HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-11-05, Page 81.1111111111111111111111.1111.101111
We have this season one of the
most complete stocks in many of the
newest styles in fur setts. Our prices
are not as high as other years. We
are showing' mostly Black , Wolfcs,
Natural Wolfe and Black Fox. For the
young girls choice Persian Larnb,,
Mink, Marbout, -Opossum, Sables,, in
many styles to show you. We carry
nothing but Guaranteed Furs.
Men's and Boys' Suits
In smart styles, English models, in
Navy Blue Serges in guaranteed qual-
ity. 'Prices $15 4nd $18
Special for This Week
10 Ladies' Fur Collared Coats with
black Opossumcollars in sizes 36, 38,
40. we offer these coats to clear
for $9.98
A wonderful coat for the money
Men's and Boys' Overcoats
we have the newest styles in young
men's and men's Overcoats in Bal-
machans, in English models in the
Ulster and Chesterfield styles, in navy
black, grey, Chinchille and many of
the newest cloths. Prices from $19
to $26
Butterick Patterns always in stock
Phone 7o.
Headquarters for Family Groceries
If you have not tried us with an order for
do so now and see how we fill it.
FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season and we aim to please
to quality and promptness of delivery.
TEAS -A trial of our bulk tea will convince you that the
quality is the beat and the price is unchanged at 30c and 40a.
Henry r:F. Thompson
Successor to E. B. Hart
11111111111.111111 11101111MID 11111101111111111
Ph togaphic GalleryPh Gallery
OUR pictures of children are more than photo-
graphs. They are studies of child life that
will interest you and your friends, and'the children
—grown up --will also appreciate thein.
The Mann Art Studio.
'Wingham, Ont.
(Successor to R. Armstrong)
411111111111211111111 SIIIMNIIIIINO 411111110610 4111111111111111111111111
Read the Story of
The Million Dollar Mystery
Now' Running in The ADVANCE
Extra Copies may be had at the
icture House. 25c till Jan. 1, 1915
Itsport of q, S. No. 8, Morris for
October. * don otee examination for
which pupil was taaentt :••-Jr. 4tb. tot,
al 400-11tanslned in Oomnosition,
Hygiene, Grimmer clots
rar2tHgittteory-e48Morena. Gorg--
Brewer 192". Charlie Bouch 160, Sr.
'3rd total 900-•711zamined in 'Hygiene,
Graarxinier end History-_... Cameron
Musair"d 281,111ra Warwick 204,Obatile
tmti0 ggl22kar
al 0xlsa e Roach
tiles 160, Ethel Garniss 181", Wilmer
Dorney 6i"", Sr. 2nd total300-Mn
jorie Grasby 267, Winnie Allen 202,
Elmer Forbes 190, Harry Gambia 307.
Jr. god totes 300 -May Warwick 230,
Jack Allen 206, Alfred J'ohnrton 150"
Fred Brewer 108". Pr, 2ndJr. total
500 -Examined in General Work -
Doris Allen 413, Lilian Garntea 404,
Walter Sellete 404, Bertha Notch 890,
Janet M&'V'ettie 886, Adella Ttlrvey
819 it'r*zer itlustatd 288, Charlie War.
`wink 243,-44. E. Pryfogle, Teas/her,
'ING . .. A VA O
WHAT IS lip.11i
$2 will place the best Sing.
''z Sewing 1Wacbiue in your
home,, balance small monthly
.....-� . �. ...ter.-.
Weaker'a Furniture Store
Wit'gbaua, Ont.
NOTICE -M accounts owing to the
undersigned most be paid.hy Nov. ,15th,.
11)14, Dr. R, L, Stewart. 4 u
Mr, anis Mrs. J. E. Fells were'in
Goderich Sunday to the funeral of
their friend the late Mr. W. .lJabkhk
of that town,
Messrs James and Lon Madutcheon
of London are the guests of their
uncle Mr. McLennan at present.
Mise Lizzie Bryans returned on Sat-
urday from a short stay witlbt Ford-
wish freinde.
