be everywhere, near your restaurants, your clubs, your office. You're a methodical young man; ;become erratic. Keep away from here, for at least three days, but always call me up by tele- phone some time during the day. Never under any circumstance. unlade I send for you, come here at night. Oclyone man now watches the house during tag the day, but five are prowling around after dark, They might have instructions to shoot you on sight. I can't spare you just at present, Mr. Norton. You've been a godsend; and if it seems that. sometimes I did not trust, you fully, it was because I did not care to drag you in too deep," "Deep? Norton thought of Florence and smiled inwardly. Could anybody be in deeper than he was? Once it was on tete tip of his tongue to con- fess his love for Florence, , but the gravity of Jones countenance was an obstacle of such a move; it did not invite it. To be sure, Jones had no real au- thority to say what Florence ebould or should not do with her heart. Still, from all points of view, it was Netter to keep the affair under the rose till there came a mere propitious hour in which to make disclosure. , Love, in the nutlet of all these alarms! Sharp, desperate rogues on one side, millions on the other, arid yet love could enter the scene serene- ly. like an actor who had missed hiss cue and carne on too soon. Oddly enough, there was no real lovemaking such as you often read about, A pressure of the hand, a glance from the eyes, there was sel- dom anything more. Only once—ttiat memorable day on the river road—bad he kissed her, No word of love had been spoken on either side. In that wild moment all conventionalities had disappeared like smoke in the wind. There had been neither past nor fu- ture, only the present in which they knew what they loved. 'With her he was happy, for he had no time to plan over the future. Away from her he maw the inevitable barriers providing against the marriage between a poor young man and a very rich young woman. A man who has any respect wants always to be on a coal terms with dais wife, financially more teen in any other thing. les the way this peculiar 'ot•ganizatiou called Society has wi teen down its rule", . Doubtless a relic of the stone Age, when Ab went out with his club to eetk a wife and drag h"r by the hair to his den, end -here to care for her and to guard her with his life'.. blood, It is one of the few primitive sensati ins that remain to ue, tbie wantiog the female de- pendent upon tbe male. Perheps this accauhts for man's tack of interest on the suffraget question. Only -Susan suspected the true state of affairs, being a woman. Having bad no real romance herself, she de- lighted in having a second-hand one, as you might say. She intercepted many a glance and pretended not to see the stolen hand pressure,. The wedding era already full drawn in her i , e n nd. a eye. Those two young 1 eo- ple timid be married at Susan Far- low'e when the zoses were climbing up the sides of the house and the young robins were boldly trying their fuzzy winge. It struck her as rather strange but she could not corjute op (et this eedding) more than two men besides be minister, the bridegroom, and the butler. By forsaking his accustomed haunter, under the advice of Jones, the hidden warfare ceased temporarily. Yeu can't very well kill a man when you don't know where to find him, Re ate his breakfasts haphazardily, now here, now there,. He received moat of his assignments fgnmente .by telephone and wrote his stories and articles in his club, in the writing -rooms of hotels, and invariably despatched them to tbe office by messenger. The managing editor wanted to know what all t his meant; but Norton declined to tell him. It irked him to be forced to rear- range hie daily life—his habits. It was a revolution against his ease, for he loved ease when be was not at work. He had the sensation of has- ing been suddenly robbed of his home, of having been cast out into the streets. And top of all this he 1 al to go and fall in love! There was no longer a shadow op- posite the apartments of the Princess Perigoff, Braine came and went nightly, without discovering any one. This rather worried ,him. It gave him the impression that the shadow had found out what he had been seeking and no longer needed to watch the corning and going of either himself or the Countess Pet•igoff,,. "Olga it looks as if we were at the end of our rope," he said discouraged- Iy. "We have failed in all attempts et) far. The devil watches over that gird." "Or God," replied the Countess glooutily. "In nearly every instance her euceess hes h' ren due to ch enc a, Somehow I'm convinced that we be. gan wrong. We should have let Har- greave escape quietly, followed him, and made him fast when the right opportunity came. After a month or so his vigilance would have relaxed; he would have arrived at the belief that be had eluded us." "Indeed!" ironically. "Ho wasn't vigilant alt the..e years in which he did elude us, How about the child he never sought but guarded? Vig'- lance! He never was anything else all these Seventeen years. The truth i", success has developed a eoarsenees in our methods. And now it is too lite for finesse. We have tried every device we can ,think of; and there they are—the girl free, Norton un- harmed, and the father as secure in his retreat as though he wore an in,. visible cloak. My head aches, I have ceased to be inventive." "The two are in love with each other." "Are you sure of that?" "I have my eyes. But I •begin to wonder." "About whets?" "Whether or not Jones suspects me and is giving me rope to hang myself with. Not once' have the police been called in and told what has really happened. They are totally at see, And what has become of the men over tan we.)