HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-10-01, Page 5.•a THE WINGk7.AM ADVAO Fare, 39_2 D t.Y SETWCe;N., DUFFALO�S(��• stt LEVIL,AN D "i'.W1 '144 '/ L.K+'r•:. •f*er,�- ^,•�, F' THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBEE" Tante NO feet; breadth 93 fret. 6 incites; 510 staterooms end parlors accommodating 1500 pu,sen• era. Cnatcr i3 cwt--I.rGcr iu Flt 1 rev mienriche: in all appaiatmapta—•than au" °teaa:er ca d waters of t:, world. In service luno 13th. Magnificent Steamers "SGEANDt1EE," "City of Erie" and "City of luffhdo'" Daily—BUFFALO and CLEVELAND — May lit to Dec. id Leave buffalo ~ • 9:04 1?, hi. Leave Cleveland 9:00 P. Df. O Arrive Cleveland • 7:30 A. Al. Arrive buffalo • 7:30 A. M. (Eastern Standard Time) rt Connections at Cleveland forPut.In.Da Toledo, Detroit end all pointaWest and Southwest. Railroad tickela reading between. nutfalo and Cleveland aro food for trunaportutlonon our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & Ir. Lino. 'Write us for handsome illustrated booklet frbe. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland, O. 44sK4:4X+44:44:4444:44:4444,t444,' 0 O O 0 9 0 0 0 0. 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 3 0 0 Fs A 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0. 0 3 0 0 0 n 0 O 9 0 0 c'. 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 c 0 NEW Fall Gd FOR some time Fall Goods have been arriving and passed into stock so that we are now fully prepar- ed for the fall trade. We have a good assortment of DRESS GOODS at reasonable prices. A large range of Velvets and Vel- veteens in all the leading weaves and shades, - Heavy All -wool Plaid Mantlings for coats. Ladies', Children's and Men's Sweater Coats, Ladies' Chinchilla Coats, newest styles We also have Bran, Shorts, all kinds of feed, Flour, Purity, Royal= household, Robinhood, Pure Mani- toba, in blends, quality and Golden city. Try our Robinhood OAT MEAL, All kinds of Produce taken • on goods. J. A. Mills Phone 89 ti J, Wingham •444444+444+44.44444.4 144••••••••••4••••••••• O O O O 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 O 0 0 O 0 O 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 0 The One Dish That agrees With e A ge 211, CORN F Get the Ori nal ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE 1T HAS THE CIRCULATION PERRINS BISCUITS ARROWROOT, MALTO CREAM SANDWICH, OPERA FINGERS, WATER ICE WAFERS, LEMON NECTAR These and other Perrin's Sweet Biscuits are the very acme of deliciousness. We put them in our SPECIAL "SAMPLER" PACKAGE so that you can sample them readily. We will send this delightful assort. merit of our fancy biscuits to you for 10 cents in coin or stamps and your grocer's name. Some of them may be entirely new to you -- you will probably like them all. 2s Write for the sampler package to -day. D. S. Perrin & Company LIMITED LONDON - CANADA Y�. seastslees --e=,ej.. er- .