HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-12, Page 1, ingham ce. 43RD YEAR, NO 8 IVINGE&M, ONT., TIMSDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1914. Town Council. e The following Accounea Were ordele. ed paid at the last meetng of the Council t- 0Beetaei, Doer. J. F, Groves, salary and petg$ 84 83 Geo, Allen, ealaey 37 eu E. Lewis, eatery and extra work 30 OQ W. Stokee, eatery. . . 52 00 Ildesitland Lodge 1, 0. 0, le, Debt 40 13 Pub, Sch. Bd,, adv. on levy . 200 00 Municipal World, supplies , . 1138 Mies McLeod, scrubbing . . . 2 00 G, Pelee, work on street . . 3 94 R, 11. Solomon. tvotk on St. . 3 75 A. Sanderson 5t. waterina and 8650 1 75 3 60 22 35 4638 40 teaming . J. Gondmer, rosk W. Sheridan, work W. A. Fryfogie, work J, Stratton, wenle . G. Forgie, work A. Nichol. repairs and. sup.. . 2 70 T. Harry jonee, bal. of account 112 25 Fred Wilson, work . , 95 Frank King, work . , . . 8 57 Wage e son sewer . . . . . . 72 00 F..Getteridges. supplis, *ewer . 182 10 Hunter B. & B. 00, supplies . 07 70 R, 11.1,Saint, teaming 0 25 J. A. McLean. lumber , . 44 13 G. T.E. Co., tixt. sewer pipe 28 80 W. A. Currie, wk. & material. 11 45 W. 3 Boyce. • • II 1 40 Hamilton & Tor. Sewerpipe Co. tile . . .... . , . . . 32028 'W. Guest, work • 2 00 A Nichol, supplies & etc. • . 21 35 IL Sheik, paperiog hone° . . 6 00 Elmo, Sanderson, week . . 4 00 E. L Dept., light Band Hall , 2 30 Bell TeL Co., fire alarm . , . . 20 25 • . service, eewer. . 1 20 Free. Scott, work 3 00 Geo. Mason & Son, supplies 5 75 A. M. Koos, eupplies 70 R. Vaustone, Legal services . 12 00 Special police, Halloween .• 4 00 ELEcTliI0 Luna DEPT. Herb. Campbell, salary . . . $100 00 J. Brooks, salary.. 48 40 J. Radfoid, salary 69 75 F. Bowden, salary 71 25 F. Gelbraith, salary 32 50 J. Brad.wita eatery 67 20 R. Chittleburgh, salary . 17 60 Jim F. Groves, postage . 3 75 A. Niehol, repairs and sup2.25 Can. Exp. Co., express 4.130 National Elec. Heating Co., supplies 42 00 Federal Engineering Co.. eup, .172 50 Jen. Elec. Supply Co., up..s31. 08 McDonald & Wilson, 'supplies 9 05 Can. Gen E'er. On., eupplies 151 00. Northern Elm Co, supplies . 3 80 Walker & Clegg, sup. . . . . 10 00 Al. R. Williams Mach. Oo , seep 49 38 Garlock Packing Co., steel:glee. 5 33 Rae er Thompson, supplies . . 4 20 W. A. Currie, supplies . . . . 4 90 A. le. Nesb, testing meters . 102 00 J. A. McLeen, coal ..... 251 18 WATER woRtts DEPT. Herb. Campbell, salary • . . $ 10 00 27 50 • '440 16 00 4 20 1 50 05 68 40 • • • .... ' Gan. Allen, salary • 3, St ooks, salary 11. Chittleburgb. salary. . . W. J. Boyce, supplies; • . . . J. A MeLtan, supplies. . . Rae & Thompson, supplies. . Js.'.. Ratterteon Co., !supplies. Elea. Boiler Compound Co., supplies II • • • Kerr Eogine Co, supplies . Can. Express Cr., express . . Eike Lt. Dept., pumping, etc. Wm. Guest, work E. Dennis, teaneing . . . h•••••i••••.***•••••••••••••••• Reception. 10 43 40 00 2 75 "19 85 800 00 On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 5ela Mrs. W. R. Dyer received at her home on Josephine St. for the first , time since comiug to Wingham, and although it was a very dinagreeahle day yet a number of ladies caliel to extend a cordial welcome to Mrs. Dyer. The drawing room sysa very prettily decorated with ferns, pink and White carnations. Mrs Richaed Clegg re- ceived with Mrs. Dyer. hire. C. P. Smith ushered the ladies to the tea room. Miss Matthews presided at the tea table pouring teabeing assisted by Miss Edna Sweats and Miss Miriam Smith. Little Lousie Johnston open- ed the door for the guests.. The tea table was beautifully decor- ated with festoons of smilax and bou. quets of pink and white carnations. Mrs. Dyer will in future receive on let Thursday of the montb, Butter Notice Lakeiet There appears to be poor sale for lumber thie Fell. Ail the Elm and Maple consisting of thousands Of feet are ia the mill geed here as yet and there ammeter no sale for it. A tramp, a typical knight of the road, Palled through her last Monday having coma via Fordo People, thought from his actions he Was a, spy and It was reported that he Wail Arrested in Clifford. We found out from him that he was a Highland man and no doubt Wan the victim of booze. It is unlikely that a Scot would be going through Howick with a view to reporting anything to the Germans. The