HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-10-01, Page 8ART CLXIT cvQK C�RC3RPM.1-1,..14 l-tMl t R for Younger Men are to a young man's success what love is to a young woman's MORAL --See the Falx Samples I_� tt> 4Al AG I i#i�l�l■�i�w �N �> 1Mic� M r - a> I� � . M p� ltd et 1 onzgonammatemmixoffeamosomexusswannowaressoi 0 /5) e r.. "�,� A VIl INC AM ADVANOE BELGIUM'S rTCHENER. Telephone No. 70 acimore. Rev. A. R. Gibson and Mrs, Gibson returned bonne hem Retmilton en S. urday. Miss Lizzie McKee of Listowel and Mrs. John Wylie of Gerrie were visit- ors at Wm. McKee'd on Sunday. What about forming a social club r- mong the Young people fur the long winter evening'? Now is the time to organize. The Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. McKee'; on Scturday, Oat. 3rd. The following subj••cte will be dealt with: "Preparation of Meats" by M re. Adamson; -"Thanksgiving" t.y Miss Bax; "Entertainments in the Home" by Miss N Bellagb. Several musical selections will be rendered. Fordyce. Mies Enema Strome of Teeewater is visiting friends around Fordyce. Mies Luella Shaw spent the week's end in Biuevale, Mr. J, Aitcbeson is busy drawing gravel. Farmers are at present, buoy cutting corn and filling their silo's. Quite a few around Vick in Wingham Fair, enjoying a fine day and a good time. •Nv-•3'a,Vios+s p:ivw„ . ••,.,- •.3t.�u+Y.'� Rev, T. I. Wesley addressed th, Young Pent1+ on S.bbath mornin8 last at the R,.IIy D Service on the words, "•The's'e h4 a lad here who bath five loaves and two tenon fit•hee". A huge congregation listened to the speaker. Wroxeter. A fire broke out in llemphill'd Mill here on Saturday evening about 5 o'- clock, but owing to the prompt action of the bucket brigade no serious dam- age resulted, A spark from the fur- nace lodging in the roof was the cause of the fire. Mr. Was. Cornwall, timekeeper on the 0. P. R., was home from W,ingho= over Sunday. Mr. Geo. Allan resumed work on Saturday after two weeks vacation. Mrs. Wm. Cornwall visite' friends n Gorrie on Friday. Quite a number of young people from here took in the Convention held in the Presbyterian Church in Wingbam on Thursday of last week. VY s R. DYER t� Successor to A. M. CRAWFORD Wholesale and Retail Tobaccos WINGHAM, ONTARIO eg) We Will Pay you $120 to distribute religious litera- ture in your community. Six- ty days work. Experience not required. Man or woman.) Opportunity f r promotion. 1 Spare time may be used. International Bible Press, 182 Spadina Ave. TORONTO, ONT. Singer Sewing Machines Also Repairs, Parts and Needles for all makes of ma- chines. NO TIME FOR GAMES Lord Roberts' Stirring Address to City of London Recruits Little Kingdom Has a Strong and Capable tvlllitnry Leader Belgium, ie o, has its Lori Kiteben- cr. Ile is General Baron Wallis, a warrior whet attained itis fame in the few chancre- Belgium lied to fight bo - fore the r r. sent war—the subsection of the ne„re tribes in the Belgian Congo, the eery: heart of Arica. General 'Wallis, supreme comman- der of the ;..1 iy of the lithe kingdom, Something to stir the pulses of the City worker, to make him straighten his shoulders, and realize the peril in Which our 1_,nipire stands, Happened in London when thirteen hundred young men, who in less than forty- eight hours had responded to the call of the Lord Mayor for recruits to Make op a new battalion of the City of London Regiment (the • Royal Fusiliers), marched through the main streets to be sworn in at the Tower of London. Headed by the band of the Scots Ceards, they made a splen- did shove, though still in mufti, and the processio:i swelled to thousands en route. it was a great recruiting effort, First of a'1, they paraded in the grounds of the Temple, presenting a magnificent spectacle of British man- hood. There they were addressed by Earl Roberts, hero cf many a battle- Aeid. After inspecting the men and speak- ing to several who wore the Souter African medal, Lord Roberts said: "I am proud to be the first to welcome you as brother soldiers, and to con- ' gratulate you on the splendid exam pie you are setting to your fellow countrymen, coming forward to take your places in the ranks as private soldiers, not seeking, as the vast majority of men in your station of life are seeking to be, given commis- sions as officers. We require hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and of these only a mirirlum number can be ofil- eers. Moreover, it is absolutely es- sential that officers should be suf- ficiently trained and disciplined to warrant their