HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-03, Page 7'''""Wiliplawileiw' -see re-- -
September 6, 1914. The .Great
Command m ertle.-M ark 12 : 2844.
-Commentare.-I. Love to Clod aad
Men tee. 28-34.) 28. One of the ecribers
-Matthew (22: 31) sPeaks .cf nine at;
a lawyer, or a teacher ef the la,w. The
Lerthes were eopensts a the Old Tee-
tTnent scriptures and were the recog-
weed teachers cf the eame. Allawerei.1
them well --The ecribe had heari the
preveding .discuselone and observed
Ciirlst's familiarity with the litw end
his abilityla meeting tle attaelis ef
liI:opeosere. Asked hira-The ques-
thal 'us inttnnea to obtain Christ'
judgment .with reference to the WA
Portanee of varices clutie.s enjoined leY
the law of Moses. Which -Title word,
is not the ordinary iaterregative pro.
nonn, but deuotes oualliy, being equi-
valent to the question, "What is. the
miture of?" First eommanclment of
all -The Jews were .divided in their
opinIone as to the. relative inmortauce
of the different parta of the law. Some
laki meet stress upon the law pertain -
mg to sacrifices anti nerifications„
*Mille others ceneidered the moral law
oL thief impt•rtanee. end still others
held that duties to man• were. superior -
to ditties to God, The Jewish teachers
recognized six hundred thirteen differ-
ent commandments in tbe law, The
Witte expected that Jesus would give
an answer to the question that would
cause It division among thoee who
were favorable to him. 29, Hear, 0
Israel, etc. -This was the preface to
the law in Deuterouomy (6"4.) It de-
clares the unity of Cod, The aevout
Jew down to the present time recites
thls. verse twice viten day. 30. Thou
Omit love the Lord thy eleel-There
one teed. Jehovah, self-eeistent, eter-
nal, glorious, almighty, flayto
whom our 'wealth ef affectien should
Ong, end who is. worthy .ot the high-.
est adoration of all created intelli-
genee. Love centres in o person, not
a thing or a fact. Oitr love to God
must not only be supreme, but eve
enorad love him with, all the heart.
The commandment is in sharp con -
'least to the worldly, proud, self-suffi-
cleat. outward religion centred in self,
All thy heart -There muet be the ut-
most sincerity and unquestioned
whole -heart -Awes. All thy soul -Tho•
life must centre in him. All the lite
forces must be exercised for his glory.
rhere must be love to the degree that
the life would be laid down for Mm if
need be. The will and the emotions
are here included. All thy ntincl-Itis
to Iv an lotelligent love. 411 the7pow-
orsof the intellect must be. employed
in the accomplishment of God's will.
All thy strength -This iMplies action
and energy of heart, minrl and soul to
the utmost extent. He who thus loves
rIod - is a eametified,
Christi:Ile The first colnmandnient-
. It is first and greatest because it in-
volves, the highest act of which the
soul is capable. It is the basis ef all
spiritualexcellence in man. It is the
sum of the first table of the com-
menclinents. To love God thus: Is
Christian perfection. Nothing short
ot this Is fully pleasing to Coe. or sat-
isfactory to the
31. The second -This is the sum. of
the second table of the law. Jesus
gave His questioner the .second com-
mandment, thougn Ile did not . ask
for it, that the sum of all the com-
mandments might beclearly brought
before his hearers. Leen thy neigh.
bor as thyself-ehis is quoted from
Lev. 19; 18. It has Rs counterpart
In the words. of our Lord spoken in
the Sermon on the Alcune "There.
tore all thing's whatsoever ye would
that men should do to you, do ye even
so to them" (Matt. 7;12a. ellose who
love Cod according to the great eolli-
mandment will have a heart of love
to obey the s.econd 32. lhou bath
said the truth -1 he scribe recog-
nized the deep insight which Jesus
had into the law and its underlying
Principles. 33. More than all whole
burnt offerings and sacrifices - The
scribe gathers up in his reply some
01 the great utterances of the pro-
phets which prove tite superiority. of
. love to (led and man over all mere
cereufonial observances (1 Sam. 16;
22; Pea 51; Hoe. 6;6; Micah 6;6-8).
Cam. Bib. 24. Answered discreetly
-With, understanding and candor.
Not far 'frorn the kingdota-His intel-
lect was convinced and he, had a
measure, at least, of sympathy for
jesus, and Jesus was 'careful to ene
courage whatever right feelings and
purposes he had. There Is no re-
cord that he evet. entered the king-
dom. No man after that durst ask
him -Our Lord had shown Himself
easily superior to all His opposers,
and, since they had been 'worsted in
every effort to entrap Him, they re-
frained from farther similar attacks.
II. Our Lord's question (vs. 35-37).
Those who had asked Jesus questions
had been confused and amazed at his
replies, and Jesus himself became the
questioner. By the question, "How
say the -scribes that Christ is the on
of David?" Jesus undertook to draw
forth from the Pharisees an expres-
sion of their belief concerning the
Messiah, giving them still an oppor-
tunity of accepting; hirriself as the
Christ. . Jesus quoted froin Psa. 110,
vilich has constantly been ackilowl-
edged to me a :Messianic psalm, and
declared that David wrote it under
divine ieepiration. The, cetclusion
was clearly reached that as man,
Icsue, was a descendant of David, but
as divine, he wee David's Lord. The
ematnott people were far from being
prdudiced against Jesus, for they
"heard him gladly."
liT. Warning againet ineineerity fva.
