HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-10-22, Page 41 f Furs of Quality, Attractive and. Exclusive Styles �.,.-, .,,, �..� , '.+'.rr. , 1 E -e.. a •1, •---„ r� y "., *` p .i T^Mv'+!nr. tiw a t t I a -1,eireereeeeleee t ,Ij k- F a.r•.11' ,. .11,0 VI a+i ,loll vitO . r �. l Ii Eery pleoe of Fur is thoroughly examined and guaranteed be- fore we accept them, therefore, you can rely upon our stook as being in perfect: condition. We guarantee all furs from the cheapest to the more expensive We invite you to oall and inspect our Muffs, Stoles, Sets, eto. before buying. SPROIAL ORDERS—We take special orders for anything we do not carry in stook and will be pleased to quote you prices, Latest Novelties, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery, Etc.' Ladies' 'Winter Gloves, we carry a complete lineof FOWNE'S GLOVES in kid, D and 0 skin and nape, price $1.00 to $2 00 pr, LILY DOLLARS and SETS In fine white Orandi.e and Pique with blank and white mixtures, Prices 26o to $1 00 PENMANS HOSIERY Our stook of Cashmere Hose is complete at 23, 50 and $I pair Ladies and Misses Winter Coats We are Agents for Northway Garments, the we]1•know Shape keeping coats at popular prices 515 to $20 AWNS PRODUCE WANTED—Large quantities of choice Butter, Eggs, Fowl, Dried Apples, Etc. KING Phone 71 Agents forStandardPatterns CAN WE MAKE THE Shawl. Roll? Why, bless your heart boys this is merely an old style revived. Another style that is popular this season is the split sleeve, also the BALMAHCAAM This coat must be properly draped to look well. We make them in four different styles. MR. LEWIS has had twenty years experience and these styles are NOT new to him. If you want quality in workman- ship as well as style, give us a trial. You are sure to be pleased. Also Cleaning and Pressing. "The House of Hand -made Clothes" ALFRED TAYLOR Ladies' and Gents' Tailor. Phon 26. Wingham, Ont, Opposite Presbyterian Church. ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE 1T HAS THE CIRCULATION 4)\\,, WINr TTA VI ADV A NOE THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 19I4 strains" t I't•o. 0. A. Zavitz,. O. A. 0. ax,,, 11111, ( B. Mfiita ru two year's war k in test- ing field tout rdta'de of Uureuretce to L' prove genuineee of stock": E. 1). Ed- dy, (`hitt seed Iutpector, Ottawa "Methods of iui ruving the eupply f field rout and yr getable seeds" Oen. II, Clark,. teed Oornmistioner, Cts ewe, "The production of garden vege. table seeds in Owed*" : W. T. Ma' e un, Dominion Horticulturist, Ott. awe, PERRIN'S GONDOLA - a biscuit of most delectable flavor, short, and light as a feather. At tea -time, or any other time, it is sure to be a success. THE PERRIN "SAMPLER" PACKAGE will delight you. A box of delicious fanny biscuits send 10o, (coin or stamps) and your grocer's name for it, D. S. Perrin & Company Limited LONDON • - CANADA tri fl _R R Seed Grower's Association The Qth Anuual Report of the Can- adian Seed Growers, Association which las just bsen issued by the Publication Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa contains much of interest to the st el grower and crop raiser generally, and should be secured by all such individuals. In addition to a brief review of the meth- ods practised by the Association in the production and handling of Regist- ered seed there is given •a Report of the Secretary showing the progess which is made in connection with the systematic growing of registered seed, while addresses and papers, by prominent authorities are also inclu- ded. Among the latter, special at- tention is drawn to the following pap- ers : "Thickness of seeding in Cereal Auctionaer T. R. BENNETT, J. P. Will give better satisfaction to both buyer and seller than any other auctioneer and only charge what is reasonable, Dates arranged at the Advance Office Pure -Bred Stock Sales a Specialty Sales conducted anywhere in Ontario. T. R. Bennett Massey -Harris Office Phone 81 , WINGHAM, ONT Please Look at Your LABEL and unless you are Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to This at Once This Meaii s Yo • "Horne grown seed vs. Imported S+:ed": R. Mc Kay. Balmoral Mills,. N. S. ' Seed Growing in Baetern Quebec"; J. A. Simard, Quebec, Que. 