HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-10-01, Page 7t Ottetarteeea., fehommor Mr • • I. Ott. 1, 1911. Chrlot Anointed ter ;Mane -Mark 1-11. team:eta-ma n. %tee met ia Jewleh Cute ra kve. 1, I. Alto: two (lays --Tee oaetplet; were aware that the late. ;at Wa8 t w 0 das 8 ahead, for tieee woe.is were epoken tta Tuesday !seceding tho tritely. of the crucifix - len Of Christ. The disciple.; knew a hen the feast e ould occur, but they Wu not Item weat eus awaiting' their Maeter. letettovcreeene tho prin- eieal feeste a the Jews. it Wafi ecreed in commemoration of the de - Mauro of Um leraelites from the land of haespe Pearaoh, King of EgY9t; wee tareilline tor the leraelitee, who were his slavee, to leave Egypt, and the Lord stout a relies of ton plagues upou the Egyptians. The Inet 'of- these VMS the death of. the firet-bora of every fatuity. At God's command the Israelitea had slain a iamb accoraing to their families and hal sprinkled the blow; upen the door -posts and lintels of thoir houocs, The angel of death who slew the first-born of the families "paosed over" the homes where the blood was sprinkled, with - ,e out slaying a child. The Israelites were saved oza protected by the blood. Unleavened bread -The Passover was Iteld on the fourteenth of Nisan, cor- responding to the sixth ot and was followed by a feest of seven (lane during which no leaven was allowed in Jewish homes, frem which Met the feast took its name. The Passover and the fent et unleavened bread are so closely related that they are sometimes spokc.n of as a feast -for eight days. Chief priests -Those who had beeu high peiests end the heads of the twenty-four aourses of Prieets; Scribes -Teachers of the Jewieli law. Take hint by craft -The chief priests and scribes, the leaders oe the Jews. were eager to have Jesus put to death, but they were prevented from making an open assault because of the many from Galilee, and others, who were in hearty sympathy with Jesus. They decided to be on the watch for an occasion to put Jettae to death without causing any geeeral excitement or op- position. 2. Not on the feast aay- The Passover. It was eustomary for the Jews to punish criminals on public feast days, in order that the act Wight be witnessed by as many as possible for the effect upon the people. In this case, however, they feared to have the execution public, for many of the peo- ple were friendly to Jesus, IT. 'the anointing at leethauy (vs. a- le) 3. Bethany -on the Mount of Olives near to Jame -Wm. Simon the leper -Possibly a relative of Meg, Martha •and Lazarus. it is not clear who Simon waa, but it ist thought teat he was one who had been healed of the leprosy by our Lora. A feast was served here :Alm el2: 2), arta many came, not only to se Jesus, but also to see Lazarus, whom :lens had taised front the dead (John 12: 9.) A woman -It was Mary, the sister of lartzarue, (John 12' 31 Alabaster box - A cruse or flask made. from a hard and brilliant substance, which was found in Alabastam, a town in rzypt Ointment of spikenard -It was a fragrant and costly perfume procured from the spikenard plant which grows ie -the Itinniayan region of Asia. Poured It -It is probable that Mary broke the seal and let the liouid flow upon Jesus' head. Prom lehn 12: 3 we learn that she anointed the feet aleo. From the Driental manner of reclining upon coucbes meals with the feet away from the tuhle, it. woula be convenient Per Mary to enoint the Saviour's feet and wipe them with her hair. 4. Had indigna- iien-Judas. because of his love ee money, and because he was the trea- surer of the little company, raised .ob- jeetion to hfary's self-denying and lovieg deed, and doubtless influenced others of the diseiples to share his feelings. This waste -Their misaPPre- 'tension of elary's act was twofold. 1, They did not know that the anointitig was for his burial. 2. They, and Ju- das particularly, mild not comprehend the aevotton and lave that prompted the, act. Selfish; worflaly-mindea peeple can not understand the reason why Christians give money for the -semport ef the gospel at horre and for .nissionary work in foreign /ands. Thousands Who are ready to criticise the acts of devotion and self-sacrifice of others, would not do the least Mug for the relief, of their suflfering fel- low men. 5. ‘Thre hundred penee- Three Mildred denarit, estimated at fifteen cents met, would be forty-five dollen Since a penna, or denarins, was a 1W-sorer's daily wages, the value et the ointment would be equivalent to nearly a yeer's wages..Given to the poor-Juoas pretended to deplore this waste out of sympathy for the poor, 'hot that his protenne was hollow is shown by the feet that within a week he betrayed his Master for about me- thire the value of Moreas ointmeet. 6, Let her alone -Jesus knew both the love and devotion of Mary, and the wickedness of Judas, and at once defended her from the unjust censures of the disciples. A good work -It was a good Work because tee the motive that actuated. it, because of its purpose and because of the person. to whom it was directed ."Ilere was no waste at aii, no waste as regards the poor, for there were abundant opportunities to help theM; na waste as regards the disciples. for they could help the poor at any time; no waste as regards the woman, for this deed would be told as a Memorial of her; no waste as re- gards the Lord, for He was pleased to , regard it as a burial gift." 7. Poor with YOU always -There will .ever be opportunity for the exercise of char- ity toward the poor. They will form a greater or less part of the world. until the end of tiMe. Me ye have not always -His death was but two