8-40.) The warnings given en this
ocertsien are rerorded more at length
In itfatt 23. The warning is against
pride and hypocrisy The setibee teed
Phariseee. Were ileenstrantd to wear
the Iorne clettles as itulicating that
they were peculievely devout, and for
were show nuole long prayers. They
Toyed to be eeluteel and honored in
public, and were anxious to octupy
the met honorable eettla in the eyrie-
gogues. Indeed of Wing the poor,
they were Oppressive, even taking. the
property of widowe totatiefy. their
greed for wormy, Thele. punielonent
would be doubly severe, for to tile- sin
of extortion they added tbe.ein ,of hy-
IV. Acceptable fiving, (vs. 41-40 41.
-over agelnet the tretteury-There Were
thirteen trantoet-ellanett reeeptacles in
mat of the womot to reeeive the of-
ferings, of the people for the supeert Of
the Virile I.:Tor:40o. Title narrative, Is
e etrikine teproef 1 the greed and
livpoeriev el' 11° ":1';'itir2 W11 CI WPri, re-
ligioue for woeleIV VAIL 110b011--
.1t-tais noted the elvers end their entte,
It lo* eirt 111 filllell
-4 V.1,11111 IlViwili1V 1+P
111:011' Nvito nee rt 11 :,i.tonlly
in dollars Mel eenee than the pent. 12.
A certain peer widow -Ale Was -
tetiodtrit upon her rivet earnings, wee
poor and tame in the ;world. Two
mites -The Mite wai the smallest Jew.
ish copper colo. 'rhe value of the two
mites would be less than. half a Cent,
43. Rath cast•more in than all, etc. -
Jesus saw what the rich threw Lite
the treasury and what the widow
contributed, and be sawtoo, the sgeri.
flee and devotion that went with each.
Oft, The, sire' of the gift (lid not de -
paid upon its money value, but
upon the disposition that prompted it.
The size of the gift is determined by
what the giver has left. Tito poor
widow gave all be had, and had to
earn more in order to secure soma, -
thing tO support her. 4. All that she
had -It is folly for people of mcans
to talk about giving their mites.
When (me given all he lute, whether
mectm or little, he then has the right
to compare hie giving with that et the
poor whiew win) gave two mites. Two
mites constituted the einallest sum
that could be contributed.
Quostions.-Who had questioned
Jesus before the scribe bad asked his
questiou? What woe the scribe's tines -
Con? What was Lis purpose in asking
It? Wbat did ,Tesus say was the first
commandment? WhY may it be pro-
perly called tit° first? What is the
second conenandinent? What ques-
tion did .Tesus ask? How could Christ
be David's son end his Lord? What
warnings did Jesus utter? Repeat the
incident of the widow's offering, 'What
is the true standard by which to
measure giving?
Topic. -The Approach to Truth.
I, According to principle.
11. Accordiug to doctrine.
H. According to praetice.
I, Accoreing to principle. The re -
Mated questions which Jesus bad tri-
umphantly anewered to the confusion
and shame of his adversaries coneern-
ing his authority, conceroing political
obligations and concerning doetrine
led to another question concerning the
commandments, in which the Jews
made many distinctions. ,Ageprding to
their estimate therefore some com-
mandment must be the greatest. Jesus
met thie eraestion by; weighty words
from the law withoat estimating the
comparative importance of the com-
mandments, Tie simplified the State-
ment pf moral duty into e, single prin.
eiple, and that, principle itself was
expressedin the word "love." Ho
stated upen the highest authority what
Cod 'requires of man and what man
owes to. God and his fellow men. He
gave a sublime view of the great pur-
'Poses of man's- spiritual being. It
etood as a summons to a spiritual, a
self-denying and benevolent life. It
was a becoming inquiry on the part
of the scribe and worthy of the con-
sideration and judgment .01 the .Mas-
ter. Jesus never trifled with the per-
plexities of men. • This question. evi-
denced a desire to do what was right
and to gli e precedence to what should
be acknowledged best. Love is rem-,
sented as the sum eif the el;ine, cone-
mandtuents and implies, personal'
knowledge. The personality of God
Is here assumed, his unity asserted,,
his claims implied and the relationship
between God. and man is assumed.
Love embraces all virtues, fulfils all
righteousness. All that is good in
morals, pure in nspiration, beneficent
in action flows,.from the fountain of
IL According to doctrine. There was
a vigor and directness, an unsparing
boldness and a fidelity in Christ'S
ministry at Jerusalem during the last
week of His life. This enraged His
enemies, though it .silenced their rea-
sonings. All their' efforts from what-
ever quarter and howeeer conducted
proved vain. Christ's wisdom was per-
fect, His authority irresistible. In the
discourse of .Test's (vs. 35-40) He pro-
tested against the general teaching
and character of His adversaries. He
censared their loud profeesicin of
-sanctity, and their ostentatious devo-
tions. The bereaved and defenseless
were their victims. Jesus designed to
instruct them with respect to His true
character and person: They had no
spiritual appeetension et -their long
desired MessiahJesus transmuted ihe
Partial truth of the scribes into a doc-
trine full of spiritual significance
and dignity. He showed .the peeembi-
ence• assigned to the Messiah above
His illustrious ancestor David,. He
gave the highest interpretation to the
Old Testament propheciee. of the
Christ. He was David's Lord by virtue
of His divine Sonehip. He was not onlY
royal, but divine. If the Pharisees had
ventured a reply, they Must have ad-
knowiedged Christ' t claim as the Son
of God. Their ignoranceof the pao-
Phecies was one source of their capti-
111. Aceording to practice; For the
last time Jests appeared in the temple
as a public teacher. „Ifterespeakifig as
the righteous rebuker of "she He turn-
ed aside to discover ateded(bainend
hidden act of goodness, evitih appear-
ed as a beam .of sunshine, throegle the
clouds. The treasttry was le divine la -
Easy to
Easy Ope Bo
Black, Tan
and White
iteeeipte were only moderate all round.
