HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-10-22, Page 6Fall Term, From Sept. 1st. 1 '''..tae 4.,e. r ih• ,. [ter{M&TF4c4pr ANT. The best Commercial 8ohool in the pro - tine.. Oar courses aro thorough Fns kreoticel while our instructor, are better then Yon will and, elsewhere. We de mere for gut stedents than other similar schools do, Our rates are 'reasonable. Write for our tree catalogue an; see what, wo can de for you. D. A. Mci.ACIBLAI$ - Prinelpal susses eiseemitemensesseastwelfellesilletePententei MR CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for lady I drivers. Drivers supplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY • DIAGONAL STREET Livery Ph ne 2. Residence Phone I,33 OVER e6 YEARS', EXPERIENCE TRADk MARKS DEsIGNs COPYRt4HTs dtC. anyone .130 5llig a sketch and description mal gtllcltly ascertain our opinion tree whether an lo. entlon Is 1?dodq bay patentable. ommunlca• cocastrict conedenttal. HANDBOOK on Patent* cont ee. ldost agency ter sucurtng.ppate its. PO � rat* taken through Diunn ds Co. receive gpectai nottee, without oboras, fa the • $cdenfttkr .lmerlcatte A. hendsotfsety illustrated weekly. Largest etc. cutattan ot any sclentleo journal. Terms for 'Canada, $3.76 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by an uewedealora MANN & Co 86fereadway, New Y$rk Branch Office, e25 E' Bt.. Washington, D. .. Mr. Geo. Moir 'Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old Land to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine miles of Wingham, good hank barn, good cement house, large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Price $6500.00. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham P. 0, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the GL�de�l��.0 Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W, Westervelt J. W. Westervelt,Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant 10 Vice -Principal RAILWAY TIME—TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows G. T. R , TO TORONTO N O and Intermediate Points:—Passenger, 6.46 a.m ; passen- ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2,80 p.m. TO LONDON:—Passenger 6.36 a. m.; passenger, 8.30 p.m. TO RINOARDINE : -- Passenger, 11.50 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9.16 p.m. C. P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:.—Paesenger, 6.40 a.m.; passen- ger 8.10 p.m. TO TEESWATFR : -- Passenger, 12.57 p.m.; passenger, 10.27 p.m. ' THE W IN EUU A D V A O E The Million • Dollar Mister • SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS rrittlE sole head of a lamilr, or anymale over te el years lila,mer bpmestea a enerter- seetirtn of avaabe De ton lanin- Mani- toba, Saskatcewan or dAiIberta, Ilse seta' must Agency appear b.A�oe forhe the die wary by proste may be mode at the office of en cal agent of D%minion Londa (not sub - n on p'rain eaa Ua abelie. u V o t3dt menthe':nc.'upon and Dula tivat+lon oaf the land in oaeh of three years. A homed.,der may live within two rlsfte* 6f his homestead on A farm at et lease 80 torsi on certain oondibione. A habitable house is re - gaited le every CMG, ee Ap'I when riddance as pe tforme& in the violniry. In oertaili trlote a homesteader in good stev dinj,�e em ss*, e�rsre it quarter-HaienA16na- d hie7tsitestd.. Fries IF per sore. Duties —Six Mentha' residence in eaoh of six years dal sf hontessead entry dnoludheg the me required to earls howled pateate and iU acres elttre otiterenes The area of outtt- vy� iii sabledt ie roduotten in ease of rough,y 01 enter ERnd After report by nem* • Iaitieet r ou applioetioa far eatent. 