days away, and within forty-five days He was to ascend to the rather. Mary had heproved her opportunity, and there was -no ground for the disciplest complaint, 8, Site hath done what Site eouId-She had not stinted her gift. 1Ier love for the Master prompted her to the greatest aet of .devetion of which she was capable. It is clear that dm prized the ointment highly, (1,41 Elie would not have offered it as a tokon of hor nupreme affection, Three worde of .Tesaue "She hath done uhat she eouid," have been an inspir- ation during enact -ding ages to Reis of devotion and Christian heroism. end will continue to be to the end of time. To the hurying-It access prob- able that 'Mary's net, prompted by Mee, waft uneonseions prophecy of ehrifit'u death; yet Do limy have re - %sated to her that eveut as near at hand, 9, Thronehout the whole World -- declaration titet .the gospel shall be preached far and wide. Shall be seek - en of for a trientorial--This proalleeY is being literally ithd the shnele story et' the anointing of Semi% ',-••••FollIIIRIPPIIPIRP V ^ I with the atteedant eiretunstauceei has • ettrred the hearts Of Millions to a dee- per devotion to ,Tcsus alheist and to ills cause among men. Judas tad nothing but criticism for ber net; Jesus had nothing but conimendatlon and aPPreciation and said that her act would be gratefully remembered. Pl. Juan planning to 140;1'4 Jesus (vs. 10 11.1 10. Judas Iscariot -He war.; one of the band el diseiples. lie Inteinese WWI, no donbt, but lie came tn Die ambitious and avaricious. alaaton uttered into lam" (John 13:27 ) Cute the chief prieets-They had been 1.lotting to eviee Christ and put him. te h, now juillts goes to with an offer to betray hits Master to t hem. Aordlt1 seed net Yes gain at the sacrifice of faith, of honer, of ale:pa:hip, and even at the sacrifiee of the life of the Stet a Go. crime wns too horrible it ouly-it would bring hint pa!n. 11. Promised t give him money Judas had :pima them. "What Ye give me, and I will deliver him un- tn you" The priee agreed upon was thirty pieces of silver, about fifteen dollars. the price ef a slave. Sought how he might conveuiently betray hint -The Jewish leaders desired no public dentonztration. hence an oPPor- tunny was sought when Jams might bo taken in tho absence Of the multi- tudes. Qeestions.-Who were plotting against Jesus' lire? Who was willing to netray Jesus? What bargain was made? Where did Jesus attend a feast walle in Bethany? Who -were present et the suneer? 1,Vhat, act was per- fortned by Mary? What was the value or the oisttraent and for what narabse ivasi the anointing? Who aisapproved sr her ;Let and for What reason?' V, hat words did Jesus speak In awe- val of 'Marys eouree? Draw SOMO contra's's between 1Viary and Judas. PRACTICAL SURVEY, . Tople.-A memorable occlusion. T. Of unparalleled distinction. • II. Of unparalleled duplicity. I. Of unparalleled • distinction. "Mary anuciated Jesus as the Sovereign of her heart, the King of her soul, the Lord of her life, fite Messiah oe the nation and the Saviour of men," Her action was deePlY sYMbolical. It Was the gospel in figure. In it Jesus saW symbolized the greater offering He was about to make, prompted by a deeper love titan hers. He distinctly foresaw the great pregress which the gospel would soon make in the world. To Mary that. act Was a most delightful exercise; to the disciples a m.ost portaat lesson; to Christ a moat grati- fying deed, and to the world most beaeficial teaching. Mary alone grasp- ed the thought that Christ's earthly ministry was drawing to a close. She had sat at his feet and had divined his teaching More deeply than his chosen disciples had done. They did not understand her act until Chriat lifted it into the light of truth. It was not the intrinsto value of the ointment, but the tnought which went with it that gave it significance, and -avoided the majesty and substance of true love as offered and aceepted. Mary's net bespoke her earnestness. It demon- strated the deep and tender attach- ment of her soul which yearned to 'lavish her ell upon him. It represented deep assert feeling, loyalty and conse- cration. Her love reached- the hidden truth of things, before the things them- selves had been revealed. Hers was love overflowing with gratitude ex- alted by reverence. It was holy love. Her devotion was original, fearless and. unmindful of criticism. . To„ the eye whicli searches all atearta it was noble, august and important. Jesus Omit, and powerfully asserted her superior worth of tae heart's deepest feeling over any outwai.d. acts; making the whole spiritual meaning of gifts - consist in the disposition of the giver. He perfectly understood and approved Mery's motive, and therefore was pleased with her offering. ale looked on her with loving approver and threw around her the shield of his deeence. Her act of instinctive faith and love. of obedience and loyalty were of More value than prudence and circulation. It was defendedeas more • oeportune and urgent than almsgiving, end des- tined to have greater effect in blessing the werld than the distribution of its money_ value among the poor. • II. Of unparalleled duplicity. Tticlee. nes a trusted official, who abused the confidence reposed in bine It was manifeat that the spiritual side. of Jesus' ministry had for him no value. It Was he who took the lead in -as- signing wrong motives to Mary's; con- duct. In him we bave an example of deep hyPOCrisY• .Tudas4 talk about tte Doer was mere fretense to hide lila avarice, He was rade and nrimantter- ly in the pretense of deep piety tend devotion. His hyPoeriticial objebtion was cleverly invented. He