103 cam 1.937 cattle. 1569 hog's, 601) elle%)
and lambs„ 235 calves,
Cattle-leew choice cattle were offered
and these sold at firm prices; one extra
choice load selling at iii0.10 and quite a
few loads at 51,60 to 56.90, but common
and medium cattle ;were .unerianged.
Chbice butcher Steers, 58.60 to su, mid
ono load at $0.10.
Good butchers' steers, $8 to 58,50.
Medium butchers' steers, 57.50 to $7.75.
Common butchers'. steers, $7.25 to $7•50.
'Choice butchers' heitere, $0.25 to 58.40.
Common butchers' heifers, $7,75 to $8,
Choice cows, $6.75 to $7.
Good cows, $6,25 to '06.50.
.Canners, $3.26 to 54.25,.
Veeders and stockers -There was a fair
demand for stockers and feeders at
steady to firm rices.
Choice steers ..............$? 00 $ 7 40
afedium steers., 6 75 700
Stockers• . 5 50 6 50
Milkers atid 6ringers-Choice cows
were in demand at $75 to 5100 each; bulk
sold,at 565 to 585 each,
Calves -Market firm on light receipts.
Choice veals, $10 to 01050; common to
good. 05 to $9.
Sheep and lambs -Market easy for
lambs, but sheep sold at steady values.
Sheep. . . , .,$ 5 75 0625
Ctills and ra;rris. . ..... „.... .. 2 50 5 00
Lambs. W .. ... . .. . .. 7 50 8 00
Hogs' -Market as about steady. There
eras. a consignment of 600 to the Swift
Canadian Co. from the Northwest.
Selected, fed and watered $10 and 00.50
f.o.b. care, and $10.25 weighed off cars.
Dreesea hogs, heavy , ..$10 75 $11 50
Do., light .. 12 25 13 00
Butter, choice dairy, lb.. 27 30
Do., creamery ........30 34
Il'eggs,, dozen .. 33
Fowl. lb. .. 15 16
Chickens, lb. 20' 21.
Ducks, lb. .. ,. 17 20
Turkeys, lb. .. , . • . 21. 25'
Potatoes, new, bag .... .1. 10 1 20
Apples, Can., basket 20- 30
Do., choice „ - 40 50
Tomatoes, basket 15 20
Peaches, bkt. 35 1 25
Pears, bkt. 30 50
Plums, bkt. .. 30 45
Lawton berries, rbox .- 10 12
Blueberries, hitt 1 50 1 75
Watermelons, each .. 30 45
Canteloupes, bkt. .. 20: . 30
Cabbage, hamper .t . 30, 00
Veg• marrow, bkt. .. 15 17
Ca:iliac:were, dozen 75 0
Cucumbers, bkt. 15
Celery, dozen .. 25
Local • wholesale prices On sugar in
100-1b. ba-ge are as follows: -
Extra Gran,ulated, Redpattes, 100-
ib; bags .. ....$5 31
DO., Iteclpath'e, 20-11e bags .... 5 41
Do., St, Lawrence, 100-1h. bags. 5 81
Extra S. G. Acadia,.. .. • .. .... 6 21
No. 1 yellow ................4 71
Dominicn cryetal, 100 -lb brigs 6 10
HIDES, .1`1111S, tOOL.'
Beeflikles-City bather hides, flat, lie
per country hiues, Hat, cured, 16
to 16 1-2c per Part cured, 16 1-2 to.
hie per.lb. •
Calfseins-City skins gre66i, flat, Pic.
Stitutien, a witness of what God.. ex- Country,cured, 18 to. 16c. Part came,
pects of his people, a reecignition of 17 1-2, according to condition and take -
his dairies on the part of rich and:Poor. 011, Deacons or bob calf, 80c to 01,20
The absolute poverty of the widow
rendered her gift a sacrifice and an
act of hereic, faith, The standard lie -
(limited and approved Was not how
muelf was given, but frene how much
it was given. This act of gerteresity
and devotion contains elements of
truth which are. world-wide in appli-
4of "
gxchange Agents Meet in New
York to Settle Troubles,
NOW York, Aug. 31,-Delegatee of
the Liverpool, New Orleanns and New
York Cotten Exchanges met here to-
day to discus; a seitiemcitt of the: in-
ternational interest in, contracts that
were left outstanding when. the Ex-
change closed at the end of the frier th.
No official statentent has been roade
as to the extetil of the oXact
ter of this interest but It is generally
btt1ivc Uiat 1eireign Operators ate
chola here against purchasein Livor -
1)001. These Contracts are supposed to
represent the bulk of the remaining
old business. Many brokers believe a
eatisien tory Settlement would deer the
way far a reopening ot the exchanges.
Hersehidea-CIty take off 54.50 to 55.04,
Country take -off, No. 1, 54.25 to 54.75; No.
2. 5k.50 to' 54.00. .
Sheepskins -City laMbslcins, pelts or
shearlings, 50e to See each, Country
lambskins or shearlinge, 35e to 80e each.
Wool., -Washed combing fleece (fine),
29c to 300. Washed rejections (burry,
chaffy, ete), 23 to 24e. Unwashed fleece
combing, (coarse), 18 to 200. Unwashed
fleece clothing (fine), 20 1-2 to 22c.
Tallow -City rendered solid in barrels,
6 1-4 to 6 3-40. Country •stoCk, solid in
barrels, No. 1, 4 to 6 1-2c; No. 2, 5 1-2 to
6e. Cake No, 1, 6 1-2 to 7o; No. 2, 5 1-2
to 6 1-4e.
Terse hair -Farm pedlar stock, 40c.
