HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-10, Page 6Fall Tenn From Sept. 1st, ,,��cc BAIT hei ttTit,aTFO'tatO. tlNT ••.., Tine beet c01116 3%.0161 Rawl in the pro, visas. Our courses are thoroUCll :Fad tyreettoal while olft lestrngtors are hotter than you will And. elsewhere. We do seers for our students than other shutter *obosls do. Our rate* aro reaetnstale. Write fee our free catalogue ane. see C what wit tap do for you, 1i+. 44. stataeraan - toasts MOH CLASS LIVERY GOAD HORSES NEW RIGS Quiet horses for 'lady drivers. Drivers supplied, BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 Ileameemeamearetioneemseimmemesemeeseas OVER 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND litOULATIQN$ 91f)6 sola ]toad of *feral*. or+tnY taste Over L ISIts * y1. too40►m.beett a dnaxter- tlon its a i ;•peat sa land ! 7 I pI1 Saaaka Mwat err Aorta. T1se a Watt tmn*b "MI6? 16 at 1140Data Gau4u' Apnoea 1llulr�soy for Io. Matte117 Voir lata bs a4s at lbs ocfeo a nett Toga; .done of V* Land* (net gab- �pn,11 on -s lxaiuotAe' 4enee upon and ova. tiro titoanA of thawed in stash of three years. p homesteader sitar tivo within tains mattes of his homestead eft a farm 0f at least rte agree en certain *oxidate**. A• habitat's hours* is re- quited in every oars,excel,; wheat maidsnoe isgerformcd n the vcinity. Ion oertalrt tpirecri_otsp�a4 h&mosteader in geed 1` rs Iiie byreerima 38 f... l a shieul PI))tntfc -eat meelbs' re ,Meacs in each of six year* roa� gtest tane mama to tarn henvnnd pat.aine trs �im oonfsten 1 Wyj.oorduttaIcave rough, scrubby or *rant lana after report by D oate- ettatt In*psotor on application for patent. A homcettea4er who ban exhau*te4 bis hoozo- rtaad right *ad 4766no1 gbaaiq a pre-emption may take a purebassrl hemo*tsd in (*teaks diatrists. Priop 33.00 per acre. Datidoi.-Must reside six mouths in cagk ot three years, eu)tl- vate any acres and erect a house worth 6300. W. W. CO1ty, Deputy of the Minister ot the 7ntarlor. N.33, -Unauthorized publipation of this ad, vcrtisetnent will not be paid for, TUE WINGRAM ADVANCE Pure, cb n, flavory and strong, in sealed packets. TRADE MARtt$ DESIGNS COPYRIGHT$ &C. !t 7 nate me sketch end 4escripptionmay q- arteriole o tr opinion tree waother an illi le Gro nbiy vat table. CommuelC C nal,00ntlllsutlit, H 0®001 on1atsrt e e�auldlft� Oldest akano for Nin g patalte. Ratont .tµxsn tt1bukat Mvnt, .t Co. roaoivo V t�i M" without o me. lathe • $ ati is .lmerkan. lupiamen/. Illustrated rreenig. time car.. C►�is.m 7eiten1�ag prepaid. e8 Id b7 MUNk& Co. • New York SBiBroadway, Blanc Otago. 625 v St„ Wasbin¢ton. D. 0. • nos °is good tea 65 My First Meeting With My Husband It Gave Me a Shock '4 Fey N3ARTHA V..M{ O+��NROE • 4•4•• When I went to visit my Aunt. Mar- tha at East Arlington it was in the sprlug of the year, and 1 was delighted to be in the country. I sat- on the porch most of the time watching a pair s a neat itt a tree of birds building ilding near the house and listening to their twittering, My cousins were ail very kind to me, doing everything in their power tO contribute to my enjoyment. Tom was in business in the city, but came out on Saturdays and stayed till Monday morning. Tom had a friend, Alan Irving, whom he said he had picked out for me. Any girl who is Taney free Is interested in a than who has been picked out for her, and I was very curious to see Mr. Irving, I asked Tom to describe him Farms For Sale 2110 acres, larges brick house. 2 bank barns, one mile eonth of Gerrie, good stook and grain farm, 85 acres of bosh. 100 acre farm in Minto Tp„ 7 miles from Harrieton, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and storeeon. vanient, good buildings. A snap et $5,600.. For full-partioulars for these farms, apply to -- PHILIP HARDING, Olifford, Ont. Mr. Geo. - Moir Wishes t0 t.unounee to the citizens Wingham that he fa in the old tand to stay. $hoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a cart. Farm for Sale. A good 200 acre farm within nine rules of Wingham, good bank barn, good cement bonse,large orchard, and considerable quantity of timber. Pride 38500 00. Apply to R. Vanetone, Wing - ham P. O. BUS -INF. -ZS AS Subject taught by et;;.ert a at . at the .111.;#/aeaVa4a1 Y, U. C. A. BLDC., ~O *", ONT. Students assisted to•position s. