HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-09-03, Page 4Boys and Young Mons Clothing
and Furnishings
Starting the Fall and Winter term to school, no
doubt you will require something in wearing apparel.
You will find our stock most complete and the
values are better than ever before,
Boys' Bloomer Suits
Prices $4.50 to 12.00
Meclo in the newest styles, in
Pain nevy serge, 'doh serge and
1+'anoy tweed effects is shadna of
Grey and Urewra,
Odd Knickers
Made h full bloomer style',
from good wearing tweeds that
will stand the roughest ween. All
sizes, Prices 5013 to $1.76 pair
Young Men's Clothing
very suitable for Young Man and
College Boys. Prices $12 to $23
Fall Raincoats
You will need something to
protect you during the rainy sea -
won. We carry a complete line
of the beat ENGLISH coats in
newest styles. Prices 57.60 to
Shirts, Un=
'derwear, Ties
Socks, Sweat=
er Coats,caps
I',,V 1„...' +IIIU
•hit las pia -�MIr
``111i1 Oil- Au t i�hl
Our Furnishings are always right up to date.
The lines we carry are recognized and known by
Produce Wanted
Phone 71
• Agents for Standard Patterns
The range with pure white enamelled steel
reservoir stamped from one piece. The
Where the Public is to Blame
What the public does to bring about
high ptices was very well protrayetl of
late in the purchasing of supplies that
it was thought might become scarce
ttttough the war, O.nbo hostilities.
commenced, there was a rush for flour
sugar, rice, oatmeal and other food
cotnntoditiee, with the result that
prices advanced quickly. Had the buy-
ing not started it is unlikely that there
would have been any noticeable ad-
vance for some time yet, But the rush
took place, and the only ones who ben
efttted were the 'wholesalers and re•
toilers who were fortunate enough to
hays a bigot' Ikon hand. The present
stock cost no more to the wholesalers,
but they put up the prices and made
n ney--all because the foolieh public
became stampeded and etarted buying
at the wrong time.
There is not the slightest danger or
any famine in this country. 13eing
ease to the United States, we can get
fairly good suppliee of every thing that
is absolutely essential. Of course,
prices will advance, but they will ad-
vance more now that the public has
made the plunge. It will be the plor
people that will have to pay for this
eeltiphnese. They will have to pay
whatever is demanded. Often it hae
been said that the public needs to be
protected from itself. There is ample
truth in this argument.
RHEUMA Purifies the Blood and
Throws off Complicating Diseases.
Weakening of the blood tissues by
continued attacks of Rheumatism
affects the heart and produces com-
plications which result fatally.
ItaEUVIA puts the blood in condition
q0 ward off other deases and eradicates
Rueumatic conditions from the whole
system. Recommended for all forms
of Rheumatism 60 cents at 3. W. Mc-
Kibbon, This letter will convince you
of ite great value :
"For nine weeks 1 was unable to
work owing to my feet being badly
swollen from Rt eamatism. I also suf-
fered severe pains in the hack. After
using two bottles of RHEUMA the
Rheumatism has entirely left me." -
F. H. Morris, Fort Erie, Oat.
Department of Agriculture Gives Ad-
vice About Planting Tubers.
Irish Rotatoes are one of the easiest
and moat profitable suburban crops,
They may be grown on almost any
type of,soll which possesses sufficient
moisture and plant food, though they
thrive best on sandy loam or gravel
loam soils, and .it is on these types that
maximum crops of high quality pota-
toes can be produced.
If the land which is to be planted to
potatoes is not likely to wash in the
winter plow in the fall to ,a depth or
from nine to ten inches if the charac-
ter of the land will permit. Deep plow-
ing insures a greater water holding^,
capacity. Spare no pains in fitting the
laud for planting. Thorough prepara-
tion is essential to large yields, ad-
vises the department of agriculture.
Should a poor sod land be selected
for a potato bed, apply from 1,000 to
1,000 pounds of a fertilizer analyzing
from 2 to 3 per cent of ammonia, 0 to
7 per cent of phosphoric acid and 7 to
8 per cent of potash. If n stubble or
corn land is used increase the am -
'manta content to 31A or 4 per rent.