� ; ye- � Wingham Fall Fair Prize • . Winners GRAIN AND SEEDS Timothy, Jas Alton, J K Wise; clover J K Wise, A Schmidt; red fall wheat, A. Schmidt; white fall whoat,A Schmidt W R Farrier; spring \vheat, Jas Alton, J K Wiee;small white peas, Sarni Bur- chill, W R Farrier; Fees, any other. Jas Alton, J H Linklater; white oats, A. Schmidt. Jas Alton; black oats, J K Wise, Jas Alton; 4 or 6 rowed barley, J K Wise, A Schmidt; barley, any other, J K Wise, W R Farrier; flint field corn, A Schmidt, E W Orvie; etalke ensilage corn, I J Wright, W J Currie; sheaf of white oats, A Schmidt white oats, A Schmidt, Jas Alton; col- lection of grain and seeds; boys under 16 years, A Schmidt, Jas Alton; collect- ion of weed seeds, properly named, boys or girls under 16 years, Howard Wilkinson, Leoln Naylor; collection of pressed injurious weed plants, proper- ly named, boys and girls under 10, A Schmidt'. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Beane, small white, H T Perdue, P Gibbons; beans, large white,P Gibbons, Jas Alton; beane, any other. P Gibb- ons; beet,, long red, W R Farrier, A Schmidt; beets, any other, Semi Bur- chill, I J Wright; carrot's, field; J Ii Linklater, D B Porter; carrots, table short, W R Farrier, A Schmidt; car- rots, table, intermediate,' A Schmidt, I J Wright; mangold-wurtzel, long, A Schmidt; mangold-wurtzel. intermed- iate, Sarni Burchill, A Schmidt; radish- es, winter, A Schmidt; sugar mangold; A Schmidt, H T Perdue; turnips, Swede, A Schmidt, I J Wright; tur- nips, any o' leer, A Schmidt, POTATOES Hebron type, A Schmidt; long white type, D 13 Portae, R A Graham; round white type, A Schmidt, Fred Walker; Yellow onions, R A Graham, A Sch- midt; red onions, D 13 Porter, R A Graham; white onions, R A Graham, A. Schmidt; Dutch or top set onions, A Schmidt; onions grown from Dutch or tr'p sets, R A Graham, A Schmidt; oniuns, any other, A Schmidt; large red, scarlet or pink tomett e A Sch- midt, W R Farrier; tomatoes, any other, W R Farrier; white plume cel- ery, R A Graham; celery any other, J A Morton, R A Graham; early t %bbage, ASehmidt;•wiatercabbage, A Schmidt D B Porter; pickling cabbage, A Seh- midt;citrons, W R Farrier, I J Wright;' cauliflower, D B Porter; cucumber+, A Schmidt, Mre I Stewart; table corn, A Schmidt, Mrs I Stewart; yellow pump kin, Mrs I Stewart, E W Orvie; sun - fl !were D B Porter, W R Farrier; squash or mawoth pumpkin, Geo T RThertson, W R Perrier; rvater melons Mrs I Stewart, A Schmidt; collection of garden produce, W R Farrier, A Schmidt; p.rrsnips, W R Farrier 2 rd, FRUIT Apples—Alexander, E W Orvis, D 13 4ndereon; A 0 V red, D 13 Porter, D 13 Anderson, green or yellow, A 0 V, A. Sohrnids, D 13 Anderson; Baldwin, J B Tyreman, P Gtbbone; Ban Davie, Robt Currie, P Gibbons; Blenheim, P Gibbons, Jas Alton; Cayuga or 20 ez, W J Carrie, D B Potter; Crab Hyslop, Jas Alton, Robt Ourr ie; Crab Transced- ant, A K Copeland, A Schmidt; Crab A 0 V. Jas Alton,J H Linklater; Fant - ease Or Snow, D B Anderson, P Gib- bons; Golden Russett, P Gibbons, E W Orvis; Gravenstein. P Gibbons, J B Tyreman; Holland 1'ippen, P Gibbons; King, D B Anderson, S 'H Linklater McIntosh, Robt Currie, E W Orvis; Mal len Blush, J B Pyrenean, D 13 Por- ter; Northern Spy, Robt Currie, W J Currie; Ribston, A Sehtnidt, J H Link - later; R I Greening, D I3 Anderson, 4 B Tyreman; Foxboro Russett, P Bibb- ons, 7 11 Tyretnan; t Lawrence, rt B; Porter! Sp4enburg, D 13 porter, D 13, Andcreon; Tolman Sweet, l7 13 Porter, P Gibbods, Wagner,. ,f H Linklater; Wealthy, A. 1)opeland, A. Schmidt. Other Frt it --Pears any other small vtr[ety, A S h ' d t a as ' I ele e D'Angellen e, 4+18 Alton; ?ears, any other winter variety, Satnl Burchill, J Wilton; Plums, blue, Mrs Burwash; Geo T Robertson; Plume, Yellow, A Seh. mldt; Plums, any other, Mre Burwash, A. Scnmiit; grape', white variety, 1J 13 Anderson, Mrs I3urwasb, red variety grapes, D 13 Porter; Blue or black grape3, D B Porter, I3 E Isard. Col lection. of fruit—Desert apples. A Seh milt, J H Linklater; display of apple 3 11 Linklater. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Bread, white. baked by girl under 1 A Schmidt, Jean Currie; brown bread E W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart, A K Cope Land; white bread, A Schmidt, Theo Frnnen, Mrs J Menzies; tea. biscuits %V Frankum, Tbeop Finnen; scones, E W Orvis, Mrs James Menzies; Bread Dough Cake, Mrs I Stewatr't, E W Or vis; Graham Biscuits, 13 W Orvis Johnny Cake, R W Orvie, Mrs Jas Menzies; Light Layer Cake, Mrs Jas Menzies, Mrs I Stewart; Darlc Layer Cake, Mrs Jas Menzies, Mrs I Stewart Light Fruit Cake, Mrs Jas Metrziee, E W Orvis; Dark Fruit Oake, Mrs I Stew- art, E W Orvis; Novelty Cake, E W Orvie, Mrs Jas Menzies; Ginger Bread, Mrs Jas Menzies, E W Orvis; Apple Pie, W Frankuin,Theo Finnan; Pump• kin, Mrs I Stewart; Mrs Jas Menzies; Lemon Pis, E W Orvis, Mrs Jae Men- zies; Any other pie, E W Orvie, Mra I Stewart; Doughnuts. E W Orvis; Oat- meal Cookies, VV Frankum, Mrs I Stewart; Drop Cookies, E W Orvis, Short Bread, E W Orvis, W R Farrier; Jelly, Mre I Stewart,E W Orvis; Maple Syrup, Mrs Jas Menzies, Mrs I Stew- art; Maple Sugar, P Kibbons, A Sch- midt; Extracted Honey, Mrs I Stewart; Wine, Mrs Alex McCarroll, Mrs Jas Menzies; collection preserved fruits, E W Orvie; marmalade, E W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; tomato catsup, Mrs I Stew- art, Mrs Jae Menzies; catsup, any other E W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; sweet pick- les, E W Orvie, A Schmidt; vegetable pickles, E W Orvis, Mrs I Stewart; fruit pickles, Mrs Jas Merzies, E W Orvis; nixed pickles, E W Orvie. A. Schmidt; mustard picklee, A Schmidt, Mrs I Stewart; hen's eggs, I J Wright, E W Orvis; butter, 10 lbs in crock, Mrs Jas Menzies, Mise M Anderson, Theop Finnen; butter, in pound prints, Mrs J Metzies, Mise M Anderson, W 1i. Far- rier; ornamental nutter, Miss M Ander- son, E W Orvie; working man's supper E W Orvis; collection of baking by girl under 16 years of age, Elsie Stew- art, A Schmidt, Jean Currie; collection of jellies, by Women's Inatitute, Mr's I Stewart, E W Orvis; collection. light cakes, dark cakes, tea biscuits and cookies, by Women's Institute, E W Orvis; pair dressed chickens, Miss M Anderson; dozen oatmeal cookies, bak- ed by girl, Elsie Stewart, Jean Currie, ,• but butter made nada byire s 1 LI ie Stewart, g ,A Schmidt, Annie Currie, - land; Boquet, hand, bard plants, Mrs • Alex McCarrol; Boquet, hand, tender s planta, Mrs Burwash, Mrs Alex Mc- Carrol; Geranium, single white, H E (serd, Mrs Burwash; double white, 6 11rs Burwash, II E bard; Single scar-' , let Geranium, H E Isard, Mrs Bur- - wash; Geranium, double scarlet, Mrs p Burwash, H E Isard; single any other geranium, H E Isard, Mrs Burwash; double any other geranium, Miss M Anderson, 1.1 E Isard; begonia in bloom: - H E Lard, Mrs Burwash; fuchsia in ; bloom, H E Isard, Mrs Burwasb; col- lection feriae, Mrs Burwash, 11 E Ieatd; hothouse plants in bloom, Mrs Bur - wash; foliage plants, Mrs Burwash, H E Lard, FINE AIv.Tt1 Oil Painting-_aAnimele, Miss Living- stone, Miss Agnew ; Fruits or