Mr Sym Elwards and his son Har-
vey of Toronto were• Sunday visitors
at' George Jdhneton'e,
The Misses Johnston actiompanied
by the Misses MacDonald visited at
Mr. J. Kings t n Tuesday last.
The Misses Luella and Edith Jack -
lin of the 3rd line were `Jundey guests
of their uncle Mr. Ed. Jacklin,
We are glad to report that WVtii
Little. the papular line man :of the
Brussels Telephone Co. is able to he
around again after hie fall from a pole
two weeks ago,
J•'hn Molvtel • foul Me. 13
ller'rin,:t.)n I. tr h. ,, .dr la,1-' iv 4 n 1+
hunting axpediti,rn up to Afitrkoka,
14lr.and Mra. W. J. rias 1.1'1.1 of Owe:,
s'onntl vbita d t he tatter's) p'Lrenl' Mr.
and NI re. Jas. Gillespie during tl,,,
On Wedne dray ltat•t, tLe fattniets in
that vicinity responded liht'r,Lily iu
their dgnail oil of produce to the
Eutptve, for use in the present war"
A lrrgo amount of gate .and potatoes,
ale() apples wire brought, In all there
was three eat s of produce.
The lied CroOs Circle will make their
fiat Shipment of clotihiug etc, on the
/0th of Nov.
,Mrs. (Roe) Fletcher of Exeter, pre-
aittent of tho Missionary Society of
Huron l're.hytery, will give an address
in the Presbyterian Church on. Tuet-
Nuv, 3ti3.
Mrs John Lake was the guest of
Wingham freinds•last week,
Alex Collins of Ethel conducted the
service ot the Roe's Church Sunday
Mr Robt. Pearson is steadily im-
proving in health, His many friends
hope he will e0031 be his genial self.
The sad news of the sudden death
by heart failure of Wm.' P. Habkirk
of Goderich formerly of here came ns
a shock to the people here: • Quite a
number had been shaking hands
with him the day before as he passed
through the village in , the beat of
health on his way home from a few
days; pleasant holliday with his friend
Mr. Fells near ele n a Belgrave. 11Ir. Hab
kirk was born stere and up to young
manhood lived here. He was 98 years
old a most exellent man and was re-
spected and beloved by every one
who, knew him. He was a consist-
ent member of Koox Church. The
funeral on Sunday was conducted by
his "pastor Rev, Mr. Rosa and was
largely attended. Illi* fellnw work-
men of the Wes e n Floor Mills num-
bering over 100 attended in a body
and marched to , the cemetery. A
young widow and six children are left
to mourn the loss of a kind husband
and a loving father. There is also
an aged another two sisters and two
brothers all out west beside. a host of
other friends who will regret his early
demise.Thei a were here for the funeral
also a number of friends from Galt,
Seafortb, Dungannon, Toronto Be].
grave and a large number from ably
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fells were in
Goderich Sunday to the funeral of
their friend the late 11r W. Habkiik
of that town, '
Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Davidson of
Wingham visited at the. home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Wray Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Leonard Henni has returned
home from the West.
Mr, and Mrs. Eiger Higgins visited
Mr. and Mrs. 17, Forest of near James-
town Sunday laat.
Mr. and Mre. Waldo Weir and little
daughter Edith May visited Sunday
afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. John
Bush's, - •
Mrs Archie Stott and daughter Mrs.
Thornton of Teeswater returned ,Set-
urday after spending the past; -two
weeks with Mrs Joe. Higgins.
Miss Gertie Bash visited in Wing -
ham a couple of days recently.
Quite a severe storm passed over
this part Sunday last, Waldo Weir's
house was struck and damaged con-
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Carr have re-
turned home having visited the Iatter'e
parents in Waterloo for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Williams) attended
the funeral of the late Mr. John
McLean at I3elgrave on Sunday.
