HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-03, Page 6GENITOURINARY NERVE -SKIN-&. BLOOD DISEASES Pall. Term From Sept. Ist 't" A The beet Vommmerolel Hehool in the pr4- N1000. Our courses are thorough and $i Gtical while our iaatrnctors are better than sen wIll And elsewhere. Vist do mere for our students, then other windier school' do. Our rated are reasonable. Write for our free catalogue else see what we can do ter Fou. D, ,(I,. scoutcaLoat Principal etereeteeMenomessulereellealeallellwelleseeeellear MOH CLASS LIVERY GOOD HORSES NEW RIAS Quiet horses for lady drivers, Drivers sutpplied. BEATTIE'S LIVERY DIAGONAL STREET Livery Phone 2. Residence Phone 133 Iheassemeassimaltetensesses OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyone den, hie a sketch and description may Oral ktty naoortatn our opinion tree whhether an Itt entiion .e probngly patentable. Communion. tlonastrictly oonfdeutia . Il lE1800K on Patents T tient true. eat agency for enuring patents. a' itnita take through Munn k Co, mosaic epe t malice, without charge, in the caetif IIic Jlierican. S handsomely illustrated meekly. Largest air. r Canada $87any year, postage prepaid. eotd by all newadealets. MUNI & Co 3131Broadway, New Ynrk Brant Office. 826 la 8t., Washington, D. ;.-7,77.,":.;:..---.`.-5, , 1 fits.. '*, r j., is �,,, wti ,d,....,-5",.,d•NS . •.• • 'ifc...' -Eta; ':17,.S. ER c' 8 A C ill?. .d 0 1V S ro ' MANI'`"O Lts, ALIIER A SASKATCIIF i;rAN - Each Tuesday March 3 to October 27, Inclusive. 1 Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 , t unt n -inn c urn - ,bks l,tltrt o R t u 43 Flom Toronto. and Stations west and trttrrq 01 reserve. ,repor iterate tares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) ECU TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and effects should take SETTLERS' SPECIAL T$AIN which leaves Weet Toronto each Tuesday during MARCHand APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Tr o to Union Station. 0 Settler, and families without live stock shdb}d use REGULAR TRAINS, leaving Tor nto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Galenist and Tourist Sleepers. ''though trails Toronto to Winnipeg and w•ex CQLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge for Bertha. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write*, G. Murphy, D,P.A., Toronto. Farms For Sale 200 acres, large` brit*howl:), 2 bank berm, one mile south of Corrie, good Attopk and grain farm, 35 acres of 100 acre farm in Minto Tp., 7 miles from Harriston, 7 miles from Palm- erston ; school, church and store con- venient, good buildings. A snap at $6,600. For fall particulars for these farms, apply to -- PHILIP HARDING, Clifford, Ont. Mr. Geo. Moir Wishes to announce to the citizens of Wingham that he is in the old Land 'to stay. Shoe Shining and Dyeing. Cigars, Gum, Laces, etc. Give us a call. Farm for Sate. A good 200 acre ultra within nine miles of Wingham, good bank barn, good 2lOment house, large e orchatd, and co iderable quantity of timber. Price b.00. Apply to R. Vanatone, Wing- ham P. O. CASTOR IA lr'or infante and Chiliite>1. The Kind You Halo Always Bought Sean the Sigttattirs Of 1444 TEACHER WANTED Holding eteond.elaiss certificate for E, S. No. V, Ttxrnberr , duties to oom. A�rjj''pi starting miler? YY, W, Viriirli'tone, Sec 5IYNQPDIS Olt CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS (THE sole head of •a family, or an scale over L 13 year' i ibex tsst,me a quitrter- to to S, kitoit 1► Or .L laud nail A ani - 11• ant must apneas in at theneigh oe nensle intaoy oa 3ula-Arwtter for She diet of y yDr'•z3'inrybesuede AtPio �estoi any 7seean Agent of ftpm ielea Leads (not sub• a all on WriteoondltUCny, 1.tetts..-atx mouth*. resieouoe upon awl 401• tiratien of the land in each of three Yycare. A. hoaae.teader ueay live within nine melee of his home stead on a farm. of at least SO aorta on certain coeditioes. A habitable kouse it re - anima is every east camp; whoa residence e,parforsuod in the ease, camp; in aortal& dtatriota a home/A*44er in and 4tsadinrtMAT pro -amps aqu rter•seoklena IIR• slue his h estetd. Price 3ar paero. Duties ta1g moat sy' resident* in each of w!x seers fromda e f h tmatettIa(natty the tame rrgntod o earn oreetl patens) ane nil nerve extra cultivation. The area of culti- vation i5 Illt Iaot to radilotieu in ease of rough, scrubs} or steuy iaud attar report hy Remo - need snepcotor on epplleatiou ter patent. A hotueetcalor who has exhausted hi,. bailie - stead right and cannot Omaha a pre•empt�iqn mai take a purchased humested iu oottcttn die Lots. Price $3 90 per acre. Duties. -Must rest a six regalia in neck Of three years, oa llz. vette Aft y acres and erecta house worth !309. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, vertliiement w111 not b publication aid for. of this ad• RAILWAY TIME -TABLE Trains leave Wingham stations daily as follows r G, T. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points :-Passenger, 6 45 a.m ; passen• ger, 11.00 a.m.; passenger, 2.30 p.m. TO LONDON: -Passenger 6.35 a. m, ; passenger, 3.30 p m. TO KINCARDINE : - Passenger, 11.59 a.m.,• passenger, 2.30 p.m.; pas- senger, 9 15 p.m. 0, P. R. TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points :-Passenger, 6 40 a.m.; passen- ger 8.05 p.m. TO TEESWATER : - Passenger, 2.05 p.m.; passenger, 10.32 p.m.' Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR AmerIca's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government ' Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride, ' Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Ilour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented nn Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero -Hydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatore's Famous Band Score of other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo 10 Lands 400 Musicians Aug. 29 1914 Sept, 14 TOII, ONTO USJ E S AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 'Y, M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT'. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, sr. Principal Chartered rat 10 VePrinp brand Trunk 'Railway System. Harvest Help Excursions August 1 t and 18. Via Chicago and Duluth from all etationa in Ontario, $ingaton, Ren- frew and went. mile Wiinnlpeg pins half tent per beond. First excursion applies to all pointe In Manitoba. Second excursion to Certain points in Saekatohewan and Alberta and alI points in Manitoba. RETURNING -half Cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18 from Winnipeg to destination in Eastern as ern t Canada. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway les the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg --•• Saskatoon --Rd. menton. Pull particulars at all ti,T.R, Ticket Dulcet or write 0.13. horning, G.'tl:ty'., Union Station, Toronto, Ont, C. Fl. iltiltiota, 'X`o%r meaner abets 'Tidiest t�i 1 ,, ., Station sr T RE WING it AN A D VAN 0 B rat"' ' 0 nulla 1LEd special School lata Aa. I11eal. Vacation Trip Via Great Lakes Steamships, .4.t this season of the year when so many are planning their vacation tt ip the question "Where To Oo" natural- ly arises -What could be more de• ligghtfui than a (creat ',Alter trip, where the alr is pure, the eon shines and cool refreshing Bretz»a. blow? Five wailing% weekly from Port Me. Nicoll for S,ult Ste. Marie, Vort Ar. tour and ]fort William. Steamship Express h lives Toronto 12 30 p.m. eat!. inn ds.ys, making direct connection. If you etre contemplating a trip, don't let slip your memory, Canadian Pacific Steamships make the fastest time, have the beat of accornadation, and the table is unexcelled. l+ttll particulars and reservations on train% a.end hhi TM , at every Canadian Ian Pacific Tiekeat Office. 1d. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, 0, P. R. Please Look at Your LABEL and unless you are Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to same at Once This Means Y O LJ East Wawanosh. Minutes of Council meeting held on Aug. 17th. Members all present. Minutes of Last meeting read and ap- proved on motion of Irwin and Stone- house. Messrs Jackson and Mains waited on the Council stating . that pert of the tile position on the Yung- blut drain, con. 1 was not properly put in, claiming they were not given, pro per drainage and also rt (Nested a culvert on &de line 30 and 37 as a axe Ins of a better outlet. Councillors Buchanan and Stonehouse were in- structed to view the position o; drain in di•pufe and to also inspeet the Municipsli les share of this drain and report on sante at next meeting of Council. Com, from Engineer Jones received advising the construction of a catch- basin opposite Let 40, con. 3. Ordered that the tame be put in and charged up to the Toll drain. Stonehouse -Irwin -That the treas- urer be empowered to transfer