Flowers, Miss Livingstone, Miss Agnew; -Land- scape or Marine, Miss Livingstone, Miss Agnew ; Any other subject, Mies Livingstone, Dire I S.,esvart ; OA Gias9, Mies Agnew; on Plagues or trays, Mise Agnew, Mies Livingstone; On Silk, S.rtin or Velvet, Miss Livingstone, Miss Agnea; Collection, Miss Agnew, Miss Livingstone. Water Color— Lan deco po dr Marine, Miss Agnew; Miss Living- stone; Any other subj :ct, Miss Agnew, Mrs Tamlyn; Collection, Miss Agnew, Miss A J Le ever. Drawing --Pen and Ink Sketch, Miss Agnew, Miss Living- stone; Pencil, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss A J Leaver; Crayon Portrait, Miss Mulvey: Crayon Landscape or Marine, Mrs Tamlyn, Miss Livingstone, Chinn, Painting --Cups and saucere, Mics Mul- vey; Plates, Miss Mulvey, 2'111; Orna- ment or Vase, Any other, Collection, Collection of work done in 1014, Miss Mulvey. PL ANTS ANI) FLOWERS Asters, P Gibbons, lire Burwasb; Dahlias, Mre. Alex 1MIoCarrol, E W Or, vie, Gladioli, Mre. Alex McCarrol, J A Morton; panbles, A Copeland, Mrs, Burwash; Petunias, Mrs Burwash, Mrs Alex McCarrol; Phlex Drunlmondii, II E Toad, Mrs Jas Menzies; Phlox Peren Mrs A McCarrol, Mrs Burwash; ilweet Peas, J A Morton, Mrs Jas Menzies, rnna9 tI Iv and, Uri Jae Menaiee; Marigolds, Mrs Alex Went. Vol, Mre Burwash; design for cemetery decoration, Mrs Burwash, Mrs Alex McCarrol; design for Indoor Decora- tion, Mrs I3urwash, Mrs Alex Mc- Cttrroll; Basket of Annuals, Mrs Alex McCarrol, II 13 Isard; table Boquet, Mre, Jas Menzies, A X Cope - LADIES' WORK - Fancy apron, Mre Tamlyn, Mrs W McKenzie; kitchen apron, lire Alex Mc0arrol, E. W. Orvis; button holes, Mrs W McKenzie, E W Orvie; case for gloves, etc., Mrs J Menzies, Mrs Tam- lyn; colored' centre piece, M Living- stone, Mrs Tamlyn; white centre piece Mrs Alex McCarrol, E W Orvis; croch- eted, Mrs Tamlyn, Mies Mulvey; knitted counterpane, Miss Mulvey, A K Copeland; cotton or silk crocheting, Mre W McKenzie, M Livingstone; wool crocheting, M Livingstone, Mrs Tamlyn; coronation work, Mrs Tam- lyn, M Liviegetone; stencilled cur- tains, Mies Mulvey; embroidered dres- ser and stand cover, Miss Agnew, Mrs Tamlyn; darning, Mre W McKenzie, Mrs Tamlyn; doylies, M Livingstone, Mrs Tamlyn; sideboard drape, E W Orvis, Mrs Alex McCarrol; drawn work, Mies Mulvey, Mrs Tamlyn; child's fancy dress, Mrs W McKenzie; girl's cotton drese, E W Orvie, Mrs W McKenzie; delph embroidery, Mrs Tamlyn; eyelet embroidery, Mrs Alex McOarrol, M Livingstone; jewel em- broidery, Mrs Tamlyn; Mt Mellick embroidery, M Livingstone, Mrs Tam ly n; Roman embroidery, Mrs Tamlyn, M Livingstone; embroidery on cotton or linen, Mies Mulvey, E W O•rvie; e nbroidery on silk or satin, Mrs Ta•n- I n, M Livingstone; embroidery as applied to dressmaking, Mrs Tamlyn, Al Livingstone; embroidered pillow cases, M Livingstone, Mrs Alex Mc, Carrot; novelty in fancy wool, E W Oevis, Mts Tamlyp; drawn work five o'clock tea cloth, Loire Jas Menzies, Mre Tamlyn;;emhroidered five o'clock tea cloth, Mrs Tamlyn, LE W Orvie; lace work five o'clock tea cloth, M Livingstone, Mrs Tamlyn; handker- chiefs, F W Orvis, Mrs Tamlyn; Irish lace, M Livingetoue, Mre Tanlyn; initialed towel, Mrs 'Tamlyn, Mrs Alex MoOarro'; Battenburg, Mrs Tamlyn; Brazilian Point lace, Mrs Tamlyn' Duchess lace, Mre Tamlyn, M Living- stone, lace, Honiton or Point, Mas Tamlyn; lace