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free,E nter any time. J W. Westerttelt J. W. Westervelt. Jr. Principal Chartered Acttou. - 10 Vice -frau ps4 1t1LWAY TIME -TABLE Tfaiais leave "Ingham stations daily as !allows, G. T. R 'TORONTO and Intermediate TO Paiute:•• -Passenger, 6 45 tout ; puwen- riper, 11.00 Lin.; passenger, 2.80 p.ni. TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.85 a. in.; passenger, 8 80 p m, TO EINt7AKDINE : -- Passenger, tl ft) a.m ; retmelettsr, 2.80 p.w.; pati. fl i u p O. P. R. TO t UROit1TO and Intermediate bttir*:-Peolsenlf5er, 6 46 a.m.; }lussn• ity LOS p.m. TO 'TBESWA.TSII.: Passenger, Mt p.m.; pawnor, 10,82 p.m. CASTOR I A Por In%tnts aad Obiltlxe III Yoe Han Aiways nought i'}te of GradTrlllk Ry System BEDUQED FARES TO TORONTO For Canadian National Exhibition FARE AND:ONE-THIRD Aug. 81st to Sept, lltheinolaaive From all stations in Canada, Cornwab Ottawa and West. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE Will be in effect on certain dates. Alt tickets valid for return until TUESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1914 Full partioulars from Grand Trunk tt.cket agents. A year ago he couldn't eat r Today be can eat three square meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets cured Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. :fou try theta. 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3• Cloak data Medicine Ce., Toroate Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures anufac r Lues Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government xhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band IDragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo ?hatches Circus and Hippodrome taozen Shows In Single hour ttoy Scouts' Review Cat;ada'a Biggest Dog Show IABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle i ever presented o n Continent Pa in tinge froth England, Scotland United States and Canada ducational Exhibits t,00ds in Process of Making .Athietle Sports Acte -Hydroplane Plights Grand Water Carz tVai Creatur'e's Famous Band Scare of other Bands Dozen Band Concert* Daily Chesapeake and :Shannon Biggest blidWay tiler Deese Year Pleewetarks loternational, Peace Tattoo 10 Bands 400 Musicians Aux 29 1914 Sept. 14 TOE ONTO a,learrrawwari*1a 61111111111111.1askiraararasatee---?„,. "r THOUGHT HE WAS AN ESCAPED LIINATIOn to me, but could get nothing out of him except nonsense. Tom promised to bring him out for the week end as soon as be could get him, but Mr. Irving was so popular and in such de- mand that Tom found it difficult to find a time when he was disengaged. Very naturally I looked forward to meeting Mr. Irving and was anxious to make a good impression upon him when be arrived. My favorite dress, a dainty white voile, I kept 'fresh for the purpose. On no account would I wear it till the eventful day when 1 should meet the man wbo might pos- sibly wondered s11hy be my hu band. I woe d e e whether be would like me and wheth- er I would like him. Then I remem- bered that men are Less impressionable than women in such matters, and while I was indulging in fancles about him he probably 'lever gave me a thought. One day my aunt and cousins went to the city for a day's shopping. They kept no servant, doing all the work themselves. Consequently, on this oc- casion the work was left for me to do, I am not adapted by nature to house- work as some women are, who can cook a dinner in dinner dress. On the contrary, I become hot, my clothes be- come soiled and 1, am irritated. My aunt and cousins did not get off till late, and before I had set the house to rights 1 was obliged to prepare my lunch. 1 spoiled what I tried to cook and drop- ped grease on my dress. Then, to "crown a crown of sorrows," a sharp ring came from the telephone, and I was warned by the authorities of the lunatic nsyium a few miles distant that en inmate of the institution had escaped, and all persons in the neigh- borhood h- borhood were being nottfed in order that they might look out for him. "What do you Wish me to do," 1 asked, "itt case he comes here -hold him till your men eotne for bim? I'm alone and entirely unequal to the task myself." "Olt, no," was the reply, "not thatt The man is dangerous. We are noti- fying persons In order that they may take precautions against being injured by him." "Ott, hea 'eitsl What is he like?" "Medium height, dark llair ,and wears a tnustue0e only. lie earries a suit ease, baring taken one that doesu't belong to Wm in order to make the gatekeeper believe he was a mem- her of the asylum staff or a visitor. Ile also has an ttinbrelln. 