3. bouteetesidet' Who has exhareted his haute- itead right end Windt obtain a pre-emeRan rye ed hoenee its ser n =baudtt ,K►bai is lra i�t►�' rt .00i� M r.eLdo P °the# each r( aerie Yee"' Tawe 'ixse pitta itit yeti 8f41 aerie wed erect it LtouM worth W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minlaterof the *dolor.y tt brit he artsed h d �term of this ed. (Ottpyr,ght,1914, by Narol.: iliacOratit) father, Some one Was rescued. I'M going to find out whether it was the aviator or Mr. Hargreave. Jones drew in a„deep breath and hie eyes closed for a moment, At the door he epoke to the reporter, "What do you think of that wo. [nap?” "I believe that she has told the truth, She is charming," "She is, Rut for all her charm and truth 1 cannot help dietrusting her, I have an idea. 1 shall call up your office at the end of each day. It a day corpse without a Pall, you will know that something le wrong," "A very good idea." Norton shook hands with every one and departed, round kfargreavtt's home at night, but "What a brave, pleasant young ae they enter the house the watchers man!" murmured Susan. outside sae a ballon leave the roof. "I like him, too; and I'd like him The cafe le founts ptOpty—tire million for a friend," said the guiltless girl. whit.''. Hargreave was i' bto hays drawn that day gone. Then eoWe pp ,.Itis very good to have a friend Then announced the ballon bad been punct; like lr. Norton," added Jones and ured and dropped to the bottom of the passed out into the kitchen, All the Florence arrives from the girl,' sea. help had been discharged, and upon school, Prinae.s Olga, Brain's Com' his shoulders lay the burden of the panion, visits and elaime to be a relat- cooking till such time when he could ive. Two bogus detectives call, hut reinstate the cook. their plat to kidnap Florence and hold m scene between her for ransom is foiled by Norton, a There was a, pt_o F, ,Y newspaper man. Braine and the prineeee that piglet: "Are you in your dotage" she CHAPTER asked vehemently, III THE SAVE IN THE LONELY WAREHOUSE "There, there! Bring your voice SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS I & If. Stanley Hargreave, milli 'valve. after a miraculous escape front the den of the gang of brilliant tbievei, known as the Black hundred, lives the life of a. recluse for t igbteen years, Hargreave one night entre a Broadw ,y restaur- d,nt and therm coulee face to face with the ganga leader, Braine. After the meeting, during which neitber man apparently recognizev the other, Hargreave hurries to his mag. nifcent Rive, b ►'o borne and lays plane for making hie escape from the country Re writes a letter to the girl,' school in New Jersey where eighteen years before he bad mysteriously left on the doorstep his baby daughter, Florence Gs ay. He also pays a vleit to the han- gar of e daredevil aviator. Braine and members of his band Bur- THEafterdown a bit. Where's the glee" princeea did not remain long "In her home. Where do you sup - the departure of the police pose she would be, after that batch with the bogus dectectives. It bad work of letting me go to de one thing been a very difficult corner to wriggle white you bad in mind anothe7? And out )f, all because Braine had added an ordinary pair of cutthroats, at to his plans after she bad left the „ apartment. But for the advent of the Chart meddling"The thought came to me after you reporter the coup would have succeeded, herself apparently perfectly left. I knew you'd recognize the men and understand, I see no reason why innocent of complicity. That must be it didn't work." the keynote•of all her plant.: to appear "It would have been all right if yon quite innocent and leave un trail be- had consulted a clairvoyant." hind her. She had gained -the Gonad; .,what the duece do you mean by once of Florence and her companion. that3i" Braine demanded roughly. And she was rather certain that she "I mean that then you would have he had alae stolid this lazy -eyed reporter learned your friend the reporter wasand tstolid butler. She had told to arrive upon the scene at its most nothing but the truth regarding ber vital moment." relationship. They would find that „what. Norton?" out. She was Katrina Puskin's cousin, But blood with her counted as naught. ' es, The trouble is with you, you She had room in heart but for twa have beep pp s�cceseful all these thing --Braine and money to spend on years that you hare