tower which was ereteed on Jas. Kemp'e farm, con. 1, Carrick, and which caused so much curiosity and anxiety among our peopleWas levelled the other day after being there for sorae 3 weeks. Hundreds visited the spot and looked with suspicion on it as anything of an aerial nature is found now-aedaye. The faemere in Howl& responded nobly to the call for oats, potatoes and apples for those !ere destitute in Europe. There were eery few refusals here and for the benefit of the Editor of Advance we might Oat° that it was not those who are always shout - hag loyalty and waving the fieg that contributed the most when a test of loyalty was made. One Canny Scott near CI fford gave 12 bags of oate and 10 of potatoes. That was the most given by any one In this community. , Joseph Underwood and David Gel a. way, both residents of your town and owning land in Hotvick, delivered bent a week ago to the St Merle Bros. near Clifford 13 fine cattle averaging 1010 lbs. and they got somewhere near ate per lb, for them. They were a fine looking bunch many qf them ready for the block at any time. Sr, Marie'e will eatable them and prepare them for the Christmas market. W. R. -Johnston, Howick's greatest Jersey breeder, delivered 2 Rae young cows here last week to Belt • Aehton and Frank Cole of Gorrie. They were nice ones and they brought a nice price. Mr. Johnston keeps upwards of 100 head of Jerseys attempt and we notice that when our Tory friends late? Gorrie want a good cow from .a gOod honest Grit and Scot . that they call on Mr. Johnston. There are quite a number of Jerseys in (angle at the present tinie. The water has not been si low in the lake for years se it is at preseit ; ae' a result nearly all the wells in the burg are dry. Many of the farmers are - clean out of water. We notice some of them are drawing water in, a tank from the lake here. The farmers tete through with their turnips and they report a very fair crop. The plowing is pretty well done too. There was a Government detective from 'Ottawa in Mildmay and Walk - 'Orton laet week investigating cases of treadon among some 'German sympa- therizers there. We cannot see how any eane man living in Canada toalay can wish the Keieet emcees in this war. What would conditions le here had we German instead of Britieh rule. Let us pray that such will never be our fate. "Alt Butter in packages or wrapped in Parchment, paper must in future be labelled "Dairy" or "Creamery," "This means no' butter can he bought or old in plain wrappers ot unbranded packages, No butter can be bought or eo1d under brand of "Separator." The:wotd "Da'ry" or "Creamery" mut appear u weapper er package. "railing to comply with the above Goeernment Act you are liable to a fine of $10 to 53) for each offence. For blither ififormetion write the Department of Agriculture, (Mara, seed ask for Copy of Dirto tOly Indust;.. ry Act 1914. Bulletin No 42. Butter wrappere of genuine pads. Malt paper Can be printed vvith nate ef faro, etc., at $2.00 per 1000 or $1,60 for 500 at The Advise:10e Office. Salem. Mr. James Wray lies• puechated Mr. joins F.amer's farm near Wroeeter and will treke possession next grata., Mr, and Mrs Lloyd Henning haver mot. id to Winghstal where they will reside Mr Robert Weir and daughter, Miss Age visited Mr. and Mee. Waldo Weir one ellety recently, The mapper gayest by the Orangemen in " Wroxeter leSt Thureclay evenatg was a decided seteeees, sea, The ra twee all get thei.r turnips another yettr. .4 Church Of St. Paul The Apostle The regular meeting of the St. Paul's A. Y. P. A. will be held on Monday evening, Nov. 10 b, A. good program le being prepared and all the young peopie of the congregation are invited to be present. Alt those wish- ing to j.titt this society or Who have j lined teeently, are esperielly regroat- ed to be present at this meetings Subject of mecum] Wedineedey eveniug) "Intercessory Prayer." The W. A. is meeting in the Parieh Hall at 3 o'clock. Confirmation .Class on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The Junior Chapter of the Brother.. hood will meet at 7:30 eaul the Senior Chapter at 8. o'clock on Friday even- ing. Holy Communion next Sunday at 830, Bible 01a98 at,230, Sermon to yotiog men at the eveni- ng set vice. Subject, "The 11101). Young Man.' Ciorrie. The many friends of Mrs Chas