1)ou't be frightened. Onr men will soon tate hint: ill." The crick that followed banging up the receiver seemed to leave toe alone with the maniac. There had been pro. tection In talking with some one even over a phone. 1 shut down every win- dow and ioeked every door. Against some of the doors 1 moved furniture, The front door had a chain on it, which 1 ant in place to prevent an openiug. As soon as 1 had barricaded myself 1 sat down anct,,shIvered. After awhile 1 eoucluded that if I didn't clo something to occupy my mind 1 would become a lunatic myself. I got up and cleared away the lunch dishes. I was so agitated that my face became smudged with hlmnbltiele, hough I wus unconscious of it, null 1 spilled sotto aii over my dress, soon as I had cleared away the luut ti I busied myself dufug everything t s•ouId find to do, even to sweeping tioors that had been swept before, in this way 1 lwpt myself occupied till about 3 o'clock in the afteruoon, when the ns fell. Looking out through the front' win- dow, there wus the lunatic, suit case, umbrella and all, coming up the walk to the house. 1 caught itt a dresser to save myself from falliug and stood there till 1 heard the doorbell ring. Then I was obliged to steady myself by nutting the other band on the back of a chair. Several minutes passed, when the doorbell rang again. My only hope was that the maniac would become convinced that there was no one in the house and would go away. It occurred to lee to tcleplione the authorities at the asylum !bat their patient was at our house, but I dared not make the slightest sound, for fear of being heard by the tnnu himself. So 1 kept still, scarcely daring to breathe. !3e rang the bell three times; then, in- stead of going away to murder some one else, he deliberately sat down on a beneh on the porch. I could not see him, but 1 could hear every motion be made. I could not remain where 1 was. I must go downstairs on tiptoe to see if I had left any weak spot in my forti- fication. On turning I caught a' re- flection of myself in the mirror of the dresser. Agitated us 1 was, I could not but notice my appearance. My dress, a very old one that 1 had put on to do housework, was bedraggled with soup and spotted with grease. Over my right eye was a smudge, and on the left side of wy nose was another. As to my hair, tousled is not strong enough to describe it. But of what importance was this when a maniac was sitting quietly on the porch wait- ing to effect an entrance to murder me? 1 (110 not give my appearance a thought, but went noiselessly down the staircase. I had drawn every curtain below its window sill, not leaving a crack tbat would admit a streak of sunlight so I could be seen. I examined all points of ingress and, finding everything as secure as I could make it, thought wbat next I could do. There was no telephone booth, the in- strument being in the dining room. it occurred to me to go upstairs, bring down blankets with "which to cover it, so as to deaden the sound, and inform the asylum managers of tbe lunatic's presence. Having got the blankets and covered myself and the phone, 1 put the receiver to my ear. If I had been obliged to ring I would not have dared make the call, "What number?" "Give me the East Arlington Lunatic asylum at once." "Tbe line is busy." That's all I got out of "central," but I beard two women bidding each other goodby, and they spent half an hour doing so, while was ,kept waiting with a lunatic on the porch. When I had heard the last goodby I called for the asylum and gave my information. I Was told that a force of attendants would, be sent et once. Throwing o theblankets, g ff b n els, I went to a window of the drawing room, near which the tnan(ac sat, and listened. 