HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-03, Page 8Window Bargains $2,39 see our Window display of Ladies' Skirts 32 Ladies' Skirts on sale this week. Sale price $2.39 Regular $1.50, 5., 6 and 6.50. Blue Serges, Black Serges, all sizes $7.88 see our Window display of Men's & Young Men's Suits in Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and Mix- ed patterns, sizes 34 to 44. Sale Price $7.88. Regular $10 and$12 We are offering 25 ladies' Spring Coats suitable for rough wear. These coats are not this season's style, to clear at the ridiculous price of 75c while they last, sizes 34, 36, 38, 40 A•11•••••=1M• Bargains on all lines of Summer Goods. Call and see our Fall opening of Ladies' Winter Coats, Raincoats, S.werter Coats and Dress Goods. We pay the Highest Prices for Produce. Try us for Mail Orders. Prompt Service. Butterick Patterns always instock HANNA Sc. C Phone 7o. TUE WIN6RAM 'ADVANCE BRITISH TROOPS IN GOOD. POSITION After. Four Gaye' Terrible Fighting They Are Refitted and Re. Inforced—Losses Heavy 111111.1111% II FRUITS and VEGETABLES in season and we aim to please in quality and promptness of delivery. quality is the best and the price 13 unchanged at 800 and 40a. Henry T. Thompson eenn TEAS—A trial of our bulk tea will convince you tbat the AMININNIIMI Headquarters for Family Grocer:es If you have not tried us with an order for HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES do so now and see how we fill it. lit THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Successor to E. B. Hart • I FEED ! FEED ! FEED! Barley Bran — WE HAVE ON HAND — Molasses Meal Calf Meal Oil Cake L. G. Flour Shorts Wheat Oats Flax Meal And any other feeds you necd. Don't eat bad bread, use "Quality" flour. It's the best of all flours. Try one baking and be convinced. HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK We pay highest prices for all kinds of vain. PHONE 40 OR 20. illat11111111111111114141111W1111114111111111thalilliii11111111111111111 Official. •••••••••••• AllsTRACT STATHMUNT Of the expenseConnenion witb the recent North Huron Provincial Kleetion held june 29.11, 1914 of A. II. Musgrove of the Town of Nvingham. A Oandidate, is as follow :— Printing vvvvvv 11•11. ••••••••••$1.18 58 Telephette a evorboit 5-80 Livery ....... .•.... 4800 Rent of Kane and Rooms 41 25 Poetise, Stationery and Elec • , 18 55 Personal expenses .. 125 25 Total $355 03 the undersigned after having ex- amined the Vottehers presented to tle �t.Pinanoial Agent Certify the el to two Cetrea. Dated title 8. d. day of Aottr. 1914. PROCTOR Brasatels R. R. No. 5. Astarostog areatannenetanneeeene- - 1••••••••• Hoch Der !Cater The Kaiser von das Fathered Und Gott and I all things eontman , Ve too Aeh, don't you understand Meinself und Gott 13uttOri—At Rivereide, Col, on Aug, 27th, to Mr. and Mre. P, G. Button, a on, 1.11111111111Musells lie emienallialleeteet vy • Succesior to A. M. CRAWFORD Wholesale stud Retail Tobaccos WINOHAlitt, ONTARIO BRITISH TRIUTE TO BRAVE BELGIANS A despatch to London from Antwerp on Tuesday morning "Large numbers of troops were landed eecretly at Ostend all dur- Ing the night and marched south, according to reliable information here. The troops are believed to be English forces on their .way to strike the rear of the Germans." An official statement issued by the French War Office Monday evening said, In effect, that the French troops on the right have again taken the offensive and are driving the Germans back. On the left the allies were obliged to yield because of a series of cir- cumstances which turned In favor of the Germans, A general battle is reported to be still In progress. An unofficial despatch says that General Pau has won a bril- liant victory over 50,000 Germans near Peranne. Paris is preparing for a siege and thousands of citizens are leaving the capital. Troop trains are bringing in soldiers for the defence of the city. The Russians continue to ad- vance In Germany and Austria. The Austrians are reported to have suffered an irreparable de- feat on Monday at Zamose in Russian Poland. After four days of deseprate fight- ing last week the British army in France is rested, refitted and re- inforced for the next great battle, ac- cording to an announcement made on Sunday by Lord Kitchener. In a statement, based on reports from Sir John French, commander of the British expeditionary forces, the Sec- retary says that the British, after struggling against tremendous odds, retired 'to a new line of defence, where they have not been xnolested, apart from cavalryfighting, since Thursday. Their casualties are be- tween 5,000 and 6,000, but reinforce- ments amounting to double the losses sustained have already joined, and every gun of those abandoned be- cause of the killing of the horses or because they were shattered by shells has been replaced. Against this optimistic. report, how- ever, is