kite*, the unselfishness of bis Master and knew that hie heart was always Moved' m behalf of the needy He ventured to set no the general claims of Christ, forgetful that Olives of highest vnlue have not. a market priee. His nature was sadly false and selfish. Mary'e devotion ripened acd revealett- his character. The venem of his aVarice battled, against the perfume of his love. Judas stood alone in his, cove- tousness and hypocrisy, though all nee disciples were guilty of murtnur- ing against Mary. Ho stigniatezeJ her action as purposely waste. Ho nas angler because her act of love was above his stanard, though he: as- signee to himself a geed motive while oassing Censure trpen. her. The prom- inent feeture in MarY's character, was her power to leve; in Suttee it 'was 'big devotion to ,moneyasetting. There was a striking tontraet betweeu the -matey Ilex and the alabaster box; be- tween the anceating for burial and the plan for betrayal; betweee Mary's eeenrd through the ages arid the ter- rible record Which stands with ludas' Dant e. --T. R. A. LEFT 7;000 DEAD. French Ruse Results in Gertinn Disaster at Troyon. Leaden, Sept. 27.-A Paris deepateh te Reuter's Telegrare COMpany Says: "Wounded who haVe arrived at ltiont-Lueort give details ef the Siege of Fort TroYori, near Verdun, They say that while the Gentians Were bona- barding the *commander of the fort did not reply, The enemy, believing that the fort had been evaettatea, approach.. ed in order to destroy a redoubt. "'The eotuntander ef the fort theit t fire te two carloads of straw in- eide the Structure, and the Germans, convinced that their ehells had start - id the fire, and that they *could easily take the pletee, adtratteed in. e10110 for- niatica. , "The Tereiteh suddenly Mernesked I their mitrailletteete which opened a deadly fire, The number of German bodice abandoned on the slope§ around Fort Troyort is estiinated at 1,000." Torente btieiness Men have fornted all attedelatiert to advance leans to the deserving needy. TORONTO MARKETS. LINE aTOtela, UNION STOOK YARDS. Recelpte were very large: -183 ears, 3,276 cattle. dee hoge. :eat tweet) aim James and 207 cattle. C.4.1,'I'Ll0-1:11ere was a very hose num- ber et cattle but tew amenget them were choke or even gotta quatit,y coin - Pared wan the large number of. eommon Auld medium. pieces wine ateaey 101' choice. but easter for common. Choice butcher steers .... 110 to .9 00 (-Wort Mather steers s fou Meet= butcher eteers. se to s buteher steers .... 50 to 00 .and 7 cattle eold Choice butcher helfera- b 20 to 8 4$ Common butcher heifers .. 7 10 s Choice cows, ..• 6 70 to 7 U0 clooa cowe .. 25 to 5 .10 Ca.nnors ..... 3 00 to 4 25 Bulls 5 00 te 7 26 - FEEDERS AND STOCKERS -A splen- did supply met a stow market at a eas- ier quotation's. Cholce steers $7 00 to $7.20 Medium steers ... ... 5 25 to 76 Stockers . • 6 50 te 6 60 MILKER'S 21,1%715 S'at&GERS-A. fair supply sold at $05 to 3110 cach; bulk sold at $7Q to $85 each. CALVES-1VIarket atrong els ever as the run waslight. Choice. Yeats $10,50 to $11.00; common to good 66.00 to tro.so. SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts large and prices easier for lambs. Sheep . SO 00 to $6 50 Culls and rants .. 3 00 to o 00 Lambs ... 7 50 to 8 00 Culls „.. .„ 6 50 Yearlings ,„ 6 50 to 7 00 HOGS:-Papiters quoted; market easier Selected, fed and watered $9.26 to $8.00 to $8,£1) f. o, b. cars, and $9.50 weighed off cars. FARMERS' MARKET. Dressed hogs, aeavy .... 10 75 Do„ light 12 25 Butter, choice dairy, lb 0 27 Do., creatnery . , 32 Eggs, dozen , .,.. 32 Fowl, lb.. 0 15 Chickens, lb... ,. 0 10 Ducks, lb 0 16 Turkeys, lb.., ... 0 21 Potatoes, new, bag.. 0 75 Apples, Can., bkt.. 0 15 Doe choice .. 0 25 Do., Wee.. 1 25 Crab apples, 0 20 Tomatoes, bkt 0 15 Cranberries„bbla 6 50 Onions. 75-1b. sack.. 1 00 Peaches, 0 CO Pears, Bartlett, 0 30 Plums, bkt.. 0 65 Grapes, 6 -quart bkt.. 0 15 Watermelons, each 0 20 Melons, bkt.. 0 20 Cabbage, dozen.. .. 0 30 Veg. marrows, 0 15 Cauliflower, dozen 1 00 Celery, dozen ..„ 0 35 SUGAR MARKET. 11 60 13 00 0 29 0 34 0 35 0 16 0 21 0 20 0 25 0 80 0 20 0 30 2 50 0 25 0 25 7 00 0 00 0 85 0 50 075 • 0 20 Q 40 0 40 0 00 0 20 1 25 9 50 Sugars, wb.olesale, as follows: Extra granulated, Redpath's $ 31 Doe 20-11) bags a .. .... 41 .Do., St. Lawrence 31 Do., St. Lawrence, 20 -lb bogs- 6 41 Dominion crystal, in bags.. .... 6 31 Extra, S. G. Acadia 6 71, No. 1 yellow ...... ,. 5 91 firm. ntrivrY:r WrARKETS. WINNIPEG GRAIN OPTIONS. Open. High. Low. Sept. a. Wheat - Oct .... 0 08% 1. 08% 1 07% 1 OS% Dec. .. 1 09% 1 10% 1 09% 1 10% May .. 1 17% 1. 17% 1 A% 1 17% Oats - Oct. .. 0 49% 0 49% 0 49 0 49 Dec. 0 49 0 49% 0 48% 0 48% Flax - Oct. .., 1 23te 1 24 1 n314 et 2314 Nov. .. 1 27 1 27 1 25% 1 25% Dec. .. 1 27% 1 2714-: 1 .?7% 1 27% MINNEAPOLIS GRAIN MARKET. Minneepolls.-Wheat-No. I hard, $1.09 3-4; No. 2 northern, $1.02 1-4 to 31.06 1-4; December, $1.0i 1-1. Corn - No. 3 yehow, 73 to 74c. Oats -NO. white, 45 to 45 1-4c. Flour and bran- 'Thicbangecl. . DULUTH GRAIN MARICET. Duluth., -.-e Wheat-- No. 1 hard, el:08 7-8; No. 1 northern, $1.07 7-8; No, 2 northelet, $1.04 7-8; December, $1.47 7-8. CHEESE MARKETS. • London; Ont. -Seven factories offer- ed 1,260 boxes of cheese, with no sales. Bidding renged at from 14 to 14, 1-2e. ' Beiteezile, tent -On the cheese board to -day there 'Were offered 1,480 boxes of white and.210 of colored; 1,055 were sold at 14 7 -Se, and 540 at 14 13-16c. The balance was refused. Cowanseille, Que.-At a Meeting of the Eastern Townships Dairymen's As- •sociatiott, Saturday, eleven factories .affered 577 packages of butter. Two buyers were present. Ten factories sold at 26 3-40. • St. Hyacinthe, Que.