Teneriffe, Mrs Tamlyn; laundry bag, Mrs W McKenzie, Mr; Tamlyn; coat, booked rag, R Currie E W Orvi,; mat, hooked wool, Mrs Alex McCerrot; wool door mat, Mrs Alex MtCerro,I fancy table mat, Mrs Tanlyn, Hire Jas Menzies; man's wool- len tnitts, Mre W McKenzie, M Liv- int;aton; women's woollen mite, Mrs 1V McKenzie, A K Copeland; netting, 111 Ltainge'on; patch on old garment, Mre W 'McKenzie; fancy photo frame Mrs Tamlyn, Mrs Livingstone; pin cushion, We Tamlyn, ?,i Livingstone; purse or handbag, Mao 'Tamlyn, Mrs A. MoCarro'; pyrography, leather, M I,tvingbtone; wood pyrography, Mrs I Stewart, Mrs Tanlyn; pierced brass, isi Livingstone; patched cotton quilt, Itobt. Currie, 3 W OrvIs; patched woollen quilt, Mrs Tamlyn, I3 W Orvis; pieced wooll:n c1n(1t, E W Orvle; pieced cotton quilt, E W Orvie, Mr.; Tamlyn; quilt, sill; or velvet, not craey, jy W Urvta, Mre Tamlyn; any other watt, E W Orvie, Mrs Tamlyn; lady's wool shawl, Mra Tamlyn, M Livingston; man's fine shirt, M Liv- ingston, Mrs W McKenzie; Mar.'s course ehirt, 111 Livingston, E %V Orvis embroidered shirt waist, Mae Tatnlyn; shopping bag, Mao Tamlyn, M Living- ston; slippers, Mrs W McKenzie, It W Orvie; slumber rug, Mrs W Me.I%entaie, E W Orvis; embroidered sofa pillow, i' W Orvie, M Livingston; sofa pillow, needle work, 111 Livingston, Miss Agnew; painted sofa, pillow, A X Copeland, M Livingston; sofa pillory, any. other, Mao'C•atrrlyn, Mime Agnew; pair men's woolen eocke, Mrs W Mc. Kenzie, Mre Tatnlytt; tatting, lit Liv- ingston. Men T'awlyn; tett, may, M Lavington, Mrs Tamlyn,- toilet ma,'ts, Mac Tamlyn, r. VG Orvis; dr+~wu work, tray cloth, Mrs Alex Ma Ctar•rul;. cin broidered tray cloth, Mre Alex Meteor rol, I?, W Orvis; Tuwelet, 1, W Orvle, Mr. Tarulyn; Butt of lady's underwear, Mao Alex McCarrol, Mrs W McKenzie: whist holder, ]Airs 'Tamlyn, Airs W McKenzie; fancy work bag, Mrs Taw lyn, 51 Livingston; yarn, P Gibbous, Mrs Jae Menzies; collection of lady's work, Mrs Tumly n, M Livlugeton. (iIRIs ' DEPARTMENT Hemmed haudkerohief, Jean Currie, I3'sie Stewart; darned becks or block - lugs, Leola Naylor, Jean Ourrie'; urociret work in wool, Leola Naylor, Jean Currie; crochet woik in cutton, Jean Currie, Leola Nsylor; canon crochet edging, Leola Naylor, Jean Currie; pencil drawing, Christie Rob ertson, Aunie Currie; sofa cushion, LeolaNaylor, Jean Currie; six button holes, Leola Naylor, Elsie Stewart; patching on any material, Leola Nay- lor, Christie Robertson; dressed doll, Jean Currie, Mary Robertson ; plain sewing, Leola Naylor, Rachel Currie; nitialed handkerchief, Christie Rob- ertson, Leola Naylor; two guest towels, Leola Naylor, Jean Currie; collection of fancy won k, Leola Nay- lor, Jean Currier Special—plain bions made by girl under 16 years, by Mao J A Brandon, Leola Naylor; epecial~1 by Society, plain blouse, Christie Robert- son. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S COMPETI- TION B—Children under 13 years, Maggie Robertson. Special—by J J Fryfogle, for best map of Huron County drawn by a boy or girl under 15 yr e., Maggie Robertson. HORSES General purpose—team in harness, Alex Camaro R McQuillin, 'Wesley Henderson & 3. 4 , Agricultul u.