being entrusted to nom - Mand and lead soldiers in war. "You are the pick of the nation, highly educated business men of various professions, and you are do- ing exactly what all able-bodied men in the kingdom should do, no matter what their rank or what their station in life may be, "I respect and honer you more than I can say, My feeling towards you is one of intense admiration. How very different is your action to that of the men who can still go on with their cricket and football as it the very existence of the country were not at stake. "This is not the tame to play games, wholesome as they are in days of pip- ing peace. We are engaged in a life - and -death etrug le, and you are show- ing your determination to do your duty as soldiers, and, by all means in your power, to bring this war --a war forced upon us by an ambitious and unscrupulous nation—to a suc- cessful result. Gcd bless and wateb over you all." co GEN. i3AIION WAH18 won hips way into the hearts of ilio ecrtuntry men by his daring feats dur- ing such warfare and his elevation to ehief rack and his decorations have been well earned. He is a man of force and aggres- siveness, much the same as his worthy aid, Lieutenant -General Leman, whom he lost by capture when tlto Germans took Liege. He is sixty years of age and is now on the field directing the operations of We Belgian forces. PETROGRAD TREACHEROUS ENEMY MISUSES WHITE FLAG Official Reperl -From General French -Sristail Soldiers Fight Heroically Frain Water -filled Trenches General French's latest report to the British Cover:intent charges mis- nee of ti'sµ white fag and other treaci'crut rrts by ilio Germane. Tbo cmeey :a eti13 maintaining hint• self along tee whole front," the re- port state "and in 'order to do so ip tiu'owine .n:u the fight detachments composed ;.t unl:s train very different formations, the active army, reserve and Landwebr, its shown by ,the uni- forms of met recently captured. Our progress, . ,bion:(;:i slow, owing to the strength of the defensive positions against winch we ere Pressing, eras, in eortaia direet:0es, been cont:nu ms, but the present battle may well last for some days bafero a decision is reached, since it now approximates siege wartere. "The Germane aro making use of oearclii'ghts. Tats fact, coupled with their great etrengtli in heavy artillery, loads to the et:pposltion that they are employing material which may have been collected for the siege of eerie.' After giving details of the destrue- tion of a Gorman aeroplane and the discovery of a huge store of buried ammunition—tcndieg to chow that the German retirement was hurried -- General French went on to tell of the gallantry of his troops under most wretched weather conditions. 13rItis:i Always Ready The whole Slav world will hail with exultation the decision of Nicho- las II, that the capital of Russia shall henceforth bear a purely Russian name. To them and to all who know them, the significance of this act is immense, It marks a deliberate breach with an old and bad tradition which has brought many evils on their race. In spite of occasional. quarrels, the Court and the bereave cracy of Petrograd have been largely under the influence of the Court and bureaucracy of Berlin, since Russia first became a Great Power in Europe. Each found its account in this re- lationship. The reactionaries on the Neva could safely appeal to the re- actionaries orn the Spree for counten- ance in the most harsh and oppres- sive features of their internal pallcv, ' not been at all commensurate with with the colossal expenditure of am- munition which has really been west - "The German howitzer shells are from eight to nine inches in calibre, and on impact they send up columns of greasy, black smoke. Owing to this they are irreverently dubbed `coal boxes,"'black Merles,' or 'Jacit John. sons,' by the soldiers. "Men who take things in this spirit are, it seems, likely to throw out the 'calculations based on the loss of mor- ale so carefully framed by, the Ger- man military philosophers. The report mentioned that from in- formation given by prisoners, and from diaries taken from dead and wounded officers, the German forces are keenly disappointed at their fail- ure to roach Paris and their unavail- ing efforts to overc-pme the British, A. J. WALKER` SOLE AGENT �c,�ee.