-At the dairy board Saturday, 400 packages of butter were sold at 26e, and 450 boXes of cheese at 14 1-1e. 'CHICAGO LIVI1 STOCK. Cattle, receipts 23,000. Market lower. Beeves... 6 75 to 11 00 Steers . . ' 6 20 to 9 60 Stockers and feeilers 90 to 6 30 Cows and heifers .. GO to 9 10 Calves „ S 00 .to 11 75 Hogs, ieceipta 20,000. • Market strong. Light ...... 8 55 to 9 15 Mixed . ... 8 05 to 0 121/2 MeaVy . ..... ... 7 75 to 90 Sough 75 to 7 90 Pigs 4 75 to 8 00 Bulk 'of aales ... 8 00 to 8 15 sheep, receipts 53,000. Market steady. Native ...... 75t o 5 70 Yearlings. . . 5 7'i to 6 35 Lambs, native . 25 to 7 70 BUFFALO L1C16 STOOK. • East Buffalo. N. Y. despitteh-Catti receipts 5,800; rairly active, steady; prime steers 9.60 to 10,00; shipping 8.75 to 9.40; butchers 7.25 te 9.25; heifers 6.26 to 8.25; cows 4.00 to 7,50; bulls 5.00 to 7.50; stock- ers and feeders 5.25 to 7.75; stock heifers 5.25 to 6.00. Yeals receipts, 7.50; active and steady; 500 to $12.00. Rog% receipt% 12,500; tietiye. heavy 9.30 to 0.40; mixed 4.90; yorkera 8.25 te 4.90: pigs 9.00; roughs 8.25 to 18.45; stags 5,50 to $7.75. Sheep and lambs, reeelpte, 9.600; active lambs 500 to 8.60; Yearlings 9.50 to $_7.00 Wethers $6.00 to 86.25; ewes $2.50 to 65.75 sheep, mixed 3.75. MONTREAL MARKETS. Cottle, receipts 1.100; calvea 500; sheep and lambs 2,9o0; hose LW.. Trade fair, with lower prices all round. Priv° beeves 8 to 8 1-2; medium 3 1-2 to 7 3-4; common 4 1-2 to 6 1-2: entail bulls 4 1-2 to 6. Calves 4 1-2 to 8. Sheep, 4 1.2 to 1-4. Lambe 7 to 7 1-2. Reiss 9 1.2 ie 9 3-4. GENTLE GERMAN GOVERNESS. Ottawa, Sept. 27. --An langlistunatt re. siding in Ottawa has received a totter, dated September 14, from relatives in England. In the tourse of it the follow- ing nassage neatest "The Ma -et 'of Gas-- had a German governess for the children. .,. The ponce tailed Let cesue few days ago and asked to bay° ler sent out fel. tvalk, as they wished to trearch herre•me This they did, and build a number of bombs, mape, eta, concealed In her truelts 41.tid about the room, and tber tow ether German governesses round Itere- ford }lave .heen found doing. the earns% thine." • , PREMIER WHITNEY P 5SES SIR JAMES WHITNEY, Toronto, Sept. 26. -Sir Whit- ney, Primo Minister of Ontario, dice, unexpectedly at hie residence. 113 St Georgo street, about 12 o'clock noon yesterday. Following an ilinesa that became serious about one year ago and continued with varying ;severity throughout the winter, umnifeeting It- self again a few weeks ago, the (ma came esterclay, when - the Premier succumbed to• an attack of cerebral hemorrhage, 'This is the official an- nouncement contained in a bulletin is• sued by Dr, H. J. Hamilton, the Pre - ruler's medical adviser. The last ilinese of Sir James Whit- ney dates, from shortly atter the elee-' tion in june. The Premier had stat- ed his intention of tektite, a prolonged rest during July and August, wale, out indicating that he youid leave the etty. VIM of this, abeence from his office tor a few days Witi4 not re,garded as significant, until it was heard that he had :suffered a relapse, end was confined to his room. His condition remained 'without muelt cletngo for some weeks, although it was known he was under constant attention, and the recarrings periods ot depression and other symptoms did not permit the doctors to hold out any great promise of recovery to his old-time vigor. With these ehanging periods lie came to Tuesday lest, when he was unusually bright, but .this was followed by a reaction ex- tending over the succeeding- days which was never really dissipated. , The news of his death came to the public, and even to the mem- bers . or tue Government, - as a great shock. The Cabinet had been called to meet, as usual, at 12 o'clock, and the Ministers had harpy gathered, when Mr. Horace Wallis, the Premier's Secretary, ar- rived with the news that Sir James had been suddenly stricken, and Dr. Pyne, who was presiding over - the meeting, left hurriedly for the Preen- ler's hoes°. He arrived at about twelve minutes past noon, and found Dr. Hamilton already in attendance. Both physicians 'Saw at a' Maitre thet the dietinguished patient heti been ((cite for some minutes. Dr. Hamilton said that on Tuesday late Sir James had been exceedingly bright, and talked eagerly about puli- te) matters: The last couple of days he did not SeeM quite eo well. "I saw• him • as usual early yesterday morning.," :laid Dr. Hamilton, "and there yes no indication whatever of what took place later." It appears that Sir jamea bad arisen from bee and was walking around his room. clad enly in a ems -- fug gown, when the seizure came. De woe helped to his lied by Lady - 'Whitney and the nurse, and thee°, along with Miss Whitney. were the only persone present when he expired. CABINET STILL HOLDS OF'FICE. Wben the sad news -reached the Parliament Buildings all businees Wwl suspended temporarily, and the Ministers at once consulted as to the procedure under the cireure- stanees, air James being. the first Provincial Premier le Sae in office, there were no Ontario precedents. while the prectice followed in Ot- tawa and in England. did not seem to barmonive with the provisions of the Ontario statute. It was a moot ques- tion whether the Catenet dis.solved with the death of the Prime Minieter, as in the case in Itingland, or the Min- isters hold office during Die interreg- num until a new Premier Ines been called. The legal authorities at the Parliament Buildings differed mare or less, 'with the weight of (minion anparently being in favor of tho Min- isters retaining offiee. "We are still holding Office," said