—(3r• t -:l mare, P Powell, Thee Leaver, a—,r Fussier; spring foal Wm A Taylor, P Fowler, P Powell; one -year-old filly, P Powell; two-year- old filly or gelding, W J Arbuckle, E Schumacher, Albert Foston; team in harness, Rebt Webster, W A Taylor. HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare, registered 0 N R, Geo Cruickshank; brood mare, W Taylor, Alex McDiarmid, W J Currie; spring foal, Geo Cruickshank, Alex D Mergers mid, W 3 Currie; one -year-old idly, P Powell; two-year-old filly or gelding, Wm A Taylor, 1 and 2, Elmer Hast- ings; team in .harness, Jas Forster. Alex D McDiarmid. SPECIALS By J W King, for four best colts sired by 'Mascot,' 'Drumburie Chief,' or 'Goldlink,' P Powell, Geo Cruick- shank, Peter Fowler, •Wm A Taylor. By the Society—Brood mare and three of her progeny, W J Currie. By the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for the best animal shown in Heavy Draught, Agricultural and General Purpose Horse Classes, W J Arbuckle. ROADSTERS Brood Mare, Miles McMillan; spring foal, Miles McMillan; one -year-old filly Wm Woods: single driver, R Ormeton, W G Gray, Gilmore Broe; team in nese, Gray & Underwood, Roy Porter, Scott Bros. Carriage—Brood Mare, J A Brand- on; spring foal, J A Brandon; one-year old filly, Miles McMillan, Arch Pat- erson; single driver, R. A Currie, A M Hamilton, Gilmore Broe. ' Special—By the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for best animal shown in Roadster and Carriage Horse Classes, R A Currie. CATTLE Shorthorn_— Breeding cow, J G Fyfe 1 and 2; two year old heifer, Scott Bros, J G Fyfe; one year old heifer, J G Fyfe, Scott Broe; heifer under 12 months, T H Taylor, J G Fyfe; bull under 12 months, T H Tay lor, J G Fyfe; bull, over. 1 year and under 2, Scott Bros. Herefords—Breeding cow, H T Per- due 1 and 2; bull, under 12 months, H 0 T Perdue 1 12 and 2; heifer, under months, H T Perdue 1 and 2. Polled Angus—Breeding cow, John Shiell, 1 and 2; bull, over 12 months, John Shiell, Jas Barbour; bull, under e2 months, John Shiell 1 and 2; heifer, under 12 months, John Shiell; one-year old heifer, John Sbiell 1 and 2. Jersey or their grades --Breeding Cow —W Frankum, J R Finlay; heifer, un- der 12 months, W Frankum, Arch Pas - erson; heifer, over 12 months, F W Angus. Holstein or their gr..d?e — Breeding cow, D 3 Anderson, Geo T Robertson. Special—By Society,. Breeder's young herd, any breed, John Shiell, J G Fyfe Special-- By the Society, herd of beef e rttle, John Shiell, H T Perdue. Special—By 11 13 Elliott, for dairy cow, suitable for use In town, D B Andereon. Speoial—Bag of Growfat Calf Meal, by International Stock Food Co., for hest calf raised on calf meal, Jas Bar- b fur. Grades—Breeding cow, 3 13 Tyre- mast, Scott Bros; two-year-old heifer, John Shia;;; one -year-old heifer, 3 13 Tyreman; heifer calf, calved since last show, J B Tyreman; one -year-old steer Scott Broe. Fat cattle --Baby beef, 15 months it under, Jas Barbour. 511I.I3P Lsicho;tcre —Aged ram, ellenrling ran, ram lamb, aged ewe, shedriing owe, Owe lamb, 1t J Sauder'rcn won t . prises awattlsd. Downs, any other—Aged ram, A 13 Copeland; rani l Is . 1 K (.ripet ft tel 1 and 2; aged ewe, A. 14 ljuptiAbli 1 and 2; eheterling ewe, A X C ep.•1.