�� Furniture Store w�oReam. - �c. SOLE AGENT Walker's Furniture Store Wir.pbam, - Out. Repair Shop Furniture of all kinde re -finished, also interior house fioishinge. Pianos a specialty. Apply to Bog 37 town. Headquarters for Family Groceries to please d 40a. Henry T. Thompson THE .ROUSE OP QUALITY If you have not tried us with an order for • HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season and we aim in quality and promptness of delivery. TEAS—A. tenet of our hulk tea will convince, you that quality, is the best' and the price is unchanged at 30a an Successor to E. B. Hart the 1 reeisommosimmeeeisriaoseresirsoeisiesomemileo eke SAVE MONEY You eon save from $15 to $2) by h tying th tt suit C f.I.J ANF, PtenssnD and REPAIRED, Men a, similar moonlit by btivitrg a New' Velvet Collar etc, on your Overcoat, We a neeiatize on DRY CLE 1N1NG, Pte,EASING.and REPAIR., fNG LkDiES-' WEAR,. 'Johnson's Cleaning and Passing Works (Under Nevta' MANAGEMi?+Nl) Ass, 0. S hneaon. Manager .1f FRIENDS OR FOES "Tile brunt of the resistance has naturally ^,then upon the infantry," the report ootid. "In spite cf the fact that they have been drenched to the skin for some days and their trenches have been deep iii mud and water, end in spite of the incessant night hlarms and the almost coitti'uuous bombardment to which they have been subjected, they have on every occa- pion been ready for the enemy's in- fantry when the latter attempted to tl!ssaint, and they have beaten. them back with great loss. Indeed, the sight of the pickelhauben corning up has been a positive relief after long. trying hours of inaction under shell fire. "The object of the great propor- tion of artillery the Germans employ Is to beat down the resistance of their enemy by concentrated and prolonged fire, to shatter their nerve with high explosives, before the infantry attack Is launched. Tiny seem to have re- lied on doing his with us, but they [lave not done so, though it has taken hem several costly experiments to discover this fact. "From statements of prisoners, it itppears that they have been greatly disappointed by the moral effect pro- duced by their heavy guns, which, WAS :.. rr 5t'HIM Baedeker, Gni) of the Wars Victims, Vdas Colli? Pook Man Tourists all the world over reed with syrnpathetic tiitereat the report that Ilorr Karl Baedeker, the pub- lisher of the famous guide beelie, hud been killed in action, This member of the Baedeker family was ono of the grand sons of old -i, arl Baedeker, who, was born at T' .seen in 1S01, where his fattier had carried on a busincse of printer and bookseller, and who ltinrself started in b e:noes in 1827 at Cobientz,, where he (Val j•.ist eve,' ility years gee His grave in the town is often visited by totuK'st.. It was old Karl Dacdelcer who 11 le hit upon the idea of publish:ng a series of guide beelts for the different countries, The firot guide bock pub- lished by Baedeker was a smelt bank on the Rhine, of which in 1830 lie pro' duced a third edition cutirei?r rowri tan by himself. Since then guide books for Belgium, Reiland, Gernvtny Austria, Switzerland, the United States, etc., have been published ti. the principal langu^ges of Europe until to -day tine word '•f3s,cd.ker'' has become almost a • synonere for guide book.. while the Junkers, against wiro,n all that is progressive and enlightened in Germany have so often and so vainly striven, looked to St. Petersburg for their staunchest support. The al- liance between these classes has been based upon their common desire to keep down the people for the honor and the emolument of the "small but powerful" class, which arrogates to itself in both countries the exclusive privilege of bearing rule. The step taken by the Tsar is a proclamation to the entire, Slav race in all its branches that this unholy alliance is no More.—London Times. ARMY HORSES MUST SWIM M. Georges Scott, a well known artist, . who is a Frenchman in spite of his name, is charged with an im- portant mission by the Wrench Minis- try of War, which is intended to make the French troops at the front sure as to who are their enemies and who their friends. M. Scott is an expert in military uniforms. He was commissioned to prepare a series of colored designs showing the uniforms of all the troops against whom and with whom the French soldiers have to fight. Ger- man and Austrian ljhlans, I3eigian in- fantry and cavalry are all shown with the exact colorings of uniforms in war. The colored tlteets are distri- buted to the French soldiers. One side of the sheet is headed "Friends," the other "Enemies." The object is to prevent the French soldiers front firing on their own friends. In the War of 1870 there were a number of melancholy oeca- bions on which friendly regiments en• gaged