HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1914-08-13, Page 3�r ., I TIiuRSDAY, AUG. 13. 1914 c � IV � � I1111TJ1 CASTORIA I, For Infants and Children. Kid You Have The n , 1 Always Bought 1 g , Bears the 1 Signature of �" ��� .tl�tf7c}�nLna..,�•� i I` .II ,. In ' Use -For Over Thirty Year's VIIII •►i4+ .1 '� FConcrete Fence Posts Last Forever THEY never rotway i n the =may ground. They stand the'hardest knocks and never 1. have to be replaced; for they are practically e v e r I a s t i n g. They are easily and cheaply . made and are the most satis-. factory of all fence posts. Concrete Drain Tile Cannot Decay I- , HANOVER PLACE, WINNIPEG 0 --- (lnslde the city limits, along the Sharp Boulevard and* Avenues each side.) Study Your Investment. Because something is offered you for little money does not necessarily mean that it is a good investment. The value of an investment should be carefully figured on the return it will of likely bring. n i Town r it R .al Estate there If our Investment is n ow o C will be no profit matte it the Town or city is not growing. If the Town or City is not growing or at a standstill, property decreases, you lose. If the Town or 'City is growing and likely to grow and your property is in the growing area it advances at double the per- centage of increase of population. Winnipeg's Building Permits amounted to $20,000,000 in 1912 and to $18,650,000 in 1513, It 'kept right on growing 15 during the hard times. The prospects for 1914 are much brighter now than they were at this time last year. Winnipeg is bound to grow,, hard times or 'easy times. Conditions demand a great Caty jest where Winnipeg, t is si uated. " Don't shut your eyes to the Investment Value of Itanover Place as it is on the line of the best Daveloping Residential Dis- trict nolo' in Winnipeg. You may be offered lots elsewhere for less money but study closely whether they are likely to increase i in value, and what is the reason for such expected increase. our prices are z)22fi.00 a lot and up according to location. 41 Write today to— T118 RELIANCE INVESTMENT & IIEVELOPINO CO. Ltd., HEAD OFFICE•---HANOVER9 ONT. Local, Agent—William Currie, Winghtfi 1. THE W I S' A`M A D V A N 'CoteCting Feathered Friends. I i to bear the reprcaoh of seducing klme (frown Clover Seed, others, The seducers are the modes - ro s*= : Concrete drain$do not decay and In an discussion of the protection y p Under normal conditions the second I are cheaper, because they do not crumble and stop up drains, hence 0wo I bird life in Canada, considerable crop of clover should be cut for seed with its consequences, disease, in, apposition has always been manifest- when the heads have turned dark hey need no digging up or relaying. d by the agricultural intereste. It is T•x -• � '' Let us send you this free book, "What !aimed that birds are responsible for in the stili dough stage, It is not '�' the Farmer can do with Concrete." 1 treat damage to maturing fruits, ,�;,_:; t •, 4�, It shows you how to make concrete fence- t � - posts and will save you .many dollars when 'round A ferries, tomatoes, etc., and, earlier in Virg' doing other building the farm. he season, to the seed planted in the .after the cutting, as light, shrivelled Farmer's Information Bureau ;round, This is true to a certain ex- seed. is likely to result, Clive the seed Canada Cement Company Limited ;cut. But, as in the study of any sub- a chance to fill properly, even if a few 524 Herald Building, Montreal I- , HANOVER PLACE, WINNIPEG 0 --- (lnslde the city limits, along the Sharp Boulevard and* Avenues each side.) Study Your Investment. Because something is offered you for little money does not necessarily mean that it is a good investment. The value of an investment should be carefully figured on the return it will of likely bring. n i Town r it R .al Estate there If our Investment is n ow o C will be no profit matte it the Town or city is not growing. If the Town or City is not growing or at a standstill, property decreases, you lose. If the Town or 'City is growing and likely to grow and your property is in the growing area it advances at double the per- centage of increase of population. Winnipeg's Building Permits amounted to $20,000,000 in 1912 and to $18,650,000 in 1513, It 'kept right on growing 15 during the hard times. The prospects for 1914 are much brighter now than they were at this time last year. Winnipeg is bound to grow,, hard times or 'easy times. Conditions demand a great Caty jest where Winnipeg, t is si uated. " Don't shut your eyes to the Investment Value of Itanover Place as it is on the line of the best Daveloping Residential Dis- trict nolo' in Winnipeg. You may be offered lots elsewhere for less money but study closely whether they are likely to increase i in value, and what is the reason for such expected increase. our prices are z)22fi.00 a lot and up according to location. 