the official statement issued by the French War Office late Sunday night that "the progress of the Ger- man right wing has obliged us to yield ground on our left." Lord Kitchener's statement covered the fighting of August 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th. During the whole of this period, the British, in conformity with a general movement of the French armies, were occupied in checking the German advance and in withdrawing to new lines of defence. The battle on the tWenty-sixth was of a most severe and desperate char- acter. The British troops offered a superb and most stubborn resistance to the tremendous odds with which they were confronted, and at length extricated themselves in good order, though with 'serious loss and under the heaviest artillery fire. "The losses suffered by the Ger- mans in their attacks across the open and through their dense formation are out of all proportion to those which we have suffered," said Lord Kitchen- er's statement. "In Landrecies alone, as an in- stance, a German infantry brigade ad- vanced in close order into a narrow street, 'which they completely. filled. Our machine guns were brought to bear on this target from the end of the town. The head of the column was swept away. A frightful panic ensued, and it is estimated that 800 or 900 dead and wounded Germans were left in this street alone. "Another incident, which may be chosen from many like it, was the charge of the German Guard cavalry division upon the British 12th Cavalry Brigade, Veen the German cavalry were thrown back with great losses and in absolute disorder. These are notable examples of what has taken place over practically the whole front during these engagements, and the Germans have been made to pay the extreme price for every forward march they have made. "Since the 26th, apart from cavalry fighting, the British army has not been molested. It has rested and refiitted after its exertions and glorious achiev- ments. "Sir John French also reports that on the 28th the British 5th Cavalry Brigade fought in brilliant fashion with German Cavalry, in the course of which the 12th Lancers and the Royal Scots Greys routed the enemy and speared a large number in flight "It must be remembered throughout that the operations in France arc vast, and that we are only on onc wing of the whole field of battle, The strategic positions of ourselves and ow allies are such that whereas a de cisive victory for our arms in Franct probably would be fatal to the enemy a. continuance of resistance by the Ang,lo-French armies upon such - r scale as to keep in the closest grin the enemy's best troops, can, if pro longed, lead only to one conclusion.' •IMI,III,•••••••••••••• Mr. Asquith Tell; Exactly Why Grit- ein Went to War—"Germany Met Pay to 1.1termoot FarthIno" In the House of Commons ou Tlyar.A. crs end Moved the following rem idtaltyto,nPremier Asquitle arose am heec "That an humble address be pre sented to his Majesty praying leut t convey his' Majesty the Klan of tit Selgians the sympathy and aatnn ation with which tins Howe roaa the heroic resistance offered by h:: army and people to the wantoa vasion of hie territory, ai.d an ;emir ante of the determination of thi' country to support in every way to efforts of Belgium to. vindicate 1.e own independence and the public lar of Europe." Continuine, Mr. Asquith sail: "Very few words aro needed tc commend to the House the. terms le this address. The war which is no.. shaking to its foundations the n hoe European system originated in a quay rel in which this country had no d:rac concern. We strove with all ou might, as everyone now knows tc prevent its outbreak, and, when tna was no loner possible, to limit in area. It is of importance that I should be clearly understood whoa i was and why it was we intervened It was only whoa we were confroute • with the clicece between keeping an( breaking solemn obligations, in th discharge of a binding trust, and s shameless subservience to naked force, that we threw away the ;scab bard: We do not repent our decision (Loud cheers.) Honor at Stake "The issue was one which no meat and self-respecting nation, certainly none bred and nurtered lIce ourselves in this ancient home of liberty, could without undying shame have declined. We were bound by obligations plain and paramount to assert and main- tain the threatened independence of a small and useful state. Belgium had no interests of her own to serve (cheers) save and except the one su- preme and over-riding interest of every state, great or little, which is worthy of the name—the preserve - ,tion of her integrity and her national life. (Cheers.) History tells us that the duty of asserting and maintain- ing that great principle, which is, after all, the well -spring of civilization, has again and ,again at most critical periods in the past fallen upon states relatively small