1 heard nothing, but smelled tobacco. The man bite waiting m e w w t gtogetnt e Was quietly smoking Then suddenly he got up and walked to the steps, and I heard an exclamation. Could It be that relief had conte -that I was saved? a? There were steps without and a babel of voices, followed by a jerk tit the doorbell. What should I do? 1 Wile tot sure what tod Idid t h.o. I. 1 no hIn n n A loud rap at the door. My aunt's nttd my cousin's votccs dncluding 'l'out's) outside. "For heaven's sake:'' cried my aunt, "Whet has happened to the. altar I unlocked and itneltalutd the door. Mere stood n nuttiber of parsons, three .peri from tite ttsyluut, toy unlit and •nushas and the, Montle. Every eye Man' Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WEOTERN CANADA "GOING TRIP WEST.""RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG 1 $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Aosust g(4 Kittens, GGOIyN Graf DATEginiaten. Sherbet S Ratio* and Wait to AM& and h W rrat i ith--N� to a scat20r16 soona oat. �i megaton, n, sd�tsoab t Lake Ind Renfrew, in the :I'roviineces of btti Aues,rt Xitt:• -0 r0 Ontario �. a "6716, t., to ow 1sinutlet_ a"nitto'ba send to 501u i11 A* aai- Aaloxlt Tist-- on to ' of i is ri $barber Leeks *ad Itentrea► a t Pr lithie ,t of • o 4, .' to *11 pots iWibl In Ma4ttoba neat: too 501011 lit a u kat - wata turned with anxiety en we. fly. thin trine I knew that t had made a geooee of Wy'aeif, 1 gave a sickly swife, "I thought," I otenaMered, painting to the Mau with the suit case, "that he was au escaped !tingle." There was 4 burst or laughter. "HO my friend, Alan Irving," said Tom. "He's not very bright. but t wouldn't quite consider him a tuna- tie." ,.Good gracious:" exclaltned lay Cousin Bess, "What have you been doing to yourselr?" Then I remembered wy soiled dress.I uty smudged Race and, turning, ,led. i Toni had made an unexpected ar- rangement to bring Mr. Irving out with him for the week mud. Toni had missed tbe train, uud Irving had come out alone. So this was the result of my dreams of my first meeting with the man who had been picked out fur me;tny keep- ing fresh my most becoming dress; my hopes of leaking a favorable imprea- stoul Could 1 have wade a worse one? I was followed to my room by wy Cousins Bess and Julia, who found ine sobbing couvulsively and in whose arms 1 graduaily recovered my equa- nimity. When 1 went downstairs air. Irving was klud enough to say to me, "Of ail things I admire, a brave man and a cowardly woman stand et the head:' Ile afttrwnrd deehtred that, untidy and„ smudged as 1 was when he' first saw rue, 1 was comely. But that was flattery. We made a match of it after all. Test For Hydrochloric Act'l. A curious Mishap l;aa t us a very dei Icate test for liydroehiorle Acid in the ntnaospltere. In n north of l;ngieud locality ninny houses have eurtnius of the cream color produced ;ty metanii ;yellow. popularly known ns "dolly.' :ream dye and to science es "talc so Mum salt of meta-amido-berteine set phonic acid•nzo-tliphenyi•ntulttt)." Some of these cream colored curtnlus sud denly ehauged to heliotrope. investi- gation showed that an accidental eS cape of hydrochloric acid from a neigh- boring aikell plant -had discolored the curtains, and the dye became a meat useful rest. -London Globe. Political influence. "Whitt do you understand by the teres volition! influence?" "Political tufuence," replied Senator Sorghum, "Is usually something that a lot of people come around and tell you they brought to bear after you hare succeeded in landing a job." -Wash ington Star. Hog Pasture Question. Experiments at the Iowa station In. dicate that rye furnishes very good hog pasture, but that the vetch is not worth much. For some reason the hogs do not seem to take to It. Oats nncl Canada field pens furnish very good hog pasture, but everything con- sldered, rape alone is by far the hest of all the annual hog pasture plants. Iowa experiments indicate conclusive- ly that It is not worth while to use cowpeas, sorghum or soy beans as hog pasture when such a good plant ns rope Is available. Rape seeded in the spring and properly pastured will turnlsh good forage for hogs during June, July, August, September, Octo- ber and part of Nete.IDlier, "SUCCESS FARM;" "FAILURE FARM" O you see the two farms t They are both good farms,. or ought to be, as are most of those in this