41 Write today to— T118 RELIANCE INVESTMENT & IIEVELOPINO CO. Ltd., HEAD OFFICE•---HANOVER9 ONT. Local, Agent—William Currie, Winghtfi 1. THE W I S' A`M A D V A N 'CoteCting Feathered Friends. I i to bear the reprcaoh of seducing klme (frown Clover Seed, others, The seducers are the modes - ro Summer vacation travel on the ate drinkers, and ae long as the seduc- In an discussion of the protection y p Under normal conditions the second I tion continues, immoderate'dclnking 1 I bird life in Canada, considerable crop of clover should be cut for seed with its consequences, disease, in, apposition has always been manifest- when the heads have turned dark sanity and crime will continue, Any d by the agricultural intereste. It is brown and when most of the seeds are one who is not aware of this does not 1 !aimed that birds are responsible for in the stili dough stage, It is not know the history of the battle against treat damage to maturing fruits, advisable to out the clover when the drunkenness," ferries, tomatoes, etc., and, earlier in Feeds are soft, expecting them to ripen "The bbief cause of drinking Is the t he season, to the seed planted in the .after the cutting, as light, shrivelled tendency to initate. The first glass l ;round, This is true to a certain ex- seed. is likely to result, Clive the seed of beer does not taste any better than ;cut. But, as in the study of any sub- a chance to fill properly, even if a few the Arab cigar. Men drink because t act, there are two sides to the bird ripe heads are lost. Thia lose may be others drink. When once they have 1 irotection question, The damage to materially reduced by .cutting either formed the habit there is no lack of 1 he fruit Is visible to the eye of the early in the morning or late in the excuses for repeated drinks." t ;rower, and he consequently waxes evening; there will be little shatter- .From the first glass to insanity, vroth, Ing when by reason of the dew, the crime, despair, suicide, there are a 1 The other side of the subject is one straw is less brittle. If the clover is thousand stages of misery. Only those vith which the agriculturist is less tall enough it can be out very conven- who sink to the lowest levels are 1 amilar, Could the birds place their iently with binder. The cord should taken account. of by statistics, We laily food before those hostile to I be removed, and the trip and the ulu it not forget also that all of these hem, it would readily be seen to what boards, that hold back the sheaf, miseries spoil the happiness of others, i intent they serve the intereste of should be slackened or removed to al- How much family happiness is lost, I hose who are dependent upon the low the clover a free course to the how many tears of innocent fellow ,roducts of the soil; ground.. In this way, the clover will sufferers, how much deep rankling An analysis of the contents of the be laid in a light windrow out of the pain of which no intimation is to be itomache of thousands of birds has road of the horses on the next round, found in statistics." hown that 00 per cent. of the food and in good shape for drying. When „What shall we say of the man who ;onsisted of insects and 10 per cent, of ready, it can be gathered easily with thinks to himself—Let millions of my ' vegetable matter. Upwards of 5,000 the barley fork. The old-fashioned fellowmen every year languish in nsecte have been found in the stom. reaper is sometimes used, or, if the hospitals and asylumns; let millions Bch of one bird. It has been estimat- crop is short, the mover will be sult- plunge themselves and their families !d that the destruction by insects in able. A flat, board table may be at- nto ruin, so long as I get my glass of 7anada amounts to approximately tached to the back of the cutter, bar, beer ?"