each other owing to a laces of familiarity with each other's uniforms, And more recently in the Balkan War there were a number of cases in Which allies touglit tacit ot:ner. - µy MOW A Necessary Part of Their Education For the War Game New Lleutenant-GOverner Colonel, the Hon. 3, S. Hendee of tlanstlton, minister without porttolle In the 'Onta;lo Cabinet, has been 1hosen to succeed Sir Sohn Gibson fns Lieutenant -Governor. Subscribe fee the Advance. An army on the march may at any time encounter a river which it is necessary to cross, and, in the case of a cavalry raid or reconnaissance, there may be no time to find a bridge. Consequently, all army horses are taught to swim. Those of the British army get their tuition at Aldershot, Where there aro a nun.be.r of large ponds, called "hashes." These ponds are usually shallow at the edges, and Have bottoms of firm sand. - Swimming lessons are carried o.;t under the eye of the veterinary officer or of the riding master of the regi- ment, and only experienced men, such as the rough -riding staff, are permitted to be in the saddle. Every ca"e is taken not to frighten the animal; for a horse, being natur- ally timid, will never get over the scare if forced roughly into deep water, The riders are dressed in old suits of fatigue clothes, which will not suffer from a wetting, and on the first day the horses aro simply walked into the shallow edge of the pond, no deeper than enough to cover their fetlocks. Of course, there is a lot of ,snori.- lng and shying, but by dint cf coaxing this is soon overea .re. Next day saddles are taken off, and the horses aro persuaded to go a tittle deeper—perhaps up to the' belly. bay by day they are induced to go a little further in, and by the fourth or fifth day most start swimming quite naturally. At first their riders swim beside them, in order to give them con- fidence. It is a risky business for a man to swim beside a horse until he is thbroughly accustomed to so doing. If he swims too close he may get a dangerous blow frcm the an' -mat's hoofs. As soon as an army Horse swims easily he is next taught to swim beside a boat. Light, collapsible boats are used, and as many as five or six horses can be taken° across a river behind or alongside each boat. The last lessen ,is to swim with a rider on his back. A horse naturally ltwinis rather low in the Water, and with the weight of of a man on hint, the animal has only his Bead above the surface. When a sentry cries "Battu Wha goes there?" the correct reply is "Friend," INDUIN OXT"S? SMILED German Warship Fired Upon Madras, Killing Three Persons The German cruiser nutlet last (Chursday : -ed nine 'shells at Madras, British India, entering the harbor at P.n. One of the shells hit the .oil tanks, firing two. The telegraph blhlce, the Seamen's Club, and some trucks were also hit. The forts at the harbor trent replied to the t:m. filen, which titian withdrew. The tit. Pair was all over in fifteen minutes. two Indians and ono boy were kill^d, RUSSIA CONTINUES TO GAIN Austrians Completely Defeated Czar's Troop& and Kaiser's Meet 44.144.4. A despatch from Petrograd says: "The right wing of the Austrians has been driven hack beyond the Carpathians into Hungary, where they are being pursued by Russians. "The Austrian debacle is complete and they have lost all their artillery. The Austrian left wing has retreated to Cracow. The Russians have oc- cupied another of the forts of Prze mysi which is now entirely invested.' "Germany is reinforcing her army in East Prussia at the rate of one army corps per day," says a despateh from Petrograd. "These reinforce- ments are being carried by 260 trans an all four available railroads, "All this is in preparation for the great and decisive battle soon to be fought' along the whole western line. "At least 800,000 German troops are now gathered in an effort to balance the Austrian failures. The armies are already is touch, and the grand battle is bound to come soon. The Russians will have the' advantage, however, be- cause the fighting will be on ground chosen by the Russian leaders." White Flag Misused "Further evidence has now been collected of the misuse of the white flag," the report declared. "During an action owing to this, one officer +was shot. During recent fighting also, some German ambulance wagons ad• vauced in order to collect the wound- ed. An order to cease fire was con- sequently given to our guns, which were firing on this particular section of ground. The German battery com- manders at once took advantage