in area, and in popu- lation, but great in courage and re- sodrce. (Cheers.) On Athens, Sparta, the Swiss cantons, and not less glor iously three centuries ago on the Netherlands. (Cheers.) The Gallant Belgians Printesa Pat's Pets Delayed The Princess Patricia's Light In- fantry., which had embarked Saturday at Montreal for England, were dis- embarked again at Quebec on Sunday by order of the Admiralty, apparently because arrangements had not been made to convoy the steamer Megantic across the Atlantic by British. war- ships. The British Government embargo on exportation of sugar frons the West Indies has been removed and the price of sugar is expeeted to drop as result. A German areoplane flew over Paris on Sunday dropping five bombe which die no great &linage, Two woineu were wouiaded. Scaffold Fell 161.* While working on the new Melville Church, Brussels, .in course of con- itruction, Mr. William Brown of rut, lerton, and Robert Plarknets, of lirus- Ale, were badly injured on Priday by the falling of part of the seafront*. Both men were thrown from the upper door to the jliste below. Me. Down metetined F eeere Injoriet to his arm; and lege, while Mr. Ilarknets 1 ery 4or5aturly injured and hit resatery is FIVE SHIPS SUNK BY BRITISH FLEET •••••••••••••••••• Others Severely Dameged Before Sleeking Safety In Flight-- PrItIsh Loos Slight The first important nava aTaircif the 'war was fought on Friday in Heligoland Dight, resulting in a smashing blow delivered by the Brit- ish cruisers, destroyers and flub. marines against the Gentian scouting squadron. The officer chief in command a the 13ritish attacking force was Rear Ad miral Sir David Beatty. Following is the statement issued by the Official Press Bureau: "Early Frlday morning a concer;:ed operation of some consequence war attempted against the German in Heligoland Bight, A. strong force of destrdyors, .supported by light cruis• ers and battle .cruisersn.and working in conjunction with the euinuarlieen intercepted and attacked the German destroyers and cruisers guarding the approaches to the German coast. "The principle of the operation Wan a, scouting movement by a strong force of destroyers to cut off the Ger- Man light craft from home and en - 'gage them at leisure in the open sea." After briefly describing the sinking of three German cruisers—the Mainz, Koln and Ariadne—the statement con• tinues: "Although only two of the enemy's destroyers were actually observed to Oink, most of the other eighteen or twenty boats rounded up and attacked were well punished, and only saved themselves by a scattered flight. "The complements of the five Ger• man vessels known to have been sunk aggregated about 1,200 officers and Men, all of 'nom, with the exception of three hundred prisoners, wounded and otherwise, perished. "The total British casualties amounted to sixty-nine killed and wounded. Among the killed4raust b included two officers of exceptional merit, Lieut -Commander Barttelot and Lieut. Eric Westruanott, . All the British snips will be fit for service in a week or ten days." ' "Never, I venture to say, has the duty been more clearly and bravely acknowledged, and never has it been more courageously and heroically dis- charged than during the last two weeks by the Belgian King and the Belgian people. They have faced without flinching, and against almost incalculable odds, the horrors of irruption, devastation, spoliation and of outrage. (Loud „cheers.) They have stubbornly withstood and suc- cessfully arrested the inrush of wave after wave of gigantic and. over whelming force in the defence of Liege. (Loud cheers.) In tlio annale of liberty the Belgians bave won for themselves the immortal glory which belongs to- a people who prefer free, dom to ease and security—even to life itself. We are all proud of their alliance and of _their friendship. We salute them with respect and honor. (Renewed cheers.) We are with them heart and soul because by their side and in their company we are defend- ing at the same time two great causes, the independence .of small states and the sancta:, of international obliga- tions. We assure them to -day in the name of this United Kingdom and o? the whole Empire that they can count to the end on our wholehearted and unfailing support." (Loud and 'pro- longed cheers.) Unionist and Irish Leaders In seconding the resolution Mr. Bonar Law, leader of the Unionists, said in part: "Whatever doubt may have been felt among us as to the justice or necessity of out taking part In this war has been removed by what has happened, and is happening, in Belgium. What has happened there confirms the belief in which we en- tered upon this war—namely, that it is in reality a struggle of the small nations and of civilization against brute force—a force which is not the less brutal because it 'has at its dis- posal the material resources and in- ventions of science." Mr. John