HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-12, Page 31 D. Fall Term Froin Stmt. 1st "'"a ir-r T-'1 ,S s^';.. A 44 Vr.:ran T The best Commsre1al School in the pro- vince. Our courses aro thorough and Practical while our,instructors are bettor than Fou will flus elsewhere. Wq do nrnre for our students. than other similar schools do, Oar rates are reasonable. Write for our fres catalogue and see, what we can do for you. A. McLACBLAN - Principal 1 Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old tand to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, v&.- Give us a call BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the kilikpeW Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. • LONDON, ONT,, Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st Catalogue free. Enter any thee, J. W. Westervelt 3. W, Westervelt, Jr. Principal ChardAccountantxOVice-Principal 444.4 nlTl I!I�J I'; ''`�1 I,�W L1L� •1' ice' xi►. Ttl.:Jitri a e+ .Ye ,A. RAILWAY TiME-TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows r d. T. R • TO TORONTO and Intermediate Puintt,:-Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passefx- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m. TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a. m. ; passenger, 3 30 p m. TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger-, 11 59 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p m. C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intense -that, Pointy:: -Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 810 p.m. TO 'PEES WATER : - Passenger, 12.57 p,m,; paseengor, 10,27 p.m. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS THE sole head of a family, or any male ov. 18 years old, may homestead a quarte) ,section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Tho appli- cant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub- agent) on certain conditions. Duties. -Six months' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each ot three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quited in every case, excep') when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing mai pre-empto quarter -section along- side hie homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties -Six months' residence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby or stony land after report by home- stead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties. -Must reside six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.-Unauthorized ent will not bpublication paid for. of this ad - CASTOR to For Infants and Children, . The Kind You Nave; Always Bought Bears the Signature of toubscribe for the Advanee. The Nlillion Dollar Myster O ipyright, 1914. by Harold Macarath) SYNOPSIS OP PREVIOUS CAAPT1iit0 Stanley Hargreave, millionaire, after a miraculous escape fromthe den of the gang of brilliant thieves known as the Black Hundred, laves the life of a recluse for eighteen yeare. Hargreave one night entero a Broadway restaur- ant find there comes faoe to face with the gang's leader, Braine. After the meeting, during which neither man apparently recognizes the other, Hargreave hurries to hie mag- nificent Riverbale home and lays plane for making his escape from the country He writes a letter to the girls' eohool in New Jersey where eighteen years before he had mysteriously left on the doorstep his baby daughter, Florence Gray. He also pays a visit to the han- gar of a daredevil aviator. Braine and members of his band sur- round tiargreave's home at night, but as they enter the house the watchers outside see a hallan leave the roof. The safe is found empty -the million which Hargreave was known to have drawn that day gone. Then some one announced the ballon had been punct- ured and dropped to the bottom of the sea. Florence arrives from the girls' school. Princess Olga, Brain's com- panion. visite and claims to be a relat- ive. Two bogus detectives call, but t heir plot to kidnap Florence and hold her for ransom is foiled by Norton, a newspaper man. By bribing the captain of the Orient Norton lays a trap for Blaine and hie gang. Piiaress Olga also vis- ite the Orient's captain and she easily falls into the reporter's snare. The plan proves abortive through Braine's good luck, and only hirelings fall into the hands of the police. After failing in their first attempt, the Black hundred trap Florence. They ark her for money, but she . es- ca.pes, again