'Tropes in high -clues seed corn Ina. provvtnentin Webtet•n Outeri'," L. D, iiankineon, Aylmer, Man. "Cutivation of land for the product- ion of high class Beed" : A. E. Irnglieb, Ela: ?]ng, M'e.'s. "Methods of ttdve.tising and selling 'de'�,• ed" e I D. I ang, Indian Bead, Sat It, The q'iestion of the proper amount of seed of cereal grains which should be sown to give best results, and which is dealt with in the paper by Prof. Z 'mite, is one of special interest to all farmers, Some growers advo- aeusir1. u t using as little as one bushel of oats per acre while others will argue for the advisability of using as much as six bushels par acre. The investi- g ebony by Prof, Z:tvitz throws con- s'derable light on this much debated question, GLORIOUS g=AIR Girls; and women at all ages want to be beautiful and attractive, but un- sightly, thin and lifeless hair destroys half the beauty of a pretty face. If your hair is losing ite natural col- our, is falling out, dull, streaky, full of dandruff, too dr•y, or if the scalp lichee and burns do not be alarmed, use Parisian Sage. Rub it well into the scalp, It will go right to the heir root', nanrieb, and stimulate the hair to grow long and beautiful. It re - mc vas dandruff with one application, stops itching scalp, falling hair and makes the head feel line. Pati -can Sege supplies the hair with what is needed to make it soft, floffy, thick and gloriously radiant. It is sold in fifty cent bottles by J. W. Mc- Kibbon and at all drag counters. Lurk for the trade mark— "The Girl with the Auburn Bair." Accept no other. e ee The Farmers ' Have a Duty To Perform Hon. Martin Burrell hes been ener- getically.taking up the (Fustian of the country's food supply during the pre sent crisis, and has been studying the problem from the viewpoint of what Canada can do to help feed the empire. As the present indications`are that the war will be long drawn out, the ques- tion of an adequate foots supply will prove to be almost as vital as that of men. and Mr. Burrell .has been taking up this question with the same energy Col. Sam Hughes has mobilized Can- ada's army. Mr. Burrell, as a result of his study of the situation, has made an appeal to the farmers of Canada on patriotic as•well as business grouads to increase this coming year, their production of foodstuffs. In addition, the Minister is doing everything possible to assist the farmers. and a circular has been issued explaining the best ways of in- creasing acreage and production for this cotuiug season. The Farms Depleted The Minister of Agriculture, in an interview, points out that approxim ately twenty million men have been mobilized in Europe, and that a large proportion of these have been drawn from the farms. Even in neutral cou. ntries large numbers have been called from the land to be ready for emer- gencies. Mr. Burrell makes this foll- owing stirring appeal to the farmers of Canada to do their duty .by the Empire:— "The area to be sown to wheat and rye this fall in Europe will be seriously reduced. Should the war continue into the summer of next year the food production in Ecrope cannot aproach that of normal years, Looking at the situation in even its most favourable light, there will be, in 119t, a demand for food the world will find great diff- icult in supplying. Canada is respond- ing promptly to the call of the Mother- land for wren and equipment, Britain needs mere than mon, she must have food—food this year and next, We are sending our surphns now. •We should prepared for the larger surphus next year. The G svernrnent is strong- ly impressed with the desirability of inereasing the crop acreage in Canada, Growers of fall- wheat should ended your to increase their sowing. The Canadian farmer, ernostly bending all his energies to increase the food sups ly No Friends Like The c Friends From girlhood through middle life and tigl.t along to old age Cyc:tberlain's Tablets are woman's L..st friend ---hied the nerves, aid digc'•tion, stop headaches, keep the Wood rich and assure good health r eeerele. Try them. 25c. a bated ', LruEaiste and Dealers or by trail. G.:ea:trlola Ilcdidee Co.. Toronto. \ to . 6i In the Britisher at home and the Bditith soldiers at the front, is doirg his share lit the gigantic buui?gla of the Ea plre, "'Apart from the pracctic,4 et rtsinty Mat wheat and other foods next year will yield large ilaanclal retatue to the producer, there is the great feetthat the Canada fermeret who,, by rxtra effort, enlarge their wheat and other cropacreages and increa'e their live stook products, will be doing the beet thing posilble to etrengh,:n the Empire in Ito arty of friar." PRACTICAL StretalS$TIO:l In urging u ,pan tha western farmers to increase their acreage and produce ti m, the foIlowirg ptaotical tugger Hone . are msdtaby the Dspartmsnt of Agriculture. These euggeations have been embodied in a circular which has been given the widest pubiietty Oer Tau Suataxml FALLow, 1. Get the summer fallow into good ehspe. ` 2. Let it Lc ready for the sealer the moment the snow goes next spring. 