HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-24, Page 3TIIIHISDAYt SEPT. 24 1914 Trft WINGRAM ADV.& OE • . . '11,1'11111 14'111° ;P leressee 179i0TrOP S • ereraseen tEl2r..41r1111. ste-47., " The leoptielaryer PateelleediciseAct1 to ea, AVeeeleble Preparation forAe1. simi letting the Red and Regeltie eliralhealemachsandliewetsoe NteiNTS'etiliLle-11-EN PromoiesDipstion,CheerfuE. lleasanditestConteinsneitter:1 OpittnOforphine noritlincr4, 'NOT NATt C TIC. lisvpga Sear-. 4Ltirava# .17ealettadts- Abated 4• dit kik ONTISeetl- larNa tria;w: 'Aperfect Remedy forCoesfipa. lion, SourStomach,Diarrhosa Worms,ConvulsioneFeverish- ness and LOSS OFSLEEP.. Faceimile siiie of. mit CENTAUR COMPANY., MONTREAL&NEW YORK. '5-1)6stg 1.1-15CENts ' 'ere- et, ' seesealies• '' "a e • Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTOR! For Infants and Children. le' • e The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siinature of es In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA t'/;;;"'"•• ••• .V.1111111,711111111111114MMT111411 Apples! Apples! et•••• 11▪ •••••• 11,••••• tOt•••• 111•••••• 11••▪ ••••• II;•▪ •••• •••••• .8.•••• .•••••• ID•••^ IP••-• trar., et••••• tc•••••• tit*, Ile••••• fon,. era-. oar. 16•••• sud••• ••• Stow. Ilt••••••• C•▪ •••• ••••••• Bring Along Your Apples Big or Small, Sweet or Sour and let us manufacture them into good. Apple Butter, Jelly or Cider. For apple butter it requires one pail of peeled 22 and coared apples tc. each bag for cider, or we will :t2 coar them at factory with a special machine for the =-1 -..... purpose, ,. ..-.. ..... ....... ,...... Apple Butter plant, Machine Shop and Chopping ...... Mill Tunninu every day. " -.... ....... --,,, ......, - ..... ---. ........ -. +woe ...we E. Merkley Son ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ...MO ...A .....11 . ...we Machine Shop and Residence on North end of Josephine t•-•"::: next to Mill Dam. PHONE 84. P. O. BOX 62 pe000000000000000000000000000000000000300000001 HANOVER PLACE, WINNIPEG 8 (Inside the city limits, along the Sharp Boulevard and Avenues each side.) • Study Your Investment. Because something is offered you for little money does not necessarily mean that it is a good investment. The value of an investment should be carefully figured on the return is will .R likely bring. If your Investment is in Town or City Itn,1 Eatate, there will be no profit made if the Town or city is not growing. If 2 the Town or City is not growing or at a stand -still, property ' decreases, you lose. i If the Town or City is growing and likely to grow and your property is in the growing area it advance!' at double the per - 8 centage of increase of population. . 4) 'Winnipeg's Building Permits amounted to $20,000,000- in .1912 and to $18,650,000 in 1913. It kept right on growing during the bard ilmes. The prospects for 1914 are nauch brighter no!than they were at this time last year. Winnipeg is bound to w, hard times or eaky times. Conditions demand a great 'Ay just where Winnipeg is situated. Don't shut your eyes to the Investment Value of Itanover Place as it is ori the line of the best Developing Reeidential 'Dis- trict now in Virinnipeg., You may be offered lots elsewhere for less money but study closely whether they are likely to increase in value, and what is the reason for such expected increase. Our prices are $226.00 a lot and up according to location. IWrite today to— TAB RELIANCE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPING CO. Ltd., 1 HEAD OFFICE—HANOVER, 'ONT. ., `,: ' Local Agent—William Currie, Wingham. cxxx)0000m00000b0000tiooc;c4 )b000c00000000000d000;000 ..., , . Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged § , heat is forced to travel over top' of oven in 0 (.; 6 8 • traar an „IS geepzeire down behind it and twice mi. 4” der the btittom: beflfts "*,ja Letters to Editor The Patriotic Fund. • Dear .111r. Rolitor • If understand correctly the Wye now in training in Quebec ate ie - calving besides their board, clothes, And tdbacco, $7.70 per week* 133641. insurance Paid, and families of mar- ried men, an extra $5 per week from the government.. Now financially our boys at the front are better pa than x11011 t me- chanicat home, and workbag public at large, and are well able to buy any extras they may possibly re gleire ; the needy onee are thew teeming thou , tifttich VIII0 Will tile Doming vviater, throughout our fair Dominion be sorely pressed, because father has beenout of work so hue, everything Sp dear, and times, so dull. Again the myriad of ladies, who in thine great zeal are making shirts, mitts, socks, etc., are innocently helping to make times much more stagnant than they otherwise Would be, by throw- ing out of work girls in vast utunbers. Take the Glove factories of Wing- bam for instance, they are hurt ins directly, one or 'two large factories, who hitherto hays bought each ear many hundred dollars cf gloves from the above, have stayed or cancelled their ordere. It has been their order f business to make Oahu and Luy