foiling them. Noiton and the countess call on Florence the next day, once more safe at home. The visitors having gone, Jones removes a section of fl•ering, and from a cavity tekee a box. Pur- sued by inembere of the Black Hun- dred, be rushes to the water front and succeeds in dropping the box into the sea. Braine conceives the idea of giving a coaching party to which Florence is invited. Jones and Norton both go alt nr and are fortunately on hand to save Florence from being imprisoned in the country house to which ebe is lured. CHAPTER VII When all three finally met al. the Hargreave home Florence; cud• clerkly took Jones by the shoulders and kissed him lightly on the cheek, Jones started back, pale and disturbed. Norton laughed. Ile did not feel the slightest twinge of jealousy, but, he was eaten up with envy, as the old wives say, "You are wondering if I suspect the Princess Perigoff ?"'isaid Jones. "I am." This man Jones was de- •:elopiag into a very remarkable char- nter. The reporter found himself tde-glancing at the thio, keen face of this resourceful butler. The lobe of the man's left ear came within range. Norton reached for a cigaret, but his hands shook as he lit it. There was a peculiar little scar in the centre of the lobe. "Well," said Jones, "I can find no evidence that she has been concerned in any of these affairs." "You are euspicoius ?" "Of everybody," looking boldly into the reporter's eyes. "Of me? smiling. "Even of myself sometimee." , Conversation dropped entirely after this declaration. "You're a taciturn sort of chap." "Am I?' "You are. But an agreement is an agreement, and while I'd like to print this story, I'll not. We newspaper men seldom break our word. Jones held out bis hand. "Sometimes I wish I'd started life right," said the reporter gloomily. "A newspaper man is generally iniprovi-, dent. He never looks ahead for to- morrow. What with my special ar- ticles to the magazines, I earn be- tween four and five thousand the 'year; and I've never been able to save a cent." "Perhaps you've never redly tried," replied Jones, with a glance at his companion. It was a good face, strong Perfect health can only be obtained by keeping the bowels regular. If your bowels do not daily carry away the waste left after the food is di- gested, decay sets in, producing poisons which are taken up by the blood, frequently resulting in Typhoid Fever, Appendicitis and other serious and fatal diseases. To keep 'the bowels healthy 'end regular you must help, not drive, Nature by using Rexa11 Orderlies which are mild and gentle in their action, producing neither .griping, nausea, nor any other discomfort. Reftali Orderlies : ennot injure the delicate tissue ot 'he bowels, end, as they do,rtot i :-act, it is only necessary to take, them for a short time to cure constipation. If alter you have tried Rexall Orderlies you are not perfectly satisfied with them; we wi11 return you your money. $old maty at the mere than 7000 Rex- sll Stores and here only at this oar. la vett-pocket do boxes,10c.,25c.,5Oc. The Store 3. W. 14i cX MON Winghatn 1 in outline; a little rarecvorn, perhaps, but free from any indications of dissi- pation, "If I had begun life asyou did, I'd have made real and solid use of the great men I met, 1"d have made financiers help me to invest my earnings, or savings, little ae they way be. And to -day 1'd be living on the income," "You never can tell. Perhaps a woman might have made you think of those things; but if you had re retained unattached up to 81, as I have the thought of saving might never have entered your head. A. man in my present condition, financially, has no right to think of matrimony." "It might be the saving of you if you met and married the right wo- man." "But the right woman might be heiress to millions. And a poor devi jike nae could not marry a girl with money and hang onto his self-respect. "True. But there are always ex- ceptions to all rules in life, except those regarding health. A healthy man is a normal man, and a norma man has no right to remain single You proved yourself aman this after- noon, considering that you did not know I occupied the whet 1 seat.. Come to think it over, you realty saved the day. You gave me the opportunity of steering straight for the police station Well, good-bye." Queer duck!" mused the repartee. as, after telephoning, he headed for his office. Queer duck, indeed! What a game it was going to bei And this