• Ifty million dollars annually. Last after having a.couple of holes drilled (ggd,) H. Arnott, M. B , M. C.P. A rear the tent caterpillar -was very in it. The clover is kept back from "'s ,re-,alent; this year the army worm its is the bar and raked off into windrows by the man following the machine. . RHEUMA Wlll STOP ias made appearance and caul- ng great loss to the farmers in cer- The clover must be thoroughly dry ;ain sections, it is known that, with before threshing. If threshed in the URIC ACID DEPOSIT ;be decrease in the number of birds field, it should be left until the dew is which annually reach Canada in the gone; the same course should be fol• Rheumatic Complications Checked ;priug, there has been a constant in- lowed if it is to be hauled into the barn . "Human Sewers" Restored, :reale in, the destruction by ineects, to be threshed ht r or. If a.cltvsr and it has also been stated that, if all bird huller is available, the threshing is a The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are ifs were destroyed, seven years simple spatter, If, however, there is the -'human sewers" which carry off the impurities in the blood. When yould see the end of vegetation in no huller in the• neighbourhood, grain these are clogged Uric Acid sediment 7anada. This has been the reason for threshers may be used, some of which lodges in the muscles and joints and in active campaign for the protection have a clover attachment, If neces- Rheumatism follow,. RHEUMA, the ,f birds. The United States Congress eary, the ordinary machine can be ad- great remedy for all forms of the ter- rible disease, checks the depcsit of ias passed an act for the protection of justed to do fairly clean work. First, Uric Acid. nigratory birds, and interested parties the clover should be run through, as "For many years I suffered with we bringing the matter before the in grain threshing, to separate the Rheumatism, I am 71 years old, but attention of the Canadian Govern- heads from the stalks and hull part of am proud to sav that after using one bottle of REIEUMA the Rheumatic vent. the seed. Next, fasten apiece of sheet. pains are entirely gone, I daily Apart altogether from the practical iron in firmly, directly behind the veen,nmend RREUMA to my friends." riew of bird life, there is the sentimen- I cylinder, to close up all of the back —Willis Goff, Bridgeburg, Ont. at side. What would Canada be lii,e except eight or nine inches at the left J. W. MCKibbon will return your money if it falls; 50 cents a bottle. vitbout our feathered friendr ? If we end, and close the front, except a foot :ould no.longer look forward to the arrival of the nest apriog robin, or of at the right end. Close; also, any openings in the concaves. The ol.ject LEt.;hAM e wren of the wild canary, some- is to make the Ebort material past- Flog would be missing "from our from one end of the cylinder to the ives which we could not replace. other in order to remove the seed, Hand Laundry This is a subject which should en- The chaff can be put through again, ;age the attention of school boards if necessary. - 'No Acids, Lime or Chemicals and teacbers. The pupils should be :aught to protect our feathered Moderate Drinking. riends and their nests. The Boy —. Scout movement has taken up the To the Editor— My work has stood the test of .3rotection of bird life and in their Dr. 0. Von Bung-, Professor of Twenty years in town. iands good work is being done. Physiology in the University of Basle, I am here to stay and ask for a Swilmrland, says truly:ti f t na 0 ''Every drunkard was once a moder- connuance o your pa g ate drinker and everyone who leads' o' h•:'rs by his example t i mod rate;, LEE JIM LAUNDRY drinking leads soma of them to im moderate drinking. He sets a stone Wingham, Ontario rolling which is ons of his power to stop. It is not the d,unkard who has Opposite Skating Rink �tttttlttlttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttitttttttttttttttt�ttttttttttt�tt�� Machine and General Repaip Shop w-- -A .- ..o Canadian After giving this matter due consideration and invest!- Nat1U',al gating other towns in Ontario, some of them in the rear of Wiogham with up-to-date repairing faculties. We see no reason why Wingham should not be an ideal Exhibition place, with all its industries, also a good farming centre to install a Plant for this purpose and hold all the good ,work PE, ACP YEAR that is being Shipped out as well as draw work from other w towns. -� America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures WE HAVE .VPAWE2) JVO EXPEJV.SE TO HAVE Exhibits by the Provinces THE 2SE-VT IJV MACHIJVEWy A JVD TOOLS Exhibits by Dominion Government � Exhibits by West Indies We are in the Business to Stay Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Inde w We have the Room. We have the Ability. We have the Auto -Polo Matches Time to take care of this work. Circus and