• Mr. Gallaway, from the vicinity of
Wingham is a frrquent visitor to the
home of Mr, and Dire. Jas. Bently of
Notice to Creditors
NOTICE is hereby, given pursuant td Sec-
tion 56, Chap.1?I of the itovisei statutes
of Ontario, that all persons baying Claims
against the estate of Jessie Ann Waddell, de-
ceased, who died on or about the Twenty
sixth day of August. A.D., 1911 at the Town
of Wingham, in the County of Huron, aro re-
quired to send by post, prepaid. or to delivor
to It. Tanstone, W9ingham, Ontario, Solicitor
for the Executors, on or before the Hirst day
of December, A,D„ 1914. Choir names and ad-
dresses with full particulars of their claims in
writing, and the naturo of the securities (if
any) held by them duly verifed by a statut-
ory declaration.
And furteer take not lee that after the said
First Day of December, 1014, ties assets of the
said estate will bo distributed by the Execut-
ors among tt a parties entitled thereto
haring regard only to the claims of vth10)
they shall then have notice, and the estate
will not beliable for any c'oims not filed at
the time of the said distribution.
Dated at Wingham this Laird Day of Nov-
ember, A.D.. 1911.
R. VANSTONE, Wingbarn, Ont.
41 Solicitor for Executors.
McConnell & Vandrick,
Mr. and Itis. wV, J, Shetitelt ; of
quarterly Sorriest were It 11 In ti
Viral• ehura•h ou. Sunday.
Tae L',ttrio•.lc Concert to ha held in
the Al>thodlyt church Au Thbr6day
eight, Nov 5:h, promisee to be an en•
j Jyable event, It will be held under
the an+picea of the Women's Institute
wire na motto "Lt'ur hors and Qom.*
try," is their Inspiration in the pat
riotio work they are now doing. Mr
3. W. King will be chairman of the
evening and among the numbers
Promised wilt be addresses by Itev. 1).
13. Thompson and Rev. Crawford Tate.
The combined choirs of the churches
will sing a Patriotic chorus, and there
will be solos, readiogs, piano and
violin instrumentals by the hest local
talent, A number of young ladies
dressed as Ito- Cross nurses will act
as ushers. The adwtesiort will be 23
acid 15 Dents, but any wishing to crake
Owen S Fund attended the fenerai of a lergFr contribution Pray do so. Now
rt f ' I3'other in'aw the lata that the cold winter weather is iiet-
ae armere t ting in, the needs of the then at the
�Ir. John McLettu at �lielbc,tt-u vn
The third ell ver nrr•dal contest under
heall Ipioes or r11,4, Wotti•:ti'd ()urrvtian
Temperance Union was held on
b'riday evening in' the• Method's:
Cliu t:b. Six • clever cor)teetaute be
tweets the age of 12 an d.10 ye late recited
for the proviw i1Ll medal. Tea lectureWhitechurch
room was filled tvitlt rt large and ap• I
preclative audience soledt he following The Sacrament of the Lord'e Supper
ere the eeleeti..n, :-No. 1 -Mi-e Vera I wilt be dispensed in, the Presbyterian
church next Sabbath at the morning
service and the preparatory service
will be held on Friday evening at 8
o'clock when Rev. Mr. .Bradley of
Teeswater will : preach, On Sunday
tevenitig Rev. A, Jr I. Boyle, B. A. of
I3elgrave will •pteach.
front appeal with redoubled force to
He sympathetic acid loyal people at
bomp, and in order to express this
sympathy in the most practical*Mea-
ner there will no doubt be a large and
enthusiastic attendance at the con-
cert on Thursday night,
'urawfurd, M,rher'e Nome Shaw1; No.
2 :Hiss-Haz-t 11.11, "slow Airs. nenn-
assey salved her boy;" No. 3 -Miss
Gertie'Rogereon,• The volunteer organ-
ist ; No. 4 --Mien S i.y Fawcett, (x and
night ]Papa; Ne. S - Mies Ione Stet hers.
A Cleave Bob ;•N'. 0 -bliss Fern John-
ston, "How the train came for Lilian.'