man•Jonee was playing it like a mat- ter, It did not matter that some one else laid down the rules; it was the way in which they were interpreted. Braine heard of the failure. The Black Hundred was finding its stock far below par value. Four valuable meu locked up in the Tombs, await- ing trial, to say nothing of the seven gunmen gathered in at the old ware- house. Braine began to suspect that his failure were less due to chance than to calculation; that at last he had encountered a mind which antici- pated his every move. He would have recognized this fact earlier had it not been that revenge had temporarily blinded rim. The spirit ot revenge never makes for mental clarity. There was a meeting that night of the Black Hundred. Four men were told off, and they drew their chairs up to Vroon's table for instructioue. Braine sat at Vroon'e elbow. These four men composed the most danger- ous quartet in New York City, They were as daring as they were desper- ate. They were the ren who held up back messengers and got away with thuusaiide. They had learntd to swoop down upon their victims as the hawk swoops down upon the heron. The newspapers referred to them as the "auto bandit,," and the men took a deal of pride in the furore they had created. Vroon went over the Hargreave case minutely; he left no detail un- explained. Bluntly and frankly, the daughter of Stanley Hargreave must be caught and turned over to the care of the Black Hundred. It must be qui, k action. Fouc valuable mem- bers were is the Tombs, They might or might not weaken under police pressure. For the first time in its American career the organisation stood facing actual peril; and its one possible chance of salvation lay in the fact that no one's face was known to his neighbor. He, Vroon, and the boss alone knew who and what each man was. But the plane, the ramifl- catione of the organization might be- come public property; and that would mean an end to an exceedingly pro- fitable business. The daughter of Hargreave rode horseback early every morning. She sought the country road, She was in- variab'y attended by the rid ng man- ter of a school ta ar by. 'You four will make your own plena" "If elle should be iujnred?" "Avoid it, if possible." "We have a free hand?" "Absolutely." "Wo risk a bad fell from her horse if it's a spirited one." "Pretend a breakdown in the road," nterpoleted Braine. "As they ap. proacb, draw and order them to die: mount. That method will prevent atm' accident." " We'll plan it somehow. It looks easy." "'Nothing is easy where the girl ie concerned. A thousand eyes scent to be watching her slightt et move," • "We shan't leave anything to chance. How many days will you give ue?" "Seven. A failure, mind you, will prove unhealthy to all concerned," with a menace which made the four stir uneasily. The telephone rang. Braine reached fnr rhe receiver. "A man just entered the Iilargreave house at the tear. Come at once," was the message.• "le 'bur car outside?" Beattie asked, "We Ate never without it." "Then let us be t tf, No one will atop us for Speeding on a side street." Fourteen minutes by the clock brought the oar to a stand at tiYecurb a few houses below the Hargreave home. The men got oat The watch• er ran up. "He le still inside," Le whispered, "Goodl Spread out, If anybody leaves that house, catch hien, If he rune too fast, shoot, We can beat the pollee." The man obeyed, and the watcher ran back to his past. He was des- perately hoping the affair would ter- minate to -night. He was growing weary of this eternal vigilance; and it was only his fear of the man known as the boss that kept him at his post, He wanted a night to carouse in, to be with the boys. The man for whom they were lying in wait was Been ,presently to creep cautiously around the side of the bowie He hugged a corner and paused. They could see the dim outline of his body. The light in the street back of the grounds almost made a silhouette of him. By and by, as if assured that the coast was clear he stole down to the street. "Halt!" Instantly the prowler took to his heels. Two shots rang out. The man was Been to stop, stagger, and then go on desperately. "He's hit!" By the time the men reached the corner they heard the rumble of a saotor. One dashed back to the car they had left standing at the curb. He made quick work of the job, but he was not quick enough. Still they gave chase. But, fortunately for the success of the chase, several