RedInond suggested that Belgiutn should be asked to accept Britain's financial assistance as a gift, rather than as a loan. "In no quar- ter of the world," Mr. Redmond went on, "has the heroism of the Belgians been received with more general en- thusiasna and admiration than within the shores of Ireland—(cheers.) I am proud to think that at this mom- ent there are many gallant Irishmen willing to take their share in the risks and to shed their blood and to face • death in assisting the Belgian people in the defence Of their liberty and Independente." The motion then carried amid loud cheering. Moving in the House of Lords the seine address of sympathy to Belgium, the Marquis of Crewe, Lord Privy Seal, said: "Acts have been commit- ted on the Belgians contrary to all the laws and usages of war. Sooner or later the Germans will have to pay for their brutal methods to the utmost farthing." Ontario Offers Gift of Flour ' On behalf of the Province of On. tario, Sir James Whitney has made an offer of a gift of 250,000 bags of flour to Great 13ritain. This is in addition to the one inillion bags given by the Dominion Government. On- ta.tio's gift represents a contribution of approximately $750,000. This Earthly. Stage. "The sine" remarked the kindly elti• sett, "shines for all." "And that's what worries some people," averred the caustic eitizen. "They Septa to think tho sun ought to be handled as a spot light."—Louisville Courier-hue/tan • As He aaw Wife.Ob 1 saw the dditeg littii het today. Mb—Theft SOS Itkei yott..ttIWa looking for the dears** Instead of 0304Stitht, ttleAttnetata ••••• 0,1•••.41.1", • alb... .fp • ••• •,..1111 GERMAN SHIPS DESTROYED (Continued from page 1) Mr. George McDonald was elected at toe ratepayers meeting on Saturday night to $1.11 out the balance of the term of Trustee Jos. Smith who has resigned on account his intended rc- tnoaL to LucknoW, Owing to the problems connected with building the new school the position ef trustee is especially responsible just now and Mr, McDonald is the right mob in the right place. Trpstee Musgrove was authorized to pay a visit to Clinton and investigate a Sanitary System in use In the 'school there with a view to having it adopted in the Bluevale school. 13elmore. Mieses Janet and Ella Inglis of Tor- onto ere visiting Mre, Doig. Mise Bax has resumed her duties as teacher of the village school. Manuel Marshall received severe in- juries as a result of a fall from a beam. Mies Mabelle Ballagh has been en- gaged as teacher in S, S. No, 12, Car- rick, ' • Mise Lizzie McKee left on Monday to take charge of her school near Lis- towel. MIT. Wm, McKee accompanied her daughter Jennie to New York last Thursday, Mr. Teskey has returned home after spending the summer with his son Dave near Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson of Att. wood visited the lattere sister Mrs - Wm. McKee last week. Mrs, R. Pccock has returned home after sbending two weeks at Kincar- dine assisting Mrs, 0, Munroe, Rev. Dr. Smith, a former resident called on friends in the village as be was driving home from his summer home at Southampton. Rev. A. It, Gibson has returned home and will deliver an address next Thure- day evening in the Presbyterian church on "Conditions in Germany." Mr. Philip Hoffman has returned to Belmore and will be prepared in a few days to minister to the wants of the farmers in blacksmithing line. Palatial Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Sent to the Bottom The steamship Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, of the North German Lloyd. Line, was sunk last week off the West African coast by the British cruiser Highfiyer. One member of the High - 'flyer crew was killed 'and five were wounded by fire from the Kaiser Wil helm's guns before the German ship was sent to the bottom. T:13 surviv- ors were landed before the vessel sank. The Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse was one of the palatial steamers of the North German Lloyd Line. At the outbreak of the war she was con- verted into an armored cruiser and since has boon reported active in searching. for British merchantmen. The German cruiser Magdeburg was chased ashore by Russian vessels in the Gulf c Finland. Seventeen Ger- mans were killed, 25 wounded and 85, including the captain, are missing and are probably prisoners. Rainbow in i Fight? A report from Vancouver says that the German cruiser Leipzig was sighted Saturday and after manceuvr- ing she was caught between the Rain• bow, the Canadian cruiser, and the French cruiser Montcalm, both of which peppered her to such an ex- tent that she was obliged to surren- der. It is added that the Rainbow is convoying her to Esquimalt, but the report is without official con- firmation. Turkey May Fight Definite information from various parts of the Balkans has been re- eeived In Louden that German officers, both army