.There was a good musical •program
aS• follows:- lust rumental l' curet, Mrs.
Herb McElroy and Mre. Brown; Mr.
Grant Lundys, solo"O:rnady God hap
shed his Grace on th .0"" was nue oT
the beat nuthl ere nn the program.
Mrs. Win. Jackson, contributed a
scotch song. Vocal solo, by Mildred
Brown; Instrumental, by Mises Gid -
ley and Jewitt; and. a rnnuth-w'gun
selection by Mr. F r••d. Jackson. The
Judges were: -II i4 'Wart an Mr.
Andrew Taylor sof liell;ria,ve, and Dr,
Allison of Town, fo a neat acid con-
cise manner, D. SStlwart addressed
the audience cri the merits of the
contest. ,Tire res dal was awarded to
Miss Iona Stoth •t•s.
The staliiori ii:Opectore fur this dis-
trict were in Gm tie on Saturday.
Dr. Armstrong who:hoe been in
the counties of Brant, iisldimand,
l,iucoln, Welland and parts of the
counties ot Warr ate.Oxfan•d.t�aal.tiVent•
worth for the post four rreeke inspect-
ing will be at home thn• end of this
week to resume his prac-ire. •
Those who fail !d to hex tilt Clone
diem Jubilee Siegert; 1vl:ich: Kava a
concert rtMeTown ibell
Lia r
'day,'Oct. 28th, under t1•" turspices of
the Sabbath Sel,eol of S". Se phr'n's
Church missed a rare treat; Their 0:d
Plantation melodies were den °uably
enjoyed by all present, tied our hall
fairly well fitted.
Halloween pasi•ed elf t other ci'ti.'tly
in our town, only a fear of the u nal
tricks being played by scuta of the.
boys and girls.
Mr. Win. Bremner is !paving chis
week froni the hoose owned by -lira,
13. Ross to his own residence Lae the
north end of the town
. Laligslde -
Upper Canada Bible Society
Ort" Tuesday evening the Annual.
meeting of the Wingham-$,ranch was
heed its the Baptist Church with Mey-
er Irwin, 'It + President, in the chair,
Rev, 3. W. Hitbet•t offered the ofen-
ing prayer. Mr. A, Cosene gave the
Ainietozs'Repnrtshowing a balance of
Bfi 11, On motion of Messrs, Hamil-
ten and Feriasut the Auditors' and
Treasurer's Report were adopted,
Minutes of last annual meeting were
rued and adopted. The report of the
Executive Committee recommending
the following t divers for the ensuing
year was adopted on motion of Messrs
i.larnilton and Hibbert -Pres., Dr. R.
0. Bellwood; Vice Pres., A. Cosens;'
Sec., 3, Bitchit; Trews„ F. Rowson.
After considereble discussion it was
moved ey Meesre. Deserts and Spotton
that a j.riut' w, eting be held in the
Preehyrerian Church on Sunday,
Nov, 15th.
Reform Meeting
A meeting of old East and West
Hurons were held in tte 0, 0. F.
Hall here nn Tuesday, W. B. Robert.
690, of Godericb,, was elected tempor-
ary President and Mrlcolm Blacky'
lit u-S:Ir�, teniporary Secretary. It
was deci Jed to hold a general orgn.n•
izing convention iu B yth on the 17th
Diet. when same prominent M. P,
will address the ga'hering. All inter-
ee•eed in the Lib:ral Party are urged to
attend. -
German Bombs KIII Women
•"' German aeroplanes sailed over' Dun.
.kirk last week, dropping tato bombs,
'A woman and child were killed,
Two- bombs, were also dropped at
Bethune, ' ost of La Basaee, The .first
failed to_ .esillode., but,. the second fell
will'lbe d rpte t- laf t in the Pi�rl.ytttri)a a P1acegmarket
kill np nineteen leot 'women in
nndhw Wounding
church next S:ibl.tt h afternoon and forty others, .
the preparatory Feivice will be held
on Friday rifle; noon at 2:30 when Rev.