EIalf the ammonia should be derived
from dried blood, tankage or other or•
nee reservoir is seamless And clean
enough to use in cooking,
and preserving. See theMc Clary_ dealer. 84
R. R. MOONEY, Agent Wingham.
Council met Aug, 19,13, 1914, in the
Town Hall pursuant to adj ourn went
members all present, The Reeve in
the chair, minutes of Last meeting
were read and on motion of Armstrong
and Doig were adopted. Alexander
Findlater and Andrew Adamson
waited on the Council asking for a
grant to help build sidewalks in the
Village of, Belmore. Moved by Dem.
merling and Armstrong that the
0.iuncil do not give grants. Carried.
Tenders for building arch culvert
were then opened. Moved by Doig
and Spotton that the tender of Amos
Denney to do alt work and furnish all
the material and leave the roadway
ready for travel for the sum of $79 be
accepted. Carried.
Moved by Demmerling and Doig
that the Connell pay John T. Winter
the sum of $20 for roadway. Carried.
Moved by Doig and Armstrong .that
the Reeve and Deputy Reeve b5'• a
committee es receive tenders uti .t+o
August 25th at 730 o'clock p.01,, for
the new abutments of the;$,je3tttn
Bridge, with power to act- foe the
Council. Carried.
Moved by Doig and Spotter that tl?e,
following accounts be paid. 3atneo
Spence, gravel, 54 80, Edoe. You g1ay,
gravel, 1240, Cl. W. Walker, ektersellas,
50c; Wm. Underwood, gravel, epi'
MoRnight gravel, 4 50; Thee. y,
digging ditch lot 18 con. 4, 50 0* $/4 121
Bennett, gravel, 4.00; Walter Samson,
digging ditch and tile, 14 15; Prank
Dougle,ae, gravel, 1 30; Harry Metkley,
gravel 3.70; Patel, Hackney, gravel,
2.00; Wm. Weir, gravel, 5 45; Wm.
Weir, gravel, 185; Henry Haase, shov-
elling gravel, 1.87; R. 3. Spotten, shov
Billing grave), 500; Wm. S. T.ynr, grav-
es, 8 70; toilet King, sheep killed by
doge, 6.05; J, Hindman, tile, 12 00;
.itinniclpal World Oollectere Roils 4.00;
Mit Finley, filling hole In road, 1100;
B. D. Boltont fees Mir; Engineer on
Hyndman drain, 25.00; Thor. Vittie.
culvert and digging ditch, 10.00; John
Wright, gravelling, 17,35; Hugh .Wylie
spreading, 285; 0. Maxwell, gravel,
3 70; Stewart Edgar, shovelling gravel.
2 50; Wm. Krueger shovelling gravel
1.90; Fred Dernmerburg drawing plank
1.75, R. Hubbard covering bridge and
gravelling 5 00; Hugh Collins gravels-
ing 4,40; Hugh Collins drawing tile
1.25 Wm. Stewart gravel 7 20; Adam
Hutcheson rep. to road machine 5 30;
John Seiler geavel 4,15; Wing. Roger,
digging ditch 32 00; Wm. Buger putt
ing in culvert 800; Wm. Gedkie plank
for railing 20 CO; D. Halliday digging
ditch and tile 11.40; Smith Vines putt-
ing lights at .Bridge 9 35; 0. E. Walker
part salary as Clerk 50 00; James Wal-
ker part payment on abutement at
Earngeye Bridge 15600; Geo. liubl and
shovelling gravel 2 50; Wm. Beis dam.
ages 10 00; Gec- Fo3ter sheep killed by
dogs 10.00; A. Hill and Co. on bridge
work 705,00; John 3, Win'er gravel
Moved by Spotton and Demmerlin;
that the Bouncil Oa now adjour to
meet agaln the third Wednesday in
Sspt, in Beewitherick Hotel, Fordwicb
When Collectors and Assessor will be
agpointed. Carried.
0. E. Walker, Clerk.
Grad Trunk R.... S sterni
For Canadian National Exhibition I
Aug. 81st to Sept, 1ttbtinolusive
From all stations in Canada, Cornwall,
Ottawa and West.
Will be in effect on certain dates.