?" "By the Lord Harr) ! ' exclaimed Braine, clapping his hands. "I be- Iievee I've solved that. We shot a rids conning out of Hargreave'e. Since then thereei been no one across.. the way. One and the same maul" '' "But that knowledge doeen's get us anywhere." "No, You tray they are in love?" Secretly. I don't believe the but. ler bas an inkling of it, It is pees•- ble, however, that Susan has caugh th, .tared of ell'n•us Hut, being reties er roomette, ebe will in no wise. In ter'fere." i3raiue smelted 'in ellenee. l'reeent- ly a gentile twisted his lips, "'Yee have thought of something?" etre asked, "You might try it," he said. "They tithe accepted yourfriendsbip wheth- er with miser for purpose remaiae to be learned. She hag been to your apart - Quints two or three times to tea and always got home safely," "No," the said determinedly, "Nati, ing shall happen here, I will pot take the risk." "Wait till I'm through. Break up the romance in such. a way that the girl will bar Norton from the house. Tbat'e what we've been aiming at; to get rid of that meddling reporter.. We've tiled poisons. Try your kind." "What do you mean?" 'Use." "Ah! I understand, You want me to win him away from. her, It cannot be done," "Mohave! You have a bag full of tricks. You can easily manage to put him into an equivoc al position out of which he cannot possibly squirm so 'far as the girl is concerned. A. little melodrama, arranged for the benefit of Florence. Fall into Norton's arms at the right moment, or something like that." "I suppose I could. But if I failed „ • • "You're too damnably clever to fail in your own particular work. Some- thinghas.to be donetoke those gotkeep o two apart. I've oftenthought of raid- ing the house boldly and carrying cff the whole.family, Susan and all. But a wholesale affair like that would be too noisy. Think it over, Olga; we have gone too far to back down now.. There's always Russia; and while I'm the boss over here they never cease to watch me. They'll make me an- swer for a failure like this." She eyed him speoalatively, "You have money." "Oh, the money doesn't mattez.! It's the game. It's the game of playing fast and loose with Society, of pilfer- ing it with one hand and making it kow-tow with the other, It's the sport of the thing. What was your thought?" - "We could go away together, to South America," "And tire of each other within a month," he retorted shrewdly. "No; we are la the same boat. We could not live but for this never ending ex- .:uement, And, more than that, vee never could get far enough away from the long arm of flee First Ten. We'll have to stick it out here. Can't you set "Yes, I can see." But in her heart she knew that she amid have lived in a hut with this mein till the end of her days, She abhorred the life though she never, by the slightest word, let him become aware of it, There was always that abiding fear that at the first sign of weakness he would desert her. And she was wise in her deductions Braine was loyal to her because she held his intetest. Once that failed, he would be off and away, The next aflerncon the countei st l:avleg matured her plane against the bappinees of the young girl who trusted her, drew up before the Har- greave place and alighted. Her wel- come was the same as ever, and this ntreugthened her confidence.' The countess was always gtsticu lating, filer hands i'luttered to em- phasize her words. And the beauti- ful diamond solitaire caught the girl'ri eye. $he seized the hand. Having an affair of her own, it was natural that she should be interested in that if her friend.. "1 never .saw that ring before." "A gift of yesterday." The cuuntesb aseuluk:I a shy air which would have deceived Sir Anthony. She twisted the ring on her finger. "Tell mei" cried Florence. "You are engaged?" "Mercy, nt•1" "Is he rich?" "No, Money should not matter when Sour heart is involved'. Conti, ued on page 0 It's not such a "long way to Tipperary" Biscuits ---just as far as the nearest grocery store; Each one bears a picture-- troops of the allied armies. Each one is crisp, brown, and delicious. Say'Tipperar3' to your grocer. D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY, LIMITED London, Canada SVGA Mone' f Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight. Prepaid 5 7 8 8 9 9 9 18 16 18 HEAVY F N4 Nee 9 Poe Who Thrcgghoet in 20 e and 40 Red' sellar t blight Paid Spicing of fiorireetals in Indies 3p 22 l,91, 1 1..21 16 47 22 614 71:841, 18' 4 0 22 5, X51' 7 } 7 9,7a, 8 :.... 466,7 10, 4 22 6, 6�`s �l �10 .r. 42 226 6, 6,6,6,6 6.. ,,. 