grown overcon- her caprice.. fident. I tell you that there is a "How long has your highness known desperately shrewd man somewhere Mr. Braine?" asked the reporter idly, back of all this, Mark me, I do not ae he smoothed away all signs of his believe Hargreave is dead. He is in recent conflict. hiding, It may be near by. He may "Oh, the better part of a year! Mr, have dropped from the gallon before Hargreave did not not recognize me the other night. That was quite excus- able, for when he last saw me I was not more tnan 12. My child," she said to Florence, "build no hopes re- garding your mother. She is doubt- less dead. Upon some ttivial matter —I do not know what it was—she was confined to the fortress. That was seventeen years ago. When you en. ter the fortress at St. Petersburg, you cease to be." "That is true enough." "I did not recall myself to your father. I did not care at that moment to shock him with the remembrance of the past. Is not Mr. Braine a re- markable man?" All thie in her charm- ing broken EDglieh, "He is, indeed," affirmed Norton, "He's a superb linguist, knows every- body, and has traveled everywhere No matter what subject you bring up, he seems well informed," "Dome often," urged Florence. "I shall, my child. And any time you need me, call for me, After all I am nearly your aunt. You wilt find life in the city far different from that which you have been accustomed to." She limped down to her limousine. In tripping up Norton he had stepped upon o heavily. he r foot y. "She is lovely!" cried Florence. "Well, I must be on my way, also," said Norton. "I am a worldly wise man, Mise Florence, As Jones here. Never go any place without letting him know; not even to the corner drug store. I am going to find your it left land. The gnan they piped up may be Ode, the aeronaut. The five thousand might have beep his fee for rescuing Hargreave. Here is the greatest thing we've ever been rap against, and you start. in with every day methods!" "Little women, don't let your tongue run away with you too far." "I'm not the least bit afraid of you Leo. You need me, and it has never been more apparent than at this mo- ment." "All right. I fell by the wayside this trip. Truthfully, I realized it five minutes after the men were gone, The only clever thing I did was to keep the mask on my face. They can't come back at me. But the thing looked ,so easy; and it would have worked but for Norton's appearance. "You all but compromised me. That butler worries me a little." Her ex- pression lost ite anger and grew thoughtful. "He's always about, some where. Do you think Hargreave took hips into his confidence?" "Can't t e11, de's been watched straight for forty hoore, He hasn't mailed a letter or telephoned to any place but the grocery. There have been no telegrams. Some one in that house knows where the money is, and it's ten to one that it will be the girl." "She looks enough like latrine to be ber ghost." Braine went over to the window and starer; up at the stare. "You have made a good impression on the girl?" with his back still toward her. "I bad her in my arms." DAILY UNTIL DECEMBER Id' "Olga, my hat is off to you," turn- ing, now that his face was again in Although the heavy toursist travel repose. "Your very frankness ne- on the Great Lakes is now on the garding your relationship will pull the wool over their eyes, Of cause, they will make enquires and they will find but that you haven't lied. It's per- fect, lot even that newspaper weasel will see anything wrong. Toward you they will eventually ease up. and you can act without their even dreaming your part in the business. We must not be seen in public any more. This butler may know where I stand, even though he cannot prove it. Now, I'm going to tell you something. Per- haps you're long since gt;eesed it, Katrina was mine till Hargreave— never mind what his name was then --till Hargreave came into the fold, So sure of her was I that I used her as a lure to bring him to us, She fell in loye with him, but too