au- tomobiles passed, going into town and leaving it. Checkmattt Braine was keen enough to -night. "Re is bit : whether badly or not remains to be Been, We can find that out. Drive to the nearest drug store and gate', list of hospitals. It's a ten to one shot that we land him some where among the hospitals." But they searched the hoepitale in vain. None of them had that night recsived a shooting case, nor had they heard one reported. The man bad been unmistabably bit. He would not have dared risk the loss of time for a bit of play-acting. Evidenty he had kept his head and sought his lodgings. To call up doctors would be utter'. folly; for it would take a week for a thorough combing. This was the secs, and time the man had got away. Perhaps I'tn to blame," admitted Braine. "I should have advised Miles to'stalk him and pot him if he got the chance. There's a master mind work- ing somewhere back of all this, and it's time I woke up to the fact, Bat you," turning to the auto bandits, "you men have your instructions., More than that, you have beets given.: a free rein. See that you make good, or by the Lord Harry 1 I'll break the four of you like pipe steme." "We hatten't had a failure yet," spoke up one of the men, more cour- ageous than his companions. "You are not holding up a bank messenger this trip. Remember that. Drive me as far as Columbus circle Leave me on the side streets, between the lights, so 1 can take off this meek," Later Braine sauntered into Pabst and ordered a light supper. This night's work more than anything else brought home to him the fact that his luck was changing. For years he had proceeded with his shady occu- pations without . encountering any memorable failure. He moved in the high world. baits unsuspected, He had written books, given lectures, been made a lion of, all the while laughing in his sleeve at the gulli- bility of human nature. But within the last two weeks he had received serious checks. From now on he must move with °tire utmost caution. Some one was playing hie own game, waging warefare unseen, A battle of wits? So be it; but Braine intended to play with rough wits, and he was not going to care which way the sword cut. He hated Stanley Hargreave v,it6 MI the hatred of hie soul t the hatred of a man balked in love. And the man was alive, • defying him; alive somewhere in this city this very night, with a bullet under hi3,skin. "le everything satisfactory," eh?" ho heard the head waiter say. - "Satiefactory?" Braine repeated blankly. "Yes, sir, You struck the table its though displeased." "Onl" 'Then Braine laughed re- lievedly. "If I struck the table, it wliss done unpopsciotely. I was think- ing," "Bog pardon Bit ?" "I!jo. Bring me the check." "Your master gives riding lessons?" The groom who had led the horse back from Hargreave', eyed his noes- tioner rather superciliously, "Yes." The groom fondled the ani- tnal's lege. "How much is it?" i1Twenty dollars for a ticket of five rides. The master is the fashion up here, the doesn't cater to any but tl beat famlliee." "Pretty steep, Mho was that ynutig lady riding this morning wi+b • .yen sestet?" "That's the ghl ill the newepape el 'have been talking about;" answered the groom importantly. "Actress P" "Actress! I Should Say not. That young woman ie the daughter t 1 Stanley Hargreave, themillionaire who wise lost at yea. And It wott'a be long before eh* puts her finger in a AO of friar or flee sttttlion rr If you sill Anything elite, want any i idtrs, you'll have to talk it over with the floss, Ile may or may not take any more rides. You'd pro- bably have to ride in the afternoon, anyhow, as every nag is out In the morning," "Where',t the most popular road? "Towards the park; but Mise Har• greave always goes along the river - 'side road. She doesn't like stranger* about." "Oh 1 eec! Well, I'll drop in this afternoon and see your master. They say that riding ie good for. a torpid liver. Have a cigar?" "Thanks" The groom proceeded into the sta- bles and the affable stranger took himself off. A free rein; they could work it to suit themselves, There wasn't the least obstacle in the way. On the face of it, it appeared to be the sim- plest job they had yet undertaken. To get rid of the riding master In some natural way after he and the girl had started. It was like falling off a log. "Susan," said Florence as she came into breakfast after her exhilarating ride, "did you hear pistol shots last night?" "I