The flit market -Retailers are show -
trig more interet AS thO SOSS011 approach-
es, and are giving moderate orders to
the inenufactimers, and business is as
good es could be expected under the
present imsettled conditions. - HalIam'e
Weekly Market Report,
Totonto, Aug, 31. -Owing to the
unsettled eondition Of the war, It has
been decided to anent the Meeting
of the Canadian Public Health As-
soelatiOn, to have been held at Pert
Willi= Sept. 10. Preisiderit I)r,
Marion makes tlie annottriceMent,
Ottawa, Aug. 31. -An order-In-CO.(10
ell enthorimes the tettililielintent
an trial Infantry Regiment in Mon.
treat. 11 is understood tilt' 300 Men
are retulv to enlist aril that W. la
O'Brien, of Houtreal, may be the
OirrnilA liPAR7<rTS.,
Wlietit- Open. High, Low. Close
Oet. .. 111 1 12% 11 t 11%
Den. 1 11 1, 12% 1. 17% t 18%
May .. 17% 1 1014 1. 170 1 18%
eats -
Oct. 0 51 0 51 o eotri, 0 51
0 50% 0 50% 0 50% 0 50%
, tela,x-e
Ott- 1g 1. 313 1 38 1 '38
Nov. 39%1 40 1 291a 1 40
---- 141
Minneapolis - Wheat---'Aept., $1.13-
744 nee., $1,123-4,to 51.127-8; Ne.
hard, 51.20 7-8: No. 1 Northern, $1.12.
7-S to 51.181-8; No. 2 do., 51.087-8 to
Corn- No. Z yeileW, 711e in /lo.
Oats -No. 2 white 350 to 40
Plour and bran-Unchangetl.
• Duluth -Wheat -NO. I $1.77-
7-,1; No. 1 northern. t1.101-8: No. 8,
t1.14 7.8; Sept. 51.13 7-8; rtf,P., 51.13:1-5.
Ont. --Nine favtoriel offered
f Saturday 259 boxes of elli,101 Ncs T..1101.
The waiting rantwd,ttrcin 13 1-2c 10 e4-
$11 -fie.
.Th4lcvllTe, Ont.---Offi:red t.!aturday.
112,3 white, and 80 eolored. Soles: 9113
at 11 5-41,e, and 105 at 14 9-Jee per lb.
St. Hyacinthe, Que.-At the dairy
board meeting to -day, 450 packeges of
knitter sold et 28c, and 600 boxes of
cheese sold at 14 1-8c per lb.
Guelpie-Beef, 13 1-2e per lb. Spring
chiekens, 20 to 22e per lb. Veal, 15 1-2c.
Live hogs, $9, Eggs, 24 to 25e. Dairy
Putter, 20 to 32e, Hay, $15 to $1u.
Peas, e1.10. Wheat, el.16. Oats, 50e,
Spring lamb, 15e.
St, Teoraase-Beef, hind, 16c to 20c;
butter, 32c; barley, 95c; spring chick-
ens, 20 to 210; eggs, 24 to 211c; live
hogs, $9.50; baled hay, $17; loose hay,
$12; spring lamb, 20c; oats, 65 to 6Sc;
potatoes, $1.10 bushel; wheat, $L10.
Chatham. -Wheat went to v..10 a
bushel to -day, which is high mark
here for years. New oats brought 400;
barley, $1.15; corn, shelled. 75e; beans,
$1,25 to $2; hay, $12; tlieur, $7 barrel;
hogs reached, $9.60; export cattle, $7.50
to $8.25, with forequarters 12e aud
hindquarters 140 per lb.
Butter went at 32 to 35e, and eggs,
20 to 22e, with liberal craws of each
quickly taken. Corn is 10e dozen ears,
and good harvest apples 750 a bushel.
Chickens brought 45 to 85e.
Harriston.-Beef, hind, $16' to $18;
butter; 220 per pound; barley, 65c per
bushel; spring chickens, dressed, 150
per lb; eggs, 220 per dozen; hogs, 1. o.
b, $9.75; hay, baled, $13 per ton; hay,
loose, $14 to $15; spring lamb, 70 to
7 14c per pound; oat% 45c per oushel;
potatoes, $1.20 per bag; fail wheat,
$1.05 per bushel; spring want, 9ac
Per bushel. •
Peterboro,-Beef, carcass, 13 to
13 1-2c per pound; forequarters,
16 1-2e; hindquarters, 12e; butter,
dairy, 30c; creamery, 32e; barley, 65
to 750; chickens, spring, 20c pound;
hens, 17c per pound; eggs, 22 to 23c
dozen; hogs, $9.75; hay, baled, $20;
hay, loose, $19 to $20; lamb, 16e; pota-
toes, $1.25 to $1.50; wheat, fall, 01.15;
weaeat, spring, $1.12; wheat, goose, $11
oats, to 60e, •
Cobourg.-It is stated that •sorne
farmers of this distriet have refused
$1.15 to $1.25 for teeir wheat, expect-
ing it to reach higher prices. Others
are marketing at the prices offered.
Live stock has a. higher tendency, and
cheese sales are reported at 13 to 14c.
13elleville.--13eef, hand, 12 to 13c per
Ib. Butter,' 34e per lb. Barley, 60c.
Spring chickens, 45c each. Eggs, e30.
Hogs, f.o.b., $9,50. flay, baled, e13 to
$15; do., loose, .$16. Spring itunb, leo
Per lb. Oats, 55 to 60e. Potatoes, $1.25
per bushel. Wheat, $1. to $1.05.
liTONTRF.AT,. 1.1.VfeST"0717.-"'"`"'
Cattle ' receipts about 2,000; calves, 800:
sheep and lambs, 2,200; hogs, 1,600.
Trade good, with firm priers tor good
cattle and higher prices for hogs.
Prime beeves, 8 to 8 3-4; medium, 5 1-2
to 8: commett, 4 to 5 1-2:
Calves, 4 to 8.
. Sheep, 4 1-2 to 6 1-4.
Lambs 7 1-4 to 7 3-4.
Hogs. 10 1-4 to 10 1-2.
(.111 Li: r: STOCk.