late to warn him. I bad the eatlefaction of ceeibg wane, the discriminating traveller will continue to enjoy the lake passenger steamer service until the very close of the season of navigation, Following their usual custom the d, ee B.Line will operate their steamers daily between Cleveland and Buffalo until the first day of December. leaving eith- er city at eight o'clock every evening and reaching destination the following morning at 630 (central time,) During this Beason of the year these large steamers are heated by steam throughout, and the night'e journey is Made as comfortable as if the tratteller were sojourning at a luxurious hotel. It it+I for this reason that a large vols nine of travel is attracted to 0. & B L'ne Steamerauntil the last trip, De- cember lat. The ADVANCE for Good Job Work DR. PARKER & PARKER Osteopathic Physiciansand Neurologists LISI`OWEL andW[N GRAM t .hese Specialists in the treatment of all dhronie Diseases, Nerve Disorders, Women'. Dieeaees, Weeknessee of Children,Stiff Jofrat ,diIeu»a le m. Osteopathy cures when all else faille Dru 1 g ee. methOde. Wingitarn Office over Christie's Store. HOURS Tuesday 1I.30 tt. m.---9 p. m. Wednesday and Friday0.11a. m. Thursday 9.11 41, M. 4--9 p.m, lam cast her aside, curse 1 e', and leave her, In one thing ebe fooled us all. I never knew of the child till you told me." e Ile paused to light a cigaret, "Bargreave was madly in love with her, Re cursed her, but he cattle back to the house to forgive her, 'to find that she bad been Feieed by the secret polies and entombed in the fortress, I had my revenge. It was I who sent in the iufornlation, prat tically bogus. But in Russia they never question; they act and forget. So he had a daughter j" He began pacing the door, hie hands behind him, oscillating between love and fear. Be came to a halt abruptly and looked down at he Don't worry, You have no rival I'll leave the daughter to your tender mercies. "The butler-" she said, "has _full powers of attorney to act for Har- greave while absent, up to the day the girl becomes of legal age." I'll keep an eye on our ftiend Jones. From now on, day. and night there will be a cat at the knothole, and 'ware mouse ! Could you make up anything like this girl?'! suddenly 'IA fear likeness.!! "Do it. {.lo to the ship whicla'picked ep the man at sea and quiz the cap- tain. Hither the aviator or Hargreave is alive, It to important to loam which et once, Be very careful ; play the game as only you know how to Way it, And if 11arfreave is alive, we win. Tomorrow morning early. Tears of nnguisb, and all that. Sail- ors are easy when a woman weeps, No color, remember; just the yellow wig and the salient lfeatures. Now, by -by 1" "Aren't you going to kiss me, Leo ?'' He caught her hands. "There is a species of Delilah about you, Olga. A kiss• to -night from your lips would snip my locks ; and I need a clear head. Whether we fail or win, when this game is played you *ball be my wife." He kissed the hands and strode out into the hall. The woman gazed down at her small white hands and smiled tender- ly. (The tigress has her ;tender mo- ments!) He meant it 1 She went into heir dressing -room, and for an hour or more worked over her face and hair, till she was certain that if the captain of the ship de- scribed her to any one else he could not fall to give a fair description of Florence Flargreave. But Nortop reached the captain apt, Other reporters had besiged him but they hal} sgcceede4 in gath- eripg the vaguest hind of informs: tion, They had no description of Har- greave, while Notton had, Before going down to the boat. however? he had delved into the past of the Prin- cess Olga Perigoll. It cost him a pocketful of money. but the end justi- fied the meaner The princess had no past worth mentioning. By piecing this and that together he become as- sured that she had told the simple truth regarding the relationship to E'loronce'e mother, 4 cablegram had given him all the facts in her history ; there were no gaps or