of the hill in the action to climb up their observation ladders and on to a haystack to locate our guns, which soon afterwards came under a far More accurate fire than any to which they had been subjected up to that tim e - "A British officer who was captured by the Germans and has since escaped reports that while a prisoner ire saw nen who had been fighting subse- quently put on Red Cross brassards. "That' irregular use of the protection afforded by the Geneva Convention Is not uncommon is evidenced by the Pact that on one occasion men in the uniform of hospital corpsmen. were Captured wearing brassards that had been slipped hurriedly over their arms when they became hard pressed." Kitchener Gets a Seat To avoid a political contest at thin time for the Lord Rectorship of Edin. 'burgh University, for which Sir Ed- ward 'Carson and Sir John Allsebroolt -Simon had been chosen candidates, Lord Kitchener was invited to bedome the Rector, and aecepted. USE DIFFERENT RIFLES 'British Weapon Much the Shortest -- Austrian the Lightest It is not generally known that each belligerent nation in the field Is armed with a different retake of rifle. Naturally, experts are not agreed as to Which is actually the best, though British experts are inclined to favor the British short Lee -Enfield. The points of advantage of the British gun are its simple but reliable mechanism, its great strength, light. nese, and the fact that its magazine carries ten shots against five in alt the other rifles. it is sighted up to 2,800 yards, farther than any existing rifle, the German and Belgian Mauser coming next with 2,187 yards. It fires a bullet weighing 215 grains at a muzzle velocity of 2,060 feet per second, and it is only here that it is beaten by the German weapon, whoa° lighter bullet of 154 grains leaves the barrel with a velocity of 2,882 feet per second. Whereas the British arra weighs, without bayonet, 8 hounds 10 ounces, the German rifle turns the scale at 0 pounds 1 ounce, the li'reiich Lebel of 0 pounds 4 ounces being the heaviest of all rides, Curlottsly enough, the Austrians arm, the Mann• licher, is the lightest of military rifles, weighing, without the bayonetr tl pounds 5 ounrees. The Russians favor the Three Line or Nagant rifle, a Very old batters, firing a bullet of 14 grains at the low muzzle'veloeity pt 1,985 feet per second The British rifle is shortest of these weapons, Measuring, without the ayonet—which, by the Way, is 17 inches long -3 feet 8% inches, whereas those of the other 1 owetf range front 4 wf 2 i. est 4 inches. Walkers Undertaking Parlors EMBAL11tERS.and UNDER - TA KERS, We carry a full line of Caskets, etc. James Walker 16 years experience. A. J, Walker 9 years experience Day Phone 100 A. Night Phone 106b and 224 ./V. �M/�/►rvyV�/W,/VM4/VWWrV 011111111111111110111 fSIMOti0 BCH RI STIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 Store opens 7 a. m. Closes 7 p. m. 1111 1 choice IGoods 0111111131~~.111111.11111111110 60111011 HERE FOR GOOD GROCERIES • Big Bargain Sale of en's Shoes On SATURVAY NEXT any time after 10 a. m. 52 Pairs Men's Shoes Every pair is first grade with Goodyear welt soles. In all sizes, 5 1.2 to 10. Regular $4, 4.50 and 5.00 lines for $1.97 a pair On Sale Saturday next, all day, or rather any time after 10 a. m. one shoe of each in our South Window. Bevnimmliminvim Prepared ARE YOU READY TO DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY You are urgtd to join the 83rd Euron 1 gimont and be re#tdy when .the call to arms come. AiTS able bodied roan over 18 Weare of age is eligible. YOU can join either for home service or for service abroad. tt It•tfiE, TtLE1?EOI E TO or SEE Capt. N. T. Sinclair B Co. Lardgimes t). `WThtGHAM, ONT. W. H. WILLIS CO. SEM Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR SHOE LADIES MIE1111111111111MMIE111111211111111111N r Ready Let us show you the new models for Fall, fresh from the 20th Century Brand Tailor Shops Suits made to measure are Strictly Cash • • W. A. CAMPBELL The Clothier MacDonald Block. Opp. Bank of Commerce. WINUHAM MARKETS. Wheat $ 1 20 1 25 ,� invite 50 ... (10 50011 Otte . 01) 05 Suc'kwheat '75 15 13eans 1 80 2 00 Potatoes ... .. 70 70 Hay Straw (trundled) , . , .... . 10 00 12 00 Bran. 44.44 ......... 26 26 Shored 28 28 Flour ........... . 3 40 3 70 Hgga Butter 25 Hos ... 8 C Lambs,.. .. 0 50 100 Sheep ..... ............ 400 450 Peas ..... 4 00 10 00 The ADA/AME Voir Goof& /ob Work Scranton or Lehigh Coal Wood, & Kindling Lowest Prices R. J. Cantelon Otto* with Dominion Omit Cie.