Mr. Bradley of Tteotrater Will preach.
Be lona. -
ReTnptn'her the I:stitnte- inee.ting
next Sattirdav after 11000 at "the 4jrn"
of; Mrs. Will Edwards, Il.•lrn art. 'Mrs.
Lowry is to give a p`tler nn "Pie.-
pairing Fowl." Mrs. Brirnner 3T 10
prepare ona also The meeting is to
Canada's Second Force
Canada's second expeditionary
force is to bo restricted to 15,000 men,
according to the request of the British
Army Council, which was reeived at
Ottawa by the Government on Mon,
When Parliament reassembles on
November 11 Premier Asquith will
begin at 2 30 sharp. . -move a vote for another $500,000,000
Mr. and Mf.s. Wad (1t;rdiner.aairi son,
Harold, of Lion'e dead were calling on
Bluevale relatives and friends last
Miss Florence 4itcheson of- Milver-
ton, spent Sui:day at, home,
en account of thfi ;war,
Many •letters have been received
from our boys at Salisbury Plains.
Mr. W. 3 Coutts formerly of Winni-
peg. who is vsi'h the Fort 'Garry
Morse wrote his brother Alex here
that he had three days off and was
visiting Ireland, He also expresped a
wish that he had Alex's face 'as it
would be a safe passport through all
ArretloriAor;r for the Clnainties of
Are prepared to take all kinds of
Pales, Havinghal a wide e
x er
lento its this line, toe are cerin
ore can please anyone trusting their
ealee to ut. You ran have either
one to conduct your tale, or can
have both without rattra eharge.
Orders can baleft with P. McCoy,.
Hell or with Ce, P. Vandriek. at the
MEr13Q11APTA' I3iiOXIt1`1AGIgCoo
STOI119, Wingham
Champs Moder ate
On and Mte.r Thursday, Nov. 5
An assortment of Trimmed Mats,
Regular lrice $4 .to $5,
Sale price $2.85
A few Dress Hats, large, medium and
small, Regular, $6.50 to $7.0O, to
sell at $4,25
A limited nmber of Untrimmed
Shapes for Women and Misses and
Children's at HALF PRICE, These
hats are spade of ; naterial of good qual-
ity. .
Advise Eclair Selection
We have a fe slice Ostrich Pluses
at HAZE PRI , Assorted colors.
Also Feather molints.
Mrs. Rnstedlers
Net door to T. . P LL'S Bulgier Sbo
(Siflf D:At..CAS A ,' BoD fo 4)
PT. RE,u uc
J. Y, Egan, Specialist of Toronto
Wonderful Method Retains Rupture
Without Knife, Danger or Pain.
Old style truss torture is no longer necessary
alllug, slipping trusses, barbarous methods el
treating rupture done away with by the wonder.
lul Invention of to specialist who Arts devotees
pity years,to this ono study. The marvelous
19AH "CURATRUS" is intend et1 to givo,instant re. •
def, rest and security without operation. it
itop3 1111 irrita.110i, restores s rupture to natural
posittbn, and old trusses are ren ; w ay.
Multitudes of cured men, ee omen and cinklreai
testify. Greatest success where others fail.
Notting complicated, no pain—just a natural
retentive method at small cost.
Immediate relief guaranteed, No foreign
mail order lies. Safer to patronize a Canadian
personally. Do not delay; tear oil coupon now.
Free Rupture Coupon.
This coupon, upon presentation to J. Y.'
Egan, speclallst, 14 East King St., Toronto,
who will visit the towns below, entitles
bearer to free consultation and examination
of samples, Ask, at hotel o)7lce. Note dates,
Queen's Hotel --•
SAT., 817N. (all day and night)
2 days only, Nov.21,22
Terrible Lessee Inftitted an Germane
In the East
The following communication was
issued Monday at midnight from the
headquarters of the Russian general
"On the front in Eastern Prussia
out treopa have repulsed Gorman at,
tacks directot3. against Wladislawoff
(Suwalki Province, Russian Poland),
driven the enemy from the eastern
edge of the Rominten forest, and ad,
wowed, to the north of Lake Raigorod,
"Beyond the Vistula our troops non,
tinue the offensive without being op.
posed, The German attacks in the
direction of Bakalarzevo leave ceased,
following terrible Iosses suffered by
'the enemy."