the balance of money at present standing to the credit of the bridge account to the general township account. Car tied. By-law No, 7, 1014 stating the dif- ferent amounts to be levied for the present year and fixing the following, rates, viz. -Co. rate 2 210 mills, Tp 21 1,. tut#li on thedollar and 73y•law No. 8 authorizing the Collector to charge and to lett 3a extza on, all taxes remaining unpaid after Dec. 15.h both read and passed. Accounts to the amount of $303,80, principally for gravt 1, grevellin}; and shovelling were paid when Ute coun- cil adjourned to meet again on Mon. day, tiepteniber 14:11, at one o'clock. A. Porterfield, clerk. THOUSANDS OF FIRMS TES- TIFY. Owing to the great industrial expan- t'iotr, Opnnde, is calling as never before for young people with an expert bust• nese training. For ten yearsthe graduates of the %Vinghrurt Business Oollege have been getting the beet positions and forgeing to the front. Over one thousands firms in Canadian and American towns and cities have testified that W. B, 0., graduates are superior. The Wingham Business College is a link in. Canada's greatest chain of 1ligbgrade Schools located in many towns and cities during the past thirty years, also afillated with the Commer- ial Flucatotoe Association, of Canada, Scores of young people ft om this town and vicinity have.attended the Wing - h am Business College and the Spotton Business College, Loudon, and a post card will bring you the names of these so that you may confer with them and gat their opinion. You can study all at home, all at College, or partly at home and partly at College, and fees can be paid at any time. A; lady graduate keit year earn- ed ($1,020,00), one thousand and twenty dollars, another lady graduate of seven years ago earned ($1,000), fifteen hun- dred dollars, ask for their testimony, Gregg and Pitman Shorthand. Young people interested in a business educationshould drop a postal to the Wingham Business College or the Spotton Business College, London, for full particulars, Catholcis And Prohibition. Roman Catholics have recently' held a convention in Niagara Falls for the purpose of disc issing how best to make ucited warfare against the liquor traffic. That is most encouraging as the past our Caiholio brethren havent been as active in their opposition to the liquor traffic as the Protestants. They admit that themselves and are determined to lay behind no longer. The call to this convention reads in part as fullowf: "The life of the I'quor traffic is in the balance, and it be- hooves the many. Catholics who are opposed to the saloon to form organi- za:tons of their own or to affiliate their tff.,rts with the existing organi- zttions pledged to theoverthrow to the fluor traffic which erecting Ps last and most ft rnridable ramparts where Catholics are most numerous. Alteidy the many Catholics engaged in the nefarious business which fosters what Pore Pius•N calls "the terrible scourge, the deadly evil, sowing so much shame among the faithful" con- stitutes a mighty hindrance to the physical, intellectual and moral prog. ress of the American people in genrsal and of our poor immigrants in par t- itular." "Therefore we the urd.•reigned, impelled by the in gent appeal of the third Piepary Council of Aaltimore to "all Oatholice engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages to quit that dang- erous business" invite all Catholics who favor the removal of the saloon to meet in c,nference August 4th, 1914, in Niagara Fails." Ir. should be rememb- ered that in the Province of Quebec the are 901 municipalities uudrr prohibitation and only 285 under licence. Judge the future by the past the downfall of this dreadful business is near at hand. H. Arnott, M.B., M.C.P,S. Kind friends, draw near And let the tear Of sympathy roll down, While I relate His mournful fate. sip >R ts Horneseekers' Excursions . Round trip ticko`s to points in Mrnitoba, Soal - atelrewan and Alberta vi e Chicago, St. t sats Duluth, or Sarnid and Northern Naoigat'oe Company on Salo each Tuesday until Cot. 27' inclusive, at low fares. Through Pullman Tonriet Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 11.41$ p in. No change of cars. Return Limit, Two Mtynths The Grand 'trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route bttvecen Winnipeg-Sask- atoon-Rdlnonton. heath rcr.crvations andpurtfoulars atdllGrand Trunk ticket offices er write C.1 , HORNINF, Distrlot Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, alanyl Thousand Perin Laborers W anted FOR HARVESTING 1N WEStERN CANADA "GOING TRiP WEST. ""RETURN TRIP EAST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG 1 ' $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATES - august lith -•-pram all stations, Iitnestan, Sherbet Lake Renta* end west to Asada and August 14ttw-I roni ate, stat Wail jr of of Kings onint., I4herbet Linke and Renfretr, 10 the Provinces of r1 ar a nt toad neh @ cr to a 1! Int„ 1n u pn Man aha. Autos! rata -From alt �taunua,'7r{1»,tslon, tl»nr»are Late, ltenfrErr and Yteet to Atlide and riealt ata torte, ore., to alt palate In Manitoba and to certain polata In Sestet• rheWsh and Assents. Auaurt tI*l--Prom sit rnayony cant 50Itlnesten. tlhtrhnt Lake and Renfro% in ten O'raolneee nt Ontario AM eenee, to alt painia in M.Aaoba and 10 eel'ta111 ttoHlte in Basket. aveltertatlea estOf'Wlealpgt,yet gee'sstelt °Ile.n. len T Ira - 1 FUSSING. When you're far from your home, And you've nowhere to roam,. And you're rick of reading wieby, washy books; When your heart It very sad And you're feeling very bad And despair is pictured plainly on your looks. Alen you walk up to your room, And the world aeons full of gloom You ett upon the. bed .and start cuss. ing, Ti"ere'a a pleasant little cure, It's both wholesome and it's pure If you only undetetand the art of fussing. It's a lovely little game, And it always works the tame, It's been a paradise to many who've been lost. It's cured diseases out and out, From. palpitation tothe gout, " And, a dime or two will satisfy its cost. But you must keep calm end cool, And prepare to play the fool, You must never be discouraged or cast down, You met look both spifi' and snap, Sport a pair of slippers tan, And occasionally you'll have to act the clown.' To begin you'll have to dress, Till you've done your very best, And be sure to slap a little powder on. For its powder girls all like, Whether black or whether white For its sure to leave its impression when your gone. When yout''e ready, you start out, At seven thirty or eight about Heaving first a sigh of sweet content, Then you bop along the road Like aneganoctial toad, Your mind upon that fair-haired lassie bent. As you near your sweetheart's house And you're trembliltg like a louse, And you wipe the perspiration from your brow. Then your knees begin to shake, And you'd like to your heels take, But you're forced to make your cus- tomary bow. As you cross the sacred portal You'll think that you're the only mortal, That Fortune ever honoured with a smile, Then you take the easy chair, Swing your bead up in the air, And entertain the whole darn family for a while, But the conversation lags, As the evening slowly drags, You begin to grow impatient and to moan, You have told them all you know, They agree with you also. But you're waiting for your chance to be alone. Then if the oId folks don't retire, Start to smoke a rank cigar, It will chase them to their bedroom mighty quick. They will not disturb you long Though it doee seem rather wrong To be making use of such an evil trick. Now you've got her all alone, And you use that mumbling tone. You tell her all your secrets of the past, She whispers to you gaily, Of her little labours daily, Since she gazed upon your ugly physog last, But the talk begins to wane For yon find it's quite a strain, To be always, always, always talking sense. When all sounds are quiet above, You begin to talk of love Or you talk about the coming two years hence. Then your acme go 'round the waist And you make the greatest haste To steal a little yum-yum on the side, It seems to cheer you up a bit And you think you've made a hit Though you're doing your level beat a smile to hide. But the hour is getting late A nd you must leave the little mate, And wend your weary way back home, There's a smile upon her pate, As you leave her at the gate, And she seems so very sorry that your going. As you stroll along the way Just before the dawn of clay You feel like a demoralized rag doll Your head is very, very light, After such a fussy night, And you think that every moment you 'will fall, But you reach your room at last And you hasten to undress And eraWl into your bed at half -past four. Then von close y,lur weary eyes, And you think of all the lies You told that little lassie just before. In conclusion I might state That if