3, Cultivate where weedy and lease in such shape that it will quickly ab- sorb any rain and be as safe as pose- eible from lose of moisture by *vapors'. tion, ON THE STUBBLE LAND. I. Every Sore ore of stubble fundin good enough 'shape to be fairly safe fur wheat should be ploug'red now. 2, Plough not less than; seven inches deep, and, deeper if the charact- er of the soil and moisture content will permit. • 3. Deep soils should be ploughed. deeply, shallow or light soils with a more shallow furrow, 4, Do the ploughing well. 5. Every acre should be harrowed within two days after ploughlug. 0. Pack the land if pos:lble after harrowing. 7, Until the freeze-up comes let every effort bedirected toward get- ting the fields into shape. Hours on the ground now will almost certainly save days next. spring. Use every autumn hour to advantage. WINTER WORK 1. Get the seed wheat ready, (a) clean thoroughly, (b) test carefully for germination, (e) bag neatly, (d) store in dry luartere. 2 Gat the best variety possible. Marquis is the best ; get it if you can. 3. Pat machines for spring work into good shape. 4, Get the horses right. Good feed and a little exercise in March and ear- ly April mem greater endurance and q'ricker work when seeding begins. 5 hike arrangements to treat your seed for smut, bluestone and for- malin needed. SPRING WOiru 1. Get on to the land early. 2 Do the work well at seeding time Cultivating or discing, especially in the case of stubble land, always means bigger better crops. 3. Treat the wheat for smut before sowing, bluestone or formalin. ,. 4 Such stubble land as it was not post ible to plough in the fall should be well cultivated or thoroughly disced before seeding, and as early as pos. Bible in the spring. In districts where crops were a fail- ure this year. 1914, the suggeestions offered above are particularly appli- cable. On every prairie far n, bow - ever, they are worthy of thoughtful consideration and careful practice, NEURITIS . FOLLOWS CRIPPLED NERVES Painful Effects OfChronicRheumat- ism Quickly Routed By Rhtuma. If your nerves are crippled from at- tacks of Rheumatism, Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves. This most painful disease is one of the hardest known to expel, but RUEU- MA can reach it if given a chance. This testimony is positive proof "Last March I was so crippled with Neuritis in left limb I could walk scarcely at all. Tried all remedies I beard of and had two physician,. No thing did me any good until I used RBIsUMA. — $2.00 worth of your medicines surely cured me.— Mrs. 0. E. Hayes, Russell, Ky. 5 ild by J. W. McKibben at 50 cte. a bottle. A Great War Map We would gladly distribute free of charge to every ADVANCE reader a War Map, but an indiscriminate die- tribution of the Map we are offering is impossible. It is the best War Map issued beyond question. It re 3%x2t feet, and shows every city town, village and hamlet, every river and mountain in the whole war area. We offer THE ADVANCE and that great weekly, The Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year each for $2 00 and every person taking advan- tage of this offer will receive from The Family Herald a copy of the War Map Free of Oharge. The offer means that you are practically getting one of the papers for a year free of charge. The offer is good for 30 days only. His Version How Mutt explained it toJef.