Hon. R. A. Pyne, in resPonS0 to a question on that point, "and will continee to do busi- nese." "Has the Lieutenant -Governor takeu any action?" "Ne, beyoria asking us to go on with everything as If nothing had hap- pened," was the reply. "Are you still a Cabinet?" Hon. L 13. Lucas was asked, "I ant still a, Cabinet Minister," said Mr. Luca% With Hon. .1. Poe absent, Hon. 11, A. Pyno is sealer MeMbee of the Cabinet. The order of seniority irt the original Cabinet was arranged by age. Sir James came first; then followed the late Hon, A. 3, Matheson, lion. J. j. Foy, Hon. R. A. Pyne, lions j. O.. Reaume, Hon. W. J. Hanna anti Hon. Nelson Monteith. With the changes that have sinee taken plate, it will be. Men that, with 11Ir. Foy incapacitated, Dr. Pyne is %tow the senior sitting member of the, Government. Besides the members uf own family --namely, Lady Whitney, Miss Whitney and Mr. Garnet Whitney, Chesterville-Sir Ulnae is servived be" three 'miters, Mr. .Albert Whitney, Prescott; :Sir, H. C. Whitney, .0fiawa; Mr. Edgar. Whlitto, AinutrcaL • sm ,TAMES' LTTele. L7e it.staut-isoTte:el llont.rable ,Tames Pliay Whitney, Kt. K.C.111.G., MD., D. C. le., K. C., Prime Minister of the Provinee of Ontario, Canada, since .and leader of the Coniervative party in the Provinvial Mom since le95, wee born letilliamelmeg, Danlaa Ninety, Ontario. in 1;113. being a sou 01 niehard Ltet Whitney and Oarless. Jaw 'Veltman. hie wite„ and a descendant of lenited Empire Loyalist stoek. jamce Whitney •epent the early boy. hood of his life on a fittni in the. letvnehip ef Oetutbrnek, in the alottaty of • Stole:tont, on the St. LaWrence feted, *ON, where hill parents mOveti a bow years after las birth. wee ;elite:tee el tee local stabile school ant o t the late tea. Cornwall Grammar Sehool. legan the F tuily of law la the office of the Intik aka% Sandfiehl Uttedonati, Pee - of the old. Province of Canada be' teal Premier of Caul° after Cone:eerie en e Confederation, and the first Previte KNIGIITHOOD IN 1008. au the imasiol,. of the tureen treetry Qttitteebe t Prince of "Wales, eonferred upon the Oute in Premier the title of kuight- tame. In lull he repreeentee the Pre- vlece of Ontario in London and goalie adaltIonal honor of le.C.M.G, at the limas of the these of Connaught, taw - n en era Outside Pell -Neal career, Sir Jantee ens always active in the seri ire of the Church' of Englano, to Allah he belonged, and WS9 a member et the Dioeesaa, Provincial ana Clenerat Synod: Previone to hie entry into. tne Legitlature he bad been a High baeoot trustee ana commie:donee for muse/. Mating the statutes, under .the. Govern. - molt of Sir Oliver Mamie He Wee eated *teen's Contool in 1890, [ION. IS. HENDRIE 1101 -.-GOVERNOR HaMiltell ',Nam Succeeds Sir John M. Gibson as Head of the Province. Toronto, Sept, U. -Lieut. -Col, Hon J. S. Dendrie, of Hamilton, up till this time Minister without portfolio in the Cabinet of Sir James Whitney, has been Appointed Lieutenant -Gover- nor of Ontario in succession to Sir John Gibson. This fact, generally ac- cepted as a foregone conclusion, be- came a reality on Saturday afternoon, when tbe necessary order-in-Chuncil making the appointment was an- nounced at Ottawa, Although he was at the Parliament buildings on Sat- urday and took part in the Cabinet meeting, no hint was given that Col. Hendrie was about to retire from the Governmente nor bas he yet been sworn in. it is understood that the administration of the official oaths will take place either to -day or to- morrow. in the meantime Sir John Gibson, whose six years of office expir- ed on the 21st of this month, is still Lieutenane;Governor of the Province, and in that capacity will attend the funeral of Sir James Whitney. The alacrity with which Col. Hen- drie's appointment was made follow- ing the death of Sir James 'Whitney has opened up a wide range of politi- cal speculation, Col. Hendee spent some time on Saturday in conferenee with Hon. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Railways and Canals in the Borden Cabinet, and whether the order was passed at Ottawa on Friday and not signed until Saturday or passed and signed on Saturday is not disclosed, but it was shortly after the conclusion of the morning council in Toronto that the news of the appointment was given out at Ottawa. BELGIRS CUT GERkiiii !IRS CommunicatiOn Between Mons and Brussels is Broken. Heavy Fighting in Which Invad- ers Are Repulsed. London, Sept. 28.-A despatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company from Blankenbanghe, Belgium, under Sun- day's date, says that the Belgians have blown up the viaduct at Bierg- hes, thus tutting railway communica- tion between Mons and Brussels. The Ostend correspondent of the Louden Ctandard, in a despatch dat- ed Sunday, says: "People arriving from Ghent report severe fighting at Termonde up to last evening, when the Germans attacked in great force, but were driven off with heavy losses. It is evidently their intention to force their way through to St. Nicholas, if possible, and complete the ring of investment around Antwerp. Their bombardment of Antwerp must be deferred, how- evei, till their big guns arrive near enough to be effective, and the essen- tial concrete emplacements for them have been completed, but it looked as if they were now determined to try to push forward to St. Nicholas, and setter° fighting near Ghent is probable. VIOLENT FIGHTING. Paris, Sept. 28.