leiugeivho has been very ill for the past five weeks will be glad to know she ig convalescent. Miss Mary Dobbs of Beeton is the guest of Dr. and Mrs Armsta•ng, Illetears Hilton and Lochie Ashton moved last week, Hilton going to the louse %awned by Lochie and vice reesa. Rev. Mr. Fare ot lilyth oceupled the pulpit in Si Stephen's Church on Sunday afternoon, Mr Fare also preached an nivet-sary seevitet in Trinity Chetah, Foedwith. IDe Anairtrong, who bad hese away fee the oist tour *melee serrived home ette Sat. moiety evening lest. Blyth Mr, and Mee, Jae. Glennie of Luck. now viiited Well& in town over Sun- day, Mr, T. H. McBee Made a business; trip to Wingheen on Tuesday. A meeting of the Menlo for the new riding of North Huron will be held ip the Induetry Hall, Teesdaet, Nev, 17th, for the purpese of organizing and sleeting officer& Mr, Pardee, M. P., will preside. . The Symphony Quartette of Ichica New York will give a concert on Sat- urday evening Nov. 141h, under the auspices of the Bowlers. Proceeds in aid of Patriotic fund. Anniversary Services Were held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Large congregations greeted the speaker, Rev, Samuel McLean of St. Marys. The Choir rendered epecial music for the occasion. The Red Crowe Circle will be able to make their fleet shipment of clothing, etc., on Monday, Nov. Mb. A relief fund for the Belgians is being talked of. A quiet weddinge was solemnized at the home of Mrs. Sohn Mills on Tues- day, Nov. 10th, when her daughter, Miss 'Florence, becatue the bride of Rev. le: Olyesdale of Carlsbad, Ala Rev. C. Keine, brother-in-law of the beide, performed the- ceremony, as- sisted by.Rev. George Jewitt, The bride was sapicture in her dress of white silk with trimmings of lace and pearls, her travelling costume was a Erase t tailored suit of navy blue, with beaver hat with plureee. The bride Was been an active worker in the Epwenth League and Sunday Scheel of the Methodist Church, aud by 'her gentle Christian. epirit has endeared herself to all. Atnid aahower of rice and et nfetti the happy couple took the 1 p m, train Tuesday for their home in Carlstad, Alta, Died suddenly -on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sas. Coulter an old and much re- spected resident of Lot 14, Con. 10, Morrie township. MVP. Coulter was visiting her daughter, Mrs. _Clark, in town and was on the street during the day attending to `some duties. De- ceased had not enjoyed the best of health for some months. She is sur- vived by her husband, who feels his loss very keenly, three daughters end one son, Thomas on- the homeetead, The funeral was held on Friday. Ser- vices were conducted at the bome and Rey. Thonaas Farr spoke vary fittingly of her life of devotion to her family and Church. • Interment was -made in Trinity Church Cemetery. Deceased was 70 years of age. Langside The anneal Anniversary services in connection with the Langside Presby- terian Church will he held ae Sunday and -Monday, Nov. 15111 and 16th. The Sunday services *1 11 a.m. and 7 p tn. will be conducted by R.v. M. Mc- Arthur of Kincardine. On Monday evening there will ne's,tea meeting from 6 to 3, the special feature of the eve- ning being a lecture entitled "Wit wed Humor" by R v. A. Megan Geggie of Toronto, wilt se teputation as a public flienker is absently well known in this conetuunity. Special enematat selections will be reudtsred by the choir in charge of Mies Term Moffet at both swim on Sunday as well as at the Monday evening tomtit:1g. AU are heartily welcome. , Ur, and Mrs George Spotted UT WV stsalp hem Visited with the formers* beather, Me. iti d Mrs Robe Spottoo awl other ft' ends oyes. Sunday. • The Ledies' Aid et the Pea. byterlare Church held their November electing on eeneeday afternoon last at the home of Mrs. John Brattiest, An eir thip Was ohlterred Ott Weetees. day night ot last week seeing north. Mi9.11 M. therris of Wroxeter was the • geeet of Mrs 14. V liolmes sad Miss Per- • ides Oe Mooday afternoon. • Banquet Of The Allies. •Banquet of the Allies of High Tea will be given in St. Andrews church on Wednesday eeening. Nov. 23rd, under the auspicesof the St. Andrew's Ladies Aid Society. Tea *111 be ser - eel at 0 o'clock and ao entertainment will be given in the auditoria n of th church. Agood progratonaecomieting