7 22I 4,5,, 5' 1 6, ..,,,,.,., ir, , 84, 9, 9 , II 2 164 4, 5, 51 7,84,9 9.. 4 22. 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, , 6, 6 .29 4 164 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6.,......... 512 4,4,5,,5,7, 4, 9, 9 .29. 5l .i 341 4, 6�, 7e. 11'794-8— , if 1. �, 3, 3, 4, 54, 7, , 74, 8,., ,,gg.3.. . 3, 3,)4, 54,7, 4, 9,9 :. .33 $, 3, 3 4, 5 7. 10t 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5I', 7, 84, 9,9 . 5. SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING Nei, 9 Top and 13ottolh, Intermediates ' No. 13. Upright, 8 indices spat;, 8 dose bars .42 8 Close bars .47 PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES .3 40 .28. 1 55 48 60 1i11i,+!�44-ft .:.a'.i;.l.'hgef4ttsop'Eng3; , ' 48, 8 in. high, igh, 31 'ft. opening.. pening.. 11,.hOx- d t ,m�wa�a,>, F��:.C�xy„s- s�c,.011. ,wages C4mp1ete outi*it .89 4.04 4, .5 •70 8.00. M'iI Your Omer to Our Barest ranch Page Wire Fence Co, Ltd I Montreal 1240 waxet. West Walkerviile St. John TORONTO Wlnair,eg Write For 104 -Paso Free Catalog "PAGE FENCES WARE BEST" GeMielefen Fall Stock Complete Now is the time to get get 'your Fall Suit or Overcoat as our Fall stock is complete Our satisfied customers are -our best ad- vertisements.- Ask them. • c, 'vVe specialize in Ladies' Suits and Coats Our prices are low when you consider the material, style and workmanship. • E. C. White Ladies' and Gents' Tailor OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON Bank of Hamilton Capital Authorized • $5,000.00 1 Capital, Paid-up • • 3.000,00 Surplus 3,700,000, THE MEN BEHIND, A Banking institution gets strength as much from the men who direot its affairs as from the actual capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton is guarded by men well known for businee, integrity, and ac'.- thou—mea who value security more than high profits To this volley is duo a surplus whibh is one quarter, larger than its Capital—the ro.ult of over 40 years s t Y t1 conservative management. L z. SITH ciManager •Winghatnt =f' �A�4AAAdA�AAA4AAAAAiA4A•AetV�A��Si�AAAARA'NNA'AAAAAAA J.C. STEWART REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE Accident and Sickness Insurance . .t IVVORK MODERATE CHAE G. STEWART. GRiFFTVtS BLOCK, WIiVGHAM WEIJJNUTQN VITAL FIRE INS, CO. XiteitJisl,ed11160. Read, Qdioe 01.13:14P'Cl, ONT. in - stumble Rieke taken ron nonithelccagh o' pof re, allow note system, GEo. SLUDNAN, JOHN DAVIDSON Prosident. Secretary, RITORIII 4' COSENS, Agents, Wingllam, Ont DUDLEY *IIOT ES Barrister, Solicitor, ete. Witco; Meyer Black, W%ughaln, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND 8OLIC1TOR Money to loan at lowest. rater,. WINGRAli, ARTS' J. IRWIN Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --(Moe in Macdonald Block— II. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, or'FIon OPER R. E. MED A CM'S. STORM W. R. HAMBLY, B,EC,, Y.D., CA. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific • Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church, All business given. careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0, Box 113 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. .Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND (Lonci.P 1 64ngg} Physician and Surgeon. (Dr.,Chisholm's old stand) General 1'iospta1. (Under Governmei.5 Inspection.)' Pleasantly. situated. Beautifully•lutnishod. Open to all regularly licensed physician. bates for patients (which include board and nursing) -34,90 to 316.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS L. MATIHEW6' Superintendent, Boa 529. Wingham, Ont, J. A. FOX, D. C., graduate Chiro- practor. Chiropractic 3s enccessful in such difficult casts as Insanity, Epilepsy; ---- ••-- Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaohes, Con- stipation, Female Trouble and all Cbro- nio Stomach. Liver,and Bowel trouble. Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191. Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7p. m. . Farm for Sale. A 'good 200 acre farm . within nine miles of Wingham,, good bank barn, good Dement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price 36500 00. Apply to R. Wanetone, Wing - ham RO. . OVER B6 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIONs dti COPYRIGHTS &0. Anyonhe @� t ilei rt sketch ahbdtCeerlptton may culcidy es or t cur dtitnte ee lgaotter an luV5t t.io isti ni1rqn flfab Coteratiittcn•. tlo,ts syrietiy 0 d deittilt uOOtt on Patents sent free: Oldest attoitop+fo . Curt g patents. Patents taken tlir uah Mann a Co, receive the t�Ciefta 1C liotice, will mit a merlon. a handsomely ilitest:ated weekly._ tamest oto. • ohnton.ot any' eeteutlho .Your aeClie or t h.u, 53.75 year, poataie prepaid. gold ty =c ,N'& Co 36lBroadway, New York branch Office. 025 L' St . Washington, ), , A are )hallce Would you likes a good profit - dile City Grocery Business? We •i,avie• one t r sell for Ca,h or will wcept dwelling house property itn % Ingham or farm land in part pay - in tit. (aster giving upbnsineps for Lie Tornado Insurance. We ate agents for rhe of the s..r.s. gate oampoules ite the world. Call Ind get our rates. They will surprise ybu, No premium note. Ritchie & Casella DLL BSTATE 1 D IMAM