-A despateh to the Petit Parisien from- Amsterdam seys that violent fighting has occurred be- tween the Germans and Belgians at Schooten, four miles east of Antwerp, at Tormende, sixteen miles east of Ghent, and Hofetade, eighteen miles east of Ghent. In the latter loaelitY the heavy Gerntatt artillery became stuck in the mud, and the Germans were obligee to retire before the at- tacks of the Belgians. It is cottfirmed, says the deepatch, that the Germans are fortifying Liege. GERMAN RESERVES ANNIHILAT- - Et% London, Sept. 27. -"The Irrettelt have surrounded and annihilated the 109th Regiment of the German reserves," says the Basel correspondent of the lbechange Telegraph Company et a message sent br way of Rome. The despatch addei "The German wounded include e, colonel. a Major, two Captates and two Lieuten- ants." GERMAN CASUALTIES TO DATE. Sept. 27.-Thn total German easualities in dead, wounded and missing as offieially reported to date, am 104,59. The casuelity list announced to-daY Adds a total ef 10,627 easualities to those previously announced. The total elisuality list is mado op as fellows:-Deati, 15,674; wounded, OA; missing. 21,007. SNOW AT augEttd, Quebec. Que., Sept. 28. -What is considered the earliest snow in yeare, fell hero Dies morning, shortly before five oteleek, The first snow of ap- ' preaching winter Was Very light, bUt thes now flakes; althOttglt few, Were large. Titrougbout env InterMitent falls of ;Mole Were Teeerded, SHORT ITEVIS OF THE NEWS OF THE NI Kaiser Wilhelm Ras Inflammation of the Lungs, Oaught On the Battlefield. CANADA'S APPLES Holland Acts to Prevent Contra- band Articles Being Sent /nto Germany, • Rear -Admiral Herbert Winelew, IT. S,N., retired, is dead at Florence, Italy. French ancl Britieh forces have an- nexed the Island of Lissa, In the AO - dela Sea. The Provincial workmen's compen- sation act will come into effect on January 1 next. • Walkerville will place the wives. of voluuteers from there nn the town's weepy pay roll. Walter Brant and Ids wife were burned to death in their home on tite IVIarysville road, Mohawk reserve, De- seronto, Kenora is to have a Carnegie lib- rary, the trust having Appropriated $1.5,000 and the Council having let the contract. Again the village of Colborne has been visitee by fire, the freight slieds at the C.N.R. station being entirely ,consuthed. Henry Legate, who 'resided in the northern part of leastings County at New Carlow, committed subside by shooting himself. James Connery, Township clerk of Pakenham for forty-seven years, who has just died, missed only one meeting of the Ceunell in that period. Recruiting amongst the Ulster voluti- teer force for the new army continues. It was announced that the Ulster di- vision now totals about 11,000 men. Willie Bowles, nineteen months old, fell into a waterbarrel at the rear of his uncle's residence, East Toronto, and was drowned. The Dominion Government has ap- propriated $60,000 of the $50,000,000 voted by Parliament, for relief of the strtaken residents of Belgium. The St. Thomas 'and County of El- gin patriotic fund has now reached about $55,000, $30,000 from the City of St, Thomas and $25,000 from the coun- ty. Frederick Michaelis, an English- man was arrested by the Toronto po- lice on iestructions from the Militia Department. The cause of arrest is not made public. According to the latest information fro mRheinas, the four walls of the from Rheims, the four walls of the ers, are still standing, while the roof end nave are only partialy injured. Robert Constable, of St. Catharines, an employe of the Standard 'White Lime Company at Bea.chville, was killed at that village, when he ,fell 40 feet from the top of a derrick. Miss Alice tietzner was instantly killed and her brother William seri- ously injured in a motoring mishap near Wilmot Centre, three miles from New Hamburg, Ont. Colonel James A, MacDonnell, of the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders has been authorized to raise and .equip a cevalry regiment of five to six hun- dred inen in British Columbia. According to Mr. Lloyd George, when he asked for money to lend Bel- gium £10,000,000 he was offered L40,- 000,000, and could have had more if he wanted • it. The loan to Belgium would bear -no interest. Tremendous decreases in American export trade during August, resulting from war in Europe, were shown in detail comparisons Of the IL S. Department of Commerce with the business of one year ago. Four young men while duck -shoot- ing at Wainwright Fells, three miles from Dryden, Ont., were upset into the rapid stream when their boat beeatne unmanageable, and one, Gordon Hoop- er, was drowned. He was a chemist in Fort Willem. The British mail steamer Quilpue, which was ready to leave Qualaquil, Eduador, for Panama, suspended the start of her voyege at the last mom- ent, when it was announced that a German fleet was cruising near here. King Victor Emmanuel has recover- ed frora the injury to his knee which was caused by a fall from his horse some time ago. He attended the field manoeuvres of the Rothe garrison on Saturday. The Department of Trade and - Corn - 'tierce, tinder the direction of Sir George E. Foster, will conduct a Do- minion -wide advertisiug campaign to increase the consumption of Canadian apples throughout Caneda. The Right Rev, Monsignor T. J. Daly, .Vicar -General of the Arelidios eege of Halifax, died Saturday aged 75 years, He was rector of St. Joseph's Church and. otte of the mest esteemed Catholic clergymen in Neve Scotia. A despatch to the Paris Haves Ag- ency from Amsterdam says that in order to prevent the exportation of contraband articles te Gentility the Netherlands Government has deetaked martial law in the eastern. provinces. A deepateh to the London Titles from Geneva says that the Suisse statee that Emperor Williatn's cold has develeped ilit0 inflaintilation of the lungs. The