All tickets valid for return until
TUESDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1914
Fall partioular'i from Grand Trunk
ttokel agents, /
genic forms and the other half from
udtrate of soda or ammonium sulphate.
Select a variety of seed potatoes
which is known to do well in the lo-
eality. Some good varieties of the po•
tato are Irish Cobbler, Early Ohio,
Rose Four for early potatoes, and
Green Mountain and Peerless for late
growth, . The importance of good seed
'anrtot be too strongly emphasized. In
.he first place, the seed should be free
'flIt7I s)M(, S1P.1'm•
How to Win Battle
More Victories are won
by siege tactics than by
Apply this to business and
see what it means: it means
that continuous and steady ad-
vertising is more resn.ltful than
campaigns that come and go,
come and go with long inter-
vals in between,
For an aadvertisar with goods
to sell to suspend his selling
effort now is to make condit-
ions worse for himself, and is
no sign of that courage which
is supposed to possess every
Canadian heart in these war
Win and hold your position in business
by steadfastness in attack.
from now until January
• 25c
Many Thousand Men Required
for the
Harvest in Western Canada,
lst. for
from varietal mixture and disease, and
true to name and type. The tubers
should be reasonably smooth and firm,
with the first sprouts just starting into
growth. Wilted or badly germinated
seed is not desirable.
Plant these potatoes from three tc
six inches in depth, depending on the
nature of the soil. Plant shallow on
heavy clay soils, and deep on light,
sandy or muck soils. Plaut in roles
from thirty to thirty-six inches and
from ten to fourteen inches apart, de•
pending on variety grown and the Per•
tility Of the soil. Early varieties can
be planted closer than late ones. Cover
seed with at least three inches of soil.
If planted as outlined fifteen to twenty
bushels of seed potatoes per acre will
be required.
Give first tillage before plants push
through the ground. The aim should
be to keep the surface of the soil loose
and free from weeds. Continue euiti•
vations at frequent intervals, reruem
bering to go shallower each time and
gradually narrowing the spare tilled
Potato plants are generally sprayed to
protect thein against Teaf eating insect
pests or fungus pests. Protection
against these insects is nsually secur
ed by some form of arsenical poison,
such as the arsenate of lend or parts
green. The potato plant may be pro
tected against fungus diseases by
keeping its foliage covered with Bor.
deans mixture.
East Africa's Big Game.
Big game of British East Africa, out-
side of the three preserves of the col
cry, is rapidly vanishing and, accord-
ing to W. T. Bornaday, "is absolutely
certain to disappear in about one-
fourth the time that it took South Af-
rice to accomplish the same result."
Mr. Uornnday points out that the pres-
ent legal bag limit is ruinously extrav-
agant. For 5200 any man may buy the
right to kill 300 head of hoofed and
horned animals of forty-foilr species,
not counting carnivorous nnimais that
May also be killed. Thus the richest
big game fauna of any one spot in the
world, which nature has been several
million years in developing and placing
there, seems likely to be wiped out by
man within the next fifteen yeats.-
Chicdgo News.
Home Secrets.
Teacher -Tommy, next time you are
late bring nn excuse from your father,
Tommy --Who? Pa? Why he nib't any
_ good at excuses; ma finds him out
every time. --Boston 'Transcript.
Use Parisian Ssge.
If your hair is getting Loin, losing
its natural color, or has that matted;
lifeless and scraggy appearance, the
reason is evident ---dandruff and failure
to keep the hair roots properly nouri-
Pea isi in Sage applied daily for a
week and then occasionally is all that
is neeped' It removes dandruff with
one application; almost immediately
stops failing hair and itching head; in-
vigorates the scalp and nuke du1t,
eulogy hair soft, abundand and rad-
iant with life. Equally good for then,
women or children -every one needs
A large bottle of•thle delight.bttl hair
trni ; can be had from J. W. McRibbon
or easy drug minter for 50 elms.
You will a irely like Pa Masan Sage.
Th ire is no of her "3ast•as-good"---Try
It now'.