discrepancies, It read clear and frank. Trust a Rus- sian secret agentto know what he was taking about. So Norton's suspicions—and be had entertained some — were completely tailed to Bleep. And he wouldn't have doubted her at all except for the fact that Braine had been with her when he had introduced Etargreave. Har- greave had feared Braine ; that much the reporter had elicited from the but- ler' But there wasn't the slightest evidence. Braine had been in New York for nearly six years. The prin- cess had arrived in the oity but a year gone. And Braine was a mem- ber of several fashionable clabe, never touched cards, and seldom drank, He was an expert chess player and a wondetful amateur billiardiet. Per- haps Jones, the taciturn and inscrut- able, bad not told him all he knew regarding his master's past. Well, well ; he had in his time untangled worse snarls. The office had turned him loose, a free lance, to handle the case as he saw fit, to turn in the story when it wag complete. But what a story it was going to be when he cleared it up ! The more mystifying it;was the greater the zest and sport for him. Norton was Iike a gambler who played for big stakes, and only big stakes stirred his Cray- Ths captain of the tramp tteamrr Orient told him the same tale he had told the other reporters: he had picked up a man at sea. The man had been brought abroad totally !imitated, "Was " Wae there another body any. where 2" "No." "What became of him ?° "1 sent a wireless and that seemed art Wobsow-- i - ..:. WallyThousand Vann 4:+a.lor ar s Wanted FOR HARVT:S'ING 1N WE trent! (ANA!A "GOING TRIP WEST" "RETURN Tn1it EAST," I $12.00 TO Wi NIPLO `ila.0a FROM WINNIPEGj GOINC1 Df:ew3 ' Jtukuit iitt. e Prort Olt "trio raw, Itta •n,am ch.r'n• bake ''.: ntrrw and wart to Anidi 808 , 1.:dal +• e. , I. r a n r.•;;;;;I:,4.. . N 1t , , „, •, - • rev nom GI ,un1,r,+' u r , t r, t, rand Tic, t. at, Inther ! Auea.t idth 1' to MI a ,. I t GI ,o +, . ,., . t ,1au.rW and,.Lu08. 11 a;1 antar�rla ',.t 1x10, Ausutt iilth t tr.m all sunned, I.P g•nnr., $Herbst r.t,1 n, ^,tr•trrw It 011 n•ost 10 Arndt; and efil: t t :air. idar,A, (,1t1., 1c 00 Po/Wain iu !,tartar * owl to Fpr tofu ir"I,rt5 !a ochre . rbrtran and Att:r•rta. Arenas Slit—Prom r'! ntrrtfnm r,ttt. of IFlnl;itrn E:,.p•har r ck: a+1 l:tntn-w, in Abe Proc.:11(111 ,t.e , et (10401n dna! ,Y,'rt tr, to al! notate In ttanlloba sed to tertian potats la Owikao- thmatth 811,1 AIL% IA. 'tr full pertlentart r are�artenz irtoiip:.,tstee* 105001 Wtenlprt Me .888 en+r,y? 1 P It. Mont, or trrtlo-- 0.,.. %TDROCL, Asst. D.N.A. M. 0. MUISPHY, 0.$.A. C.1".14'.. t.r.nta. to bether hiw 1t looked to me that he did not want anybody to learn Glut he had bet'u reecutd. The moment the boat touched the pier he lost him, Mel( in the crowd. Fifty reportere. earn' abroad, but be was gone. And i could only tell them just what I'm telling you." "Fie had money ?' "A.boutfire thousand." "Please describe bile." The captain .did so. It was the eatnedesceiption he bad given to all the Irportere. Ivurtou looked over the rail at the big warehouse. "Was it an ordinary balloon ?" "There you've got me. My Ma,. coni man says the balloon part was like any other balloon, but the pat, senger car was is new business to. hire. It could be driven against the wind." "Driven against the wind, Did you. tell this to the other drape ?'' Don't think I dial. Just remem- bered it, Probobly some new fovea- tion ; and now it's at the bottom of the sea. Twomen, as I understand it, went (Se in this contraption. One is gone for good." "For good," echoed the reporter gravely, Gone for good, indeed, poor devil ! Norton took out a roll of bille. "There's two hundi ed in this roll." Well ?" said the captain, vastly astonished. It's yours if you will do me a small favor." If it doesn't get me mixed up with the police. I'm only captain of a tramp; and some of the learbor police have takep a dielilte to me. Whet do you want me to do ?" "The police will not bpther you, This loan 1largreave had sotue