gloms, but owing to so many shirts being made in every hamlet, and vil- lage, town and city, by these working ladiee, they have had to ease up on making shirts, and are now employing their girls in making gloves. The Woolen Mills are feeling the depres- sion more keenly than they other- wise would, because of so much free giting.of socks, mitts and underwear. Let us keep oer girls working, and if the ladies want to help, instead of buying the material and making the garment, let their offerings be made in cede. ' Truly Yours, An Obsesver. Mr. Editor : The Huron County Temperance Alliance has sent out circulars, one of the twelve measures mentioned is better hotel accommodation ; now that does not apply to Wingham, for here our accommodation is tip-top. But were it not so would these churohes, wko are giving the public the free use of their driving sheds, or charging a small fee that would not amount to 4c per week, I say, are they helping to aid the hotele in giving good accom- modation ? Let us be fair, is it right for churches to harass the hotels in this great feature of their business? One strong temperance man and Italie church worker remarked the other day, if the churches wanted to accommodate the Public, let their charges be reel high, in order that the hotels migh reap the benefit. The revenue from tbeir stables makes a big item in the year. Will we deprive them of phis and then cry, give us better accom- modation ? • Never mind if your barns are empty, your expenses heavy, and your hostler idle, never mind the' outside, but inside we want choice menus, cosy reading rooms, and warm soft beds. Respectfully Yours, e Fair Play. Cause Of Insanity. TJ the Editor— A Comnilseion on Lunacy in Cali- fornia recently reported that sixty per cent of those in the 'Asylums are there because of alcohol—that is five thousand ma niacs made so by drink. Dr. Dawson, Medical Superintendent of the Sonoma State Home for feeble- tninded, last month told the Alameda County Social Workers Club that there are over 0000 feebleminded folk in California and said that alcohol is the greatest known cause of feeble- mindedness. When addressing the National Medi- cal Association at Indianapolis a few weeks ago Dr. Alderman, a New York Specialist in nervous and mental diseases said, "Alcohol creates more insanity than all other causes com- bined." The most seribus point is that al, coholio drinks often start insanity in an otherwieet healthy family, and that it becomes hereditary running down through several generations. We must all be need if we do not grapple with this 'dreadful evil., 11, Arnott, M. B., M. 0. P. 5 FALL FAIRS. Arthur Oct. 7 8 Oct 67 Blyth Sept 20-30 Bolton Sept 28 20 Brtiseels Oct 1-2 ..... ...Sept 2080 Oct 15 10 Pordrvich' • . Oet 8 Grand Valley...—..... Oe.t 1 2 Harriston • Sept 21-25 London (Western Pah) .....Sept 11 10 Milamay ..... .................Sept 20 Seaforth Sept 2445 TeeSlicatar..••••,...v.t...**•••••1..ode/.8 Wingi3arn ...... ....... ..... 'Sept24-2 Drayton Erin DIEUMA WILL STOP' EVERY HOUSEWIFE URIC ACID DEPOSITi CAN DO HER SHARE Rheumatic Complications Checked ottucl The oillutuan Sewers'? Re- . etered. The leislueys, novae and Skin are tbe "human sewers" whieh carry off the impurities in the blood. When Ulm are clogged eerie Acid sediment lodgers in the rnuecles and jnints and Rheumetiem follows. REIBILINA, the great remedy for all forma of the terrible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. "For meny years I eufeered with lebeuneatism. I am 71 yeare old, but am proud to say that after using tale ler tie of lifIEUMA the Rheumatic paitie are entirely gone, 1 daily re- namend REIEUMA. to ray friends." —Willie ,o,rtr, Bridgeburg, Ont. W. McKibbon will return your money if it fails; 503 a bottle. A little eprig had lost its way Antid the grass and fern; A pairing stranger ;mopped, a well, Where weary men might turn ; Eie walledet in and hung with care, A ladle at the brink ; He thought not of the deed he did, But judged that toil might drink. He passed again, and lo! the well, By summers Lever diiedi Rad cooled :a thousand parched tongues, And saved a life beside,—O. Mackay. Please Look at Your LABE T and unless you are • Paid One Year e ' 111 avance Kindly Attend to same at Once • This Means Y U YOH HAIR NEEDS PARIRIAN SAGE It Quickly Removes Dandruff. Just becanse your hair is full of dandruff, thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to look pretty, do not de- spair. Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lustrous and absolutely free from dandruff is only a matter of care. Parisian Sage frequently applied will Work Wondere. Just one application stops itebing head, remover dandruff and all excessive oil, It goer; right to the hair roots and furnishes the nour- ishment heeded— the hair becomes soft, fluffy, abundant and radiant with lifer ' Parisian Sage not only settee the hair but stimulates it to grow long and heavy. Get a 50c bottle from 3. W. McKibben at ono, There is no other net tre good, How Ottawa Women Aro Cembining to Ensure Employment For Can, edlanot—A Good Plan "At a time when the Empire is etra.laing every nerve against the common enemy it is essential that each and every section of the com- munity should stand together. Can ada is sending her wieners to the beta of Great Britain, but 11 must be ro. membered that scarcely less effective help can be rendered by keeping trade and industries prosperous throughout the Deminion. No one is able to sae how the strain of war may affect us 1 Already there is a proepect of un- employment on a considerable reale I during the coming welter. "There are many ways in which the evil of unemployment may be fought, but one way is to keep up the demand for Canadian products 10 order that Canadian industries may continue in operation, Articles that are being produced in Canada are also being imported annually to the value of $104,639,879. By purchasing only coneraoditiec prodeced in Canada we should largely increase the output of our industries and provide employ- ment for large numbers of workmen. To attain this desirable endit Is hoped that, e in so far as possible, housewives and others will buy pro- ducts 'made in Canada.' " Househoid League 1 This was the resolution passed at a meeting of ;several leading Canadian women in Ottawa on Saturday. They met to discuss ways and meatus where- by the women of Canada could effec- tively lend their assistance in tiding Canada over the probable stress and trial of the coming winter. Amongst the ladies present were Mrs. T. W. Crothers, wife of the Minister Of Labor, Mrs. W. T. Herridge, wife of the moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Adam Shortt, Mrs. Dr. Lyman, Mrs. R. H. Coate, and Mrs. 3, A. Wilson, national convener of Household Economics. The meeting was _held under the auspices of the Household,League of Ottawa. Official figures relating to the im- portation 'of goods produced in Can- ada were laid before the meeting, and it was found that in certain products $30,337,083 worth of the $104,639,879 imported came from the United States alone. Per instance Canada, which is a wheat country herself, imports $268,617 worth of wheat flour from the United States, If Canadian women would see that they purchased Can - adieu flour only this in itself would be a great help. Soap is another household com- modity which is manufactured in Can- ada, yet we import $1,327,997 worth a year. 917 men are employed in this industry in Canada, but if our women would purchase only Canadian soap there would be employment for very many more. It is the same with baking powder.' We import $179,180 worth, the amount from the United States being $177,617. Figures Given Canada imports blue for washing clothes to the extent of $50,421, bis- cuits $275,260, buckwheat meal or flour $9,260, corsets $560,054, baskets $126,- 970, buttons $851,822, candles $98,665, carpet sweepers $16,102, clothes - wringers $36,483, combs $238,516, cot- ton goods which includes embroideries, clothing, Socks, and stockings $27,345,- 112, canned fruit $823,397, gloves $2;786,788, hair work $218,104, jellies and jams $815,617, Indian corn meal $176,779, lard $1,356,292, milk $22,301, oatmeal and rolled* oats $3,526, pickles '$465,866, rye flour $19,577, silks $8,- 877,576, sauces $341,213, paints $1,- 768,356, sugar candy and confectionery e1,549,867, starch $109,148, woollen goods which includes shirts, stock- ings and knitted goods as well as tweeds $30,732,271, stoves $1,058,367, hats and caps $793,746, furs $1,373,121, fancy goods $5,010,020, dried apples $16,833 , furniture $3,187,780, eocoa $1,046,131, blacking $126,328, brooms, whisks, etc., $697,210; boots and ehoes $520,709, aerated waters $34,702. In the production of these articles of household use there are 1,631 establishments throughout Canada and them are 82,630 employes. It would stimulate industry and it would mean eraplOyraent for more if Canadian men and women would. insist upon receiving Canadian goods when they are •malrhig purthases. Tbe shutting off of imports from Continental Europe into Canada, due to the war, gives many home Indus- tries an unextilnpled opportunity for immense and Immediate develop. ment. Canada will prosper at the ocoonse of Continental Europe. 'this is not a time it Canada for repining on the part of the business Man. We must be careful, oven frugal, but we MO also be boll await et Your job Printing done at the microbes; Iti vour Seal Auth•ritles say that a niterelak came baldness. 