country. THE . DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM 13 NOT IN THE 'LAND, BUT IN THE MEN THAT OWN THEM. One of these men is an up to date chap who READS TEE PAPERS, especially the farm notes, takes agricultural journals and applies scientific methods. The other works just as bard, but will not have a newspaper in the house and could not get a new idea if it were bored into his bead with an Xray,, THE UP TO DATE FARMER GETS TWO OR THREE TIMES THE YIELD OF HIS NEIGHBOR AND WiTH BUT LITTLE MORE LABOR OR EXPENSE. He uses fertilizer, crop rotation and intelligence. He economizes every rod of leis land; makes it all count~ Hepractiees sol 1 COD* servation. He gives back to the soil as much as or a little mere than he takes from it. He knows the tatest o erlmentsmade bythe agricultural department, the agri- cultural colleges and experiment stations. He reads tlia3 noespa- pert SM. in YOUR SUIT scion= Er,03:fAVE Jamestown. Mr, and Mrs. J: Klug were ivetrk end guestsof Blooitaingdaie friends, Mie:! Gladys McQuarrie entertained a number ether girl' friends at her home on Tuesday last Mr. and Mra, M. Fraser and dadghter Ella were Sunday visitor! at Geo. johnston"s, Miss, 13111 of llowick and her two little Cousins front liarriston' visited at MCI.en naps last Thursday. Mr. John tit -yawl cif Porelvvich visited at his parented horns an Wednesalai. Ve MoneY!t Buy Your New Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid STYLE aM fir ua Ili or, tie Jae z.4 30 stx 2t 5 6 7 88 8 8 9 99 9 10 10 10 11 18 20 37 22 40 22 40 22 48 22 42 22 42 47 47 48 48 451 48 48 51 55 48 60 161 22 22 lei 22 22 1i 161 HEAVY FENCE No. 9 Pao Wire Throughout in 20 al 30 end 40 trod RdTtl,, Fr'el hl: Paid '0 Spacial of Horizontals in Inches 0 ' 80'910, 10$$ 10 .1$ 61, 7, 81, 9 79, $ ,,....,....... .21 5, 51, 7, 7, 5, 61, 73' 9, 10, 10 .23 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6..,., .26 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,.213 4, 5, 5+i, 7, 8i, 9, 9.26 4, 5, 51 7, 81, 9, 9......,.,.29 6,6,6,6,6,6,,29 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,6, 6, 6 3 4, 4, 5, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 .29 4, 4, 5, 5*, 7, 81x•, 9f 9 .31 7 r. A, 3, 4, 51, [, 7, 7i, $,. .31 u, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 7, 7i, 8.33 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 .33 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 8k, 9, 9.31 3, -3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 81, 9, 9 .36 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No, 9 Top and Bottom. Intermediate; No. 13. Uprights 8 inches Apart,- 8 part;8 Close bars 8 Close bars PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES 48 10 -ft op'ng i r 's•,aerr.n x 4488111241: 12 -ft op ng :6:::74:?:::::771; wawr.�1+ Sf. i1!l14 48 13 -ft op ng �. jj4 -f8!14 o nt- < P g . WALK GA `I'E, 4$ inR high, 3k ft. opening,. 2.35 STIFLES, 25-1b box, E BRACE WIfiE, v -lb. rolls, T S ETCHING T ' ' C2 Q +. 3. . . 'ere O � o ,. , Page Wire Fence Cr, Ltd. Montreal 1240 King St. West Waljcorvillw St. John TORONTO Wl,anipe¢ .42 .47 .09 Weil Your Order to Our Nearest Branch Write For 104 -Page Free Catalo¢ "PAGE FENCES WARE BEST" Please Look at Your LABE L and unless you are Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to sane at Once This Means YOU LEE JIM Hand Laundry No Acids, Lime or Chemical My work has stood the test Twenty years in town. I am here to stay and ask for continuance of your patronage. LEE JIM LAUNDRY Winghsun, Ontari Opposite • Skating Rink Homeseekers' Excursions Round trip tickets to points in Mrnitoba, Sas atohe,wan and Alberta via Chicago. St. Pa Duluth, or Sarnid and Northern Navigatla Company on Hale each Tuesday until Oct, 1 inclusive, at low tares. Through Pullman Tourist Bleepin Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11.45 p m. No change of cars.it m Return Li Two Months The Grand Trunk Pacific Railw is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg -Sask- atoon -Edmonton. Berth re,ervattuns and purtieulars at all Grai Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. HORNIN Distriot;Passenger Agent, Toronto, Oat, NERVE -SKIN -Er BLOOD DISEASE,S NAI..: 'Oft EtY LET,i- E1 • Bank of ilarnllion Capital Aatborizred - $5,COO 000 Capital, Paid-up` - 3000,000 Surplus - • 8.730.000 <. THE MEN BEHIND • Banking institutions get! Strength as mania • the mei: who direct its affairs as fromv. actual capital invested. vioner deposited is the Bank of Ilemtlten is grt*rded eritand eon- ora mon eewr who value sitr more num wititianovon for buskins than htjrh proatta. 