of lantern views intersperted with tuudleal selections will be given. Ad. mission 25 cents. , Bible Society. The Wingluent Branch of the Upper Canada., Bible Slotiety Wile hold a mass exieeting. lo the Prebyterten church •next Sunday at 4 p:m. A tilialber of the resident clergy will speak and there will be a union choir under the direetion of Mr. Geo, Cline. Eeeryotte interested in the propogatiOn of the good work le urged 10 attend, Methodist Pei8oniiii-1-1 ...1 Miss Ade Lundy Is visiting Belgre.ve frienee, Mrs, Bert. Wellwood Is visiting in London, Miss M. Woods of Brussels epent Sunday In town. " Miss Frances Devis is holidaying in Wregeter and Exeter, Mr. and Mee. A. 3. Rees motored to Seaforth for Sunday. Mr, Ernest Clarke, Ethel, was io town over Sunday. Miss Kemp, Listowel, is visiting her sister Miss M. Kerne. Mr. Otto Pollen spent the wee -end at hie home in St. Meryl?, Mr, Orval Taylor made a business trip to Detroit last Friday. Mine Jean Town, Wroxeter, is visit Ing her friend. Mrs. Millar. Mr, E, H, Hammond of Loodon spent Sunday at hie home. Mrs, A. J. Walker and daughter are visiting relatives in Seaforth. aljes May Ballagh of Belmore was a vitaer in town over Sunday. Mr, William Grierson of Parkhill was 4 Winghem visitor thia week, Mr, Walter Vanwyck has retutnee to his position with Walker & Olegg. Mr. Thos, and Mel. Wittlarree motor. ed from London and settled the week- end'. Master Leo ard Laird Bleck of Detroit are 'visiting their swot, Mrs, J. Rogers. , Mr. Stewart Donteldtien hielliterns ed after spending the sunlit* on the 0. P. 11. boats. Mr. II ever Zirconermane -Gerrie, was a Sunday rieitoe with Ma and Moe R. .4.. Taylor. • ' Mrs. Wilcove'vvip Eesex, has been the guest of leer sieter Mfr. j. A. Mills. Mr, 33 IL Cochrane, who baa been absent for eonati me has returned, Much improved in health, Mrs. John Wright has retutned after a two weeks' visit with her parents at Flesherton. Miss Margaret Faust, late of :the Cleveland College 'staff, called on friende here this week. Mr,11, A. Griffith Manager Canada Flax Fibre Co., war in town Tuesday visiting the local plant herb. a 6 M-, W. D, Pringle was suddenly called home to Belfountain to see his mother, who was taken seriously' ill. Misses Margaret and Bertha Chand- ler returned last week after a two months visit with their aunt, Mrs. F. Tiplady of Blind River. Miss Lew, Harrieteville, Miss SMith, Mt. Elgin, and Mr. Cable, Alymer, also Mr. Dunn Harrieteville were visitors at the parsonage over Sunday. Uvular itereleits will be held in the 'Methodist Ohara Sunday tnorniug wed eVeriin,g. The pastor, Rev. Bib - hart, whll preath at both servicee. The evening text Will be "the Kiog's Appeal." A lrety interesting Miselonery C�- f.rence WO held in the Methodist Church ate, Timeiday efterneon and evening. Delegetes were present front all the circuit! of the Methane Dies tea*. The Ootafetentie was addrested ha RP!. 0, 10. Mewling, Totemito, Itield Sec. for Medea* of the Metho- dist Ontarch, Much antbillitient rs created and it it expeeted thet as * result of shit Meeting great pretreat" Will be mutt Mbelionie The meets Ing Was peeeldtti Over by the Disttiet Cheirereart. Bev. 3. W. Ribber. The "Go to .0hureh lituoday"' wm held in the Methodist Chureh last Sob - bath and peoved a great sueoese. A Is rite oongregatiore arteernbleti morning and evening. At tbe Sediel teen tat Ser- viee in the Mote& g, there was the Melee -et etteediente in the bletory of lee ebeereb, eight new eneinbere wet* reeeleed. In the eening the Pastor eniesei a petals:tile atertienn on the King's orna delightful tttnsie term rentlat- ed by the ollettr, at both service,. t item Two carloads of flex fibre W&Ei ship- ped to England, vie New Yolk on Tuesday. Mr, Fred Roderus has been improv - Lug his store and residence with ce. ment copings. Mrs. Robert Hastings of Turnberry, who hes been seriously ill, is out im- proving as her many friends Would wieh, Retnember the concert in the Opera House on Nov. \Web, under the aus- pices of the Ladies Patriotic Society of Winghem. - The Amulet Meeting of the Aaron County Obildren'e A.id Socle'y was held in the Courthouse, Gederich on Tuesday night. On the fifth of November pattiotic meetings In Heneall and Woodhara were addressed by A. H. Musgrove M. P. P. and Geo. SpOttOn. In Belgium there Is a street htalled. :-.1immenatienestentalsoteseenweelem Why A Demonstration Car? During the past year our Govern- mental hieve done a great deal to de. crease the lase which the Learner has sustained through the carelese hands Ung of their produce. 