In youth the habit of system, method,
and industry, is as easily formed as
others: and the benefits and enjoy-
ments which result from it, are more
than the wealth and honors which
they secure,
3. T. Trowbridge,
Approximately Fifteen Thousand
Menwill be requtred from Ontario to
help in the great work of harvesting
the Western crop, and practically the.
entire task of transportiug thio great
artnv of Harvesters to the West will
fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific
Excursions from potato in Qntario
to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-
berta will be run, and special trains
operated, making the trip in about
thirty-six hones and avoiding any
change of cars or transfers. This
will be a day shorter than any other
"Going Ttip West," $12 to Winni•
Return Trip East," $18. from Win
Consult O,P,R. Agents regarding
particulars in connection with trans-
portation west of Winnipeg,
August it -From Kingston, Sharbot
Lake, Renfrew and Weet to Azilda
and Sault Ste, Marie, Ont,, to all
points in Manitoba only
August 14 -From Eist of Kingston,
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro-
vincee of Ontario and Quebec, to all
points in Manitoba and certain
points in Saskatchewan and Al-
berta. •
August 21 -From East of Kingston,
Sharbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro-
vinces of Ontario and Quebec, to
all points in Manitoba and certain
in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
For full particulars regarding trans-
portation west of Winnipeg, etc„ see
aeareetC.P.R, Agent, or write M. G.
Murphy, District Passenger Agent,
Good Prices
Never has produce been at eueh
high figures since the the time of
she American war. It is the day
of the farmer. His calling is the
safest and surest in times ofpeaa.,
and doubly so in time of war. We
have a number of fine farms for
sale at reasonable prices, but one
we specially advertise this week is
one hundrea acres, good barn, and
fair house, nearly all seeded, never
failing water 'supply, good fences,
excellent for mixed farming or
grazing, rural mail and telephone,
one half mile fro& school and two
miles from church.
A bargain for the man who
speaks first.
Tornado Insurance.
We aro agents for one of the sLrengest
companies in the world. Call and get
our rates. They will surprise yon. No
premium note.
Ritchie & Covens
1111101111111041 011011MINU411111111001
Neatly done
....at the....
1 Office I
A 1
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The Great War on Prices continues at
ar: .=mac•, ... _R ...
Each day we go through our large stock cutting the regular prices away
down to ref it the bargain counters and tables whichlook as though they
were swept off by a passing cyclone, after each days' business. The wise
buyers are laying in a stock and taking advantage of this great price cut-
ting sale which will last until the entire stock iscleared out. Bring along
your Butter and Eggs and Cash and get $2.$$ worth of goods for one $.
WE PAY 25c for EGGS. 24c for BUTTER
' Just A Few of the Hundreds of Bargains that you will Find Here
$1.00 and $1.25 Ladies' Kid Gloves for 59c
500 Wo:i1 Stair Carpet for 19e,
300 Stair Carpet for 150
All Mena and Ladies Rain Coats selling at makers prices
Mens, Woolens and Children Shoes at great Reductions
Dress Goods
You will find 40, 50 and 60c Dress *Goods on the 19c table
of 12,15, 20 and 25c " " 7e "
" 10, 15, 20 and 25e Embroidery and laces ,on
the 5c table
Yon will find $1.25 Velveteen on tale at. 38a
$1.00 Cloaking for. 50c
$032.6500it $1.48
rc $2.25
$1 50 Blue or Brown Corduroy on sale at cOSe
Ladies' Rain Coats $1.50
Ladies' Jackets $51.00
All Underwear selling cheap
Men's $18.00 Suits, blue, grap and brown, best make on the
market on sale at .................... $12.00
All Overcoats at less than wholesale prices
50--$15 Suits on sale at...
Boys Suits as low as $2.75 good value at twine the pries
Men's $3 00 Odd Pants for. $2.00
Overalls and Smocks 790
$1.25 Wool Carpets for • 65e
51.00 Wool Carpet fcr ..........500
84.00 Fancy Lamps on sale at
$5.00 Toilet Sets for
All other Chinaware at Half Price
4 large bottle of Extract for 25e
7 bare Comfort Soap for 25e
2 Boxes Pearline at 50
2 boxes Randy` Amonia 15c
Pint Fruit Jere G5c per dozen
30c per gal
Lamp Glasses 4c each
All other groceries reduced
Our stock is Large and well assorted
White Wino Oinegar XXX