ene- mies; they want either his life or his money—maybe both. It is a peculiar case, with Ressia in the background, lie might have Iaid the whole busi- ness before the police, but be chose to fightit out himself. And to tell the truth, I don't believe the police woulb have done any good." "Heave her over ; what do you want me to do for that handsome roll of money ?" "If any man or woman who is not a reporter comes to pump you tell them. the man went ashore with a packet under his arm." "Tie a knot in that." "Say that the man was grey haired' clean shaven, etraight, with a scar high alp Rn hie forehead, generally covered up by his hair,",i "That's battered down, my lad. Go on." "Say tbat you eaw him enter yon- der warehouse, and later depart with- out his packet." Easy as dropping mudhoolc,',' "That's all." Norton gaye the cap- tain the money, "Good -by and many thanks." "Don't mention it 1" Norton left the slip and proceeded to the office of the warehouse. He approached the manager's desk. "Hello, Grannie, old top i;" The man lcpked up from his work eerily, Then tie face brightened. "Norton 2 What's bropgb•t yop here? Ob, yes; that balloon bueiness, ;fit down "What Bind of a man is the captain of that old hooker in the slip.?" "Shifty in gun running, but other: wise as square as a die. Looks funny to see an old tub like that fixed up with wireless; but that has saved his neck a dozen times when he was rur. ning it into a noose. Not going to interview rue are you p" "No. I'm going to ask you to do me a little favor," "They always say that, But spin her out. 1f it doesn't cost me my job, it's yours." "Well, there will be persons making enquiries about'the mysterious aeron- aut. All I want you to say is, that he left a packet with you, that you've put it in that safe till he calls to claim it." Grannie nibbled the end of his pen. "Supposing some one should come and demand that I open the safe and deliver." "All you've got to do is to tell them to show the receipt signed by you." The warehouse manager laugbedf "Got a lot of sense in that ivory dome of yours. All right. But if anything happens you've got to come around and back me up. What's it about?'' "That I dare not tell you. This much, I'm laying a trap, and 1 want some one I don't know to fall into it." "On your way, James. But if yon don't send me some prize fight tick- ets next week for this I'll never do you another favor." In reply Norton took from hie pock- et two bits of pasteboard and laid them on the desk. "I knew you'd be wanting something like this." "Ringside 1" c. ied Grannis. "You reporters are lucky devils!" "At 3 o'clock this afternoon 1 want you to call me up If no one has called, why the game is up. But if some 000 does come around and make paquiries, don't fail to let me know," '11'11 be here till 5. l'd better call you np then." Then Norton returned blme and idled about till afternoon. He went over to Riverdale. Five times he walked up and down the front of the Ilargreave place, finally plucked up - hie courage, and walked to the door. He chatted with Florence for a While and found that, for all she might be guileless to the wcr'd, she Was a good linguist, a Gine musician, and (Continued on Page 4) CASTOR I I i'or infants and Children, Always Bought Kind "feu Have A The Y Bears the Illosture of Sveal Morey! Buy Your New Fence r• DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid S'tXt.E HEAVYFENCE -E3- n----E3- "s le: 41 No, 9 Peres Wire T oeggbout in 20 30 eros 9.0 Rud Rof1, Freight raid a� M Bank of Capital Authorized- Capital, Paid-up Surplus - - ;EHE MEN A Banking institution 1 from the sten who direot the actual capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank by mon well known for business mon—mon who value security thin policy is a surplus larger than its Capital—the conservative nsanagement. I Ce P. Manager t. o amin.S - $5,000 0!)7 . - - 8 000,001 - - - 3,130,000 BEHIND gets strength es muck its affairs as from of Hamilton Is gatattled integrity. and atn more than high pewits, which is one quarter result of over 40 years" SMITH Vifinghtim ,fie i a ,'tel Sim* of llorieetitels in Inches 0 ' : 4 5 6 t 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 . 