Canadian Ald For Belgians'
' Laden to the hatch coverings with
:$upl)1ie9 for the gallant Belgians, her
'ep,rgo being between four and fivo
'thousand tons, the steamer Tremorvah
'Palled from Halifax bound for Rag-
jland on her voyage of mercy, The
!Tremorvah is not filled by Nova Scotia
'supplies, but contains also shipments.
from New Brunswick, Prince Edward
Ieland, Quebec and Ontario,
Hospital Ship Wrecked •
The. British hospital ship Bonilla
crashed on the rocks of the York,
shire coast near Whitby and is
a total wreck, "'having . broken
..in twowhile life savers on shore
were shooting lines and trying vainly
to make one fast to the 111 -fated ship.
One hundred and fdrty of talose o:;
hoard were saved, but the loss of life
Is believed to have been. heavy,
Walkers Undertaking
TAKERS. We carry
a full line of Caskets, etc.
James Walker
16 years experience. A. J. Walker
9 years experience
Day Phone 106 A.
Night Phone l0ob and 224
Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p. m.
Peaches 4
Currants i
Leaakleatamaina samasiallmat clarity
Scranton or
Lehigh Coal
r r
Lowest .?rices
J. Cantelon
OMce with Dominion Express Cir.
?bozo 47. F. O. i 1
Cold ee
One of the most miserable thing; that we Canadians,
are troubled with i�, "Cold Feet" and at the same time,
one of the easiest things to avoid. We have heard
some of the most peculiar arguments regarding the
wearing of felt shoes, make the fet t tender some people
say, and if you wear them once cr rasher forone season
you have to wear them always in cold weather.
The very same argument holds goods with every kind
of winter or cold weather clothing, For instance, you
should not wear an overcoat in winter—or warm under-
wear or any other kind of eolp weat it'r clothing—it is
best to stand and shiver around the fire all day for if you
get in the habit you will always have to wear warm
The fact of the matter is, that we Canadian's are com-
pelled to wear warmer clothing in winter than in Mum-
mer, and it is just as necessary as i:; co.1 clothing in;
summer, and warm footwear is jut t as neer ssary as warm
underwear or a fur overcoat.
The theory that warm felt footwQar make the feet
q tender is not true and can baa proved by the writer of
this ad. who has worn warm faotwe3r (felt) eery winter
for 20 years or even more and wh:, has neither a corn.
or•bunion or tender feet.
We are showing in our south window an entirely- new,
nice and comfortable range of cold weather
footwear for men, women and children and right
now at the beginning of the season of cold weather is
the right time to buy them. Do not put off nntil to,
morrow what you can do today
Have the full benefit of warrn footwear and you will
enjoy life better even when the war news is bad or no
more than favorable, Take a look in our South window
at the warns Gold weather footwear.
Sole Agents
For The
Regular $5,00 to $9.00
We.are giving a very special price
on Boys' Suits this week. There are
65 of them•in the lot ranging in sizes
from 28 to 35. They consist of Navy -
Serges and Fancy Tweeds. There
are both . two and three piece Suits.
Regular $5.50 to $9.00, on sale at
I2 Boys Buster Brown Suits in Navy and Fancy
Tweeds, sizes 20 to 26, regular $5,0o- on sale at
I2 Boys Buster ' Brown Suits in Navy and Fancy
Tweeds, sizes 20 to I4, regular $3.75 and '
$4.00 on sale at --
_,.. $2.50
6 only Boys' Light weights, short Overcoat*, shower
proof, sizes 27 to Sao, regular $5,00 for
$3.50 .
Th. Clothier
MacDonald Block, Opp Dark at - r► C