cold was eontracted as a result of having fallen into a trench that was filled with water. Laboratory plans, automatic revel. ver. cartridges, magazihes arid differs ferent kinds *of powder were among the intereating exhibits produced in the case of Gurdit Singh and Belem, tte-o Matins who were Saturday Coll- vieted in Vittoria. la (a, et minded- turing bombs. Violet Burnett Delmege, of Mon - treat, 'will apply to Parliament next sesston for divorce front her huithand, Vessel! Lavicount Delmege, of West - mount, on the usual grounds. Nora. LOUIS() JaeltS011, formerly Norit TiOnisin Dowdell, of Toronto, is itsking to be freed from Arthur ,TiteltsOn. The U. S. Administration War Rev - mum Bill, imposing additional taxes on beer, domestic wines, gaeoline and stater, taxes, all estimated to produce $105,006.000 within a year, was passed by the HMSO, The vote was 2'84 tO 135. 110 Olt STRAIN'S AND SPRAINS - RELIEF IN ONE... HOUR Rare Herb and Root Extracts in this Liniment Give' it Marvelous Power. RUB ON NERVILINE You'll bo astonisited at the rapid poen relieving action of "Nervinue." its effectiveneee he due to. its rentark- able penetrating power -U strikes deeply, shine to the very tore De the trouble. Norville() ill stronger, mantr times stronger, than ordinarY IIII/Mentsi and it's not • grease', ill -Smelling or dia. agreeable. alvery drop rubs in,. bring- ing comfort and healing wherever applied. You would Scarcely' believe how it will relieve a sprain, bow it toles eat lameness, how it soothes and saw 11 bruise, Thouttande etty no nutmeat le half so useful in the lionise This must, be so, because Nerviline is a sato rented:" -YOU Cali rub It On even a child. with. fine results. duet you keep Nerviline hand -- it's a Panacea for the aches,. Pains and slight ille of the whole family. Oue bottle will aeon the doetore bill Mali and can be dependeti ea to. cure riteu- matiena neuralgia, lumbago, seletiets, .toothache, pleurisy", strains or swell- ing. Wherever there is a pain nib on Nerviiine; it will always ettre. The largo 50c family size bottle is the inost economical; trial size 25e. Sold evere-witere by dealers, of direct from the CatarrieezOne co., Kingston, Canada. THEY SHELLED liar problera. Most of the supply comes from eastralia, and there were threats that it would be stispended . unless guarantees were given,. Gov - A11 Hosi]iTit[ ernotaGeneral Harrison bee rellevea . fool German Brutality Revealed by French Official Note Inexplanatiou of Criticism Of Faulty Transport. Faris, Sept. 27.--A note appended to the communique. ansWers criticisms bave bee% directed against. the atealeal corps regarding the traria- por:'ation of the wounded. • It says.; "Attention has been railed. to the in- effiOent manner. in welch the wound - ea have aseen transported at certain points, which might give rise to the belief in insufficient organization or the absence of foresight. In order to surly° at a-coreect appreciation of the fates the real facts must be known ega "There have been eircumstanees in which the medical service have been itaceci. to retire with extreme rapid- ity, taking fr-ora the battlefield not only the wounded. which they were able to treat under the greatest diffi- culty, and at great personal risk on Um field, but also those wouneed sol- diers. who were being treated la hos- pitals, rut which the German fire was centred. It can thus be understood that it has not been. always pessible to -utilize at a given moment the treble (to the numbee of 17e, cal/ - able oe taking. away I00,000 wounded mean which bail been prepared. with persolmel and Surgical necesssities in autiemation of enormous evacuations, beceuse the transport service leas been able to place at the service of tbe mediaal department for theee extraor- clinery retreats in mass only the ma- terial which was available, . and near al hand, and even in this ease such inn Oriel bad tsa he utilized just at; it was. A hospital sheltering five hun- dred *minded has had to be evacuat- ed in two hours. This es:plains why many wounded soldiers have had to be transported stretcbed on straw or even in wagons. Only. horses were available for the traasport of these wagons, "Such conditions could not baste been foreseen-. They could- eever have been causted by an enemy who re- spected iaternational eenventious, be- cauee all the woended should have been. under the protection of the Gen- eva convention, whether they were in charge of field hospital corpe or in ee.gular hospital's in headed terrItorY. he Gesman army has, however, miopteci a new system, which consists of bombarding ambulances and hos- pital% and thus. slengbtering the wounded in their beds, If, in view of the hurried retreats, some wounded men have had their woueds aggravat- ed or have even succumbed, bow malty others bave had theie lives saved and have escaped from the enemy'?" t SCOTLAND LEADS Has Given Proportionately Most Men for the War. London, Sept. 2a.-(Correepo.ndence of the Asseciated Presse -From the Isla of Man there comes this news: elate Manx Legislative Council and Douse of Keys met together in Tyn- wald yeeterdays and temnimously de- cided to ask the imperial Govenneent to accept 1.250,00 as a. contribution from the Isle of Men toweede expenses of war. Members supporting the rase, bitlen wed that the gift was only an earnest of the readiness of the fifty thousaud people of the Island to sacri- taco all their resources in support of Great Britain at title tureture." Figures showing the percentage of teernits enlisted in Elksiand, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, as obtained from the. director of recruiLing and publish- ed. the Liverpool Courter, make Scotland appear as ilia most g,erterous contributor of Men. Thd approximate total number of men rnised from Aug. 4 to Sept. -15 was 501,584, the per cent - age of recruits to the total male pme Motion being givelitteca3smiftosi.lows;,er cent. . ..... . 