1Ve mention Ike fact of this farmer suetaining this love because in a great many eases he does not know that he has suetained it. The farmer ha; thought that it did not make any difference whether one half the egge which he Bold were rotten or not, but be reality he was the loser, because when the wholeeate buyer set his price he counted amen an average loss which would protect him through hie weeks buying. This thaGovernment has thought to be very unfair so instuctors have been engaged and sent to the wholeeale buyers trying to introduce the "Lose off Systeen"., which means that every place of produce, whether it be a di re. en eggs, Or a pound of butter or a single chicken, would be bought eta cordbag to its own value, thereby paying a premium for the high grade article and grading out that produe unfit for use. This effort has received great favour from the wholefrale buyer bUt the wholesale buyer buys very little from the producer, and the battle was fought by the general merchant who had to face the producer. To help the general merchant in this conflict, free egg candleree were supplied by the Governmeriachese were distrittated araong the fathom by tbelr terethere was then, no reason for the weeketing of rotten eggs. The Depdttment of Agriculture Were supplied- all Beg Dealers with Bullet. ins which contain instructione regal d- •ihg the proper handling of egge,Iliese in turn have been put into circulation and have aided very greatly in the de- crease of the lose. A . Demonstration car which has beefs ((yipped with d'fferent classes of produce, Including eggs of all grades, hat been sent by the Government and stopped at different stations along the line, giving the farmer a chance to see the value of maiketing aleproduce as often as poseible. The instructoe, who had charge of the car, impressed upon the people the fact that in holding their eggs; for a raise in the market, the produce often depreciated so that the raise of the maiket did not take •pee of the loss caused be holding. He also media suggestions- as to the proper handling of egge and butter, showing, the statue 61 keeptieg all pro- duce Wet • clean, well ventilated ad cool place. and vvielle marketing this, produce to have it covered, thus pre- venting any possible damage. Ongeschieperdeztiveraokkernotjetataat Pity the poor etreet car conducthre if they have to call out that mate. Be patriotic and atsend the codcett in the Opera liouee On Nov. 20(h. un- der the Auspices of the LaRue' Patti otic Soelety of Wirtglamia. Tipling & Mills are hinny engaged preseing and ebipping bar thie week. They are thipping three ea% from Whitechurch and one frouillelgreve, The Treasurer of the War Relief Freed reports that tbe amount 01 72 12 has been peld in to date. As soon att payments are all in a Ileit tf coutributors ieei I be published. The Meechante brokerage Co. have bought another stockand will ship it to Wheatmeal, where they will sell it at Slaughtering Prices. Watch our ad. in We papier next week. A. live, betalthe farmers' weekty newspaper Is Wu Weekly Sue Of To- ronto. It he not owned by. any "spec - led toteritit", but trehet a fearleis and indention staled on ell tantalite =sitters, regardltee of politicsIt steeds for the fanning' intermete, and is In tbe Mak& of the fight, tt has the prestige of ate estehliebed perigees:IR,. You should read it -every issue. The Ledies Patrlotie So iety 01 Wirighana, shipped laet week six targe emes. weighing 1300 Ibis., of Mobbing, to the Belgian Consul at Montreal, tn. he by him forwarded for the relief of the needy Pailgiatie. A emelt propor- tion of new clot hing was irieluded, the Intel velem nf shiptronet being neatly trovese hundred dollers. Death Of Mrs. John Roe. Philadelpbia, Nov. 9, 1914 To the Wingham Advance Mrs. John Rea ot Wingham, On- tario died in Philadelphia, Pa., on Nov' 7 '1914, at the residence of her son, Dr. W. R. ROP, 1210 Locust Se, The Rev, John Grant Newman, D. D., pastor of the Chatobeire-WyRe Church of PhliadelPhite conducted the funeral terviees at the home, of Dr. W. B, Roe, on