Hippodrome . BOILER, ENGINE and MACHINE WORK Dozen Shows in Single HourA SPECIALTY Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show Testing boilers, steam guages and safety valves regulated Don't let any person test your boiler with a cold water test BABYLON over the working steam pressure, it is very injurious to your ,Greatest Oriental Spectacle lw boiler and a lazy way out of it. Any practical man knows over presented on Continent the only way is' with a Hammer and Bound. Pipe Fitting, water and steam. Bicycle work and Automobile Repairing Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada ,M Cream Seprators and Farm Machinery repairing, r}aw glum - Educational Exhibits ming and kitting, Sharpening Knives of all kinds. I am not ,.,.. Goods in Process of Making ; « going to puff myself up as to what I know or what I don't Athletic Sports ; known, only when Iwrote on my Maehinical Papers in Tor - Aero -Hydroplane Flights onto, Out of 1900 cluestlons I secured 98 per cent in marks, ;Grand tVater Carnival so along with over 20 years' experience with all kinds of ma- cliinery, I ought to know a little. All we ask is a fair trial Crealore's Famous Band i and we know your door will be left open for us._ Score of other Bandb Machine Shop and Residence on North end of Josephine Dozen Band Concerts Baily , next to Mill Dam. PHO14E 83. P. O, BOX 62 Chesapeake and Shannon b.. -- Biggest Midway ever Nickle'Pfating operated by John Maddlgan over the ma - Peace Year Fireworks chine &)p. Mill gunning every week day. lntetnational Peace Tattoo w to !lands 400 Musicians E. Merkle & Son Aud. 291914 Sept. 14 w T ODD O N T Otttttitttitttttitttttttillditttttt ttitttttttttttttttttttttttitttttttti Many Thousand Mea ]Required. for the, arvest In Western Canada, Approximately Fifteen Thousand den will be required from Ontario to ielp in the great work of harvesting ,he Western crop, and practically the ;utire task of transporting this great irmv of Harvesters to the West will .all to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Iailway. Excursions from pointe In Ontario ,o Manitoba, Saskatchewan and AI- ierts will be run, and special trains iperated, making the trip In about hirty-six houes and avoiding any ;hange of care or transfers, This will be a day shorter than any other 'oute, ,$Gtoing Trip West," $12 to Winni- ,eg. , $18 from Win ,,Return Trip East," lipeg, Consult C.P.R. Agents regardiniz )artioulare in connection with trans )ortation west of Winnipeg. GOING DATE$ August 11—From Kingston, Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and Wept to Azilda and Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., to all pointe in Manitoba only, August 14—From East of Kingston, 3harbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro- vinces of Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba and .certain pointe in Saskatchewan and Al- berta. August 21—From East of Kingston, Sharbot Lake and Renfrew in Pro- vinces of Ontario and Quebec, to all points in Manitoba and certain in Saskatchewan and Alberta. For full particulars regarding trans- portation west of Winnipeg, etc., see nearest C,P.R, Agent, or write M. G. Murphv, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. An Ideal Vacation Trip Via Great bakes Steamships. At this season of the year when so many are planning their vacation trip the question "Where To Go" natural- ly arises—What could be more de- lightful than a Great Lakes trip, where the air is pure, the sun shines and cool refreshing breezes blow ? Five vailinge weekly from Port Me - Nicoll for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Ar• thur and Fort William. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12 30 p.m, sail - in v ail-ins days, making direct connection. If you are contemplating a trip, r don't let slip your nae no p, Canadian Pacific' Steamships make the fastest time, have the best of aceomodation, and the table is unexcelled. Full particulars and reservations on trains and ships, at every Canadian Pacific Ticket Office. M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, C. P. R. .- �1* Please Look at Your LABS L and unless YOU acre Paid One Year in Advance Kindly Attend to same at Once This. Means YOU oaatmo aeq 64 al Otis olgttxpoau 0101.1 art ► looad 'd 4n 1111M sial l.tnyuoo utxa,_,Ae, 6114 'pawl cions otl; rpoail moa# B1110 pill eq uun -111th 031tIS '1aJ8 10 p11:;.,,l811 st 4ht11• eta1vo ;o ssttto tions 111totuit .t; -tae; 1q.911 aq4 "al 11 -olquxlloadna saeox Aepoox 011111 1i uagAk tun011(h)ax6 s', 41 Sulpaoaq .fdlup o setoa illlm ,huottu•t Teoj xsotu oq; alae 41:111: Bien ell, sl "pion' 40(1 eql soiltlul 411114 anon oti.t '?II1W '*'Is411P•eal 0 ,rt Pure, cleans;v' cry and strong, in sealed packets, 1 a Flaxseed For Calves.