Cattle -Receipts 20,000.
Market -Steady. •
Beeves .. • . ..$ 6 75 310 GO
Steers' ....• 6 05 6.95
Stockers nd. fee'ders.. .... 5 50 8 15
Cows and heifers SO 0 25
Calves .. .. 7 50 11 20
Hogs -Receipts 29,000.
Market -Strong.
Light .. 9 00 952
Mixed 80 9 60
Heavy .... 8 65 946
Rough , . . 8 65 8 81
Pigs .... 5 75 870
Bulk of sales .. 8 95 605
Sheep-Ttecelpts 33,000.
Market -Weak.
Native . . .... 4 70 6 50
Yearlings 5 40 6 35
Lambs, native .. - 5 85 7 60
131..IFF,A1,0 LIVId STOCK.
East Buffalo, despatch: Cattle- Re-
ceipts 8,800; active; higher; prime steers,
59.50. to $10.00; shipping, KW to $9.25;
butchers'. 57.20 to $0.00; heifers,
ease to 58.50; cows, 54 to 7.50; bulls, 55 to
775; stokers and feeders, 6,25 to 1$8;
stock heifers, 55.25 to 56.25.
Veals-Receipts 900; active and hinter.
$5 to $12.50.
Hogs -Receipts 13,000: active and high-
er; heavy, 59.65 to 59,85; mixed, 5160 to
$9•80; yorkers,a 59.75 to 51.P5; pigs $9.50
to $9.75; roughs, 8.40 to 58.65; stge, 50.50
Sheep and lambs-Iteeelpte 7.400: ac-
tive and higher; lambs„ 5 to 38.75; yearl-
ings, 54.50 to 57; wailer% $6 to 8125:
Wewes, $2.50 to 55.75; sheep, mixed, 55.75 to
Stan that Tired, Burning,
SOre Feetrtreg,:stn,7,::
cuts, Burns, Wilson and
In mods oi Inflamation on any part of the body. Sent
posttiald far CO ctn. The BUM CO., Hamilton, Ontario
Son of Major Dreyfus Promoted
For Its Heroism.
London, Aug. 31, 3.1.6 pen. --A de -
emelt to the Exchenge Telegraph
Company from 'rho Hague enys that
the eldest ecu of Major Alfred Drey-
the, who le serving. as 0, servant
the Frenvh army, eteeltemished
soll before Charleroi, and was :to -
rioted en "the battlefield ;re father
has written relatives in rtrecht, the
eorreerentient eoutinui a, eaying that
his application for it coninieeten In
the French army lrao beim e,ranted bv
elinieter a War Millerand.
Mujer Alfred Dine foe le taw Vrenelt
(MINT who was movieted in MU of
having divitiged t.tate !allege tor a
34 .c !envoi.. 11 3i eotte a9;itettql
Vr:litee, for Yt
in :elite ef the ialile ef \vete:lee aiel
wee:Arco, the smalleet shoe ill a lead
Soldier Boys Rapidly Getting Into
War Condition. ,
Attempt Was Made to Wreck
Troop Train for Valcartier.
Valcartier Camp, Quebec, Aug. 31. -
That an attempt was.made to wreck
a C.N.R. troop train early Sunday
moroing about 90 miles east of Mon-
treal, was stated this morning by
,Lieut. -Col. Creelman, a commander of
the 21st Battery, of eloatreal. An iron
rail had been placed across the track,
but the engine of the special fortun-
ately swept the obstruction into the
ditch. The train was travelling at
about 40 miles an hour at this parti-
cular point.
Very few troops arrived at the carnp
this morning, but two or three thou-
sand more will be here within a day
or two, making the camp strength ap-
proximately 30,000. The coming of the
artillery has caused fresh activity in
the damp, and the heavy work of
mobilization is now practically over.
Col, Sam Hughes remained in his
special car over night, and was out
on the training grounds early this
morning, watching the company and
battalion drill of several thousand
soldiers, He also visited tee rifle rang-
es, where two battalions were being
drilled in skirmishing and shooting.
The arrival' of artillery has made
more work for the two field hospitals,
riders being kicked and stepped on by
horses, but there were no serious ace
eidents reported.
Many troops are still wearing civil -
Ian's clothes, the service uniforms hav-
ing not all been distributed. However,
the ordnance department bas been do-
ing splendid *work, considering the
heavy strain, and most of the out-
-nes will be given out within a very
short time.
This was another dark day in camp,
black clouds hanging over the Lauren-
British Vessels Are Clearing
Daily From San Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 31. -That op-
erations of British vessels to and from
this port have not been seriously af-
fected by the war is shown by the fact
that four British steamers have peps -
ed the Golden Gate within the past
two days, and that the Harrison Line
will resume °pentacles next Wednes-
Shortly after dark Saturday the
British steamer 'Vestalia left San
Francisco for Sidney, via Tacoma, fol-
lowed a iittle later by the steamer
Mina Brae, aleo a Briton, bound for
Tocopilla, Mexico. The British steam-
er Strathord arrived early yesterday
from Newport News, with 5,687 tone
of coat for the United States Govern-
ment. At noon yesterday the British
steamer Dunclutha cleared for Ips-
wich, England, being the first steam-
er to leave this port for the United
Kliladore eine° the declaration of hos-
The Itarrisen Liner Candidats will
leave Wedneeday with coal, eanned
and dried frnits and other'foodstuffs,
consigned to the United Kingdom.
West:legion, Aug. file -Tee Amor),
can Red Cress announced to -day that
it had chartered the etealner Hain -
burg,' at the Hamburg -American Line,
which, will be renamed the "Red
Cross" and sail on Saturday for
A dozen hoapital -units will he plac-
ed on the ship. The 'Britit3h. and
French Ambassadors to -day tett:tied
the Red Croes that England and
France woUld recognize the neutral-
Ity cf the, sine, althongh the primary
owner be a GerMan line.