%:td; ewe lam), It 3 Sanderson, PI09 Beikehlreo---Jae Alton won all prizes 0wardea3. Yorkehiree .Boar of 1914, Jae Alton; TAILORED CLOTHES " HAVE made a good many trips' through Canada, lecturing in all the towns and cities from Halifax to Vancouver and 1 discovered that the bankers, the merchants, the well-to-do firms; in fact the men who make the wheels go round, prize and appreciate Fit -Rite Tailored Clothes." —ELBERT HUBBARD Send or call for your copy of "A Little Journey to the Horne of Fit Rite Tailored Clothes," torillenby Elbert Hubbard in his best vein and handsomely illustrated. H. E. ISARD & CO. THE STORE THAT SELLS FIT -RITE TAIL®RED CLOTHES John Turner; boar prior to 1914, Jas Alton; sow of 1914, Jae Alton 1 and 2; breeding sow, J.,hn Turder, Jae Alton. Tamworths—Boar prior to 1914, Jae Alton. POULTRY Ducks, any other, Haggit Bros, J H Linklater; geese Toulouse, Jas Alton; Anconal, Haggitt Bros; bantams, any other, F. W. Angus, J R Finlay; dork- 4ngs, Jas Alton; Houdans, F W Angus 1 and 2; Hamburg,, Haggitt Bros, Leghorns, 5 0 white, Haggitt Bros, J R Finlay; Leghorns, R 0 white, J R Finlay; Leghorns, any other, D B Por- ter, Haggitt Bros; Minorcas, Arch Pat- erson, Haggitt Bros; Buff Orpingtons, F W Angus; Orpingtons, any other, D B Porter; Plymouth Rocks, barred, F W Angue, Jae Alton; Plymouth Rocks any other, D B Porter; Rhode Island Rede, Haggitt Bros; White Wyandotes D B Porter. Haggitt Bros; Wyandott- es, any other, Haggitt Bros; any other standard variety, F W Angus, Haggitt Bros; best exhibit pigeons, J R Finlay, F W Angus. Chickens—Pekin or Aylesbury ducks F W Angus, Haggitt Bros; any other ducks. Haggitt Bros, 1 and 2; any oth- erem�. F W Angus, R J 9a d BantaSandei. son; Houdans, F W Angus 1 and 2; Homburgs, Haggitt Bros, 2nd; Les - horns, S 0 brown. Haggitt Bros; Leg - horns, 5 0 white, Arch Paterson 1 and 2; any other Leghorns, D B Porter 1 and 2; Minorcas, Arch Paterson 1 and 2; Buff Orpington,, F W Angus 1 and 2; any other variety Orpingtons, D B Por tor, barred plymotlth rocks, Hag gitt Bros.; white ply mouth rocks, Arch Patterson, Haggitt Bros.,' Rbnds Xi land R -do, Mrs I Stewart, Il egg t. Bro?., white Wyaudottee, D 13 Per tar 1 and 2, any other standard variety, F W Aegus, Haggitt Broe., four cockerels bred for export, D 13 Porter, J B Tyre - man. The judges were as follows—Speed, ing contests, Ohae. Knechtel ' and A. Nichol; light horses, Dr, James Arm- etrong, Gerrie; Heavy horses, Wm. J. Dickeson, Walton; cattle, Levi` Morgan, Ripley; sheep and pigs, Geo B. Armstrong, Teeswaeer; poultry, Thos. Bowers, Wingham; fruit and flowers, J. A. Morton, Wingham; Ladies' work and fine arte, Mrs. (Dr.) Spence and Mrs. J. G. Anderson, Lucknow; dairy and provisions, S. R. Brill, Teeswater; roots and vegetables, Geo H, David, Clinton. t■MENIM11.10 tiZSIENINI1111i11111111111111111111111 ICOUNTER CHECK L BOOKS J There is no need of sending your orders for counter check books out of town. We can fill orders prompt- ly at prices that will defy competition. Ask to see our samples. They are the very latest thing Iin the line and can be bad in histP black or red d ink.No differance in the rice, P Winghani Manse Win.iam, Ont. 141111 es®n 1 1 j i Photograpic Gallery Gallery Our Photographs are more than good photographs they are true potraits, bring- ing out all that's best in character and in- dividuality. Kindly call and inspect our work Nine years experience with a leading photr'grApher in London, England. Two ears as student in the Cheltenham Art School. The Mann Art Studio wingham, - Ont. (Successorto R. Armstrong) 1 40MO 011111111111INO 0111111111111.1.