% Jeff : Say MLitt, I don't understand what started this war anyway. Mutt : ri 1 Feed was scarce It a simple. , P and Auetrla got eo Hungary that King Pater said: I'll Salvia, 'so le went Euselan for a bit of Turkey but blipped in some Greece and fell down and broke up all Ohtne, ant got its Dutch and Brussels eprouted up Au, India-dignatlon and of course job*. Bali ed his way 14 but money ie gett ' ing se Marne that left— Good night, The Million Dollar Mystery talked with. remarkable kr'e1111. about books 'and art, lust uulese hr reused her, the taduese of her post - Von always lay written in her face. I!: was not difficult for him tocera, jure upher dreame in coming to ate city acrd the blew which, like .a butt of lightning he'll a clear tky, bad shattered the m ruthlteely. "You roust conte awry day and tell we how yon leave ptugrvased," obs raid. "l'tl obey that ender gladly, when, ever I can possibly do it, 14y ',Hits will always he shot t,'' "That ie not necessary." "No," Said Norton in his heart, "but it is wise." Always he found Jones waiting for him at the door, always in the *ha, dow, "Well?" the buvler whispered. "I have laid a neat trap, Whether this balloon aas the ,one the* left the top of thie house I don't know. But if there were two men in it, one of them lies at the bottom of the sea,' "And the man found?" The butler's voice was tense, "It was not Hargreave. I met Orts but once, and as he wore a beard then, the captain's description did not tally with my recollection." "Thank • God! but what is this tral?" "I propose to find out by it who is back of all this, who iiargreave's real enemies are." Norton returned to hie rooms, there to await the call from Grannie. He was sorry, but if Jones would not take him Into hie fullest confidence, he must bold himself to blame for any blunder he (Norton) made. Of course, ho could readily understand Jones' angle of vision. He knew nothing of the general run of reporters; he had, heard of them by rumor end dis- trusted them. He was not aware of the facts that the average reporter carries more secrets in hie head then a prime minister. It was, then up to him to set about to allay this distrust and gain the man's complete confi- dence. Meanwhile that same morning a pretty young woman boarded the Or- ient and asked to be led to the cap- tain, Her eyes were red; she had evidently been weeping. When the captain, susceptible like all sailors, saw her his promises to Norton took wings. "This ie Capt. Hagan?" she asked, balling the handkerchief she held in her hand. "Yes muse. What can I do for you?" He put his hands embarrass• edly into his pockets— and felt the crisp bills. But for that magic touch ke would have forgotten his liner+. He squared his shoulders. "I have every assurance that the man you picked op at sea is my father. I am Florence Hargreave. Tell me everything." The captain's very blundering de- ceided her. "And then he hustled down the gang -plank and headed for that warehouse. He bad a package which he was as tender of as if it had been dynamite." "Thank you!" impulsively. • "A man hae to do his duty, mise. A ehilor's always glad to rescue a man at sea," awkardly. When she finally went down the gang -plank the sigh' the captain heaved was almost as loud as the ex- haust from the donkey engines which were working out the crates of lem- ons from the hold. "Maybe she is bis daughter; but two hundred is two hundred, and I'm a poor sailorman;" Then Grannie came in for his trou- bles. What was a chap to do when a pretty gir 1 appealed to him?" "I am sorry, miss, but I can't give yon that package I gave the man a reeeipt and till it is presented to me the package must remain in yonder safe. YOU understand enough about business to realise that. I did not solicit the job. It was thrust upon me, 1"d give a hundred dollars if the blame thing was out of my safe. You say it is your fortune. That hasn't been proved. It may be gunpowder dynamite. I'm sorry, but ycu will have to find y.tur father and bring the receipt," - The young woman left the ware- house, dabbling her eyes with the sodden handkerchief. "I wonder," . mused Frannie, as he watched her from the window. "I wonder what the duece that chap Norton is up to. The girl might have been the man's daughter, . Good Lord. what an ase ram!. There wasn't any mat!" And s0 he reached over for the telephone. Immediately upon receis t of the message the reporter set his machin- ery in motion, On the morrow the newspaper had ecareheadeabout an attempt to rob the Duffy warehouse, It appeared that the police had been tipped be- forehand and were on the grcund in Mae to gather in several notoriotle gunmen, who, under pressure of the third degree, vowed that they bad been hired and paid by a man in mask and had not the slighest idea whet he wanted them to raid. Norton was in a fine temper. After all hie careful planning he had gained nothing, absolutely nothing, But wait; he had gained something the bitter enmity of a Dunning and des - perste man. who had been forced to remain hidden under the pier till al most dawn. (To he oontiuued.) Duty points, with outstretched fingers, Very soul to action high; WO Imide the soul that lingers, 1 Oir earl 1 onward ie the cry. WINGHAM 13RANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Subscribe for the Advance Largest Circulation in HURON Co. r We also club with all the leading papers in Ontario. RHEU ATISM We don't ask you to take our -wordfor the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word. of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FRE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and Zu- dividuals. Also SOL&OE remedy for CONST! ,V r ,.