0 yea are losing hair try our raniedy at. our risk. • Professor Unua, .01 german!, ant* Dr. larbouraud, tles great rrooli permatglogiat, claim that a mi. crobe comae beldnaset and theory has been verifula by erninene soioutists. This mierobe destroye i the hair follicles, n.time °swung the bBcealeoPmPoThirtiay. °TiTteann, bd. the ilicaieliaPvellto nothing• treatebweiflolre"vtiY4 othcceerfisowtit baldness may be overcome. We know of nothing that hu ahem such univereal satisfaction in treating the scalteand hair as Rexall • ",93" Hair Tozuc. It has been de- eigned after long atudy to overcome the cause of failing hair as diseevered by Prof, .Unna, Dr. Sabouraud and other scalp and hair epeciodista, and we believe it will do more than any-. thing else can to remove dandruff and stop falling hair; aqd if any human agency can promote a new growth of hair it wilt do that, too. We want you to make ue prove it. We will pay for a month's treatment of Reza!! "03" Hair Tonic used dur- ing a trial, if you will use it ac- cording to direction!, and are not thoroughly satiafied. When we will do this, you ;surely aiiQutd not hesitate to sattarlteats4to ttrryealtmt, ent, todai-r. Y90., manedrelare.0q0u.es.t,.wfli g.t et our money back if you want it. Two sixes, 50e Yon can buy, Rerall Hair Tonle in this cointnumty only at our dere: The atsga Stora There le a Persil fitoro in nearly every town and city in the United State!, Canada and Great Britain,. There is a different Reran Itemedy foe; nearly every ordinary human each estemally designed for the partioular for whie it is recommended. . • • The. ROZIllt StourersnartistgArmcserlefea areata.* J. W. McKIBBON„Wingham RETAIL MERCHANTS AND "MADE-IN=CANADA" POLICY Patriotism and Self -Interest Prompts Sale of Home Made Articles—Re- duce Unemployment and Charity Practical action by the Quebec branch of the Retail Merchants' As sociation of Canada was taken at -meeting held in Montreal immediateb after the outbreak of the war The following letter from the Quebe. Secretary of the Association, Mr. J. Beaudry, offer e good advice to tot retailer and his customer alike Every Canadian housewife ehoul bear in mind this timely statemen when she goes into the corner stor to make her next purchase: • For years past, millions of dollar worth of goods have been imported In to Canada from the countries involve in the war. These importations have now practically stopped, and may not be resumed for a very considerable period. The consequence is that the price of all imported goods has very materially increased, and will con- tinue to increase in proportion to the excess of the demand upon the supply. and we shall not be surprised to see the supply completely exhausted with. itt a very short time. Thls fact ie creating some concern in the minds .01 the public, who seem to believe that the merchant is responsible for such an increase, • We think it would be advisable for you to point out to your customers that in their purchases they. should give preference to goods made in Canada, which would avoid paying such high prices, and would help to keep the Canadian factories busy thereby giving employment to Can - adieus who, at this particular time are so much in need of earning as much as possible. To encourage home industries, is e good policy at all times, but should be acted upon at this trying period for self-preservation, and we strongly suggest that you co-operate with your customers in this matter, thereby do ing your share in educating the public to this end, and by so, doing, greatly oblige, Yours truly, •The Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Inc. J. A. Beaudry, Secretary for the Province of Quebec. Every dollar the Canadian house- holder spends for Canadian goods will lessen the demands from the unem- ployed for relief during the next few months. Neassasc-lem • THE DOMINION BANK 11117#14UND O. rrun, M.P.,. PRELOENT. W. P. MATTHEWS. VIOPP011.1010% P. A. BOGERT, General Manager. esPitel Paid UP $5,963,00.00 'Reservo•Fund and Undivided Profits ,6,963,CICQ.Q0 • A Savings Department is conducted at every 13ranch of the Bank where deposit* of V.09 and upwards are received end interest at current rates good. It is a safe and convenient depeattory•for yon* Men* WINpHAM BRANCH,: A. M. SODI-L,Y, Manageeq Spesetimemesiemomails Subscribe for the Advance Largest Circulation in HURON Co. CV.1) We also club with all the leading papers in • Ontario. eOne That Agrees With •he Age 1 • :-.• , . aeesetee.---• • RN F Get the Original,' Nine Out of Ten Husbands Would Be Secretly Pleased To See Their Wives Shift the Laborious Family Baking to the Bakers' Shoulders. Ours Are Condi Let the BaketBake the Bread Carter's Bakery • PHONE 132 We don't ask you to take out word for the remarkable curative power of SOLACE in cases of rheumatism, neural- gia, headaches or other Uric Acid troubles, or the word - of more than ten thousand people SOLACE has restored to health, or the word of eighty-one doctors using SOLACt exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREIE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and In- dividuals. Also SOLACE remedy for CONSTIPATIONt (A LAXATIVE AND TONIC CONBINEM 14.1 Does the work surely but pleaeautly—Nature's way. No distress gripeing—no tick stomach—no weakening. The TWO rem- edies are all we make, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Free of opiates or harmful drugs. Neither affects the heart or sitomach--bnt helps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of &LACS eettlediese for rims BOXES. Bildt if one or both ate waeted.