— Summer vacation travel on the Ground flaxseed meal may be fed to $loss For Pasture. 1 'dung calves in several ways. It is There is no breed of swine especially: lune common to pour boiling Seater adapted for forage purposes, Any of ;ver it and cook it for a short time, naking the mixture About the consist, the recognized fat breeds• will thrive ;ncy of good cornmeal mush. To start in pastured areas, provided they are given in addition sufficient grain to with, young calves may be fed about a easpoonf of the flaxseed meal mush, enable rapid and continuous growth: ll. increasing. to about n table- I Representatives of the bacon breeds ;poonf This may be mimed with are not so well adapted for pasturing, as they are inclined to waste and utl, nilkspoonful. )est est It is advocated feeders that the raw flaxseed meal some of the g lite energy roaming about the field, ;fives just as good results if mixed with " ,he milk, and the danger of the flax- lightfni night's trip on this marvelous Seed becoming soar by mixing with VACATION TRIPS ON THE water is eliminated. —Hoard's Dairy- GREAT LASES. man. nd.most costly passenger steamer on "'land waters of the world. She has The Milkmaker Needs Rest. Summer vacation travel on the The dairy cow should be rested be- Great Lakes Is now in full swing, and I tween lactation 'Periods. If she re- the volume of tourist travel attracted fuses to dry up of her own accord use to the lake routes by the splendid some method of getting her dry so sbe 'equipment of the passenger lines and for the cool and restless lake trips is can. have a little chance to build up Per even larger than in former seasons. her next milking period. The Great Ship 119EEANDBEE", - now running daily between. Cleveland and Buffalo, has created a sensation Treatment For Scratches. with the public who break their rail For aggravated cases of scratebes journey at either city to enjoy a de• and for grease in horses do not wash, lightfni night's trip on this marvelous as such conditions are aggravated by steamer. washing, says the Farm Journal. The "SEEANDBEE" is the largest Poultice the part with hot flaxseed nd.most costly passenger steamer on "'land waters of the world. She has meal for three days. If there is a bad 510 staterooms and parlors accomod- odor mix two or three tablespoonfuls +ting 1500 passengers, rqualling in of powdered wood charcoal and a cou- sleeping capacity the largest hotel of ple of teaspoonfuls of coal tar dlsln- the country, and she can carry 6,000 fectant in each poultice. After dis- people, the population of a good size continuing the poultices apply three times a day an ointment composed of town. Notwithstanding her gigantic size, one dram each of spirits of camphor during the ,.ummer season her sleep- ing accomodations are reserved well in advance, and those contemplating the two drams of sulphur mixed In one trip should arrange for rooms as early ounce of lanoline or 'fresh lard: If a aH posbit)le. month of this treatment does not avail All railroad tiekets reading between cleanse the parts and blister with Cleveland and Buffalo are good for cerate of cantharides, and go on using transportation r n C. & B. Line the ointment as before after the blister Sreamera, and no one should miss the has been washed off in two days. I opportunity of u-ing the lake route during the hot summer months, 'We don't ask you to take our word for the remarkable curative power of SaLact it ca9es of rheumatism, neural- gia, ural- gia, headaches of other Uric Acid troubles, or the word of more than ten thousand people 801,Acu, has restored to Ao1s health, or the word of eighty-one doctors Using sot exclusively in their practice. Just write us for a FREE BOX and testimonials from Doctors, Druggists and :In- dividuals. Also SOLAo , remedy for CONST IPA IO, (A LAXA'T'IVE AND TONIC COMBINED) Does the work sorely but plessautly---Nature's way, No distress —no gripeing—no sick stomach—no weakening. TheTWO rem- edies are all we matte, but they are the greatest known to the medical world and guaranteed to be Vroe "of a lues or harmful. drugs. Neither affects the heart or stomseb --'but hik'ps them. To prove the wonderful curative power of Boson remedies writs for1H'gtt BOXES. State if ;one or both are wanted, SOLACE Co., Bettie Creel, Ash., U. S.