heard some noise, but I was so sleepy I didn't try to figure out what it was," "DId you, Jones?" "Yes, Miss Florence,. The shots came from the street. A policeman came running up later and eaid he caw two automobiles on the run.But "evidently there wasn't anybody hurt. One has to be careful at night nowa- days. There are pretty bad men abroad, Did you enjoy the ride?" "Very much. But there were spots of blood on the walk near the corner." "Blood?" Jones caught the back of a chair to eteady himself. '*"Yee. So •some one was hurt. ob, let's leave this "place!" impulsively. "Let us go back to Miss Farlow'e. You could find a place in the village, Jones, But if I stay here much longer in this state of unrest I shall lose faith in everything and everybody. Whoever my father's enemies are, they do not lack pereletence. They have made two attempts against my liberty, and sooner or later they will succeed. I keep looking over ray shoulder all the time. If I hear a noise I jump." "Miss Florence, if I thought it wise you should be packed off to Miss Far - low's this minute. But not an hour of the day or night passes without this house being watched. I seldom see anybody abous,. I can only sense the presence of a watcher. At Miss Far - low's you would be far more like a prisoner than here. I could not ac- company you. I am forbidden to de- sert this house." "My father's orders?" Jones signified neither one way nor the other. He merely gazed stolidly at the rug. "That bloodl" She sprang from her chair, horrified, "It was his! He was here last night, and they shot him! Oh!" "There, there, Miss Florence! The man was only slightly wounded. He's where they never will look for him " Then Jones continued, as with an ef- fort: "Trust me, Miss Florence. It would not pay to run away. The whole affair would be repeated •else- where, We might go to the other end of the world, but it would not serve us in the least. It is not a duestion of eeeape, but of who shall vanquish the other. There is nothing to do but remain here and fight, fight, flght. We have put four of them in the Tombs, to say nothing of the gunmen. That is what we must do - put them in a cafe place, one by one, till we reach the master. Then only may we breaths in safety. But if they watch, so do we. There is never a moment when help is not within reach, no matter where yon go. So long as you do not deceive me, no real harm shall befall you. Don't cry. Be your father,e daughter, as I am hie servant." "I ani very unhappy !" And Flor- ence threw her arms around S•rsan and laid her head upon her friend's ',boulder. Continued on page 6 C ?% -t. MALTu refs Gatluuuuuus) CREAM !J PERRIN'S ALTO -CRR AM S'ANDWICIH A delicious, oddly shaped biscuit, With the elightful tang pf malted ilk and 4 rich pear Ring. At your grocer's. THE PERRIN "SAMPLER" PACKAGE is a box of delicious biscuit- urprises. Send 10e. (coin or tamps) and your grocer e ams for it. . S. Perrin & Company LIMITED LONDON • CANADA 20 c..-1, r 1 i t 11 11 t 1 G MALlO tREAM a. sa ea eia es, ,• r t e, ■ 1 Svea Money! Buy Your New F encs - DIREOT FROM PACE Freight Prepaid , s"ice- HEAVY FENCE rl rs . •8 ! ' t Nm. 9 Peg, Wore. TlrraU Saut in 20 *,4 and 0 Rod' Roll. Freight, Paid z.--___...........•:_____illirllHl Srotcia 4f Hprirenke I Iaches Sa ' 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 1) 10 10 10 11 1$ 20 37 4t. 40 4: 4222 42 47 47 48 4$ 51 51 488 48 51 1 55 48 60 48.10 22 22 22 ° 22 22 16* 22 16* 22 16* 22 16* 22 1.t 1. 2 164 SPECIAL 8 8 -ft 10, 10, 11.,'9, 10, 10 61, 7, 8*, 9,9:..... 5, 5i, 7, 7 / �f8 I, ... ....,.,. • 5, 6I, 7* 9 10, 10 , , 6, 6, 6, &, 6, 6, 6 6. 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6. 4, 5, 51, 7, 8*, t9, 9...... .. 9 4, 5, 5i 7, 84, , 9...,, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 511, 7, 8*, 9, 9 4, 4, 5, 54, 7, 81, 9, 9 3, , , 4, 51, 7, 7,�l. 8, ,, 3, 3, 4, 5I, , 7, 7r , 8 8, "�, 3, 44, 51, 7, 84, , 9 , 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, W 3, 3, 3, 3; 4, 5*, 7, 8*, '9, 9 POULTRY FENCING Na, 9 Topand Bottom, Intermediates No. T3, Uprights 8 endues apa#t. close bars c.-.. Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES op' ig , ,18 f . . 