and navy, and, German sailors are hurrying to Turkey and a declaration of war by Turkey against the allies is expected at any moment. Reports apparently authenticated say that preparations are being made throughout the Balkan States for a conflict with Turkey. Germans Burned City The city of Louvain, in the province of Brabant, Belgium, was burned by the Germans last week on the pre- text that the inhabitants had fired on German soldiers. Forty thousand inhabitants were rendered homeless and the university and many magnifi- cent churches and public buildings filled with art treasures were de- stroyed. Italy to Jotn Allies A Rome despatch says: . "Italy , is arming to join the Mete Entente. Troops are passing incessantly from Liguria and Piedmont, their destin- ation being Udine. The French fron- tier' has been entirely evacuated. "In Venetia and on the frontier there are 500,000 men... Within the next eight days the Italian army will enter the field." Prince Albert is Sick Prince Alb rt, King George's second son, who has been with the North Sea fleet, Is ill With appendicitis. The Prince was landed at a pert in Scot, land, His condition causes no anxiety. ••••••••••=•••••••••••••••......., •••••••;•4 Will Use Indian Troops Lord Kitchener announced in the House of Lords on Friday that native Indian troops would be Used to re- inforce the British army in Frande. British military authorities are seek - Ing a suppler of 20,000 Canadian horses and have sent out twelve army 0111. cers to this country to secure these animals for military urposes. The Men of the Cameron clan throughout the Empire have been summoned to arms to form a Highland vegiment, - Salem. • Mr. and Mrs, Wet. Mitchell spent Sunday wito friends near Mt. Forest. Mr. Wra Jobb of Satkatootl is re- newing old acquaintances atoned here at present. Mr. Shaw of Bluevale probed here last Sunday owing to the paetor taking hler,vacation. Mr. and Mrs, tobn Hartley returned to their horns In Vankleek Bill after speruling the holidays here. Mrs. kiln Bey's mother, Mre. Wm. Weir, also her IBMs acne Minute assoropen. lot theft Belgrave. Miss. Chamney is visited Mr. Bruces. Mr, Sproalwas in Seafor)h this week. II /Miss. Sproal is visiting in Toronto htis week. Miss G wgne Geddes visite' at Londesboro. Rev. Kilpatric and wife are away for their holidays. Mr. -and Mrs. Robt McKenzie spent Sunday at Ben Geddes Londesboro. Miller Procter of Bluevale road visited in Belgrave Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L Rands of Seaforth. visited a number of old friends last' week, Mr. T. Stewart and daughter of Bluevale spent Sunday with his brother Dr.) Stewart. Mrs. S. Jackson of MooJaw Mrs. Mc- Guire of Brussels visited at John Mc- Guire last week, Be Prepared ARE YOU READY TO DEFEND YOUR COUNTRY You are urged to join the 83rd Huron Regiment and be ready when the call to arms come. ANY able bodied man over 18 years of age is eligible. YOU can join either for home service or for service abroad. WRITE, TELEPHONE TO or SEE Cat. T. - N. Sinclair B Co. 33rd Regiment, WINGHAM, ONT. iUM NIE/11111011111111111.111MIMIll SEIM OM CHRISTIE'S' GROCERY 1 • PHONE 59 Store opens 7 A. M. CIOIAB 7 p. m. TOMATOES Tomatoes look this week as if they had reached their lowest point—This wili, however. depend entirely on the action of the canners. We will en- deavor to obtain the best pos- sible stock and handle them at lowest cash prices. Green an Red Peppers! Silver akin Pickling Onions VINEGAR The vinegar we [sell is good. 'We buy only the best grades or white wine and cider. Yon can ate them with every :con- fidence MBE irOB (4001) GROCURIES $ 1110rnialitillatiell. iii iii SCHOOL SHOES for Boys and. Girls The Very Best Make with double toes ---solid leather N counters ---best hemlock soles ---in fact shoes that Can't Be Beat! W. H. WILLIS CO. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR swag; LADIES • Ready Let us show you the new models for Fall, fresh from the 20th Century Brand Tailor Shops Suits made to measure are Strictly Cash w#4 W. A. CAMPBELL The Clothier MacDonald Block, Opp. Bank of Commerce. ‘111111111111111111111111111.1111.11111MMENESIIIIIIIIII Official. AnWrItAer TTAT101104T, i.••• ..•••••••••.••••• Of the expenses in Connection with the recent North Huron Provincial Election held Juno 2011, 1914 of J. G. Anderson of the Village of Lucknove, A Candidate, is as follows :— Printing & Advertising $ 57 80 Rent of Halle •••• 48 00 Teleg., Tiler,. Postage, Speak - ere eitpenses and livery.... 22 62 Personal expanses 170 50 •—•••••••,...a. Total$ 807 42 1 the undertigued after having ex- amlned the vouchers presented to me by. Ilia Financial Agent Certify the above to be eorrect. Dated thie 3ed dies* of Sent., 1014, R PROCTER, Bittoimels IL R. No.5 Returning (Aker. Sdranton or Lehigh Coal Wood, Kindly Lowest Prices R. J. Cantelon Ogee with Dominion Uproot Co • "4 7.1 SJ