18 20 30 37. 4 40� 48 42 42 47. 47 48 48 51 51: 48 48 51 51 55 48 60 22 22 22 22 22 22 1.61 22 1.61 22 161 22 16} 22 1 ' 1 . 22 161 SPECIAL 8 8 -ft. 10, 10, 10, 8., 9, 10, 10 6:i, 7, 81, 9, 9 5, 51, 7, 7 7i, 8...............23 6, 61, 71 9, 10, 10 6,6,6,6,6,6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6,6, 6, 6. ........... 4, 5, 5*, , 8I, 9, 9 4, 5; 51 7, 81, 9, 9..,..,....., 6, 6, 6, G, 6, 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 4, 5, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 4, 4, 5, 5t I, 7, 81, 9, 9 X, 5, 3, 4, 5*, 7, 7, 7t, 8 , 3, 3, 4, 1, , 7, 71, 8 3, ,, , 51, 7, 8*, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 POULTRY FENCING No. 9 Top and Bpttont. Intermediates No. 13, Uprights 8 inches apart. Close bars Close bars .. , PAGE "RAILROA.D" GATES x'{1.16 .18 .21 .23 .26 .26 .26 2 .29 .31 .20 .31 .3 1 .33 .33 .31 .36 .42 .47 8 ['- op'ng ''m .�....,�,.•-, ' 3.80 g IT?. " .�.1 4.00. 48 .3 'n ,-„ d -ft. o '� � 4.25 4814 dp'ng �' �- WALK STAPLES.. BRACE STRETCHING -ft. .^ GATE, 4$ in. high, 3i It. opening 5-113., box, WIRE, 25.1b. rolls, .. .........: TOO -: S,. Conppjeteoutfit.. , 4.50 2.35 .75 ° .70 8.00 oIll*art tir‘luto Our serest ranch Pa Wire Fe C. jd, Montreal 1240 King St. West Waikerville Si. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For t04 Page Free Catalog "PAGE FENCES WARE • BEST" fall Stock Complete Now is the time to get get your Fall Suit or Overcoat as ow Fall sock is complete Our satisfied customers are one best ad- vertisements. Ask them; We spepiali?e in Ladies' Suits and Coats Our prices are low when you consider the material, style and workmanship. E. C. White Ladies' and Gents' Tailor OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON WELLINGTON hiUTITAL FIRE „INS. CO. Itatabltshed 1840, Read Waco MUMPS, ONT. Risks taken on all eleesee of In. surabia property on the Carla or pre miutu note system. Guo. tMI,v s.w, Jon Jorar vznspN President. kla+rretaay', RITOHIli; &: COSENS, Agents. • Wingham, 0, t DUDLEY I1OLME; i Barrister, Solicitor, etc. °ince; Meyer Block, ti1,'ingham, .4. it R, VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rt, i or. WINGHAM. ARTIIUR J. IRWIN L,l?.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. nsylvania. College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald. Block— G. I3. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Gradnate of the Papal College of Dental Surgeons of ft,ltario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dos., istry. OFFICE OVER H. E, ISAE;D Dc CM'S, STORE W. R. HAMBLY, &Sc., ILD., CM Special attention paid to diseases of Women seri Children, having. taken poste. .dente work in Sur- gery, Baoteri' logy and Soientifio: Medicine, Ofiioe in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the. Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 1I& ♦11Nt•N•`••N•NiS•••••NPOA tr11•N•N4N4.11Nri'►N i J. G. STEWART REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE maimmimminsiong Accident and Sickness Insurance RELIABLE WORK . tMODER, 1 CHARGES J. G. STEWART GRI'FFIN'S HLOCk, W'1NGHAM H•••• DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad.- nate radnate London and Dublin. Snooessorto Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONAI,D BLOCS DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. 0. P. (i,onel.l Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. 'WILSON. RESIDENOE—COR. PATRICK & FRANCIS Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182, Ex Elov. Vet. Inspector. General Hospital. (Under Qovernmec.b Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$4.90 to $16.00 per week,. according to location of room. For further Informa- tion—Address MISS L. MATIREWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. New Telephone Directory. The Dell Telephone Companr cf Canada is soon to rriat a new issue of its Official Tele- phone Directory for the District of Western Ontario Parties who contemplate becoming Subscri- bers, or those who wish changes in their pres- itt entry should plane their orders with the Leal Manager at once to insure insertion in this is-ae. Connecting Companie% 5.:t. ;n:3. a?. a zerert additions ani changes in v*sir s, e:f cub-.