Sabbath morning, Nov, 8th, before the body was taken bask to Wingbane Tne services was haperseeive itt ite simplicity and tenderwar. Lite Newielari had met Mrs. Res in ha peetorial vieltationsea few days before she died andhad prayed with her to her evident delight and comfott. Mrs. Renee husband, and. ehildren and grand children were. present at the service on Sabbath morning, Nov. 8, and much sympathy in their bereave- ment atteuded them as thee went fi.otee Philadelphia eo Wingluana for this internee/ea "Blessed are the dead thet die in the Lord." Js G. N. Auction Sale. D. E McDonald and Son will hold their last auction We for this year of cows at the Queen's Hotel, Winghatt, on Saturday afternoon, November 21s1. there are .a, number of good witch cows, young cattle, calve'', and eight breeding ewes, john Purvis will be the Auctioneer. • 2 leurgesse-Ie Listowel, N w. leh, to Mr, and Mee, Seines Burgess, a daughter. Te Mr. and Mee. Edward Small, on Priasey, Nev. 5h, a, 'daughter. DEATHS SMITH -In Colons, on Wedneeday, Nov 4th, 1914, James Smith, aged 88 years' Ron -In Philadelphia, Penn on Satur- day, Nov. 7th, 1914, leire. Mary Ain Itoe, beloved wife of Mr. John Roe, aged 77 years, (3months and 7 dap. Taxman -1u Haat Waws.emsh On 8it. itraky, Noe. 7(11, 1914, Verna Taylor, aged 18 year,. MARA IA0 ES sussouirno$ sinn Pw" v"' 4""*".8 sus go summating . Public School Report. 1.1.•••••••••••••••••• Report of Witagham Public School for October, Form I. Subjecte examined are • Arith., Oompositi on, History Max, 240, pas" 2400 -Sr. 4th --A Rib belt 270, 14 SOWN 207, I �hristle 286. $ McLean 200, R Hewer 265,0 Smith 263, H McDonald 247, V DevIdeon 244, (it Allen 241, 0 tiara Mt X Piper 220e T Murch 212, W Walker 202, I Hewer 104, W Dear 189, F Sturdy 178, F Robineon 100, H Mann 167, J Nichol 159, 0 Angus 145, H Angus 134. Jr, 40.-S Brown 348, G Fryfogle 338, R Anderson 319, A Finlay 315, $ Lockridge 312, 81 Couttes 304, M Allen 250, P /timeline 277, P Joynt 277, 81 Passmore 274, Rs Smith 271, 0 Baker 250, 0 Lloyd 251, T Sanderson 2s45, le Jarvis 245, 0 Dow 235, E Muss drove 225, Hamilton 219, 0 Adane, 211, E3 }Obtuse') 197, H Angus 187, 3 Seint 12/es L Sturdy 173, W Anderson 119, H. Aitchison Form II -Examined in Geo., Hist,' Aria. and Spell. Total 438.-A. Wil. liamsen 433, A. Thomas415, Margaret Robertson 414, E. Angus 412, 0, Hut- to/17409, V. Bill 407. Mary Robertson 403, Chas. Bell 402, V. Johnson 402, 0 Robertson 400, I Reed 400, 0 Holmes *395, EI Hoffman 399, A Kennedy 389, M Reed 382, Mildred Walker 381, Bell 378, H Gannett 378, J Davidson 373. A. Galbraith 373. Clarence Pocock 373; L Casemore 371, Ohm Poctick 370 A. Taylor 870, K Nichols 365. J Allen 362, 3 Luton 357, A. Ceilleam 350, 0 [lardy 848, /1 Rintoul 310, M Walker 338, A Bleekall 329, B Currie 321, G Scott 293, Ft Hamilton 235, K Wilkin- son *206, 0 Dixon '127. Perfect in Spelling all month -A Williamson E Angus, A Thomas. Those marked * missed some. Form III. Marks obtainable, 655, Senior class. -G Cruikehaok 620, N Boardman 609, D Fells 574, R Sander- son 572, J Vanstone 502, E Kew 558, E Ricker 540, 0 Zurbrigg 528, D Perrie 503, I Day 501, 5 Donaldeon 498, V Joynt 403, A Baird 486, C Dow 481, N Varey 470, A Munro 459, A, Anderson 443, D Lynett 430, K Hutton 426, L Ellacott 375, M Dalgleish 308, II Mills 368, L Ellacat 309, 11.1. Carruth 255. Form III, Junior claes,-P Dyer 580, H Muody 478, M Sell 427, L Johnston 420,1e Sell 408, M. Johns 400, S Holmes 383, W Angus 366, F' Piper 359, H Wil- son 348, A Sturdy 315, F Sperling 343, I Bell 329, 0 Hingeton 325, V' Forler 330, R Williams 200, Form IV, Class A -Total 672-51 Co - seas 072, AI Redmond 012, K Donaldson SS, Al Vanstone 585, N Isard 583:13 Harrison 502, N Clark 558, S Robinson 540, L Campbell 537, A Ievvin 531, D Piper 507, R Clark 477, 0 Vatter 476, E Wild 461, R 'Barrett 450, N Morden 431, A Gould 427,8' Frost 410, 3' Ard 389, A Brown 321, H Carruth 200. Form IV class B, Total 663-L Lewis 594. 0 Bowers 562, E Taylor:513, Al Pil- ots. 531, I Watson 516,51 Dennis. 665,5 Frost 498, le Pocock 460, 0 Bisbee 417, 0 Mason 407, V Amesbury 400, A Scott 303, E Repos 302, D greloikey 351, a Williams, 825, L Bell 250. A Margie 255, W Bratsk* 217. Porta Total 425.