The ship will go to England firet,
where Bear Admiral Aaron Ward,
If, S. N., retirea, will take command,
Niuguten, Ont., Aug, 11,-.A. number
of the Co.:Ilene traneforred
from alenbaal to Fort Henry here
cenuaeukit tti bing eorman songe
enire: tt-i -trate evag tenting, in frem
the -outer etetien. -and it aireoet start -
Id a Art with olive, moareaiee, who
were :et the (Me old Petit of
void vete' bete,: e owe have
, !Jed therm felleue withemy fist
if I erafitl lmee eat leen, them"
ebe Derevehe were enlieed be the
We ell lIlt elere Miele but we
reeler them to ne more -Close niouthed
than .close !feted.
Welland Canal Sentry Killed by
Revolver Shot in An
' Accident.
Call }las Been Issued for Mem.
bers o Lovat's Scouts
(;)r the War,
Dr. B. 14. Riordan, the eminent %%P-
ronto surgeon, is dead. ,
More chauffeurs are wanted for the
Canadian contingent.
The French lines were reported to
be still falling back before the Ger-
Lord Lovat hae- cabled Dr. Alex
Fraser to issue a call for inenlherS of
the Lovat scouts for the war. .
Arthur Barton met perhaps fatal In-
juries in Toronto when the shaft of
a buggy Was driven into his lung.
Andrew Cooper, of Bridge street,
Toronto., was suffocated on Saturday
morning evnile digging a well on
Pharmacy avenue.
Lewis Hill, jun., of Dirkendale,
Lake of Bays, was drowned while on
his return from wiring friends of his
grandmother's dying condition.
Canadian farmers are urged by Liv-
erpool Corn Exchange members to en-
large their acreage of wheat for next
year, as the best* way to serve the
Elneire's need.
While crossing lenge street, To-
ronto, at McGill street, Saturday af-
ternoon, Mrs. Marion Stewart, aged 71
years, received injuries in a street car
accident that proved fatal within for-
ty-five minutes.
Peter Duncan McKellar, who for the
past fifty-two years has been regis-
trar of Kent -county, died at his home
in Chatham Saturday, after a com-
paratively short illness.
Wm. Sargeant, of riomer, a private
of the 19th Regiment, on sentry duty
on the Welland Canal, was fatally
wounded by a revolver shot, it is
thought the result of an accident.
William A. and David F. Gunn,
sons of Rev. W. T. Gunn., Toronto,
general secretary of the Congrega-
tional Thelon of Canada, were drown-
ed by the upsetting of their canoe at
Point au Barill, Ont.
The car ferry Marquette and Besse-
mer No. 2, operating from. Coeneaut
to Port Stanley, is overdue'and no
word of her whereabouts has come.
The vessel left Conneaut Friday night
with a crew cf 32 and a cargo of coal
and should have been in early Satur-
day rooming. No wireless report has
conic from the vessel. -
Fire visited Orillia'in two places in
the early hours of Saturday morning,
doing damage to the extent of about
$2,000. About 2 o'clock a building in
the south end was destroyed, end
about 4 o'clock the old hotel at Ather-
ley was burned. Thee entente of the
hotel evere saved. There was very
little insurance.
London Times Publicly Repri-
manded by the Premier
For Pessimistic bespateh From
the Allied Line. •
London, Aug 31, 4.05 p. m. -Premier
Asquith publicly reprimanded the Lon-
don Times in the House of Commons
this afternoon for having published
the despatch which created such excite -
meat Sunday morning.
"The publication of this despatch,"
said the Premier, "seems to me a re,
grettable exception to the patriotic re-
ticence, -which the press as a whole has
ehown up to the present aeicl I trust it
will not recur."
Mr. Asquith oppoeed the suggestion
to allow correspopclents to go to the
front, but admitted that the public
was entitled to prompt and authentic
information as to -what was happen:leg
there, and said that arrangements
were being made which, he hoed,
would be satisfactory.
Reverting to the Till1SS despatch, the
Premier then said:
"It inay beconee neeessary to ask the
Home to pass some drastic legislation,
whieh I shall he. very loathe to propose
tritil the urgeney becomes extreme."
The London Times en Sunday
morning printed ti despateli from Ami-
ens, Prance, itt which the correspond-
ent teok a very pnesitnistic view et the
Situation front the standpoint of the
Washington, Aug. 31. -The cendi-
tion of the cotton crop on Aug. 25 was
78.0 per cent. of a normal, the United
States Department of Agrieulture an-
neut ced at noon to -ley. Tale com-
pares With 74,4 per cent on July 25
this yo -.v, 68.2 per tent, on. Aug. 25,
last year, and 73.4Ter cent., the aver-
age for the past ten years, Oh Aug.
London. Atv;. 31.-A. correeponden'
of tile London aUy News, who liaS
beeil tieVe'..1111g through, Dateh Tain
berg has eeat 11 deepatch te his paper
belaying the belief prevalle in tha.
tectlen that the family vf tluN Ger-
elan Crown Prinee. Frederielt Wia
lam, has taken rettige, at the Hague
Thai tsry has not heen retorted
from any ether quarter.
..Aite;. 31: Otleth Ger.
latev nic1 Cree1 aveept.
propeeal ef the eteltea eattaa
um; 1v;1f:11,-(1 elation., at Tuele
1,01eti, 1i J. Hog T. T., 1,”
!tern -Lid 4-I to Semi t.:•t:ti,, Ingvaagos t
hellinerout countri9s. tttoje( t to cell-
torehip by -Valerie:to naval offieers.