8 . S: ,29' .29 .31. .29 .31 .31 .33 .33 .3 .36 .42. .47 4 11 6 1 Bank or i ' Capital Authorized - $5,000,00) Capital, Paid-up - - 3,000.00 . Surplus, 3,750,000 THE MEN BEHIND A Banking iustitutidn gets strength as much the men who direct Its affairs as from [the actual• capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton la guarded well known for bu,inesa hltegrity, and ecu mon-mea who value security more than high pro'IIR ..re this policy Is duo a surplus which is one quarto anger than no to conservative tho result of over 40 years' •" G.. P. SMITH 1 Maehger • W�ingha t I I � ij li i i1i I 11 ) ;i' t ri;. ' '(lE1.i� I .'r �iIIID �I '-•ii 1iNie I 1 .i1` r • t 'i' '; , ;• d n 4.8 a� o 'ng .,..".,-,,, ,i1p L__-:�� _ _, , 3.80 , 4.00 4$13 -ft ony m 48 l4 aping -. .4,50 7. 4. • WALK STAPLES, BRACE STRETCHING -ft . GATE, 48 in. high, 34'ft. opening 2 -lb. box, Cr(t E RE,25.1b. rolls, .- TOOLS, Complete outfit... 2.3$ ,73 .70 8.00 Mtii Your Order'!o Our I,. nenVst Branch Page Wire Fence Co, Ltd Montreal 1240 Knit 3t�West W_ alkerville St. John •rortorcro Wlnn,peg Write Por 104 -Page Free Catalog - "PAGE FENCES WARE BEST" • Fall Stock Complete Now is the time to get get your Fall Suit or Overcoat as our Fall stock is complete Our satisfied customers are our best ad- vertisements. Ask them. We specialize in Ladies' Suits and Coats Our prices are low when you consider the material, style and workmanship. E. C. White Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON •�7 )a,(1 y, 416,4,./ � rAsi . Oats** 04041oee.e 00*0000..4'.'.92,••0*N• Q•ea0•0a0.0...e J.G. STEWART REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE fi. Accident and - Sickness Insurance R ai! t L' .. WORK. y "S J. G. STEWART GRIFFIN'S BLOCK, 'WINCHAM• opt.*1ii**2 se414• WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. 14stab114e41040. Read , oflloa G U/414PR, ONT. Birks taken on all classes of in, curable property on the cub or pre. mium note system, GEO. SLEgArrNA. Jo13N DAVIPso1'i President. Secretary. UTOH.Iii rRr COS.HNS, Agents. Wingham, Out DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc, Office ;, Meyer Block, Wiugham, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater, WINKIAM, ARTHUR J. IRWTN D,D.S., L,D.8. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen neylvania College and Licent ate of Dental' Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Maodonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER D. E. ISARD ds 00'S. STORE W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., CI, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Baoteriology and Seientiffo Medicine. Office in the Herr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Bolt 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad - nate London and Dabl'In. Suooeseor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MoDoNALD BLOOS DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND E!. 8: A. SEg Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General- ospital. n.) (Under Oovertimenb Ins Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and cursing) -14,00 to $15.00 per week, according td location of room. For further informs. tion -Address MISE L. MATSHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. J. A. FOX, D. 0., graduate Ohiro- praotor. Chiropractic is successful in such diffieult casts as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Con- stipation, Female Trouble and all Ohro- nio Stomach. Liver and Bowel trouble. Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191. Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m. - Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within bine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and oonsiderable quantity of timber. Price $6500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham P. 0. OVER 65 YEARS` EXPERIENCE TRADE MA1tS COPYRIGHTS dee. Anyone' 5en'diiig a stcotoh nils d'Oecr1pUonmay quietly nsriortaln our ot. itdu free whether an IteCuttone is;l"ropnhly pa rtfab o-. Cofnmugloa- Matssti1ctlycgitOd uttal. HAND OOH on Patents sent free. 0)dest agency forest! urtng patents. leatcnts tatted t rough Shinn do CO. receive media} Uotice, without 0, in the $etettltflc eintei trait. 8. handsomely illustrated. weekly. ' Largest err. eulatten of any ecientate journal. Terms for • ahatta, 53.75 a year, postage prepaid- Vold bq all hnwsdealors. 3i5tt3N Ct C0361nroa4way, New Y rt Drench Orrice. 1325 P St.. Washington, Rare ChallcO Would yon like a good profit- e• City (iroeiry Btlsiries-? We Jieve one 5') sell for Oath or will +e ce•pt dWellil12 house property in Winghatn or farm land in part pay - Ill• 1,t. • Owner giving up basiuess for his health. Tornado Insurance. tV'e aro irg•ntg for rue of the st.o.;tt+ty eotnpnnit.a lit the vre r tl. Call and get our rates. They will flurprise yon. No premium note. Ritchie & Oosens 1{�t► BSPA1B M1hh ta�lOiC z.