^ib+>rs. either to the Isocal sat^:lair ,crosscut: to the Special .Agent's De. \Centred. The '.Bell Telephone Company of Canada. Wanted for a Oash purohassr is good farm close to `Vingham.—E,i quire o R' iC h' f c etivCos t ens. Tornado Insurance. We aro agents for one of the a; conger companies in the word, Vali and gat our rates. They will enrpri.e you. No reinianl. p note. Ritchie & CoseDs l.l!tt US'iTTa° -pi, II 1 I ' 1 r I ' I 1.! I I ITO ill" Bank of Capital Authorized- Capital, Paid-up Surplus - - ;EHE MEN A Banking institution 1 from the sten who direot the actual capital invested. Money deposited in the Bank by mon well known for business mon—mon who value security thin policy is a surplus larger than its Capital—the conservative nsanagement. I Ce P. Manager t. o amin.S - $5,000 0!)7 . - - 8 000,001 - - - 3,130,000 BEHIND gets strength es muck its affairs as from of Hamilton Is gatattled integrity. and atn more than high pewits, which is one quarter result of over 40 years" SMITH Vifinghtim ;1 + IIj! ? , ' - a -. '. • • n r � r . t i t : ° D iI. akyY_ �i . tv> is ; z.-L!,!Y`l .4. it R, VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rt, i or. WINGHAM. ARTIIUR J. IRWIN L,l?.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. nsylvania. College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald. Block— G. I3. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S Honor Gradnate of the Papal College of Dental Surgeons of ft,ltario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dos., istry. OFFICE OVER H. E, ISAE;D Dc CM'S, STORE W. R. HAMBLY, &Sc., ILD., CM Special attention paid to diseases of Women seri Children, having. taken poste. .dente work in Sur- gery, Baoteri' logy and Soientifio: Medicine, Ofiioe in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the. Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 1I& ♦11Nt•N•`••N•NiS•••••NPOA tr11•N•N4N4.11Nri'►N i J. G. STEWART REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE maimmimminsiong Accident and Sickness Insurance RELIABLE WORK . tMODER, 1 CHARGES J. G. STEWART GRI'FFIN'S HLOCk, W'1NGHAM H•••• DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad.- nate radnate London and Dublin. Snooessorto Dr, Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONAI,D BLOCS DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. 0. P. (i,onel.l Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. 'WILSON. RESIDENOE—COR. PATRICK & FRANCIS Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182, Ex Elov. Vet. Inspector. General Hospital. (Under Qovernmec.b Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing)—$4.90 to $16.00 per week,. according to location of room. For further Informa- tion—Address MISS L. MATIREWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. New Telephone Directory. The Dell Telephone Companr cf Canada is soon to rriat a new issue of its Official Tele- phone Directory for the District of Western Ontario Parties who contemplate becoming Subscri- bers, or those who wish changes in their pres- itt entry should plane their orders with the Leal Manager at once to insure insertion in this is-ae. Connecting Companie% 5.:t. ;n:3. a?. a zerert additions ani changes in v*sir s, e:f cub-.^ib+>rs. either to the Isocal sat^:lair ,crosscut: to the Special .Agent's De. \Centred. The '.Bell Telephone Company of Canada. Wanted for a Oash purohassr is good farm close to `Vingham.—E,i quire o R' iC h' f c etivCos t ens. Tornado Insurance. We aro agents for one of the a; conger companies in the word, Vali and gat our rates. They will enrpri.e you. No reinianl. p note. Ritchie & CoseDs l.l!tt US'iTTa°