9_5'; otimitlivN Itatitti.„
we unlit:1044V
recommend. Magic Baking
Powder HO being the best, purest
and most healthful baking pow.
der that it is possible to proclum
All ingredients are plainly printed
on the label,
Winter rye la Of great value as a p115,,
titre, and as its Ivorth becomes- better
IsnoWn It will be used to a, greater ex-
tent then it is, Vor providing pasture,
none of the small cereals will compare
:Velietithvue:citana.xya:e:nodwnspraitngalmost any Wile
of the year, and a good pasture may rei
from the tine
411100vh 1et iSD 0razea,tod 55110ti;
DSVIDY X01t41VOLL y auotaer crop tie
J.!. or a good pasture In autumn, rye
should tie sown Ma moiith. 15 wawa
Limn pe gazeu, closely, tur at atioweu te
gio.w rank, toe neau me.y form, uestroy-
ing its power to crop out ic tne eortrig,
Anotaer, and probatay a more important
0as:grn:owrt:ag, zinclosely, is to Prevent.
tne tendency to rust when m
it becomes of
White the weather le still warm rust-
ing may be prevented by cropping, and
may thus be made a proauce a large
amount or grazing In the autumn, Ma
when it does, tile gaal rig furnishect itt tne
soling will be less man ,that secure4k
from rye uncier ?Jimilea conditions ot
growth, but sown taw; and not pastured.
Earlier .gazing is furnished m spring
by rye than by any other plants 11500
SS pasture, The length of time the
gazing can •be continued, depends 111)011
the closnese of the cropping, usually it
does not contin.ue good more than six
weeks. About that time, however, there
generally is plenty of other gazing,
1.1 timothy, or red top, or both, are
sown along with rye, In the fah and not
elbt:e.e rie.yaed n to tg earpnriisnhg, gbr auzt nwgi l la leocz
to grow and furnish gazing Inde-
tunothY, Or red top, or both, are
xsoorernoieral‘ovim ilyolotth nrytecloinfattieanituatuniontn,ontillye
be rea.tly VP furnish grasing along witn
the rye in the arming, but will continue
to grow and furnish. grazing indefinitely.
Professor Thomas Shaw says another
way is to defer sowing the seecis to the
early spring, and then to sow such ciov-
ers and grasses as flourish in the local-
ity and over thef with a harrow. 'Un-
der proper eonditions the harrowing will
help the rye. There may be sons on
which the early grazing of the rye would
ity and cover them with a. harrow. Un -
miler soils, however, such grazing will
be • helpful to them, rather than harm-
ful. Where this method succeeas it en-
ables the farmer to get pasture quickly
when this may be necessary.
When rye is sown, in the antuum for
Pasture, it Is usually sown after some
other crop has been grown for, the sea -
ion eiany
yie of
tame land. Thus, it may come
the other cereale. When
grazed flown in the spring there Is still
Stine to follow it with other crops. These
include field roots, rape, miliet and cow -
peas. Excellent crops of these are fre-
quently grown after rye pasture.
All Itinas of quadrupeds, including pout -
try, kept- on the farm may be grazed on
ryo, Its highest use probably Is found
in grazing ewes in the early spring that
are nursing their lambs, or in grazing
Weaned lambs In the autumn in the ab-
sence of better grazing. thlder some con-
ditions it is a great aid in furnishing pas-
ture to swine. However, it must be
pastured with caution by deny ,ows, or
an uploasant odor may .bo given to the
milk. Early succulent rye is excellent
Is usually too limited In supply for such a
fobtheproduction of eilk. Such grazing
is not muck used in growing tieef, as it
The land stone -so that water will not
stand :tad freeze, over the surrace. If
there aro pockets or depressions, grass
should be SCAM ha these places. The sur -
teen of the soil should be worked until
inteansedin splendid 'condition to
In a test of eucalyptus fence posts, can -
ducted on the farm of the College of Ha -
Wail during the past two or three years,
an examination of the pos...s snowed
good reed for the breeding ewe if fed
°now. two pounds each day to the head,
Timotby hay Is a dangerous feed' ter
eliee,p. It is comae) anti woody; it causes
mere indigestion than any other feed.
und hundreds of sheep are lost each year
rroin being fed on timothy hay. It leaves ar
tne wool ound their heads arid necks
21110(1 with heads, which preverite the
wool from bringing the highest price.
Goat's mint as a food in cases Or ty-
phoid fever, has no equal. A patient who
had a severe attack lived entirely on
goat's milk for nine weeks, arid his tem-
perature never got above 102 during
the time. His digestion was perfect.
CROP Otifillic
Recent Repdrt Shows a Drop in ;
Western Prospects.- 4
Following Great Heat and
Drought in the West.
The usual monthly bulletin of the
Census and Statistics Office on field
crops in Canada was recently issued.
The reports made by correspondents
on July 31st show that the condition
of grain crepe has undergone a mark-
ed change eince the last reports for
June 30th, due to excessive heat and
continuous drought during the month
of July, especially in the Northwest
Provinces, where the bulk of the
grain crops is produced.
Measured by a standard of 100 re-.