--___...........•:_____illirllHl ' {LI�.1 I r j, li1' !Iii I III IIfrom ' Iby'ineh ' 11 1 11' Ill 4 11 6 1 Bank or i ' Capital Authorized - $5,000,00) Capital, Paid-up - - 3,000.00 . Surplus, 3,750,000 THE MEN BEHIND A Banking iustitutidn gets strength as much the men who direct Its affairs as from [the actual• capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank of Hamilton la guarded well known for bu,inesa hltegrity, and ecu mon-mea who value security more than high pro'IIR ..re this policy Is duo a surplus which is one quarto anger than no to conservative tho result of over 40 years' •" G.. P. SMITH 1 Maehger • W�ingha t I I � ij li i i1i I 11 ) ;i' t ri;. ' '(lE1.i� I .'r �iIIID �I '-•ii 1iNie I 1 .i1` r • t 'i' '; , ;• d n ii I IiIL 'v7 s4A.' it l, ( -iy < kr- - - -- L__-:�� _ _, •�7 )a,(1 y, 416,4,./ � rAsi . Oats** 04041oee.e 00*0000..4'.'.92,••0*N• Q•ea0•0a0.0...e J.G. STEWART REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE fi. Accident and - Sickness Insurance R ai! t L' .. WORK. y "S J. G. STEWART GRIFFIN'S BLOCK, 'WINCHAM• opt.*1ii**2 se414• WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. 14stab114e41040. Read , oflloa G U/414PR, ONT. Birks taken on all classes of in, curable property on the cub or pre. mium note system, GEO. SLEgArrNA. Jo13N DAVIPso1'i President. Secretary. UTOH.Iii rRr COS.HNS, Agents. Wingham, Out DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc, Office ;, Meyer Block, Wiugham, R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater, WINKIAM, ARTHUR J. IRWTN D,D.S., L,D.8. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen neylvania College and Licent ate of Dental' Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Maodonald Block - G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER D. E. ISARD ds 00'S. STORE W. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., CI, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Baoteriology and Seientiffo Medicine. Office in the Herr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Bolt 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad - nate London and Dabl'In. Suooeseor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MoDoNALD BLOOS DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND E!. 8: A. SEg Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) General- ospital. n.) (Under Oovertimenb Ins Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and cursing) -14,00 to $15.00 per week, according td location of room. For further informs. tion -Address MISE L. MATSHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. J. A. FOX, D. 0., graduate Ohiro- praotor. Chiropractic is successful in such diffieult casts as Insanity, Epilepsy, Asthma, Rheumatism, Headaches, Con- stipation, Female Trouble and all Ohro- nio Stomach. Liver and Bowel trouble. Office in R Knox's house. Entrance per Presbyterian church walk. Phone 191. Hours, 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p. m. - Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within bine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and oonsiderable quantity of timber. Price $6500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham P. 0. OVER 65 YEARS` EXPERIENCE TRADE MA1tS COPYRIGHTS dee. Anyone' 5en'diiig a stcotoh nils d'Oecr1pUonmay quietly nsriortaln our ot. itdu free whether an IteCuttone is;l"ropnhly pa rtfab o-. Cofnmugloa- Matssti1ctlycgitOd uttal. HAND OOH on Patents sent free. 0)dest agency forest! urtng patents. leatcnts tatted t rough Shinn do CO. receive media} Uotice, without 0, in the $etettltflc eintei trait. 8. handsomely illustrated. weekly. ' Largest err. eulatten of any ecientate journal. Terms for • ahatta, 53.75 a year, postage prepaid- Vold bq all hnwsdealors. 3i5tt3N Ct C0361nroa4way, New Y rt Drench Orrice. 1325 P St.. Washington, Rare ChallcO Would yon like a good profit- e• City (iroeiry Btlsiries-? We Jieve one 5') sell for Oath or will +e ce•pt dWellil12 house property in Winghatn or farm land in part pay - Ill• 1,t. • Owner giving up basiuess for his health. Tornado Insurance. tV'e aro irg•ntg for rue of the st.o.;tt+ty eotnpnnit.a lit the vre r tl. Call and get our rates. They will flurprise yon. No premium note. Ritchie & Oosens 1{�t► BSPA1B M1hh ta�lOiC