-14 5enietsen 420. A Carruth 405, 0 Lockmen 800, P BenpettS87, 0 }timeline 881, W Mahn 384, 0 Cruickshank 381, M French 878,14 Holloway 375,(et Mun- ro 375, A Mitchell 372, K Cruiltehank 309, R McLeod 303, E Currie803, A WiHiams 351, /3 Joynt 351, M' Bird 351, V Robertson 345, L Holmes 339, L Zerbrigg 33e, W Lockridge 330, E Stevens 327, A Williamson 324, 0 Donaldeon 321, 3 Johnson 312, L Hanna 303. B Boardman 300, E Var- ey 291, J Carr 270, M Stratton 207, J Elaylee 281, 11 Aldington 258, M Angus 255, R Brown 19, 8 Page 210, I Lathe 237, .1 emo e 231, O Cook 225, 0 MciTavish 213, V Rob. insert 210, V Dennis 201, C Caseeeore 201 1e A.Idington 180, M Bailey171, Boyce 144, 8 Hutton 123, E Gibson 123. Dept. VI, neerki obtainable. -525. D Levis 519, B Coutts 603, D Lloyd 487, D Thomas 475, 3 Carruthers 473, A Cloakey 400, II Caslick 452, 0 Weiseht 451, T Stricker 439, 14 Holloway. 438, A Field 431, 0 Hardy 421, M Schaefer 423, W Kew 419, E Lynett 410, B Duff- ey 409, W Bailey 407, II Aitcheson 401, Al Hill 400, F Bell 891, 11 Weight 300, 0 Pettioon 380, E Porgie 377, E Arne- butw 370, W Sturdy 361, le Isaed 310, C Tennant 310 L Hicks 3e1, It Carter 310, W Claik 801, 33 Beeekball 302, 0 Bennet 200, 1 Hunter 28(1, G Ata 240, 3 Cook eel K Dymond 181, Div, 7, 01 Les IV, Totel 90-0 Andereon 890, tl Jitvls 785, Carr 763,4n,0tit 14cLoottutloo,700,IA 11 wtillidmiliaigs to:75.080, 0 Dicker:se tiOir M Tennant 475, 11 Wild 400 F Paige 330, 3 Taylor 200, le Le- wis 285, W Scott 165, M Swaneoe 115 - Div, 7, Olass 111, Toted 800-51 Van. elakie 7$3, P Pilot 770, 11 Fixter 700, F Anus 045, A, Corbett 000, W Rieke,. 806, L 13eitanett 450, E Oar 445, 0 Cal Ter 290, N Thoentou 256, Leeleitt 235 OWn 146111117P5ri. 14 ttlTittielialu% 1 11: \ Feeley 1110, W °Women 60 Div. `7, Olstee 1,-G It ,hertoonille Stemeet.oNitoiltioevel..totilein1101131.:yeleste 1,1., • - ritlroltrItUB•Gresi;e1V 8 Closter, It Taylor, L 3 htleam, firooke, 11 Salmi. H. ()peeve, Is Senvite, 3 31 Gee. 0 hi Seine T Baer, P 44 abertatett, Deems- CHAPLIN...0n Saturday, Nov, 7, 2914, at St. Andrew's Cheetah, "toren. to, by the leer. Crawford Brown, as. elated be Rev 0.11, Smith, let, 33, of et, Cetharioce, Chartotte A., daughter the late Mr and Mrs William Chap lin, ofSt Cetharinal. to Delon Device of Toronto. Weems a I1ariteenteT014-011 Nett 3,1014 at Dann Avenue Methodist Church, To roost by Rev. Hiram Hull, It Gerry Atelier, son of Mr arid Moe W. 11 Willie of Wirighani, Ontario, to Elsie Jane Ileelierington, eltlett daughter of the late Mr John mot Mrs. Hetherington, Ton:tato jaw, Pember will be in Winghata, weeneeday Nov. 18t5, With a full db. elms of hair goods see ed, on another page, Remember the concert in thee) Hewes oo New, 2fitle Under the ate k.s of the Ladies' Patriotic Socletr of Ws nghara, • • s ,••••••••••.!!...".....••••••,. Excellent Contribution. On another page will be found an article much appreciated by the Ad - vanes from the pen of the Rev. Re Thymus M. A, easeme-gaseemae W. C. T. U. On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 5th, the Winghem W. 0, T. U. held a succeseful parlor meeting in tbe 0, 0. F. hall, which was largely attended, the president presiding. After the preliminaries were disposed, of Miss Margaret Tibbs gave one of her charming vocal selections. Mies Dell Mitchell delighted the company by giving a temperance recitation in splendid etyle. The President gave an itateresting address on the work of the different departments which will be a help and inspiration to the super- intendents to go forward. Wm Hop- per espeeialy emphasized Temperance work in the Sunday Sehools. The speaker's illustrations were narrations of personal experiences she having taught a primary class for eighteen years and in that time all the boy e of her class with the exception of, two aligned the pledge before being pro- moted. . Refreehments were served during the social half.hour. Another Pioneer (lone. Another ()flea theme rugged. hon- est, sturdy pioneers, who played well their part in this young country, messed to hie reward at the ripe age of 88 years, on Nov. 4th, in tbe person of_ jemes Snaith of Cuiross. The cleceae- ed for many years wee a echnol teach- es. in the early days and wee a man of noble qualities both of mind avid heart. The funeral was held on Friday last and interment, made in the Winghann cemetery. Hie life partner should be 'comforted with the