your salary isn't great, 'Twould be batter to avoid this little game, It's a corker, it's a faight, And its driven many a Weary guy insane. No More Headaches For Me Phis can be your j experienceifyou use Chamber- lain's Tablets-- they cure head- , aches by randy- ittg the cause-• • - trot by emothering the gymp- yt toms••-Woinan's surest cure for Worrtan's tnost common ailments. Try them, 25e., a bottle, Druggists end Dealers, or by Mail. Chamberlain Wahine Ca. Toronto 2 Saveeey!! Buy Your Now Fence DIRECT FROM PAGE Freight Prepaid tlf __ EAVY r • ` ENCS No. 9 Page Wim Throughout la 20 a Qac , Freight Pod II ,, spaoiisg elf, U,brizgntala in helico 3 • 4 ri 5 i ' a. ,, • 9tt • �g 51 10 1A 4 10 ' .1 10 51 11 55 18 48 20 60 4810 22 I 1. 22 16i< ii SPECIAL 8 8 -ft 8, 4, 4. 3,3,se4,5L7,7,in, 3, 3, 3. 3, No. Close Close PAGE o i, 10, ,9 i, '�, , 5 #*, �D� t t y, ,¢t ,6 t 6, ,4,5, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, •9'lbp No. 13. fng 1Q to, 10 8i, 9, , 7, 7, 7 7i 96, ��6 a r t3 ', (, 8$, 7, $, $ s f , f ,6.6 •,7 5 5, 71 3, 4, 5i, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 51, 3, 3, 4, POULTRY and Bottom. Uprights bars bars "RAILROAD" 9 8 1Q. 6 f ,.,,., LtT S, 9, 19......., 9,' 9, ,..,., 6 , , 6, 6 0, 9 8h, 9,' 9 8, 7, 7, 7i, 8.- 7, 8i, 9, 99 7, 8i, 9, 5i, 7, 8i, 9, 9 FENCING Intermediates 8 inches apart. ......... GATES n .14 ,21 , t , �I iQ, .l,+6. .29 .9 •3 .3 .3 .31 .33 .3 I .36 .42 . ` , f , 1,� othe - ;rr,: u .� 12•ft ,,. .,, .., . ,"= .4 op'ng _ z-- r:� ...-...�. :.�_ s� yR�" Vii...: -r _.- ...Y ,e 4813 48 WAIT STA BRACE STRETCHING -ft .op'ng 14 -ft. op'ng GATE, 48 L,ES,_25-1b. WI1 E,25 TOOLS, i '-_ ` - in. high, box, -Ib. rolls, , , .t . 3a .... Co septate n: sFq... . C, •• .. -s,' M*ii IV Ozder to Our Nearest Branch Page Wire Fence C. L{ de Montreal 1240 K•n�¢¢ St. West Walkerville St. John TORONTO Winnipeg Write For 104 -Paso Free Catalog • "PAGE FENCES WARE BEST" VACATION TRIPS ON THE . GREAT LAKES. Summer vacation travel on the Great Lakes is now in full awing, and the volume of tourist travel attracted to the lake ,routes by the splendid equipment of thepassenger lines and for the cool and restless lake trips is even larger than in former seasons. ',The Great Ship "SEEANDBBE", now running daily between Cleveland and Buffalo, bas created a sensation with the public who break their rail journey at eit her city to enjoy a de night's htfn' - itx t ght a trip on this marvelous steamer. The `•SEBANDBEE" is the largest and moat costly passenger steamer on inland watersofe s t n the world. She iia 510 staterooms and parlors accomod- sting 1500 passengers, equalling in sleeping capacity the largest hotel of the country, and she can carry 6,000 people, the population of a good size town. Notwithstanding her gigantic eine, during the summer season her sleep- ing accomodations are reserved well in advance, and those contemplating the trip should arrange fo rooms s early as possible. All railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on 0. & B. Line Steamers, and no one should mise the opportunity of using the lake route during the hot summer months, LEE JIM Hand Laundry No Acids, Lime or Chemicals My work has stood the test of Twenty years in town. I am here to stay and ask for a continuance of your patronage. LEE JIM LAUNDRY Wingham, Ontario Opposite Skating Rink l SEALED TENDERSaddressed to the under- signed. and endorsed "Tender for Erten- ;don of South West Breakwater at Goder- lob, Ont.," will be received at this omoo until 4 00 P,M„ on Friday September 11, 1914, for the construction of harbour improvements being an extension to the South West Break- water at Godericb, Huron County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and speoitication and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the offices of the Dis- trict Eagieeers. Windsor. Ont.; Confederation Ltfe Building, Toronto, Ont., and on applioat; ion to the Postmaster at Godoricb. Ont. Persons tenderingaro notified that tondo e ad 1 n beo wit of aoaeidered unless m on the printed forms supplied, and signedwith their actual signatures, stating their' occupations and places of residence. In the wase of f ns the actual signature. the nature of emanation and pleas of residence of °ace memt or of the flan mus bgiven, t o Each tenderv must b accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of tbo Honorable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent '10 p.o.) of the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fall to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, Tho Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. NOTE: --Blue prints can be obtained at the Department of public Works by dssposttiog an ace tod bank cheque for the sum of $06 00, made payable to the order of the Honorab`.o the Minister of Public Work,, which will be returned if the intending bidder submit a reg ular bid. By order, R. C. DESROOHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 21, 1914. Newspapers will not be paid for this adver- tisementif the7_insertit without authority from6t6Department"-66620. ,1 2 t 1n1 iARI n• MEDtCA1. iNST: 2Ga-' 2,65 Snit E.Sit.'-• 1 110No • p: , „CO rs§.1JLTATION. FR1,12g ['1.4.6NAI:.OR BT L,I:TTLii. • . from THE Advance now until January lit. for 25c .11 WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS, CO. E.stabiubo xtao. Head 010109 ouga493, Risks taken on alt classes of in. curable property on the cash, or prat wham nota system, Otto. SLRRMAN, ZOUIN DA notion President. Secretary. IUTCIIII>i de COSMO), O), Agents, '4'Vtnlllliv,t>rl, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wiughalln. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater WINGHAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the I'en nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --Offloe in Macdonald Bleak - G. I. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Heuer Graduate of the Collage of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, $anor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty ofDez>fiiatr*v. OFFICE OVER S. E. ISAR,D ds 00'S, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Eyes tcientifleally tested, Glasses fitted. Office over Ohristiu a store, Wingham, Tuesdays -11.30 a.m. to 9 p m. Consultation free. W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., N.D., C.�. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Soientiflo Medicine, Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Rotel and the Baptist Ohuroh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. • P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor. onto General Hospital, Post grad - nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M, R. 0. 3. (Engg.)) 0, P, (Lond.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Ohisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRIOR & FRANCIS Mee Phone 179. Residence Phone 182, Ex Gov. Vet, Inspector. G. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, ,Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WIN IFIAM General 'Hospital. (Under Govornmei.5 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly Licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing) -$$4.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of room. For further,; Informs. tion -Address MISS L. MATIHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One -Third August 31 to Sept- ember Ilth, 1911. SPECIAL LOW RATES Tuesday, Sept. 1st and 8th Thursday, Sept. 3rd and 10th From Port Burwell, St. Thomas, Hyde Park, St Marys; Godcrieh, Listowel, Elora, Wingham, Port AleNicoll, Tees - water, Walkerton, Owen Sound, Perry Sonnet', Bobcaygeon, Ivanhoe, Belleville and intermediate :Amiens, also Berlin Waterloo, Preston, liespeler and I -Tamil - ton. Melrose to Detroit, Nobel to Drill, Station East of tweed and Shannonvilie, ICingst'5 and Waltham Subdivisions on Eastern Division E est of Bussell, Smith's Fails and Brockville. RETURN IIVIIT-•Original starting point to st be reached not fitter than Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1014. rte'Aek any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent for Itooklet vivina Exhibition program. E. F. L. STURDEIO, hi. G MURPHY, Asst. D. P, A., Toronto, D.P.A. Toronto. New Telephone Directory. The toil Telephone Company of Canada Is Bean to nrtnt a new issue of its Oflltial Tele- phone Dircetery for the District Of Western Ontario Parties who eontetnplate becoming SubFeri- bers. or theme who nvi.lt changes in their prre- nt entry should plate their orders with the n L Cal Mana this i8-ue, ger at ortee to insure insertion in Connecting Companies Should also rreort enthuse and ehttngett in their list of t,,beeribnrn, wither 10 the Loral Mansger, eta direst to the Speolal .Agent's Ile. partnent, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Cadadn. 