presenting the promise of a full crop,
the average condition for the whole of
Canada is returned for fall wheat as
71.5, compared with 78 on June 30 and'
77.7 On July 31, 1913, for spring wheat
at 77.4 against 86.3 last month and 87.6
a year ago, for oats as 77.9 against
87.3 last month and 87.3 last month
and 87.4 in 1913, for barley as 77.4
against 86.2 last month and 87.5 Islet
Year and for rye as 78.5 against 84.7
and 85. In the Maritime Provences con-
ditions show excellent, and in Quebec
and Ontario, though drought is report-
ed as having shortened the straw, the
grain was said to be filling well and
the figures of condition, which for
most of the grain crops exceed or ap-
proach 90, are not greatly driferent
from those of a month ago. For spring'
wheat in fh
Manitoba e conditions is
68.2, against 82.4 a month ago, for
oats it is 62 against 87.6, for barley 62
against 82.4 a month ago, for oats it is
62 against 87.6, for barley 62 against
79.8 and for rye 68.5 against 100. In
Saskatehewan the figures are on July
31 for spring wheat 66 against 90 on
June SO, for oats 57.8 against 88.9, for
barley 59.6 against 89.4 and for rye
74.4 against 92. In Alberta, thq condi-
tion is represented by 63 for fill
wheat against 73 last month, 75.4 for
13ritish Columbia, amounting to 973,-
300 acres, the estimated total yield is
20,394,000 bushels as compared with
22,592,000 bushels, the final estimate
of 1913. The drought has naturally af-
state of preservation. Tarred posts wore
that creosoted posts w ere la t o o feeted the yield of hay and clover, the
ogoivsitnsg sthhoew endex at bbouestt trheesulstasine 9ahrnaorurenet ealealdisr ar
ccaocrrdeinogf wtohitc11110
of decay as the untreated posts. Posts estimate, 1.15 ton as against 1.33 ton
set in concrete showed somewhat more
the final estimate of 1913. The esti-
mated total yield is 9,206,000 tons as
spring wheat against 84.3, 71.5 for oats
against 85, 71.5 for barley against 85.0
and 77 for rye against 83.7. In some
cases western correspondents state
that there was 'still time for rains tp
effect an improvement before har-
vest. whish would begin about the
end of the first week in August, Crops
after summer fellows are dIstinctly
superior to those prepared by fall or
spring plowing. Converting the figures
of the standard eondition at July 3/.
into those of a -scale wherein 100 re-
presents the average condition at July
31 for the six years, 1908 to 1913 the
condition for fall wheat is 90, for
snring witeat 93, for oats 39, for bar-
ley ee and for rye 94. That is to say
the yield pee acre this year is ex-
pected to be for fall wheat 10, for
spring wheat 7, for oats 11, for berley
8 and for rtre 6 P.C. below the, six-year
Potatoes lo the Maritime Provieces
give an excellent promise, 'with fig-
ures of conditioa ranging trent 93 to
A prelineinary estimate of the yield
per acre of fall wheat gives 20.95 bush-
els as colnpared with 23,29 bushels in
1913. Yoe. the harvested area of fall
wheat in the five Provinces of Ontario,
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and
compared 'With 10,859,000 torts, the Trn-
al estimate of 1913. The yield of al -
decay than the untreated posts.
Clay soils are unfavorable to vegeta-
tion.because the soil is too close and ad-
hesive t� allow the free passage of air
or water to the roots of the plants.
Et also obstructs the expansion of the
fibers of 'the root. Sandy soils aro un-
raVorable, becattse they consist of par-
ticles that have too little adhesion to each
other, They de not retain sufficient
moisture tea the nourishment of the
plante. They allow toe niuch solar heat
to pass to the isbots. Chalk soils are un-
favprable, because they do not absorb
the aolar heat and are therefore could to
the roots of the plants.
A. ton of wheat straw contains 220
pounds of nitrogen, 80 pounds of phos-
phoric acid and 360 pourids of , potash.
Why throw this plant food away for the
Sake of illuminating the farms? Scatter
it over the field and plow it under.
The Kansa.s Experinient Station on..
ducted an experimeht comparing the
manufacture of milk from grain and from
a silage rittIOD.. It was found that the
grain ration costs 51.05 to prodtto 100
ponds of Milk, and when silage was sub-
stituted in that same ration for line.,
half of the grain it reduced the cost to
60 emits per 100 pounds, a difference of
37 cents. It caste 22 cents to procitice one
pound tif butterfat when grain composed
the entire ration, and only 13 cents where
silage Was substituted for one-half of.
the grain, a difference of 9 cents.
The best roughage for breeding ewes ie
alfalfa and clover hay, shredded corn.
stalks and oat etraw. Be careful not
to feed too minuet( of the shredded corn-
stalks to the nreeding ewes, for fear
of their getting too fat and musing trait -
bio at lambing One, 15 s por pmSdtklO
to feed the breeding OWes too much dry falfa, Is placed. at 129,780 torts against
feed througri the winter months, an this
Well-thatured, bright silage Ong last year,
.idrroso. Woisomirhis
Rhettmat:e Paint; Go ---Suf.
feeing Ceav...es -Cure Comes
itt .vzo 'Chronic 'Cases.
ror aching bones und sore museles-
notlt!ty; scoth uway the pain like.
:4(Trev,Tti.11teir've-evraeltine, twinges ite the
011 ft:r 5.000 rill; beet:ache or
letnielgo, you'll find Nervillne is full of
:‘:,:::11) (:7, W
f tinne
i 5'.or
1 ractr4 of veriaOf litet give It a
;,:.,:nitiltli.,,,,,,,;,,ott.;1?311.in7 tt.t cougNition,
l`r.0 orri sfo 1.1 irititg Nerviiine. Junt
tub it ott-it won't blister or burn,.and
Icaa do nothing but :geed.
Wheneeer there is pain or Wafering
Nerviline will go and will drive it out.
; It penetrateeto every cell of a eore
meeele; it slake to the heart Of every
i stiff or PAM'', it Pearelles out the
1 rain tit rheinnatista quickly.
; Glee Nerviline a trial. See how fast
i it Willlimber your lameback, how
.tiniekly it will mire neuralgiceheadache
and liow fast it wilt break up it bld
. or Nt1-10 a sore throat,
1. 'Me beet fatitlIe lain-reutedy -ever
anele let Nervinne. ty ;tear:4 -of gnat
V(I:" 4 fl14DOPl1 1 in.!, when the doctor
liatela, there is nothing bkter
teee the 514ii famity Rive bottle; Mid
2.7,c„ ell :believe or the .catgyr.
• 1.0,.fone Vo., 1011144ton1 ,r'anarla.