1,44 . . . 2.71) 306,211 141 \Vales 19,90 • 1.94 e0,419 .. .93 Ireland, Special legislation called for cm 0.e. COMA Of the war has run up to a to- tal et forty emergenty ants ot Par- liament paseed sinee hostilities began Aute 4. MUST I1E NEUTRAL IVIttniIa Supplying Germans With Food and Coal? NIantla, Sept, 28.--Vears of .ft coal famine here; through titl threatened refueal of Great Britain and Japan to permit ite import withent-guarauteea egainet re-exportatiOn, has been avert- ed. Imam. hae inetatteted kcal Ma- as:trite not te sell ceal without exact- ing it betel fer tit tee its value, and aleo inehee upon veliSillar hispeetiOa. 'rho simpition that 'German vesSel‘i lead liOre to etipplY war:daps at sort still: exists. To -day the sielltner Hlmehorn, carrying 5,000 tons of .eottly. pdt bark front Corregiaor hay. ing slatted it British truiser outside. The eteat situittion preeented re BRUTAL WORK ••••••••••••••• Hundreds of British Wounded Disabled by the Germans, Montreal,. Sept. 28. -How Germane cut the wrists ot Englieh woundea, tO prevent them from usnig their sword arms again, is told in a letter from George Frame, a loeal boxer, who served as a driver in the army service corps in Belgituta to Elmer W. Fergu- peat, oporting editor or the Montreal Ilerald-Telegraph, Writing front Lon- don, Mr. Pram° sayte "I am just out of the hospital, hey^ lug been severely wounded in my left leg at the battle of Mons. "We have the Germ.ans at our mercy. They cannot shoot with a ra- fts:, but they aro terribly at:curate with their artillery and shell:4. • "Our 17th and 9th Laceers aro some fighters. In one battle Ahoy killed every single Gerntan of one regiment. Not one o fthe enemy was left alive. •dlthe Germans are very brute] to our we:untied soldiers. Hundreds of wertnited British lying* on the fields have had their wrists terribly slashed, so that they will not be able to fight any more. "1 saw a nurse of the rted Cross at- tending a German soldier On the field at Mons,. near where T was bane; wounded-. She attended to his injur- les, and was junt walking away when he r oiled over on hie side, pulled, his rifle from beneath him, and taking deliberate aim, bhot the nurse to death. That is the kind of enemy whieh the Pritish army aro fighting. "1. am glad to say that nearly every boxer in England has gone to the col- ors to fight for civilization." GEN. JOUBERT Beer Who Fought French Now . On His Staff. Bordeaux, Sept. 27. -The Doer gee- eral, lerancolsa Joubert-Plenattr, has arrived at Bordeaux te offer his sword• to the allied armies. "I fought against General French in South Africa. Now I aid going to fight with him," said the General to the • corresponeent. "I commanded a Boer army opposed to him at Elandslaagte, where I received my baptism of fire in civilized ettorfare. "I have offered my services uncon- ditionally, and do not know as yet how I will be employed, but expect that it will be in an advisory capac- ity, and that I will be attached in this manner to General French's staff. • "The war will be long and fierce. The German army, which I know well, is the finest machine in the world, but we shalt beat it in the end because our armies are something better than a machine." • • BURHAN-ED-D IN Son of Ex-Sultan.Named for Al- banian Throne. . London, Sept. 28.-A. despateh to the Central News from Rome says that a message received there from Durasso, Albauta, announced that the Albanian Senate has elected Prince Burhan-Ed- Din, sen. of the former Sultan Abdul Ilamid, Prince of Albania, in succes- sion to. Prinee William of Wled, who left his kingdom sole° time ago, and subsequently renounced his throne, retiring to Switeerland. The eorrespondent adds that Essad Pasha has arrived at Dibra, and de- clares Iris intention of proceeding4 to Duran() at the head of 10,060 men. ••••••••••••,,.......0.•=1.••••• BEACHEY LOOPS THE LOOP. Washington, D.C„ Sept. 28.-14in- eoln Beachey, in an aeroplane; looped the loop four times over the dome of the Capitol to -day, while President Wilson watched theperformance from a White House window. The aviator then Made such an abrnpt landing on the low lands of the Potomac River near the. Washington monument that observers in the tall wireless towers at the Arlington radio station report- ed he had fallen, KAISER'S SON KILLEbt Ostend. Sept. 27.-Thrce prisoners whoirt t mot to-dae, lately came from 13russels, insist that it 19 true that Priace Adal, bort, tho Kaiser's 'son, died there front 1,'Vemula some time ago, and that the bul- let retrieved from his body •was German one, proving that he was shot by ette of his own men. Dr. Donne, the famous surgeon of Bressels. attended him, and it is rutnered was offered 15.000 if lie sue- . needed in saving the Prince's life. Both the Kaiser and the Ettlaerin, it le stated, were at the deathbed, and remained for the ftmaral, which was of a intlitary character. CARDEN DENIES STATEMENTS. London, Sept, 27. -Sir Carden, Dritish Minister et Atertleo, whO recently waS illttiointed 'Minister to Brasil, tailed at the Porelan Office Saturday and ntado his report to Sir Edward Grey, Secretary of State for Pereign Affair& While no offieial artneuneement has been made eoncerning thn interviews tredited to Sir Lionel Carden, eriticia. Ina* thn American AdMinistratien in 1VIeltitan affairs, be la underatood te have eented much statemette. ' 11,