'a this volley Is due a e*rrpbitl wblbb is one gcarter anger than its Capital --the rotult of overt 40 fears' onservattvo tnitnagelnent. Apia C. P. SMITH H WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. 7litabllehed 18i 4ti, bread Gilles 01.71ALPEC, ONT. Rieke taen on ms of i sortable property onithe'cash or pre :pinta nota system. CICO. SLEBKAN, JQIIN D.AVIDOON President. Ilecrotreryr, RITCUIle atfe CO1SENS, Agents. Wi»gbal:a, Oat DUDLEY HOLM'ES lirrlster, Solicitor, etc, Office: Meyer Block, Witagham. R. VANSTQNE BARRISTER ANS $OLICiTOR Money to loan at loweatr rater. WINGHAIId. ARTrn J. IRWIN D,D.0., L,D,S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen nsylvanla College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --O6ige in Macdonald Block-, G. Honor of Dental Graduate OFFICE H. ROSS, D.D.S,, L.D.S Graduate of the Royal Ciellege Surgeons of Ontario, Honor of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, OVER II. E. ISARD 4 0O'S. STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B, 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chronic and Nervous Disease's, Eves scientifically tested. Glasses fitted. Office aver Chrlstie'g store, Wingham. Tueadap's 11,30 a,zn. to 9 p m, Consultation free. W. g: NAMBLY, B,So., M.D,, C.M. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. . Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. , Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 DR. He J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. • 3 Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOOIi f DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND L R. O P. ��(Load.) a Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON D VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE AR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRI= & FRANCIS Office Phone 179. Residence Phone 182. Ex Gov. Yet. Inspector. 0. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Life, Accident, Plate . Glass • Weather Xnsurance, coupled a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WIN(IIHAM 1 Fire, and with L. til 7 g General Pleasantly Open Rates y nursing) to tion id E, l -i ospi tat. (Under Governmet,l Inspection.) situated. Beautifully furnished, to all regularly licensed physiolans: for patients�(whtoh include board and -3&90 to 316.00 per week, according location of room. For further . informa -Address MISS L. MATIREWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. National Exhibition TORONTO and One Third August 31 to Sept ember 11th, 10I4. SPECIAL LOW RATE Sept.1st and 8th Tuesday, p Thursday, Sept. ird and 10th Port Burwell, St, Thomas, Ilyde St Marys; Goderich, Listowel Wingham, Port McNicoll, Tees Walkerton, Owen Sound, Parry )lobeaygeon, Ivanhoe, Belleville intermediate stations, also Berri, Preston, Ilespeler and Rata n Station t Nobel to Drill, .ratio Detroit. , to Tie , :, of tweed and t3hannonvillh, ming.St n 117.1 Subdivisions on Eastern Division of Russell, Smith's Falls and lirdckville, LIMIT -Original starting pain be reached hot later than Tuesday, Sep+ 1914, any Clanadian Nellienekot Agentfo rrioiria Exhibition program. P. L. STURT)AIF, it0 lad cti'TiW, Asst. D.P,A., Toronto, D.P.A. Torontc Canadian Pare Prom Park, Elora, water, Sound, -inti Waterloo, ton, Melrose Tact Waltham Tact RETURN na«•st 35th, d8f'Ask Ronklpt E. New Telephoii Directory. Tho Dell Telephone Company at Canada is soon to arint a new hate of it1 Official Tele- phone Directory for the District of Western Ontario Parties who rentonlplatc beebming Subecri- bere. or these who v,hh changes In thou prat. rat entry Should place their orders With the Local Manager at Ante to insure insertion in this ie:ue. Connecting companies °Should oleo retort addltionS Ana ehangM In their list of anbserib"rs, either to the Lomtl Manager, ordireet to the Speetlll Agent's DC• partntent, Montreal, The Bell Telephone Company sol Canada.