thought of such a long and useful life well spent. FOR SALE. - A few gond . young cattle. Apply W. S. Scott, Belgrave. Phone 13 on 621. it Cured meats [smoked or pickled] also lard, always on hand at whole- sale prices. A. H. Wilford, Whole- sale Produce Dealer. Amateur films develohed and imitat- ed also eniergentente. Moderate prices. The Mann Photographie Gallery, Wingham. SERVANT .WANTED -Apply to Mee. N.T. Linclair, Francis St. tf Repair Shop Furniture of all kinds re.finished, also interior house 8mb:things. Pianos a specialty. Apply to Box 37 town, Notice to Farmers We are prepared to pay the highest prices to ferment who will. exprese us first-class butter, eggs and poultry, J, L. Biz & Co. .041 Bathurst St. Toronto , WANTED 10 colds dry Cordwood suitable for fuenace. 0. N. Griffin. 5 3t Try a pail of apple butter jam; this is a very claeap thing at 6 eta per pound considering the price of auger. -E. Merkley & Son, phone 84, Wing ha.ne, Ont. Yerasbing and Ironing done at home at reasonable prices. Mrs. Page, Fran- cis Street. Butter and Ergs watC 1. We pay A. H. Wilford, Wholesale Produce Dealer. Mr. Ezra Merkley has added anoeb- er boiler and cooker to his mill owing to the rush in the apple business. Noe.= -It has been reported that I have retired from business, which is not true. I am &Undoing business in the old stand, A templets stork of Verity plow repeirs on hand. Fleury plows for sale, also other plows -Wm Gannett. tf WAhago,-A tellable man to repre- aent WI at Winghem (and in the counties of Huron & Bruce) and sell onr Hardy Canedian Geown Stock. A good position for the righe man. Write for partinulare. Stone & lington--"Fronthill Nurseries" ronto, 6-10 Order your Christmas poultry while prices are low. We will keep them in cold storage for you. A. ti. Wilford, Wholesale Produce Dealer. FAMI VirANTED-IMprOVeti WIN'to lease for a term of genre, 150 or 200 acres, by competent farmer suitable for mixed farming.- Arch.Baliltia Ilarriston, P. 0., Farm For Sale, 176 Scree, one mile medal teeseele,3 Miles from Winghes». Apply to Bre o man Brine, Blueoale. tf Mrs. S. Soaith, Tp. of Morrie, box 50, care of W. Pollock, iryth, Ont., will do hair vveaving front combings or out bate; switches, curls, transfor. inittione, tide rolls., etc. Iteasotiable rates, eta." eteeere, Shoots and ebbere. I ameba Watches from 53 to $50 at Petterates Jewelery Store. special prices or special products. FREE FREE • A. complete "Aquarium" co aiding of GLASS GLOW, 2 GOLD VISH Aquarium Plant, Etc, Oar Gold Vieh Sale commeacila 'Thursday, With every box of Itexall Liver Fills 25c that you buy we give you a complete AgteariuM absolutely "FREE" This is Rexall Liver Pills 25c Complete Aquarium Free Extra Gold Fish for Sale J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST & OPTICIAN 27iee421_1cat, Atov I* Read Our Ad. Headed aboutit our M. eta last page I COte ) 1411,11[17r Reed *hI WILLIS 6' CO. 11' 1.111111•11111•111•••• VOR real atone Foot A fort, there's nothing to be compared to our Felt Foot- wear. A, great filming for cold or tender feet. FOR MEN There are the regular House Slippers, Rorneop, Bed Room and Bath Slippers. , 60c, 90c to $1.25 FOR WOMEN There are Home Slippers, Juliette Boudoir Slippers and Bath Slippers. 50c, 75c to $1.25 You'll never a apreciate the fullest measure of Foot Com- fort, until you get your feet inside of our Felts. We do repairing and do it right. Bring along your Shoes 1•11116•••• J. GREER rsompasso =NM 11111111111.111111111 ROBERT A. CURRIE I Graduete ofCentsdianEmbaltnere Association We care!" a large and fir st. clawr4 .t•.r.k of FUNERAL REQUISITES et,.,..tc ref ,t.ea.evt4.0.110. found in a modern furniturestore Store Phorse 51 Reeidence 155 saimegiesesailaniannwits Cash for Coal By gettints, cash for our COM we are thus in a ',otter position, to keep stocked up and parented against any shortage Athlete is possible owing to Diplontotie reasons. We are daily delivering. the only genuine Scranton Coal, toined by the n. L. & W. Coal Co. Our coal gives satisfactioo and our pritos aro as low as it is pee - slate to make them for •a high grade coal. Get YOle le put ie catty. WOOD CF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES J. A. McLean ttaLtg IN Lumbctr, Coal Zit Wood office Plono 64s. Mill Phone Mu. Itet•klence ?halm 1$5.