0f Bank Hamilton, Capital Authorized - $5,000,000 Capital, Paid-up - - 3 000,000 Surplus 3,750,000 THE MEN BEHIND a, Banking itistttntion gets strength as maob froth the men Who direct its affairs as from actual capital invested. Money deposited in tbe'Bank of Hamilton is guarded by men well known for business integrity, and ace-, mbn-nlon who value aeouritr more than high pronto. To this policy is Hun a surplus 'whish ie one quarter; larger than its Capital -the result of over 40 years' conservative management. C. P. SMITH - Agent Wingham ,.s� 1 r, fi It , f , 1,� othe - ;rr,: u .� _ z-- r:� ...-...�. :.�_ s� yR�" Vii...: -r _.- ...Y from THE Advance now until January lit. for 25c .11 WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS, CO. E.stabiubo xtao. Head 010109 ouga493, Risks taken on alt classes of in. curable property on the cash, or prat wham nota system, Otto. SLRRMAN, ZOUIN DA notion President. Secretary. IUTCIIII>i de COSMO), O), Agents, '4'Vtnlllliv,t>rl, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, Wiughalln. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rater WINGHAM, ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the I'en nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. --Offloe in Macdonald Bleak - G. I. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS Heuer Graduate of the Collage of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, $anor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty ofDez>fiiatr*v. OFFICE OVER S. E. ISAR,D ds 00'S, STORE DR. R. F. PARKER, D. B. 0. A. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST SPECIALTY -Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Eyes tcientifleally tested, Glasses fitted. Office over Ohristiu a store, Wingham, Tuesdays -11.30 a.m. to 9 p m. Consultation free. W. R. HAMBLY, B.SC., N.D., C.�. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Soientiflo Medicine, Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Rotel and the Baptist Ohuroh. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. • P. 0. Box 118 DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor. onto General Hospital, Post grad - nate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M, R. 0. 3. (Engg.)) 0, P, (Lond.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Ohisholm's old stand) W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENCE -COR. PATRIOR & FRANCIS Mee Phone 179. Residence Phone 182, Ex Gov. Vet, Inspector. G. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, ,Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. WIN IFIAM General 'Hospital. (Under Govornmei.5 Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly Licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing) -$$4.90 to $16.00 per week, according to location of room. For further,; Informs. tion -Address MISS L. MATIHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. Canadian National Exhibition TORONTO Fare and One -Third August 31 to Sept- ember Ilth, 1911. SPECIAL LOW RATES Tuesday, Sept. 1st and 8th Thursday, Sept. 3rd and 10th From Port Burwell, St. Thomas, Hyde Park, St Marys; Godcrieh, Listowel, Elora, Wingham, Port AleNicoll, Tees - water, Walkerton, Owen Sound, Perry Sonnet', Bobcaygeon, Ivanhoe, Belleville and intermediate :Amiens, also Berlin Waterloo, Preston, liespeler and I -Tamil - ton. Melrose to Detroit, Nobel to Drill, Station East of tweed and Shannonvilie, ICingst'5 and Waltham Subdivisions on Eastern Division E est of Bussell, Smith's Fails and Brockville. RETURN IIVIIT-•Original starting point to st be reached not fitter than Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1014. rte'Aek any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent for Itooklet vivina Exhibition program. E. F. L. STURDEIO, hi. G MURPHY, Asst. D. P, A., Toronto, D.P.A. Toronto. New Telephone Directory. The toil Telephone Company of Canada Is Bean to nrtnt a new issue of its Oflltial Tele- phone Dircetery for the District Of Western Ontario Parties who eontetnplate becoming SubFeri- bers. or theme who nvi.lt changes in their prre- nt entry should plate their orders with the n L Cal Mana this i8-ue, ger at ortee to insure insertion in Connecting Companies Should also rreort enthuse and ehttngett in their list of t,,beeribnrn, wither 10 the Loral Mansger, eta direst to the Speolal .Agent's Ile. partnent, Montreal. The Bell Telephone Company of Cadadn.