� TIO (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC COMBINED) Does the work surely but pleasantly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem - Wien are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. Si A - Address on Grain of Wheat The Casrridlen Churchman tells of a wonderful piece of microscopic en. graving accomplished by a Jewish fa,'. mer in Alberta, who wrote, on a grain of wheat, in ebrew cnaracters, an address of welcome to the Duke of Connaught. The address container' 300 letters, and was so fine as to re. quire a powerful microscope to real the inscription. 1. I �l1�illi!JO1Ni�i{IhNpt 1'1"' IIIu_IIQllIIIIill �- Ill — �, d faA eff v tt.`.tt, Which we are dere to make To please our many patrons With the Battery Goods We l3alte Our Bread Ye of First Importance,— We know ;you'll find it right, But all the other minor thin s Will give The Same Delight Carter's Bakery PHONE 132 amort y r57 ° 4vbe NERVIE-SMN-Cr BLOOD DISEASES frEMIPMERIMP2 tSSISIMPEXIESsec sND a COUNTER CHECK L BOOKS, J There ie nio need o1 sending your ordt•rs for counter check boc,ks out of town. We can fill orders prompt- ! a rices p t p that Will defy com int hepetitionlineand Dan be had in , A..k to see nur samples,. They are the very latest thing Woo, black or red ink. No difference in the price. 1----- Wngharn Advanoe Witighatn, Ont , r THE DOMINI sea OSMOND 5. p$LeR, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. P. MATTNEWS,. C, A. BOGERT, General Manager, VIAE-VrnosoLNTi, 45,963,000.00 :6,963,000.00 deposits of rates. added. mousy, . $1.00 Capital Pald up ., Reserve Fend and Undivided Profits. - A Savings Department . is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where and upwards aro received and interest at current It is a safe and convenient depository for your WINGHAM 13RANCH: A. M. SCULLY, Manager. Subscribe for the Advance Largest Circulation in HURON Co. r We also club with all the leading papers in Ontario. RHEU ATISM We don't ask you to take our -wordfor the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word. of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACE exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FRE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and Zu- dividuals. Also SOL&OE remedy for CONST! ,V r ,.� TIO (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC COMBINED) Does the work surely but pleasantly—Nature's way. No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem - Wien are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomach—but helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of SOLACE remedies write for FREE BOXES. State if one or both are wanted. SOLACE CO., Battle Creek, Mich., U. Si A - Address on Grain of Wheat The Casrridlen Churchman tells of a wonderful piece of microscopic en. graving accomplished by a Jewish fa,'. mer in Alberta, who wrote, on a grain of wheat, in ebrew cnaracters, an address of welcome to the Duke of Connaught. The address container' 300 letters, and was so fine as to re. quire a powerful microscope to real the inscription. 1. I �l1�illi!JO1Ni�i{IhNpt 1'1"' IIIu_IIQllIIIIill �- Ill — �, d faA eff v tt.`.tt, Which we are dere to make To please our many patrons With the Battery Goods We l3alte Our Bread Ye of First Importance,— We know ;you'll find it right, But all the other minor thin s Will give The Same Delight Carter's Bakery PHONE 132 amort y r57 ° 4vbe NERVIE-SMN-Cr BLOOD DISEASES frEMIPMERIMP2 tSSISIMPEXIESsec sND a COUNTER CHECK L BOOKS, J There ie nio need o1 sending your ordt•rs for counter check boc,ks out of town. We can fill orders prompt- ! a rices p t p that Will defy com int hepetitionlineand Dan be had in , A..k to see nur samples,. They are the very latest thing Woo, black or red ink. No difference in the price. 1----- Wngharn Advanoe Witighatn, Ont , r